Coping: Build a “Luck Machine?”

Yeah…this is going to sound nuts…but hear me out. This endeavor sounds like it’s way past the borders of pseudoscience…BUT maybe not completely, as we’ll explain.

Before revealing specific plans to construct a “luck machine”  we must be clear about what luck is, how it’s part of the forces of Universe.  Not just that, but how it’s closely related to chi and the unseen energy that powers sex drive, weather events, and even determines how your next trip to a casino will turn out.

Let’s flip back to the 1930’s first.  And remember what Wilhelm Reich was working on: A substance called orgone energy summed up in Wikipedia this way.

(Continues below)


Orgone is a pseudo-scientific[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] and spiritual concept described as an esoteric energy or hypothetical universal life force, originally proposed in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich.[8][9][10] As developed by Reich’s student Charles Kelley after Reich’s death in 1957, orgone was conceived as the anti-entropic principle of the universe, a creative substratum in all of nature comparable to Mesmer‘s animal magnetism (1779), to the Odic force (1845) of Carl Reichenbach and to Henri Bergson‘s élan vital (1907).[11] Orgone was seen as a massless, omnipresent substance, similar to luminiferous aether, but more closely associated with living energy than with inert matter. It could allegedly coalesce to create organization on all scales, from the smallest microscopic units—called “bions” in orgone theory—to macroscopic structures like organisms, clouds, or even galaxies.[12]

Naturally, the federal government and medical establishments looked dimly on Reich’s brand of alternate science.  Threatened, they shut down the concept best they could. Seizing papers and research that has remained buried.

The problem is that we know orgone-enhancing units were built in the past. Called them “orgone accumulators.”

This wasn’t the first time such “bio capacitors” were looked at.  In fact, please consider the Bible’s layered use of acacia wood and gold sheet for the Ark of the Covenant.  Like Reich’s “accumulators” it was layers of biological material and metal.  Whoops!

Reich was not the only one attracted to the concept of this great unseen energy.  One of the more expensive books in our “odd sciences collection” is  Trevor James Constable’s “The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs.”  Among other things, he postulated that UFOs were powered by this “orgasmic” energy.

On a more practical level, when we were flying around the country in our old Beechcraft, we came into possession of one of the Constable rain-making prototypes that is based on Reichian/Orgone principles.

That there is something out there in the way of a subtle energy is almost indisputable.  Dean Radin’s recent bookReal Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe  says, in so many words (with supporting data cases) that yes, there is something going on, but we can’t quite figure it  out.  That’s “science” for you…

Which is why we begin with a quick look at “orgone” energy.  The basic idea is simple:  People have a kind of “personal energy” that can be created, stored, shared influenced and “pumped.”

From my own work with the Light Crown Project, described in one of my books, (“Dimensions Next Door: Hacking Space-time”)  that light-pumping has an amazing effect…all good, so far as I can tell. If you don’t mind running around on an “energy high” all the time.

Orgone is not a pulsed-laser project.  Far from it.

What Reich was making can best be called a “bio-capacitor.”  His accumulators used layers (only a few were needed) of an organic material like a plastic or wood, and that was sandwiched with alternating layers of metal foil.

In the case of the flying rainmaking device, the center was a simple PVC pipe. Over this was a layer of aluminum foil, and then, over this, was foam rubber foil insulating wrap.  It was the same material used on our sailboat.  About an eighth of an inch thick, the foam rubbery ‘stuff’ served as the “organic” as did the PVC pipe.  With the one layer on the pipe and the covering on the foam it was a ‘2+2’ accumulator.

On the flying unit, one end of the pipe was open and the other had a small (1.3″ concave) mirror  mounted to the front of it.

The length was about 38-inches.

Constable, importantly, was a shipboard radio operator for years.  So, the workings of the “rainmaker” technology was similar, but improved upon from Reich’s earliest orgone accumulators that are sometimes noted around the ‘net as “cloudbusters.”

Since he was on a ship, with plenty of radar to see weather materialize around the ship, he conducted countless experiments to optimize the unit.  Mine came to us from an extremely good aircraft mechanic in Cresswell, Oregon…and he was given the unit after it was successfully flown in Hawaii.  There, mounted in a Piper Cub type aircraft, it was flown toward mountains where clouds had built up.  It produced rain.

Whether the rain would have happened anyway is where we get into the long statistical discussions.  How much variance from Gaussian do we need to infer an effect?

We will also pass, for now,  on speculations into the potential marriage between so-called “pyramid power” and “orgone” devices, which seems as if it would be a natural evolution of experiments to come…

Then there’s DOR…short for deadly orgone.  Seems there’s an ‘evil twin’ to good orgone.

Today, we’ll simply focus making a “luck machine” that could run on parallel, but different principles.

What’s Lucky?

Elaine and I sat down after breakfast yesterday and I asked here “What do people think is ‘lucky’?

She thought about it for a minute and came up with some great answers…

  • “First thing I think of it a cloverleaf…”
  • “…talismans like a favorite ring or piece of jewelry…”
  • “…all kinds of clothing…hats, shirt, pants, socks, skirts, shoes, boots…varies by person…”
  • “…coins…lucky pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars…and lucky paper money like lucky dollars….”
  • “,,,lucky songs…”
  • “…lucky colors…”
  • “…lucky foods or drinks…”
  • “…lucky art…statues…”
  • “…lucky wall hanging, your Feng Shui…”

Hell of a list, huh?

I threw in horseshoes…common enough in Texas.  And the idea about having a horseshoe, upside down, over the door to your home is place upside down for a reason: “so the luck doesn’t run out…

My contribution to the list also included rabbit’s feet (though less so for the rabbit!) and a few other odds and ends.

OK, how would one make a “machine” out of all this superstitious junk?  Don’t know, frankly, although we’ve never heard of anyone actually collecting as many luck symbols as they could and MAKING something out of it.

Truth is, the idea that woke me up (*yeah, here’s another one of those dreamland school things) was that people might improve their lot a good deal by adding several luck symbols together.

So for example, let’s say I buy some used horseshoes on eBay and pay $20 bucks for them on a BIN auction.

Then I grab a piece of 5/8th’s rebar and I weld it up so it looks like this (right).  Now I’d have a “luck machine” in the sense that if there is anything to this luck collecting concept, it ought to “collect” more luck (in this orgone-like way) than, say, a single horseshoe.

By the way, a note to Chris at to look at ancient symbols as possibly being arrangements of amulets for maximum luck.  Just a thought in passing.  Wouldn’t be the first time a “lost technology” has been recovered, would it?

Or, is there something more to his?  As I looked at my diagram it almost looked like an ancient symbol.

Oh-oh…see where this is going?

I’ve got to run 220V power for the plasma torch this weekend, but when done, I can whip out some metal “cloverleaves” that could be added to the design. 20 seconds of welding, right?

On top of each of the horseshoe “points” maybe a rabbits foot could be attached.  Static wicking effect?

Somewhere around here, we have some crystals (*decent sized amethysts) that could be attached.  Maybe a bit of cloth from my “lucky gambling shirt” too…

Then the question is “How might such an esoteric object work?”

Is this something to be held in the hand?  Which one?  How long?  Inside or outdoors?  Or, does it simply mount at the top of the ham radio tower (62 feet up) and attract “luck” from across a wide area?

I’m attracted to “luck” as a line of sight phenomenon like laser beams of VHF radio transmission, but don’t know why.  In which case, though, the higher the greater the “swept area” for the gathering of luck…the more there ought to be.

Oh, the things that wake me up in the wee hours of the morning.  I’ll start with a basic 3-element luck machine and mount it on the roof of the shop/office.

Any passing lightning strikes might be considered bad luck…but let’s see how it works.

This is a different subtle energy harvesting approach, than say the Patrick Flanagan Sensor methodology.

Our research into fringe areas of inquiry never stops here at Olde Man Labs. But it beats the hell out of pissing away life on FB and being a general twit.

Write when you get rich,

23 thoughts on “Coping: Build a “Luck Machine?””

  1. (1) Rupert Sheldrake (Wiki him) has considered what he calls a “morphogenic field,” which is created by the presence of conscious life, especially humans. I commend the Wiki article for more.

    (2) On YouTube, look for a 2-minute Dilbert animation, called, “The Knack.”

    (3) In the nineteen sixties there arose a study within the field of psychology of “Accident Proneness.” Some people are simply more accident prone than others. One big reason is, impatience. Some people “rush things.” Another common reason is, some people are sloppy. They don’t FIXTURE things under a drill press, for example. There are other aspects to the accident prone person.

    I think all these ideas are related. As a ham radio guy, I have The Knack. Most of us do. I am not accident prone because I tend to the creation of neat, careful, and well-organized workspace and operations.

  2. How about adding 4 lobes under the horseshoes in a horizontal plane. Now you have a 4 leaf clover picking up all that the horseshoes missed.

      • If we hang the horseshoe upside down over a door so ‘luck doesn’t run out’ then they should be welded to the top of the rebar that way, producing a mushroom or umbrella type of look.

        If you weld 4 more directly under these in the way you depict them in your graphic, with the tips of the open ends of top and bottom shoes touching, you’d get a closed-loop luck generating system. Use this as a radio antenna and you could send out or receive good/lucky vibrations from the radio of your choice.

  3. You never mentioned “Lucky Numbers”. Or is that more of a personal item than a universal one?

  4. I see parallels with Tesla’s “Radiant energy device”. Both as collectors of unseen energy with similar construction techniques.

    • For those of you who can’t describe.

      For those of you that want to hide.

      For those of you who thinks George lives in New York.

      As explained by the video about the myth of your belief system.

      For all those people who can be group together.

      For I miss placement of an organ.
      Especially one seen on your MSM Mass media.

      Its traded what part of the marina are you parking your boat, because that represents your vote.
      Are you in administrator who can pull people your way.

      Because of your tongue.

      Are you sympathetic.

      May all beings be lovingly fulfilled so be it.

      Thoughts have wings.

      Do you know what you’re thoughts are .?

  5. George dont know if you have read Life Force the Scientific Basic Vol 2. Claude Swanson PHD A great read.

  6. You may want to personalize a sigil and carve it in this, which once all done, would be considered a HYPERSIGIL, since so much is going into this.

    The easiest way to create a sigil is pretty straight forward.

    Example: Write out in a sentence what it is you want. “May This Rod Ground Me In Luck”, as an example.

    First, take away the vowels, so you get: MYTHSRDGRNDMNLCK

    Then, take away any letters that are extra, so there are only one of each, so you would get: MYTHSRDGNLCK

    The third step is where your artistic creativity will shine. You basically want to ‘sigilize’ all of those letters together, over and over again, until you come up with a symbol which you are happy with, and that is totally unrecognizable from the beginning product. May the statement be your mantra as you look upon the final product for a few moments. Then, Fire and Forget!

    Carve that puppy into your masterpiece, and forget all about it.

    The 27 Law of Magick: The Law of Least Expectance.

    Lust for results will stifle the purpose of your endeavor, so forget about it and move on with life.

  7. You remind me of me 40 years ago! Oh wait,
    I just looked up at a shelf above my desk and there is beautiful row of crystals with a 24K
    Flanagan sensor hanging above them. Hmmm…
    I know it works…somehow
    Please continue George as I need 10mil for my
    Phenom 300 as my last toy…please hurry

  8. George

    “Then there’s DOR…short for deadly orgone. Seems there’s an ‘evil twin’ to good orgone.”

    So there’s a Dark Side and a Light Side to the orgone.

    Maybe the orgone is the FORCE!

  9. How come some people can just look in the grass & find a 4 leaf clover. I look & look & nothing. Matches my correct vision percentage of 0%. I think I am in the dimension called Plodders.

    • There’s a trick to it. You focus your brain on looking for the SQUARE pattern in the clover as opposed to the usual triangle. Statistically, there’s almost guaranteed to be one in a 6 foot square area or so where grass & clover grow. Practice a little, and I bet you’ll be able to spot them in 2-3 minutes tops after not too long.

  10. I wonder if you could get away with using dowsing rods in a casino to pick the machines ready to jackpot?

  11. “There is something out there in the way of a subtle energy it is almost indisputable. There is something going on, but we can’t quite figure it out.”

    I went to my long-time dentist the other day, and the X-rays revealed tooth decay below a (golden!!) crown that was in my mouth for >50 years. I am aware that folks do have to make a living, and therefore, I agreed to the ‘expensive’ procedure. While I lived with a temporary crown I felt differently. I did not associate this with my dental work, because there was no other problem. My perceptions on life were different (too much to elaborate!). After reinserting the crown (reshaped from the ‘old gold’ that was in my mouth before) most everything went back to normal. So, there seems to be more to ‘gold’ then its price, IMHO, of course. ;-)

  12. Hey George, I think You need to update the blog section a few more times during the day.

  13. How about a many-layered gold and/or silver leaf cake with leaves shaped like clover and cake in the shape of a step pyramid? Share it with loved ones and many become one with the luck accumulator. Alas, the metal will pass so plan on hitting the casino while you are still one with your dowser. No doubt, some will try this and I wish you good fortune and great joy.

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