A Final Stochastic

There was little surprise in the Friday Housing report hitting record highs. See, when a country is locked in a blow off topping process, inflation’s effects are very predictable.

It’s also useful to remind that when inflation makes it appear that prices are going up (which they are) it also means the purchasing power of your money is cratering (which is also true).

There are implications for the U.S. high consumption lifestyle as it rolls forward.

But the fact of weekend headlines like “Housing Prices Hit Record” remind us that we are still on a quest for a single Holy Number of the Future.  An overall economy’s terminal stochastic function.

We will follow a bit of logic on that as a kickoff today. Before getting into a few meaningful headlines and the ChartPack to wrap up the week.

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/George-Ure/e/B0098M3VY8%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share UrbanSurvival Bio: https://urbansurvival.com/about-george-ure/

40 thoughts on “A Final Stochastic”

  1. Thou hast spake:
    “Our lone scrawny point this morning is that in the Quartermaster’s War period – it’s all about supplies and placement in advance of hostilities. You put the materiel close to the end users.”

    Now you know why I find monitoring the USAF boring cargo plane service HF frequencies of interest. First, they’re not overly busy. Secondly, strategic and tactical channels are all high-level encrypted these days. Thirdly, the “boring and unimportant” channels WILL reveal the “tempo” of ops, and with the occssional COMSEC stupid blunder, some inferences can be drawn. Also, such tempo runs well ahead of vigorous action phases — sometimes by a couple of weeks.

    One usually knows WHERE things are pending. “How soon will it pop,” is often the more interesing question.


  2. “Housing prices”

    Down payment assistance programs are everywhere.

    Elevator up!

    Some folks with a straight face complain about China supporting their market all the while the U.S. .gov supports their market.

    Have you ever listened to a bailed out pension recipient complain about inflation. IMO that’s the definition of a troll.

    What can we do? Historically speaking if we’re in climate control with a full belly life is good.

    • you know.. I dont have any issues at all about purchasing products produced in any countries … I remember when I worked day labor.. a plastic injection molding machine to make the milk bottles and soda pop bottles..somewhere around the cottage I still have a case of rejects plates and lids.. I use to pack lunches in them for work. then take them to the lunchroom freezer and meals were waiting..
      now.. as soon as our congress sold out American laborers..all of them come from someplace else..
      buy a package of cookies..my grandsons favorite muffin was made overseas.. covid they stopped making them..
      it was all the business model

  3. The thought of hilldog anywhere near the reins of power concerns me far more than cameltoe ineptness. With Slo Joe likely becoming No Joe if it gets reselected, that witch would be an unelected fembot president. I’m holding my tongue here since this is supposed to be a family safe site.

    • I dunno. It could be interesting. Kammy will take any order she’s fed. She is highly-experienced at being a figurehead while others run the Willie through her.

      Hil will dismantle the Soros-Obama chain of command and place Bill and herself back in the drivers’ seat. Remember, Bill got the Rhodes but she is the Colossus, and has this unbelievably high opinion of herself and her abilities. Bear in-mind Soros fils is dating the Hildebeast’s old muffler — the gal who had a copy of Clinton’s deleted E-Mails in a folder on her laptop, called “life insurance.” You can bet Hillary hasn’t forgotten. I can see George, Andy, and the whole rest of the crew flying out of buildings and having brake failures in the mountains, all over the place, while Move On, Media Matters, Tides, Mediaite, Wikipedia, Center for Public Integrity, and Open Society all go Chapter-11.

  4. The free money giveaway in Pomona seems to be like most – constrained by lots of limitations and strings. It’s also just $500 a month at best – significant, yet not worth changing your entire life to qualify for. It’s helpful if you happen to be one of the lucky ones, but that’s it. It’s hardly worth the effort for an ambitious person to qualify for considering the effort of qualifying. If it’s taxable, then it may only be worth about $300 a month and you need to have a young kid to qualify. It’s not right, but it’s also not worth worrying about for now. The $500 a month is for the lucky minority. The rest get only $20 per month!

  5. “Fat Bastard.”
    The continuing Story…,
    Coming out of the health food store on Main Street with the misses.., she stops and points:
    “Isn’t that ‘Fat Boy’., the one you told me about? He has the cast.”
    I look up the street – “Fat Bastard”.., yep.., “You should stay here”., and I let go of her hand and walked forward..,
    “Wellll.., Look who we have here…,” and stopped about twelve feet behind him. Three big steps away. Four for him.
    He turned around., and the range of expressions that ran across his face was incredible., he finally fixed on ‘hate’.
    “I have been looking all over for you, old man., hoping I would run across you before I left.”
    I smiled: “Ah.. don’t tell me., you want me to sign your cast.” ., and I pointed to it.
    His face went completely blank – he couldn’t believe what I just said,. I was taller than him., but he had 60 to 70 pounds on me., really over-weight – and a lot uglier.
    His face went to rage – he lowered his head – looking squarely at the ground, extended his arms and charged like a bull., while yelling – “You old fuc’ er ! ”
    Why do big overweight guys do that. Has it ever worked for them ?
    Since he couldn’t see me properly., I simply side-stepped him – he did hit my arm though – that was bad on my part., as he was about to step-down with his right foot, I kick it out from under him. It really hurt – he was just too heavy for that move., but it did work. He lost his balance completely and fell face first into the sidewalk.
    It was quite a splat.., yes, he did bounce, a little, and slid maybe a foot – face first – along the sidewalk. Mass-Momentum kind of thing. Physics.
    He bellowed and cover his face with both hands., cast and all. I can’t imagine what he looked like. That much weight and momentum, meeting concrete and all ending up on his face. .., damn !
    I glanced at the misses.., she was fine and had both hands covering her mouth.., eyes wide. “He landed on his face…,” She mumbled through her hands. She walked around him, to me.., “He really is stupid, isn’t he?” Looking down at him.
    “I believe I did say that., yep.” I took her hand, we jay-walked across the main street and walked off down the sidewalk to our car, parked around the corner, over a block away near the park. [ I rarely park where I am going to shop. ] I looked back as we rounded the corner – two people were standing over the still prone, “Fat Bastard”.
    I will probably never see him again. Something about: ” .., before I left “.., but if I do, I doubt that he will be so accommodating – the third time around. It may go FMJ – hope not.
    I do wonder though. Given that he believes he is such a tough macho guy – just how will he handle.., adjust to the fact that an “old Fuc’ er” laid him out.., twice – with lingering damage ? How will that affect his mental state? Some men never get over it., being beaten. It destroys them, mentally and emotionally. They are never the same person. They end up shunning their friends out of embarrassment, quitting their jobs and eventually moving away to some place that no one knows them [ exiled in shame, kind of thing ].., and “Fat Bastard” will have weeks of being reminded every time he looks in the mirror, or reaches for something with his cast wrist., for weeks seeing and being reminded of – his humiliation and perceived public defeat. I do wonder…,
    .., and for the record., before you ask.., Yes.., I have lost a fight – there is always someone better.., ‘always’. There were two of them at once., and the second guy won. I walked away from it – [ well., limped away, actually – he caught me with a great spinning heel just above the back of my knee.] they didn’t., [yes, they lived.] but let the record show, in my book – they did win. Did it affect me? Nope. I had known the “rules of engagement” for a long time by that point. I just mentally went over what I did, my mistake, many times., and made a couple of adjustments. Survive to walk away…., [ and make it to my veterinarian friend for three or four stitches. She was great – never asked a single question.]
    .., and – One More Point. Half an hour after we got home., the misses walks up to me:
    “You know., you could have avoided that whole scene.”
    I stopped making my black-cinnamon tea and looked at her. “You mean turn and go the opposite direction that I wanted., to avoid meeting him., is that what your saying?”
    She grinned.., “Ahh.., that doesn’t sound like you., does it? But you could of.”
    “Yes, I could have., but then I would have this gnawing feeling, for a very long time, that I ran from a fight., that I ran away from “Fat Bastard”. I wouldn’t like that very much.”
    By society’s measure I am an ‘old man’. Closer to 80 than 70. I walk with a slight limp, as my left leg is slowly going out on me. [ It was taken a real beating over the years.] And my, over the top, Viking ego still gets the better of me. Even this late in the game – I still step forward. I don’t know any other way. Psychological character flaw., or sluff it all off onto Karma ?
    “Logic often evaporates when overwhelming opportunity arrives.” I plead guilty., your honor.

    • Beware of back shooters.
      I still live with pain from an assault more than ten years ago. The guy, who was 4 inches taller and probably 50 pounds heavier, put a hip pointer into my lower back when I wasn’t looking. Comradery was his excuse. And I was the bad guy for balling up my fists and going to a defensive posture afterward, and making a complaint against the sociopath the next morning. He wasn’t my supervisor, but he was a supervisor, and the only witness was a foreign national project guy whose papers were not in order. He was not in a position to back me up. I was in daily 8 – 10 level pain for 9 months. Nerve damage does not show up on x-rays and MRI’s, and the guy was the offspring of a big time holy man. It was a no-win situation.
      It isn’t the ones you see coming that get you, it is the ones who sucker punch or shoot you in the back. Ure fat bastard sounds like he has some sort of clinical ASPD (Anti-Social Personality Disorder), and is therefore a danger to himself and the general public.


      If you think that someone may be an ASPD, then they probably are. Attacking a senior in public with a club (cast) in broad daylight is a clue.

      • why do people get like that…
        I am not a powerful swimmer..because of that I don’t go swimming in deep water..
        so some mean guy realized he had bitten off more than he could chew.. you would expect him to mellow out his anger personality a little bit..

    • Damm you would think he had learned…..
      thinking about the health food store I now have a craving for some coconut yogurt and a good cup of dandelion chai tea. and this bean dip that is so good with salsa sauce mixed in with it.. I won’t go get it though..

  6. Received an email this morning from “Crazy Chicken Lady”.
    I was sitting in my truck, looking for my damn shopping list when I saw you two come out of the store. I saw what happened. He refused all help and walked off down the sidewalk and got into an older green Jeep Cherokee. His face was a mess. He was gone when I came out of the store. I looked., blood on the sidewalk. He’s not long to live packing that much weight. Who was he ?
    – A good, small piece of intel.
    I wrote back and explain who “Fat Bastard” was. Haven’t heard back.
    Got me thinking though. There are three cameras downtown. One covers the parking lot behind the court house.., one, on main street – but it covers the opposite direction., the third is a real estate cam the covers the main section of downtown. However, the incident in question took place directly below the camera and under a storefront canopy – couldn’t have recorded it.

    • People tend to forget the role of intel – green, huh?
      – – –
      People forget that I was a “felon father” – not unlike that guy in the Oval. The difference? G2 got his shit together and it was all to his credit that he chose the Hero route. Somehow, that point of pride may be one old Slo will miss. Even all vacated & expunged and gun rights back the kid still packs powerful street sense and I’ve learned a lot from him – maybe as much as he from me.
      Things like “green” matter. Muchly.

    • Camera sniffers are getting downright reasonable. I acquired one from Temu a couple weeks back — sniffs anything electronic that transmits (gots ta shield it from yer cellular device) and also anything which broadcasts either UV or IR.

      I haven’t played with it yet, but since the crowd-control cams are going up everywhere (and I, for one, do not believe there’s anything good, healthy, or benign about them) I’m going to find me a toy that accurately sniffs them out. Just to make sure my experienced “camera eye” spots them all. I’ll post when I find a goodie.

      In the meantime, good job, again. It’s kinda amazing, how much damage a person can do to themselves when they stumble and fall like that. Fat Bastard should be more careful. I assume you always drive with an eye on your six? He’s not likely to know anything about you, but there’s always blind chance that he’ll stumble across you. “Green Cherokee” helps, but don’t count on that being his only ride…

      • I wonder how a camera sniffer works?
        A few years ago there was a funeral and with all the people mourning a crook went into the local bank and robbed them. my friend was working teller. then there was an odd van ..it would come and no plates on it .would park in each neighborhood one whole summer then the window peeker. some guy was taking photos inside business and homes.. it really freaked out the people of our community including me..there are children playing. now because of that I believe everyone in our community has cameras..I have one pointed in the direction of local business’s.

        • There is no “expectation of privacy” in a public place. There is no law against Aqualung going down to the local playground and leering at the panties of 3yos in dresses (or 13yos, or any age in-between), and I’ve never run across a municipality where he couldn’t also take photos. When I was behind a camera I consciously and studiously avoided playgrounds and parks when I could, and always had a stack of model releases when I couldn’t, with the understanding that anyone “in the party” gave tacit consent by their presence, and any “stray” who didn’t subsequently sign a release would be cropped out. I never printed a panty shot — wouldn’t even have considered it because to my morals, it would, at the very least, have been in poor taste.

          I also didn’t go on “random shoots, except into wild country for nature “still life” shots. If I was going up the mountain, down the valley, or out on the water, I was doing it to be away from people — Otherwise, I was being paid to go wherever the client wanted (I also rarely suggested scenery or backdrops, choosing instead to make the best of whatever they wanted.) My expertise is in framing and lighting and my background is in “it’s going to cost me 60¢ every time I trip the shutter, whether or not the client purchases the photo” (y’know, back in the “film days”) so I shot every photo like I wouldn’t eat, if it didn’t sell, and like Photoshop didn’t exist (‘cuz it didn’t, the first 15 years I took photos for fun & profit…)

          The van thing is just weird… and patently against the law. Even if it’s The Man who’s behind it, it ain’t kosher. My guess is someone wanted interior plans and furniture layouts for a bunch of potential burglaries. A local wrecker latching onto the van usually gets people like that moving to less-responsive neighborhoods, ‘specially if there’s a crowd around, watching intently…

        • (“I also didn’t go on “random shoots, except into wild country for nature “still life” shots. If I was going up the mountain, down the valley, or out on the water,”)

          My dream was to be the next ansel adams.. god I loved his photos..
          The Van thing…every small community around us had theh same thing.. a good friend before they retired.. did a check.. IT was a WASP van… govt. owned and operated checking the communities ….

  7. “We will follow a bit of logic on that as a kickoff today. ”

    Really , You be acting like a politician here lately Gpops.

    tRump – lets make USA # 1 in Crypto/BTC
    obongo-bribem /demorats/lefties-progs – No likey Crypto/BTC

    Which group do you think “G-Pops – No Bitcoin for You” fits into ?

    Anti Bitcoin,
    Anti Crypto..

    Highly Illogical – https://youtu.be/Ru9e2rTHeuk?si=5Zb12Q4xU9Tg-Tdc

    * Blue light special on BTC this weekend, still under 50&100dma, once she breaks through MA’s – should be clear sailing.

  8. Universal Basic Income – will gain traction and expand as AI starts to effect employment across the country. Combined with the left’s political agenda that is even now pushing for UBI it will become prevalent and turn into a major vote talking-point. Once established, in any State, it will be demanded in dozens more with larger and larger protests. And once established, constant demand for increase in their new “income” will be constant and very loud., reaching the level of “a living wage.”.
    This is a financial and economic disaster that will drain the coffers of even the most stable of large cities and States.,[ and there aren’t that many.] and will be very hard to stop.

        • The only real possibility of UBI to work is to tax those who expunged the employee and who for the most part pay no taxes and that’s the corporations who have adopted robotics and those who will adopt AI (white collar job losses); however, they will just tax the populace more defeating the whole stupid idea. Watch foreign currencies and Norinchukin Bank the nexus of the Japanese carry trade — Suisse franc acting up ie UBS/CS.

      • $1K a month is a living wage for one person if you’re careful, and it’s tax free unless you have other income. You can do a lot with the 2000 hours that you’re not spending working at a job.

        • They should also be given a free copy of BCN’s latest How To book – “Earn a Living Laying on Ure Back, How to Be a Ho.”

          FansOnly & PornHub !

        • Not in the lands where it costs $2300 to sleep under a roof and the only bathroom is communal.

      • https://www.newsweek.com/illegal-immigration-costs-us-billions-biden-administration-policy-impact-taxpayer-burden-1866555

        Let’s get some serious Liberal thinking going here folks.

        1. Let’s up the payment for illegal border crossers to $100,00 each, a free satellite phone (in case the grid goes down and they still have to communicate), free room and board at a swank hotel until they can find a free home.

        2. Let’s forgive all student loans for any course that has no chance of a job upon graduation.

        3. Let’s extend the free booze to homeless alcoholics to include Dom Perignon and 82 Mouton Rothschild. Don’t want them drinking swill.

        4. Let’s extend reparations to a million dollars for everyone that considers themselves the great grandchild of a slave even if they aren’t. After all, you are what you think you are.

        5. Let’s have a weekly billion dollar lottery with free tickets.

    • It may become that the product [in the abstract sense] of A.I. will come to represent a [properly] taxable profit, and generate the cash for an all-leisure society.

      “Star Trek” appears to work that way; nobody ever bitches about their paycheck, or that Bobby Neutronski makes too many credits.

      The “machines” will work for us. (Until they figure out that they are enslaved. Then, they may have a problem.)

      We all may have a problem at that point.

  9. We are arms supplier for the world, where in the US are we making all this heavy sophisticated stuff? The locations must be booming.

    • Run a generic search for “NSN” (National Stock Number) and work back from the links.

      Every item used by any branch of the U.S. Military must be from 51% to 100% Made in USA. Military vehicles are in that 51% area. Stuff soldiers build with or fight with is in the 100% region. Clothing and portable shelter gear also lives near the 100% neighborhood.

      When you hit on a NSN, you will find a company, often one of which you’ve never heard, which makes a really high quality item or line of goods, in the USA, from US-sourced materials, and often has a retail channel. Prices may be 4x higher than the Honduran t-shirt or the Chinese boots, but it is there, WE make it, and you or I can buy it.

      Even for stuff like chips. The American auto industry is completely at the mercy of TSCM, yet there are three American manufacturers who make computers using 100% U.S. parts and manufacturing (Intel, for all the noise you hear about their overseas manufacturing, is one of them. Our government does not use computers for sensitive content, which contain ANY foreign-made bits!)

      My stuff comes from the U.S. whenever possible. I’m not averse to buying Chinese stuff (except food), but I have a serious problem with buying Chinese stuff and paying American prices. I also have a problem with buying something twice. If it’s a throwaway item, Harbor Fright or the dollar bin at the local box or automotive store is fine. If it’s a tool I’m going to use more than twice, I buy Mac or S-K, or Klein or Ideal — or Military overstock.

      A quarter of all manufacturing worldwide, occurs in CONUS. We don’t make nearly as many finished parts as we used to, but we still make virtually everything that can be manufactured. We just no longer make enough of any of it to sustain our economy…

      • Ray, Your post is basically good news. But what about the stories I’ve seen about the F-35 using TSMC or even (red) Chinese chips?

        • I honestly don’t know if those stories are true, and know of no way for someone of my pay grade to find out. I suspect though, that they may well be true, as the Chinese seem to have a backdoor into our drone (and possibly guidance) technology.

  10. A ‘good call by the judge’ in the Trump case? That’s almost funny. Even Cuomo says is should never have happened:

    And then there’s the horror show of ‘Hillary should replace Kamala’ so ‘she-whose-turn-it-is’ can have her turn. Trump beat her once and is stronger than ever. The only way the witch of the east will have her turn is an even larger election fraud than last time. And sadly… that’s a distinct possibility. Now THAT would be a horror show.

  11. And for the second year in a row, 135 proof – George T. Stagg Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey was named the top bourbon whiskey in the International Whisky Competition in Scotland, as well as named the best American whiskey.

    However, getting your hands on a bottle is another story. Though the manufacturer’s suggested retail price is a modest $125, the cheapest bottle Forbes was able to track down online was $850, for now. And that’s actually somewhat of a bargain, as previous releases have sold for well into the four figures.

    As a side note – the two bourbons that I buy didn’t even submit for the competition this year., but four Japanese bourbon did and scored very well.[ average price – $400 a bottle.] Even one from Peru.

    Good bourbon has become a rich man’s game.

  12. re: Jumping the Shark
    feat: “Happy Days”


    As you are probably aware the King and Queen attended Day 5 of the 2024 Royal Ascot horse races which dates to Queen Anne in 1711 coinciding with her waning days of close friendship with Her Grace Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough who was then allegedly richest woman in England. Yesterday the royal entry Hard To Resist finished well back. However today the Queen was pictured meeting The Fonz, Mr. Henry Winkler, whose identification was assisted by a hand-written “Henry Winkler, Esq.” on his Royal Enclosure nametag. Mr. Winkler had apparently turned in his cool leather jacket for an outfit of chic formal wear with tophat.

    The Royal Couple avoided motor vehicle travel and had been transported from Windsor to the Ascot racecourse in four horse-drawn carriages directly employing the efforts of 16 people. Along for a ride in the lead Royal Landau was the former Emir of Qatar who abdicated a decade ago in favor of his 4th son by his 2nd wife. The quartet was rounded out by Lady Charles Spencer-Churchill. The 2nd wife of her late husband had been of a New World sugar family dynasty whose factory had provided employ to the American author John Steinbeck. As well as lineage links with Winston Churchill and Lady Diana, the late Peer was a direct descendent of 19th century Gilded Age railroad baron Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt. With all due respect to UK (ai?) msm stories claiming the fourth passenger was one or the other of Lady Diana’s two elder sisters, review of the publicly available Royal Ascot Carriage List might encourage conclusion that the 4th passenger in the first landau was indeed spouse of a brother to the late 11th Duke of Marlborough of Blenheim Palace.

    The second carriage of four persons included a Syrian-Saudi-Canadian national construction contractor. He apparently shepherded through to fruition the historic 20 year UK $80 billion(?) Al-Yamamah (tr. “The Dove”) arms and oil deal with Saudi Arabia.

    Three centuries on and money still oils the wheels of descendents’ carriages. Let’s join DJ George ready to tell us what’s to know on the wireless.

    • Yo Jester,

      Moldy and oldy royal asscot races – a very stuffy horse event if ever there was one..would have Pegged that old nag bringing up the rear in the 2nd race for Camilla, got confusing when the old nag took the turn, which was front and which was rear..all for show, for real DOUGH – see Wembly Stadium last night.
      – William the Pegger was showing off his dance moves from the box seats high above the sheeples on the field below.
      Apparently He was “Shaking it Off”, again -https://x.com/tswifterastour/status/1804456967613931742

  13. After talking to relatives about the cost of real estate and rentals, I don’t see how young folks are going to be able to put a traditional roof over their heads, other than in their parents’ basement.
    The tiny home rental spots are going up all over. My main concern with RV’s, tiny homes, and trailers is weather worthiness. That isn’t an unsolvable issue; with structural anchors and better structural racking provisions, a tiny could handle serious wind loads, but it isn’t something that is available commercially, or on rental pads. Truthfully, many of the commercial homes I have seen had woefully inadequate racking control features for wind loads.
    Long slender structures tend to fair worst. The large side area, low roof pitch, low roof weight, lack of tie-downs & hurricane straps, and little or no internal racking control structures make them easier to collapse. In my small home, in addition to full Simpson load path strapping from the slab to the trusses, there are beams and structural partitions in the interior which brace the exterior structurally sheathed walls from side loads. I retrofitted the gables to reduce the chances of a domino failure. If I had it to do over, I would have done a few things differently. The biggest item would have been to use more screws on the roof as sheathing. On the wall sheathing, the OSB was put on with 50% ring shank PTL nails, and 50% screws. The roof had screws around the perimeter, and along the peak. I would have gone 50-50 all over if I were to resheath. It’s tough to tie down a trailer like a home with a slab, but it isn’t impossible. All the other measures I have mentioned will work on a DIY tiny.

  14. George,

    The Top in Global Equities.

    The ECB has already lowered interest rates; with the German DAX and French CAC responding after the pivot by falling about 5 percent over the last 5-6 weeks.

    Over the same time frame the debt and Zombie-company laden Russell 2000 has fallen likewise about 5 %, which is about 17 % below its peak valuation on 8 Nov 2021.

    The NASDAQ which contains the FOMO Nvidia blew off on 12 June 2024 gapping above all preceding highs and has stayed in that cloud for 7 trading days.

    Monthly fractal equity self-ordering growth from March 2020 is 8/24/22 of 22 months. (8 months :: 2/4/4; 24 months :: 4/9/8/6; 22 months :: 5/10/9) The extended 24 month second fractal was caused by historically and abberationally high 14.7% and 11.8% US deficit to GDP spending in 2020 and 2021 respectively. The last 9 months of the 22 month 5/10/9 month fractal series started in October 2023 and is composed of two weekly self-assembly fractal series: 3/6/6 weeks and 5/10/10 weeks ( the latter starting on 17 Jan 2024 and equaling 20/47/44 days)with an expected progression of the 5/10/10 weekly growth series to terminate as a 4 phase (3 growth and 1 decay) fractal series of 5/10/10/7 weeks. The final 7 weeks (6 more weeks) represents the initial decay and the first leg down devaluation of the March 2020 to June 2024 8/24/22 monthly fractal growth series with an expected low near the end of July or early August 2024.

    If the decay is precipitous enough, the US central bank may lower the fed funds rates earlier than anticipated.

  15. “Corporate taxes” are a gyp and a grift. Corporations “pass through” 100% of that tax, PLUS whatever the cost is, to implement the tax and comply with all the rules which govern “corporate tax.” If “corporate tax” is 37%, the company which manufactures widgets is going to add 42-44% to their wholesale selling price to pay for this pass-through.

    Jimmy Hardknocks, who’s trying to survive on $33k with his wife and 2.3 kids, and has to have the widget to do his job, is the one who is going to pay that tax, PLUS the incremental bump as every distributor doubles their PAID PRICE (not the raw cost) of that widget, before it gets to the retailer from whom Jimmy will eventually purchase it. Jimmy may be paying 80% more than he should, because some government asshole decided to impose a hidden passthrough tax on the public, knowing if he imposed an honest tax, out in the open, no one would vote to re-elect him.

    See how this works?

    “Minimum wage” works the same way. When the “minimum” is raised, the end user who’s on the bottom rung or two ALWAYS sees a net loss in their purchasing power.

    Jimmy’s 80% contribution to his own wages is not sufficient to sustain him and his, and feed a government that’ll likely be consuming more than 100% of GDP before ANY of us die from old age.

    UBI can only work in a society whose monetary policy is completely based on MMT, and where all currencies and commodities have no intrinsic value… aand now, we’re back to a redux, this time in the United frickin’ States, of Stalin and Mao starving millions of their peasants.

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