(Uretopia Ranch, Texas) – Here’s another great idea from the “Family that Brought You Frankenstein…”
The back-story first: After visiting my “personal power place “ – as discussed with Peoplenomics subscribers this weekend – we had a wonderful time Friday night at the Isleta Casino in Albuquerque. Any time you have one of the better steaks you can remember (Embers) and you walk out with $400 in winnings, it qualifies at a ‘wonderful’ time.
As Elaine was getting ready Saturday morning, I chanced to turn on the computer and lo and behold, Olympic madness.
No, I could not think of one useful thing to be said for establishing the best and fastest 100-meter runner in the world. Oh, sure, there was a time when people “ran down” game – did it myself a few times when younger and considerably faster. But in today’s world of Amazon Fresh? I mean, like what’s the point?
Then a reader sent in a comment about something woo-woo’ish and that led me to pondering the matter of past life regression – and whether Elaine and I want to invest energy in that…and suddenly the inventor appeared…
“What is different between the 100-meter runner and people’s fanciful “recall” of previous lifetimes?”
By now, as the “engineering problem” framed itself, the bags were loaded in the car and we were on the freeway headed for Amarillo.
The idea formed this way:
I talked with Elaine for a while about past life regressions. There are several good practitioners in the Dallas area…so finding an expert should not be a problem.
But it really came down to what I wanted from a regression – or series of regressions – that made the topic interesting.
“So what if, and it’s a big IF, you could bring specific skills from a past life – forward into this one? Perhaps I was an ingenious farmer in a previous lifetime – or maybe I had learned to play piano or harpsichord very well…a foreign language?”
The idea came down to asking this: What is the obstable in regression work that seems to prevent people from brining specific skills from one of their previous lifetimes (*forward) into this one?
Surely this wouldn’t be cheating “karma” – after all, the lessons of that Lifetime has been paid in full – and it is a terrible waste of time and resources to have to learn old skills over again.
By the time we were up the hill from Albuquerque and passing through Moriarity, New Mexico (with Elaine politely nodding to my “Is there a 221-B Baker Street here?” joke) the concept had been distilled down to this simple point.
We are interested in doing past life regressions, but we have zero interest in going back to learn that I was a foot soldier in the Battle of Waterloo, or that E might have been the sister-in-law of Cleopatra, or any of that egoically-driven stuff. Unless I missed something, bayonet skills for now are not going to make us rich.
No, we want the bricks and mortar stuff: A new language, solid musical abilities, or any other new form of skill that we haven’t picked up in this lifetime.
I have high hopes on the music front: After three years of lessons from Mrs. Shinamura when I was young, my right-hand could do almost anything, but the left-hand would not communicate with the right in any meaningful way.
If I focused on the left too much, then the right hand went on break…
The way I figured it, there are only so many ways to learn a new skill: rote memorization – and increasing speed of recall. Or learning by doing and repetition after repetition – but this is mostly the same thing.
There is the possibility that drugs or alcohol might “help” the situation, but that’s less than certain: More than anything, those seem to be keys to dropping the inhibitions – and that might be done through just getting one’s head straight.
There is also a school of thought that says the hardest part of learning is simply giving yourself permission to learn. It’s closely related to the memory enhancement programs that work by teaching you to give yourself permission to have perfect recall…” And those do work, depending on person.
So that’s the point of this morning’s note: If you know of any first-rate regression experts who have had any degree of success bringing back an actual skill from a previous lifetime, send me their name and phone number.
We are willing to pay, by the way. But on a shared-risk basis. We would pay the base rate for a regression, of course. But then if a new skill was actually recovered from a past life, then it would be bonus time.
The cash bonus (I’m thinking $500 if I get piano play skills) isn’t the big “hook” in the compensation plan: The fact that Elaine and I would be willing to have our Past Life Recovered Skill documented – well THAT would make for the most famous past life regressionist in the world.
It would not only turn the world of “education” on its head, but it would increase the potential of humans by a factor of 20- or more.
While we were coming up on Tucumcari driving East, the vision of a whole new kind of educational system dawned before us – much as a curtain would go up.
What IF past life regressions don’t just work on aspects of personality, but could bring us skills from past lifes – already bought and paid for with life and death – and could then plug in just like a “font module” on a 1980’s printer?
OMG think of the increase in human potential! Our grand daughter in Tacoma might already know perfect English – she might be fluent in Swedish – and she may have already mastered Calculus!
The problem and challenge for the regressionist is quite simple: Just as knowing who the fastest 100-meter sprinter is in the world is fairly useless, so is learning that a person was a bastard son of a minor church figure in France, for example.
On this other tack, however, the point of living may be to collect as many skills – thing of them as surviving font modules passed either spiritually or decrypted from onboard DNA…
If that’s the case, maybe this is the Big Corner that humanity needs to turn in order to get past our rather base fascinations with things like power and money.
It would put a keener edge on living, too. Much more useful than an extra $10 in the collection plate on Sunday, this would be a reason for people to learn new “font modules” and undertake to pass-forward the idea that our heirs may have some of the skills that we had at the time of their conception…
Given this, what are the skills that could be loaded and used both for the greater enjoyment of everyday life and humankind in general?
I would like some music skills…Elaine has a list…and who wouldn’t?
Even more strange: If the font modules survive into the future should be be learning skills in this lifetime for what kind of world to come in some future?
The mind boggles.
Is what matters the skills of parents at conception? Or, is the skills learned all the way to Death? Important questions. I have a whole decision-tree – but where is the therapist who would follow it – and become the most respected synthesizer in education and psychology?
Either because it is a marvelous idea…or because it’s Monday and life marches on…mostly over us….the idea seemed worth sharing and putting out into the public domain so that no one can ever get greedy. No, this discussion does constitute prior art.
Since I have now described it, all I seek are the font modules for Elaine and me – and perhaps A name mention here and there…and co-authorship of the book. A tiny piece of the movie rights and….say: Was I ever a sleazy lawyer in a past life?
Write when you get rich,
George, be careful what you wish for. You might have been Vladimir the impaler with his many skills.
I would leave it to Elaine – who would be present – to sort out the skills to “bring back”
That’s my umpteenth-great-uncle.
Bert Goldman at MindValley does precisely this, using audio recordings.
But the real payoff in regression is spiritual lessons, which are like cue cards for leaps in soul growth. Which generally come from learning the core skills of giving and receiving love in various circumstances.
If you haven’t so far, please check out the emerging science of epigenetics. This has to do with gene expression and adapting in real time, with heritability. There are Tedx talks on line on this subject.
This seems to be part of the missing link in classical evolution theory, though not all of it. Epigenetic modification of the genome though experiences, traumatic and otherwise can be carried forward through the germ line! It’s probably related to what we see as “instinct” in animals and people. Of course, it can be both adaptive and maladaptive depending on circumstances.
On inhibition – I feel that Trump’s greatest asset, and flaw, is his incredibly low inhibition. Society tends to reward inhibition, and punish lack thereof. It’s very difficult to search and find ways to lower your inhibitions, but easy to find the reverse. Alcohol is not really helpful in lowering inhibitions, and though some drugs are on occasion, they come with their own baggage. Lowering of inhibitions, and methods that work would be a great topic for Peoplenomics!
On your playing piano, you might consider hemi-sync and other ways to increase corpus callosum activity. Some meditations and some drugs seem to have this effect too. Good luck, and please continue to share.
Well, George, I don’t know about remembering old skills. But, I think memories of past lives may be useful in other ways. Like realizing why you like certain places, have seemingly innate fears, or talents that are either enhanced or denied.
I experienced a past life regression back in the 70’s. I remembered being a miserable little girl in the Middle Ages. My only friend was a cow and my father beat me to death at about the age of 3 or so. I also remember being a little boy in a mountainous country where my home was a round house made of sticks (now I know it was a yurt) and I was wearing blue felt shoes that turned up at the toes. Later the regressionist had me get older. I was 14 and going to “temple school.” I died at 14 of a lung ailment.
I imagine that the reason that I only feel “at home” in the mountains is due to this experience. It also reduces the fear of death, if you know that it has already happened more than once, and we are still here, hopefully with some lessons learned.
Re: single point of failure.
Some years ago I was a computer consultant interviewing at the financial center of a major bank (B**) located on Market street in San Francisco. They had a fully redundant complex with automatic failover …all plugged into the same circuit breaker, hooked to the same backup system, fed from the same set of mains, sitting on the same eq fault line. Not “a” single point of failure, but a whole string of them. When I pointed this out to my soon-to-be boss I was told that it had been approved by a senior vp and I should never mention it again.
I’ve since talked to others in my line of work and come to the conclusion that it is the same everywhere. One could reasonably conclude that it is designed to fail … on purpose.
If Delta can go down all over the country and world, then, yes, I believe you.
If Delta can go down all over the country and world, then, yes, I believe you, and often wonder, what or who will pull the plug.
Julia Ingram was the hypnotherapist who did past life regression for Nick Brunick in his book, “The Messengers.” She is located in Portland, OR., but may be able to refer you to someone in your area.
I was thinking of you the other day and your spiritual experience you had in Seattle years ago that you shared. Many are being called to step it up vibrationally……follow your prompts!
What if all lives are simultaneous? If you work on this one with more thought, all the others might adjust accordingly.
Here and now might be where future/past skills already co-exist.
I’d suggest working more on current clutter so you can better use what you already have.
What makes you think you don’t bring skills with you from the past?
The theory is that we come into a life with the skills we need to accomplish what we came to do.
Don’t know as you’ve noticed, but I’m pretty skeptical of the theories of others. Too many times they are simply wrong.
Skills per se may be more materialistic in nature, whereas intellectual component of the skill would translate through the spirit, so your skills from past lives may of necessity be derived from the spirit rather than physical. So the ability to master may be available rather than the ability itself. I would say that you have accessed a generous supply of the ability to master, already. We’re getting into red pill blue pill territory.
And that is the point. Hand me the pill, I want to play the piano next.
I would love to do past life regression so I could overcome the trauma burden that still plagues me. I don’t have the money for such, so I have decided to do EMDR self-treatment in hopes of losing the old baggage.
BTW, old skills have come through. I took French in high school and was told I had no accent, spoke like a native. I now know I had at least two previous lives in France. I also learned to speak quite early and now know I had several lives in England, including the one just preceding this.
EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Would like to hear any thoughts on – and outcomes from – your experience with this practice, if you’re willing to share.
I do not do past life regressions, however have done thousands of past life readings for clients. Never “met” a Cleopatra in any of the sessions; although I may have come across a Pope or two. As Doug points out, the real underlying reason for everything we learn or accomplish in 3-Dimension is actually to advance spiritually. This is School House Earth, where we are constantly being challenged to grow, not just get rich. Only at the Younger Soul levels do we seek to advance the ego and its ends. That’s comparable to grade school.
Having said that, I would still answer the question: Do we bring forward some of our learning from the past into this life? with a resounding “YES!” along with some caveats. First [and always] will be the question of motivation. If your motivation is to either feed the personal ego or to achieve any one of the three major ego-based goals of Money, Sex, and Power, it is less likely that you will be allowed to fully and without effort exhibit past talents and abilities in spectacular ways. Disallowed by whom? Your Higher Self or Soul, which sees this as moving backward spiritually.
In one my favorite workshops, called “How to Tell Your Past Lives By Things You Have Lying Around Your Kitchen,” participants were always surprised to see how much we bring through and use from other lives, generally in many ways we take for granted. This manifests in the clothes we wear, the foods we eat, our choice of where to go on vacation. And, they can be on both sides of the Love-Hate spectrum. One of mine is a hatred of Chinese food, because it subconsciously reminds me of the huge power struggle I had with my father when my feet were bound. Another for me was from a very early age “knowing” how to bake bread from scratch. Even my intuitive abilities were acquired over many lifetimes beginning when I worked at the temple at Delphi.
Another view: How many times did you take Algebra 101 in this life, or a class in Romantic Italian Poets? Thought so. For the same reason, in each life we “enroll” in certain lessons and once we have achieved our goals, in later lives we put those items aside and use our time here to conquer new skills and acquire new information. At the same time we may be also using what we learned earlier and build on it — someone who was an assistant to an American Indian Shaman in an early life may feel drawn to studying the healing properties of botanicals in another and in a third life move on to make profound discoveries in medicine, such as Dr Jonas Salk.
Last point — I believe that one of the reasons we cannot play the piano or speak past languages fluently is because our present body does not have the knowledge or skill these abilities require, such as hand/brain connection or mouth positions required in pronunciation. Yet, you may retain both a love for and a general ease in picking up these talents, yet it will still require effort on your part of train THIS physical body and This rational brain to work in concert. Your learning curve may be shorter than if you were beginning from scratch, but it is simply not possible to just wake up and DO IT, despite your desire to do so.
Hi George & all,
There’s no harm in trying it, but I’d like to point out that there appears to be a biological component to learning. When we learn new things, the dendrites in the brain make new connections and establish new pathways that seem to be related to the new learning.
As people age, they can lose some of these pathways. So for example, if you have a person who had learned several languages, in extreme old age it is not unusual for that person to lose the ability to speak the new languages, and to only communicate in his/her birth language at the very end of life.
Proof of the pudding is in the tasting, of course. DEFINITELY let us know if you suddenly start speaking and understanding Mandarin Chinese. I am skeptical that this would work because of the biological aspect of it. Maybe you could expect something more like a greater ease in learning a skill that past regression indicated you had in a previous life.
Ecrire a moi quand votre vach a des jumeaux,
Err, that’s roughly, ‘write when you get rich.’ Sorry, my past Nostradamus is intruding again…
There is a simple method to learn piano. Single note melody with right hand and a chord shape with left hand (like guitar). You only have to read the one note melody which can be learned in less than a week. Check out https://www.scotthouston.com/
Not to be nay-sayer, but someone had gone to a past-life regression conference, and met multiple people claiming to be Catherine The Great, as well as multiples of other famous folks.
Here’s answer to reincarnation question direct from Jesus’s revelationary A Course In Miracles. I’ve been an avid student for decades of his truthful (with a capital “T”) teachings presented here – while working in our seemingly material ‘real’ world as a button down EE and (solar PV R&D) scientist all the while – and still find His Words whole orbits of consciousness higher than any source anywhere; nothing like it exists IMHO. Take a look at link below.
In the ultimate sense, reincarnation is impossible. There is no past or future, and the idea of birth into a body has no meaning either once or many times. Reincarnation cannot, then, be true in any real sense. Our only question should be, “Is the concept helpful?” And that depends, of course, on what it is used for. If it is used to strengthen the recognition of the eternal nature of life, it is helpful indeed. Is any other question about it really useful in lighting up the way? Like many other beliefs, it can be bitterly misused. At least, such misuse offers preoccupation and perhaps pride in the past. At worst, it induces inertia in the present. In between, many kinds of folly are possible.
Reincarnation would not, under any circumstances, be the problem to be dealt with now. If it were responsible for some of the difficulties the individual faces now, his task would still be only to escape from them now. If he is laying the groundwork for a future life, he can still work out his salvation only now. To some, there may be comfort in the concept, and if it heartens them its value is self-evident. It is certain, however, that the way to salvation can be found by those who believe in reincarnation and by those who do not. The idea cannot, therefore, be regarded as essential to the curriculum. There is always some risk in seeing the present in terms of the past. There is always some good in any thought which strengthens the idea that life and the body are not the same.
For our purposes, it would not be helpful to take any definite stand on reincarnation. A teacher of God should be as helpful to those who believe in it as to those who do not. If a definite stand were required of him, it would merely limit his usefulness, as well as his own decision making. Our course is not concerned with any concept that is not acceptable to anyone, regardless of his formal beliefs. His ego will be enough for him to cope with, and it is not the part of wisdom to add sectarian controversies to his burdens. Nor would there be an advantage in his premature acceptance of the course merely because it advocates a long-held belief of his own.
It cannot be too strongly emphasized that this course aims at a complete reversal of thought. When this is finally accomplished, issues such as the validity of reincarnation become meaningless. Until then, they are likely to be merely controversial. The teacher of God is, therefore, wise to step away from all such questions, for he has much to teach and learn apart from them. He should both learn and teach that theoretical issues but waste time, draining it away from its appointed purpose. If there are aspects to any concept or belief that will be helpful, he will be told about it. He will also be told how to use it. What more need he know?
Does this mean that the teacher of God should not believe in reincarnation himself, or discuss it with others who do? The answer is, certainly not! If he does believe in reincarnation, it would be a mistake for him to renounce the belief unless his internal Teacher so advised. And this is most unlikely. He might be advised that he is misusing the belief in some way that is detrimental to his pupil’s advance or his own. Reinterpretation would then be recommended, because it is necessary. All that must be recognized, however, is that birth was not the beginning, and death is not the end. Yet even this much is not required of the beginner. He need merely accept the idea that what he knows is not necessarily all there is to learn. His journey has begun.
The emphasis of this course always remains the same; – it is at this moment that complete salvation is offered you, and it is at this moment that you can accept it. This is still your one responsibility. Atonement might be equated with total escape from the past and total lack of interest in the future. Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. There is no other time. No teaching that does not lead to this is of concern to God’s teachers. All beliefs will point to this if properly interpreted. In this sense, it can be said that their truth lies in their usefulness. All beliefs that lead to progress should be honored. This is the sole criterion this course requires. No more than this is necessary.
reincarnation links:
Dr. Brian Weiss: Brian Leslie Weiss is an American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and author who specializes in past life regression. His research includes reincarnation, past life regression, future life progression, and survival of the human soul after death. (Wiki)
His web site: As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from “the space between lives,” which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss’s family and his dead son. Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.
A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, Brian L. Weiss M.D. is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.
Dr. Weiss conducts national and international seminars and experiential workshops as well as training programs for professionals: http://www.brianweiss.com/about-the-books/
I started reading his books about 10 years ago, attended one workshop. I think he would be a resource for you to find the professional you are seeking.
click on the customer’s review tab
I read all 3 volumes, a bit ‘new age’-ey & some of it bone chillingly accurate
Earth is a prison planet. Humans are obsessed with trying to make life more enjoyable in the prison. There is a lot of money to be made exploiting this pernicious desire.
What one DOES here is irrelevant. The goal is to die an aware death so you remember that you have the option of not returning to the prison at all.
george, i havent read all the comments, so someone may have addre3ssed this above, but rather than do past life regressions, perhaps (imo) youd be better off, more risk/reward ration to try doing whats called accessing your ‘akashic records’. everything that youve ever done (and skills) in this lifetime and all past ones has been recorded and it can be accessed. again, yin/yang and nothing comes easty and a lot of works must be put it, but….well, just wiki ‘akashic records’..look, ill even save you the time… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akashic_records
and it also says that it cannot be done, but they dont want you to try to do it, so most will give up right off…rember, they say that TCM (Ttraditional Chinsense Medicince) doesnt works either but we know better than that, dont WE? LOL!!!
There’s certainly skills handed down biologically in our DNA to our kids. I was raised apart from my biological family and didn’t know them, yet when I did go meet them it was downright creepy to see that my best skills were a combination of their skills! I had their exact skills (but not new skills learned after my birth), and they were subjects that were extremely easy for me to learn since the DNA coding for those aptitudes was already present. I think in the same way we can bring across skills from previous lives whether it’s via a spiritual means or an expression into our DNA. To find those skills without a regressionist to help you, try everything and the things you find the easiest are likely skills you’ve done before and could thusly practice to an expert level very quickly. That kind of thing tends to be a bit of a double edged sword though, as it can really weird people out if they observe you being superbly proficient at everything you try that is “new” but is really just a skill you are bringing forward again.
On a tangential note, have you done any research on Ayahuasca? Evidently taking it has led to some profound spiritual insights for those who have tried it. One noted author, Graham Hancock, has written a detailed account of his experience with it. Well worth reading if you are interested in understanding more about the nature of consciousness.