It has been a fair while since we have talked much about the anti-gravity project.
Oh…how soon you forget!
We have touched on the historical aspects of levitation now and then (like this discussion from January of this year), but I don’t think I have kept you up to speed on the actual science project I have been designing to seriously poke around a bit.
But since you have been a good little wage-slave this week, I will let you in on what I’m working on.
This is actually a very worthwhile project because, to show you how it is that I figure I have as good a chance as CERN, or anyone else, of finding anti-gravity, let me engage you in a little thought experiment.
I mentioned a while back that I was reading the autobiography of Thomas Edison. There is a method to my madness (which is considerable, make no mistake) but I don’t think I did a good job of articulating things.
Here’s the setup:
Imagine that you were in the shoes of Thomas Edison and you were bound and determined to come up with a solid, working incandescent light bulb.
You have two ways you can go about your task.
One approach would be to take and do a very comprehensive study of all the literature. You would read everything there was to be learnt (this is old school time, right) about materials science.
Then you would look up everything that was know about electricity.
Then you would look up everything there is to be known about math.
And then you would study vacuum performance of materials. But oh, sorry, that stuff wasn’t yet known.
Then you would sit down for the rest of your life and try to “pencil out” a working way to FIGURE how to build a light.
Could you do it?
I think not.
I think Edison’s approach (some learning, some actually living life, smoking cigars, and thinking, but spending lots of time in a higher organized way in the lab is the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of success.
So went my little thought experiment.
The Raw Concept Problem
The very first thing we need to do is put together “all the pieces” that we hope to be able to test in our antigravity experiments.
If I said to you “Build an antigravity machine based on the annecdotal reports we have that relate to the field…”
What would you “toss in the pot?”
You would go to everything that you could find even remotely related to UFOs and such as well as publicly available information about what the “elementals” were in such reports.
Here is some (but not all, obviously) of my data set:
- UFO’s (along with none saucer formats of flying/floating devices, such as one my friend Grady saw over Canada a while back) come in two very generalized formats. One is the traditional (Ken Arnold description) disks while the other is more like a Fedora-style hat. Commonality: They all have a ring-like feature that seems to have something to do with the lift but the ring is not likely aerodynamic in function because I have good creds from a reliable witness who debunked the whole “round ducted fan notion” which has made the rounds on the net.
- Philadelphia experiment. This gets us to the “what goes in the ring?” part. According to the reports, there is some kind of magnetics which were used at fairly good power levels in order to make a whole ship disappear. So write down a ring-like structure and magnets. Does ultraviolet light have something to do with it? Those experiments reportedly used mercury vapor rectifier tubes for high voltages. Can we get something out of UV OLED’s?
- Plasma may figure in some how, though I am not sure how (although I have some thoughts). We know there may be some role for plasma because (this isn’t classified, but close) when plasma is injected into the boundary layer of hypersonic airfoils, there are some neat effects.
- Then there are the numerous Ed Leedskalnin coils that were in his shop. Everyone I think has seen the pictures of his several ton device to generate (it is rumored) lots of lift. But when Elaine and I toured his famed Coral Castle, the couple of times we were there in the early 2000’s when we lived in Florida, we noted there were numerous coils around – and most of them looked to be build out of regular galvanized fense wire (not barbed, but electric fence wire) and there were lots of guts of old car radios (of vibrator power supplies) and tubes and let me think…what can I make with that? Oscillators of course.
- Then there is the James Clerk Maxwell lecture where he instructed his students not to look at the magnetic lines of force about magnets, but rather to study the “B-field” – which is the force around magnets which pushed the lines OUT FROM THE MAGNET.
- Let’s not leave out the tale told to me by some former MITRE experts about the reports from the Montauk Experiments.
I also hold John Hutchinson in some regard, although as far as anyone knows, he has not been successful in demonstrating levitation in a laboratory other than his own, but that may be a critical difference in how I approach things compared with others.
I am a process oriented person and I hope to (like Edison) make detailed notes.
Stir and mix gently..
My buddy Vince…;another member of the “friends of George for 50 years club,” and a ham radio op, and so one…has also been helping in the cause. Great mind and if he wasn’t so busy sitting around his pool living the life of a cell tower magnate near Palm Springs, we might be further along in our design and test plans. But he’s changing the world in other ways like G4 installations, and those do put food on the take and chlorine in the pool…
The Electronic Driver and Instrumentation Problems
Once you have a tentative design, the next steps are going to be feeding the right electronic signals into the device.
I don’t know if I ever mentioned it, but I have a pretty good electronics bench. Ham radio types who live in apartments should be warned not to drool.
There’s the Rohde & Schwarz SMY01 which is a signal generator that will cover from 9 KHz to 1 GHz plus. Digital function generators. When we get to the collapsing wavefront part we can try a wide range of frequencies, power densities, and waveforms. And this last (the modulated microwave alleged at Montauk) is what seems more interesting.
The largest problems is instrumentation.
I will be monitoring the project in two ways. First will be the obvious (buy a good electronic scale) and then calibrate it and record results.
But here’s where we run into a problem (when you think about it). Suppose you were able to bend space-time just ever so little: If you did that, how would you notice if all the equipment in your experiment lost apparent mass at the same rate?
Take the scale: Would it really work if a small amount (like a half a gram) was lost? One way to do this is to pick the right scale and to use a large mass. I liked Hutchison’s use of a bowling ball.
But the other instrumentation is a little different. This involves putting together a small crystal oscillator and placing it in what should be the middle of the bent or time-shifted field. Because time and/or mass would be different, would the signal from a small crystal oscillator be on the same frequency is monitored on a radio, oh, 20 feet away on the other side of my office? The inverse square law suggests that when you have something vibrating at 18-million times per second, and you can detect a one or two times per second change, you have the kind of resolution to go looking effects.
Apparatus Construction
This is really the simple part…sort of.
Winding the coils is not particularly difficult. Counting turns of fine wire is a pain, but if patient. Maybe I could talk Elaine into helping as she’s far more patient than me.
I won’t show you the whole design, but it is simple enough and (as a hint) the device can be constructed with any even number of nodes, as long as that number happens to be (coincidentally?) at lead six< As in the Start of David which I thought was an odd enough coincidence.
Experiment Design
The waveforms to drive the device are many and varied. So we need a frequency and test plan…
So there you have some of the outline of the project. And on that note, as soon as I get the research finished for Peoplenomics tomorrow and get that written up, I will be deeply into the winding of coils.
Should be fun.
Odds of Success?
Intuitively, there should be something there. Gravity is a weak force.
But here’s what I think my odds of success are just a little higher than zero.
There has been, near as I can find anywhere in the public view, no real methodical sweep of mass in specific magnetic configurations in a methodical “DC to Daylight” way.
The fact that there is a lot to be learned from such dedicated “sweep” experiments is demonstrated by John Kanzius remarkable success at burning water. See the YouTube video here.
Think carefullyt about John Kanzius’ success: If someone had told you that “I’m going to sit down and blast salt water with radio frequency energy and see if I can bust loose something burnable…” would have have called them nuts?
Well, sure.
Damn sham Kanzius didn’t live long enough to push out the technology and do some real optimizations, but since it is a patented process, I have sort of generalized it into…
“If Kanzius can sweep and look for anomalies using RF and water, why can’t I do a sweep using multiple topologies of coil magnetics and look for similar odd effects in the nooks and crannies of Basic Science where no one else goes looking?”
No, I don’t expect success but neither to I expect failure.
This is a science project and like everything else we do around here, we will come up with some hare-brained ideas, dump a few bucks into some far out research into the basics, and if we find anything, well, we first need to find something.
Dream Fragments
The two oddities for this morning: One dream involved the flight of three large military aircraft. Might have been a test flight, or something like that. Got the idea that this test flight was somewhere over the U.S.
The second dream, oddly also on the aerospace side, involved an odd rocket test. Seems there was a launch of a large rocket. Along with that, however, was a smaller rocket that was following the larger one and taking pictures for analysis. There was some kind of guidance issue involved and the big missile was flying OK, but the second missile (the smaller one) was doing photo recon and maybe the reason was to recover live video so as to put a propaganda film together, or something like that.
Strange enough, though.
Friday at the Bad Joke Department
I have to hand this one to the AARP monthly tabloid that members get. Pretty damn useful read if you skip the aging personality stories. So the back page joke that cracked me up this month?
“What’s the difference between a Zippo and a Hippo?”
“One is heavy while the other is a little lighter…”
You go have a great weekend. I have my metal lathe set up on very low speed to wind coils…and then next week, our new high-precision scales arrive and…well, more to come, or not. A tiny crystal oscillator PCB arrived a while back. Time to fire up the digital soldering station… After that, the tiny small 0-100 KHz 15-watt amplifiers.
Even if I find nothing, is this morning fun that working on taxes this weekend? That’s not too hard to answer, is it?
Write when you break-even (or send ideas)
Good Ideas? I think a good cigar with a glass of the 15 year old my son has for me is a good idea. As for cigars, here is a poem from Rudyard that says it all. Do not repeat the 3rd line from the bottom to your Lady!
As I heard growing up “Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.”
George. I guess if we find you Imbedded in the front in door of your lab, we know you succeeded to some degree like the Philadelphia experiment. Be careful.
Similar ideas to those on the Magnocraft web page, especially with the magnets and coils. I read about some Israeli scientists who developed a disc type ‘lift’ a few years ago, but I have searched for the data ever since and never did find it again, it struck me because it was exactly like the ‘spindizzies’ of science fiction lore.
You see this a lot..released news stories of some interesting and odd experiments being reported on then they vanish once there has been a level of success..when it gets interesting to me is when you see the story that normally you wouldn’t even give a second thought to just mildly interested all of a sudden requires a lot of resources to discredit it.. ( take UFO’s for an example) .. ( my guess is the information is released so that if it ever comes out that they have been keeping it a secret and people say.. you never told us about that they can say.. sure we did.. then spend millions of dollars worth of money, time and energy to write articles disclaiming the stories that were originally reported on..)
Interesting video describing how electro-gravitic black project flying machines work.
“Blueprint for a UFO” on youtube
Thanks! This was awesome! I’ve heard this guy interviewed before. He;s such a good explainer.
If you find a way to heat a room without electricity (or burning stuff), let me know! My reusable-hand-warmer-heat blanket works great, but wont heat air keep the pipes from freezing.
Speaking of coils, have you ever seen the Nunez coil? It’s a 3-dimensional toroid shape and supposedly increases power a bit.
Also, do you ever use the Wayback Machine? When Yahoo did a story on the new Air Force One, it mentioned briefly having its own free energy. I went on to the next story, but decided about 10 minutes later to go back and do a screenshot, because no one would believe me. The sentence was then gone! I cant figure out how to get the info and thought as a reporter/researcher, you might me able. Ans it may fit what you are looking for.
Metal lathe would, most likely, work better than what I was going to suggest: A cordless screwdriver. My husband and hsi buddy had some interesting little experiments going on with copper wiring and use the cordless to wind the coils they needed.
Maybe if the lathe doesn’t get you your desired result, try a cordless.
Look up a fellow named Victor Shauberger.
For sure–drool in there and you’d electrocute yourself!
The book jacket or magazine cover that told about Ken Arnolds sighting showed the flying objects as sort of boomerang shaped; not saucer or disk shaped.
The way to look at (catalog, document) experiments is not from a success/failure viewpoint; but from an “experiment A gives outcome A”, “experiment B gives outcome B” perspective. One then does not view any particular experiment as a failure, but as an increase in knowledge. Thus, every experiment is a form of success. Good Hunting!
Don’t you need a pressurized mercury plasma at high temperature inside the toroidal tube?
Just a little late to the rodeo, George. The Germans had anti gravity craft as far back as 1942. Since it antigravity already exists, if you develop something, those that have a reason to suppress this, simply add you to the target list.
John G, great video.
Superman Memory Crystal: 5D Quartz Coin Can Store…:
Crystal Skulls & New 5D Crystal Data Storage Tech…:
Now to think antigravity should be a cinch and it is in more ways than one
George, you can make an adapter for a larger spool to attach to a spoon-winder on a sewing machine. Elaine can show you how to use a sewing machine.
This site may be a useful source for your experiments:
Also includes a couple of fun shop projects
Need to think a bit bigger George… Lifting a paperclip is fun, lifting a bowling ball is cool, but putting a East Texas Doublewide into Low Earth Orbit on solar power alone….? NOW you’ve got something! :)
P.S. – don’t forget to caulk up the windows for air leakage. :)
In more seriousness, I wish you luck. Sounds like great fun!
A must read is: “Secrets of Anti-gravity Propulsion” from Dr Paul A. LaViolette, also “Subquantum Kinetics” for the mathematically inclined (not me)….
Be careful not to attract the attention of those gummint guys who have the barrels of their pistols threaded to accept a suppressor…
George, I recently watched Greer’s “Sirius” documentary (Netflix streaming). It was compelling. Many engineers/scientists have been killed, suicided, disappeared, etc. who have been working on zero point energy projects.
It seems that the oil/natural gas producers long ago recognized the threat these alternative energy sources would be to them. So they are still using their considerable influences to suppress this technology.
And, once again, I blame the lamestream media for its complicity in denying the world the information that would enlighten us to these facts.
Do you think this technology will be used for the benefit of our species? Tell that to the millions of women who spend a great deal of their lives barefooted and carrying 5 gallon buckets of water on their heads.
Dear George: For sure, the powers that you seek to Reveal are at hand. If Tesla could achieve results, then, for sure, you can, as well. If you simply know how to reverse the windings…… try it!!!
Maybe try winding a (toroidal) coil around a metal torus that has a central wire held at HT, so the mag field of the coil is everywhere at right angles to the applied electric field on the central wire. Then rotate the torus like a wheel. (taken from an old book)
I don’t think it’s a magnetic thing. Think more in terms of how a gimbaled gyroscope acts when it’s spinning and you push on it.., it moves 90°.., well, something for you to ponder. Place a lot of these around the outer edge of a disk, get them spinning, get the disk spinning, and then apply a little “nudge”… Maybe the disk would “rise”??