Bracing for Fed Week

The odds of the Fed actually changing rates next week are low.   But that doesn’t mean the markets won’t be doing some hedging just in case.

While doing so, we have our eyes on a bank going banko and wonder how next weekend employment reports will sail, as well.

Mainly, we’re hoping for a quiet few weeks and a rally ahead of Memorial Day.  But the market dynamics, pending action in “the several wars” and a mixed public mood are just the right soil confusion over future to take root and grow in.

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28 thoughts on “Bracing for Fed Week”

    • Well, if Israel can hit targets across sovereign lines and not cause all out war with that country, I suppose Putin can do it too.

    • They are really stocking the shelves for Ukraine.., aren’t they!? Wow.., that is a lot war-stuff. I don’t believe that the Ukraine has that many qualified personnel – so this has to be a run-up for NATO troops ?
      My immediate take was – just what will Russia counter with?

      • “just what will Russia counter with?”

        I’d guess thermobarics, if they can catch the stuff warehoused, and SU-25s, if they can’t. The best way to dodge all them there bullets is to keep ’em from being used.

    • Don’t forget the cries of the capitalists, “We have to save Boeing. National Security!”

        • Intel is mainlining free. They’ll do to processor chips what what Boeing did to planes. And people cheer it on.

          We don’t want to wish ill will on people but hope the chips that fail are in nuke plants where the cheerleaders live.

        • Canon, H-P, Epson, practically gave computer printers away for 25 years. A printer would list at $35, and cartridges would run $20-$45 apiece. In 2005, after they went to (ROM) chipped ink cartridges, the ink for my Epson archival photo printer worked out to over $80,000 per ounce.

          You can now buy Epson printers which take refillable cartridges again. MSRP starting at $449, no idea how much the ink is. When the above assholes started chipping their ink, I switched both what I was using, and what I was selling, to (unchipped) Brother (which may be the best of the lot, unless you NEED museum-quality archival photographic prints…)

          If Intel is “going free,” they’ll be making the cost up with the motherboard chipsets. They’ll do a proprietary IO and require a complimentary (proprietary, and only available from, or under license from Intel) BIOS or southbridge to complete the processing sequence, then begin pricing said complimentary chip at several hundred dollars.


    the reason he could smell ammonia is..I emptied it for shipping… so that’s pretty impressive to get down to 54 degrees..with nothing in it but some water flush..
    when I got that I studied it to make my solar beer chiller..
    then the wife wanted to park in the garage.. with the solar beer chiller I had a coil in a water bath then a return line .. heat up the evaporator into an expansion pipe into the coil then down to the expansion cooler.. the big issue was freezing. it would get so cold that it froze the drinks you had to put ice in it.

  2. Acoustic Saturday – ya know real Voice – no vibrasucktones..

    Rumspringa is upon us, beware loose Dycks
    Oooooo69 – dinna 4 2 with a harry vue!
    69 points on the SPY…440? Oh nnooo, Mr George.

    Mr Market wants 2 know, “Are you Fallin with me”?

    Well? You wanna fill that gap, no? Lets take a Dive!
    “Meet at the Rainbow..9:45”

    Kiss This !?
    glad you asked ! coming right up

  3. I have been drinking green tea (4 to 6 cups a day) for the past few days. It definitely reduces inflammation and pain levels significantly. It acts as a diuretic as well so it might interfere with some prescription drugs.

    • If I remember correctly Eleanor, you had hand surgery. How did that go? I continue to have a lot of arthritic pain in my hands. Thankfully, no where else in my body. I am considering something called DigiSplints. I have heard good reviews and they are not far from my home.

      I do drink green tea 2-3 cups a day) but get little relief except for Tylenol Arthritis.

      • I wore finger splints for at least a dozen years that prevented my fingers from dislocating. It took a little while to get used to them but they worked well. I got mine from SilverRingSplint. I needed a doctors prescription and had them custom fitted by a licenced hand physical therapist. My first ones were covered by my insurance but now they will only pay for one a year.

        Having my joints replaced fixed some of my other hand deformities so I no longer need to wear the ring splints but may need them at a later date. I’m happy with the hand surgery. I no longer look obviously physically handicapped. People no longer stare at my hands in public or when I use them. They didn’t hurt much before surgery because the joints were frozen ( my hands looked like fists) and don’t really hurt much now, but feel stiff.

        My biggest problem post surgeries is that my Rheumatoid arthritis drug isn’t working as well as I would like. I’m on a Carnivore Diet because some people have found they went into remission on it. At 5 months on this diet I have found that it has helped some of my other autoimmune issues but most of my large joints are still quite painful. I have been quite delighted to find that the green tea has been able to reduce my pain levels, but I haven’t given up on the Carnivore Diet yet.

        I hope the splints help reduce your hand pain. The surgery I had on my hands is pretty new. I was told it was like having 4 knee replacements on each hand. It’s complicated surgery and I think I was only the second person the surgeon did this procedure on. It might be worth it to have a hand surgeon examine your hands.

    • I read, a couple of years ago, that too much green tea [ and chamomile tea ] can have an affect/interfere on ‘certain’ medications. What constitutes “too” much., and what “medications” – I do not know. I looked it up as I do drink a lot of Green Tea., though I do not take any meds.

  4. I have a friend from my Vietnam days [ though we were not on the same team, we did have a number of joint-missions., and he was a part of the massive fight with eight MP’s and few S. Vietnamese Police, at an off-limits bar near Da Nang. Yeah, back in the good ole days.] We he got out, we lost touch.., he discovered that he no longer fit-in, any where, and hitched-hiked and worked his way around the world . Hitch-hiking thru Japan he was walking thru a small, remote village, saw a very nice bed-n-breakfast inn and decided to stay few days. He never left. Fell in love, got married and has been there ever since.
    He now, after nearly thirty years, has been accepted as a local and spends his time in his garden, raising chickens and helping every one he can. Very peaceful, nearly off-grid and loving every minute of it.
    A couple of weeks ago the village elders called for a meeting – he attended, though he has little say in village matters. They are very worried with what is happening in Japan right now., and the village. The village was small when he moved-in and has since lost nearly a third of it’s people. The young have moved away to Osaka, or Tokyo.
    They all agreed that they must form multiple village gardens and combine all their efforts and resources to help everyone through what they see coming. [ Japan still has a very militaristic mind-set.]
    He told me that it doesn’t look good in his village right now., but looks even worse throughout Japan. They can grow a lot of food., but that there aren’t enough young people that want to work.
    They will do what they can, and will probably be alright. Lots of good people in village., but if a recession does hit – it will be bad in Japan. The economy is already beaten down, money is in short supply, everywhere.., and if the ships stop coming – or are rescheduled due to demand – it could get ‘very’ bad.
    .., and the Yen keeps on falling – hit a multi-decades low, a couple of days back.

    • That is what happened to our community!
      the changes came because of the change in the view…
      when I grew up I couldn’t imagine being anything other than a good addition to anyone’s company. we were poor but never ever felt as if we were poor.. I was one of the lucky ones..great parents sure never said I’m bored lol.. or I’d like to.. one time I thought .. I’d like to get a Tandy leather moccasin kit.. came home from school to find a whole cowhide waiting for me to process into leather.. and a copy of the pattern from tandy..
      at 6 I was mowing the neighbors lawn by 8, I was mowing the majority of the towns elderly lawns.
      today the emphasis is on a sheet of paper.. industry has abandoned the USA our desire to gain a number is the goal.
      the kids head out to find a fortune and leave the home base alone our young parents have become slaves to the number. mom and dad both work multiple average work week was a hundred hours a week. a day of vacation was eight to ten hours.
      the children are left to baby rearing industries..( babysitters) the poorer ones left to the local gangs ,television and computer games.. crime flourishes violence is desensitized to view crime and horrible violence as normal.
      church is declining even in our faith.. children and employers could care less about your family or your faith..its the number.
      I try to keep the grandkids busy and questioning the why.. even there the desires to explore the unknown is being changing to the game world.
      violence is so prominent and teachers feeling powerless have allowed bullying to be a common thing. A poor girl in the neighbourhood is considered valueless if she cannot afford the latest fashion’s and the same for a young man if he cannot drive an expensive car. ever wonder why someone would own an expensive car but live in shambles..that’s it pride and self worth are diminishing.. the goal a number.

  5. I have always been a Giant Glomm for Information. I have always (since about 5th grade) been “sampling” the waters from many wells — perceiving differences and commonalities. Much contradicts, and much confirms. I have enjoyed UrbSurv greatly as a Source — often of surprising things and unrelated ones. I have vastly enjoyed Stu’s writings. Some trouble me — some confirm — some impeach, and stimulate further study. (I make my own decisions.)

    As a birthday gift, I was given a Halicrafters S-107 general coverage receiver in the 5th grade, and there was much opinion fon both plain old AM, and on shortwave from many countries that wasn’t exactly Standard American Thinking. In fact, those were the Days Of Bad McCarthy Ascendent, and my teachers and the school principal were Not Happy about the highly questionable stuff I was listening to. My parents were champions of free speech, and took my side. I found it all interesting and challenging and thought-provoking.

    In that spirit I commend to your consideration. Not perfect; but challenging. Interesting. He is a “pre-milleniumist.” (Not the most popular, or most convincing of positions.) You might enjoy it.
    Some “fits,” some does not. It may be a bit of an acquired taste — taking some patience: taking a little time to grok. It is another Voice.

    • Wise words, Wm. Future is spoken by many, but it’s the harmony that i the music between all the singers…that’s where Future springs from – the harmony not the soloists

    • .., and it seems that Russia is backing the Chinese request for an investigation. Meaning? – They know the U.S. / U.K. blew it up? – ., and if the investigation shows that ?

  6. “Which means, with a 2massive debt to GDP. Japan could be the first house to burn down as made-up money implodes.”

    Hasn’t Andy been saying for years, that Japan’s economy would go first…?

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