I know some of our readers have a hard time understanding why I allow (and encourage) posts from a reader (Jon) who sometimes seems like a sharp-shooter troll from the corporate-government alliance.
But he does have value in that he will (occasionally) ask some hard questions deserving of thoughtful answers.
Although he may not like some of my answers, there may be some learning to be sifted from the mix of discourse.
For example, Jon’s comments pick up on the fact that I do view Trump as a possible historical echo of Herbert (Clark) Hoover’s presidency. Hoover was left holding the bag when America entered its last Depression.
Jon writes in a comment:
“You confuse me George. You made an astute observation when you posted this quote from an article.
“In both the tariff and agriculture debates, President Hoover demonstrated questionable political acumen. The “Great Engineer” had proven as ineffective a politician as he was an effective organizer of exploratory commissions and committees. Instead of convincing Congress that his proposals were sound, Hoover chose to limit his involvement and let Congress legislate.’
Then you ask the question, “sound like someone we Know?”
Of course, it is Trump. He is having difficulties convincing Congress to pass his initiatives. He does like committees, but other than the somewhat successful drug raid in L.A yesterday, nothing is getting done. So in your opinion is Trump the next Hoover? And if so, why do you defend him?”
That is a terribly complicated pair of questions.
As I wrote in a November 2016 analysis here on Urban:
“Odds are looking to me increasingly like the notion we had on the Peoplenomics.com site a number of months back (Trump as Hoover II) could be coming to pass.
The key part of history to understand is that Herbert Hoover assumed office in March of 1929. That means that he had 186-calendar days before the stock market actually peaked.
In other words, his first 100-days were pretty good.
Then read everything you can about the Great Depression and the election of Herbert Hoover and the basics of the Roaring Twenties (the TV show with Dorothy Provine is a simple way to learn).
Things are different now, sure. Back in the last Depression the daily OMG came from flappers. And the modern analog there may well be the LBGT movement.
And prohibition?
Sh*t dude, the national marijuana legalization battle…our Modern Prohibition replay, right?
It’s all there, all in-your-face and you have to be truly dense not to see it.
Another key: Commoditization was key. Prices were low and consumption was high.
Stock prices were at absurdly high prices then, and going higher, I figure another six months (at least) from here. And did you happen to catch the remarks – what last week? – of former U.S. Budget Director David Stockman?
Look, he’s no fool so yes, once we get the final decent correction before the run at the ultimate top, we have no problem playing the long side of this puppy aggressively.
But when we being to line up with history next year and the S&P is up in the 2,300-2,500 range (and we’re counting out winnings) it will then to be time to load up on the short side.
The chart above may not be perfect, but there are some hard times coming – but not just yet.
Part of the reason? The current fiscal budget will run until next October and the shape and priorities of that new budget will be what shape not only the economy, but it will limit the president and congress ability to manage the initial declines.
In the meantime, the Fed will continue to live “in a box” because if they raise rates the economy will implode and if they don’t then the Roaring part of this modern analog will roar a good bit longer….”
That was my view from November (here for ref). BTW I also talked about the coming attack on the Electoral College. Score another one for the FoG (fat old guy).
Unfortunately, I am also honest enough (and have enough long-term readers) that we would be remiss in failing to mention there was also a high probability of Bush II as Hoover II when the Internet Bubble burst.
Arguably, what saved our ‘fat from the fire’ was the (almost suspiciously) timely arrival of terrorism and the resultant mass employment project sold to voters as the War on Terror (WoT) which included a continuous war front from the local train station and airport (via TSA) to the bombs unloaded over Baghdad.
That – and St. Greedspan’s no-doc real estate loan bubble bought the nation another several years.
We are, as Jon will apprehend, now deep in serial bubble country.
As I put on my best Rod Serling voice and say “Look, at the signpost up ahead: The reincarnation of the Civilian Conservation Corps arrived in this timeframe as well.”
It was called AmeriCorps and it’s all been sold as National Service to America. Not saying it is bad, of course, but the bulwarks of the Keynesian economic response are already in deployment and are having limited effect.
Where we can see the continuing effect is in the latest economic fad Modern Monetary Theory. Which, in effect, argues that if you jigger interest rates exactly so, then you will have a “virtuous cycle economy” almost no matter what.
Sadly, what the theorists miss is the problem of how theory plays against people’s down-home physical needs. Holy shit, what a hard thing to model, huh?
But it comes down to “No matter how you jigger the creation of money and fiddle with nominal interest rates, when people have massively declining disposable income, will they still drink the Kool-Aid set before them by the Jonestown Media Circus.
And it’s here that I come to the defense of Trump.
In my view, he has been cast in a role (unbeknownst to him) as a patsy – a fall guy – for decades of crooked politics before him.
He has some dynamical growth tools left, but not a lot. The Keynesian Spending Festival was already kicked off by Obama who did terrible things to the national budget. In his defense, it would never do in today’s PC world to have a black man holding the bag. But a very rich, successful, questioning, bombastic (and let’s not leave out emotional and sarcastic secretive) rich white guy?
It’s time for the liberally co-opted mostly functionally conservative democrats in the House and Senate (who by label lies) cast themselves as Republicans, to show their true colors.
So not only do with have POJ (pile-on-journalism) with the complicit press but we also have PoP – Pile on Politics where the Republican party bears no more resemblance to the “party of Lincoln” than the a Cimarron has to a real Cadillac. The labels (brand) may be nominally ‘the same’ but that is where all semblance ends. One was a Caddie, one was an X-car.
Is Trump a victim? Well, in a way, I suppose so.
The Pile on Journos effectively made it inevitable that he’d be subjected to talk of impeachment, especially when the press was the source of leaks about US intelligence, not Trump’s meeting with the Russians.
While Trumps a “big boy” I still tend to favor the underdog and it’s easier to do this when one looks to the larger historical context.
Then Jon wondered about my take on war which – sadly – seems to come in the wake of economic depressions.
Jon specifically writes:
“And your rant on war is terrifying. You talk about insanity in telling the truth about our President, yet you endorse the destruction of human lives and civilizations? People have been committed to asylum for far less macabre thoughts. War is never the answer. Never has been, never will be, unless we want to be minions of the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned us of.”
Ah…the facts are on my side on this one.
Jon (*and any other misguided readers who took my view as actually supporting war) must surely realize that I am not advocating for the use of war as an economic tool (Carl von Clausewitz, notwithstanding).
What I am intimating is that humans have a dismal history of actually following economic depressions with wars.
A few examples (if you don’t read Peoplenomics where such fare is more frequently discussed):
Remember the American Revolution, circa 1776? Most people are not aware of the panic shortly thereafter (some Wikipedia data since I feel lazy today). We begin with antecedents to the War of 1812:
“The Embargo Act of 1807 was passed by the United States Congress under President Thomas Jefferson as tensions increased with the United Kingdom. Along with trade restrictions imposed by the British, shipping-related industries were hard hit. The Federalists fought the embargo and allowed smuggling to take place in New England. Trade volumes, commodity prices and securities prices all began to fall. Macon’s Bill Number 2 ended the embargoes in May 1810, and a recovery started.”
Going to war helps “recovery.”
I skipped right over the Depression of 1785 fueling the Chickamunga War on the Cherokee, if you missed it.
Panics of 1857 (and 1860) as a Civil War drivers?
“Failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company burst a European speculative bubble in United States’ railroads and caused a loss of confidence in American banks. Over 5,000 businesses failed within the first year of the Panic, and unemployment was accompanied by protest meetings in urban areas.”
Panic of 1907 in the US as a lead-in to WW I? Or would that be to the 9-year Border War with Mexico 1910 to 1919? Economic roots are found again!
“…the run on Knickerbocker Trust Company deposits on October 22, 1907, set events in motion that would lead to a severe monetary contraction.”
Recessions of 1958 and 1960 in close succession to drive the Vietnam War?
“Monetary policy was tightened during the two years preceding 1957, followed by an easing of policy at the end of 1957. “
If you want a war, kill the economy with Fed policy for a couple of years then wait for the shooting.
The Invasion of Grenada (1983) the Multi-National Force in Lebanon (1982), and Bombing of Libya (1986) could be argued as lingering but economically necessary after-effects of the 1980 recession:
“The Iranian Revolution sharply increased the price of oil around the world in 1979, causing the 1979 energy crisis. This was caused by the new regime in power in Iran, which exported oil at inconsistent intervals and at a lower volume, forcing prices up.”
Then we get into my more recent favorites like the Gulf War of 1990 which ties into the 1990 major recession caused by what?
“After the lengthy peacetime expansion of the 1980s, inflation began to increase and the Federal Reserve responded by raising interest rates from 1986 to 1989. This weakened but did not stop growth, but some combination of the subsequent 1990 oil price shock, the debt accumulation of the 1980s, and growing consumer pessimism combined with the weakened economy to produce a brief recession.“
Next War as a Fix-It?
Collapse of the Internet Bubble brought us both Afghanistan and the Iraq War (OIF).
Libya, Syria,, the war on ISIS/ISIL, and the ongoing Afghanistan and… well, all that is post the 2009 major recession.
When Jon challenges with “….yet you endorse the destruction of human lives and civilizations? People have been committed to asylum for far less macabre thoughts….” we need to be clear.
I am not personally endorsing war given any other options.
I am, however, an unabashed economic realist who can see the proximity effect of “major recession” followed by “major war or conquest.”
It’s a sort of long-term human socioeconomic failure down through history.
These things are not hard and fast; their manifestations do vary by the country, circumstances, mood of the people, ability to rise up and so on.
Yet even when there is a long-delayed effect, such of the mid 1920’s collapse of the German Weimar Republic (with its wheel barrows full of fiat money and prices changing hourly) we see the economic devastation of war following the rise of a maniacal leader in the form of Hitler; born of the savages of war he experienced and rooted in economic discontent with the injustice of the allies reparation plans following WW I. I
These beggared the German people and ensured a second world war in due course.
I don’t like to forecast such evil is ahead in our lifetimes, or that of my children.
But a read of history argues there is an economic link to war.
General Smedley Butler famously claimed that “War is a Racket” but in truth it’s a business model. And such models are like snakes, which is why we study them so deeply. In Pogo-eque terms “Dey is like snakes and their bite’ll kill yah nowadays.”
Those who are not willing to give history a critical read and harsh review stand to be misled by the contemporary demagogues who would pretend the lead the finest country on Earth.
Yes, I do think Trump is trying, Jon. Trying on the job but also trying our patience as a country at the same time.
But we haven’t had a functioning Congress for more than 20-years, so I can cut him a lot of slack, even now.
The new Dr. Steven Greer documentary on Amazon “Unacknowledged” worth your time to watch.
It is tangentially more related to the Deep State warnings of Eisenhower than the daily operating trivialities of playing “pin the scandal on the Trump.”
The “free press” in America is a harsh reminder we get what we pay for.
But if you don’t like the proximity of recessions and depressions to the wars that seem to follow, perhaps you should stay in the juvenile fiction area of the library.
Truth is, I expect Jon (&/or his employers) already know that.
Now you do, too.
Write when you get rich,
And if the world didn’t already know that,
then some sense was shipped in, Via (Urban Survival—–George Eure )
And May all beings be lovingly fulfilled– so be it
made my morning, twice. nice porch
George, no one but a Liberal/Idiot could twist a simple historical observation into an endorsement of the results of the observation. However, Jon fuels his life force with feigned illogical conclusions, summed from said twists merely for the sadistic pleasure he derives from trying to trip people up with their own words. I say “feigned” because he is clearly intelligent. Of course George, Jon could be you. Sort of an alter ego to stir interest in your publishing??? LOL!
Nope…I’m far too normal and rational, Don. Besides, wouldn’t drive an electrocar on a bet.
Hi Jon
I will ignore the tacked-on Trump bash at the end, lol, since that wasn’t response to the post (so much).
But on electric cars, sonny, I know more than a thing of two.
You see, in my previous incarnation as a sales and marketing whiz in DC/Battery instrumentation, our team (yes, including [ahem…]) instrumented the Argonee National Labs HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle) Challenged in when, 1998 and 1999? Somewhere in there. Also if you look, I am not only on four public battery=related patents, but I also have a Skunk Works patch for the battery problems solved you’ve never heard about.
Battery powered/augmented vehicles are NOT the be-all, end all solution. Although, I did encourage my sister to buy the first Prius in Seattle – and she eventually sold it for more than she paid for it and is on her second one now.
So no, you make ASSUMPTIONS about people. Not a good thing for a sales person!!! You need to LISTEN to your customer and then offer EXACTLY what thjey want to buy.
If you could have said…
“Look George, I know electric cars are not the WHOLE answer for all those reasons you know full well:
1. Battery pack replacement is more than an engine plus transmission for most cars.
2. Plug-in charging stations simply transfer the load from the gasoline refinery to the grid…
3. Using lithium from countries like Bolivia steals important natural resources from indigenous peoples without adequate social paybacks…
4. It takes more energy to move (generally heavier) electrics.
And then we come to the Uber/Lyft problem. You see, as the price of vehicles gets past the ability of regular (as opposed to unleaded) people to buy them, the self driving cars will result in a new business model wherein you willk be paying “per month” for transportation in driverless rather than eat the huge personal cap ex (capital expense for non-Jons) that goes with buying $80,000 five-year lifespan wheeled ego movers.
But I won’t point all these things out (net energy sinks and such) because gee, I must in your estimation be….uh…what was that? Oh yeah…
“…your “electrocar” comment to Don’s misguided comment puts you back into the category of”what my Grandpa used to Say” realm. ”
Well, maybe you should have listened to grandpa a bit more. Us grandpas buy the right business models, not the “right” model year
I sit at my bar all day drinking, waiting for something to sway ,
will my body or my mind be first
do I have a wave guide,
that is left handed and sinistral— yes we all have experienced the ventral,
but me I want to be lean and not mean ,
the few that sought his advice will no doubt see matters improve,
presently ,
In addition to being weak,
you will become stronger
because you will be able to keep out storms ,
so yes if you feel a little wavy read Urban Survival daily
I don’t know which one of us needs rehab worse…
Maybe when the next crash occurs this time we can play the aliens from space are coming card.
Great article! Very informative and entertaining. I’ve had some doubts about your state of mind in recent articles, but this is vintage “George”!
I have many doubts about my state of mind. But then I look to Washington and feel strangely normal.
shoot.. and I thought I was the only one that everyone including myself was questioning my state of mind.. I am glad to know I am not the only one sitting on the stump.. LOL LOL LOL
I’m glad you keep Jon on the comment side. We need the entertainment! You pegged him well. He is a “Troll” and he is one of the very best examples of why Trump is our President. It is people like Jon and his ilk that looked the other way on everything Obama and Clinton did these past 8 years or so. When comparing apples to apples and actions to actions, Trump demonstrates every time he is for America. Obama and Clinton demonstrated they were for themselves, their ideology and leaned to sympathize with Radical Islamic Muslims. For Clinton she helped the Russia get Uranium and we heard nothing of Jon. In fact we heard nothing of Jon until after Trump was elected. Troll?, most definitely. Keep him on the comments side…he makes me laugh every time. Thoughtful questions or comments? Only if you think he has a point. His point has been and always will be…I Hate Trump…nothing else he writes overcomes that one statement. Until he gets objectivity and not ideological, that’s all anyone really reads from him. Everything else is just the shrill rantings from a leftist that continues to throw a tantrum that they lost!! Pretty entertaining to me!!!
You bring to mind a key point about Jon’s generation. He thinks like an X’er. He is at least engaged and trying to learn something. But his learning style is not to ask a single poignant question. For this, he’d need law school training. Nor can he ask the direct question of a tradesman. “Do long is that?” kind of thing.
Instead, his way of asking a question is to cite large portions of the news swill and quote those as rhyme and verse. Then put a question mark at the end of it.
No, I like Jon. I can learn from him – he can learn from me. Sure it will be lopsided, but we can all win from observing the alien species.
I might consider changing UrbanSurvival to something like Site-51, though, lol
Trump’s behavior in Scotland is despicable.
And, all on video.
I don’t know what kind of political animal he is, exactly, but he is definitely the worst kind of American.
Oh, no, not Jon #2.
My reply to your 1,2,3 comments.
1. Total car Battery replacement is actually on the way to being much, much cheaper than filling a tank of gas. I have access to tech projects that would blow your mind. Developers have been working on a “cartridge” that slips into place as a charging alternative. This would be a “lease/deposit” type of arrangement, like changing out propane for a gas grill. But, as it is batteries last unscathed up to 4 years now, or the average length of time between car purchases. That said, battery life is on a Moore’s law timeline with Lithium air batteries, Gold nano-wire and Magnesium technologies just around the corner.
2. So? In many west coast states, renewable electricity is as much as 67% of the poster generated. I am in the Bay Area today, extending my stay for a graduation of one of my younger cousins and visiting my aunt and uncle. The front page of the Chronicle said that 67% of electric power came from wind, solar, hydro and other clean power sources. That number continues to rise over time. And as they reach the peak solar months in June/July, solars output alone could push that renewable number to over 75%. The excess of water in the Sierra’s will also increase hydro output, which will at least this year, push that number close to 90%. That’s not transferring power from one traditionally dirty source (coal and gasoline production) to another. That is a transferring it from clean to clean.
3. I agree that lithium does have consequences, but what about fracking or tar sands production? That is far dirtier and affects us in our own backyard. What about the BP gulf oil spill or the trillions of tons of carbon waste that goes into refining and then the trillions tons of more carbon pollution that is pumped into the air from driving the cars and trucks that use that gas? Fossil fuels are the pollution gift that keeps on giving. Lithium has one production point of pollution capability. After that? Zilch.
4. So? If that energy is clean, as I stated above, why does it matter the weight of the delivery system?
No, this is where we get into the TCF – total carbon footprint per 100,000 miles of operation.
With a four year life on batteries that’s still a huge nut to crack.
By the way, if you want to solve your recycling of batteries issue, the answer I came up with a long time ago (during out HEV Challenge period) was to put a high density battery pack on a “mini trailer” that trails the mother ship.
Drive into the service location, off comes one trailer, on goes the new one. Connect up the Anderson connector and good to go another 300 miles (down hill, lol).
Battery driven cars is not the future
Battery driven homes is not the future
Solar power for energy is not the future
Jon ,ridicule is either sportive or thoughtless. And I’m glad you haven’t crossed that with me because you do know that it leads two hostile or malicious language
Jon’s future (Crystals)
I think Trump is the answer He already has fame.. he is one of the wealthiest people so he doesn’t need the money he is at the twilight years of his life..He has failed and crawled back up out of the depths of defeat I think he seen a set of problems that is going on and thought with his experience and wisdom he could actually help the people of america bring pride back to our working class..Just doing a simple check on his company and seeing that he has about an 80% retention level says a lot about his company.. the one exit interview I read that was bad.. if you followed it along you could see that there were major changes to the management staff at the resort that had the bad exit interview.. His employees feel he is accessible to him. I guess all in all I would have felt proud to work for him back in the day and have a sense of job security. . He will become the patsy.. or he is the patsy already for a group of legislators that should have been voted out decades ago and a system so filled with greed and misdirection.. that is simply amazes me.
I question if he will be as giving as Jimmy was when Congress sold him down the river .. he took the blame for what congress did never squawked about it.. ( the millionaire relief act of 98 that sold the middle class out and caused double digit inflation..) although if we had followed Jimmy’s plan at the time I think we wouldn’t be looking at what is coming up.. I do think that Trump gave us a little time to.. I had predicted March to Oct.. for the correction and I think now we might have a chance.. In my humble opinion it all depends on what the puppet masters have in store for us all..
… if we don’t like the proximity of recessions and depressions to the wars that seem to follow, perhaps we should try on the “basic income idea?” It can be done, because I’ve studied the pros vs. the cons. There is no need to go into detail by me, and I’ll derive NO benefit from any potential action!
George and Jon:
I like electrics for vehicles and espcially large trucks because of the same reason trains are Diesel Electric: The Flat as Kansas Torque Curve, starting at Zero (locked Rotor). I wish there was some way to package that in a car, with batteries as the “passing gear” and still leave room for passengers and trunk space. Gas/diesel engines operate at “peak” power so they need a trans mission to keep them at peak power. when they are hybride like a train, the engine runs one Peak speed and the electrics flat torque curve pulls stuff. I agree with all the problems of electrics just shifting the cost and pollution “down the wire” but still love the high torque takeoff around town, which is only place they make sense.
The problem will always be that if you think about how many BTUs or Joules are transferred though a 1″ hose in 15 minutes, then think of the diameter of cable that would be needed to do the same thing in electrons without melting (about 18″ I guesstimate) then you know why electrics are not going to be practical for a while, at least not until the building codes are changed to authorize 480V connections in houses.
let’s not forget the multiple stage charging dynamics. A 1000 amphour baqttery will after the Fissure du fouet (crack of the whip) in chemistry while the direction of chemical reaqction changes.
Shortly thereafter, the battery will accfept 800 amps, but as the remaining capaqcity reduces during charging, so does the aqcceptance3 current. Push it too hard an you hit thermal runaway.
So you can’t just increase charge voltage above4 cell gassing or reaction temp because that will result in thermal runaway as wel. Any charging scheme that tries to be the laws of chemistry will be tied up with heat, dissipation, or the chemistry will follow the depth of discharge dictates speed of charging, plain and simple
Yeah tell me about it I can take three batteries hooked up in series and weld that’s how I do my welding around here but now if you hook five of them up for burning or as a torch and now look out there was an bamg ,explosion, blow to top the last battery
And in regard to the cartridge, think of what it realistically must do to replace a gas tank.
A Car’s 15 gal tank is the size of a Two suiter suitcase, and a Big SUV has a 50 gallon the size of a steamer trunk (from looking under my yukon to judge).
One moves a 3000 lb car 350 miles and the other moves the 7000 lb Yukon same distance.
I am having a hard time picturing any battery in present technology that can get you the two-350 mile stages of a days driving. Best I see now is about 200 and it all better be flat ground.
And my wife will not want to sit at the Pilot Flying J more than 15-20 minutes to fill up and pit stop. Even with 48V charging that will not get under 2 hours soon, and if you have had your oil changed at a Quick Lube you can gauge how long the tank change will take. I agree though that changing e batteries makes as much sense in the car as it does in a flash lite, but I don’t see it ever happening as fast.
Once they put a gooseneck ball on top of a Tesla that’ll haul my fully loaded 20 foot livestock trailer over the miles of rocky hills of our ranch with a refueling time of 20 minutes or less then we might be headed in the right direction. I think we’ll be well into the release of Zero Point technology by that time, though. Perhaps even anti-gravity tech which seems to go hand-in-hand. Until then I’ll stick with my 1 ton diesel and happily pilot the last wide body Expedition EL Ford made which we just picked up in Dallas to replace the one we lost back in February. The world is going to be burning fossil fuels till the last drop is sucked out of the ground regardless of price.
And, speaking of Dallas, dear God how do people live like that? We lived in 5 major cities when I was growing up, Plano being one of them when it had only one or two exits. Now you’d think you were in Hong Kong due to the sheer mass of humanity stacked one on top of each other. Sustainability discussions are simply exercises in mental masturbation.
Hi George,
Had some time to go through a few of the Steven Greer videos on YouTube today. The new movie he has out is certainly intriguing but my big question is if the information this guy has been putting out for so long has gotten so many people “erased” why the heck is he still up walking around? If a lot of his historical recitations are correct they do disclose a strange alternative facet to the political arena given the Clintons, Rockefellers, Panetta and others.
Hey Jon. One of the other sites I like is over at Jesse’s Crossroads Cafe. He posts a lot of great quotes. One recent quote was from Kierkegaard – “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” That one question I posed to George, which, indeed needs an answer, has been bugging me. I have yet to receive a reply from Greer’s site on it as well … BUT given the significant probability that we’ve all been played just to give continuation for the status quo since before even I was born, not to mention the ridiculous assumption we’re the only sentient beings in the universe, I’ve come to the conclusion that an open mind on this and other “conspiracy theories” will make the sting of reality much less significant whenever it finally hits. Just a feeling in my old bones given my “faith” in Humanity that we’re on the edge of some significant disclosures that will blow a lot of the status quo out of the water.
Of course it has now been revealed that Trump never said Comey was a nut job, nor did Comey say that about Trump but we can count on MSM repeater Jon to herald it as truth. Jon is the clown for the NWO, pd in Euros for sure.
Somebody isn’t connecting dots ,so we will give him another hint https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-04/ciot-nql041917.php
Hint 3, Apple will be a key player
Its cell phones will not use batteries
Cars will not use batteries
Homes will not use batteries and electricity will be made without solar panels
Aircraft will not use fuel
Crystals will draw the power in to run all
And yes the death of the money system as you know it
Is the only way these technologies will be released