Anti-Gravity–the Next Big Tech? A Word on “Disruptives”

While we wait a few seconds for the Retail Sales figures and other fresh data to land, the biggest story in the greater scheme of things is likely the discussion in the Washington Port this morning about how “Einstein predicted gravitational waves 100 years ago. Here’s what it took to prove him right.”

This overcoming gravity is not going to be a “fast mover” because there is so damn much engineering ahead, but the discovery of gravitational waves could signal the dawn of a new technology on the horizon; one that science fiction writers have been telling us is coming ever since H.G. Wells penned The Time Machine.  Time and gravity is the game.

Wells was not the first, of course, but the discovery of the phenomena of gravity may be expected to be closely linked with time since what we’re talking of here is reverse-engineering the glue of space-time. 

Adoption can’t be allowed to be too quickly, however.  After all, if there is anything dangerous about anti-gravity it is that it is a “top of class” disruptive technology.  Would you want to work at Boeing if uncontrolled anti-grav was popped out of Apple or Google?

There are some who believe that anti-gravity has already been discovered by military and black project teams and has been a known commodity for a long time.  Perhaps, suggest some, ever since Roswell or every since Operation Paper Clip.

The economic impacts could be immense.  Not the least of which is finally getting a kind of global transportation system that would not pollute as much as high altitude “smoke burners” produce now.

Whether gravity technology can be distilled down to a flyable essence remains to be seen, but while we are all glued to the screens looking at what will happen in the next 20-minutes of markets, the next 20-years (or longer) is an important horizon, too.  So for this reason, we begin this morning with a reminder that the day is coming when…

Historically, the market didn’t really do much for the micro-trend traders on December 19, 1974.  But that was a day when the entire world changed and a disruptive technology that is still disrupting today was factually born.

You see December of 1974 was when the Altair 8800 computer was introduced.

Sure, we had known the technology of computers was coming and was out in the wings somewhere.  People like Ures truly were being force-fed Venn diagrams and unions of set theory by the School Mathematics Study Group courses in the mid 1960s. 

Initially the textbooks changed – in 7th grade I got my first-even paperback textbook.  SMSG content hadn’t come from a traditional textbook publisher because what was “needed to be known” wasn’t so tightly defined yet.  Paperbacks were faster to the classroom.  We knew, as students, that we would need the set theory, we would likely need to be able to communicate and function in Base x but little did we know that hex would it IT.  We hated base 6.

Today, Robotics is in a similar situation:  Kids are playing with small processors and learning to program motion and even voice responses and a whole lot more.  So again, in some ways, the major technology-shifters become apparent in what kids are being instructed to learn and there’s something to come from observing the hobbies, too, much as the CPM users groups were important signs for investors.

And what better way to see a great company evolving (back in the day) than by joining the local AUG – Apple User Group.  Comparing the mindset of the Commodore User Group with the AUGs was useful.

The same is going on with robotics today.  The Arduino and Raspberry Pi fans are walking down a familiar road.  At some point, as Robotics rolls out full-on, perhaps in 20-30 years, there will be some follow-up to Ure’s truly asking “But where is the next technology after robotics?”

The answer to that seems likely revealed in the Washington Post piece – and when we get gravity nailed, it’s likely the first-cousin time will also fall out of the engineering processes.

Which leaves only one question about the greater schema:  Is it all baby-steps to the stars, or do we have a Flash-Bang and Over event along the way?

7-billion people have an interest in the answer.

We now return you to the minutia of the moment.

So We Rally, Huh?

No, market collapses don’t happen from the top.  And today is a low-prob(ability) day for one, too, unless there is some kind of out of left field event that no one sees coming.

I mean what if the orbiting North Koreans actually put up an EMP device?  You see, THAT would be a left-fielder for sure.

But absent that, most of the day’s news flow is sadly predictable – a point we’ll return to after we toss around the data:

Retail sales press release is out:

The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for January, adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes, were $449.9 billion,  an increase of 0.2 percent (±0.5%)*  from the previous month, and 3.4 percent (±0.7%) above January 2015.  Total sales for the November 2015 through January 2016 period were up 2.5 percent (±0.5%) from the same period a year ago.  The November 2015 to December 2015 percent change was revised from down 0.1 percent (±0.5%)* to up 0.2 percent (±0.3%)*.  Retail trade sales were up 0.3 percent (±0.5%)* from December 2015, and up 3.1 percent (±0.5%) from last year. Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores were up 9.1 percent (±2.1%) from January 2015 and nonstore retailers were up 8.7 percent (±1.2%) from last year.

And if that’s not enough GS-14-written happy talk, how about import and export prices to go with them Wheaties, huh?  From your Labor Department word of some deflation.

“In January, prices for U.S. imports decreased 1.1 percent for the second consecutive month, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. In both months, the declines were primarily driven by lower fuel prices. U.S. export prices also fell in January, decreasing 0.8 percent. The decline followed a 1.1-percent drop the previous month.


All Imports: The price index for overall imports fell 1.1 percent in January, the largest monthly decrease for the index since a 1.8-percent drop in August 2015. Both fuel and nonfuel prices continued to trend down. Import prices fell 6.2 percent over the past year. Despite declining in January, the 12-month drop in import prices was the smallest over-the-year decrease since the index fell 5.6 percent between December 2013 and December 2014.

Fuel Imports: Import fuel prices declined 12.4 percent in January, the largest 1-month drop since a 12.7- percent decline in August 2015. Import fuel prices have not risen on a monthly basis since a 1.5-percent advance in June 2015. The January drop was led by a 13.4-percent decline in petroleum prices, although natural gas prices also fell, decreasing 3.2 percent. The price index for import fuel declined 34.5 percent for the year ended in January, while over the same period petroleum prices fell 35.3 percent and natural gas prices decreased 40.1 percent.

When all is said and done, what we come to is a rally.  But before getting too carried away with it, remember where the S&P closed last Friday – 1880.05.  The plus 116 on the Dow futures at press time ain’t gonna cut it.

What I’d expect today would be less than half of what’s needed.  More likely a fade going into the close over next week’s uncertainty.  But any port in a storm:  We will see how Asia works when really back to normal next week.  And if anything, at least today’s starting rally will give us a “little more dancing room on the edge of the abyss. “

My, I’m a positive fellow this morning, am I not?

And while I pass on the government assertions of no inflation, nothing to see, move along please, we notice that one coffee joint in the San Francisco area has coffee for $15 a cup…  Not your generic split-shot Americano tall, but still, OMG, we is the land of the bean demons, is we not?

The Sadly Similar Department

I don’t know how many times I have to say this:  Hillary Clinton is not really running for the White Houses.  She’s trying to BUY it.

Another example:  Super PAC makes big play to lift Hillary Clinton in primary states.  Make no mistake about it:  The Department of Justice headed up by a serious democratic contributor in Loretta Lynch seems no more inclined to file charges against Hillary for mishandling classified material than the Man in the Moon.

So we continue seeing the same kind of political operations that have removed will of the people and replaced it with the “Won’t” of the moneyed class.

Even CNN headlined that the “Debate (was) a reminder of Clinton’s weaknesses.”

Meantime Donald Trump Criticizes Pope Francis for Mexico Border Visit, and we have to wonder if the Pope will be able to turn the other cheek and bless Trump…or save it for Cruz?  A touchy Pope-litical question.

What his holiness may not grok is the destruction and corruption the open border drug trade has brought not only to the home invasion victims on this side, but also the tourism deaths in Mexico.  See the story about how the Families of Americans Murdered in Mexico Are Suing HSBC.  Reasoning?  The bank let the cartels do their dirty laundry, is what’s alleged and may not be too hard to prove.

These stories do have a kind of flow to them, a kind of cause, effect, and knock-on that is generally missing in mainstream accounts.

So we will point out that as the screws come down on the outside, the pressure is also heating up inside Mexican prisons where a Mexico prison riot leaves 49 inmates dead.

Shakes and Quakes

A 6,5 in Indonesia this morning.  The USGS geology lesson in the region goes like this:

The Sunda convergent margin extends for 5,600 km from the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea, both located northwest of the map area, towards Sumba Island in the southeast, and then continues eastward as the Banda arc system. This tectonically active margin is a result of the India and Australia plates converging with and subducting beneath the Sunda plate at a rate of approximately 50 to 70 mm/yr. The main physiographic feature associated with this convergent margin is the Sunda-Java Trench, which stretches for 3,000 km parallel to the Java and Sumatra land masses and terminates at 120° E. The convergence of the Indo-Australia and Sunda plates produces two active volcanic arcs: Sunda, which extends from 105 to 122° E and Banda, which extends from 122 to 128° E. The Sunda arc results solely from relatively simple oceanic plate subduction, while the Banda arc represents the transition from oceanic subduction to continental collision, where a complex, broad deforming zone is found.

No word on causalities, but this quake today was not out of the ordinary for the region which is creeping off to the northwest, if I follow the rest of the discussion here correctly.  (A slim chance until I get more beaned-up.)

Meantime, only five quakes in Oklahoma from fracking in the past 24 hours:

  1. 2.6 6km N of Stillwater, Oklahoma 2016-02-12 00:33:47 UTC5.4 km
  2. 2.5 10km NNW of Perry, Oklahoma 2016-02-11 22:35:11 UTC1.7 km
  3. 2.8 30km NW of Fairview, Oklahoma 2016-02-11 19:49:13 UTC5.0 km
  4. 2.9 30km NW of Fairview, Oklahoma 2016-02-11 18:32:59 UTC5.0 km
  5. 2.6 18km ENE of Mooreland, Oklahoma 2016-02-11 13:18:24 UTC5.0 k

But you can’t make an omelet without busting a few foundations, now, can you?

Speaking of Wars and Future Energy

As we watch the northeast side of the HUGE Leviathan gas war over Syria taking place we read how Syria Truce Agreed But Opposition Demands ‘Action on the Ground’  Not that it means anything, since there is a lot of energy to be had…

And, by the by, that’s why the Saudis have been so keenly interested.  Last thing they need is Iran or Iraq oil areas going into production full-tilt.

You know how we say in America that you shouldn’t mix discussions like sex and politics into polite conversation?  In the Middle East a slurry of religion and oil is what‘s happening and with enough gunfire, choosing up sides has become non-optional.

20 thoughts on “Anti-Gravity–the Next Big Tech? A Word on “Disruptives””

  1. > My, I’m a positive fellow this morning, am I not?
    To quote Robt. Crawley (Lord Grantham) on Downton Abbey:
    “I have the opinions that Life has taught me.”

    Life is a cruel teacher. Beautiful, but a right bitch.

  2. In regards to Base x processing and the before times. Using IBM 5110 and producing a schedule D for the IRS required a huge matrix of large numbers to be written to 8″ floppy disk. With 16k of ram and ROM basic there was no where else to store anything. The answer was to convert the numerics into base 256 using ascii 0-255 to compress on write and inflate on read. Wha-La!

  3. I wonder how much was learned from all the raids on John Hutchinson’s lab/house. And the Nazi Bell. Or Dr Fred Bell.

  4. Antigravity vehicles have been around since the early 1940’s. Just like with zero point/over unity energy, publicizing it would overturn many “sacred” scientific principles, and that combined with the pressure from financial interests who are willing to kill to maintain their power/influence none of this is seen in public.

    You just have to do serious research on the subject, and stop wasting time reading contemporary tomes on economic issues that will be of absolutely no consequence 20 years from now. There have been at least six people, independently of each other, come forward with information about having been to a base on Mars. And don’t forget the hacker who found personnel rosters and crew assignments with ship names in navy pentagon computers.

    The parties suppressing this are getting concerned, because they have no idea how humans are going to react to their suppression of these technologies when disclosed. Think of someone who has lived 50 years of their life in abject poverty, and then their father says, your grandfather left you $20 million when you were 5 years old, but I just didn’t want to give it to you. He might justify not telling you when you were 16, but not when you were 30. And he had to kill three attorneys who wanted to tell you.

    It’s why I vote not only for an economic reset, but for a reset of the human race. The foundation of literally every field of study of human knowledge is basically all crap. Try this on for size. Before humanity developed electricity, they should have developed a deep knowledge of magnetism. This would have led to an electrical, not atomic theory of physics. This is what Tesla was sent here to fix. Consider that there is a magnetic field around the human body, and that this field is subject to mental control. If you don’t take control of it, it is subject to control by external factors, including those who do not have your interests at heart.

    Mankind in its arrogance has built a hundred story building with a fatal flaw in the 10th story. There is no point in removing the top 90 stories to fix the flaw, when it’s inevitable for the building to come down anyway in a couple of years. The humans occupying that building arguing there is no problem are just collateral damage not worth hassling with. Multiple esoteric sources indicate that we are humanity 7.0. Version 8.0 is looking pretty good, but the instructions say uninstall the old version first.

    That’s how it looks from Ecuador, when you step out of the BS and have the time to really take a look at things.

    • Actually watched the secret space program in action one night here in mid August a couple years ago. There were 4 of us out on the deck and one seriously freaked out with what she saw.

      Triangular craft flying in formations of anywhere from 5 to 30(give or take a few) visible for 3-4 seconds only due to their high rate of speed. Chasing a large red circular object in one instance.

      Incredibly advanced technology they are using. Now i know where that missing 2.3 trillion dollars went Donald Rumsfeld referred to on September 10 2001.

      I have heard estimates of well in excess of 50 trillion dollars that have been stolen and used in the black projects.

    • Seems the man in Ecuador is once again the most correct of all. Try giving George a few lessons. I sure wish I could talk to you in person — are you ever coming back here for a short visit to Oregon??

    • “Before humanity developed electricity, they should have developed a deep knowledge of magnetism. This would have led to an electrical, not atomic theory of physics.”

      Really would appreciate an elaboration of this! What is an electrical theory of physics?? A flowing current is able to interact with another flowing current by what we call magnetism. How is that wrong??

  5. At the risk of sounding like my starry-eyed self as a teen – the news about the gravitational waves is ‘so cool’ – exploring how the universe works is in sharp contrast to the grubby, little affairs of clueless and classless people like Donald Trump, who frankly ‘lusts’ after the power that someone like the Pope commands.

    He only sees the end result, and not the process, which is why he wants to be president without the usual intermediate steps of actual governmental or even military experience (like Eisenhower).

    In the tradition of the ‘late Bundy occupiers’, when things don’t turn out the way Trump expects, be ready for an epic ‘temper tantrum’, which will show his true nature and ‘maturity’.

  6. I have been ruminating about Iran’s imminent return as an unrestricted oil exporter and how they plan to accept only Euros as payment. Defending the petrodollar has been widely offered as motivation for many of the US foreign policy misadventures over the past twenty years of so. For the US to acquiesce to weakening of the dollar reserve currency status may indicate that a global currency reformulation has been agreed upon by secret high level negotiations. The stage could well be set to introduce this plan as a reaction to the next financial system crisis (“that no one saw coming”). What about it G? Have the powers-that-shouldn’t-be tipped their hand?

  7. Gravity is more than flying. Think about anything that requires lifting or carrying … wheels and friction … measuring for weight … exercise and effort. Antigravity eliminates work which eliminates the need for people because what is the purpose of life but effort?

    As for the NK payload, I suspect if it were a threat we would have taken it down by now.

  8. Perhaps skipping to another Parallel dimension is just what the Doctor ordered prior to having Mushroom Cloud seeds planted in the Garden

  9. Your mention of learning set theory in the mid ’60s triggered a memory for me. When I began the 7th grade in 1960 our math course was referred to as “new math” and set theory was part of the curriculum although I don’t remember Venn diagrams. Our text book was paper back and stapled together, not bound.

    Learning set theory helped me understand how computers worked and although I didn’t really get into the information technology field until my mid 50s, here I am now working as a developer for a small software developer. And to think to think I owe it all to learning set theory in the 7th grade!!! Just thought I’d share.

  10. In deference to your ongoing sage wisdom that everything is a business model- follow the money- BTW is a HUGE concept for folks to grasp. Add to that, everything is contract.

    Also in light of the ongoing global Barnum and Bailey act, where is my anti-gravity orb? For my sanity, I need to float off planet before November.

    Relative to the ongoing Hillary act, debates aside- and this is the last I shall comment;

    Recently you wrote about a big question on the difference (similarity) between Hillary Clinton and Ed Snowden.

    Your post today answers that question quite clearly. Thank you.

    It is MONEY.

    Pure and simple.

    It begs the rhetorical question: does Hillary buy the waiver of her treasonous audacity with impunity? Is she worth more ‘out there’ doing what it is she does, rather than shriveling into oblivion behind bars where …?

    Like most of us, Mr Snowden though bold in his convictions, is probably as poor as a church mouse yet whose VALUE is more likely in corporate bonds. Read on.

    So like most of the 360 million marginally wealthy potential felons (too many laws to not break); jails make PROFIT/revenue off the corporate court/prison bonds (criminal CHARGES thus payment of encumbered labor, yet another business model at work)
    so a dame like
    Hillary gets to HEAD UP the over-all political system that creates the dynamic. Her campaign is her resume; two guesses on who hires her.

    Entertainment tonight, this is beginning to reel like an old TV series, “The Untouchables”.

    • “…everything is a business model- follow the money- BTW is a HUGE concept for folks to grasp…”

      ‘Follow the money’ is good. But questions drive – Cui Bono? – is a better investigative mantra to get at the truth. It’s not always money that’s the benefit.

  11. Exciting stuff, theyve been working on Gravity detection and propagation for years at Sandia, anongst other areas Im sure. I recall in the mid 80’s the editor of Popular Electronics posted an article on detection of Gravity using an Op Amp, a capacitor, and a histograph to track the influence of the Moons Gravity on the charge state of the capacitor. That this is coming to the fore of MSM, to me signals that a breakthrough is close at hand.
    Say you dont think an advanced ET society would use old fashioned radio with propagation delays etc, for communication do you? BTW propagation of Gravity is nearly instantaneous. SETI needs to retune their Rx equipment, if they are to find any evidence of otherworldly communication. IMHO. Great Article George.

  12. Ah yes, smsg. My 7th grade math teacher called it some math, some garbage. Gotta love public schools.
    (I wish I bought Microsoft when they were piggy backing on radio)

  13. Oh, SMSG, SMSG! It took the classroom wags about ten seconds to come up with “Some Mad Scientists Goofed”!

  14. Laithwaite showed with large heavy gyroscopes that there certainly could be some sort of anti-gravity drive. Now you say “wait that’s just inertia” but his gyroscopes are somehow using the inertia of the universe to push against gravity or he wouldn’t be able to pick them up they were so heavy. Of course they laughed at him but if a spinning wheel can negate gravity then something else might also. The Dean drive is another example. Research done to explain the drive reasoned that it was the acceleration of an acceleration, or instantaneous surge force, that caused this “inertia drive” or anti-gravity. I bet you’ve heard of both of these but here’s one I just recently found. Lagiewka Bumper. He has a bumper on a car with a gear on it. When the car hits something the gear spins a flywheel VERY fast. This bleeds the crash force into the flywheel. If it’s not a put on then it fairly amazing. Here’s some videos.

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