As usual, a reader gets credit for sending me a press release link that I missed in my usual scan of the news. Check this ou – from a university in Australia:
Griffith University academics are challenging the foundations of quantum science with a radical new theory based on interactions between parallel universes.
In a paper published in the prestigious journal Physical Review X, Professor Howard Wiseman and Dr Michael Hall from Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, and Dr Dirk-Andre Deckert from the University of California, take interacting parallel worlds out of the realm of science fiction and into that of hard science.
The team proposes that parallel universes really exist, and that they interact. That is, rather than evolving independently, nearby worlds influence one another by a subtle force of repulsion. They show that such an interaction could explain everything that is bizarre about quantum mechanics.
Quantum theory is needed to explain how the universe works at the microscopic scale, and is believed to apply to all matter. But it is notoriously difficult to fathom, exhibiting weird phenomena which seem to violate the laws of cause and effect.
As the eminent American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman once noted: “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.”
However, the “Many-Interacting Worlds” approach developed at Griffith University provides a new and daring perspective on this baffling field.
“The idea of parallel universes in quantum mechanics has been around since 1957,” says Professor Wiseman.
“In the well-known “Many-Worlds Interpretation”, each universe branches into a bunch of new universes every time a quantum measurement is made. All possibilities are therefore realised – in some universes the dinosaur-killing asteroid missed Earth. In others, Australia was colonised by the Portuguese.
“But critics question the reality of these other universes, since they do not influence our universe at all. On this score, our “Many Interacting Worlds” approach is completely different, as its name implies.”
Professor Wiseman and his colleagues propose that:
. The universe we experience is just one of a gigantic number of worlds. Some are almost identical to ours while most are very different;
. All of these worlds are equally real, exist continuously through time, and possess precisely defined properties;
. All quantum phenomena arise from a universal force of repulsion between ‘nearby’ (i.e. similar) worlds, which tends to make them more dissimilar.
Dr Hall says the “Many-Interacting Worlds” theory may even create the extraordinary possibility of testing for the existence of other worlds.
“The beauty of our approach is that if there is just one world our theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics, while if there is a gigantic number of worlds it reproduces quantum mechanics,” he says.
“In between it predicts something new that is neither Newton’s theory nor quantum theory.
“We also believe that, in providing a new mental picture of quantum effects, it will be useful in planning experiments to test and exploit quantum phenomena.”
The ability to approximate quantum evolution using a finite number of worlds could have significant ramifications in molecular dynamics, which is important for understanding chemical reactions and the action of drugs.
Professor Bill Poirier, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Texas Tech University, has observed: “These are great ideas, not only conceptually, but also with regard to the new numerical breakthroughs they are almost certain to engender.”
From chemistry to quantum physics to science fiction, this theory opens new and exciting territory.
The entire paper is over here. Click on the expand article link.
Of course now, what becomes clear (at least as much as anything is at this hour) that perhaps we need to be rethinking how we “ride life.”
That’s because every time a decision is made, we “just tracks” into a different set of future potentialities. And that brings up the question of which track would work be for living an “optimized” life: Going through life making absolute mindful and fully present decisions, or just “letting go” and going with the flow of whatever world-track we’re on.
Another interesting twist: If there are all these other worlds out there, is it possible that we really could live forever? Let’s say that on most of the reality tracks of these multiple universes I die at age 96, or whatever. But what if there is a track where your heart makes another beat…and another…and another….and you sail on to age, 500, or so?
Or, is there a gradual ending of all continuation opens and eventual life’s over? End of the game, so to speak?
It would almost certainly end the question of UFOs, for example, too. Especially since their appearance and behavior (dissolving in and out) would be consistent with world-line jumping between various realities.
This is one of those delightful stories that is as good as science fiction and you won’t get laughed at for reading it.
A final ponder on point from reader John:
So, what if we are in a multi-verse and like in the TV show you can slide from here to there. So as is apparent to many here stuff seemingly drops out of this universe and enters another one, only to return later. What if that same thing happened to news stories and they slipped from one reality to another. Sometimes staying longer than you might believe possible.
Anyway, just trying to make sense of some of the seeming “craziness” that we all apparently see and can’t seem to make sense of why contradictory information is out there. Were we in the dimension where people were causing global warming, but failed to believe it and so migrated elsewhere and the only way our feeble minds can comprehend such a shift is if someone is trying to jigger the numbers for their benefit?
Just throwing thoughts at the wall as many times I am at a loss for seemingly directly opposed news reports.
Speaking of Media…
Here’s a fine reader rant for you:
Only toadie, nicultura Yankees would criticize a male for putting a shawl on a female in cold weather. Shheeesh. Simple courtesy, especially since females typically wear lighter clothes, yet have less circulation in their extremities. I am nauseated by this incessant demonization of certain countries and people, while ignoring our glaring collective misconduct, seemingly to foment a war. I love our troops and am sick of the needless carnage.
At least they are going out of business from lack of attention, or at least some of them.
BTW, in my culture, (OldTexas) Putin is the only World leader I can think of who behaves as a man should. History is replete with examples of what goes wrong when male leaders fail to behave this way.
Note to reader Douglas: You are, of course, right. BUT one must be ever-mindful that without Big Mean Bad Enemies, we would have no reason to pay taxes. And then those 20-million people who work in government would have to find something else to do and they’d discover the lack of jobs and…..
A Patrick Smith guest column on Craig Paul Roberts’ site makes a similar complaint about US demonization of Putin.
No demons, no taxes, though. Also, no demons, no news and that in our quickie algebra means no demons, no revenue…
The Colonoscopy Debate
From a friend who reads the column:
I have known you for a longggg time now … so allow me to BE BLUNT and tell you that your opposition to a having A Colonoscopy is STUPID!!
One good, very athletic, friend kept putting his off … and voila ended up with SERIOUS Colon Cancer. “IF” he had his Colonoscopy when he was first supposed to have one (age wise) he is told they would have caught the problem early … and clipped it right then and there without a few years later having to remove a considerable length of his colon.
A good friend’s brother did the same thing, PUT IT OFF, … and again SERIOUS Colon Cancer. Again he was told if he had his Colonoscopy done when it was supposed to be done it would have been caught at the earliest stages and he would be fine. He is now D-E-A-D because of that cancer. (leaving behind 3 kids, 2 who are still younger, and a wife).
In addition to those two I know of about 5 other cases of colon cancer just among relatives of friends /acquaintances … and know that disease is nothing to sneeze at if left to grow UNDETECTED for years on end.
I had my first colonoscopy back in the dark ages of the procedure because of digestive and ulcer issues (I was in my early 30’s) … and back in those days the equipment was MUCH bigger … AND they did not put you out for the exam. Very uncomfortable, but no pain (but I did continue to feel it for a couple of months).
Since then, now because of age, I have had two more and am due for another one. On the first one they found a number of pre-cancerous polyps that they snipped off, but if they hadn’t done that I was told later the odds were at least one, if not more, could have developed into being cancerous.
The procedure today is nothing like I went through back in dark ages. First off for both of my more recent ones I was put to sleep, so I didn’t feel anything. Secondly the inspection tubes today are MUCH smaller by comparison and there is NO lingering feeling of anything having been in there after it is over with.
GO DO IT!! … though I would recommend you do it at a clinic attached to a hospital so that if something happens during the procedure you are right there.
OK … spoke my piece.
Eloquent. However there’s always a but…. Or, in this case multiple butts:
Say no to colonoscopy
This ad from Dr. Micozzi discusses why you shouldn’t get a colonoscopy. Its one of those Videos, that if you close will give you the option to read it.
I hate the videos because reading gets thru the info faster. But the info is good.– – –
My doc (Navy CPT) insisted on a colonoscopy. Later, they had to do a Colorectomy because of a botched Colonoscopy. The Colorectomy produced a problem in my lower back, requiring back surgery.
Two years later I am better, but will never be the same since ‘accepting preventative medicine advice”.
BTW, can’t sue the government (retired Army).
If there wasn’t a new diagnostic in the pipeline, I would probably submit. It’s hard to un-cancer something once it advances past a certain point…
Around the Ranch: Back to Bed
It’s cold enough that I’m going to do something rare: Go back to be for a few more hours of sleep as soon as the column is done.
We hit freezing here for the first time this season overnight. and it won’t warm up much until Sunday.
Staying in bed that long is probably out of the question. But one of the major changes in life I’ve noticed is that what used to be an invigorating cold morning is now just a plain cold morning.
Maybe you remember those days when the cold slapped you in the face and you started working on that checklist of things to do, realizing you would never break a sweat no matter how hard you got after something, it was so cold. Brisk and marvelous.
Aging is when you can’t remember the checklist of things to do, but by God the memory of the nice warm bed is sure crystal clear…Suddenly you don’t think about the checklist. It will be there tomorrow…
I’m working on convincing myself that this phenomena is not aging or burn-out. It’s what common sense is like, I hear.
Write when you break-even, but not till after 9:30 AM, please…