As my consigliere is wandering in this direction, I wanted to be really clear that the main purpose of his visit is not to work with me on oddball ideas about busting through into other dimensions. While it’s fun to focus on warping space-time, attempting to move directional shifts around, and levitating objects, making money is a more realizable objective.
Remember, he’s a long-standing member of the old University of Colorado Longwave Econ group and that’s one of the main reasons for the visit. When you look at the stock market – which has continued to hyper-extend – it’s important to remember that “what goes up….”
The market action this week was not unexpected. We could see the S&P go into the 2,700 area. But, alas, I will be the guy on the sidelines.
(Continues below)
There have simply been too many times that trying to “Call the Top” has turned into an exercise in financial suicide for the people who’ve tried it. Suicide is one of those areas – like finance – where I’m willing to observe the results obtained by others.
This is not to say we won’t get out in the shop and light up some of the gear… here are two of the three stacks of equipment;
The unit on the top of the right stack is the one that I told you about – that defaulted to Chinese when Mr. Ure went to sleep turning it on the first time.
Here’s how I summarized the experiments in the book:
“The first series of experiments is not excepted to produce results. However, it will be conducted with an eye toward identifying any equipment issues.
This round will include low (0.5 Hz) to high (20KHz) audio. From there, RF energy from 9 KHz to 500 MHz will be tested using both resistive loads at the low frequencies and an assortment of small dipoles at the high frequencies (>80MHz).
The second series of experiments may produce only very minor results. It will be performed with two radiative sources placed at right-angles to one-another. The sources will be fed in phase from a common signal source.
Again, the testing will run through audio spectrum from a low of (20Hz) to high (20KHz) audio. From there, RF energy from 9 KHz to 500 MHz will be tested using both resistive loads at the low frequencies and an assortment of small dipoles at the high frequencies (>80MHz).
The third series of experiments will involve efforts to create a transverse wave. Thus, the right-angle radiators will be used, only this time set to different frequencies.
As outlined, we have far north of 57-million frequencies to consider. Worst of all? The work won’t be done in my lifetime, even if I could afford to work on it 5-hours per day.
The reason is that any effects from trying to warp space-time or levitate objects take time to set up.
In other words, let’s say I set up three signal sources with three different wave forms that could interact, this way or that. According to some of the translated reports, levitation takes time to “set up.” About four minutes.
Shall we do the math, then?
54,000,000 experiments. 6-minutes each to set up, power-on, await results, notations on result, and go to next. 324-million minutes. 5.4-million hours.
675-thousand days, and with no holidays, 1,849.31 years.
This is a LOT like going looking for the Los Dutchman’s Mine. Who, by the way, we have been researching and he was really a German immigrant. But I think I mentioned that before.
So as we go into the balance of the week, except for pithy observations from my colleague, don’t be disappointed if we don’t get everything all set up and all possible tests run.
The problem’s solution may account for temples in Tibet, the pyramids of Central America and Egypt, too.
But the odds of us winning the PowerBall are considerably higher, which is why from the outset, the book has been simply a research project for the next novel.
Still, that’s what part of the gear looks like. Think of it as one of “them icon pressing apes going fishing in strange waters with unproven lures…”
Doesn’t mean he might not accidentally catch fish, but it does mean it’d be smart to have a back-up pound of hamburger in the fridge.
If you have any numbers, particularly pairs or threes of numbers, send them in with your comments on why they are worth moving to the front of the line.
For example, someone of religious beliefs might suggest 3 frequencies (for the trinity). Then 12 for disciples, 13 for the whole entourage, and find some others. (There is a whole Book of Numbers, lol.)
I’ll run them once I get through my “suspect list” that is based on things you’ll read about in the book.
Just wanted to be straight so we’re clear that I don’t have any hard & fast expectations, so neither should you.
This is a lot like “top calling” in the market. Some day, someone’s going to find it…but today? Different set of odds.
And we were talking about how predictors and seers are loosely-goosely in their time frames….
So post your numbers as a comment to this post…
Harrison Ford Is Not Alone
Since I are a pilot, I thought this note from the FAA was interesting:
Wrong Surface Landing Incidents
Notice Number: NOTC7400
Recently, the FAA Air Traffic Organization (ATO) has advised of an increase in, “Wrong Surface Landing Incidents” in the National Airspace System (NAS).
Incidents include:
- Landing on a runway other than the one specified in the ATC clearance (frequently after the pilot provides a correct read back)
- Landing on a Taxiway
- Lining up with the wrong runway or with a taxiway during approach
- Landing at the wrong airport
Investigations of these incidents reveal some common factors that pilots should be aware of so we can try and reduce future occurrences:
- Airports with parallel runways are prone to wrong surface landings
- Parallel runways with different dimensions and/or surface color may confuse pilots
- Offset parallel runways may be problematic due to the potential of the longer or wider runway being more prominent
- Airports with similar configurations and in close proximity are prone to wrong airport landings
Air Traffic Controllers do their best to monitor aircraft position but cannot always visually confirm which runway a pilot is lined up with (particularly with close parallel runways)
Pilots with previous experience or knowledge at an airport may be prone to “Expectation Bias” which will lead them to identify the runway they are expecting versus the runway assigned
Pilots’ assigned runways that are rarely used may have difficulty identifying the correct surface and are prone to error even if they use the airport frequently
- Cockpit distractions during approach and landing phase of flight are frequent factors in wrong surface landings
- Pilots of any rating or experience level may be prone to a wrong surface landing, but reports indicate that pilots with less experience are more frequently cited
- Best Operating Practices pilots can use to help avoid wrong surface landings:
- Be prepared! Preflight planning should include familiarization with destination and alternate airports to include airport location, runway layout, NOTAMs, weather conditions (to include anticipated landing runway)
- All pilots should recognize they are prone to a wrong surface landing and take steps to prevent errors on every approach and landing
- Reduce cockpit distractions during approach and landing phase of flight. Avoid all unnecessary conversation with passengers. Full attention to flying duties!
- Have a technique to verify you are approaching the correct airport and lined up with the correct runway and practice this on every flight
- Use visual cues such as verifying right versus left runways; runway magnetic orientation; known landmarks versus the location of the airport or runway
- Be on the lookout for “Expectation Bias” If approaching a familiar airport, ATC might clear you for a different approach or landing runway. Be careful not to fall back on your past experiences. Verify!
- Pay attention to inflight updates including ATIS and possible runway changes based on wind or other factors
- Always include the assigned landing runway and your call sign in the read back to a landing clearance
- When cleared to land early or prior to entering the pattern, exercise care and verify with ATC if there is any doubt as you get closer to the airport
- Reduction in visibility including the glare from the sun can create visual challenges that lead to errors
- Night time conditions also create visual challenges that can trick even an experienced professional pilot. Be prepared!
- Utilize navigation equipment such as Localizer/GPS (if available) to verify proper runway alignment
- Request assistance from ATC if experiencing any disorientation or if unsure of position
- On short final, make final verification of correct runway and ensure that no vehicles or aircraft are present
- If you are ever in doubt of your approach or landing on the assigned runway, perform a go around procedure and promptly notify ATC
When pilots approach a towered airport for landing, an assigned runway is issued followed by the pilot’s visual identification of the surface. Subsequently a landing clearance is issued by ATC to be followed by landing on the correct runway. The goal of this sequence is to ensure safe separation of aircraft at locations with high concentrations of air traffic.
In each phase of the process there are chances of miscommunication and visual mistakes which can lead to the aircraft arriving on the wrong surface. The subsequent risks involve traffic conflicts and possible collisions which are unacceptable in the National Airspace System (NAS).
All human beings are capable of error and mistakes can have a way of appearing when we least expect them. It is vitally important for all airmen to prepare themselves and take proactive steps to prevent error and also to recognize it, when necessary, followed by immediate corrective action.
In conclusion, this Notice/FAASTBLAST is to alert pilots to hazards associated with landing at the wrong airport or on the wrong surface at the destination. Fortunately, there have been no recent accidents associated with this issue, but the risk remains and should be a priority for all airmen. Please exercise care on every approach/landing and help prevent Wrong Surface Landings in the NAS!
So no, Harrison Ford wasn’t the first person to pick the wrong runway set-up./ Been there, done that…though I figured it out while still 4-miles out…just sayin… I think it was a mis-com by the tower, but in the ATC world, the guy on the ground is always right.
Write when you get rich,
Thinking about the recent shooting in Las Vegas.
Rumor is, a woman ran through the crowd warning people they were all about to die. Now the woman is gone.
Perhaps this woman was a Time Traveler. She could either have been trying to save one person, but had to try to save several to cover her motive or she Time Traveled to witness a disaster, then got cold feet and started warning everyone.
A future entity warning the people in the concert audience of a catastrophe might well alter the future timeline. But perhaps not the timeline for the time traveler, since altering the time travel’s own past could somehow adversely impact their existence in the future, meaning that they might not exist in the first place to accomplish time traveling. If the time traveler did return to their own future time, and their actions in our time did have an impact on their future/present, then the world they return to could be quite different than the one which they left. This logically violates the ‘grandfather paradox,’ where a time traveler journeys back in time to kill their own grandfather. Thus, one of the time traveler’s parents was never born, so the time traveler could not have been born, meaning they could never travel back in time to impact the massacre. As baseball Hall of Famer Yogi Berra famously stated, “the future ain’t what it used to be.”
There are fathers, and there are unadvertised sperm donors…
Hence the Mandela effect
Was reading about the Canadian deaths involving motor vehicles, thought to myself, walking into a crowd with a semi auto and opening fire would bring a higher kill. Then the next day, LV happens…..OM2 had some interesting comments on MOA…….There is a noticeable increase in activity around caped oil/gas wells in NEPa…just say’in.
Suicide is one of those areas that deserves more attention, because it’s not just killing one’s self; Whole nations are wired for self destruction.
Hey George, Having operated my business next to a small airport (Thun Field, late 80’s to mid 90’s up in your old stomping grounds) and being on the airport working and what I have seen, if that is the worst thing Harrison Ford does as a pilot he is doing very good! As in everything there are people that have no business flying….but still do.
Electronic Fog
Hutchison Effect in Bermuda Triangle?
Is it Roll Cloud of electronic fog above a heavy magnetic vortex?
???? was there a solar event affecting the magnetosphere at the same time..
Today ships all get degaused after dry dock.. today if you see pictures of how they do it and the way they did it in the forties.. you will see a huge difference….
here is a good video.. the same one I showed my kids on quantum to explain it..
Hi George,
Given your current experiments I just ran across a book you might be interested in:
Eugene H. Burt’s book, “UFOs and Diamagnetism”. Go to
Then scroll down to mention of this book.
Is that a Kenwood on the top of the left stack?
Jim in MO. AD0YQ
ts-430 The rest of the gear is in the shack… 590s, amp, the old Hallicrafters 117/ht/44/Loudenboomer etc
Greetings George at Uretopia, Surely this is on your numbers list:
“If you only knew the magnificence of the three, the six and the nine… then you would have a key to the universe.” -Nikola Tesla
I’ve been pondering that for a long while now. And have a look at cymatics; they used commutations (sets of 5 freqs). UK’s Dr. Peter Guy Manners was the wizard of it, now deceased.
Suggest you use a single setup, play with frequencies only, with constant gain, and run the freqs from subaudible (1.5-2Hz if you can get that low) to perhaps 120KHz.
Invest in a prepackaged security cam setup: DVR with 2Tb hard drive, and four [700TVL to HD720p] cams should be sufficient (Amazon or Fry’s can overnight a kit to you, or there’s four Fry’s in DFW.) Set the cams close to ground level and at 75, 90, and 100 degrees. The DVR automatically timestamps, will record from 60fps to 2fph, and can be set up to send you a text or E-Mail alert if any of the cameras detects motion.
If there’s any meat on this hairbrained bone of yours, it is probably caused by OOP beats from notes being slightly out of tune with one-another. I’d rig a setup which auto-steps freqs on each source, at different rates, but so that the frequency waves intersect every 10-20Hz.
With the above setup, there’s no user intervention needed. It will call you if/when something happens, giving you a very narrow window to explore in-detail. Until something happens, you can let it run 24/7/365 in the background, or until Elaine starts digging a 2’x6′ hole in your garden plot…
On July 20,2012 at 1:20 PM a C-17 mistakenly landed at Peter O Knight Airport in Tampa,FL; before WWII, the Municipal Airport.Runway 3405 ft instead of MacDill AFB, runway 11,421 ft. Both runway designations: 4-22
Both runways NE in attitude but Peter O Knight is 4 plus miles NE of MacDill AFB.
News story states maximum braking to stop short of grass (and the bay). To take off, Road at end of runway was closed and altho I’m in no way a pilot, I can imagine max RPM, flaps and prayers to get it airborne and not in the water. Investigation said pilot fatigue and I’ll bet that the pilot got more than just a notation in his file.
You should research the Hutchison Effect to see what frequencies he used to levitate objects like water and iron balls. That would cut down on the amount of trial & error work you would have to do. There are videos of his system working on youtube. “On the shoulders of giants” we see further!!
One unmentioned factor in NOTC7400 is that a pilot who may have dealt with an engine/airframe/prop anomaly that didn’t rise to the level of a declared emergency might choose to land at the closest adequate yet unfamiliar airport. He/she will have a distraction factor due to the temporarily resolved problem, and most likely want to get on the ground ASAP. THAT is a setup for a “wrong surface” landing.