We’ve had bits and pieces of this discussion before: You remember that our early work on dreams was embodied in a project called the National Dream Center, which Chris McCleary has picked up and expanded at the www.nationaldreamcenter.com site and which continues to sniff and whiff major news events in advance… You may also recall that I have shared a lot of interesting dream experiences, including dreams that can be interpreted as having major precognitive aspects to them. A recent example was the January 13th dream about a coming major (west coast) earthquake in April. The specifics were wrong, but with 4,000 dead (or whatever the toll is this morning), I’d say that’s pretty interesting.
Likewise, before the Offshore Horizon drilling platform blowout and fire, I posted a precognitive dream about that one a full 18-hours before the event. Posted at 8 AM, rig problems showed up about 10 PM that night. Then there was the dream about a closed road, detour, and traffic signs due to an accident – dreamed at 8:30 Arizona time and then “lived out” by Elaine and I on a trip to visit one of her boys. To say I get lots of precognitive content (and occasionally “teaching material”) from Dreamland is an understatement. It may also be of interest that I’ve got a novel about 3/4th’s written called DreamOver which goes into the mechanics of how Dreamland seems to work. When a strongly precognitive dream comes along (like one I had from last night, which we’ll get to in a moment) there’s a certain quality to the dream which unmistakable for its clarity and vividness of detail. The most interesting aspect of the Dreamland connection, is that it is much more accessible than people realize. Just yesterday, in popped this email which proves the point:
“A small data point for your dream research: This morning, before waking, I had a dream that I was on stage in a large indoor stadium full of people. It was odd, because most of my dreams involve few, if any, people. When I checked my email, I had dozens of new followers and “skulls” on hackaday.io. Today, my project was featured on the hackaday blog: http://hackaday.com/2015/04/29/hackaday-prize-entry-ground-penetrating-radar/ fwiw, glenn
Yes, it’s pretty darn interesting how the dream states work…now we’re ready to get into a possible reason why dreams work as they do. Fast forward into the dream I had last night which was spectacular and possibly meaningful – which is why I share it this morning….
– – –
A man and woman of indeterminate age was on a car trip through the western states. They had been through mountains, had stayed at several resorts, including at least one which was a casino. The dream was pleasant and then jumped forward into a cool night which found the couple driving down what was very much like a mountain pass. They were driving a two lane road down in the bottom of a valley, and above them, perhaps 150 feet up the side of the mountain or foothills, was a passenger train that was going downhill. It was, significantly it turns out, diesel powered. Above the train, however, were several sets of electrical wires of very heavy gauge and they could be seen in the semi-lighted sky. There were clouds and a moon off behind them.
As soon at the train passed, the couple notice a big commotion in the wires. There was arcing and the wires were moved around as those long waves were going down them. Just then, a patch of sky above them opened up. As clouds parted, there I’d guess 2,000 feet up was a round UFO. It was the typical saucery shape, not one of the “pipe-section” type. On its bottom could be made out a second circular outline, darker in color. There were no lights or sound to the events; a train passed, the wires were rocked, perhaps being “tapped” in some way by this object. It was at this moment, the male figure in the dream was compelled to pull off to the side of the road where there was a home.
Peering in a window, he could see a home office with some dark wood furniture and what looked like a very comfortable desk. His eyes were drawn to two “dancing cubes” on the desk which he intuitive known had been placed there by the occupants of the saucer above. The cubes were, to all appearances, hollow and made of paper. It was like if you took those 2-inch square Post-It-Notes and made a cub out of six of them…. The cubes were “dancing” on the desk. It was like they were trying to absorb the materials there and they were somehow learning about the occupant of the house by doing this. Hearing a noise, our male dream figure diverts his eyes from the cubes, goes back outside to tell his female companion/wife about the very strange things going on in the house and specifically on the home office desktop. Overhead, the saucer is still on station, so he decides to go into the house again to see if he can snag one of these cubes with the idea of learning more about them and their purpose. He returns to the house but the cubes have now disappeared.
On the floor is one sock, which was spinning counterclockwise on the floor, but it was, he knew, just a physical sock feeling the energetic effects and sympathizing with them. It wasn’t the target cubes he was looking for. As he’s looking under the furniture and nice leather reclining office chair to see where the cube went, a voice goes off in his head. Except it wasn’t a voice at all. It was just a warm, gentle “knowing” that overtook his consciousness.
“You know the saucer is here and the cubes are it’s probes.”
There was a moment while the dreamer absorbed this information.
“And you know they are quite backwards in how they go about exploration.”
Understanding this took a little more thinking time. Was this voice saying that the saucers send in their probes – much like those balls of light that go through fields and leave amazing crop circles behind them? Yeah, OK, then a saucer on station and sending in probes would be one way to approach a planet and perhaps the crop circles are an attempt to communicate at some level…
“What they don’t realize is why humans are here. You are the dancing cubes, but for US.”
Our male dreamer is a little confused by this and takes a few minutes of dream-time to figure this out. But finally a huge question forms in his head. “Let me see if I follow what you are saying: The cubes are run by whoever or whatever these saucer folks are. And US – whoever you are – use Humans as your probes?
“There are two ways to explore the Universe. One way is what the saucer people are doing. They have to physically go places and it’s really an unnecessary bother. Our approach is much faster and is unlimited. When you are born, as your consciousness becomes seated, you begin collecting data. When you die, that data is assimilated across space-time by the larger US. Birth and Death are the secret to it; our probes don’t have perfect recall but they bring us the full range of information about a planet: Sounds, emotions, feelings, and sense of Love. That’s impossible for the saucer people to understand.
“Wait a minute! You’re saying the birth and death cycle is an exploration tool? That the whole purpose of living is to experience and to bring back reports to….to what? The Hereafter???”?
“That’s it, roughly. Go wake up. You have work to do.”
– – – The only other odd thing about this dream was that as soon as I wakened, I noticed my face was feeling “hot” – it felt almost like it had a slight sunburn or something. Yet, when I checked this morning when the alarm went off, there was no more sensation and no discoloration. Whew – that would have been too weird. It had been a dandy dream – another chapter for the book – and who knows how much “truth” there was to the concept.
But I’m pretty sure now that “souls” are more like probes of a bigger intelligence, even when not wrapped up in religious wars and dogma. It also helped me understand a bit more about why the [supposed] 1954 Treaty of Greada between the government and the greys is so frustrating for the saucerly people. They are too limited to understand that soul travel and soul communication is much more efficient than thinking it. Life is like burning a spiritual EPROM. And once burned, the part still works on the other side. Something that won’t be apparent, no matter how many cattle get mutilated. m Or humans, too: Oh, sure, they can abduct and study the “chip programming” but as soon as they try to isolate the EPROM…”Poof!” Gone back to Source. I’m old enough to remember from my Halt & Catch Fire days how opening up an EPROM and letting UV light hit it would ruin things.
Likely, the human “probe” soul is like that. Oh, sure, experiments to try and scare soul out of people would be going on, at least it would make sense if they were. But the soul is like Teflon. But that doesn’t seem to stop CERN from going looking for the Higgs Boson – because that’s what the quest is really all about: Getting to the God Particle to beat the soul probe system. Who’d have thought? It’s really quite elegant. And being a probe – living life as a flash part? Well, once you grok the concept, it’s not so bad…even reassuring at times. Like when you look up and see….
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but….a flashing of individuals as EPROMs. If you’re looking for a real reason for an “End of the World” we can see how a war between the “dancing probe” types and the soul EPROM Ruler could get really nasty. The darnedest part of the whole thing is the “old time religion” types would have gotten the general outline right, and besides, who would have understood the programmable EPROM concept even 50-years ago. Ray Moody’s clinical Life After Life didn’t show up until 1976. [Seriously: Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon–Survival of Bodily Death]
Perhaps part of the world ending is getting a critical mass of “programmed parts” to pass the word back the reverse engineering of Creation is getting dangerously close. Uppity damn greys. It’s a winner-takes-all…and by all, I mean Universe. For that instant of conflict, Earth will be the center of the Universe. Is this where Big Bangs come from?
Waiting on the FAA
Our old Beechcrate is still in our hangar, waiting for one approval from the FAA before being ready to fly, again. Our mechanic found a couple of loose rivets and since the repair would involve a very slightly different part (a JoBolt) than one approved in the Beech airworthiness directive to resolve this problem, that triggered a full-on engineering effort complete with engineering drawings ($500 hit to the maintenance budget) and so far no word back from the FAA.
We expect to get that today or tomorrow and then our mechanic can button her up and we can go test fly it. Once done, here’s a wild-idea: Reader Randy wondered if we were aware of a product called “Spectrachrome” which you can read up on here…http://
www.spectrachrome.com/ I don’t know what it would weigh, but can you picture an all chrome airplane? — Most people don’t know it, but the reported reason Frank Borman took the paint of the Eastern Airlines planes in the late 1970’s was that he figured out how much paint weighs on an aircraft. Turns out on a decent sized plane (like a 727) the weight of dried paint was on the order of 600-pounds or so. Very smart move.
The FAA uses 170 pounds as a guide to capacity, so Borman figured that the paint was like hauling around 3-non revenue passengers all the time… Our kinda thinking…. Still, being too lazy to remove all the paint and buff out our old ‘crate. chroming the whole thing would be a hoot… (Notice how we don’t have a problem dreaming up ideas, but we don’t seem to dream up money as easily?)
Write when you break-even,
George george@ure.net
As I’m sure you know, the idea that we are here just to record our different experiences so that the creator of the universe is kept ‘entertained’ is not new. A bit like us who search for particular types of movies to watch. I wish we could find a way to just experience the more pleasant ‘movies’.
Maybe the light after death is just a memory wipe, so we can try out a different experience on rebirth?
People might be interested in checking out Paul Levy and his work on ‘Awaken In the Dream’ He works with the idea that we dream our waking life much like our sleeping dreams.
Ah, George you are getting it. Humans are “nerve endings” for the One (All There Is). We are the way It experiences itself and it’s creation. It also is the way it grows. The physical Universe is a hologram of dancing energy; matter is sort of an illusion. It’s easy to say but hard to do: relax, experience and enjoy life.
So George thinks that our memories are stored in the sole? I have always thought that the brain stores our memories, and that when we die, the memories die with it. EPROMS are made out of physical diffused silicon. And soles are invisible without being of physical matter.
Robert Monroe and one of his proteges Bruce Moen described the “pods” from which human souls descend into bodies. When a pod had finished collection of all human experience, they experienced seeing the pod wink out of existence, even if some of the souls were still embodied and left behind. Monroe surmised that the collective consciousness continued on and then created a new universe for more experiences. Monroe explored his pod, said it looked like a field of internally lit reeds, swaying like grass in the wind. Each reed he touched contained the experience of one lifetime, they felt like memories but he knew they were not all his lives.
My best theory on dreaming is that at night we all go out of body multiple times, it’s called dolphin-ing. While we are out of body, bodiless souls/thetans that are attached to us use our brain and create dreams of physical experiences, sometimes using our memories, but sometimes only theirs. This is why sometimes we have dreams that are totally not ours. No familiar faces, settings we have never seen before, strange creatures, etc. These attached bodiless thetans (Hubbard needed new terminology) were discovered by the Scientology auditors who left/were forced out of the church but continued the research. The final step of auditing was to remove the last of the 7-250 thetans we all have attached to us. These unattached thetans are the orbs that show up in photos. We don’t remember our out of body travels, because as a general rule those memories are energetically weaker than the memories of the dreams, and the human brain/mind cannot handle multiple experiences for the same time period. Robert Bruce prescribed energetic exercises that increased the energy of our thetan before it goes out, and this increases the chances of remembering OUR nightly travels or any out of body experience.
Wow! I loved your dream and your interpretation of it. It resonates with the feeling I’ve had since I was quite young that I was sent here to observe and send “data” back to . . . someone. I even occasionally yell at the receiver(s) to shape up and DO something about the data I send them. As others mentioned, and as has long been believed by mystics, we may be the Creator’s experience of its creations.
Why would aliens want to access a bio memory system when the universe is holographic… you know…the akashic record, where everything is stored in complete detail?
Your dream, in my mind, is a two-fer: if they come in ships, they are not “gods”, nor are they sourced quite like you are.
Beautiful description of our ‘higher purpose’ from the US realms. Makes me wonder though whether the Greys are just a less technologically primitive race that are serving US in ways similar to us. After all, we’re exploring space in metal rockets fueled by nuclear power and with probes. Lots of unnecessary bother there, too, if ways were known to be more effective with less effort!
Funny that you should mention the small cubes. I’m reading Philip K. Dick’s novela ‘Maze of Death’ that features small conscious cubes. Were you tuned into this reader’s reading? Is it possible that part of your csness tuned in to mine (or to Philip K. Dick himself?)and grabbed what you needed to put together your dream? Did you mention the cubes so I’d become more aware of the significance of what I’m reading and/or the contents of your dream: a synchronicity so I’d pay closer attention? Who knows how you and your community of readers connect as a group csness?
And to Tom: I love Paul Levy’s work too.
The first thing I thought about on reading your dream experience this afternoon was the NDE of Natalie Sudman who was interviewed by Bob Olson on Afterlife TV. Read the following blurb from the link that describes her experience: An archaeologist who accepted a position managing construction contracts in Iraq, Natalie Sudman tells the story of her encounter with a roadside bomb (IED) and what happened when she left her body and had a near death experience.
“In the blink of an eye, Natalie found herself in another dimension, what she calls the Blink Environment. Surrounded by thousands of other-wordly beings, she instantly began downloading minutely detailed information to them about events, thoughts, concepts, judgments, projections and connections regarding her physical life so far. Thus begins this fascinating story of spiritual insight and experience that will have you mesmerized by this Defense Of Freedom Medal recipient. This is a video you don’t want to miss.”
If you haven’t already seen the interview, I’d highly recommend it. Sounds much like what your dream describes.
Link URL: http://www.afterlifetv.com/?utm_content=buffer37e43&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
If the link doesn’t work, just go to the Afterlifetv.com site, it should be toward the top.
Check out “My Big TOE” by Tom Campbell. He gives a physicists take on your dream.
I agree. There is Spirit and there is soul in rather broad terms. I define soul as the character being acted out in this play. The spirit is the conscious part with pretty much blanked out memory. It lives the soul dream as if it was real to put it succinctly. Source is what we are a part of, to speak about something we really know nothing about, LOL. We think we control things, we really don’t.