I don’t know why, but the other day I happened to be looking for some Mung bean sources and I tripped over a few sites that were making miraculous claims for sprouts. Beam sprouts.
Well, sure, they’re good and all, but as I got into it, there turns out to be an ingredient in sprouts that may have some anti-aging health benefits.
One site (here) claimed “…50 times as much of the antioxidant sulfurophane as mature broccoli…”
Another site (UndergroundHealthReporter) goes even further “There is something in the chemical substance of a young growing auxinon which, when you eat it as an anti-aging food, makes the cells of your body reproduce younger cells instead of older cells…”
With claims like these, what was I waiting for?
Mung beans for anti-aging seem to hold magical potential.
But never take anything at face… always do backup research.
So, off into an amazing afternoon of research.
On the PubMed.gov website, we read first about the “Differential regulation of Ku gene expression in etiolated mung bean hypocotyls by auxins….”
None of which sounds particularly interesting until you get to this reference to telomere length because that – as you may remember from our previous chats – has very much to do with aging.
Near as I can figure it, the telomeres are the real key to “running the clock backwards” but let me explain with a few snips from Wikipedia:
“A telomere is a region of repetitive nucleotide sequences at each end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes.”
Now the problem is that telomeres start of longish when you’re young, but they roll down as you age (becoming shorter) as your DNA (like everything else (except maybe tooth enamel) replicates in the aging process.
Or, more technically…
“During chromosome replication, the enzymes that duplicate DNA cannot continue their duplication all the way to the end of a chromosome, so in each duplication the end of the chromosome is shortened[5] (this is because the synthesis of Okazaki fragments requires RNA primers attaching ahead on the lagging strand).”
OK, fine. How does this relate to Ku genes?
Back to Wikipedia here:
“Ku is a dimeric protein complex that binds to DNA double-strand break ends and is required for the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway of DNA repair. Ku is evolutionarily conserved from bacteria to humans. The ancestral bacterial Ku is a homodimer (two copies of the same protein bound to each other).[2] Eukaryotic Ku is a heterodimer of two polypeptides, Ku70 (XRCC6) and Ku80 (XRCC5), so named because the molecular weight of the human Ku proteins is around 70 kDa and 80 kDa. The two Ku subunits form a basket-shaped structure that threads onto the DNA end…”
But that’s just the what of Ku genes. We’re looking for the clock-spring here. And what’s this?
“In many organisms, Ku has additional functions at telomeres in addition to its role in DNA repair…”
Now we leap over to the EMBO Journal and quickly read through “Components of the Ku-dependent non-homologous end-joining pathway are involved in telomeric length maintenance and telomeric silencing.” And from that we get the idea that telomeric length maintenance sure sounds a lot like “age-freezing.” Oh, and reversing aging effects, too once telomere lengthening is figured. Silencing telomere breakdown would quite likely freeze your age.
Here’s an example of Ku gene therapy already in the experimental stage.
Just over a year ago, the University of Kansas City Hospital started work on restoring human hearing by regrowing the tiny hairs in the inner ear that make hearing work.
All very damn interesting, but what are the implications?
Well, for one, there seems to be some agreement that there are lots of auxins in plants while they are in the vigorous growing stage. That pretty well describes sprouting Mung beans. Critters grow like mad.
Secondly, the presence of auxins MAY provide for healing of telomere ends, effectively perhaps lengthening them (and in the UKC work) and if THAT proves out, well then we have a whole pile of new thinking to run through.
What for example?
Well, one of the articles I read made a wonderful observation. If you eat un-grown seeds, they won’t do you much good. You can still get scurvy and so forth. But as soon as a plant – like the humble Mung beans – begin to sprout they are rolling in auxins (supposedly) and this is why fresh sprouts are about one of the most healthy things you can buy.
Action plan?
Well, I didn’t even talk this one over with Elaine. I just jumped on Amazon, picked up a moderate-sized sprouter set, along with 5-pounds of non-GMO organically-grown Mung bean seed. See the Deluxe Kitchen Crop 4-Tray Seed Sprouter by VICTORIO VKP1200. Looks like the right size for us, but we will know more in a week, or so.
When they showed up Wednesday, Elaine and I had a chat about it and she’s now onboard with our interesting little home experiment.
Which is?
Well, most people (in the West) don’t eat freshly sprouted seeds on a regular basis. Maybe once, or twice, in a week on a sandwich. But it’s not much talked about as an anti-aging strategy except on sites like www.sproutpeople.com.
What we’re not clear on is how many sprouts to eat per day in order to have any possible effect on our health. In medicine, we’re wondering what the minimum effective dose might be.
Initially, we will try to do a handful of sprouts with each meal and aim for a daily total somewhere over half a cup.
If we do more than that, perhaps a second sprouter will be needed.
The other thing that came out of the research was the notion that eating “right out of the garden” may be about the healthiest thing you can do.
Already there has been discussion just in the past six months wondering “What will happen when humans are injected with plant growth hormones?”
Not a bad question, since in 2007 it was reported that “Auxin Hormone Receptor Suggests New Treatment For Human Cancer.”
With 68 staring me in the face next month, I am planning to amp up research and eating modifications in a number of areas, not to mention putting in a serious garden this year in order to “eat fresh” more often.
I figure if there’s anything of benefit in auxins, or plant growth hormones (as opposed to Human Growth Hormones – HGH which really does work to some extent, but the government sits on lots of ideas to move that forward) Government has a very serious business model reason to squash anything having to do with benefits of eating fresh from the garden, especially root veggies and sprouts that may have high levels of telomere maintaining chemicals.
The reasons? Remember my Everything is a Business Model edict, right?
For one, if a large portion of us “grays” start to un-gray a bit and live, oh, 20-30 years longer than actuarial tables forecast, we will bankrupt the declining Social Security System.
But there’s an even more important thing to noodle on: What IF eating no more than 30-minutes from the plant food actually does have lots more of some secret anti-aging substance in it? I mean we’re in open head mode right now, so ask yourself, what happens to the modern American industrial/business model if all of a sudden people demanded nothing but freshly sprouted, or 30-minutes the the plant. Foods?
Would they put up with living in human coops in chicken-like style? I’m thinking that if someone even HINTED to me that living out in the ‘burbs with at least a greenhouse and a good garden would move way all to hell and gone up my priority list.
Sure, I can make a few more bucks living in the ultra high-density 400 square foot box – if I have enough electronics. But if I see evidence that I can live longer (and did I mention the difference between a 5-minute from the vine tomato and ANYTHING in a grocery store?) I might just think living in the box is not what I’d want to do.
Thing is, people don’t think this stuff through.
People lived all over North America without power, air conditioning and so forth. But we have gotten away from underground and semi-underground homes that use little heating or cooling.
And we will eat just damn near anything that shows up in the stores we shop at.
But the good news is that this weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Ure will be out beginning the process of prepping the garden for the year. We will likely start with putting some tomato plants on the seed sprouting mat in the counter-top cold-frame in the greenhouse.
I’ll leave it to the new President today to Make America Great Again.
We’re going to start with something a lot closer to home.
Write when you get rich,
The Old Farmer at George@ure.net
George – bean sprouts are amazing. The seeds last virtually forever, if stored properly, they grow in pitch black and need nothing but air and water. Try some of the other seeds too like radish, broccoli, spicy mix, mustard and peas.
I live in a cold area so I’m always fascinated when I load up a jar with seeds, leave it in the dark closet, rinse and drain a few times and come back and the jar is packed with sprouts. One of the few fresh things that can be grown in cold and dark places. You don’t need to buy anything. Just punch some holes in the lid of a mason jar.
Not shilling, but a blog I wrote years ago:
Very good Wave. I’ll tuck that away in my prepping files and say thank you. Good instructional article.
We’re primarily goat ranchers so if you’re interested in goat meat recipes I’ll have my wife dig something up. I don’t like their meat but they’re great for making a living off of.
Thanks Bill. Lots of folks ‘think’ they don’t like something but it’s just because it hasn’t been cooked to their liking. I’ve heard folks say they don’t like goat, venison, duck, bear, shellfish, seafood. What we eat is just a function of how hungry we are and how it’s cooked.
If you like spicy food try goat curry. Goat curry is awesome!
About the only way I’ll eat goat is if it’s fresh off the grill and I mean immediately. The goaty flavor is covered by the smoke and caramelized fat but by the time it cools off it’s like you were standing down wind of a pack of billies all over again. The old Brown-in-bags with plenty of veggies helps, too. Mind you, I’m in the minority here in W. Texas about the goat meat, though. But, oh yeah, if you’re starving you could lick the grill as if it were a set of beaters fresh out of cake dough in a mix-master. I think that’s the way I tried my first taste of escargot.
When I was young we lived in the country, and raised 90% of what we ate. We thought we were poor. I have thought for years that the produce from the store was sub par, because it just doesn’t tast as good as what we used to raise. Recent research shows the significant nutrient loss in even just a few hours after picking.
You are right. We need to decide if we want to continue killing ourselves in the city, or change the quality of life and move out. I’m all for the latter.
Down the memory hole. I remember victory gardens, they used to send us out to pick corn and tomatoes or pull up radishes and onions for dinner. Tiny beets with the greens – yum. A quick cleaning and on the table.
My mom always had crisco cans in the trunk of the car with the handles on them, made great little buckets. We were always picking blackberries and little black caps for pie – my favorite or gathering Hazelnuts from a neighbor’s tree or apples from another neighbor’s orchard.
I remember roadside stands where you could get fresh-picked produce for a few bucks.
My husband worked at the Public Market in Seattle, I’d pick him up at night and gather our dinner from the diverse little stores that made up the market. The very favorite time in my life. We both had decent jobs, no money worries, a new baby, we lived in a house I loved on the creek in Issaquah – life was what I wanted it to be forever.
Much of that is gone or simply not available to the average person coming up today. I look with interest at these new businesses sprouting up that will send you perfectly packed meals with recipes so YOU can actually cook a meal all by yourself!
My own granddaughter who used to love the kitchen and baked cupcakes all the time now doesn’t come up for air from her video games, phone and Youtube videos.
Life is passing them by and they don’t even know it. Their virtual world can’t compare to wading in a creek or feeling dirt between your toes or the pure sensual pleasure of really fresh food. I wonder if we’re not growing a generation that feels nothing and is dying the day they are born from what passes for food today.
Don’t know about your soil, but being about 20 or so miles so of ya’ll…mineral depletion coupled with too much rain causes a fungus that results in a type of blossom end rot. We’re trying azomite and a covered greenhouse this year.
Try rock dust too
As a matter of fact I ran across that old 80’s video about rock dust a couple of days ago on YouTube. A man in Germany or Sweden came up with it? It does sound intriguing. Guess it works in limestone country too?
Blossom end rot is usually due to a calcium deficiency. Limestone, gypsum (doesn’t affect pH), crushed eggshells, chalk.
It’s always best to get a soil test done though through your county ag extension office. Otherwise you can end up tacking in ten different wrong directions.
If you ain’t composting you have to start. You can’t garden without a pile or two of compost.
my farm friends built a really big composting crib because they have a really big organic garden operation — to avoid doing lots of labor to keep the compost turned over, they put two pigs in there — the pigs rooting through everything kept the compost turned and produced some fine ham products
Calcium deficiency can lead to blossom end rot.
Also, if you soak your seeds in a jar under the spring equinox full moon they will fair better in germination and harvest.
Check out DR Al Sears and his programs for anti-aging and telomere research and products(pricey however)
Do not overlook the sprouting water! Toxic junk like fluoride, chlorine, various minerals like lead, etc. will be incorporated into the sprouts. Get aa good water purifier.
George, along with many of us, has a Berkey water filter to provide a decent variety of consumable water. No idea where his source water stems from, which is to say, no idea what the filter is removing, but I think the water he’ll use for sprouting should be considered adequate to the task.
Another good micro food is sprouted Red Cabbage…
Whole foods are great but they can’t undo the damage of non foods people ingest, though good food is required to metabolize the non foods.
Food defined = nutritional substance
Non food – White flour, sugar and white rice all add to blood sugar problems, can you say diet beets – diabetes used to be called sugar diabetes.
The products people like, especially eating out, contain a ton of sugar or salt.
Ex. famous Dave’s BBQ sauce first ingredient is sugar.
Pies are mostly sugar in floured crust – instead do fresh fruit in cream not iced cream.
Long story short, John Robbins wanted nothing to do with his father’s ice cream company because he figured out sugar is a big part of cancer. Interview –
More non food – Hydrogenated oils, soda, nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine all need to steal nutrition to metabolize. Sugar like other nonfoods are addictive.
Also for anti-aging – stand more than sit each day. Sitting ages. And, if we don’t use it we loose it. heh. I consume a lot more food than ever, all blended up in the Vitamix. There is no way I could normally eat all that raw food daily, though spouting could be a way to go, eat less, need less because less is more. :”)
I lost weight without trying by eliminating flour products, limiting any kind of sugar substance (honey included) per day down to almost nothing. A once regular eggs on toast consumer, without toast is now the norm. I’m good with eggs in butter and real meat or potatoes, onions etc :”) At 60 yrs, I’m healthier than my children in their 30’s needed high levels of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, white flour products, soda and on and on… these people are not going to make America great again, it is us old folks that now see how various controls steered the masses into the wrong direction.
Although I am active (do not formally exercise) and eat breakfast standing, eliminating flour and sugar is key. They are both foreign to the body, clogging up our whole system making our organs work too hard. “Let food be they medicine…”
A Happy, Healthy 2017~!
Amen sister, I concur with everything you say. Getting rid of sugar and flour addiction is one of the hardest physical challenges I have faced, but it must be done.
There is a photo out there showing a man looking at a TV set and a barcode on the back of his neck. The caption is, “the factory is your living room, the product is you.” So typically American, wanting to know about mung beans so you immediately go to a .gov site.
Notice the date, and the references at the bottom of the article.
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
Or as the Vietnam troops used to write in their helmets, “when I die I’m going to heaven, because I’ve spent my time in hell.”
Before exerting your self too much over life extension, I suggest you examine your future quality of life, because as some fictional author wrote, “Eventually we realized that those who died were the lucky ones.” There is a reason why the suicide rates for seniors is increasing. They are already living in the conditions that will occur for Americans when the price of imported goods increases by 30% and then increases a second time to 60%.
The number one, unparalleled, scientifically proven, method of life extension is calorie reduction. Most easily achieved by designing a meal that meets your nutritional needs and eating that for three meals a day, forever.
Thanks for reminding me of the importance of sprouts! I need to relearn the art of growing them. For those of us who can neither garden or cook decently, they’re a nutritional Godsend.
Bear in mind, George, that putting it into your mouth isn’t a guarantee of absorption in the cellular matrix. It may need some additional “whatever” to be absorbed and useful.
One thing about bean sprouts…I’ve tried them in multiple kinds of sprouters and they never worked…just limp and soggy. Once I tried planting them in dirt in a flat and the little babies came up like gang busters! They just needed something to push against to make them strong! Just wash off the dirt and use.
Another thing, when you buy seeds labeled for “sprouting” they are EXPENSIVE!! IF you buy organic , non GMO seeds, you can get sometimes, pounds for what you pay for the ounce for”Sprouting”.
I like a combination of lentils,green peas, and adzuki beans for protein along with the broccoli, kale, chard, etc. Also sunflower sprouts are good. especially like peas and sunflowers after they get their first leaves. I would plant those in flats in soil also. Azomite is a great thing to sprinkle on the soil. That made my wheat grass juice taste a LOT better.
I just read an alternative to growing mung beans in dirt. The guy said to put a weight on them , like a brick.
I might start with a plate then maybe add another one??