Temporal Nomography

Yes.  A Simple Way to get a better bead on the future.  In some ways, it’s similar to the Delphi technique.  Which is typically used to address singular questions.

In the case of temporal nomography, the objective is much wider.  Like getting a “sense of where America is” in a broad sense in order to better-anticipate market moves.

Which we will sketch out after a few headlines and the day’s ChartPack.  (If you can forgive all my bowing for betting this move dead-to-nuts on…We really don’t do short-term tactical trading most of the time.

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66 thoughts on “Temporal Nomography”

  1. NORK. We’re led to believe NORK is one of the poorest countries in the world, yet has hypersonics and ICBMs. Milley should “shock the world”, let go of the U.S. pension and become an independent contractor to NORK. Maybe learn a few things as he enriches his family tree.

    Futuring – Nobody loans money without collateral with exception to fools & family. The Americans collateralized everything. After the factories and farmland they gave the formulas by educating foreigners. All the Chines have to do now is close the U.S. operations.

    What’s left to sell?

    • I couldn’t agree more regarding education and information sharing. It’s a sad commentary with information so readily available via our advances in technology, it’s brought most countries up to an equal level in acquiring information. The playing field has become equalized. Unfortunately, with the advances in technology and information, those who we thought would not pose a problem, are. The advances and advantages the U.S. had has been eroded. I saw a problem manifesting years ago when we started selling and installing semiconductor equipment abroad to less friendlier countries. Training their engineers in the finer aspects of IC production, and here we are. What’s left to sell? Good question!

      • “with information so readily available via our advances in technology, it’s brought most countries up to an equal level in acquiring information.”

        Lol lol lol.. and gave me enough room so the wife can park in the garage.. lol lol
        Before I had so many boxes of books laying around the wife was always on my butt…
        Technology let me store books on an ebook reader and I could toss out a lot of books.. which reminds me.. my old ebook reader has around 1300 of my favorites and I need to get a new battery in it..

    • Yellowstone, and all of our other great wild places. How many national parks are there? Those and all of the state parks and all of the wild places, etc.,?

      The Federal government owns almost half of America, and i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s for sale, on someone’s desk.

      I mean Biden sold off 80 Billion in hardware to ‘someone,’ and what does he have to show for it?

  2. Reading how the Fed flips money and the game is played … like the cycle of water. Same as it ever was … until after the money’s gone and we get to a point someone asks, “My God, what have I done?!” Then the scapegoats start appearing.

    Don’t Judge. That’s The Dude’s job.


  3. Also check the current total debt to GDP ratio. Of course the GDP is rigged to the upside yet it is still crashing in the D/GDP chart. The real economy is hosed, cratering.

  4. This morning I was listening to Detroit’s black talk radio station WFDF, 910 AM Superstation.

    The discussion was white privilege and how R. Kelly faces life in prison while Prince Andrew avoids court with “wasn’t served lawsuit papers correctly”. (The PA legal team finally acknowledged being served yesterday.)

    • “R. Kelly faces life in prison while Prince Andrew avoids court”

      Lol you missed that one word…PRINCE… or politicians..
      Those that wield the country’s with their power rarely are punished or have to abide by the laws of the land. which many in office have the teflon suits of politics or family ties of members in politics ;- ( .. Kelly may have money and power in his profession but it’s entertainment power and not political power..or economically powerfull..

      • …Also, Kelly is well known for liking his evening punch, really fresh. The legal Establishment has had it in for him since he skated in Cook County (Chicago) some years back for a tryst with a (IIRC) 13yo groupie, years before Aaliyah. Kelly has had at least a dozen opportunities to go to prison on child sex charges. Nobody with a heart or a brain will feel sorry for him.

        [First time offender?] Prince Andrew will skate, also, but not because of a few well-placed quid or the suggestion of a couple large, angry-looking gentlemen. He will skate because he’s related to the Royal Families of 2/3 of Europe, and THEY will apply the necessary pressure for him, to folks in Washington, who will NOT like having a credible threat to their attachment to the public teat applied to their careers in a virtual hammerlock…

      • “…Also, Kelly is well known for liking his evening punch, really fresh. The legal Establishment has had it in for him”

        So does HB and he gets a tickle out of posting videos of his activities..( his site is still up but protected and limited to his friends) .. the only difference is one has the protection of the legal establishment because of his Teflon suit and his political ties..

      • AMEN…. EXACTLY…. Laws are not written for the privilaged and the powerful.. just the little guy..

  5. I think the $ will be gone within the year.

    Government wants us all vaxxed and has begun ending our lives for not doing so.

    Mass firings are now underway. Those so-called ‘middle class’ peoples won’t be paying their bills. The vaxx’ed will demand more retribution against the unvaxxed for “wrecking everything”.

    Mass fines of business have started.

    We’re defenseless against open censorship.

    On the Trail of Tears medical was withheld from the walkers. The current Vaxx’ed already want to deny healthcare to the premium paying Unvaxx’ed.

    • Lol lol… I think that sword swings both ways.
      Dry up the water on the table and the noodle crumbles..tears apart in a million pieces. Put to much water on the table and it gets soggy and falls apart.
      The velocity of cash is very fragile.. a little out a little in.. in the end it has to stay moving..

    • This is my latest theory, all those refugees and 3 million plus invaders NEED a place to live!!!

      Once the foreclosures start on the unvaccinated 3 – 6 – 12 months as they try like hell to live while blowing through all of their savings…and can’t find other jobs and are not eligible for unemployment or government assistance.

      Those houses all over this country, for sure, are going to come free. AND you watch, there will be a special fund, special slush fund to buy up those houses, or maybe Nancy Pelosi’s real estate husband and his cronies can pull together an investment house, to buy up all those foreclosed properties and lease them to those new government subsidized invaders or selling them at an unheard of profit.

      Yeah, I can see that new business model right now; turning Americans out so anyone else can barge right in.

      Taxpayer assisted of course.

      • Yes, you understand.This is the reality of life in a neo-Progressive Kleptocracy. Free citizens are delivered into debt slavery by the banksters, and then reduced to serfdom by the plutocrats, in order to provide bragging rights for a few smirking wealthy globalist sociopaths. Nothing has changed inside the beltway under the new management, other than the plutocrats now operate under a banner of social justice rather than under the discredited ruse of tinkle-down economics. The looting continues.

      • “Nothing has changed inside the beltway under the new management, other than the plutocrats now operate under a banner of social justice rather than under the discredited ruse of tinkle-down economics. ”

        That is so TRUE N_____ I think they missed calculated though.. see even the royal families of the ancient and modern world realize that those that they represent have to keep face.. a little self dignity and pride.. which has been lost .. We turned the country into a consumption nation dependent on other countries to produce.. instead of pride of a job well done..Kids use to look forward to working at the company plant so they could buy at the company store.. today.. they think why should I even try..


        “Traditionally, economists and financiers have argued that the sole purpose of business is to make money—the more the better. That conveniently narrow image, deeply embedded in the American capitalist system, molds the actions of most corporations, constraining them to focus on maximizing short-term profits and delivering returns to shareholders. Their decisions are expressed in financial terms.”

        phew this is just a portion.. of an article.. In the end what it all boils down to.. is Give them a reason to stay… back when I was the head of janitorial.. for every worker on the schedule kept good attendance.. they got a movie rental and a frozen pizza and twelve pack of pop.. if they kept good attendance for three months.. they got a dinner out.. I paid for it.. out of my pay.. I also kept a calendar.. put stars on it a different star for each employee.. pretty soon you can see the pattern.. and then would schedule around that..
        VERY few missed a day of work.. I always did the hardest job to.. worked right beside them.. I gave them a reason to stay..
        the biggest companies that rarely have openings do the same thing.. one here bought everyone a big screen tv.. if they do good the employees get a great bonus at xmas.. perks along the way.. the one where I was head of maintenance.. the owner would pick a different store every week and show up.. usually on a thursday.. help the night crew finish up and then sit down for doughnuts and coffee and talk to them.. everyone felt as if they mattered… he was dad… Walmart the same thing old sam walton.. did exactly the same thing.. then when the old men pass on.. then greed sets in and everything goes to hell.. the employees feel as if they no longer matter in a world..
        the Pride that was once felt is gone.. the company does good then it is shared with the what two percent of the top executives.. very few execs even know the name of the person emptying their trash..


        “For a company to remain successful and competitive, it must keep its biggest assets its people engaged
        and committed for the long term. According to Get Les Mckeown’s employee retention is
        define as “effective employee retention is a systematic effort by employers to create and foster
        an environment that encourages current employees to remain employed by having policies and
        practices in place that address their divers needs”. Employee retention is a process in which the
        employees are encouraged to remain with the organization for the maximum period of time or
        until the completion of the project”

      • We live in a country where we have disposable workers.. why keep them if the only one that they feel truly matters is the one at the top.. instead of having a smaller percentage of profit.. they go for the max.. give the benefits to the one at the top.. to keep nurses at one place.. the administrator kept telling them stay I will make sure you get a raise.. in the end the company said they would only give her a bonus.. and leave it at that.. so she told the company that rather than give that bonus to her.. split that up among her nursing staff.. which they did..
        everyone got one penny an hour.. LOL LOL LOL It infuriated some of them.. ( well most of them and is still talked about today by people that were there) but really it was a big deal.. and a great sacrifice..

    • “Global economic triage coming from fossil fuel shortages this winter. ”

      I am not sure if there is a real shortage in oil.. but more a story spun that says there is…A friend of mine would deliver to the oil fields.. on one of his visits he had a conversation on limited oil with one of the head engineers..the guy showed him the samples from the well and told him.. theres no shortage. These wells alone has enough oil to supply the USA at present consumption for well over a hundred years..
      I personally believe in Abiogenic energy fields.
      I also believe Oil can be created and harvested endlessly and cheaply from a variety of sources. Trash is just one of an endless resource supply..
      We toss out enough spun oil a day to run our country.
      The bigger issue.. is greed and their business model.. claim theres no resources and they can legitimize their actions and prices.

    • Hey BIC, glad you’re listening to Dr. Martenson! He has a few other interests besides Covid. If that video is down on YT because they see him as some sort of heretic that same video is also up on his Odysee channel here:

      We’re in for a serious energy crunch combined with a host of inflation producing influences working their way through the system and due to impact us this Winter. Listen and prepare!

      • “If that video is down on YT because they see him as some sort of heretic that same video is also up on his Odysee channel here:”

        LOL LOL LOL .. I got jail locked from FB… a guy that I know from years ago was ranting about the present administration.. I said your not even considering the crap that the kid keeps getting away with.. worse and in some ways way more than Scarface Al and being hidden away by the very same organizations that busted him LOL.. LOL LOL… anyway he hadn’t even read a few things in the news or had heard of any of it..
        SO I said.. just google it..
        and sent him links to the first two news articles that came up.. I got an almost instant response from FB saying that those articles didn’t comply with FB policies.. LOL LOL LOL when I googled it again I got a way different response from google even..

      • I’ve always defaulted to Bing and, once in a while, I’ll go over to DDGo. LOL. It never ceases to amaze me how FB, YT and everyone else doesn’t get how easy it is to work around them. But, then again, there’s a lot of people that refuse to give up their MSM addiction.

  6. Regarding Lockheed-Martin, their project is “compact fusion”, not “cold fusion”. It’s miniaturized hot fusion and has been showcased on their site for at least a couple of years. While I can surmise a few of the details that are likely used in this R&D, there’s too little available on the site to know whether or not this actual project is viable or just marketing with hopium. I remember touring Indian Point on a field trip as a kid, and reading that atomic power was reliable, safe, and “too cheap to meter”. I still have a meter on my house, and I still get a bill. Fusion was supposedly just 10 years away in the 50’s, and it’s been that way for well over half a century. Consider me hopeful, but jaundiced. Let’s see a demonstrator plant run for a couple of years at a profit. The research is important, but the glamorous descriptions, with no hard public numbers or science is not. What’s the breakthrough that makes this approach better than a tokamak(other than cost)? Why do they think they can get this thing profitable in five years? Will the Biden regulators even allow it? Is it dependent on scarce resources? We simply don’t know, since it’s all essentially secret. I’m sure the nuclear experts on this site will have better info.

    I agree with your view on US vs China, though I’d say that the virus is definitely not the first move, and this started at least nine years ago, with perhaps a much longer time line. People on the ground in China knew they were destined to be great back in 1999, but the hard line and enhanced xenophobia only became apparent after Xi Jinping locked down his role at the helm.

    • “,,,we’ll leave it for history to judge.”
      Since history is written by the victors, there won’t be much said!
      I believe the whole ‘China Thing” was intentional and therefore treason.

      Sequence of events & players:
      1. Late 1960’s Henty Kissinger (CFR since 1955) goes to China and meets with Chairman Mao (CFR, Skull& Bones).
      2. Returns and reports back to Winston Lord (CFR, Skull& Bones) who is married to a very influential Chinese woman
      3. Additional contacts were made over a few years to ‘flesh-out’ an initial agreement with the Chinese.
      4. At this point, pres. Nixon (CFR) was tasked to go to china and get it “officially” signed.
      5. Things went silent to the unobservant for over twenty years but many ‘omnibus trade agreements’ were made with various countries to establish precedents and

      [2] Special Assistant to the National Security Advisor (1970-1973)
      [5] Director of the State Department Policy Planning Staff (1973-1977)
      [5] President of the Council on Foreign Relations (1977-1985)
      [5] Ambassador to China (1985–1989)
      [5] Assistant Secretary of State (1993–1997)
      [5] Winston’s mother was a ‘flour family’ Pillsbury.
      etc., etc., etc.,

      Note all of Lord’s ‘accomplishments’:

      It looks like Lord and Kissinger were the ‘acting presidents’ of the USA for the 30+ year period at the end of the 20th Century.
      How many of us have ever heard or read about this guy?
      Kissinger, Lord and the CFR made this entire Rapproachment with the Communist chinese happen-Treason, you bet!

      As an aside, i believe it was in August, 1982 that I read That the Tri-Lateral Commission (TLC) called for the de-industrialization of the USofA. I said to myself: “No Way”. I’ve never been so wrong in my life! The CFR & TLC are behind the wrecking of this Country and somehow they must be held accountable. The left-wing socialists/communists arn’t the only ones who can make liast.

  7. Comrades,

    Perhaps it’s something of a re-enactment of the mythical Greek storyline how the 100 or so Chinese Princelings of the Eight Immortals have ushered in a Golden Age. The view from the weightless top of their rollercoaster ride must be glorious until gravity yanks them back to reality with an immobile serf break on the track ahead.

    Somewhere a black cat watches George open a Pandora’s Box…

    • Pandoras box. Hahaha. You even meet Pandoras box? Code word/handle for a time traveler thread on GLP by the Rand Corporation. Was going well, until I stepped on the thread. As 0. LMAO

  8. will read later, I’m sure it is good.

    well George, I found out what that loud Sonic Boom in my left ear was.

    My good friend and PGA Master that I met in Palm Desert, Ca died at the exact same time I heard that. I just got a call from the person who was taking care of him. Probably the coolest cat I ever met. I got stories for days, but that dude.. He fought brain cancer for 6 years.

    I met him when he couldn’t walk to his car at park one day he was shaking too bad. I put him in my car, locked his with his keys and said we can come back for it. I had no idea who he was, or anything about him. I drove him to his house, helped him in the houses and I made him Lunch. He fell asleep on the couch after and when he woke up, he came out to his deck and had a smoke with me. I was still there. He said thank you so much, I didnt expect you to still be here. I said, well, if anything came up missing, I didnt want you to think it was me. Plus its really quiet and peaceful out here by the pool until you came out here and started bothering me. He laughed so hard.. then stopped and said, its been a long time since I laughed. I said you want to get your rig? He said, nah lets just sit here as men for a while and enjoy the afternoon. I went over to his house every morning for 5 months and cooked him breakfast. I never treated him any less than, just because he had cancer. Everyone treating him as he was sick, only reminded him that he was sick.

    I have two favorite memories. One, in his garage at 3 am, drinking black Coffee, smoking Eagle Red cigs, with a really famous NFL Quarterback who won several superbowls, Gabriel can barley stand. He teaching me how to put. With the Putter that he learned to play on. He says you a gambling man Andy? I said sometimes. He says, put a coffee cup between your feet. I said ok. so i put my coffee cup between my feet. I bet you $10,000 cash to your one dollar, that I can hit this ball off the garage door, off the Harley, then off the tool box over there and it will land in the coffee cup you just sat down between your feet. Im looking at him, its 3 am, he is shaking so bad he looks like he is going to fall over at any minute. he can barely hold the club. I look at the other guy, pulled out my one dollar slapped it on the top of the tool box and said your on old man! The lady who helped him with his meds came in and he said, go to the safe and get me $10,000 cash. She said yes sir, came back real quick. he sat it down next to my one dollar. I said how many times do you get to try? You want 3 dude? he said, I dont need 3 strokes. I only need this one shot. I said, well its your money. He grabbed that putter out of my hand, drop that ball on the concrete floor, caught it with his foot. looked at the harley, looked at the tool box. one swing back with the putter, off the garage, off the harley, off the tool box and in my coffee cup. I shit you not. he reaches over and grabs my dollar and says, Nobody takes my money! Not even trump! I have same putter, in my office on a shelf. He gave it to me after that.

    the other time, he was over there struggling with the slider door, shaking trying to get it open, i was out on the deck by the pool and so was his live in helper, she got up to help him with the door, and I said, sit your ass down. he can do it. He didnt say anything a few moments later, i said, I tell ya what, I saw them brand new summer dresses down at the Target with the sunflowers on them, If i got to get up and open that door for you princess. I am going to take you down and get you a brand new sun dress. So you can be pretty like all the other women at the club house. he turned looked at me and said F YOU Andy! Grabbed that door and swung it open no problem then turned and smiled at me. he said lets go get some food, we were in my car heading to the store. he is on speaker phone with the Owner of the Chicago Bulls, They are chatting away and that song by queen comes on pandora in the background, Fat Bottom Girls, Hey looks at me, tells the owner of the Chicago Bulls, Hey thanks for calling! Something important just came up, I have to cut this call short. Hangs up and cranks my stereo. We are driving down country club lane and he is singing at the top of his lungs to that song and just grinning ear to ear. That song always reminds me of that moment.

    so that was the big boom i heard. it was him, leaving this world. same exact time. I asked her the time of death. 4:29pm He is the one who taught me Cique 116! and he is the one that gave me Trumps Campaign Tie, that he in his first speech after he won the republican Nomination. Given to him by Trump after loosing a bet on the course.

    everytime i talked to him, we never said good bye on the phone, we ended the coversation by saying Cowboy up!

    so for my friend and brother who grew up next door to jimmy Swagart, and taught me sooo much! Probably the wealthiest man i ever met. Not just in money.

    cue: ~ Fat Bottom Girls ~


    Clique 116!

      • thanks man. I dont have time to reply to everyone.

        let me ask you this. Tonight I have a Shaman, An Alchemy Wizard, A Muslim Priest and A Baptist Minister meeting me at my office. They are all going to put a hand on me and pray blessings on me in my office.

        the rabbis has the Rona. so he cant make it.

        does that seem weird? Have you ever had 4 different faiths gather around you and pray a blessing on you and your life? Have you ever heard of such a thing? Most of the time these guys don’t get along. Except the shaman and alchemy wizard. Still, it interesting to note. I did not see this coming. and i don’t miss much. They are all men who have been practicing their faith for over 20 years. Their faith is their job. they work security for me part time. They all call me an angel. and im not really. just ask my ex wife. LOL!

        I dont know what to make of it… i guess, Im just so honored they all talked and decided to meat me in my office and pray a blessing upon me. I mean it cant hurt? right? I am really humbled by their words and affection for me.

        im just andy, you know the truck driving thinking dude. i have a belly button. i dont think angels have those. i am born of man and woman. not made of clay from the earth and spirit breathed in to me.

        I trust THE DUDE, however.. i have honestly never heard of any gathering of men of faith (other than “the wise men” coming to see jesus and pray for him. and my mom wasn’t a virgin and there is no big prophacy about me, that i know of) coming together to pay to each of their Gods to bless anyone. especially a former truck driver who grew up in the sticks of Alaska.

        I’m sure THE DUDE knows best. this is a very humbling experience. i think it would be for anyone. I dont even know what to day, other than, Chop wood and Carry water.

    • Andy, that was something wonderful that you just shared with the world cause George is out there in the world, so are you, and so is everyone here.

      You know your friend landed on the other side like a space shuttle coming through…First Class SPECIAL Delivery.

      Wonderful, just wonderful.

  9. “I just caught a similar whiff of government crookedness. ”

    SINUSES MUST BE ACTING UP…. There are some really good sinus specialists in Texas that can fix that…
    Govt. Corruption has reeked for decades.. they don’t even try to hide that stinky mess anymore.. just shove your nose in it and say.. WHAT YA GOING TO DO ABOUT IT .. IT’s LEGAL for us..
    I redacted a long rant on the pedophiles in office.. to much and all of it rationalized as normal behaviors by those in power..

    • Exactly, those lobbyists haven’t been paid in vain; they have manipulated those laws (that the elected class never reads but passes) so that they are all perfectly able to get out of those laws.

      Look at that cover up of nasty Epstein, had a woman sent to his house twice a day (while he was under house arrest) to service him while he served his time!!!

      Yuck, and to think that he is still running around out there. Now, why doesn’t Dog, the Bounty Hunter, try to go find him. Surely that picture of him on the beach would make the cover of every mag/newscast on earth.

      Epstein is not dead.

  10. Fake president & vp
    Fake plandemic
    Fake experts
    Fake politicians
    Fake military, Fake Terrorist, Fake Attack 9/11
    Fake Chynah – German vassel state, since at least Mao..who you think was flying those Migs in Vietnam – https://youtu.be/T1lc4rqh7ZUCharlie? Same deal in WW2 with Jap bombers and two Navy Admirals – 1 (hilenkotter) whose ship was mysteriously unscathed in harbor, and King who was in charge of fleet. Ike didnt know squata, he was surprised.
    Everything seems FAKE in the Upside Down World nowadayz..just Pure DECEIT coming from every corner of the Universe.
    What to do, what to do about it?

  11. Create shortages for the masses …

    Move the money from the pockets of the masses to those who created the shortages to begin with.

    Not sayin it’s a “rigged game” … but the game is rigged.

    (OH … and who provided most of the funding to the SUCCESSFUL effort to kill the Keystone Pipeline? well the owner of the Rail Road that carries the oil that the pipeline WOULD have carried. Same story dynamic probably repeated by that person and his companies multiple times over the last 60 years. Shades of the 1890’s Trusts)

    • Old Warren Buffet could have just bought the rights to the pipeline and made even more money while saving energy. Some things should just be allowed to evolve naturally.

  12. Don’t worry folks George is batting big numbers!!! And made me laugh with his wicked humour on my little lunch money trade on something!!! Yep folks we are blessed by the toughest smartest funniest gringo I ever met . And my only market mate in 25 years . Short hard !!! Getting hungry george for big feed !!!

  13. “Snatching defeat from the Jaws of Victory – ought to be the dem’s new party slogan.”

    They’ll have to rent it. The Republicans have owned that slogan for 90 years now…

  14. A fella being nice to me, from the past is going to try to rob me at 4am infront of my office. Maybe as soon as tomorrow. Or day or so. He tried to set it up tonight. I declined his invitation to meet up. Ya know George, even as busy as I am. It only take a single text message for me to get an imprint off someone.

    These are hard times for a lot of people. I known this guy a for a while. Back in the day. When I see glowing red words in someone even someone being nice to me? Is intentionally practicing deceit. He mentioned he laid carpet. Now I another guy who a while back lays carpet, and he just got into trouble from robbing a church. And all these people calling me the “son of God” and all that.

    What doesn’t know is, that I know and I’m way ahead of him. Do I shoot him when he tries to rob me? In self defense of course and call the cops and frantically say, ‘I am afraid for my life” because if you don’t say that. You go to jail. Possibly prison. Do I try to reason with him? Does he expect to find the thing I laid out for where he will park? Do I not go to work? Do I go early? Or late? Beat his ass? Mace him or taze him?

    Seems better to just avoid all that. I can merely step out of the way. I’m not a Coward. But I got nothing to prove. He is just a desperate man and these are desperate times for many.

    How long we known each other George? One of the things I love about you is. Ure an honest man. Call like ya see it. Own ure mistakes, work your ass off. Up early like me. How many times you seen me know and say something about someone on here that nobody knows? Hundred in a dozen years. Ain’t that right “sweet pea” was it, win the big stuffed animal. And nobody but his wife knows he calls her that. Mommy?

    Like I said. It may seam like I’m not listening. But I’m always listening and reading the world around me.

    “Death wish” she said. I think I will sit here and ponder how best to approach this situation. I know he is. I have a few surprises around my office. And I have made some really interesting friends with the local homeless population. Who never sleeps it seems.

    Yes I shall have a ponder. Meditate. It’s not even a fair fight. Perhaps I will just tape a note to the sign post he parks next to. Write his grandmothers name on it and I love you. With a heart and a smiley in the middle like she did on his birthday card when he was a boy. And maybe then, he change. Seen that in his one text message too. You know how I am George. I don’t day everything I see.

    Seems the better. Dontcha think George?

    Yes, I will sit in my car and have a smoke and ponder how best to approach this man and his gun.

    It’s not like i haven’t been shot before. But I’m too darn busy to deal with all that. And I already know I won’t die. LOL!

    Good talk. Thanks for listening. How to change the world, one life at a time.

    • The way to do it is one decision at a time. Living measured, being not reacting.
      Exactly so on the just one thing out of place (like the text from this fella) to tell you how the game is rigged.
      OI get that with markets all the time. If this is out of place, it means they plan X, so we will make money on their scheme, too…
      Weird and takes practice. Level 3 chest plate anyway?

      • he saw the note, looked down, didnt see me, looked over at it. looked down. then i saw him wipe his eyes with the cuff of his shirt. started his car back up and drove off. I blocked him on my phone…. who knows what will come of it for him. a miracle to him, i presume. Theresa is his grand mothers name. i got that name with a heart with smiley face in it when he sent that one text.

        i understand what you mean about the markets. and i also know you are quite gifted… had me raise an eyebrow a time or two.

        yes, the breastplate of righteousness. never leave home without it.

        good call george. good for you.

      • so I will have a Shaman, an Alchemy wizard, a Muslim priest and a Baptist minister in my office all at the same time this week. most likely Wednesday and me, the strange blonde fella everyone calls an angel, me, just Andy. LOL

        huh… when i look in what it will be like having that kind of presence in my office all at the same time? i cant see it… which i usually can. all extremely gifted men in their practices of faith. and me the odd dude who hangs out at urban survival with a bunch of old dudes.

        the only one not in attendance is the Rabi… i need to call him.

        it reminds me of one of the start of one of those jokes George, “A Priest, A Shaman, A Wizard and a Baptist minister walks into a bar with a handsome cowboy named just andy they all call boss. The Bartender says, What can I get you fellas?


        this is a long ways away from grabbing gears dude.

        I am truly Blessed and Highly Fortunate! it is my hope you are as well.

        Cue: Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow up to Be Cowboys

    • “Seems better to just avoid all that. I can merely step out of the way. I’m not a Coward. But I got nothing to prove. He is just a desperate man and these are desperate times for many.”

      You’re learning, grasshopper. There are times it takes a bigger man to walk away than it does to win the fight. Read your Sun Tzu and understand…

  15. My mother just called and told me my step father died. Right after I posted that. That was the “mommy?”

    Hmmmmmmmmm. The monster as I called him in my childhood is dead. I forgave him of course and I told him I turned out just fine.

    It appears I will be in Alaska next week. Wonder what will happen in the emerald city if I leave.

    And you will never guess who just came back to my circle of influence. The Shaman. Red sky bear. The one who showed up at the Hopi rez at the same time as me, when I stood in their “center of the universe” right as “shelter in place” took its first hold. And all the world, didn’t go to church the day I stood there.

    Hmmmmmmm…… very interesting.

    Ya know I’m just a regular fella. I’m just Andy. I don’t know what the fuss is all about. But they say it comes in 3’s. Just like my phone number dude.

    Time to travel again. Interesting to note. There is a beautiful woman up there. I met. That crazy loves me and wants to move down here.

    Dang it. I really like this job. Really do. But you know brother ure. The path is as much me as I am on the path.

    Later dude.

  16. Fack! I hope I don’t get stuck in Alaska all winter. It’s so dang cold up there. If they lock down travel. Grrr. Better look into that.

    Confirmation on the time line jump today. We are fully on a new course. I sent ya the image Mr News man.

    Guy out side Safeway says, would ya like to purchase some Real Change for 2 bucks? Uhhh yes. Yes I would. It’s a news paper called “real change.” And I posted the time line jump on a news site. Reel change. Wmi.

    Ha ya ha ha aha ahahahaha. You can’t make this shit up! Hahahhahahhah!

    Hahahhhahahhahhahhahah! That is some funny shit.

    Uhem. Cue the old hymnal song, Just a closer walk with THEE, DUDE. Just a closer walk with THEE DUDE.


    • interesting.. could go in many directions with that one..
      There have been a lot of different videos in the past couple of years showing similar items being delivered ..

      • Yes, but that’s a LOT of body bags, and why Wal-Mart? Because they’re ubiquitous? That doesn’t seem likely because warehouse and site space, even off-floor, is exceedingly valuable to a retailer in the JIT world in which we live, and we’re coming into the Christmas buying frenzy.

        Is there something nefarious going on? Probably not, but I can’t eliminate the possibility. The company is not the same one ol’ Sam built, and as for the quality of “being human,” I wouldn’t trade him for all his progeny combined. There’s not a one in the lot who’s worthy of even carrying his shoes…

        Frankly, the scene looks more like a FEMA warehouse (except it’s too well lit) so the entire clip could well be a fake. Once upon a time I got to use GI photo software, with which I could blow up any image in that clip and see if it had been doctored — not no mo’. I’m in Wal-Mart less than one time per year, on average — may just sit back and see if shoppers, say on or after Black Friday, start disappearing in large numbers…

      • I could, (and did) however, blow up the gauges on the “gas chamber.” They are thermostats, not pressure gauges, with a range of -40°F to +70°F, and it’d be normal for the latches _on_a_walk-in_FREEZER_ to be padlocked when not in use. It could well have been built where it was, because that was where they had space to build.

        I’m guessing both clips are fake. If they’re legit, people’d have to ask why? If they’re fake, people should still ask why? And who (is putting this propaganda out)?

      • Well Ray theres very little any of us can say about that video and absolutely nothing we can do about any of it..

        I don’t have the papers anymore but years ago FEMA was working with companies..
        Lately you have the increase in jobs for internment camp workers etc. The increase in military training exercises has me thinking that theres something big that their po reparing for..


        Of course non of us will know what’s exactly going on until it happens.
        That portion of documents is now sealed and un reachable..

      • “Is there something nefarious going on?”

        I wouldn’t worry Ray.. it’s just like the strafing runs and touch and go’s… it’s the job of the USA to be prepared for a possible emergency response. Part of the JADE HELM15 exercises dealt many similar results when they were using targets of children and pregnant women, bought millions of rounds of ammo..fema and DHS were working with a lot of the bigger store chains. I think mostly because they have the size and the logistics structures in place with the ability to switch courses instantly.
        There were papers of plans made that deal with every branch of service. What has me questioning is..why are the UN forces running around doing military training..
        We have to trust that those in power are looking out for our best interests..

  17. Russia Issues “Going From Bad To Worse” Warning As Police State Jaws Snap Shut On America

    An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son followed their talks with the agreement that attempts to create divisions in the Asia-Pacific region are counterproductive, says to reinforce this agreement the Ministry of Defense (MoD) deployed warships from the Northern Fleet to hold tactical exercises simulating battle on the remote arctic New Siberian Islands—a war exercise deployment demonstrating to aggressors the long-reach and speed capabilities under even the most adverse of conditions of elite Russian combat forces—and was needed because the Foreign Ministry has just gravely reported that the standoff over Kosovo is “going from bad to worse”—a standoff leading to war that caused Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova to call on NATO to step up and prevent a military conflict between its criminal narco-state Kosovo and Serbia, with her emphasizing that NATO has taken it on itself to keep peace in the disputed region, and her cautioning that “failure to cool the situation could lead to a dangerous escalation”.

    Security Council Members in this transcript note that at the same time the standoff over Kosovo is “going from bad to worse”, the international rating agency S&P has upgraded Russia’s economic growth outlook for 2021—an economic upgrade joined by Moscow (Europe’s largest city) being ranked 4th in The World’s 100 Best Cities ranking compiled by the consulting company Resonance Consultancy based on tourist attractiveness, good living, working and business conditions, and whose experts labeled the Russian capital as a “cultural gold mine”—all of which stands in stark contrast to the United States, where the deranged socialist Democrat Party defund the police movement has fueled America’s biggest murder spike in over 60-years in its largest cities—and where yesterday it saw US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen grimly warning that the America will run out of cash in less than 3-weeks unless Congress raises the debt limit.

    Entire article may be read here:


  18. “In attempting to ascertain what exactly Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden is planning, this transcript sees Security Council Members noting American conservative radio legend Michael Savage warning this week that the Biden administration is seeking to “dissolve” the country as it passes the “inflection point”, with him highlighting the key contributing factors to including the rapid flooding of the nation with illegal immigrants in order to “overwhelm the system” and destroy what he terms “the three pillars that define a nation: borders, language, and culture”—a warning quickly joined by renowned Fox News investigative journalist Lara Logan beyond shockingly reporting US intel and bioweapon specialists have told her that Biden is deliberately flooding America with diseased illegal migrants in order to detonate a “virus bomb”, with her exactly stating: “They also know that those people are dispersing now….They know that there are hundreds and hundreds of Haitians who have run away from under the Del Rio bridge, right?…And have just disappeared into the countryside…They know also that everywhere that there’s been a mass migration of illegal immigrants, there’s been a spike in Covid cases in this country…And you know, bioweapons specialists and intel agents tell me that that’s typical of how you disperse a virus if you were doing something like a virus bomb or a virus attack in your own country or on another country”.

    While preparing to detonate this “virus bomb” on unsuspecting Americans in order to further subjugate them, this report concludes, socialist leader Biden quietly sent a message this week to all of his federal government agencies telling them to prepare for a government shutdown—a shutdown message joined a few hours ago by Republicans in the US Senate blocking a government funding bill in a battle over the debt limit—immediately after which it saw socialist House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stunningly reversing her position on which gargantuan spending bill she plans on putting forward for the second time in 24-hours—are massive socialist Democrat spending bills designed to change America forever that are going down in flames at the same time President Donald Trump declared to his loyal supporters: “We’re going to take back our country from these lunatics” ”


    Now, WhatDoesItMean is a flat-out conspiranut site. If you read these, remember EVERY conspiracy theory is essentially fan fiction that’s built around a kernel of known truth, to try and explain anomalies which don’t dovetail into that kernel…

  19. In case someone needs a new, secure search engine. SearX is an encrypted metasearch and its source code is downloadable — should someone wish to “roll their own…”

    Good Gopher is a scratch-built “search engine” (I think it’s actually a search index with a directed crawler, but that’s just the impression I get from the *.docs) It was created by Mike Adams, the editor of NaturalNews.

    Qwant is the basic search engine — ‘cept it’s French and private.




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