THAT was a “presidential” debate?
It’s time to wake up and smell the Reality.
To assist, we have put together a little quiz to help underline the gaps in your awareness so you may address them. The test is untimed.
1.A man is to a woman as a(n):
a. Fish is to a bicycle
b. Bicycle is to a fish
c. Sex object
d. Additional income stream
2.The current gender choices appearing in medical offices are:
a. Male or Female
b. Female or Male
c. Female, Male, Other
d. F / M / T
3.The speed limit you should drive is:
a. Whatever is posted
b. Whatever you can get away with
c. Posted speed adjusted for weather, precip, visibility, proximity of month-end quota dates, and number of drinks consumed
d. Posted plus no more than 10%
4.The major political parties in America are:
a. Complete sell-outs to corporate interests
b. Promoters of open borders and free trade at the behest of corporations
c. Democrats and Republicans
d. Wholly-owned corporate shills
5.Bill Clinton was:
a. Impeached by Congress
b. Impeached but saved by democrats in the Senate
c. A womanizer
d. Responsible for making student loans non-dischargeable
6.Donald Trump is:
a. In hot water over vulgar speech
b. Easily distracted from main issues
c. Unable to take suggestions from advisors
d. Unlikely to win the election
7.Vladimir Putin is:
a. The head of Russian government
b. A martial arts practitioner
c. No fan of Obama
d. Willing to risk Nuclear War over Syria
8.Matthew is:
a. A common male first name.
b. A book of the Bible
c. A saint
d. The most ridiculously over-hyped weather event in history that has absolutely nothing to do with Global Warming
9.Obamacare bills:
a. Are killing young family disposable income
b. Will be unbelievably higher after the election 2017 by two party conspiracy
c. Give insurance companies about 20-cents of every healthcare dollar
d. Is a tax
10. The best thing to do on Monday is:
a. Read UrbanSurvival
b. Read UrbanSurvival and then go back to bed
c. Read UrbanSurvival, slam down 2-shots, and go back to bed
d. Read UrbanSurvival and then surrender to authorities
11. My local congress member:
a. Hasn’t been in the home district this week
b. Hasn’t been in the home district this month.
c. No sign of ‘em this year
d. What is a congressperson
Bonus Personal Questions
What Brands are associated with each of the following Positioning Statements?
1.What toothpaste gives your mouth sex appeal?
2.What is Job 1 at Ford?
3.What airline “Flies the Friendly Skies?”
4.What car rental company “Tries harder?”
5.What antacid goes “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz…?”
6.Where are Golden Arches?
7.What is Techron?
8.What does UHD or 4K stand for?
9.Can you name three medicines you should “Ask your Doctor” about?
10. What carmaker’s products go “Zoom zoom?”
Scoring Part 1:
Np scoring is possible.
America has slid over the edge and the weak consensus, formerly embodied in the Constitution has been sufficiently subverted by corporate interests and educational system popularized liberal socialism, that freedom, like Truth, is doomed.
Scoring Bonus Questions
If you can answer ANY of these, consider yourself at least partially programmed into the disposable products, planned obsolescence corporate world.
Resolve to live simply, eat pure foods, swear off xanthan gum and preservatives. Simple fruits, vegetables, and hormone-free meat with lots of fowl and fish is actually better for you than the bleached and preserved corporate convenience foods.
We live in a world which has passed the balance point between critical thinking and objective analysis on the one hand, and incessant media brainwashing of partial truths and outright falsehoods on the other.
We have been (and are still in process) of being sheared of our freedom, right to economic self-determination, and intellectual capabilities.
We is sheep.
Your test score is evidence of that.
Refining of this questionnaire is welcome!
Out of the Box Monday –Music
Why not?
Write when you get rich,
The answer to #7 should be “all of the above”. Additional question could be “Why are Americans arming themselves to the teeth?” The Sheeple will soon be BBQ!
Re: constitution. We now have a presidential candidate whose platform includes using the power of government to prosecute his opponent and has pledged to jail his political opponent. He seems to not know about the whole due process thingie.
That should be chilling to all Americans.
OH. Like Obama used IRS to target conservative groups, that process “thingy?”
You can’t expect a leftist to engage in an effective debate. Lacking facts they employ bumper sticker slogans, ad hominem attacks, straw men, deflection, red herrings and casting of aspersions … not logic, reason, critical thinking and rational thought.
1. employ bumper sticker slogans – make america great again, build a wall
2. ad hominem attacks – crooked Hillary, little Marco, lying Ted, sweaty Marco, even the spouses of his opponents
3. straw men – Hillary will take your guns away
4. deflection – Bubba is worse, it’s unfair, everyone is against me
5. red herrings – Trump’s multiple positions on immigration, birthright claims by Trump questioning whether Cruz and Obama are citizens
6. casting of aspersions – Hillary has a hate filled heart, his attacks on women, minorities, veterans, gold star families, the handicapped and a POW.
Your thoughts? Trump’s made the whole process seem like a 3rd grade student counsel election. Hillary is pretty bad too. I hate them both.
I still remember “What do you want, good grammar or good taste?” and a whole load of others. Your mother told you your face would stick that way if you didn’t stop pulling faces. She never told you that your brain would stick that way if you didn’t stop watching the TV.
Watching the debates I concluded that ‘size matters’ after all. Who buys shoes that are 2 sizes too small? Women, perhaps?
p.s. I love women–wouldn’t like to live without them; (But please w/o phony smiles).
Let’s not forget, Killary’s wants to go to war with Russia. Somewhere in all that she forgot to mention that our stocked Fallout shelters are non existent, except for the Elite. AND all those nuclear plants world wide are not going to react well when bombs/EMP.
The satanist Globalists will pretty much kill everything on the planet and we could end up like Mars over their greed. Idiots.
I had a friend the other day express their concern with Russia invading the US. I said, it will never happen. No country wiol ever invade us directly and not because we have the bomb either.
They said why? Cause wr have such an awesome military? I said nope. It’s because in Califonia alone, there is over 2 million registerd game hunters. That is just one state which is very anti-gun.
Montana on the other hand has over 1.5 million registerd hunters. Just between Montana and California there is more rifle equipted boots on the ground than both the Chinese and Russian Armies combined. And that does not include, police, national guard, military or gang memebers, law abiding armed citizens etc. Etc. Etc.
It is the Civilian army that keeps our borders safe. :)
It is also the reason Japan did not invade the USA in WW2.
“Behind every blade of grass…”
Trump by a landslide. That is my prediction.
Donald is a wealthy business man. Do you trust wealthy business men?
Hillary is a lawyer. Do you trust lawyers?
Cortana for president. Funny now, but give it a couple of decades.
Donald Trump is an idiot. I doubt if he could name three supreme court judges. To quote Jamie Lee Curtis, Sheep could outwit him. I’ve had dresses with higher IQ’s. To call him stupid, would be an insult to stupid people! Apes do read philosophy, they just don’t understand it.
So you prefer the yet-to-ne-convicted felon?
You bet I do! She’s smart. She knows how things work. Her whole life has been helping people. They have had one hearing after another, and they could never find anything against her.
That was also true of Tony Jac and the Teflon Don – until it wasn’t
We don’t need a ‘Reset Button’.
We need an ‘Undo’ button.
F***’em both, I’m voting for Johnson.