Coping: With the Social-Industrial Complex

Lynch mobs are back.

Only, they are the new, improved, and most importantly “digital” portable lynch mobs.

Only thing is, they are not so neatly labeled.  It’s blurred by the media…perhaps on purpose.  But upon reflection,  new kind of business model has been spawned by America.  Not a healthy one, just a new one.

(Continues below)


Born of a lack of genuine, physics and tech breakthroughs, we have already written here (for 18-years on the UrbanSurvival site) extensively on how the world turned to the resource depletion issues in the 1990’s.

There’s a reason that nuclear power plant operators don’t seem totally serious to nuclear-skeptics about solving the nuke waste issue:  They have probably “run the numbers” and figure humans may be dead about the same time — or sooner — than their treacherous waste will be the global catastrophe in the wings it is.

Paul Schrader’s next film deals with the topic, but only at a broad-brush level.

The “detail level” of human extinction is not something that gets much press.  There aren’t thousands of people writing most SQL databases for the AI’s to feed on while they negotiate a way through resource constraints. The “why?” is simple:  Ain’t easy to monetize that kind of research.

A.I. is private – and so, we believe – the outputs of A.I. will serve the owners first, not us little peeps.  Let’s face it, you’re not going to build a train to have it run over you first, are you?

What the world has – in excess – however is opinions.  And these are being steadily manipulated and morphed into violent actions.  The Organizer’s bonus?  Those violent belief packages  are easily monetized.

Check your email.  Hate Trump? Send $20.

Hate Climate Change?  Send $20.

Hate racial injustice?  Send $20.

Sadly, this monetization aspect is not center stage.  It’s an undercover business model…you gotta love it.

In it’s place is a poor stand-in which carries the pop-groupthink moniker “social justice.”

And SJ hides behind another cause “Hate.”

It came as no surprise, therefore, to read this morning about how “New Segregation Signs Pop Up in Leftist Establishments.”

The jingoism sounds great.  “We stand with our community.” But stand for what?  Of course, there’s the love of all things LBGTQ – and don’t get me wrong, that has been a high-growth business model, for sure.

“We value Black Lives” is in there, too.  Again, playing the guilt card, cleaving the inclusive society into media-manageable, monetizeable snippets that can be rendered down to cash, power, and influence.

Accompanying the Emmy’s last night “Issa Rae at the Emmys: ‘I’m Rooting for Everybody Black.’” In the digital lynch mob era, the “social justice” promoters don’t see stories like this as fueling racial consciousness.  But, in our view, it does.  If race crosses your mind, you are a racist.  Regardless of which side of the aisle you’re on.

I learned long ago that if you want to see how “honest” and egalitarian something is, simply swap labels and see how it plays.  What would be the reaction if another actor had said “I’m rooting for everybody White.”?

Well, of course, that would result in pandemonium.

What’s not clear to me – and no one has explained it – is how racism is OK if one group does it, but not OK if another does?

I touched on the problem this weekend on the discussion side of this site.  A reader was attempting to defend the idea of non-citizens being allowed to vote in U.S. elections.  A pant load of poo if there ever was one.

I offered to rent a bus and next time there’s an election in Mexico, load up a bunch of gringos (Norte’s/putos) and roll down to Mexico and demand voting rights there.  We know that would end badly…

My point was that equality has always meant (until now) that labels, values, and the whole shebang (hebang and itbang now) ought to be a two-way street.

The one-way streets, though, have been put in at breakneck speed by the media’s leftist revolutionaries in charge of the mainstream content. Eyeballs are money.  Let’s whip ’em all up! They cover and indeed promote bias, differentiation, and financial/subgroup monetization.

Toward what end?  Besides their own careers and earnings, I mean?

Look at the Enema Awards.

There was hardly a thing about acting – the craft around which the event was once-upon-a-time centered.

In its place was a well-monetized left-wing Trump-bashing festival because the President of the United States has become one of those new one-way roads installed by the revolutionaries.  Roadblocks to independent thinking – and equality.  Hold your eyeballs, while they lift your wallet.

Emmys Go Political in First Minute: Colbert’s Opener Has Trump Treason, ‘Confederate’ Jokes — and Male Handmaids.”

I didn’t like Colbert before last night, but now I see him for what he really is: A convenient proof of how reverse hate, reverse discrimination, reverse science, and reverse history is being inculcated and institutionalized and (did I mention)  monetized….

Money IS power, make no mistake.

But instead of burning down St. Louis ( where 80 more were arrested last night), in the world of business models that doesn’t deliver “justice.”

Instead, more thoughtful people would simply put $5 per person in an envelope and mail it to the family legal defense fund, which would then take the route that really brings change: civil wrongful death and federal discrimination suits.  Money is the only punishment that matters today.

Meanwhile, I don’t see anyone actively promoting either equality as a two-way street or voting with your wallet as the shortest point between here and a sustainable future. Said the guy with the solar-powered office (since 2008).

Take it for what it is: A short ponder this morning as I try to figure out how the “social-industrial complex” gets us to being a “space-faring society” as envisioned in Star Trek and other future-oriented fictions.

I said long before the Trump election and I will say it again here:  Absent a real, measurable, achievable goal that will benefit all segments of society, we’re going down the crapper as a world.

I spent some serious time this morning on Hatebook trying to find a meaningful discussion of how we go from here to space but nothing of any consequence arose.

Just the usual me-too’s spewing the same time-worn and tired jingoisms; too lazy for original thought, The kind of spew that may eventually lead us down the path of replaying Germany.

Only question is whether Osaka will be the analog of the Archduke, or if we’ll make North Korea as our own spin-over of the Sudetenland.

The good news is?  We don’t need no stinking Beer Hall.  We’ve got Colorado and Washington.  And a world that has gone from Kristallnacht to crystal meth.

Brothers, can you spare some justice?

Write when you get rich,

25 thoughts on “Coping: With the Social-Industrial Complex”

  1. Great commentary today on the SJWs. Read the title of this article on the Dailymail today and thought how is Trump making black people the most oppressed people in our nation? The leftist media and liberal Hollywood elites are bound and determibrd to bring on civil unrest at any cost.

    The professional victim class is on self destruct mode and as usual, its everybody else’s fault, but mostly white straight males.

    Comments like Donald Glover made are not representative of the whole black community. Ive met many and heard others on talk radio that are not these SJW types but are fearful of speaking out publicly.

    If you read rags like the huffpost, the new black lesbian editor is feeding the hate Trump, blame white racist for every ill in the USA and particularly in the black community. At the same time that black on black crime is destroying the very fabric of black lives in a way and percentage unequalled to the other racial groups, and not a peep out of the SJW and Antifa phonies in the outrage they sow. Nor from the liberal media that fuels their misguided anger and rioting ways.

    I know the CIA seeds these kinds of movements in other countries, but are they now working domestically too? And why, if so, is this being done? Is this part of the globalist plan?

  2. I think the best we can hope for is that California somehow is able to separate from the U.S. and form it’s own country and from that other states or groups of states follow with the same idea. It would help weaken federal power and could serve as a big intellectual sieve where people might move to where their hate agendas are best served. After that, let reality set in.

    • Let’s try it this way: I think the best we can hope for is that Croatia somehow is able to separate from Yugoslavia and form it’s own country and from that other states or groups of states follow with the same idea. It would help weaken federal power and could serve as a big intellectual sieve where people might move to where their hate agendas are best served. After that, let reality set in.

      Because this worked so well in 1992.

      • Please try again, I don’t get your point. Are you suggesting that all the bloodshed in Yugoslavia would not have happened if the country had not divided? All of the division and discord in that country was going to manifest in violence, one way or another — just as it’s happening here, only here, it hasn’t yet reached its full potential. Dividing and letting people go their own way, lets people see the consequences of their ideas a little more clearly. As an aside, I do note that Croatia is doing reasonably well now as an independent country.

        As far as my comment about weakening federal power, I think this is the most appropriate way, short of destruction, to stop an insatiable military machine from continuing to murder and plunder the world over under specious pretense of democracy.

    • Our founding fathers realized to be a great nation, we need to be one nation from coast to coast, and Lincoln knew we had to be a united nation. Of course this was when our Federal leaders cared about our country more than stuffing their pockets with cash. As we have seen with Trump Executive Orders, the Judicial System has degenerated along with the Washington, DC politicians, so secession may become the order of the day & a win for the Globalists by weakening the USA.

      • I’m not too clear about your statement about the founding fathers since we were not a coast to coast nation at that time. But I do agree that they cared a lot more about this country than so many of today’s politicians who are using it for personal enrichment. I think secession is a direct hit against the globalist agenda since it sends the message that one world government doesn’t work (at least not in this iteration). And to go back to the founding fathers one more time, I note that one of their own principles was:
        The majority of the people may alter or abolish a government which has become tyrannical.

  3. I do not like what I believe. I wish I did not believe it.

    Americans have this “Jack Armstrong, All-American-Boy” image of themselves. We don’t hit first. YOU must throw the first punch to make our response “legitimate,” or “fair.” Queensbury rules.

    What this means is, we must allow NORK a First-Strike on an American asset. A city, a territory like Guam, an American Carrier Battle Group.

    THEY have to “go first” before the people (or any of the parasitic life-forms infesting the U.N.) will “feel good” about hitting them.

    What we SHOULD do is send a cruise missile through Lil Kim’s bedroom window, along with as many of the be-medaled “Big Hat” Pirates of Penzance military guys of his as can be located and greased at that hour.

    But… As I said… We won’t do that.

    It’s not nice.

    Gimme the Red Phone… I’ll order it…

    Radio Ranch, NC

    • Say what one will about NORK, I think Trump going first would finally end a stalemated war — something no other president has had the cjones to do.
      Ike lost his chance and since then?

      Fortunately, being an unscrupulous real estate mogul (and not necessarily “nice” in an Armstrong way) might actually work pretty well….

    • As a footnote, Both Bill at the Radio Ranch and Ures truly are old enough, and well enough read to recall what thos Lord Chamberpot an d his sniveling appeaser swill did leading into 1939 – FACILITATED WW II.
      Thanks to the American left, let’s just rewrite history the Kremlin and Beijing way so we can all feel guilty and crawl our way into it.
      Bulldozers are not for the weak or those with no vision.

      • There was some discussion – say fifteen or twenty years ago – about why the United States didn’t just send in assassins to kill Hitler, like the failed German Resistance attempt to blow the S.O.B. with a bomb delivered by a disabled officer at a meeting. (This discussion was done in light of Bin Laden’s attacks on the U.S.)

        I think we have got past that hurdle with the execution of Bin Laden – and dumping his body ‘out to sea’. (It was true, that at one time assassinating leaders of countries or ‘movements’ was considered ‘bad form’. Not any more.)

      • We took out Mossadegh in Iran, Sadam in Iraq, Gaddafi in Libya, and others, so why the hesitation to ‘sterilize’ North Korea of its nuts?

      • Three reasons, Sherlyn:

        1. We have no “justification.”
        2. We have no intel.
        3. We simply don’t have the ability.

  4. Isn’t there a correlation between oppression and depression? If you think you’re depressed, you act depressed. To overcome, you must change your thoughts. If you think you’re oppressed, you act depressed. But no one can make you depressed or oppressed if you think otherwise. Change your thoughts and you’ll change your world.

  5. Your prose is gratifying in a sense that there is still a role for a Middle Age loller. You do offer pleasant respite from regular a regular diet of “Piers Plowman”.

  6. “Write when you get rich,” Am I rich? I think so, because I’m rid of desires! Too old to care, because most aren’t worth it!!

    YES, there are a few worth it, but please?

  7. Creating something that can be turned against them.. hmm AI
    I have had many many people on the ethics of AI.
    And of course petman another pet project.
    I broke away from all the Trump bashing and negative subliminal messages and tuned in a fairly good no thought involved movie this weekend..
    Ant man .. in a way it includes the message on ai.
    You would think the fact that dedicated server were creating their own machine language would be a hint but alas they didn’t and with the web and programs that can interact and answer it’s bound to evolve. We have been trying desperately to destroy ourselves for years.

  8. What truly amazes me .. is the stupidity of it all..
    Most of the time the stupidity is fueled by a written number. A metal or a stone.
    We destroy civilization after civilization..cause grief and misery among ourselves. Some for the color of their skin or what they believe most I am willing to venture are fueled by someone with alternative motivation.we follow ancient writings that are so filled with hate.. it just shocks me.
    I was sitting out with a cup of good coffee and a squirrel moseyed over to a tree where a Robin had it’s nest. That bird chirped and tried to persuade that pesky squirrel to stay away. When she failed to persuade him she flew quickly to a pole a block away. Next thing you know there was a dozen or more birds not robins but a variety there was blackbirds, Sparrow, bluejay, robins even a wren all fly over screeching and chirping and the bigger birds diveing at him to get him to move away all working together yet mankind with all our different races and religions cannot.. we hear from one race how mistreated they were and yes they were but so we’re so many others why keep dredging it up. If you want it to end just leave it in the past.
    It’s all just stupid. We complain about how or legislative representatives aren’t doing anything for the citizens yet we vote them back in..
    Phew time now for another drink

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