A Fine Week to Stand Aside

(Fort Collins, CO.) — U.S. Market Futures were up about 24-points when I looked. But from the clear air of the Rockies, which I assure you ain’t in Denver, the smart thing to do this week seems to be sit in cash and simply watch events.

Not that the market can’t climb the fabled “wall of worry” – of course it can. To me it’s more of a “How well do you want to sleep?” question.

The headlines are grim: Three more police officers were shot and killed in Baton Rouge, LA. While reports like this one picture the cop-killer as a Nation of Islam member who railed against cops, the more liberally censored media persist in picturing this hate crime as a kind of “lone wolf” thing; reporting only those things which fit their paradigm.

Are the media waking up? Well, in an article on the president’s views of police, outfits like the Washington Post are starting to dig in a little bit and are going deeper into the gulf between what he claims and what he does

Conventional? Not Really

The second reason to stand aside and in cash this week has to do with the republican party convention. Oh, sure, the usual stories about calls for unity and such. But the reality is the Soros gangs are in town big-time and itching for disruption.

In wry irony, the page count on a 2008 report on some of Barrack Obama’s language around conventions is coming back to haunt him. So if there’s trouble, I can’t wait to see how he wishy-washies on it.

And Erdogan Makes Three

If that prospect of violence isn’t enough, there is the little matter of Turkey’s leftovers. “Cleansing” his armed forces sounds like some powerful carving.

We have to wonder who made how much gravy as the attempted coup was put down…and who was doing the stuffing.

Woes of Sharpton

We notice Al Sharpton has earned a rather dubious label from the NY Post which refers to him in an article here as “Shakedown Sharpton.”

On the Road Again

Seems like a good song to be rolling around in the brain as we head out of the Denver area.

Speaking of brains: A new global study finds that 9 out of 10 strokes are preventable.

Damn shame the story wasn’t about golf because if it was, I’d have had some practical application for it. Still, it’s worth a read…

Housing starts tomorrow – and we did see one lone coal train along US 287 Saturday/ 

The good news – such as it is – it that even if the bloom is off Housing and Mining for a while, government continues to grow…like that’s gonna make up for the lack elsewhere?  More on how that’s playing in Coping…

3 thoughts on “A Fine Week to Stand Aside”

  1. Might also find it ‘interesting’ to listen to Broadcastify.com, specifically Cleveland, Ohio – as they have set up a police/etc. dispatch channel for the convention that anyone can listen in on. It’s free online for all sorts of places – even across the globe!
    (I don’t get paid for this – but it is very neat, and good public service to keep touch of your local area . . .)

  2. http://stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui?s=%24INDU&p=D&b=5&g=0&id=p00784861112
    Dear George:
    Supply and Demand. At the top, the red line is “Supply.” “Demand” (the green line, top) is Above Supply. Unless and until we get real “Supply” (sellers for real) it will be difficult for the Joke to Drop. If we get real “Supply” then expect a test of support. “Where is support?” you may ask… Easy! 17,480 or 15,500. Poof! Take you pick!! Lower looks easier here, but “Somebody” with $$$$ keeps on buyin! Rest Regards to you! W!

    • You don’t need money to buy – you just need market makers to buy at the ask and then sell to another at a higher ask. Musical chairs. If enough participate, it goes to infinity. Then elevator down.

      My contention is that both the August 2015 and early 2016 market drops were done on purpose by big-boy market makers. To allow money to flow in from “worrisome” areas like China, Japan and middle-east and offer a market discount to them to land that money into USA-facing equities and then run it up (as they are doing). Who benefits? The top folks. Who gets scared out of stocks during these events? Mom and pop investor and newcomers to the antics.

      It has finally hit a 2175 on S&P, a target I thought would be a little longer in coming. I’m wary on much more growth but there are some talking 5-10% upside. If they keep pulling up Mr. Tom Lee on CNBC often enough, they can keep the pump going. The crash will eventually be hard but that’s why we keep cash on hand to buy plunge protection during the elevator down. Whether it is big handfuls of UVXY or buying puts in liquid shares. Invest on all sides of the trade and make sure you are not just “long and strong”.

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