Anti-Aging Book Preview

ere we are, a few thousand points lower, and what’s George got to show for it?  A new book? May sound odd, but I really love to write and getting into the “writing trance” is really good for me.  Stresses of life just fade away and a new story unfolds.

There is already one book in process – I shared recently. Called “Farm School” it’s a front row review of what it has been like over the past 25-years walking out on the “corporate life” to live in the woods at the end of the string.

This new book is something different.  It’s the 20-years report on trying to “beat aging” and we have had some success at that.  The first couple of chapters runs 6,000 words and that doesn’t count the charts in today’s report of our snooty look at the snooze.

Guess we ought to get to it, huh?

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27 thoughts on “Anti-Aging Book Preview”

    • might be something to that…sweet wormwood..

      a few tears ago I was having troubles sleeping the pain was horrible.. the doctor did a series of tests and then sent me to an oncologist. the suspicion was pancreatic cancer.. my liver was full of tumors my pancreas was not good spleen enlarged..
      a few years ago I had a dear friend that had brain cancer inoperable..I had been reading the studies on sweet wormwood and fighting cancer so I bought some . unfortunately they died before I could give it to them..
      since the oncologist was preparing me for pancreatic treatments.. I decided what the hell.. there’s very little chance of survival with pancreatic cancer..without discussing it with the oncologist I decided I would give it a go.. ( many won’t treat you if your self medicating ..many already believe they are gid so I didn’t discuss it..)
      went back to get my visit on treatment and mire tests..the oncologist had this odd look.. and said..I can’t explain it but it’s gone..and released me..
      4 years later my grand daughter was in tears as she told me about my great grandkids grandpa..he had been given the three weeks to die.. pancreatic cancer. he was bed bound .. I told her my story and said tell him to read the scientific studies..don’t tell his doctor but then decide for himself..
      he still has cancer throuout his body it had gone lymph and was spread. but that was in November 4 years ago. he’s not bedbound and just took the great grandsons to a ballgame and out to an auction..
      years ago. I was working for a company we made cleaning chemicals.. there was a black mold in the grout ..the cleaner was food grade hydrogen peroxide based.
      we couldn’t obtain any but the supplier said visit with this farmer.. he bought it regularly in a nearby state. we made the trip to his place. a beautiful farm with some of the healthiest looking cattle I had ever seen..
      we asked if we could buy a barrel and he said absolutely..
      my curiosity was up and I had to ask..why do you need so much food grade hydrogen peroxide..
      he was given a month to live cancer at the Mayo Clinic they put him in a trial program.. 3 drops in a full glass of water..three times a day..they had been studying the miracle water at Lourdes France. and that water was naturally high in hydrogen peroxide level.. so I asked how is that working for you. his response was well my month to live was over twenty years ago.
      he was old at the time and that was almost fifty years ago..he passed on in old age.
      research it.. there’s thousands of testimonials and thousands of pages of studies on this..
      one if the guys living in our spare room has lung cancer.. inoperable.. they used the kanzius machine by injecting gold nano partials then hitting it with radio waves.. two months after the treatments they gave him the all clear..I wanted to make sure he got through his treatments before we decided not to open our spare rooms to homeless

    • “Another user wrote, “Is it really a hack if 99% of the people on that call seemed to enjoy that type of filth.” Another said, “They were so used to it.”

  1. Some folks are complaining about Predict. The DEM P and VP contracts have been closed before the official convention formalized the nominees.

    • We don’ need no steenkin’ convention!
      We know JUST what we wan’ to do, an’
      we gonna DO it! (You jus’ do as you’re tol’.)

  2. Reading the comments of people on social media, I get the sense of the Mandela Effect happening. People giving credit where credit isn’t due and discrediting those who actually deserve credit. It’s twisted as hell out there. The Media has done quite a psyop over the past several years.

    People make their own choices as to who and what they listen to, which determines what they believe to be true. Mushrooms kept in the dark, fed shit, don’t become very bright. –
    Weird, isn’t it?

  3. “Tim Walz ‘failed to act’ as BLM rioters burned”

    Thinking of fractals. Everything described w/the American BLM riots is happening right now in the U.K. but at a larger degree.

    Riots. Accusations of racism. Who is the police siding with over there? The King fiddling.

    The opposite of Tim’s inaction might be Martial Law in the UK – the action of sending in blue helmets. Sticking w/NATO members Turkey has extra troops. Going outside of NATO members to NATO partners India has extra troops. A soft occupation. Don’t forget India wants their stuff back. As example they’ve requested the crown jewel Koh-i-noor diamond be returned and the King won’t give it back.

    “frame rate”

    Several posters have complained about PCs updating even though updates are disabled. Look to Monday’s orchestrated financial system lock-out. $AMZN & $EBAY never lock during their cyber sales. The ticket sites/pay sites don’t lock when the Swifites charge. The Internet and probably at a more granular level our computers are controlled by .gov. People demanded $INTL get Fed-Bux as a ‘national security’ asset. They’re securing against us. .gov doesn’t need anything because they have collaboration.

    The 4th Turn, ambushed by the insiders.

  4. Creditors (leg breakers) make political contributions, and therefore matter.
    Debtors don’t (leg break-ees) give money to the abnormal personality disorder class, so they don’t matter.
    Rinse and repeat for brokers and brok-ees.
    Media gets pay-offs from the abnormies.
    That isn’t hard to understand.

  5. What to do, what to do ?

    You already knew what the response would be from me..but for the good peeps at Urban hear goes..

    “Pull Ure head out of Ure ass, and Buy some Bitcoin or Fractions there of.”

    Bitcoin/Blockchain IS the high level Anti-Aging

    ..take Ure time, Ill leave a light on for Youse.

  6. I always appreciate the longevity articles. As an alternative to HGH, you may wish to look into peptides. Ipamorelin/CJC-1295 would be a good place to start.
    Sun Tzu

  7. Red Yeast Rice is available at Walmart and Amazon. Colchicine is available on Amazon, with a prescription, and reasonably priced.

    • You would need to eat about 1000 RYR tabs or capsules to get the amount of natural statin found in one serving of the actual food, or one 1st gen 45mg statin pill.

      As for Colchicine, George said it best:

      “The FDA took a working gout drug – which I personally used at a cost of less than a dime per pill and jacked it up to the cost of $5-dollars per pill during the “study people.”

      The FDA “approves” a drug for use in treating a specific malady. It generally takes about eight years and about $1 billion for a pharmco to go through the process, which it MUST go through for every “approved” use of a drug. Once approved, the pharmco who sought the approval and invested the time and money to go through the process then is awarded an exclusive right to produce and sell the drug in the United States, for a certain period of time (usually, 17 years.) If the drug is marketed in other countries, its manufacture is often offshored to meet demand. When the offshoring goes through China, drugs marketed through places like Malaysia are then sold for pennies on the dollar, because the Malaise of the Malay is they don’t recognize patents, trademarks, or copyrights. THIS is the route by which drugs that are expensive in the U.S. (because American consumers are required to pay for the years of R&D and expense of bringing a drug to market) reach foreign markets cheaply.

      To develop a drug which has been used in a homeopathic manner for years, like Colchicine, only costs a pharmco a couple years, and can be as “cheap” as $200 million so, when they can do so, a pharmco will take an existing drug or preparation (like Viagra — a hair growth stimulant for balding humans) and repurpose it for a fraction of the time and money investment required by a new drug. When they can snag a legacy drug, like Colchicine or quinine via Mr. Obama’s “Unapproved Drugs Initiative,” and bring it back to market as status-changed from “unapproved” to “approved,” a pharmco gets a new 17 year lease and can charge an exorbitant “recovery price” all over again. When they do this for a legacy drug (like Colchicine), several pharmco execs invariably become billionaires.

      (COVID created, on average, one pharmco billionaire per day, for the first 135 days that “cures” became available) and people who’re without “prescription insurance” get to do without. If you sense a little cynicism on George’s pages and amongst his readership, toward the pharmaceutical industry, your senses are probably not misplaced…

      • (“the pharmco who sought the approval and invested the time and money to go through the process then is awarded an exclusive right to produce and sell the drug in the United States”)

        hmm..not counting g the grants given paid for by the us taxpayers..only to have pharmco charge the taxpayers hundred of thousand of percent more than the pharmco industry charge anyone else.
        one of my medications is 600 a month here 20 in Canada or 10 if you get generic.. in Mexico its even cheaper.. The VA buys its medications from sources around the globe.. so open the the borders to insurance companies to..instead of limiting access..
        the vast majority of our elderly head to the border for the winter.. the savings they have from getting the medical services and medications done across the border pays for their whole trip.
        I should have talked to the banker for getting implants.. paid off 25 grand of work got another 7 and he says I need another 10 plus credit is 39 % interest..If I could have convinced the bank to give me a loan the interest would have been cheaper. and I wouldn’t keep having all this to expensive to deal with medical expenses.
        the meals on wheels elderly group kept telling me head to Mexico get the implants for a fraction of the cost..that’s what they do..I couldn’t afford to make the trip..
        instead the medical industry targets the taxpayers and poor for their business model.

      • I got a call from a family member of one of the guys living in our spare rooms..he’s now in a medical facility..his two meds that over the counter for ten bucks for three months worth is now just shy four thousand for a months worth..the meds are only allowed from their approved pharmacy distribution system. anything else is thrown out or flushed.. so the normal couple bucks a month has been elevated to four grand..
        he doesn’t have it he lived in our spare room..not even counting the transportation to and from his doctors visits..last year alone I put over 25 thousand miles back and forth to doctors visits..
        the medical industry is broken..hospitals hand out million dollar homes and bonuses like its candy buy prime Lind by the acre.. the hospital I worked for built vacation condos for the executives and physicians have cruises its broken.. two thirds of staff can’t afford the insurance for their families or themselves. once someone gets a serious ailments they drop those that do have it so they can take everything they own..its so bad its

        remote medical does the most of the care services to the regions of the USA than to anywhere else..its broken

        • (“Tennessee has lost billions of Federal Medicaid $, due to it’s refusal to expand Medicaid,”)

          Oh C…..
          Having worked the halls.. I can tell you what is going on in Tenn. is everywhere. my daughter was attacked by twelve refugee men then told by the receptionist she should not complain instead respect their way of life then told they couldn’t see her…. my guy was kicked out of the oncologists clinic.. took an extra three months to get back in.. the gobermant was paying the tab.. they sent him a letter asking for his fifty grand pre-care deposit..
          seen so many refused care.. most are sent to the ER because clinics refuse to see them..

  8. When Little Big Al was in high school he played football for a while until his back got broke in Wrestling(Long story).
    There was a parent meeting to warn us about Performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) and the signs.
    All the parents were hemming and hawing with questions about what if and such, so after the third one I stood up and asked about this.
    LBA was taking supplements from the GNC and other vitamins stores right there in town, along with protein shakes and the like and getting huge. He had gone from about 230lbs to 270lbs and along with that was getting very aggressive with me and his family, to the point I told him if he didn’t cool it I wouldn’t pay for any more of the stuff. I said all of his assistant coaches know about it and he consults and compares with them. They were referring him to web sites on sports nutrition and the like and ‘guiding’ hes results.
    So I asked, Is any of this illegal or will it get him disqualified? (I kinda hoped.)
    The Doctor in attendance said No, what he is doing in not mimicking steroids, it is mimicking HGH, and we don’t test for that.
    (Room draws big sigh of relief.)
    LBA tells me these were mostly Nitrous Oxide supplements. I will do a little more research and tell you what I find, but his results long ago were very much like what HGH would produce.
    Art has a Little Big Art (6’7″, 350 Lb, size 18 shoes, #2 Wrestler in AL his senior year) who also reads and studies this stuff and will also have info on what make the body think it has taken HGH.
    We will let you know what we find.

  9. “In this kind of attack, I could envision the internet having to “fail back” to a low frame rate but mostly text-only operation and the government turning off exploitable systems to ensure transactional integrity for banks and other critical functions”

    I knew there was a reason for me to hang onto my old copy of LYNX…

  10. This video is so great. Tucker Carlson is in Maine test driving a cybertruck and gets two men’s opinions. One guy owns a sawmill and shows old interesting tools. Like a bushhog called the turtle. The other guy has lots of old cars and a whole barn of old equipment. Both guys are wearing t-shirts with neat logos and are entertaining to listen to. Lots of beautiful Maine scenery. A fun video – 58 min.

  11. “While there are shining examples of new research, as in Dr. Sinclair’s NMN work, the U.S. Fools and Drugged Administration (sic) attacks anti-aging medicine.

    The FDA’s decision is based on a provision in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DHSEA).

    “The FDA’s ban is a precautionary measure while the agency investigates the potential risks and benefits of NMN.”

    Now this I do not know, but my suspicion is that Mr. Trump’s “Right to Try” policy would make the use of NMN or Colchicine, or a huge number of other drugs & supplements, legal again. It might not make the supplement available from a United States distributor or retail establishment, but it should lift any import restriction on, say Indian or Australian pharmaceutical generics and supplements. I believe Mr. Biden shitcanned it when he lifted Trump’s anti price-gouging EO which forced the price of insulin down to $35 and cut the price of epipens by over 75% (among many other “pricing corrections” which were unpopular with American and Urepeein pharmcos…)

  12. Which book would you prefer I work on next? Rural homesteading or personal life extension?

    Let me know! I’m intensely interested in both!

    Definitely both, but you should do the life extension book first. If’fn we ain’t here, we don’t need homesteading info…

    • there was a house in LA believe it or not that did some good about fifty five years ago.. that actually did some good..urban homestead.. the study was a normal home in a normal city turned into a completely independent self sufficient.
      I always wanted to see the bio-dome in was a failed project. dancing rabbit eco village on the other hand has been a success.
      I did try to vonvince the wife to move there..tried to talk the grand daughter to move there

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