Assad’s Retrograde Flight, 42 to 20, A Gifting Problem

Scanning the headlines early, world events bear a striking resemblance to the splines of the power takeoff shaft on my old Kubota.  Or, perhaps, the stick of wood in an ancient movie that stops a bascule bridge gearing from squishing the damsel in distress as the bridge comes down.

We hold that “people think in pictures and analogies.”

Try as I have, there are a times that no matter how much effort is expended, you absolutely can not get a power-take-off shaft to mate with the tractor.  Until suddenly something moves just right. Then, almost effortlessly, the connection is made and field work may proceed.

This is the Syria situation in a nutshell.  Things have been lined-up for a collapse. But it wasn’t until the beginning of Mercury Retrograde these past few days, that the “great work” of civil war made to proceed.

“Mercury retrograde ends on December 15, 2024, when Mercury turns direct and moves forward. However, there is a post-retrograde shadow phase that can continue until January 3, 2024, which can cause last-minute glitches.”

Vedic astrology had been pointing at December 7th-8th as a time the “world would remember.”  But one famous face on YouTube was expecting personal aspects for Chinese president Xi along with China (the nation itself).  Near as we can figure, it’s a clean miss.  But only so far and barely.  I’ll get there in a sec.

Meantime, the U.S. has to “get right with China” at some point. If for no other reason than their recent advances in weaponry: Exclusive : China Unveils Metal Storm Mobile Electromagnetic Gun System as Defense Solution Against Aerial Threats.

To be sure, China has a key (though muted) role in current events in Syria. Even as Trump calls on China to help end ‘madness’ between Russia and Ukraine: ‘World is waiting’.  Assad is reported in Moscow and civil war is game on. The shaft of historical-level change is back to turning, again.

But keep an eye on two breaking stories out of Taiwan today – which the MSM is a bit lame on tracking.  China has begun a “soft blockade” of Taiwan-adjacent airspace.  See Map shows China’s 7 reserved air zones.

And might this be a prelude to invasion of Taiwan?  What, you mean with stories like China deploys nearly 90 naval ships, with some near Taiwan? We can never be sure, until we are, but 90 ships is a modest load-out for a first wave. If we see a following wave form, then there could be financial follow-on.

The problems of the WestPac and Syria being tied was hinted-at in a note from our consigliere Sunday.  After some perfunctory remarks about the nastiness of civil wars, he made this observation:

“It is going to be interesting to see if the US now holds Israel to the same standard as to Territorial Acquisition that they have been holding Russia to wrt the Russian speaking people of Ukraine as Israel moves to take over more of Syria.  I say they won’t … ANYBODY want to take the other side of the bet?   I will put $1000 real dollars on the table right now in fact.

What I am doing with the above paragraph is pointing out EXACTLY what Xi complained about in his comments to Joe Biden last month …. The US speaks out of both sides of it’s mouth and consistently LIES both when it talks AND when it makes Representations in WRITING.  The US is NOT honest and is NOT an honest broker when it comes to ANYTHING on the international stage is the best way to sum up Xi’s comments.”

Just be aware the consigliere has already won the proffered bet: U.S., Israel Conduct Dozens Of Strikes, Hit Over 75 Targets In Wake Of Syria’s Regime Collapse. Double-standards, why in America of all places! Who would have thought?  No war declaration; just alphabets and neocons, all with plausible whatsits.

This really us focuses on Xi’s “Trump problem.”  You see, he knows (because of a 2017 dinner and launching of cruise missiles) that Trump is a resolute fellow perfectly capable of unleashing the dogs of war.

Thus, if China is to take Taiwan with minimal impact, doing so on Biden’s watch, or better the unelectable VP’s, would minimize economic risk to China and make events hard for Trump to unwind coming into office.

Ticktock, so to speak.

Meanwhile, the Plate Turns

Another “grand turning” which is back in motion is the Pacific Plate.  In a long view of the world, the outline of potential dangers is clear; amplified by multiple quakes in the Aleutians overnight:

The blue (OK, aquamarine, if you insist) was magnitude 6.3 Sunday.

Old “newsroom trauma” keeps us looking at this area, because it’s about 110 miles from Amchitka Island where the U.S. set off several large nuclear tests, back in the day. It was the Cannikin 5 mt test in 1971.

Meanwhile, a 30 day global view of “significant quakes” – while not looking like tractor PTO splines around the shaft yet – is rounding a bit.

The yellow Cape Mendocino quake (the 7.0 last week) may be trying to start something. But, we hope not.

For now, we’re looking at a radiation monitor under the house as a sole lookahead for geologic activities in East Texas. Based on two things: InTech-Radon_as_earthquake_precursor.pdf. While our secondary agenda is A Uranium-Mining Boom Is Sweeping Through Texas | WIRED.

Rip N. Reed: 42 to 20

(Some old-school radio news/journalism, huh?)

Trump HR moves continue with 42 days to his second Ovalation: Trump names Alina Habba as counselor to the president | Fox News. But the left keeps up their attacks. In stories like Yale Professor Compares ‘Loyalist’ Trump Picks To ‘Mafia’.  This is what sore losers, out of touch with America are expected to do…

Being White continues to sunset: Thierry Baudet on the Africanization of The Netherlands.

More and more headlines point to Diddy as a kind of Epstein II case: Yikes. “This could be WORSE than Jeffrey Epstein. Every room in Diddy’s mansions were wired with cameras…and this was used for blackmail material…”  Seems to us such stress could lead to a, um, shortened lifespan.

Children’s television is alive and well: CNN Panel Erupts Over Biden’s Pardon of Hunter Biden. Oh, look! Another democrat spews apologies: Bill Clinton Pushes Back, Says Hunter Biden Pardon ‘Not Comparable’ to His Decision to Pardon Half-Brother Roger. Yes, democrats are special.  Just ask one. But there is hope: The Bell Finally Tolls for the FBI video is worth listening to.

Useful Health note: Can HIIT benefits last? insights for diabetes management.  Also read on the 14 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil.

At the Ranch: A Gifting Problem

It’s the time of year when the biggest problem around here becomes “gifting.”

In years past, the National Bank of Dad has simply done a check run and that was that.  However we have decided to cut that off – with the exception of grand children.  This is a task that is easily assigned to the Supply Chain Grandma.

But Elaine and I are “the gifting problems.”

First, because we don’t wait for Christmas.  We figure when you’re over 70, if something “catches your eye”  you just go buy it and enjoy.  Waiting for another Christmas to roll around…which the world might not see (or you be in it to see) seems like pointless self-denial.

Also, our activities have changed.  For example, since we are unvaxxed, going on a trip for some extended period (long cruise, for example) doesn’t seem especially wise.  Someone has to babysit the ranch, after all.  And then there’s passports and…naw…Aging is “when what used to be fun is now work.”

Besides, I lived on a sailboat for 10+ years.  If there was anywhere I was really compelled to go, I’d have followed reader Stiks and been down in the Tuamotus or something.

I’ve written about my tool slut tendencies, often enough in our ShopTalk Sunday rambles. Nothing I need at any of the workstations, either. Except more time, of course.

Elaine’s workstation (a Toshiba l/t with external monitor) is one of the few useful ideas I’ve had in a while.  By next weekend, she will be ported over onto a single larger monitor (this one, 34″ curved and 1 ms response time). At the same time, one of those under $200 class mini computers with Win11 Pro and 16 gigs will be mounted on the back, which will really be a nice change for her.

The other part of the gift is I spent most of Sunday working on consolidation of our digital footprints.

We have been out here in the woods writing for almost 25-years now, and we’ve been through a dozen computers, or more, between us.  Finally (you know you’re getting old when…) I started to consolidate all the old hard drives onto a single 4TB USB.

All the while I was pondering “Is this what Life is?  Work your ass off to get ahead so that when you finally get everything you ever wanted you can get rid of it?”

See, there are two general classes of people when comes to aging.  One group says, in effect, “The one who dies with the most toys wins!”  The other says “Best to have nothing, so no work needed at the End.”

Truth?  Likely somewhere in between.  Sure, we could all live lives without the sailboats, airplanes, Porsche’s and ex Playboy club darlings. But would that “monastic hermit-like life” provide as many replayable scenes in the Afterlife?  No chance.

Still, there’s a balance and at some point, 20-some HF ham stations will distill down to a handful. Elaine’s coming to the realization that her “Disco Diva” collection of $600 shoes may not be as practical as once-upon-a-time, either.

Somewhere in Life, the tide changes.  What once was “coming in” has turned and is “going out.” Not too fast, we hope.

A favorite uncle of mine reached what I considered his marital zenith when he bought his wife a huge (as in many) karats diamond ring.  “That’s her Lexus on the finger,” he explained. Not a 3-series, either.

The boat and Beechcraft were probably our “couple highlights”.  But, if there’s a good ponder while working out in the shop today, it’s trying to identify a new way to “One-Up” ourselves.

Downsize now, or support the Estate Sale industry? Net to heirs won’t be too much different, either way, I figure.  Don’t have a “right” answer, yet, sorry.

Write when you get rich,

94 thoughts on “Assad’s Retrograde Flight, 42 to 20, A Gifting Problem”

  1. Hi George,

    You hit the nail on the head with you PTO shaft comment. Can’t tell you how many times I have been there done that. LOL You forgot to mention that it’s usually hotter than heck or freezing cold when it won’t mate up!

    • PTO splines are well fitted, or should be. Case hardened decent steel won’t give a nanometer! The slightest bit of dirt and it’s a lost cause. Lubrication helps, as does patience. Any mechanism that can stand up to Ag abuse has to be respected!

      • Lubrication is good if kept clean. Oil/grease collects dirt which in turn gums everything up. Being an old farm kid, I’ve had better luck keeping it clean and dry.

  2. Yes, Gifting is great. We gift the grandkids with “cards’ that they can redeem for what they want/need. This gets cut off at 18 years of age. They have reached the Age of Majority.

    But to help out the kids we gift ‘windfalls of money” when we get more than we expect or figure that we can use in our remaining years.
    As an example when we sold our house in Florida we divided the “proceeds” by five. Four kids and us is still five. Wrote out four checks and spend our $$ on a cruise. We think that the kids can use the cash now more than when we are deceased. We also get to see them smile and receive hugs when passing out the checks at the Meeting of the Clan.


    • I doubt they would have gotten it after you were gone. seen it so many times. the medical system and government ends up taking it all.. it was best to give it to them now.. at the end as long as its been what ten years they can’t go after the money.

      • I thought it was only a six year lookback, though that’s not my expertise. Is there any need to document those gifts? Presumably, you could give precious items rather than dollars up to the 17.5K tax free limit. Of course, you’d have to trust that the kids or significant others would have your back(without legal obligation) if you ended up truly in need.

        • five year look back when applying for medicaid. any transfers made during that 60 month period for less than FMV could be a disqualifying transfer. even $100 gifts to grandkids may get a question.

        • one of the patients told me a gift of ten thousand a year was what could be given.. the other thing I know is you can prepay a funeral.
          he was the only one that was probably one of the wealthiest in the wastelands..he had streets and airports parks etc. named after him and his family. I first tjought he was penniless bought him underwear and socks lol…
          had another one tell me something it true that I don’t have a clue lol told the kids that we are going to wrap up the excess good china.. pretty box wrapped professionally…everyone could use some more butter bowls and cool whip containers lol lol

        • loob – nope, a $10,000 gift would be a disqualifying transfer, that could lead to about a 20-25 day requirement to private pay ($10,000/$400-$500). any transfers of assets made in the 60 month lookback period for less than FMV is a disqualifying transfer unless there is an exception. a prepaid funeral is not a disqualifying transfer because the person is getting something of value in return. there are a variety of spend downs that someone can do that aren’t disqualifying transfers. they can set up a $1,500 mercy account. if someone is married they can transfer assets to their spouse but that only kicks the can down the road. the best thing to do is to start planning at least five years before someone needs to apply for medicaid.

        • Wow thanks Truth.. I didn’t have a kids will never have that to worry about..we survive payday to payday.. No complaints.. we get by just fine.. and good lord I have more deal than I know what to do with… that’s why my plan is to give the house to one of the grand kids.. a nursing facility wouldn’t ever allow either of us to stay.. a woman I know they have had this long term care insurance they have paid huge sums to for over thirty years..her husband needed to be admitted lol lol she discovered that it was worthless they have made every excuse as to why they won’t pay for long term care.. she had to sell her house and have a huge sale to pay for her husbands care..I think she’s living with a child or in low income housing..
          the can man his family life was destroyed over his PTSD from the Korean war.. he searched for two years trying to locate his son.. only to discover after his passing that his son was a friend of mine and he had met his son his grand daughters and his great grandkids while we were shopping..he wanted to say how sorry he was that he wasn’t in his life..

        • Another get a divorce… as soon as you can..
          if one ends up in a nursing facility or a huge medical expense.. the medical institutions don’t give a rats ass if you are not able to live..
          I have made up couches and dug so many meals out of the snack fridge to give to a husband that has to live in his cars..
          one gent.. loving wife.. they sold the farm married for 65 years.. the husband was admitted long term care.. after they burned through the sale money they took her social security… she had nothing ..she got a divorce so she could get into a senior apartment complex..the kids were livid..hated their mother for divorcing her husband.. she would break down crying because she didn’t have a choice..the facility got everything they had.. she couldn’t take care of dad and none of the kids could take care of either if them..she was a very devoted wife..even though they forbid her to see him..we let her come she spent all day with him and would leave before the kids came..
          it was heart never hear those things..the husband that they took everything they become homeless..Living in their cars..we would wait till management would leave then give them some food and either make up a bed in an empty room or on one of the couches.. some have chairs that recline into a bed we would drag those into the loved ones room..
          the gent that had a horse farm and rental home..his wife was an RN ..she got cancer they booted her off the insurance then took everything.. we let him live in our spare room..great guy .. I get the facilities position to..they have to get the money to pay the big wage earners.. its the business model of modern society. its what got Obama into office..
          medications that cost tens of thousands of percent more than anywhere else..
          people waiting till they absolutely have to insurance that is priced so far beyond affordability that refuses to pay claims..
          its a nightmare and who in the world could possibly fix it..

      • Friend is a Probate Attorney and the tales he tells me of heirs fighting over the spoils of death are unbelievable.

        The true greediness and lack of morals in some people really shows up when death opens the door for some unearned money to be received. More people than you might imagine are of that ilk (he estimated to me that it shows up in his cases between 1/3 to 1/2 of the time!! including at times even FAKED or DESTROYED wills! OMG!).

        All I can say based upon what he tells me if you are a parent and leaving money or property to your kids to be split up after you pass away you might want to pre-inform each of your kids so there are no surprises and it cuts off the fighting before it even begins. OH and don’t leave property TO BE SHARED! I have two friends who have had to deal with that chaotic situation now for a number of years and all it does is create animosity between some members of the surviving generation.

        • “The true greediness and lack of morals in some people really shows up when death opens the door…”

          Death attracts vultures.

        • Five people were killed in a slay-suicide horror on a quiet cul-de-sac in Nassau County on Sunday — days after the family’s matriarch died and kin were set to sell the house, cops and sources said.

          All of the victims were shot to death in the tiny blue home on Wyoming Court in Syosset, while the gunman — believed to be the son who lived at the home with his late mother — killed himself on the front lawn, Newsday said.

          “The mom just died, and they were selling the house,” said Mary Macaluso, a local real estate agent, noting she was supposed to meet the relatives at the home around noon — but that authorities had closed the street by the time she arrived.

          “It appears to be a murder-suicide,” Patrick Ryder, commissioner of the Nassau County Police Department, told Newsday at the scene. “We do know that the subject on the front lawn did shoot and kill himself.”

          She said one of the children had asked her to meet with the family so they’d know what to do before listing the home, which was estimated to be worth nearly $900,000 on Zillow.

          They wanted it done quickly, too, because two of the family members had come up from Florida for the funeral and were headed back soon, she said.

          Ryder later told News12 that investigators believe DeLucia’s adult son who lived in the house was upset over circumstances surrounding its impending sale and killed four people inside the home and then himself.

        • (“The true greediness and lack of morals in some people really shows up when death opens the door”)

          oh my isn’t that the truth its sickening to watch…another thing is mom and dad are living to long..I can tell you stories that are borderline criminal of family and a parent that they see their riches flying out the window. it’s disgusting. my engineer is one example..he had it all.. then two freak accidents and he was penniless.. black balled..his family didn’t want anything to do with him..his only value was what he was able to earn.. He wasn’t even invited for his kids wedding..
          it’s hard to accept the only value one has is how thick his wallet is..or whether or not they can still be members of the country club..

        • (“The mom just died, and they were selling the house,” )
          (“Friend is a Probate Attorney and the tales he tells me of heirs fighting over the spoils of death are unbelievable.”)

          I worked long term care… boy can I tell you many that sat there patiently waiting fir their family only to discover the only value they had was a number or a piece of crap that they value more than the person.. the most heart wrenching stories..the realizing they are alone valueless to the ones they loved.
          That’s why I am giving my house away to the neediest grandchild…they don’t like my plan.. I just got the papers for my funeral.. I am donating my body to the medical school..they are opposed to this.. so I will share this when everyone is home and get it out of the way..
          I won’t have a funeral if my wishes are kept.. my obituary will only say I left for vacation hope the temperature is moderate .that i loved everyone very much. Noone gets angry if something is broken..we were watching pawn stars and they had a toy in a box that they said was worth a lot a rare collectable lol.. both the wife and I started to laugh we could see a grandchild running down the hall the box all ripped to shreds them happy at the discovery they’s the person that’s of value things come and things go..

        • Dentist brings up sad stories.. not just the greed of the kids or the fact that medical facilities take everything..that’s just the business model or that medical insurance makes every excuse not to pay claims.. the fact that the poor and elderly are denied care or a way to survive.. last summer an old friend was telling me about one of the homeless mates that they would make up a spot for them.. the husband hadn’t been in at night for a few days.. then security seen his car..checked and the guy had died in his car and was in that hot sun for a few days..the only ones that missed him was the staff..
          that’s what happened to the guy that retired thirty years military..over ten of his years deployments were outsourced to the CIA so it didn’t count as military time..we let him sleep on the couch during the really cold days.. he lost his home the congressmen here put their best man ever on it.. yeah sure you betcha.. I told him to take his sleeping bag into that. best man ever office.. he tried living in a storage unit..they caught him and he didn’t have the money for the storage unit..I tried to get him into a program of some sort.. told him move into the waiting room at the VA medical center they have social workers that could help that best man ever get the job done..a yeah he lived in the car at the store parking lot.. died alone after having a massive stroke and wasn’t located for a couple weeks I never hear about those stories.. the broken business model..

  3. Thou spkest thusly:
    “We hold that “people think in pictures and analogies.””

    Dathan and Picad at Tanagra.

    Pickard — his sails unfurled.

    Item Two
    Maybe quakes frack small crustal disontinuities many miles away enough to permit some deep gases to be vented

  4. Keep what you love and get rid of the rest. If you miss something, buy another one.

    Awhile ago I mentioned that aliens taught humans how to grow grain in order to make alcohol. DLynm asked to to find a reference. I have been rereading books but haven’t found it yet. Today when scrolling Google I read an article about Germanic warriors who stormed Rome. It talked about possible opium use but it also stated, “There is a fun theory that agriculture was “invented” or rather emerged to make beer.” I will continue to look for the original reference but this proved I didn’t just make it up.

    • Oh Eeanor…The John Rylands library has the texts.. I am looking for the story of qui..
      the story comes from ancient Sumerian texts.
      I will share it.. wanna make some Botchi..
      2 lbs of honey..the honey is cooked until it starts to darken..
      then 5 gallons of water and five lbs of cracked corn.. cook it until the corn is done..yeast..

      some of that is just repeat.. but I am not sure that the Mesopotamians were the first.. the annanaki taught the importance of grain and beer but brewing first began in China the tablet writings in Godin Tepe back that up..

      hope that helps..

      • One of the oldest fermentation recipes ever was found on the back of a clay tablet that held a list of cargo heading south – it was found in North west China – on how to ferment rice into saki.

        • I have that recipe to..its basically the same as corn squeezens.. 1 pound of rice..wash it to clean it then steam it until its done..
          don’t boil the rice it will get gummy you want it like how you get it at a Chinese restaurant..
          lay that in a sterile container.. sprinkle about a pound of koji rice stir it up..cover it with a damp towel..the next day mist it with want the koji spores to grow..
          it usually takes a couple days to grow spores… then add 1 gallon of water.. and your fermenter.. I used grapes for the wild yeast..

          now in traditional sali old style..they let wild yeast do the fermenting.. this kit comes with the citric acid and wine yeast..
          Similar to soy sauce that is made using soy beans.. both traditionally are fermented in barrels. saki is done in a couple weeks soy sauce that uses wheat and soybeans takes about a year of fermentation.
          then you press the beans to get the soy sauce from it..

    • I love the old stuff.. the true treasures in the world has nothing to do with a shiny alk has to do with people.. Christ said the two most important commandments is to love the heavenly father above all else and do unto others..the lost libraries of the world.. what a find that would be..

      then stories of shennong the divine farmer..

      • Thanks for that. It was quite fun to scan through. it does mention wine but only as a remedy for a hangover.

        • you are very welcome.. Wine and a form of beer was the normal. To get to the origins of distillation that is found in that Ackadian tablets…Harvard has a really nice collection of them..the old cuneiform clay tablets..
          here’s a book..I haven’t read this one but think it might contain what your seeking..

          my personal belief is that freeze distillation is how it was discovered by accident. similar to making soy sauce.. others claim that Ancient alchemists used distillation for medicinal purposes . it became known as spirits as The spirit of the grain.the lprocesses of distillation and other alchemic processes were not taught in universities, but were instead transmitted in secrecy from teacher to apprentice and student. The clandestine method of teaching was not only to maintain control but also a matter of necessity. Alchemists needed to keep the practice hidden for fear of being persecuted as witches and sorcerers.
          Now I am not sure but my thought is the reason they referred to distilled spirits as evil and those making it as satanic worshippers or because it brought out the negative in some.. seriously how many drunks thing they are Fred astaire , john Wayne, Bruce lee, and Casanova.. because of their inebriated state..some are happy drunks dancing on the table others are I wanna bust your face..

      • His picture/portrait done by Dr. Yan Xin – an exact copy of which hung on wall behind/ over my sons bed.
        Dr. Yan wrote a poem in ancient Chinese script for all 12 of his famous paintings. He used the brushes of a Master, he said he accessed the late Masters NRG/Intelligence/Skills from the Brushes themselves.

        Last line of the Shennong poem..”He knows the Secret, and will not go astray”

        ..not only a Riddle, but powerful Spiritual Guidance as well.

        Dont ask, it must be experience, ENDURED.

        * “If one is not resolved to endure such challenges and hardships it will be difficult to advance to higher levels of attainment.” – frm Basics of YX QiGong

        • Amen… my hard times walks taught me the good things in life..
          and faith.. do unto others has been a high light to..I do the anonymously if at all possible..I have enough drama in my life.. but when you do it right you know changing..
          also how to roast coffee beans to perfection.. I don’t do it often but dam its nice…
          roasted cacao beans to..

    • Ancient GREEK – The s in there.

      Latin – Galen..

      Aliens= jinn, spirits, demons, angels,ect..its all the Same.

      Old dude in robes all glowing and fatherly “god” like.. very strong illusion or as I like to call em “mind fuckts”. A very unique GAZE those entities have, VERY unique.

    • Hope you will forgive me – but I had completely forgotten about that.
      Thanks for your continuing search – as I would really like to read how they came up with that scenario.
      Also – if you can find it your search – Why did aliens believe it would be a “good thing” to teach humans how to get drunk. Planting the seed of self-destruction?

      • They wanted it for themselves, not for humans to drink. They liked sex, alcohol, honey mixed with white gold, and the smell of burnt meat/spices. And also liked wrestling and fighting.

        • White Gold/Mono atomic- white powder found all over ancient African Gold mines..The “white Gold” is half of the Longevity fix for “elected” Humans, the other half of the “MIX” is called “The ViewofLife” and only the Females of that particular race have it to give.
          This exact mix is what the Annunaki had to take/dose regularly just to stand living on the Surface. The planets QI is Strong and unique, very disruptive to those elohim mofo’s , very disruptive.

        • Me to…
          considering the white powder found all over ancient African Gold mines..and the annanaki return..what’s taking them so long …
          hope they do this before the idiots destroy the earth..

      • (“Why did aliens believe it would be a “good thing” to teach humans how to get drunk. Planting the seed of self-destruction?”)

        Hmm..the hymn to the goddess Ninkasi…
        similar to opium , hemp etc.people will use it for recreational purposes..
        from what I have gathered from what I have read had a dual purpose.. Fermentation was the method of food preservation. water purity was questionable and by making wine and beer would preserve the juices .. a standard mix was one part of wine to twelve parts of water or juice. fermentation of food products.. brining etc..
        most of the gods and goddess were brew masters and vintners food pro easing and preservation. Early civilization the request for the sacrifice wasn’t what we understand it to be..but from how I understand it was after Adam and Eve left the was a demonstration to show god that they could provide sustenance to survive and flourish.Man on the other hand inserted their own analogy of the sacrifices and what they meant to fulfill what their image was for their community or tribes. ( ignorance ) that’s why theirs what 16 or is it 26 tribes of Islam saved mankind. getting drunk wasn’t the goal. take marijuana has so many beneficial products that it would fill several se.I loads of paper.. the story I like as to why its now illegal is the toilet paper.. a billionaire had a pile of saw dust. the process of converting it to paper is seven steps and hemp like papyrus is what four or five steps.. ( he truly didn’t have to fear though.. hemp paper is better paper and would not work in modern septic systems) so because of that its illegal to even own a pair of old Levi jeans made from hemp.. or the consitution some stories say it or copies of it were written on hemp paper..This has been refuted as false..
        you drink enough water and your body chemistry will change and you’ll get drunk.. the process of inebriation is the it damages brain by affecting the end-of-life neurons. This affects the normal nerve conduction capabilities in the brain.
        using it in moderation is the key..

    • Beer, mead, and wine. Until recently, nobody drank anything but fermented beverages because the water couldn’t be trusted.

      • At one time George Washington was the largest whiskey producer in the America’s. According to one source., the water is Boston was so tainted and questionable that most of the population was “a wee bit tipsy” most of the time – as the only ‘safe drink’ was beer and rum.

        • George Washington’s Rye Whiskey is made up of 60% rye, 35% corn, and 5% malted barley.
          5 Gallons of Water
          6 Pounds Rye Malt
          3.5 Pounds Flaked Maize (Corn)
          .5 Pound Malted Barley
          Place your brew pot on its heat source and pour in 5.5 gallons of water.
          Heat water to 165 °F.
          Turn off heat source when you reach 165 °F and immediately stir in 6 pounds of Rye Malt and 3.5 pounds of Flaked Maize.
          Stir the mixture continuously for 7 minutes.
          Check temperature and stir mixture for 30 seconds every 5 minutes until the temperature cools to 152 °F.
          When the mixture has cooled to 152 °F, stir in .5 pounds of Crushed Malted Barley
          pretty straight forward..the corn is where the sugars come from..
          most mash is usually simple one two three recipes..
          like corn mash.. its one pound ground or flaked corn to two pounds of sugar per gallon of water.. George Washington was better than most ..he double distilled it making is smoother.. top corn mask producers do a triple distillation.. herbs and spices originated in the belief that by adding them to the liquor aided in the preservation process..

        • Aint nothings changed in Beantown, as far as I can tell.. still a “drinking town” and the river water is still dirty -

  5. Interesting and valuable info about coconut oil. Can’t wait for summer to find out if it really works as an insect repellent.

    • Fire Ants dont seem to mind it at all, nor do lil black Sand Fleas/Flys. Also the Mozzies in Central America dont seem to mind it either.

      Doubting its effectiveness without DEET or DDT..

      As a Lube in the boudoir ? oh hell yes..tastes better than KY jelly..bbllleh! Plus Ure getting some of dem mono chain triglycerides..does a body good, as does Sexual Intercourse & Exercise – Wonder if chicken fat works in a similar fashion ?

  6. “Exclusive : China Unveils….”

    When it comes to cars, computers and a lot of etc… the repeaters will chorus line “they stole the designs”. Perhaps comforting to think they stole the designs but if a theft is not true they get further and further ahead while we get the opposite. The question is, did they steal the electromagnetic gun (force field) design?

    “A repeater is an electronic device that receives a signal and retransmits it.”

    A collection of stationary electromagnetic gun systems – a lightening field:

    Flash Gordon (1980) Attacking Mingo City

    “charge the lightening field”

  7. “Gifting”

    Trump has a new line of fragrances for Patriots.

    Hot air ballooning as back-up to the fragrances.

    • You really didn’t expect them to announce exactly where they got all their information from – did you ?

  8. The Herd Is Even More Fearless than in 1929…

    Rick Ackerman: Skittish about the stock market’s manic climb? Consider moving some of your savings into T-bills, which are currently yielding around 4.25%. You could do worse. Some of my friends are reluctant to take even a little money off the table because 2024 was such an incredible year for them. One is a retired lawyer who racked up a nearly $500,000 gain in Nvidia. She sold enough shares to buy a condo in Palm Beach, but her portfolio is otherwise unchanged and showing a return of about 40% for the year. She and her financial advisor are confident her portfolio will do equally well next year.

    • She and her financial advisor are confident her portfolio will do equally well next year…

      She and her financial advisor are confident her portfolio will do equally well next year….

      She and her financial advisor are confident her portfolio will do equally well next year…

    • Black Swans …
      One just doesn’t know what the are and when they will appear but one can be certain that after a long period of easy gains, multiplied by leverage leveraging leverage (especially by the pros) they are lurking in the shadows.

      • and that be why BCN recommends that all homegomerz stop and “lick the ice cream or “smell the roses” on da regular.

        Should never lose sight of the Life According to Row Row Row Ure Boat philosophy..There is one MOAR “Merrily” in the lyrics than there is “ROW” – this be the rule that BCN’s live by.

        Or as my sainted Granny used to say about the Fam- “We Work Hard, so we can Play Hard” of course this is the same Granny who used to tell me as young boy that “It was a Poor Rat that had only one hole to call home” ..yes she lived to 94, and yes I was still smuggling in her Cigarettes at the nursing home. I am also the one she always came for at Parties, cause I ALWAYS got her a new fresh glass of Vodka Rocks and a Smoke, after her Son-my uncle, had cut her off. He is dead now- and I still speak ILL of Him, The DBag.

        Personal philosophy..if your over 80yrs – ANYFUCKINGTHING you want..Youse Earned it and I am at Ure service..
        – family members only.

        • “Personal philosophy..if your over 80yrs – ANYFUCKINGTHING you want..Youse Earned it and I am at Ure service..
          – family members only.”

          Shucks! I was getting ready to hit you up for an airplane.

  9. Tuamotus…not so much. Few people, few resources that they need. One island we visited hadn’t seen the supply boat for two months… back to fish and coconut.
    High islands with low population are best or real tiny ones with almost none (Mopelia has pop 5!) because they know how to survive well without the ship, but you have to like lobster and ahi.
    Floating is still number one for my old way of looking at it.
    Great to feel connected, George. Maybe we will get someone else interested in this crazy challenging way to live.

  10. “Somewhere in Life, the tide changes. What once was “coming in” has turned and is “going out.” Not too fast, we hope.”

    Not only can’t you take it with you, we discovered our kids and grandkids do not want to take it either. It has been offered to them. You realize you grew up in an era where quality and durability meant something. Solid oak tables and chairs hold no value to a generation that grew up shopping for this furniture at IKEA. If what you have can’t be turned to cold hard cash quickly, it has little or no value to them.

    We thought about having our valuable (to us) possessions, sold by an auction house until we realized that the people that would buy it are getting rid of theirs too and the potential customers are either dead or dying. We finally decided to donate it to homes like battered women’s shelters, etc hoping it may last them as long as it has lasted us.

    The cash, precious metals and proceeds from the sale of our home will be left to the kids and grandkids. Hopefully, the love, support and example we provided to them will outlast our material gifts.

    • I figure after I am unalive, the kids will sell stuff like my 180 pound anvil for $5 at the estate sale.

      • That’s the truth.. I have a couple that want all the deal I have accumulated..
        my plan is to give the house to the neediest grand child.. when it become obvious that I can no longer care for myself I will do a quick deed in exchange I keep my bedroom they get the rest of the house..
        once you head to a nursing facility they take it all..a friend built 37 units..he thought give elderly a place for what they could afford..what he didn’t count on was government regulations… for a government facility they don’t see the expense of their regulations they aren’t required to have the same things for expenses.. what it costs is divided up on everyone..he went bankrupt in about three years…in exchange the 37 facilities sells every three to five years..the people living there end up with a couple boxes of assorted scrap a few photos and the memories of what you stood for..the rest either goes into a dumpster or sold for pennies..
        The first to grab the insurance money is the funeral parlor.. then the hospital and doctors..I only have a life policy big enough to bury me..
        any more and your just giving it away.. my friend when he first built his units said you have to join us they are tossing farms and houses at us.. then three years later he was bankrupt. the wife was working for a guy..he bought hospitals and facilities across the usa.. got a loan for a couple billion then didn’t pay any of the bills..wasn’t paying for the utilities or the wages.. we would donate supplies to the residents for food laundry depends etc..he took the monthly payments and had a great was a mess.. a real mess..then with civic the USA gave him millions lol..its the business model.. people told me that there were places handing out money..I thought you had to have some sort of credit or collateral etc. yet there’s a guy got billions even though he had a scrappy credit and bad payment history..
        A few months ago I heard a news story that the what thirty million he got for vivid and the past history wasn’t enough..someone gave him another huge loan to buy hospitals and was doing the same thing all over again..a friend of mine was to go yank the X-Ray and MRI unit out of two of the hospitals..same thing hit the six o’clock news..
        I am sure that one of the owners of them was the same one.
        now I go to the bank I have to prove they will get their money..


        its the business model.the yearly witch hunt to justify the big buck wages..

        its the business model that sucks..the only facilities fully staffed are VA facilities.. the only problem with any of them is that they run them like a government office..the golden goose benefits and holidays..
        I was the only one working night shift for several hundred people..the tag your it shift..the director of nurses would say wants the job..I was sending people in and they were being told..we aren’t when my niece was born I though dam look at all these would they remember me after this I applied for my job.. the office told me..we aren’t hiring.. that night when I got to work the DON said I one wants this kid d of work.. lol..that is when I said speaking about that..
        now that was thirty years ago..I can walk into that hospital and some kid that wasn’t born will call me by name show me the coffee pot..I have looked to see if they have my photo with the caption ..beware smart ass…lol

      • What is hilarious is walk into any VA medical 3:30 you can hear crickets lol.. one of my guys was sitting there waiting for meds and he perked up…where did everyone go..I laughed and said don’t worry this is a federal building and its 3:30
        they all went home..

  11. George..I am with your friend..they destroyed the Gaza strip getting the leviatan gas fields.. wars are usually about some schmuck wanting more ..whether its gold grain minerals or oil.. after the destruction of Nord stream ..Europe has been in a tight crunch..
    taking Syria there’s the huge pile of gold ,oil, a d a straight shot for a pipeline..

    • Nein, nein, nein – Assads have asset stripped the country for past 40 years. You ought to see the nice new digs in and around Moscow that his “cousins” have purchased in past year or so. Prigozins warnings regards Syria were of course suppressed, buried – as were General Ivan Popovs..

      -“Not at all. They warned about the preparation long before the events. What is there. Let’s be honest! General Ivan Popov spoke about the risk of assault, when he was sent to Syria. And Popov, as you know, has been under arrest since May of this year (and this is a separate conversation – as far as legitimate accusations against him) There were warnings about the upcoming offensive from Iran, which was confirmed the day before by Foreign Minister Abbas Arakchi:

      “Everything was clear. Both the analyst and the information messages indicated in advance that a similar (opposition – ed.) Movement would occur (activation – ed.). Both from the point of view of the analyst and from the point of view of intelligence, we (Iran – ed.) Did know that there was a backstage plan from the United States and the Israeli regime, which … would create problems for the “axis of resistance” … From the point of view (arising – ed.) “On the sidelines” and intelligence intelligence intelligence services in our country and in Syria were fully aware of the movements (opposition – ed.) In Idlib … and all information was transmitted to the Syrian government and the Syrian army.”

      E. Prigozin on Syria – “When there was a patriotic rise after the Crimea, we thought we were the strongest. Then we went to Syria. But it was a hunt against aboriginals. Yes, it was scary, hard, for some it was really scary. We went there to Syria, holding Chinese machine guns in our hands, which fell apart after the third horn, and especially had nothing else. Therefore, we also suffered losses. And when we worked in Syria, the support from the Ministry of Defense was zero as much as the hell of the tenths [idiom]. And most of the tanks that we had there, we took off ISIS *. But ISIS * were also aboriginals [he means primitives]. We are now fighting in other countries of the world with ISIS * and Al Qaeda *. And we perfectly understand now with hindsight that these were just gopniki [street hoodlums, petty criminals]. Which can collect a check, blow shit up (…) but these are just gopniki. Among these Aboriginal people, we flew at them by plane, helicopter, and bombed some places. Were these strikes effective [he means Shoigu’s bombings]? Unclear. But history has now restored some justice, and everyone understands that the Wagner PMC played the main role in the Syrian war. We went and resolved the issue on the spot.”

      Finally – We already know what is coming from elohim worship cultists – the next steps;
      “If I had to make a guess about the play that will be used on Iran it would go something like this:

      Color revolution kicked off by the pro-Western faction in the government and their allies in the streets (no-hijab women, students, irate minorities, Abrahamic fundamentalists and other riff-raff) in a coalition together to topple the government

      Armed uprisings in the non-Persian areas calling for secession/autonomy that the government refuses to quash

      Injection of pre-prepared terrorist groups from Syria, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iraq

      American intervention to counter the rising threat of ISIS in Iran

      De facto partition of Iran

      Formal partition several years later

      Millions displaced, tens of thousands butchered, Europe and Russia forced to bear the brunt of most of the refugee flows

      The stage has been set quite nicely for Trump to sign off on this plan and to get the party started. Maybe even in the first 100 days. I have no idea what could possibly be stopping him or Bibi and Erdogan at this point. Maybe they end up squabbling too much in Syria over who gets what and so they focus on deposing Erdogan first like they did before. ” -R.Skywalker

      Sounds about right.

  12. (“Double-standards, why in America of all places! Who would have thought? No war declaration; just alphabets and neocons, all with plausible whatsits.”)

    let me see not in the USA lol lol lol the land of dual standards of law depending on your social class status lol lol lol lol..

  13. One thing to keep in mind, if a computer has an HDMI port and a Display-port connection, you can usually set up for two monitors.
    I have multiple computers sharing my multiple HDMI input main 32″ 4K screen. I use the Display-port to run small dedicated monitors for each computer.

  14. G, the NY jury just absolved Penny of all charges against him. He’s no longer in danger of prison, but apparently the blm founder threatened him. Man never should have had charges against him, tbh, but NY gonna NY, I guess.

    • Good!

      (Especially after the stunt Bragg tried to pull…)

      A conviction would likely have ended “good Samaritan” acts in New York, and possibly the entire U.S.

  15. There is nothing like clearing out your deceased parents’ house to motivate you to downsize yourself. “Why did they save all this ‘stuff’ anyway?” now morphs into “Why am I saving all this ‘stuff’ for someone else to throw out after I am gone?”

  16. You gotta be careful what you wish for.., or should that be: “Strike for”.
    Boeing to lay-off another 400 at their plants in the Seattle area – on top of the already announced firings., with a subtle hint of more to come.
    Did the all-wise & all-powerful Union count on this for their minions ? What’s the total now.., just over 2,000 ? Boeing management – being magnanimous and sympathetic., no one will be “Let Go” until January.
    Merry Christmas !

  17. I don’t ‘follow’ professional sports very much. Boxing – occasionally – that’s about it. But when I saw this morning that the NY Mets have agreed to pay a player $756 million dollars – it just stopped me cold. I had to double check the story.., yep “$756 million”. Do they really believe that this one player will generate that kind of revenue for the team? Seriously ? I don’t care if the contract is for life.., that is obscene and absurd fiscal management.
    .., but then – here is someone that doesn’t follow baseball, at all., talking about it. But I am not sure how that is going to generate any kind of revenue.
    – We have lost our collective minds !

    • Hey! You can sit directly behind home plate for…

      $500 Per Ticket – $800 Per Ticket

      Sit directly behind the Mets home plate with Clove Club seats at Citi Field! This amazing opportunity offers ticket holders a private entrance, plush theater-style seating, and access to the Delta Sky360 Club. Within the Delta Sky360 Club at Citi Field, Clove Club guests can find a wide range of concessions and drinks.

      Prefer to be in a luxury suite?

      The price of New York Mets club seats and suites varies based on the matchup and location in the stadium. The regular season runs from April through September. Private suites and premium seats are available for all home games with suite pricing starting at $2,500 and may cost as much as $20,000.

      Recommended suite catering budget for a New York Mets game…

      Full meal with drinks $100 – $150 per guest

      Snacks with beer & wine $50 – $75 per guest

      Beer & wine alone $35 – $50 per guest

      • Last time I went to a baseball game, it was the Cincinnati Reds, I sat 4 rows off the line, behind 1st Base, and the seat cost $7.

        That was sufficient…

  18. Ah the memories
    It was summer in Tuscaloosa, on a nice hot Saturday.
    I was helping a friend install a cast iron Ford-o-Matic (progenitor of the aluminum C-6 Cruise-o-Matic) into a 1964 Galaxie XL with 390 Interceptor.
    I being the Big Al, I was under the car with the FoM on my chest, with two smaller helpers on the bell housing and tail shaft. We just could not get the thing to insert into the rear of the 390. I finally realized we had a nearly undetectable interference alignment issue and put a guy in front with a large pry bar under the harmonic balancer. He raised the front of the engine and allowed it to sweep an arc back down slowly as we pushed, and when the two were parallel, in it went!

    • “I was helping a friend install a cast iron Ford-o-Matic (progenitor of the aluminum C-6 Cruise-o-Matic) into a 1964 Galaxie XL with 390 Interceptor.”

      Ah, the Borg-Warner M35/36/37 with an external vacuum modulator that looked like an air cleaner off a 1950s Briggs & Stratton lawn mower. They had both front and rear pumps, which made it possible to push-start the car in which they were installed. They also had a “launch in 2nd gear” option for driving on ice (very low torque to the rear wheels.) Ford and American Motors both used them (AMC called it the “Flash-O-Matic”). Aside from the Commanders, there were very few Jeeps with automatics in the 1960s, but those few had the Borg tranny — IMO the best automatic transmission ever made.

      The transmission itself was cast iron but both the bell housing and tail (extension) housing were aluminum. I may have had one or two resting on my chest, at some point in my life, as well…

  19. Out of three., the only one to show any interest and ability just won her first poker game Saturday night. According to her – “I wiped the floor with ’em ! They had no idea how to bet.” [ She did pick it up rather fast and showed a lot of talent when I taught her., and she still prefers soft jazz over the current excuse for music. Currently a high-level corporate mucky-muck in Atlanta.]

    I asked her if any were from her corporation? She replied: “Damn.., I am not stupid ! ”
    So, I took that as a – no. [ Good for her. ]
    .., also – years ago, I informed all who may be involved that there will be very little left when I visit the “Undiscovered Country.” That., I will not mediate, dictate or interfere with their future. It all goes to “the Mrs.” If I am the ‘Last man Standing’., then I will sell everything., buy a solid sail boat and drift on out over the horizon. “I believe that I am quite ready.., for another adventure.”
    I won’t play that inheritance game.

  20. Calling Dr.G Casey..

    Doctor ?

    Yo Doctor G,
    Do what you know guys CDS about?

    See the attached for some most interesting information regards Autism/Alzheimers…there is some Light to be had BEFORE going all the way into dark tunnel..


  21. Remember when ‘they’ – those who a aren’t us – wanted to ban TikTok? They’ll need to flik/flok back.

    “President-elect Donald Trump once sought to ban TikTok in the US, but now says he’ll “save” it.”

  22. re: Ure Gilgamesh Script
    feat: “Through the Looking-Glass”, 1871


    Thanks DJ George for closing out Happy Hour with that festive season anthem for your faithful followers, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”.

    Trumpet rings bell; Pavlov’s Dog doth spaeke?! A strange thing happened on the way from opening up Telegram today. The app, whose owner was comped a confined Parisien abode courtesy of the Co-Prince of Andorra earlier in the year, unmarked my already-read posts of The Servant of the People back to the beginning of December 4th. There is a video of The Servant addressing attendees of the First Military Breakfast on December 5th at the Refectory Church of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The church was headquarters of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Ukraine as recently as 2022. The Servant’s posts Monday morning began with a lengthy recap of his pleas “yesterday” (Sunday) which was actually on Saturday with Presidents Macron and Trump. Subsequent posts a minute later acknowledge that President Zelensky will think about “Emmanuel’s” suggestion of troops “of one country or another” to be in Ukraine before the nation is in or invited to be in NATO. Then President Z. posts that he plans to call President Biden if the latter has time and ask for a NATO invitation. One imagines that the President-elect has issued strict instructions to the White House operator that Pops is not to be disturbed? As an aside, it must have been a great honour for Prince William to have been sent to Paris on Saturday instead of UK PM Scalp Stormer for the re-opening of Notre Dame. One imagines his ancestor William of Normandy was already powerful enough in 1163 to warrant invitation to Notre Dame’s cornerstone laying. Move over, Swifties’ Eras Tour!

    Meanwhile in America, msm has taken a nostalgic roadtrip wander to the peak of Lookout Mountain past the haunts of Houdini and Wonderland Avenue by way of Laurel Canyon Road. According to Wikipedia, Lookout Mountain Air Force Station began film output in 1947. Long de-commissioned, it now is a private abode of one of two brothers comprising the LA rock band, 30 Seconds to Mars. Let’s not pause another second as DJ George puts stylus to platter yet again for some happy rap tures. From their latest album “It’s the End of the World, but it’s a Beautiful Day” here we go with –
    “World on Fire”.

  23. On the subject of money and banking. Piss poor internet down this way, not many have smart phones. If you want food or fuel you better have a card reader that works (can’t shop at the grocery store without cash if the power goes out, which it does several times a week) and you better have the pretty paper notes from the local government or you are SOL. Can’t walk in a bank to change, must know someone with a bank account who then has to put our worthless FRNs in an account so they can change and withdraw the funny money.

    And BTC??? Hahahahahahahah.

    Money isn’t funny here. You use theirs or don’t shop. CC works when the power is on.


    • For readers who don’t know Stiks, here is an adventurer on a 40;+ triaman down in the Tuomotus where no, BTC is a joke when the string gets “that long.” His sailing exploits are a latter day version of our own sailing plans when we lived aboard until the siren song of a Gold Partner (i.e. Big Money) lured us back to land. (There’s also a shortage of disco dancing in mid Pacific, whined Elaine… ut yeah – Stiks is doing it – and well by all acounts. Live the dream. The next reincarnation is not likely to be of this Earth…

  24. Dream the life is our way to go. No trimarans on this mooring. Forty two feet be right though. Radical new design, light displacement, Chinese junk rig from hyper modern materials, everything easy for us elders to manage. And fast too. Designer is also an elder, long time friend, who has no use for anything but fast boats. He claims he finally realized his desire to make a hull that when surfing lifts off on a cushion of bubbles and makes no quarter wave. Top recorded speed on our thirty five day passage was 13.2 knt. Three of the four crew are over seventy, eldest is 83. (He just cured his stage 4 prostate cancer, metastasized into his hips and knees with a seven month regime of Fenbenzadol and turkey tail mushrooms… like clear… totally gone… doctor was gobsmacked).
    Being elder is no reason to forgo the floating life. Just have the right boat and the right mindset.
    We have also been diving into frequency healing, available in quantity on the tube (Starlink we love you) and have been seeing amazing results. The skin healing ones are like a miracle. Since getting into this constant heat and wet my skin has appeared to be rotting, red things and scaley stuff that has almost disappeared after just four days of listening to the binaural sounds with or without headphones. Simply stunning.

    I have to say that knowing George watches and notes is a peak in my life. We are deliberately vague about details because being ‘gone’ may prove to be very useful in the coming unknown future. My Mother passed at 102, her Mom at 101, so no reason to think the genes will not seek to carry on. Meanwhile life is as it is with zero plans and always plenty to do because floating is tough on everything.
    George… thank you for what you do, as it is known you are doing it just because it needs to be done.

    • Well, SOMEONE had to do it. Mark Twain was dead, conservatives veteoed Bill Maher, Shakespeare’s running on royalties, and the Bible took too many writers and they all had different styles. Yep, so here I sit, moored to the desk…on the hard and packing on lard, pard.

      • Get a bicycle with 27.5″ x 2.5″ tires and ride it 20 – 30 minutes every day weather permits. And wear a helmet. I busted my @ss today in motion for the first time since I started riding again. I was thinking about something other than the moment. Helmet and heavy climbing gloves I wear when riding saved me. Two minor scratches, a sore wrist and a ding on the helmet. Kept on riding. If I can’t get away from it at the end of the day, then it’s time for a change.

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