Coping: Doom Alert (May Be Not Doom Porn)

Not often I will begin a column with a press release, but this morning is an exception as a very interesting press release ended up in my inbox this morning courtesy of a reader:

Earthquake and Volcano Threat for USA Increases
Monday, June 8, 2015 Press Release 3-2015 9:00 AM EDT

In a rare letter to Mr. Craig Fugate, the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), has disclosed that we are about to enter a potentially catastrophic period of record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions throughout the United States.

The letter was signed by SSRC President, Mr. John Casey, and delivered to FEMA headquarters in Washington, D.C. today. In the letter, Mr. Casey outlines how the ongoing dramatic reduction in the Sun’s energy output will not only plunge the world into a decades-long cold epoch, but at the same time bring record geophysical devastation in monster earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. These cold climate periods called “solar hibernations” or “solar minimums,” are well known phenomena in the solar physics community. The SSRC has done important pioneering work in the field of solar- climate modeling and has established itself as a leader in climate prediction and the study of these hibernations of the Sun.
Citing new research included in the SSRC’s semi-annual Global Climate Status Report (GCSR) to come out on Wednesday, the letter to FEMA’s Craig Fugate contained an important warning for all major earthquake fault zones and volcanically active areas. The research focuses especially on the increased threat for the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) between St. Louis and Memphis.

This new threat information is contained in one of several papers in the June 10 edition of the GCSR paper authored by Mr. Casey and Dr. Dong Choi, Director of Research for the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center (IEVPC). The paper shows that the NMSZ is due for another calamitous quake between 2017 and 2038. Dr. Choi and Casey show that for four times in a row since the year 1450, a major quake strikes the NMSZ when the Sun has gone into a hibernation phase. This scientific revelation is what Choi and Casey believes solves the puzzle of when the next major quake will strike the area. Geologists have studied the NMSZ for many years using traditional approaches. Casey and Choi say it is the combined research from the fields of solar physics and geology that provides the best opportunity to date
to estimate when the next devastating NMSZ earthquake will strike. Other scientists agree with their opinion.

For this singular reason Dr. Choi and Mr. Casey have strongly recommended to FEMA Administrator Fugate that all high risk earthquake fault zones and areas with a history of volcanic eruptions in the USA take immediate precautions to mitigate what they describe as a “period of unparalleled geophysical lethality and destruction.”
Mr. Casey adds, “The very strong correlation between these solar minimums and the incidence of catastrophic earthquakes worldwide is an impressive display of how interconnected we all are to our natural world and the cycles of the Sun. It would be foolhardy to ignore in particular, the history of major earthquakes in the NMSZ and the fact that at the bottom of every solar hibernation for the past 600 years, that area has seen devastating earthquakes ranging from M6.8 to M8.0.

”While we address the New Madrid risk in this press release and in the June 10, 2016 Global Climate Status Report, the coincidence of major earthquakes with solar minimums is not limited to just that area of the US. That is why our letter to Administrator Fugate was a nationwide alert. The ~M9.0 Cascadia quake and tsunami of 1700 was at the bottom of the coldest solar hibernation period which was called the Maunder Minimum. The Great San Francisco quake of 1906 was at the bottom of another solar low point – the ‘Centennial’ Minimum as it is called at the SSRC. This strong association of solar activity and the worst earthquakes and volcanic eruptions could represent the ‘missing link’ for geophysical disaster prediction.”

Dr. Choi (Australia) also supports Casey’s opinion by saying, “The extensive research done in this area is clear in its implications. When the solar minimums arrive, the worst recorded earthquakes and volcanic eruptions strike. The last solar minimum for example, saw the largest series of earthquakes in human history in the NMSZ and the largest recorded volcanic eruption at Mt. Tambora in Indonesia. These events occurred within a few years of each other during the coldest period in the Sun’s last hibernation in the early 1800’s…”

This gets to be an interesting line of inquiry, because as I have suggested many times to you, the Einstein conversion from mass to energy 1) may be a two way street and 2) may be how the Earth and other planets actually grow in addition to gravity field capture of space debris.  In other words, planets may be “energy condensers.”

Why the largest planets are further out from the Sun than Earth or Mars orbits may be explained by cyclical Sun expansions that simply vaporize the closer-in planets.  Science is looking in this direction.

Now, the core premise of the press release is quite interesting because it jives with my thinking on point…which has long held that when Earth cools (as in solar cycles) quake activity picks up.

We can see this my mapping a few of the major historical quakes onto a chart of the solar sunspot cycle progressions over time…

We can also see the pattern when we zoom-in on the cooling periods since 2000 data:  This is note an exhaustive data map, but you will get the idea…

Is this conclusive data?


And is a specific warning about New Madrid likely warranted?  Well, that depends how much math and science is behind the notion of something as generalized as earthquakes due to crustal expansion and cooling and be narrowed down to a specific location.

We will note, however, that the period of cooling in  the Dalton Minimum did impact New Madrid…

There is another check we could run:  We could look at the onset of the Maunder Minimum in the 1600-1650 range and see what Wikipedia shows for major quakes there:

Looking at a list of historical quake of significance, we can see there are about 25 in the Maunder Minimum window, and a decrease to about 15, or so, in the subsequent period of 125 years, although we quickly run into the Dalton Minimum, so the data gets hard to decipher with certainty.

On the other hand, we would expect a lack of quakes from 1920 to 1950.

Instead, what we see are a good assortment of quakes.

There is a major caveat here, and that is that the changes in world communications and humans recording of history also skews our views of historical quakes.

Remember, the New Madrid quake was not as big as most of the historical quakes:  It was “only” an 8.1 – which in terms of modern quakes in places like Chile, and off Japan is a weakling.

What gave the New Madrid some of its notoriety was that many chimneys toppled and that was because people didn’t build for quakes.  Round river rock and poor mortar are not your earthquake building materials.  Rivers like the Mississippi running backwards add to the drama, for sure.

On the other hand, the warning about New Madrid II is no doubt something to be considered, although the Fed/CorpGov is not likely to do so.

As noted, they already have an agenda and – if you hadn’t noticed – there is a huge amount of “policy latency” in large organizations.

For example, when comes to Climate Change, the newest data out recently says the US has been in cooling for 10-years.  But that hasn’t snapped the rhetoric on global warming because that is being used as a political population control point.

As the Report from Iron Mountain teaches, government needs a bogeyman so that we will put up with illegal aliens, excessive force of policy, and coercive tax laws.  Bingo!  We have a winner.

The “Standard Model” of reality being piped down the MSM is don’t worry, government will take care of you…and indeed is is doing so in ways most don’t appreciate.

This is why it is so likely that the world will soon return to a new Cold War between the West (and the power hungry jokers who run the EU into the ground) and Russia.

The reason?  Without a Bogeyman, would you really work 3 1/2 months of the year just to pay the taxes that are collected by government at all kinds of levels??

Why, no!

Yet, the reality is that we  actually do so.  Tax Freedom Day was in late April this year and thanks to mandatory health insurance and other soaring taxes, I expect we will be up to the first week of May in 2016.

Seen in this rather cynical light, government is not going to reverse policy on trade and the new TPA/TPP will do nothing more than steal more jobs from America in the end, and we won’t change from the Globalist Warming theme, either.  Too much momentum among the policy wankers.

With the threat of “terrorism” about run  its course, that means we either need a [false flag] or a good scare about Climate Change – anything to make most people fearful because *(as church leaders have practiced for centuries)  if you scare the hell out of people, they will drag out their wallets.

So there you have it:  A press release that’s really worth considering.  Especially because in a country which owes more than $9.2 trillion of accumulated trade deficit (since 1992, BTW) to foreign countries, the misnamed “leadership” of the US has to beat your back a bit now and then with issues like climate change, thanks to the Whippers.

We have to love our illegals and put up with more crime, more prisons, fewer well-paid jobs, and the general flushing of ‘Merica down the drain.  Because it works for them not us.

If we had any sense, we would be using this period to beef up infrastructure that crosses the Mississippi and we would all be teaching the jobs of on-shored manufacturing.  California would have water, Yellowstone a much more impressive alert system, and the Missisippi would be most robustly crossed by power, pipelines, and fiber. 

But it’s not.

The reason  that’s not happening is simple….because the cards are stacked against us all in this very crooked casino.

One thing’s for sure:  With a long enough timeline, yes, there will be another huge earthquake to come.

Reader’s Writes

This is a fine question:

Good day George.

Say, I was wondering about wave cycles in economics. Note that I’ve never even taken an econ course so this could be a very silly question.

With the overly extreme and ubiquitous manipulation of absolutely all things economic, wouldn’t this gross manipulation completely throw off traditional factors that go into how short and long range waves are calculated or considered? I’m guessing there’s always been some manipulation of the markets but now, the breadth and depth of manipulations is unprecedented and only getting worse if that’s even possible.

So, how could the spectacularly skewed markets of today possibly be used to figure short and long range economic theories and calculations that span back over a hundred or more years? It seems that it would be near impossible to try to figure anything now, given the differences in today’s economic climate.

In other words, isn’t everything now a crap shoot? I mean, isn’t past market data and analysis completely moot in today’s world?


Long answer, but a fine question:

When Long Wave Economics was discovered by Nicholas Kondratieff (variously spelled Kondratiev) economic calculations were much “cleaner”.

People’s births in Europe were still being recorded by churches, everyone lived about the same length of time – most food was organic, and people didn’t move around much.  You were born  into your station in life by accident of birth and that largely was how things went. 

In this period things were fairly stable.  You got paid in gold or silver.

Now consider what has changed that can screw up the length of the cycle: 

Government programs like Social Security and FDIC provide important social nets.

Government makes up money as needed – and any run on banks can be, to some extent, printed away.  That’s how we ended the housing bubble collapse.  (Yeah, we still haven’t paid for it ).

And we have an intricate system of world trade that is seeking to replace the autonomous government model.  More on this for Peoplenomics readers this weekend.

People are living longer, too…which means they are active in the economic system long.  My grandmother was tired and worn out by the time she hit 65 and received modest Social Security. Today, with great healthcare, people at 65 are just getting started!

The quality of money has changed and people don’t much care about long term inflation.  A long time ago, many of us concluded that the US economy would suffer a major meltdown when the purchasing power of the dollar was reduced to about 5% of original purchasing power (Mazurok & Ure, 2001).  If this were the case, the confidence in American currency should have collapsed long ago…because we are down to 4% roughly or original purchasing power.

Taken as a whole, you can see how what was once a stable and predictable model of macroeconomics has now been cut adrift.

As a result, we are having to work harder to understand how the “deck is stacked against the little guy investor.”

The basic problem hasn’t changed, though:  Anyone can still overcome their “station in life” through a combination of hard work, education, persistence, and a healthy dose of backstabbing and other nasty habits that pave the way to the top for some of our most marginally ethical co-humans.

But a fine question, indeed.  It’s like taking what was once a kind of lawn mower engine and putting it to work running a whole city.

It’s still a lawn mower engine at its core, but look at all the crap that has been added, adjusted, and tacked onto it!

That’s the effect of complexity and the more complexity we get, the more cloudy our thinking is likely to become.

‘Cause unlike the Twilight Zone, ain’t no signpost up ahead, and if there is, it’s sure to point the wrong way.

I assume you know the Depression era Civilian Conservation Corp is back.  Its new name is AmeriCorps.  Names get changed to protect the innocent.

Write when you break even…


13 thoughts on “Coping: Doom Alert (May Be Not Doom Porn)”

  1. Great correlations on solar weather and the Earth’s cyclical responses, George, but I wonder. Shouldn’t we also (somehow) figure into the formula the impact Geoengineering (HAARP, Chemtrails, et al) may also have on the sum of “living dangerously?” Another question: Why has this open warning to FEMA received NO attention from the lame-stream snooze media? Unless it’s as a recently fired CBS News boss complained – that their job was not so much to report the news, but rather to placate the sheeple. Orwell said it best: Football and beer. On that note, think I’ll have another!

  2. A fellow STA forum member is a damn good amateur astrologer who has been researching planetary alignments re: quakes and such. He has been predicting a big uptick in this time frame due to the current and near future alignments. Makes sense to me if you are familiar with David Wilcock’s and Richard Hoaglund’s works on hyperdimensional physics and how the Universe actually works. For gubmint agencies to call out a specific location gets me to suspect human tinkering, you know?

  3. Hi George .. you mentioned.. ” Now consider what has changed that can screw up the length of the cycle:
    Government programs like Social Security and FDIC provide important social nets. ”
    In my mind this is Exactly what is going on…. the wage scale has drifted so much since I started to work.. I am an insane budgeter at the bottom of the pay scale.. anyway here are some of the costs from when I first started to keep my budget groceries in the middle eighties ( I actually had a budget in the seventies to but those prices are long gone all I know is for a family of four you could eat what you wanted for seventy five dollars a month).. the average grocery prices for the middle eighties was ..Ten pounds of potatoes 98 cents, Hellmans mayonnaise 1.39,milk 99 cents a gallon (except on sale then it was ten cents a gallon with 15.00 purchase),Heins catsup 19 cents, ground round 79 cents a pound.. ( if you bought it on Mondays.. you got the weekend cut for ten cents a pound ) for us working in the grocery store we got meat bundles for the 79 cents a pound before grinding.. roasts steaks etc.. damaged goods was five dollars a meat box you fill it.. today grocery stores have deli’s so that that food that would have been tossed can be used and sold.. in the early nineties the cost of ground round only went up to 98 cents a pound.. strawberries 28 cents a pound.. anyway I can go all day.. now at that time I made three dollars and fifty cents an hour.. todays cost is.. fresh out of the add this morning.. five pounds of potatoes ( not ten) 5.99, Hellmans mayo.. 3.99,Heinz catsup 2.88, ground round 5.79 per pound, strawberries 5.48 per pound.. now this is just a sampling.. of course there wasn’t any of the daycare assistance, EIC tax credits etc.. comparatively the wages have gone up from the 3.50 to now an average wage here is 9.75 to 10.50.. an hour. so basically five and a half dollars differences from the late eighties. without the assistance programs, tax rebates etc etc the average family with children would be instantly shoved into desperation ( now do away with the food stamps the eic tax credit heating assistance etc etc. from what I have read it would end up exactly what I have read in that book you suggested for us to read. Adolph’s zweits buch..
    What I have seen through the years is this.. when things get tight people cut back on food first not wishing to give up the little luxuries they are accustomed to.. eventually though this turns around. and the opposite occurs.
    I am now curious if this is a plan that is being implemented similar to the one old Adolph proposed and implimented.. distance the majority of the population to isolate them from the wealthy with wage inequality so that the average has to depend on government for survival then start to eliminate those programs from the poor to give more wealth to the wealthy so that the wealthy could be overtaken..
    It really came to my mind when while watching the evening news day before yesterday they brought up the new program that they are pushing from homeland security which is.. watch your neighbors… if you see something say something.. Hmmm.. sounds familiar doesn’t it..

  4. Hey Geoerge,
    didn’t the sunspot cycle curve “slip” in the NOAA charts around 2010 or so? Liars and statisticians…

    50,000 meals? You been snackin’ some, man?

    Wayne md

  5. I read about the next ice age arriving next year in early May. The article was also by SSRC, a group who I’ve never run across before, but that seems very credible.

    In a world where NOTHING is as it seems and as a student of propaganda/social engineering I have to ask who are these altruistic scientists, who funds them, and what is their agenda? Is the “Climate Change Kool Aid” starting to wear off? Is SSRC a mouthpiece for a faction which is giving everyone a “heads up”? or are they funded by some indu$try that will benefit from an ice age? The only thing I DO know is that there is more behind this than meets the eyeball.

  6. “If you scare the hell out of people, they will drag out their wallets.”

    A church tried that with me at age four, and they did indeed scare the crap out of me. I’m still recovering from their indoctrination, and I’ve been doing that for 50+ years. I never forgot and I never forgave.

    And no, regarding wallets, I never gave them a dime.

  7. I suppose the ‘spectacular’ “San Andreas” was to get those folks in CA inured to the coming shake – it won’t have any effect on the ’cause’, as violence from Hollywood and NY, and perhaps electronic gaming seem to inure folks to the total violence in the world – but I expect there to be more of that kind of thing – and will believe it if the next biggie out of Hollywood is about the NMFZ – until it really happens – it’s all ‘special effects’ at the movies.

    And of course – all the FED does rotates around saving the Banksters and WallStreeters – it is nothing about feeding the citizens or having them prepared for a crash of perhaps greater proportions than anything less than San Andreas.

    of course, we may have been cooling for the last 10 years – but the last two days here in north central Florida it’s hit 102º – and it’s still “spring” June. 98º today. and some rain would help. It seems to rain all around this micro-hill where I live. These few acres might as well be in CA – looking at the plethora of wilted plants and the humidity under 40%.

  8. It should be apparent that any increase in earth quake or volcanic activity is a direct result of MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING ooops, I mean CLIMATE CHANGE. AND therefor the change in tectonic activity, just as any change in weather patterns has NOTHING to do with solar activity, geo-polar shift /wandering or increases in under sea volcanic activity.For clarification please contact my friend and yours “Big Al the Kiddys Pal” Gore

  9. This is an old and belabored saying, but maybe it is worth repeating today: When the white man came to this country, women did all the work, nobody paid any taxes, and all the men did was fish and hunt. And you European geniuses thought you could improve on a system like that. Now look at us!

  10. About cycles: Fibonacci still working to a large degree. And, so are visual patterns. Seems to me the more complex, the more variables, the more players, the less susceptible to manipulation, in the long term, a system would be. Fractal patterns are a universal law. Cause and effect rhyme. With a large enough set of data you can’t hide it.

  11. all I saw on my local newspaper website all week was the Parade of Pathos (if it bleeds, it leads), nothing about the ramifications of the TPP (and no one in the public has really been able to view it!), yet supposedly a different version just passed anyway…no statistics on the whole illegal immigrant picture, Mexico does have a middle class and feudal drug lords, didn’t H Truman drop off illegals 200 miles down coast (instead of revolving door Tijuana..)..would you say that the Koch owned media (probably around 2/3?) wants to keep us in the dark?

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