Coping: Shrink Seeking

I’m not sure where the stars are, but this morning I got up with two marvelous ideas…both of which are ground-breaking and both of which deserve serious discussion.


The first of these is one that I’m already researching a reporting for readers for next week based on a really interesting outcome of government surveillance…but complete details on that one after I do some more research and work out the loose ends to it.


But the other great idea which popped into my head this morning was a result of listening to George Noory’s interview on CoastToCoastAM Georgina Cannon who was talking about “inter-life journeys.”


In order to grok this, you’ll need to understand that what we are talking about here is the whole theory of reincarnation.  You know the stuff:  Born, go through a life, die, and later on in another lifetime, you can experience some of the conditions of the past life as medical symptoms, or whatever.


This is usually where the discussion dead-ends.  Now, while I didn’t listen to the whole show last night (I do need to get some rest) I nevertheless was struck by people’s lack of imagination!


I’m thinking that there must be some skill or talents developed in another lifetime that could sure be useful in this life.


If you read enough about past lives, not just Cannon’s work but lots of others have written in the field, you get the idea that the average time-interval between dying in a previous life and waking up/being born into the present one is four to eight years.


Now, since I was born in 1949, the odds seem pretty good to me that I checked out of a previous life sometime in World War Two.  When I think about it (and my fascination with flying airplanes, not to mention my inclination to eat Asian foods, born in an Asia neighborhood with the only Scottish last name that looks Asian and such) it’s easy for me to imagine that I was a Japanese or Chinese airplane pilot during the period from 1938 to 1945.


So this is what has me looking for a good shrink/past life regression expert to work with:  I don’t give a darn about how my subconscious has twisted thinking-up memories which may – or may not – be real.


No sir!  What I am after would be actually retrieving some of the SKILLS that would have been acquired over the course of  multiple previous lifetimes.  I’d call it something modest like a “Ure Hack” of personality.


The way I figure it is this:  Sure, there are occasional child savants who come along who may just “know” (from their previous lifetimes) how to play marvelous piano or other musical instruments. Often comes with some form of autism…like an improperly done hard drive reformat, know what I mean?


What I’m after would be a series of past life regressions which would attempt to work around whatever those barriers are to actually recapturing lost language and music skills for sure…not to mention trade skills which you may have learned in previous lifetimes!


Wouldn’t it be marvelously more efficient to spend a dozen sessions in deep regression work and be able – in that time – to recall at least one (and maybe many) past life languages?  How about all those past-life skills like some of the tradecraft you might have learned?


I imagine myself walking into such a series just a normal 64-year old  MBA with modest home shop. electronics, and flying skills, OK, some sailing skills, too…and walking out of a regressionbeing able to speak two past languages fluently; like passable Japanese, Chinese, French or whatever.


Then there would be the trades that could be brought back.  Maybe I was a free-diver who went for pearls or fish, or maybe I was a violin player in Poland or maybe I was a machinist…cook….or you name it.


That’s the part of past life regressions that interests the hell out of me.  Yeah, it’s a tidy little conversation starter in the woo-woo crowd to be able to make claims.  But, to come back as an expert machinist or welder, piano player or kicking it in two or three languages, well THAT gets to be pretty impressive.


So if you know anyone who’s in the regression business, let me know since this is an area that demands more study and it’s been percolating for a number of years and last night’s Noory show just sort of brought it back up to front-of-mind with a reminder to mention it to you.


I’ll let you know what I find out…but in terms of confirmation of the past lives claim, I’d say recapturing concert piano skills, or some other intricate task (like watchmaking or instrument repair) would be a marvelous proof.


On the other hand, if we can’t recall specifics of a trade, and if we can’t bring those back to the present, then the odds increase that what passes for past life may be something like DMT – Dimethyltryptamine (the spirit molecule) being activated around the time people are born and yet again around the time they check out.


If a good regressionist could demonstrate bringing back skills, then I might know an anesthesiologist (who was frustrated by the limited toolkit available to neurologists) who might be able to offer some keen insights into how to develop this into a really meaningful technology.


Let me see here:  Recall several lifetimes of past life skill sets including math, language and trades OR fork out 4-8 years of this life and get loaded up on student loan debt…yep, sure seems like a disruptive technology to me!


Prepping Notes: Sun Ovens

Reader Greg is asking:


Hello George;     I’m a multi-year peoplenomics subscriber, daily reader of Urban Survival. I remember you recommending a solar oven sometime back. I can’t find it on your site. Was it the All American Sun Oven or ?...”


Glad you asked:  Ours is an All American Sun Oven (which run nearly $300 now) but it has survived my using it.  You can find others but ultimately it all depends on how hot you want the sun oven to get.  More reflector area and smaller internal space means you get higher temps.  300-400 is fine for baking, one pot casseroles and such.  No melting aluminum in these.


Now, you can build a solar oven out of some leftover window glass, some wood, insulation, and shiny reflector matgerial.  There are even plans around thenet showing how to build an oven out of glass and a cardboard box.  But if you ever need it as a real cooking source the commercial made units seem like  a better bet.  That and living in the Sahara instead of Seattle, too.


One thing I’m still looking for is an automatic tracker, so I don’t have to go move the oven every 20-minutes, or so.  Go read more on oven trackers here.  Send me your second proto.  I’ll see if I can break it.


No, I wasn’t Kidding

I’ve been a believer in the Maxa Cookie Manager product for years now and the reason is simple:  Cookies, which can track your computer use, can seriously slow down computer performance.


Not that you’d take my word for it, but a reader sent me this after trying the product out this week:


Hey George, Just wanted to say thanks for recommending the Maxa cookie manager.  It was a breeze to install and I cannot believe how much faster my computer is!!  I start my day every morning with your column…blog…whatever it is called.  Love the way you think!  Been reading you for 3 years now.  Try and stay cool down there in Texas.  Thanks for what you do!!   Kelly


If you’d like to sample how it works, click here and download it and follow the setup instructions.  I recommend the upgrade to the paid/pro version, but run it and make your own decision…


Christmas in July

I’ve always held TigerDirect in high regard as a marketing outfit and this morning’s “Christmas in July” sale email somehow struck me as reflecting ‘Merca’s new core values. 


Their four lead items:  A monitor, a 1TB hard drive, an 8-camera security system, and a laptop to use it all…   A marvelous summation of where the country has gone in a single email…

Another data point in the decline of ‘Merica is that Christmas is no longer a religious event… It’s being legislated away by the folks with political correctness disease.  Which leaves  Corporations to almost to own it outright with just a few residual nuisance claims.


It always seemed to me, though, that a good IP law firm could sue for residuals on Christmas sales claiming trade dress infringement.  Which is why I don’t own a law firm, I suppose.


A “Dear John” Letter

Ah, the scammers are rerunning an oldie but goodie here:


“I’m writing this with tears in my eyes,my family and i came down here to Manila,Philippines for a short vacation to visit a resort and got mugged at gun point last night at the park of the hotel where we lodged.All cash,credit cards and cell were stolen off me. I’ve been to the embassy and the Police here but they’re not helping issues at all,our flight leaves today and I’m having problems settling the hotel bills, we still have some money in our account but we don’t have access to it right from here.   The hotel manager won’t let us leave until i settle the hotel bills(£1,950 USD)now am freaked out.Please reply and let me if can you have the money wire to me through Western Union i promise to pay back as soon as we get back home.    Thanks you so much.  Hope to hear from you soon.  




Since this kind of email shows up with some frequency, I decided to write a useful email back.  After all, even the hard-working scammers should receive the courtesy of a reply….


“Dear John,


I was really troubled to hear of your multiple misfortunes, but as a management consultant I’m pleased to be able to offer you several opportunities to resolve your most distressing plight.  All God’s children have woes, eh?


First, you may find it useful to actually visit the Philippines since your message header reveals that your email originated with a YahooMail account stateside.  Tisk, tish!.  Really, John, I’m disappointed with your lack of IT experience thinking anyone would overlook such an obvious flaw!


Secondly, only a complete idiot would go to Manila for a vacation.  What the hell were you thinking?  Sandals in the Caribbean…a cruise….there were so many good choices and you didn’t make one.  Your bad.


As to the armed gunman, you should have locked your door and not been carrying easily lost items!  Haven’t you heard of Traveler’s Checks?  Dude!


Last:  Even a jamoke like me knows hotel management can not hold you.  Are you kidding? The average American’s weight is 196 pounds.  By contrast, the average Filipino (age 40-59) is only 122 pounds. 


See here John:  With a nearly 2 to 1 weight advtange you should have easily been able to kick his ass.  If not, you are simply a pussy, and that’s being polite as I can be.  You oughta look into testosterone augmentation therapy.


That shouldn’t be too hard to find, since you seem to be located just outside Austin, Texas. 


But before I make further consultative suggestions, you really oughta take some IP courses.


Sincerely (or nearly so)




Sending long, involved explanations to perps of such scams is fun.  It clogs up their inbox and gives them false hope.  Its like an invitation to become a pen-pal.  You can also use the address of someone you don’t like and invite him to come over and pick up the cash there.  A kinder person would use the address of a police precint station.  But I like the dual-use model.


Another approach would be to promise to send XXX dollars right away,  encouraging the perp to borrow from his local loan shark while he awaits the fabulously generaous cash you promise.  Then, when the cash doesn’t appear, the local loan shark will administer a stern lesson about fraud on my behalf.


It’s hard to con an honest man…but the dishonest?  Well, they’re pretty easy.



Write when you get rich…

George Ure (george at ure dot net)


Here are some useful ways to spend your money…


Now on the website ($40/year premium content)

A Course in Surveillance Algorithms

An algorithm is simply a set of instructions for a computer system to follow in a particular order.  In the case of Big Data, the steps are capture, organize, integrate, analyze, and act.  Using this approach, we can build a fine example of the many trip-wires an innocent civilian could stumble over in the modern surveillance society.  Plus we have our monthly check of west coast port data with is oftentimes a decent truth detector about the economy and an update on many headlines and our trading model.  You may need a third cup for this morning’s report…



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