A number of readers have asked me to research a bit into “phantom time” which (even if you haven’t read Anatoly Fomenko’s History: Fiction or Science? (Chronology, No. 1)) is an intriguing notion that would destroy a lot of present-day thinking.
The Wikipedia notes on “Phantom Time” relegate the idea to the the trash heap, at least on the surface:
The phantom time hypothesis is a revisionist history and conspiracy theory developed in the 1980s and ’90s by German historian and publisher Heribert Illig (born 1947 in Vohenstrauß, Germany). The hypothesis proposes that periods of history, specifically that of Europe during the Early Middle Ages (AD 614–911), are either wrongly dated, or did not occur at all, and that there has been a systematic effort to cover up that fact. Illig believed that this was achieved through the alteration, misrepresentation, and forgery of documentary and physical evidence.[
Of course, Fomenko is not the only researcher to come to the conclusion that there may be 325 years just “made up” in our historical past. Oh, and as Fomenko contends, some of the key figures of what we take to be legit history were more likely made-up fictions who were given names of never-lived people or patterned after then-current-day folk heroes of Roman times.
This is a battle that you’re likely to hear a lot more about. One reason is that the wide-open communication of the internet makes it possible for people to simply “make up” a good yarn and use it to drive traffic to a web site. It works, too.
And the other reason, of course is that “truth” is a very slippery and subjective thing, subject to the winds blowing through society at a particular time. Which is why what an avid Christian may believe about “law” and “justice” may be considerably different than what an avid Muslim, or Buddhist, may believe about “law” and “justice.”
Much of what’s believed is contextual and is based in no small part of how your personal operating system was installed. I refer to the low-level formatting of your perceptions by your parents, their actions, and conferred belief structures. Hell…their whole “way of being” is passed on at a low level that most people never get around to inspecting.
So, having said all this, yes, there are inconsistencies in the historical data, and researchers like Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz (Berlin) have published some quite remarkable papers like the one “Did the Early Middle Ages Really Exist?” which may be studied online here; it’s 15 pages worth.
This a very worthy paper because it gets to the heart of the calendar-settings debate:
It seems, unbelievably, that Caesar introduced his calendar in 325 AD. This is unbelievable because by then he had already been dead for more than 300 years. If 16 centuries had passed since Caesar’s introduction of his calendar, the Julian calendar in Gregory’s time would have been out of sync with the astronomical situation by 13 days, not 10.
Others, including Fomenko, have noticed oddities like this, too/ Yet defenders of the old (Western) calendar cite factors like dendrochronology, which is the study of tree rings to make their case.
The problem is that even a “hard science” like dendrochronology has issues. For example, if a block of 325 years really was just twisted out of the conventional time-line by the mad monks a-marketing, who did extensive historical revisionism as part of the rewrites of Biblical history in order to “age” Christianity relative to the new religion on the block (Islam), there’s nothing in the tree rings that says “anchor Islam here.” Or, anchor “Christianity here.”
As Hans-Ulrich Niemitz’s work notes:
Uwe Topper and Manfred Zeller pointed out how to resolve some important riddles and research problems of the Islamic and Persian-Arab-Byzantine world using the thesis of the phantom years. Firdowsis’ well-known epic, the Shahname, written around 1010 AD, ends with the last Persian king Yazdegird III, who died 651 AD. The epic tells nothing about the Islamic conquest of Persia and has no allusions to Islam at all. It simply skips 300 years of Islamic influence as if they had never existed (Topper 1994).
And except for fires and natural disasters that may show up in tree ring studies, things like the daily events in the early-middle ages would be so far down in the noise (at least in what I’ve found so far) that the case against calendar jiggering from the hard sciences is somewhere between weak and lame.
The real issue for the free-thinking researcher is “OK, what would it change?”
Oh, sure, it would be interesting to renumber the dates for the sake of historical accuracy, but since my province of research is mainly economic, the obvious reason why even wrong dates could not be changed is simple: Interest calculations blow up.
Say, for example you took out a mortgage in the year 2000.
And then along comes the calendar reset to, oh, 1675. Unless the dates of all contracts were changed, there would be no interest charged for 325 years. No interest due for 325 years? Don’tcha wish?
And if you think the Y2K calendar issues in computers were a close-brush, just consider the revision to thinking that would occur in how to handle the resulting pile of second-time around dates. You can’t have the US Civil War happening in 1861 round one, and the invention of teleportation in 1861 (round two, after reset) without causing headaches.
So for me the solution would then come down to resetting the calendar to some new – globally acknowledged event – which marks some watershed of humanity to a new, higher level of being.
Something like, oh, tying it all to the first manned landing on the Moon. That moment would make a perfect, global, Year Zero. And regardless of whether there are 325 years missing from Calendars, at least one year is missing, for sure: Year Zero:
Year zero does not exist in the Anno Domini system usually used to number years in the Gregorian calendar and in its predecessor, the Julian calendar. In this system, the year 1 BC is followed by AD 1. However, there is a year zero in astronomical year numbering (where it coincides with the Julian year 1 BC) and in ISO 8601:2004 (where it coincides with the Gregorian year 1 BC) as well as in all Buddhist and Hindu calendars.
Unfortunately, there is a whole OTHER problem with using the landing of men on the moon that supposedly made us a space-faring world: Did we really do it? Oh, crap….so then what?
Is there something more, something larger to be learned from the discussion here?
How about this: Governments lie. Sometimes small, sometimes medium-sized, and sometimes real whoppers.
Resetting of calendars wouldn’t fix that, nor would it change the evil that lurks in the hearts (of some) men. Nor would readjusting calendars change the general strategies of religions – of a certain age – when they on mad population explosions to grow the ranks of their followers.
In the end, it doesn’t change much of anything. We still live in a crooked world where the house apes run around collecting paper with ink on it., and claim the divine right of chimps to “rule” at the point of a gun (or foreclosure, pick your poison). Test then and they grab a club.
About the best that can be done, it seems, is a holding action until we each pass on to the Big Sleep where the same rule-set may carry over. If good can survive Death, so can evil. Is there a big traffic cop to sort it out? Well, depends what you believe, doesn’t it.
And thus, again, we’re back to a “side with good and run a holding action” as about the only track that makes sense.
Evil is everywhere, it turns out: In interest rates (watering down money), in the mail, in the contracts, in the halls of Washington, and in the hands of international bankers. And that’s not going to change, regardless of what a calendar claims, so I don’t figure it’s worth the time to spend on more research.
At least for now…
Monday at the Woo Report!
Reader Marc has a couple of goodies to report:
Hi George. Long time reader/subscriber. I have two Woos for you, these both go back two or three years. The first involves my younger son. He was showing us a magic trick he had learned that involved making a quarter disappear. After successfully completing the trick he slipped the quarter back into his pocket. Later on that evening he realized that the quarter had gone missing from his pocket, nowhere to be found. A couple of weeks later while standing alone in his bedroom something hit him on the top of his head. He heard something hit the floor, and guess what… yes a quarter!
Woo number two. This was maybe two or three months after the quarter incident. My family and I were all sitting at the dinner table, my eldest son to my right, my wife to my left, and next to her my daughter. My younger son ( the one with disappearing quarter ) sat opposite from me. We were all enjoying a nice conversation when I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye. It seemed as though a small spot on the table to my right had turned black for a fraction of a second. I looked where the spot had appeared and disappeared, and then I looked at everyone at the table. Everyone at the table was still talking, no one had noticed except my eldest son who was staring at me with an astonished look on his face. When I asked him what he saw he said, ” it seemed as though a rectangular opening completely black, and about the size of a paperback book opened and closed.” No one else saw this. Some times I wonder, is there some entity, a trickster like Loki that plays jokes on us, and if so then why can’t we hear it laugh. Thanks George. Keep up the good work. PS: I have more but I’ll save them for next time.
If you have woo-woo experiences, please send them along to george@ure.net. Confidentiality is assured and people do find this kind of discussion plain interesting.
Earthquake Sensitivities
Got this email following up on our discussion last week about Seneca Guns and other earthquake related (?) phenomena:
Hi George! Just read this mornings US and flipped out when I read the report of the loud boom in NE Arkansas. I live in Mtn Home, which is in N central Ar. We had an extremely loud boom here the next day (12/25/13) at @ 12:30pm. Believe me, people were definitely out of their houses looking for a cloud of some sort. This sounded like a bomb. It rattled windows and shook my house (made of ceramic brick). No sign of explosion or smoke.
On another note, I happened to be up and on my ‘puter on the evening that the ‘9.0’ struck Japan. I also happened to have my browser open on the USGS EQ site. I noticed that there was a new red indicator near Japan and I clicked it…USGS reported a 7.4. While I was still sitting there, another red indicator, slightly west of the first and also indicated to be a 7.4, occurred 20 seconds later. Imagine my surprise when I checked out the EQ site on the next morning and saw only a single 9.0 and no 7.4s at all. Yes, they ‘revised’ their data…Still wondering how 2/ 7.4 EQ occurring approx. 20 seconds apart turned into a 9.0. Have a good years’ end…Z
I’m sure the answer is above either of our pay grades.
Movie Review
From Reader Cheryl:
Happy New Year to you and your wife!! I happened to be interested in the 50 year old story about the Dyatlov Pass incident. Nine trained hikers go up into the mountains and die bizarre deaths, etc. well, Hollywood made a movie about this called “Devil’s Pass”, and it is interesting! The movie follows college kids going back to the scene of the crime to try figure out what happened 50 years later.
It brings up possibilities of time travel (eventually) and the Philadelphia Experiment (about 1 hour in). If you have time to kill, this is movie has a very interesting ending. It is a bit too much “Blair Witch Project” with jiggly hand held cameras, but the ending is good!! I just finished the Friday edition of Urban Survival and your hypothesis makes sense to me!!
We watched it last week…Amazon video, I think it was. Got the book Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident on my “When I win the lotto, quit writing my websites, and have plenty of money and time to read” list.
Peoplenomics Feedback
Even if you don’t subscribe to our premium content on www.peoplenomics.com, here’s some fine reader feedback on our piece this weekend “Taxing Thoughts: Fighting the Wrong War.”
Reader Tom has lived the problem we focused on:
George, your article today brought back memories of one specific year, just because I happened to read something in the news that year about the taxes that General Electric did not pay. My poor pissy little corporation of 8 people paid , between state and Federal taxes that year, about $27,000 of corporate income taxes on a profit of about $60,000. That very same year, General Electric had a gross profit of $11 BILLION dollars, and not only paid absolutely NO taxes, but actually got 3 BILLION dollars of tax refunds, rebates and incentives. I remember because I was floored, pissed, and ready to quit all at the same time. I had actually paid more taxes than a mega corporation. Unbelievable!!
This is the way the Big Boys can rape the rest of us while declaring huge bonuses for all the “top” performers, in other words, the guys who helped slick the government, not the production workers who made everything happen.
Regardless, I have to keep going because its all I have, and my measly $60,000 a year salary is needed to keep living, because a slim $1100
a month projected SS payment AIN’T gonna do it for “retirement”. Indeed, retirement is a fallacy and a fantasy, any more. I’ll never get re-tired, gotta keep these old tires rollin’ til they go flat!
Thanks — Tom
Yes, anymore, Life is like starting a race, thinking there is a “Finish Line.” So people go through life working for The Man thinking of those Golden Years when the biggest problem of life will be deciding whether to go fishing or golfing.
Hell of an upset to one’s plans to realize the Finish Line has been stolen and replaced with a pine box while so many people are still running, thinking the Old Rules are still in place.
Global Mything & Warming
Reader Bill W (no relation) sent along a pretty good short YouTube from the (Bill) Still report of December 26, in which more of Al Gore’s projections about Global Warming are being laid bare.
As I’ve told you many times: Look to the Sun’s output to drive what happens and that’s presently running at 200-year lows. Which is why it’s been snowing the Middle East. All, as Still’s report notes, more politely than this: It’s the way the globalistas are going to market the world carbon tax scam.
About here, it would be nice of you to feign a look of shock & awe.
How to Spot a Psychopath
Reader Doug sent along this rather interesting bit of reader from Yahoo!/Shine.
Just to be safe, if you’re not comfortable spotting psychopaths, here are some easy to use tips on how to avoid seeing them:
1. Don’t look at the boss.
2. Remove all the mirrors from your home.
3. Don’t read their campaign posters.
There, all better.
More tomorrow…same time, same website….
George george@ure.net