Columns lately have been a little on the namby-pamby side. But, now that the dust is settling in D.C. as another load of dirt comes in, two issues scream.
Trump Saved Crooked Media
The first is the pending lack of “news” in America. Depending on where you consume your daily dose of hypnotic repetition, the pending news shortage may – or may not – be visible.
Readers of the NY Times, for example, will not see the crisis – yet. Their digital front page today offered a story count that ran 24-to-8 in favor of (worshipful and bashing) content. The other eight “real stories” included little things like Covid, failed unemployment, and British stock prices when we looked about 6:20 AM Eastern.
On the other hand, tracking-reduced DuckDuckGo‘s news coverage was already moving down toward the bottom of the barrel quickly. Their top stories (when counted down a ways) showed a nearly 50-50 balance between Biden worship and [actual] stories like “UK card spending running 35% below pre-pandemic levels, BoE data shows.”
Other stories include overcrowding at the L.A. County jail and assorted crime stories. Murder this, car-jack that. The kind of stuff we avoid time-wasting on since its not personally actionable other than wearing my chest holster and cleaning the guns regularly.
If you’re not following our first point this morning, let me summarize it this way: Trump Hating Media has a problem: The Don was great for sales. Biden worship won’t be. I ran a news department for well over a decade. People get tired in “good news” almost instantly. Salacious sells!
So in coming weeks, the News Industry has this terrible problem to sort out: Do they rerun Trump bashing? Impeachment II will go that way. National crisis over his pension, yada, yada.
Which will include lots of Biden-blames-Trump material, no doubt. Or, does the shallow leftist media find a New Cause to hornswoggle low I.Q. readers into caring deeply enough about to continue clicking on their websites.
And “Send this story to a friend…” (Email harvesting!…Big money! Big Money!_)
Personally, we favor the new Bogeyman. But that’s a bigger discussion, so let’s ahead and have some of that…
What’s the Global POINT?
Few take the time – and only only requires a few minutes – to figure out that almost every human alive has a different “motivation.” In other words, there is not transnational public purpose shared globally.
Ask 10 people in every country in the world “What’s the point of being human, here and now? Where are we all going As A World?
There’s no global unification because it’s a tough one to monetize and worse, if it’s global, power-mad countries can’t gain competitive edge over one-another.
So the problem reduces to “Share Goals for all people in the world would be nice and all. But, that would involve merging countries, languages and most difficult of all? Agreeing to a global agenda.
Yet, there are many worthy goals.
- Clean: Reduce human population and restore the planet to an energy and ecological balance.
- Leave: Not just to the Moon (a monetization) or <Mars> (as in more money). No, I’m talking “Let’s get out there are meet some other life forms and get to know them.
- Meet God: Conduct scientific research into the widening intersection between crackpots who know and have experience psi events and figure how to blast those channels open a bit. That’d be cool. Levitation, deep insight, and spiritual evolution and freedom for all!
Of course, it won’t work. On Energy? Biden’s plan to scrap the XL Pipeline is pure politics. Not like we don’t need to move energy around. That’s just stupid to argue about. Money and demand should make those decisions. Not just the current “Political Hack of the Year” to work in the Oval.
Clean up the environment? No, the Paris deal sucks. Biden’s a fool for getting back into it because the burden of change was laid mainly on the U.S. Either we demand equality for ALL nations, or we’re just bullshitting ourselves about supposed egalitarian values.
And work on actually building the “Tools to Know God?” Sorry. Every major religion in the world rebels against such heresy. You see, knowing God is free…but in terms of power, control, and revenue, there’s nothing like erecting toll booths before the stairway to Heaven. Politics learned power-tripping from religions. And concepts like you’re either with US or you’re evil. Shit like that still plays globally.
Thus, while there are dribs and drabs of economic data to kick over, the large context is: Trump Saved the News Business from independent sources like Urban. Biden doesn’t change anything except to remount socialism on the backs of Americans while failing to grok the largest but most important question of all.
What’s the point?
Goals must be measurable, achievable, and people gotta love ’em.
Biden calling for Unity without that kind of foundation work is just a replay of previous lies and insincerities that conspire to smash world into a brick wall.
Unemployment Filings
Oh goody. Are seasonal adjustments going to make the data look good for Joe? So he can claim a win (despite the fact these are all based on the Trump business conditions?) ?
I don’t mean to sound excessively cynical. (But I am…) NY Times biz piece How Our Unemployment Benefits System Failed very much on point.
Housing Starts
Not as useful as next Tuesday’s Case Shiller report, but, it is what it is…
Gotta wonder if “home offices” will start popping up as a shift in two and three bedroom apartments and condos?
Philly Fed Manufacturing
We gotta pin this one on Trump, not Joe, too: With revisions, then:
As of click time, the Dow was up 56 – more crack!
Actual News
To be sure, not much of it: Crooked climate deal that whacks us, scrap a pipeline, open the borders and other slop aside…
Free Money! The spending like there will be a Global Reset continues at insane rates. Biden extends student loan payment freeze. We think there’s a fair “false advertising” case to be made against higher education institutions that, oh, you know, buried students in debt and delivered price-bloated paper.
From the MJDB: “These four states could legalize medical marijuana through legislation in 2021.” Texas isn’t one of them (drat!).
Electric car fans: “Tesla is the proxy for a stock market gone mad.”
Well, this as been so much fun, I think I’ll go get the oil changed. World’s still broken, divided, missing share goals, and Biden doesn’t change anything except speeding up our sink rate.
For Better or for Fun!~
As we have mentioned many times, we like to theme the rooms in our home. The best so far is the Trader Vic’s dining room. But we’re not the only one. Seems a lot of people are setting up kick-ass theme park ride of your own settings. Take this one for example: Yo Ho Yo Ho A Quarantine’s Life for Me.
We gotta say, this is the kind of thing that keeps us reading Disney Imagineering books in our spare time. (whazzat?).
Recommendations: (although $54-bucks again cheap!): Walt Disney Imagineering: A Behind the Dreams Look at Making More Magic Real (A Walt Disney Imagineering Book). And after you drool on that, just search Imagineering on Amazon for a ton more.
Oh, don’t miss Rolly Crump’s book: “It’s Kind of a Cute Story.” Imagination is one of the things we can grow and take with us!
Write when you get rich and the giddiness passes,
?Aether U be going this AM..
Tesla – to paraphrase ‘the Sun absorbs more energy than it emits”
As does the multi spinning electron – think standing wave forms.. zo as we look thru a telescope – we see Dark space/spots (s) between the Stars.
– yet when we all pile into my space ship and go immediately to center point of one those dark spots/places, and look out of my spaceship windows – we all see is..more Stars! Holy Cow!Gman.
It aint dark!
U can see light points converging in on you at that exact moment in space/time. Dark matta – hahhahahaha
Everything, everyday is absorbing aether 24/7, 365..
Just imagine if someone taught how to Refine that “shit” into something unimaginably powerful and suble?
Waveforms, chain reactions – all of a sudden a person might start to think an “in tune’ human bean as possibly one of the most Powerful things in the known and unknown Universe..or not.
Cultivating Virtue? Bright, Open and Happy Heart?
Yes, turn off the damn news. Kind of like voting with your wallet.
Voting with your wallet could lead to real headaches for our owners. The bus strike with MLK lead to civil war. The Boston Tea party led the charge to the Revolutionary War that gave us USA. I’m in. New Mantra – make, repair, grow. If these fail then shop in person.
“People get tired in “good news” almost instantly. Salacious sells! ”
Here is what I see.. four plus years of nasty drivil.. day and night night and day… what was it up to 150 negative comments in a half hour on one major network.. it is sickening.. but a great sales for netflix and prime and peacock and the others.. great sales for them.. my wife turns it there and watches old tv shows that were made of good family quality..
NOW with mainstream media.. well all of us here realize the true dire situation that our country is in and the state of the economy.. and the only reason that it is still going strong is that they dump water on the table so fast it is moving the noodle along that should have pulled apart.. like a leaf on the stream.. moving across the table..
BUT… it won’t last long.. the noodle is starting to crumble.. and the rest of the world is only going along with the print print print methology because all the other currencies ( except china and russia) depend on its moving along… so what happens..
as it crumbles there will be huge references to The Trump administration destroying america… they will find new ways to push that but I have Faith that they can keep bashing the president that tried so hard to steer the titanic away from the ice berg.. unfortunately.. the way they will see out of it is…
not only that they want the lithium in NK.. so when the wanters want more.. we do what ?…..all they have to do is figure out how to blame DJT and keep the negative hate message rolling…
How will we transport the oil if we stop the pipeline? Trucks of course.
Pipeline=0 carbon footprint.
Trucks= Not so much
But, in a world of power and control that will give us 5X more jobs, per Mark’s claims about clean energy.
Yep – build more trucks, build more freeways,, build more trucker motels, more Pilot and Love’s truck stops, 50 more OTR truck accessories like DOT logging and GPS systems and fast food joints…and shit, just the ad budgets alone.
Like I tell yah, it’s not CLEAN energy, it’s ENERGY CON. We build roads and other high tech not caring what the ultimate endpoint is. No wonder UAPs and UFOs won’t come by for a brewski…even with an LZ out here for ’em,.
Actually Warren Buffet’s Burlington Northern RR tank cars.
Much of the oil that was to go through the pipeline was actually US oil from the Bakken oil fields in NE Montana and NW North Dakota. Currently that Bakken oil is being shipped, at a cost of about $12-$15/bbl (plus local collection costs) via Buffet’s railroad. The pipeline was projected to bring that cost down to the $3-$4/bbl range (plus local collection costs).
I am in the far eastern midwest and see Unit Trains (defined as 60+ cars – usually about 120 cars for the oil unit trains through here) of Bakken Oil moving through my location regularly since once it’s in the RR tanker car attached to a unit train … lots of money to transfer it to a pipeline later … so they just run the unit train to it’s final destination (ie: refinery).
Buffet has been collecting $BILLIONS$ in RR transport fees for Bakken Oil, making more money off of it than the actual oil companies in fact, so is anybody surprised that he supported Biden who said he was going shut down the Keystone Pipeline?
Follow the MONEY!!
The Keystone Pipeline would actually have been environmentally BETTER, by a LOT, than shipping the oil by RR Tanker cars …. but the MONEY dictated that RR shipping was where it was at for the existing “rent collectors” in our society. (fwiw the company building the Keystone Pipeline is CANADIAN, it is NOT a US company)
I suspect an XL pipeline would take many crude railcars from rumbling past peoples’ backyards day in, day out. Here’s a link to the federal “Canada Energy Regulator” showing volumes of crude moving nationally by rail. Possibly railroad stocks remain a buffet of opportunity? By the way, the numbers following suggest that summer 2020 monthly volumes were running as low as 10% of January 2020 figures…
No – it will be transported on Mr Buffett’s railroad investments.
“How will we transport the oil if we stop the pipeline?”
Wrongo. See Berkshire prodigy Buffet’s acquisition of railroads for transportation of oil. See Buffet as large donor to O campaign (office of the first decimator). Joe’s O’s candidate. Best govt that money can buy. The end game is afoot. I understand over 10,000 jobs just got wiped with this pen stroke. Look for more in the coming weeks/months.
“Tools to Know God”
I think that an attempt to “know God” from the human state of consciousness is a stretch. I prefer the attitude of being “spiritually connected”, and attempting to listen to what Spirit, the voice of God, is trying to tell me through my experiences. Also, I have heard much of there being spiritual helpers for each of us — guardian angels. I have found it useful to “talk to” these helpers and receive quiet guidance.
I’m not the pink fluffy cloud, trumpets and wings type. I use a NASA analogy in thinking about my spiritual team — I call them “Houston”. The astronauts were always checking in with the major space center in Houston for instructions. It is, of course, a locational reversal — I’m here on Earth in mostly 4D space-time, while they are active across multiple dimensions. Nevertheless, this process has made spiritual communication more real for me.
That is a BEAUTIFUL viewpoint. Consider it stolen! (Everyone else say thank you!)
A big thank you. It’s wonderful to see that someone is openly admitting that we are not alone. God has given us help through His Holy Spirit and keeps us safe with our Guardian Angel.
Praise God!!!
Humbly submitted with Gratitude. It really works.
CH, I learned many years ago from my sister (shaman type) that your “spirit guides” (guardian angels, if so inclined) are always with you. They are there to help you in whatever endeavor is needed. Just need to ask. Also learned that whenever you see a digital 444 it is a friendly reminder your spirit guides are there for you. Could it be that God is so busy he shares the load in helping us mere mortals. And for your listening pleasure, one of George’s favorite: A little sunrise sunset at Montery Pop Festival.
Thank you!
Thank you.. it was a beautiful saying.. I totally believe in guardian angels.. I have had three experiences that I know of.. where the only way anyone could have knows was by an act of god… someone whispering in their ear..
Thank you, CoffeeHound.
One final horse sign from The Great Beyond last night:Chief Justice won the 7th race at Yonkers,adding to winners Trump Nation and Wikileaks earlier.There are more things in heaven and Earth…………….
I got off the Disney kick a long time ago … prefer cartoons with morals and values of real life. Anyone else remember Rollie Pollie Ollie ? He was a good kid. Nice family.
I agree, the news sites should see a Trump fatigue effect starting right now. But they are floating all kinds of bubbles, all the time. The AI is merely optimizing the news feed to “what is most interesting”. None of the decisions are human based any longer about what you see, what gets reported, and most importantly.. what language is used. We all know this, we’ve seen the catch phrases that permeate news on any given day.
The real threat is the re-run of Clinton’s “domestic white terrorist” meme. They plan to double down on it. What have we seen so far?
All the FBI based TV shows have had only white supremacist terrorist bad guys for over a year now. Plenty of other sources have joined in, fiction and “fact”. We see this start to surface in the “insurrection” news meme.
What will we see soon? They need a David Coresh experience, big compound, big standoff. That’ll drive news for a month or more. Plenty of air time to cement the narrative: Anyone who collects supplies and hardware is a dangerous white terrorist.
The follow-on from that will be a massive event. Think OKC. That will be the exclamation point moment. The domestic war on terror will be launched.
Good bye all constitutional protections for privacy, freedom of movement, private property, search and seizure, gun laws, just let your mind run wild here because all of it will be on the table.
That’s how you replace good news with fear and click bait. With a double helping of government power grab.
“the news sites should see a Trump fatigue effect starting right now.”
Hell.. they should have seen the fatigue four years two weeks and twelve hours ago…I was sick of it right off.. MARKETING…. tell someone once they walk on by.. tell them the second time they glance at it and walk on by.. tell them the third time.. HEY I HEARD ABOUT THIS…..
Now non stop repetitive negative day and night … even the network shows have it built right into their programming.. it didn’t take long to get sick of it…
I live in South Dakota and have been following the XL pipeline be constructed. No doubt we need energy as we all use it, myself included, but I am so sick of the thought that the energy comes before everything else including the environment. That is not being a good steward. The pipeline has been designed to go underneath the Missouri River. This is where it also goes across Reservation land. The river is the only source of drinking water for the tribe and is also considered sacred. The water then goes into a large lake Oahe where the dam is and then ends up joining the Mississippi River. Lots of fish in all these places, irrigation use, recreaction and more drinking water. Another recently constructed Dakota pipeline is currently active and has had 2 breaks in the last maybe 2 years which required major cleanup of farm fields, as in haul the soil to another location clean up. But at least the oil did not go into a river. Current tech cannot guarantee there will not be a break in the XL where it goes under the major waterway. This is nuts. There has to be another solution. Probably one that is more expensive. Is profit now the basis of all decisions? The bad possibilities with the XL are huge.
But that’s true of any and all pipelines. And since I was up on the North Slope in 1973 (press junket days!) I learned about it first hand.
Anything made by the hand of mortals tends to break.
Yep. Even electric cars and solar panels.
I am so sick of any and all environmental concerns being politicized. And yes, one administration says yes the next administration says no, is no way to run business. But, humans have considered waterways as a sewer or a source of hydropower for years. There are so many humans now and clean water is more and more scarce (China would be an extreme example) that some change, some recognition of the value of clean water needs to be recognized. Clean water vs polluted water. Just what value/cost/potential profit do you calculate against the risk of compromising the resource when proposals for pipelines get presented. And I still say the pipeline could have been routed by another path. I recall seeing an article in a SoDak newspaper where the pipeline people said something like,” you people are just too late for us to consider an alternate route that we might have used”. Well, it was too late not because the idea of an alternate route was not brought up but because the politics of the time did not give a rip and pushed through the current plan.
Monkey is now on Bidens back and he has all these problems to answer. he wanted the job welcome to the World Joe!
“And I still say the pipeline could have been routed by another path. ”
They already had the other path they always did.. but they didn’t have control….. what was it.. fifty miles of pipe to tap into the ones already in place and operational that was built without all the EPA claims against them on shoddy work..
It was all a business model to build something that wasn’t really needed at all gain more control and profits…
Yes M.. I read someplace they have a lot of issues of using cheap material and cutting corners to save money and increase their bottom line..I have to admit.. if they were going to go under my property I wouldn’t want them to either..
all one has to do is look at the affects that have plagued china for not having clean water regulations..
The problem with a thing like cancelling the XL is that it tells investors on both sides that your money can be gone because some ass kissing lefty moron got voted in. Up here in Regina, Canada, the city council voted 4 to 3 in favour of no longer allowing energy companies to advertise in the city. So in response to the lefties, our premier responded by saying if they don’t want the people on the street to have access to funding for sports and other events from the energy sector, then they won’t need the 29 million which is their cut from the energy sector and he would give it to other municipalities. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. That’s why we like our premier.
A point which Mark should take note of: People are being used by a government corporate merger that’s been ex post facto since 1970. Now, people are getting sick of it. Regina dares to break out of the trance…
Like operating systems and apps: We just need ones that work – not the planned obsolescence! We still can’t type any faster than we could in 1970…or think any clearer, either.
You did read “The 100-year toaster” – my book on how this all is a game, right?
George…you said.
“shallow leftist media find a New Cause to hornswoggle low I.Q. readers into caring deeply enough about to continue clicking on their websites.”
The low IQ isn’t with the left or right…it’s with the extremes at both ends. Antifa on the left and the Q-crowd on the right. You know..the insurrectionists that stormed our capital. Not to downplay the Antifa goons…but there is a difference between shattering a coffee shop window and shattering windows and infiltrating hallowed U.S. government institution like the Capital building dressed like drag queens and cosplay superheroes. Both of these intellectually challenged groups need to get jobs and find another hobby.
Trump saved crooked media? I don’t think so. Trump was crooked media. His media was Twitter and his 20x a day/365 days year/for 4 years crooked lies led to the insurrectionists surge in the Capital. His lies of a stolen election are now being walked back by each and every GOP operative, save a few idiot opportunist’s, and are now under investigation by our intelligence services. There will be more arrests. And it’s not going to stop with the dumbasses that broke into the Capital. Roger Stone and Company may have been the kingpin. I don’t know how much Trump actually knew…and I don’t care…he is too stupid and that could be his defense…but heads will roll soon.
I have said this many times, when the nations top intellectual community backs the smearing and conviction of Trump…it’s time to Listen. Even your most revered intellectual’s like Michael Pollen, Dean Radin, Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker, Lex Freidman and more can see how toxic and dastardly Trump was. The top GOP leaning Military brass, Senators, Congressmen and women and even the daytime conservative news hosts (the real news people… not the pay for play nighttime hucksters) know that Trump is and was a danger to our democracy.
Lastly on the Paris Climate accord. Mike Pompeo stated yesterday that Biden has more empathy for the people in Paris then he does American citizens after Biden re-started the Paris Accord. This is typical of the type of dis-information to the dumbed down Trump base we all have been experiencing the past 4 years. First, Mr. Pompeo…you do know that the Paris accords is where the treaty originated and has nothing to do with Paris itself? Of course he does…but his base doesn’t and it makes a good talking point for those with 3rd grade education…you know…the insurrectionists types…
Second, we were never really technically in the Paris accord to begin with. Obama entered it through executive order and the treaty and it is a large multilateral deal, and the other parties apparently believe it requires domestic ratification. For the United States, that means Congressional approval. Nevertheless, it stood, but the exit had a four-year waiting period for withdrawal, quite unlike traditional executive agreements. So, we were never technically in the agreement and we were never technically out of the agreement during the entire Trump Presidency. We actually exited it on November 4,2020. The day after the election. So, Trumps ballyhooed Paris Accord exit was just a bunch of smoke and mirrors, just like his Presidency. Biden re-entering it will have to go through Congressional approval this time…
About the pipeline. What the right fails to mention is that the worlds initiative into clean energy is only about one thing…unlimited multiples of new job opportunities. Clean jobs today employ 5 times more people than the fossil fuel industry…and pays much better too. That’s today…that will exponentially grow as we innovate. Clean energy to us today is as exciting as when Samual Morse dispatched that first Telegraph wire in 1844. That’s where we are in the timeline of clean energy…look where Morse’s innovation has taken us…imagine the possibilities wit the adoption of clean energy products worldwide. That’s what the Paris Accord’s about. If anyone else tells you differently…you are being fed the big Trump like lie.
Surprisingly few errors, but if I may: “Not to downplay the Antifa goons…but there is a difference between shattering a coffee shop window and shattering windows and infiltrating hallowed U.S. government institution like the Capital building dressed like drag queens and cosplay superheroes.” I gotta say blinding Law enforcement officers with lasers and dragging motorists out of their cars, building down buildings and seizing a police station not even in the CHAZ puts antibrain in the same box.
“Trump saved crooked media? I don’t think so. Trump was crooked media. His media was Twitter and his 20x a day/365 days year/for 4 years crooked lies led to the insurrectionists surge in the Capital” You’re not hearing me: Layoffs in newsrooms and in media generally slowed during the Trump hate fest. Hate sells papers. Heart new it, Puklitzer knew it and so does the WaPo and the NY Times of today.
“Lastly on the Paris Climate accord. Mike Pompeo stated yesterday that Biden has more empathy for the people in Paris then he does American citizens after Biden re-started the Paris Accord. This is typical of the type of dis-information to the dumbed down Trump base we all have been experiencing the past 4 years.” Again, Pompeo is speaking truth to power. It’s true. America is the ankle-grabber on top of our bioweapon disaster. China gets another decade to conform. And it is self-reported. Remember the veracity of their death count in Wuhan? But OK, then Pompeo didn’t stretch the truth. He told the watered down version. Seems the Hunter laptop story didn’t happen but if you had believed it, Pompeo would not have used French. He would have said Ukrainian and Chinese.
Last, but not least you “About the pipeline. What the right fails to mention is that the worlds initiative into clean energy is only about one thing…unlimited multiples of new job opportunities. Clean jobs today employ 5 times more people than the fossil fuel industry…and pays much better too.” Is another left-environmentalist alliance lie. Since I was involved in instrumenting electric cars more than 20-years ago, here are a few facts: One: A horsepower of “work” requires 745 Watts worth of power. The source of the power doesn’t matter. Watts converts to BTUs of heat. 5,200 BTU for about 1,500 watts. (Your heater may vary – but not by much.)
The real source of pollution (remember, we live on and run a tree farm) is HUMAN ACTIVITY. Any time you don’t do an “all-in” analysis of energy, the conclusions will be wrong. “Employ 5 times more people than fossil fuel” and you WILL create AT LEAST as much pollution. You see, it’s a closed system, there are no cheats. Pin these up somewhere:
Electricity 1 kilowatthour = 3,412 Btu
Natural gas 1 cubic foot = 1,037 Btu
1 therm = 100,000 Btu
Motor gasoline 1 gallon = 120,286 Btu2
Diesel fuel 1 gallon = 137,381 Btu3
Heating oil 1 gallon = 138,500 Btu4
Propane 1 gallon = 91,452 Btu
Wood 1 cord = 20,000,000 Btu5
And above all:
For W to BTU/h conversions, 1 W is equal to 3.41 BTU/h. Therefore to convert BTU/h into Watts you need to divide by 3.41; to convert Watts into BTU/h you need to multiply by 3.41.
Last, when you write “Clean jobs today employ 5 times more people than the fossil fuel industry…and pays much better too. That’s today…that will exponentially grow as we innovate. Clean energy to us today is as exciting as when Samual Morse dispatched that first Telegraph wire in 1844. That’s where we are in the timeline of clean energy…look where Morse’s innovation has taken us…imagine the possibilities wit the adoption of clean energy products worldwide. That’s what the Paris Accord’s about. If anyone else tells you differently…you are being fed the big Trump like lie.” You again, are not seeing the Big Picture. The game is about keeping 8-billion people so busy that they wont have time (or be allowed to question, which is what the jackoffs at twitter don’t like) a fake narrative. The “clean energy jobs” you tout are extremely short-duration gigs. Plant panels and leave. Lots of crrew but no one will be around for retirement. I’ve got a son-in-law who has traveled the whole midwest planting cell phone towers for 5G. Gig done? See yah.
No, the REAL jobs are in government and until people see that government “governs for their own profit” we will continue to be ruled by morons. See Chris Tyreman’s remarks on how government holds up business. Canceling XL is a demofication (democrat party monetization). Follow the money. Count watts of work.
Talk to me about free poles for all the electric wiring – because we make money on ’em.
George, thank you for itemizing and explaining your rebuttal so succinctly; I am so sick of hearing mark lie about this and that or obfuscate or use any topic as a reason to bash Trump and the people that supported him. He really thinks that we are all low IQ participants in this life on earth neatly funneled into left or right. His rhetoric is hate rhetoric and it’s a daily dose, that’s for sure.
Your explanation is easily absorb able and once learned should raise a person’s knowledge. But, we all will be hearing the same malarkey from mark pretty soon, as if what you wrote never made it past his ‘mental gas blocks.’
That’s the problem with this manufactured division propped up by the democrat media and liberal education system (and other items) right now, one side refuses to learn, the other side is ignored. The TRUTH dies on the vine.
And in the meantime, the real power-brokers have big plans for all of us humans on earth! Let’s see, he’s captured vaccines, and farmland, and now, he’s heading for the friendly skies to perfect his lowering the earth’s temps to cause crop reduction and eventual famine. He’s using a natural cause, volcanoes, to fight a lie, man-made global warming, and his solution is population reduction (speaking of BIG PICTURE).
You notice, we never talk about the polluting all those planes do; all those poop trails!
Ad hominem attacks simply show the shallowness of thinking. Mark does it all the time. Funny to read.
Clean energy is not any more of a short term industry than any other industry. it’s a 50 year play until the next big thing…Plus…clean energy is energy…Just a updated version of it…Just like Morse’s telegraph…it was the beginning of the communications industry, which exists to this day in a different form like your web site, social media and such. Electric cars are cars…just with different fuel sources. And yes human activity is a big source of pollution…but doing more activity with cleaner tools of the trade will result in less pollution, not more. thats the whole point of clean tech. We all know that our world population is growing, but we can’t keep doing what we are doing without serious consequences to the earth. so…lets do it cleaner.
As I argue many times – both here on UrbanSurvival and on the Peoplenomics side, IF we had the same environmental regulations in place today, we would never have allowed the EMI (electromag interference) that arguably has scrambled our thinking and created the whole sham marketing/sales/consumption that wrecks the planet.
But, as long as I have your attention – and you’re a smart fellow – what would YOU suggest as a global uniting cause that would defang the crookedness gone global?
Electric cars don’t pollute locally they just move the problem somewhere else. The fraction of power from solar and wind is abysmal and disappears on cloudy calm days entirely. Geothermal is a no brainer (see Iceland) and yet for all the mountains and hot springs in California, see much geotherm? Nope.
So…give us a Global Goal that everyone can buy into: My three offerings are clean up, leave, and find God…and happy with any order selected.
One more thing. This announcement by Elon Musk is the perfect example of how technology a d new ideas create tremendous opportunities.
From Elon Musk…
“ Am donating $100M towards a prize for best carbon capture technology”
Except for a tiny accident, correct me if I’m wrong, but…
1. The market cap of Tesla has bubbled up 10-fold from $75B to $783 B
2. I’m a simple-minded investor (so’s Buffett, so I’m in good company). I like to earn actual RENT on money I have at risk. To me – any company that is not paying a dividend and is telling stories to willing followers (ahem…) is a stock swindle. Repeat: If there’s no money for an investor but the uncertainty of illusory gains “down the road” I call it a swindle and move on.
Says over here Tesla doesn’t pay a dividend.
Nice of Musk to donate $100 m toward best carbon capture technology, but nature has already invented plants in general and trees in particular. Low upkeep, no humans needed – and no scams required.
Unless the dough is out of Musk’s pocket, if I were a shareholder I’d be pissed.
Show me the money!
‘The real source of pollution is human activity’? not negligent Pipeline companies? (let’s give big greedy corporations a free ride, yeah?
Scroll down to U.S. , ‘4 of every 5 spills are discovered by local residents, not the pipeline companies’
oil can ruin your farm and water supply:
This is why law schools are still open, courts are an industry, and Erin Brockovich did win, remember?
You don’t need as many environmental regulations if the court system does its job. PGE is finding this out in NorCal
“I am so sick of hearing mark lie about this and that or obfuscate or use any topic as a reason to bash Trump and the people that supported him. He really thinks that we are all low IQ participants in this life on earth neatly funneled into left or right.”
LOL… I am right with you there Truth is De Vine…
My Daddy always told me.. SON… he said that a lot..
Be careful what you wish for…. You might just get it….. and look what Mark has been a wishing and a hoping for…
I have been telling Mark for years..
Bag up some of that moldy money you keep hidden in barrels in the back yard.. and send it to me in brown paper sack…
Or Mark could send me two of those power walls.. as a gift write it off and I would gladly pay the taxes on the capital gains from the gifts.. get the battery bank I need to purchase , that way he is one cutting his taxes and supporting the company he loves.. I do to though tesla is top notch stuff…
“but nature has already invented plants in general and trees in particular. Low upkeep, no humans needed – and no scams required.”
I agree George.. unfortunately.. we are loosing 9.5 acres per minute to new construction… I actually thought I had read fifteen acres.. but was wrong..
1-8 acres a day just for clear cutting for construction projects on forest lands..
I have promoted and suggested green scaping cities.. along with putting in CO2 filters on lamp posts artificial trees to use both as shades and to clean co2 from the air.. solar trees etc.. promote solar and wind and utilize all our resources not criticize any of them.. coal and oil gas are all good but using all our energy needs together in unison .. reclaim plastic reconstitute it back to its base oil..
but those cost money and there is a loss of control and we won’t see it in our lifetime.. or at least I doubt we will see it.. mostly because there is a thirty year period until it becomes a true hazard to human existence.. If we don’t have a war that would kill off two thirds of the population to get the world back to a level that can be sustained..
George. You are spot on. Now, if we can only make it so that the Pols in Govt couldnt skim off the cash allocated to said endeavors. We’d be there already. Wit, Al Gore and Carbon creds, Solindra and Nancy. Paris Climate accord and ….? et al…..
Same way Biden Administration will be by Executive Order.
Which bible passage were we supposed to noodle to determine how the ancients levitated? I can’t find the post.
If you guys click links, I click about 1 out of 30.
The Ten Stages of our Genocide – Henna Maria
Good One Steve!
G dude,
Soft they are – very soft. WAR can be hell on everyone it touches..
Are we to believe slo grope joe garnered 10 million moar votes than the iamtheantichrist-Obumma – really?..rumored map going around germany showing orange gullum of greatness with 410 electoral votes – prior the Sytl/Domminion purge..
Then the lying deceitful ho (“fweedom”) – who could not even gain enough votes from her diabolical party to place in the top ten dim candidates – is injected into our minds & the office of VP .
How many battles did George lose ? a lot, but he & his men never gave up..frozen feet wrapped in rags during winter in Valley Forge..
Hold the Line ! Patriots – when U see jp getting snatched up, ull know the “Storm” has finally arrived..
till then..poppitypopopoppopitypop! “r these people real?” No – but the dip in BTC is..buybuybuybuybuy
Coot: BTC $100,000 in 2021. Short supply, big demand means higher prices. BTC may become the currency of 3rd world nations.
Grayscale Bitcoin Trust is at a 6.28% Premium to NAV. Near an all time low. Is that a buy signal? On 12/24/20 Premium was at 40%.
Coot; we are with ya and we will never give up.
Awe the mind wanders to the great Work Bankruptcy 1995. The author offered many outs to avoid the calamity, all of which the Clinton Administration smartly did [ monetization of every public trust and lock box from land to retirement funds and everything between]. The book leaves the reader with one nugget of critical thought. If, any or all suggestions in this book were to be implemented , the timing of said dooms day would be deferred. However, there will be warning signposts on the road toward the event. As the country approaches the event, the frequency with which the congress will have to pass continuing spending resolutions and raising the debt ceiling will increase, having to pass a resolution every two years, then every year, then every 6 months, then monthly, then weekly. Have we paying attention? Over this last quarter? We are running at about $1.2T to $1.9T a month. I don’t think JP can naked short Bitcoin any longer with out having to print ever larger and larger gobs of $ to cover counter party settlements in the
CME price suppression scheme. There have been several Whiny articles about it. Up next? The same Eh Hm[cough], professionals,tired of having their faces melted will pile in long. up Up UP it goes! Welcome to Venezuela.
Just had a rollicking good laugh! The official YT channel for The White House has wiped out all of Trump’s videos and the few that are up there from the inauguration to Bribem’s Executive Orgas- uh, I mean Order signing, Every. Single. Video. has overwhelming DOWN VOTES on it. People know this whole thing is a wretched farce from the beginning. This will be no cake walk for the dimocrat usurpers.
“Meet God: Conduct scientific research into the widening intersection between crackpots who know and have experience psi events and figure how to blast those channels open a bit.”
Wow, would I appreciate that!! In all my long life all I’ve ever heard was “wordplay” around the WORD, or some crackpot’s experiences which involves final self-hypnosis about “imagined entities.”
Google will be searching for answers as elected Australian government officialdom is not swallowing Mountainview’s news prescription that decimates local journalism. One wonders if the Silicon Valley Collectives have mistaken themselves as modern day Andrew Carnegie digital libraries rather than disguised suffocating monopolies. Here is the BBC link throwing the Book in their Face. In the meantime, perhaps WH interns can run off an executive order pdf for Pops to sign.
George, your Trump Hate Fest theory doesn’t work: Decline in News employees started well before Trump,and barely changed at all from 2016 to 2019:
The Trump Love Fest theory certainly is provable:
The Qanon extremist Right Wing Trump supporting social media has had enormous growth:
You get right up to the point of brilliance – and falter.
Remember, netting counts:
2008 news automation reducing total employee count at rate X
Trump era:
2016 on news reductions continue. but we have the add-back of trump based organizations offsetting the news total employment.
Point is? Polarization increases money flows.
Look at how all “issues” in America are monetizations: Trump-AntiTrump, race, gender, confused….. Mostly about divide and swindle. Work ’em up and shake ’em down.
It’s the American way!
Yeah ok we know you are waking up on the wrong side of the bed for awhile, there’s still 17 million facing foreclosure or eviction, 42% of all Texans:
And our ‘worrisome state’, U.S.A, is so soothed by the top 20 Billionaires making out like bandits on the world’s miseries!