Friday is Science Day: We have several items to go over this morning. They’ll expand your mind. A good thing.
Today’s notes deal with my book Dimensions Next Door: Hacking Space-time, which you can find either in electronic version of Kindle or in paperback. Five stars in the Amazon reviews, so a thank you is due.
One is a note to long-time reader (and Peoplenomics subscriber) Nick who studied the odd topic of sonoluminescence (sound-created light) in grad school. He had called some weeks back but with my Outlook crash, laid back with a root canal, eye issues…well, that’s my excuse list. Nick, call me when you can. The point he raised (wondering whether my book was about sonoluminescence, in some way?) is first-rate thinking.
(Continues below)
The answer however, is “No!” but with a whole bunch of asterisks.
The first is that sonoluminescence is a little different (though likely related) to where Dimensions Next Door (DND) goes.
In sonoluminescence. relatively high-level SPL’s (sound pressure levels) are use to create something like high-temperature fusion down at the atomic/molecular scale. This likely exploits something akin to the Kanzius resonance where (~13.65 MHz) radio energy breaks down salt water to Brown’s Gas. (Hydrogen and Oxygen).
Except the acoustic frequencies have a different effect, creating micro fusion if you want to think of it that way.
The key difference between sonoluminescence-driven micro-fusion and the lower-temperature, apparently space-time bending phenomenon reported in the literature (and described in my book), is that what my book describes seems to occur more broadly and isn’t confined to a particular molecule or atom.
Great point, though. Again, this comes back to the matter of learning to tune acoustical effects. Humans have learned the tuning/waveform idea and are just beginning to investigate the processes of Nature being exposed.
Item #2 is I’d like to say public thank you to Gary Garritan, who all grown-up studio musicians will recognize as the creator behind such amazing audio products as Garritan Personal Orchestra 5, Garritan World Instruments, and a whole lot more.
I hope I’m not speaking out of school here, but communicating with him has raised a whole new layer of deeper-thinking about where this “acoustical manipulation of reality” may lead.
At the furthest bounds, when one reads about anomalous effects such as the aircraft-involving time travel reports in the Bermuda Triangle, and then talks to FAA radar experts about the occasional “odd jumps” made by predominately lower altitude single-engine aircraft on ATC radars, we wonder just how this “tuning” process might work. How does a phenomena – not often seen in Nature, reduce to practicum that may then be engineered?
Remember: The resonances of many aircraft (particularly three-bladed single-engine birds at under 10,000 feet) seem associated with space–time distortion. At frequencies an order of magnitude lower, the ragdon/dengchen trumpets (described as being used by monks in Tibet for levitating massive stones up mountains) is a gravity effect.
The question crystalized (largely from my communications with Garritan) was a reframing of how we consider the problem. It’s a kind of “mega” sound effects collection when you think about it.
Here’s where it sits this morning: Question is whether specific sound waveforms result in specific physical effects? What’s the waveform? What’s the maximal effect frequency (or band of spectrum)?
Progressively, this led to another question: Is there some ultimately emotional waveform or beat (or combination form) (call it “sound” for short) that would have maximal impact on human emotional states?
Music is evocative of emotional states which is why it gets packaged into religious ceremonies. Are there more than woo-woo based healing sounds? Or aggressive sounds? Or…well, pick an emotion – what is the waveform of sound that evokes it?
With apologies to religionists who may be offended by such inquires, are we really trying to reverse-engineer aspects of the “Voice of G*D?” Remember all that noise up on the mountain Moses was on?
I proposed an experiment for Garritan or any music scholar to consider – since he’s much more plugged in to the high-end of musical thinking than we are here in the Outback. (I have a hard time conducting my self in public, lol…)
The proposed experiment (using Garritan’s genius for sampling, for example) would measure listener galvanic responses to different instruments and at varying repetition rates (Beats per Minute).
Take a simple, simple but well-known melody (like “Happy birthday to you….“) and play that at a consistent SPL (remember that’s sound pressure level, right?) going through ALL the samples in all of Garritan’s products (especially World Instruments).
Anyone ever map musical instrument galvanic response as a matrix before? If so, I’ve never heard of it. It could revolutionize music creation, though.
From this, I would expect several things would materialize: First would be combinations of instruments that first singly (and then in combinations and key BPM’s) have maximal emotive impact on an audience.
This is a bit complicated, in once sense: We don’t have any idea how distinct the reactions would be.
Will they be down in the statistical noise, or would be be a clear signal that jumps off the data cross-tab?
This would all need to be done in a defined test plan: Maybe the first day of testing would just be classes of instruments. Woodwinds, strings, brass, percussion, reeds (repeat, lol)… which class (if any) pops out of the galvanic skin test responses if any? (Professional reference: Electrodermal testing notes over here.)
No idea what class my didgeridoo is in. Is Georgewinds a section? No string, no reed, no brass…guess it would be wood and wind, then…
After doing the classes, following sessions would zero-in on what the highest (skin resistance change) response rates would be within each class.
Personally, I’d like it to be tympani’s in drums, violins in the strings, French (or Flugelhorns) for the brass, with maybe a tuba in there somewhere.
That’s because a tuba, you see, unwound, has a primary resonance down in range approaching purported levitation frequencies used by monks in Tibet. Wikipedia reports of big-ass, low frequency tubas: the Conn 36J Orchestra Grand Bass from the 1930s, and the current model Hirsbrunner HB-50 Grand Orchestral, which is a replica of the large York tubas owned by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Those (and denchens and ragdons) as outliers…have they been sampled and has that been looked at on a ‘scope?
Somehow, I don’t think IRS would allow UrbanSurvival or Peoplenomics purchasing one of the jumbo tubas as a “allowable business expensive” for financial websites business,lol. I’m wild-ass guessing the mega-tubas not be free, lol.
The second outcome (back to the Old Man Labs testing schema) might be (staring at the oscilloscope, right?) clarification of what the emotion-evocative waveforms look like. This might result in either engineering a) new instruments or b) new synthesizer waveforms (which might be patentable…wannbe buy the first “Emotizer Waves?”)/
Third? What if music is keyed to our DNA? In other words, if we mapped the DNA makeup of those people used in the testing group ( tests, right?) where we measured skin resistance, might we find a correlation between DNA/ancestry and what instruments are maximally evocative?
Wouldn’t it be a hoot (pardon the acoustic pun) if those of German background, fior example, actually tested and reacted more to oom-pah tuba sounds than, oh, Mongolian DNAs?
I don’t mean to invent a new field (music engineering?) but that’s really what this circles around to. Acoustical engineering with a side of Notation.
And as if THAT’s not “out-there” enough?
The IEEE (international electrical engineers whozzits) came out with a press release Thursday headlined “Winners of the 2017 IEEE Maker Project Competition Announced.”
Blah, blah, blah….UNTIL we got to one runner-up WINNER:
“DIY acoustic levitator for improved diagnosis and microgravity.”
Looks ultrasonic whereas we were looking at the low end of spectrum…but wow!
Read that again: Exactly the field we’re talking about. Take a few minutes to watch this mind-blowing video showing homebuilt acoustical levitation at work!
Here’s the link if you have video off:
Don’t hear the sound of it do you? Say, that’s a BIG TIP-OFF that it’s likely ultrasonic. Yet here comes another set of experiments screaming down the road:
IF ultrasonics can levitate this nicely, what about varying the beat and pulsing it? We know pulses have something to do with IT (VoG) because there’s a high frequency beat (around 125 Hertz) implicit in the 2,500 RPM spinning of a three-bladed propeller.
Thinking never stops around here.
Now we can simplify: Could the computer lash-up and the acoustic array be cost-reduced? Could a simple .MP3 player push the waveform be substituted in lieu of the computer? What are the high frequency limits to MP3 compression and would we be into native .WAV files or….(the mind reels).
One last, thought: It seems to me that the required SPLs for an effect to materialize may decline as frequency is reduced.
In other words, the effect seems to be larger at a lower frequency with the ragdon/dengchens (20 HZ and lower) while utilizing distance from source and focusing for the larger effect.
The smaller transducers (a super high frequency speaker) seem likely to require more energy inputs at higher frequency.
In between the 10-20 Hz data *(stone lifting) and the computer driven levitators, we note the SPL’s involved in disappearing Flight 19 were likely higher than Tibetan monks can generate, but lower and much less intense than focused ultrasonics.
Off to the lab this weekend, but with a different project on tap. My buddy “the major” up in the Seattle area has been after me to build him a “light crown” so I need to build up some more of those. Need to get Elaine and the major testing the design. *(It’s in DND somewhere but I forget which chapter…)
Innovation never stops, does it?
Looking Ahead
On this weekend: A discussion of home budgeting software. Wednesday of next week a piece on the future of The Automatic Company. It’s where ERP (wrought by BPR) meets robotics and web deliverable products.
Along the way, it’s why government needs to unhook from human-based income taxes and begin to value-ad taxation of both machines and humans, alike.
Parenting Never Stops
Dream on.
Son George II was born in 1980. Says now (despite all kinds fatherly counsel to the contrary) that he’s thinking about getting his Base Jumping card.
Say what?
George II, unlike his more reasonable pilot father (moi), now has more than 500 freefalls. Loves skydiving and his honey is a base-jumper extraordinaire. *(Possibly extraordinairette – not sure how kangaroo social justice courts on socialist media have ruled on this.)
To get “the card” a base-jumper wannabe has to do four jumps: One off an antenna support, one from a building, one from a span (bridge), and one from earth – like a cliff.
Tells me about friends who are going to up Baffin Island this year to do a ton of summer base-jumping. Highest sheer cliffs in the world up there…over 4,000 feet to hear him tell it. Since he’s an EMT and working on his paramedic cert, I wish he’d be happy with ground crewing. He’s what you want at the bottom of a base jump – just in case.
Meantime, “The Great Book of Base” (jumping) published in 2010 is now a rare book to be watching for at garage sales. I mentioned this when it was around $100 a copy. Now? Used in good condition? Fetching $275 and up on Amazon. Bitcoin-like pricing.
I’m telling you straight: Parenting never stops. Especially when a 38-year old is still going on 16. Not surprisingly, his 68-year old dad is also going on 16, as well.
Kids Drive Me To Drink
Which was convenient since both National Bootlegger’s Day and National Hot Buttered Rum day fell this week.
Today is National Popcorn day. We’re waiting for Act IV to come out…either that or the first blockchain enabled popcorn…sure, why not. Anything for hype, right?
Write when you get rich…and with time off over the weekend, who are you working for after Miller time today?
I have been biting my tongue on this recommendation for months, but after this column I’m going to go ahead and tell you — you need to go to Ohio and take a class with Sharry Edwards.
Took one of her early classes years ago. She is nuts. She is NOT an engineer. She is more of a psychic/sound sensitive. You will NOT get along with her.
That said, you WILL pick up some tips and different avenues of thinking you are not looking at right now.
Be forewarned, there was a period when she was suing many people who had taken her courses and then went off and tried to expand on her work. I don’t think she won. I know she did not win the case I was most familiar with.
She has done some work with materials and sound, for example, using sound to heat concrete block walls placed in orange groves to keep the fruit from freezing.
Her main work is the human response to sound. It is EXTREMELY individualized. She does have a handle on understanding the reason for individualization. And you will find it enormously fascinating.
This is very interesting. I have a rather unusual response with regard to the types of music I feel moved by. I’d suggest that the melody is as important as the beat, if any. I’m also among those who cannot concentrate with music playing and find voice over music commercials to be so irritating that I turn the radio off.
Apparently most people don’t try to listen to the background and parse the words simultaneously in real time.
Hi, George,
When viewing photos of the various archeological structures in the world, one may note that the building blocks of rock are so tightly fitted next to each other that a sheet of paper cannot penetrate the space between them. I had speculated that a sound wave may have been used to change the frequency of these rocks and make them more “plastic”, easier to manipulate in place. Two years ago this month, I ordered books about the fascinating site at Gobekli Tepe in southeastern Turkey; one book by Andrew Collins with Graham Hancock and another by Robert Schoch, PhD. Gobekli Tepe may have been a giant “tuning fork”, as its lay-out possibly suggests that. What an amazing site it is, as it was dated to over 13,000 years ago and was deliberately buried, like a time capsule. I would love to see it.
Regarding Baffin island, some of my caving friends traveled there in 1982 to rappel the long rock face of Mt. Thor. They told me that the winds were particularly dangerous and would pendulum them wildly while on rope. One said that he thought that he was going to be slammed into another cliff face. I wanted to let your son know this. Thanks.
thought we were going to have a discussion on OCFD for 40, 20, 10m and DIY power supplies this morning?
Eagerly Waiting,
Crap – memory short – Monday AM…sorry
Sounds like cold fusion.
The Ancient Wisdom teachings say that the foundation of all creation is vibration. Genesis says God ‘spoke’ creation into being. Your work is fascinating, and my gut tells me you are on the right trail.
After reading this morning’s accumulation of Ure “thought and reality changing information”, I applaud you for all your dedication and hardwork. Ure ability to search for, study, and report the findings of these scientific + engineering + dimensions of possibities = Possible Reality..are the reason I keep returning to and absorbing some small part of your “genius”!KUTGW
Don’t forget to include the brown note in your research…
thats definitely untrasonic. I used transducers like that for my senior project back at EE school. I tried to look at the time base on the scope but it was too small to read. Maybe you can do it on the big screen? Or download the firmware he mentioned and look for a delay loop that will be turning off and on the pins out of the Arduino. Delay (1000) will be one second, for example.
Return with us now to the thrilling days of yesteryear, the 1960’s. Remember rock bands with hard driving bass lines and light shows? There was also much interest in achieving altered states of consciousness. It was observed that the right bass frequency combined with the right strobe frequency would leave people dazed and confused because their brain waves had been disrupted. It was posited that this phenomenon could serve as the base for a nonviolent crowd control weapon.
Keep up the good work.
What an interesting concept. When I first read this I found it quite interesting. I am a believer in the harmonics theory.. and the chaos theory. an interdisciplinary theory stating that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, self-organization. The butterfly effect describes how a small change in one state can result in large differences in a later state, e.g. a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a hurricane in Florida. Terrance McKenna and his timewave zero theory based off of the i-Ching.
Then you have moon cycles which have been theoretically tied to acts of aggression accidents mental trauma etc.
The Mayan calendar and the beginning of change in 2012 along with the predictions of Nostradamus and the beginning of the time of turbulence. The Elliot wave and the stock market. Light waves and sound and their influence on everything. A Japanese study done a couple of years ago dealt with sound and plant growth. One set they came in and screamed obscenities at played hard acid rock. The second they played soothing music and paid the plants positive compliments. The third was ignored no music no conversations just nutrients etc. all were fed the same given equal lighting etc. the one that was given positive flourished the one that listened to acid rock and obscenity withered and died the one ignored was sickly and didn’t show growth.
Now take the woman’s menstral cycle. Emf from electromagnetic emissions. In the city you find more acts of agression and negative behaviors toss in the lunar cycles and chemical imbalances. Does anyone question at all why patients are stacked like cordwood.
Now putting the theories together. What if.. all the waveforms are entertained and working together. With a butterfly effect that something small in change effects the end date of the cycles.
The ultrasonics demonstration is fun to watch but somehow seems unsatisfying (got to start somewhere though, right?). It seems like simulated anti-gravity but not real or universal anti-gravity. Would this work in a vacuum? I do wonder though what might happen to some hapless inventor who posts a real anti-gravity video on youtube. How long before they disappear? Would a government allow an individual to disperse potential military technology to the free world that easily? Maybe I’m just too paranoid.
The ant floated…what do you want…ride on Spaceex?
What is sound what is light matter time and space. The harmonics are multiples of the fundamental frequency. So if the fundamental frequency is 100 Hz, the harmonics will be 200 Hz, 300 Hz, 400 Hz, 500 Hz, and so on. If the fundamental frequency were 220 Hz, the harmonics would be 440 Hz, 660 Hz, 880 Hz, and so on. In terms of intervals on the scale, we hear a base tone, its octave (eight notes up), then a note that is a twelfth up, i.e. a perfect fifth above the octave above the starting pitch, then a note two octaves up from the starting pitch, then one that is a major third above that, and on and on. If the starting pitch is middle C (C’; 256 Hz), the overtones are C” (512 Hz), G” (768 Hz): C”’ (1024 Hz), E”’ (1280 Hz), G”’ (1536 Hz), Bb”’ (1792 Hz), and so on. (Actually, your piano is tuned somewhat differently,
Solid matter continually vibrates, and the vibrations are perceived macroscopically as temperature. It is the rotational and vibrational motion of the atoms and molecules which are bound together.
If there were a theoretical material that did not get destroyed by physical vibrations in the hundreds of Terahertz range of frequencies, and somehow did not emit other radiation while doing so, it is possible that the material would become partially imperceptible to vision via the Doppler shifting of the reflected light. If the incident light is scattered into the UV range by the Doppler effect when the object is moving towards us and into the IR range when it is moving away from us over one vibrational cycle, then it would be imperceptible to the human eye during those periods. I would imagine that it would look somehow dimmer to the eye, or perhaps like a shadow.
I believe in the harmonics theory. Everything is a frequency. Time space matter. Our perception in my opinion is limited to what frequencies our mind can perceive. You can cook with it melt stone move my opinion. Those that have psychic abilities may only have the ability to tune into other frequencies.
But then its all speculation IMHO
George, If I may “toot my Horn” a bit anti-gravity produced by sound waves makes me think you are on the right sound track. Had any good dreams lately? Contact Nikola Tesla. He might have answers for you or you might ask for helpful dreams from your “higher self” on technology long forgotten.
Start on page 28… ;-)
All that talk of radio towers lol
“IF ultrasonics can levitate this nicely, what about varying the beat and pulsing it?”
A while back a dear friend of mine who had been trying for decades to figure out a problem. He couldn’t quite grasp my thoughts on harmonics and frequency
Where vibrational frequencies and dissociation energy, depending on the relative orientation of the molecule to the field. This will affect the hydrogen-bonded network in an anisotropic manner.
So just to show him the simplicity of the process and that you don’t particularly need a sledgehammer to drive a six penny nail but the pulsing frequency of a very low voltage to accomplish the task.
Anyway this gentleman’s experiment in levitation is quite a bit similar to the one I demonstrated to satisfy his quest before he made the journey we all shall make one day.
Thanks for sharing that video.
It almost made me misty. Reminiscing the loss of a dear friend and the things he wanted to understand but kept complicating the whole process.
Just like the simplicity of the kanzuis machine.
[Editing note from Ure: There are portions of this comment that have been redacted because of our aversion to spending more than our annual retainer on counsel. But, the reader input is relevant and is included in redacted form.]
I very strongly advise Against taking a course from Sharry Edwards! She claims to have gone well beyond Einstein, Tesla and the other great minds for the last 2500 years! If that sounds like BS, I would add that it is Definitely BS!!= [redacted comments]. There are others who have valid work in sound therapy.
[FURTHER READER NOTE FROM URE: When people make “claims of invention” I always recommend that skeptical people look to The US Patent Office Put in the “Inventor Name” in a patent search. That is often a good starting when breakthrough claims are made.
I tested it on myself:
If you wish to look further, We suggest the PubMed government search, and of course, the reviewed journals in related fields to those where claims are made.