There is an old saying – beneficially learned growing up in a racially homogenous community – among Chinese: Crisis is often accompanied by opportunity.
In fact, though I don’t remember the characters for it, they are similar. Now, in the wake of the BlizTex21, is a good time to remember this linkage.
There are steps and process in disaster recovery. Taken the right way, major improvements in lifestyle may be achieved. Ignore, you will end up right where you were before the disaster.
Rather than complain deep and long, we always choice to turn crisis into a “design re-think” and an update on our path.
Step 1: Assessing Damage
This involves a careful inspection of property. Everything used in daily life is inspected to ensure that it works – and is fully functional as it was before calamity dropped-by.
In our case, the smugness of having no plumbing issues that we know of – yet – was short lived. Coming back to the house from the mailbox Saturday, I noted the roof of the greenhouse had partially collapsed.
Step 2. Basic Replacement Cost
Having noticed and inspected the damage, the next step was to figure out the repair and replacement cost.
I know from past experience that the Harbor Freight Greenhouse (10X12) was purchased some years ago on sale: $495 and I think it was $7-dollar shipping on all orders, back when.
A visit to the HF website revealed that the price of a direct replacement was now $880… a 78% jump (in nominally inflation-free America, lol). But worse, there was no more shipping option. Instead, goods now involve a nearly 100 mile roundtrip to the HF store in Tyler, Texas. With a wife in recovery from hip surgery, this wasn’t looking like much fun, at all.
Harbor Freight tech support is good, though. And a couple of years back due to the effects of Texas sun, I ordered a new set of roof panels. The price was reasonable, but the lead time was a couple of months.
Problem was that before a new greenhouse would materialize, the need for it would be gone until next fall…
If the direct-replacement option is selected, be sure to add in the cost off demising (removal and site prep) for the replacement. Since there are a zillion screws involved (hat-top to my brother-in-law who assembled the original) I figured the assembly time would be 8-10 hours, not counting a dump run for unusable sun rotted plastic panels.
Step 3: Imagineer the Design from Zero
Knowing the replacement costs, time and hassle involved, and such, the next step was to re-think the whole “What is the point of the greenhouse?” question.
When we had put it in, the notion was we could have a greenhouse to:
- Store tools and fertilizer in.
- Hatch out new plants in winter.
- Do extended season growing.
- Have a place to duck into in passing showers.
- Mainly, though, growing things.
When looked at in a “systematic way, the greenhouse functions could be done at other locations on the property. Having it a inside the garden fence, though, was convenient. But the garden is still 150 feet from the nearest house entrance.
The first step of the imagineering process – and I’ve read at least a dozen books on this now – is to list the objectives and then do some “blue sky” time.
What are the design options that come to mind and would fit in the same budget?
There suddenly were three options to be considered:
- Direct replacement
- My own construction using materials from Lowes
- And a radical add-on to the House off the music studio
Step 4: Find or design “the Weanie”
As you get into the study of how the Disney organization functions, it becomes apparent how important “the weanie” is. It’s an eye-catcher that evokes the “God, how cool is that?” response. All over Disney properties.
As we generalize it here: It’s the whole, overall design process that leads to a compelling experience. Elaine calls it “living space that transports.” It’s the difference between hanging some pictures on the wall of ships and calling it a nautical theme. Or, building a whole ship’s interior inside a room and living in that space. See the difference?
A dining room with some palm tree pictures may be a “theme” for a child-level designer. But grass mat and bamboo walls with tiki carvings is more to our liking.
In the case of the “weanie” version of the greenhouse, the one built onto the recording studio would be amazing. Out the studio door, down three steps, you would enter a growing garden. In summer, a swamp cooler would keep lettuce happy and in winter, the (so far uninstalled) small wood stove (box stove type) would finally have a home and a purpose.
A single-burner propane stove and the wood fired pizza project outside the door would give a superior Mood Eating space. Especially with a bar and a couple of stools…
Step 5: Absolute Functionality Option
With “the Weanie” version in had, the other design route is “pure functionality.”
This involved pricing at Lowes: 2X4’s – with tax, no discounts – are going for about $7.50. While 2X6’s 12 feet are around $18 bucks a throw. Polycarbonate panels, 27 by 8 run about $23 bucks each.
Penciled out, I could do a “good as HF” option which would carry a bigger snow load and be easier to modify for air handling, for about $200 more than the HF greenhouse.
Interestingly, making a bigger greenhouse gets cost effective. Since each additional 2 feet of space involves a couple of studs, a 12 foot 1-by-6 and 4 poly panels – about $90 in panels. Maybe $130 for each added 2-feet?
This would increase the detached version of the greenhouse to about $1300 for a 10 X 14 edition, or $1500 for the 10 X 15 size.
Step #7: Make A Choice
Begins to line up like this:
- HF Direct Replacement: $1000. No change or improvement off present operations. No design shortcomings solved.
- The Weanie option: Same Price (since the existing house studio wall offers most of the support. Gives the wood stove a home, a bit larger, mood bar, and closer kitchen access.
- The Raw Functional home-made: Really strong, adds more value to the ranch as a discrete structure.
So there you have it: I like “the Weanie” choice. Besides, it offers some benefits to the main house like an additional heat source.
Will we go for it?
Time will tell, but on a post BlizTex morning, pending other damage yet to be found, it’s a solution worth considering.
The key takeaway? Always develop 3 radically different choices when faced with disaster recovery. It’s a chance to improve and upgrade.
And that makes the whole process something almost like (gulp!) fun!
Write when you get rich,
Yo Froze Toed Texan,
Kindly suggest you consider a rocket mass heater for the proposed greenhouse.
Sink that puppy(greenhouse) 2-3 ft down in the ground, run the chimney tunnel (filled with debris/concrete/rocks) along base of walls to vertical chimney pipe – 3 corners around room- so chimney tunnel runs along 3 of 4 walls. Dont require a lot of “biomass”/fuel, and “the chimney tunnel ” keeps everything warm for hours.
Prolly want arrange for help/muscle/laborer for hire ASAP for spring/summer project work.
Dudes & Dudettes up the PNW – have lead the way in this area, and have design ideas galore – this kinda project so smells of GU and UrbSurv.
Dam I would play along – could make a basic “kit” list, steps involved list, standardized building measurements, parts list, optional parts/substitute parts, an organized community greenhouse building project..
Ure can make it happen Captin – aint getting younger pissing and moaning Bitcoin & old age. Gotta keep making shit – G.
– part of my wealth is my mistakes I have made in building shit, crafting shit, investing/trading shit.
– Thats why I write – dont read & understand very well – as it says here “write when you get rich” which I take to mean wealth.
And based on all the mistakes, misjudgements, and errors I have made and will continue make – Im wealthy, bitch!
Yes, the only way to avoid mistakes is make them all at least once….for some of us 3-5 X…
I agree with ECU about the rocket stove idea. Also as others have suggested using the aluminum/conduit hoop design. More aerodynamic and sheds snow muck easier (not that it’s much of a concern in Texas). The best part is it’s probably easier to add more sections because once you get started with a green house “garden” you know the designed size won’t be enough.
I do raised beds with a pvc conduit and polly covering for earlier spring planting in Ohio. I definitely think you’re on the right track with a design it yourself green house.
To paraphrase Elon Musk: “If nothing is failing, Ure not innovating enough!”.
Like that; right out of the archives of Permaculture…
FYI, I don’t know about Texas, but here in Ohio, the lumber at the big box stores is high-priced and crap-quality. Just one more cost for you to factor in.
There is a sort of recipe for cutting logs into usable lumber that optimizes the good cuts and minimizes waste of usable milled materials. It also describes moisture content of finished materials.
I don’t know if the mass market building materials, big box, home improvement stores even know the slightest about this when they buy a shipment of “lumber” to drop into the bays at the store.
When buying for a project, one typically has to pick thru 15 pieces to find 6 pieces that are straight LOOKING. The price is per piece and you may notice the pieces are kind of heavy and still damp. Take them home and in the next day or so they will twist, bow and bend like a taco shell. When the bundle straps are cut the wood get to relax into the new atmosphere. This problem seems to be the same for all of the cheap white wood, also happens with stud grade and kiln dried lumber as well. Don’t let the thriftier price tempt you if you want it to last.
Old growth timber is obviously of higher quality but get ready for $$$$ if you use it. The #2 grade pine is pretty good but still higher priced. It is worth it though if you want to build something that looks pretty good and stays “built back better” and mostly straight.
“When buying for a project, one typically has to pick thru 15 pieces to find 6 pieces that are straight LOOKING.”
the church had a construction project to rebuild the steeple.. it was really interesting.. they used some of the man made from fiber timber to do the repairs.. it was awesome.. that stuff was as straight as an arrow and the price they paid for the materials was comparable to second class cheap lumber..
we just need Congress to pull their heads out for once and see the possibilities so that this can be manufactured here in the USA..
I have a sample of the insualation wool coming if it doesn’t get seized because it is an illegal substance to own or use.. but if it is as good as they say and fire proof.. It will be used in the shed…. cheaper than pink.. and comparable to cellulose..
…might want to review how much use you got out the greenhouse over the last several years….I remember your using it for your tomato growing experiment….how’d that work out? How did the cArdboard mulch work out? Been following your journey 20 years and don’t recall much in the way of harvest info or pics…..thinking about it not much in the way of useful gardening info either….sorry bud.
If you decide to build onto the music room….please consider using 4×4 and 4×6 to frame it…..2×4?really dude? Need glass? Consider using old patio door glass…..tempered 34×68” panels…I used them on my added on greenhouse three years ago…..mainly being used for wintering over my tropical and house plants…..had similar heater issues to yours this’s always an adventure
I exited the city life in ‘73…bought a piece of land, about an hour north of you,and personally built my own house…a three story hexagonal pole structure stucco and cedar exterior…put in a garden before I started the house heated with wood for the first 10 years….started my own business….
Builder,musician and artist staring at 73……just keep on truckin’ and thanks
Good idea with the patio door glass, if you can find something to frame it with other than wood. Wood seems to rot easily in such applications. Note that the older patio door glass may not be tempered. Don’t ask me how I know.
I do think that attaching the greenhouse to the house will make for easier living – especially as you get older. If there are only a couple of stairs down, you can easily place a ramp over them if need be. I have outbuildings and don’t really want to negotiate mud and snow to get to them. When the weather is bad, I tend to stay inside when possible. You should enjoy your castle and not worry too much about it’s market value after you’re gone. Let the kids earn their own money, and help them out as best you can in other ways. Age has wisdom(sometimes), and that’s hard won!
“Always develop 3 radically different choices when faced with disaster recovery.”
Why not choose to build a Hoop type greenhouse? They look to be easier all around on cost and labor. You could use PVC pipe like most people do or go with aluminum conduit that can be bent into shape with a pipe bender or stake form and a Come Along. Or just use fittings and have it angular in shape. Cover it with good quality plastic wrap and there you go, ready to plant.
There are plenty of examples on youtube.
And speaking of youtube:
Here’s a great idea on using Pool Noodles in a hydroponic setup to save money!
thanks for sharing Mike.. that is interesting.. I was cutting out of stiff Styrofoam.. I didn’t even give pool noodles a thought..
Dam George.. If I had thought ahead.. I gave one of those green houses away to the good will just two months ago still in the box.. to clear up some space for a new essential oil still I had gotten…. I would have gladly sent it to you… I had bought it with the idea that I would redo it to fit between two of my raised beds.. but never got around to it..
Hope Elaine is still doing well.
My first hoophouse was 24 X 12. I got to where I would spend nearly all my time in there during the winter that I was using the first 10 feet as a sort of man-cave. So the next year it became 36 X 12 and the one end was fitted with a more substantial rollup/passenger door and Big Bertha the wood stove while an adjacent shed housed the non freeze consumables. A second larger 40 foot unit is on the board if we decide to go commercial with this project.
Point is, first pass at size will always be 75% too small. Just like trucks, tractors and motorcycles, go big.
(1) The studio, “sharing atmosphere” with the greenhouse might add something ineffable to the musician’s work. Fragrance, even very subtle, is a powerful source of emotional feelings. A fragrance of fecundity.
(2) Tools and fertilizer don’t need light for safe storage.
(3) Inconvenience teaches and motivates, if properly considered.
Ha. Funny you should mention that. Im exploring that concept, right meow. “Fragrance, even very subtle, is a powerful source of emotional feelings.”
Euphoric recall. I been working the same system for now 13 months for reprogramming the subconscious mind with mild tweaks here and there. Progressively adding in new features and systems. Repetition is the mother of all skill. And Skill is the best trade one can Aquire.
Thanks. Your comment synced with my discovery this morning. Someone gave me a bunny as a joke, because 15 or so years ago my buddy talked me into taking his bunny when my cat died. Cat got mangled by a cyote and I had to put it down with a 9mm in the back yard. Good cat. Had him 10 years. His pelvis was crushed, one leg half chewed off and well, I had a few acres and I grew up in Alaska. He didn’t feel anything after I pulled the trigger. Burried him and put a blue berry bush there as was custom until the kids all had the ephany that every time a pet ran away we planted a new blue berry bush.
To the point. The bunny that buddy gave me (we named him Mr peepers) was a pain in the ass one of the kids left a little plastic army man in the hutch for it to play with the damn bunny swallowed it and it got stuck in his throat and couldn’t eat food anymore. Couldn’t swallow it. So I. 22 rim in back of his noggin and one kids saw me. The 4 year old ex wife’s daughter. I caught hell for that for a month. Wouldnt talk to me. Just sit at table and cry when she looked at me.
Later my buddy was looking for an extra box freezer and I had one in storage. So i told him he could just have it. Have to come get it at the storage unit. I ran down to the storage unit, opened it up and dropped a big 16 lb turkey in it. Then closed the freezer which wasn’t plugged into power. I put a master combo lock on it. I kept putting him off almost 3 months and he said I need to get that freezer dude or I will just go buy one.
I said ok, ok. Let meet there tomorrow. He came and I helped him load it and said, you probably have to dusche it out when ya get home. I said the combo to the lock is in my garage. I will text ya it when I get home. He said thanks man you are a good friend and gave me a hearty hand shake. I said you bet. Then he started laughing about when he gave me that bunny and how I was in the dog house with one of the kids for a month after I had to put it down. He said, im glad you are out of the doghouse now. I said, ya funny guy. Me too. Where ya putting the freezer? He said out in the wife’s canning room. Its for her. The boy will unload it with me. I said ok.
I texted him and said everything ok? He said we got it in there. It was tight and we had to rearrange who canning room but we got it in there and the wife is super happy. What’s the combo. So I gave it to him. He didn’t text back for a few hours and then he texted me and said Holy shit! How long has that rotten turkey been in there??? My wife hopping mad. Her whole canning room stinks like hell! And are having a hell of a time getting that fckn freezer back out!
I said ohhh about 3 months. Hey fcker! Thanks for the damn bunny! Figured I owed ya a turkey! Hope you get out of the dog house soon! (With a smiley face just like this) :-D
So he gave me the stuffed bunny that smells like chocolate at my awards banquet. And we had a good laugh. Took his wife a year before she would talk to me. Silent treatment doesn’t work on me tho. Im just glad she ain’t yelling and bitchin. I applaud that sorta behavior. Hahaha.
Any way thanks for your comment. It synced with my new idea.
“The bunny that buddy gave me (we named him Mr peepers) was a pain in the ass one of the kids left”
Jack the bunny not jack the rabbit..
There was a rabbit that lived in the back yard under the wood pile.. my 3 tear old mini me started crying one day.. Jack the bunny is going to freeze to death…and starve.. so I gave him a carrot and said go put this by the wood pile..he would do that twice a day..pretty soon the rabbit would come to him whe her called it..
Anyway he was learning how to rode a bike and fell..the rabbits watching him first response was running away then came back to make sure he was ok.. the wife and I talked and decided that since they both loved one another we would get a pen and catch it.. we did.. but jack ended up to be a Jackie and had babies.. at one point there were 17.. peanut and ghost were the ones I liked princess is spoiled.. when Jackie and princess fought to be dominant female Jackie about killed princess.. my other grandson was upset because a dog got into the kennel and killed the one he likes.. so princess was nursed back to health and stays with him.. it’s the darndest thing to watch them sit watching cartoons lol…if trained they are a very clean animal.
I tell the kids keep the two and get rid of the rest. But hey if I don’t have to buy feed why do I care..
I love the dig it down a couple of feet..lay it out..then Use sandbags and a roll of barbed wire. They are cheap.. fill the bags with slightly dampened earth ftom where you dug it down ..tamp them down lay two strands of barbed wire then stack the next row of bags..frame your doors and windows..nail them in place..
George, you can find free plans for building a green house at I used the plans to build one and was pleased at the result. Made the wife happy also.
A “bargain” offering big rewards, IMHO.
this guy grows citrus fruit in Nebraska in a green house using the Earth for heat
this covers survival and solar/geo energy,
not for the everyday guy but darn interesting, this is just a 2 min video there are longer ones
I read a paper on a resort north of the arctic circle that does the same thing.. they heat cool and produce electricity for the whole resort using geo thermal energy..
I am not sure if this is the same one.. but it is interesting none the less.. the place I read about would pump the water down and back up to a coil in a tank of refrigerant that would turn it to steam that would turn the turbines.. then back to the ground…
when I made my solar beer chiller.. I had something similar.. I would heat up the refridgerant with a parabola it would vapor off go through the condenser then expansion then back to be reheated…. pretty simple .. nothing to it.. the big issue was.. it would freeze the beer.. so I had to pack ice in the chiller to keep the beer from freezing..
When I was a kid I designed a building and some solar heat panels for the DOE in exchange for getting a good drawing set and a drafting table. I don’t even have that set anymore. the stuff I had for back then when I customized graphics on cars I just gave to my six year old gs for xmas.. he has the love to draw… LOL.. using the old roman heat tube Idea.. the house would create an envelope where the air would both heat and cool.. the romans did this.. and has been something I have always wanted to build for myself.. Just never had the money to do it..
#7 shows a TX underground pit greenhouse:
With all the trees on your property are they not good for lumber ?
maybe call the guy you sell the trees to and see if he can supply some processed lumber. Or call someone with a portable mill.
Can add another 5 feet on the bottom to raise it higher.
Forget Woodmizer – they are 6-9 months backordered on All Models..
I don’t like the weenie approach, as you broached it, because the HF stuff is gonna give you all sorts of bad acoustic experiences, rendering your studio a not-very-happy place (trust me — I own two of those greenhouses.)
I don’t like the Lowe’s rebuild, because instead of doing the HF panes you should price corrugated fiberglass (opaque) or acrylic (clear) panels for the roof, before doing a work-up of this option. They are many times stronger than the HF panes.
Back to weenie, if you pitch the HF frame and do wood-post, then silicone-glue the panels, you’d lose the limitation of the size of the panels and minimize their resonant vibration, and might — just might, dampen the audio interference to an acceptable level…
Watch some YT videos on gothic arch greenhouse builds. ( and other gothic arch uses ) set up a jig and make your own arches. Shorter pieces of used lumber can be used.
One texican ranch experiance:
Two things to add to the conversation:
1) Think through your needs a bit more before you start moving dirt & panels. You just experienced a nasty weather event, with hints of more to come from 11-400 year (and maybe 1000+ year) cycles converging. Think about precipitation, wind, and high temperature extremes that are just as paradigm busting as last weeks’ low temperature extreme. Likewise, don’t overlook earth liquification events, asteroid storms, and “fallout” events from natural or man-made triggers. Everything on the table, yes?
Consequently, you might need to add some engineering features to your final design, without going off the rails on budget or gloom. Just take a longer term look at history.
Then define your most likely needs to get through the decade. Besides food growing, you might need the room for soil/ash decontamination, food storage, a sick bay (or quarantine room), air & water purification, overflow sleeping quarters, animal shelter (extreme weather), solar water heating, and other odds & ends that show up when cycles end or synchronize.
2) I would agree about adding a wall, lowering the floor, or some way to raise the ceiling height. I bought a commercial five wall polycarbonate 24′ x 36′ greenhouse, and set it on a 3 ft wall. That doubled my grow volume, which is critical for vining crops. For example, if you attend a University level (AZ) Controlled Environment Agriculture class on tomato growing, you’ll find the optimum plant height is about 14 feet to grow indeterminate tomato varieties, where you can produce 30 lbs per tomato plant. That is a LOT of tomatoes!
very well put RBI…..
the family that I know that ended up with the bermed house.. loves it.. I thought it was gorgeous and they are probably eating garden goods right about now..
plus a dip in the ole pool… there use to be a place in centrailia Ill.. that built premade underground houses.. I am not sure if they are still in business or not.. when they came out.. it was before their time.I actually think they moved to MO.. because this company has a lot of the same home plans available…
with a home like that you could use a thermal tube and make the home a basic thermal envelope… cool in summer warm in winter and little or no heat costs..
It is my dream home.. with green house and fish pond..
If I ever go on a vacation this is one destination that is definitely on the list… of want to see spaces..
Talk about grind down hard ? George the saviour of the world . Sure you must have a bit of sheetcoin tucked away . TheFED loves yuh . You got the treasuries George . Yahhhh . Screw dem shorts . Insertion and jabbin
Martial law in Isra hell !!! No jab no go out no live . Yeehhhaaa gutless Bebe the first to go in the global gulag
Imagineering “the Weanie”. Love the concept, clear and concise.
Funny you should mention that dude. You remember when I wasn’t around for a while and then I told ya I was getting married…ohhhh about a year ago. When I almost married that VIP room Stripper from Rick’s in Portland? Then I called my mother drunk as hell and tell her the good news, she has a new daughter law soon. Im getting married momma!!! Then Mom hanges up and calls Benny Hinn the TV Evangelist on live TV and tells him her son was shithoused and marrying a stripper right now in a 24 hour chapel and we need to pray for him! Then Benny Hinn the TV Evangelist prays for ya on live TV puts ya on 10,000 prayer chains. 30 min later your beautiful and also shithoused bride bounces in the middle of the wedding ceremony to get a #3 at Taco bell and ends up getting arrested for DUI. True Story. God works in mysterious ways. I got saved by the Bell. This time Taco Bell.
Then ya take off to California and burn the wedding certificate in the loves parking lot?
You ever have one of those moments when you are out to coffee with a buddy a year later and in walks your beautiful bride from a year ago and sits right down at the table next to ya. She is wearing a mask and with a friend. Looks right over at ya. You can feel the lighting current of energy strike ya from the top of your head to your piggy toe. You look over and she looks over at you. And you scream at the top of your lungs in your head. ARE YOU F-ING KIDDING ME GOD?! REALLY DUDE!!! Time stops and you look at her eyes. Yep its her. Same height, big double D’s, egyptian black hair. She looks away. You look at your buddy and he says you look like you just saw the dead. You are 3 shades of ghost white. And you say, shit I think that is my last wife who sat down next to us. He whispers the stripper. I said ya….. the stripper. Then ya look over she looks at you. She says, you look familiar. Shit it’s her voice! I said you too. She says sorry I dont mean to stare. Can we use some of that coffee cream you got there. I swallowed my guts so hard I think shit my pants sitting there.. Then she takes off her mask and you stare with awwwwwwee and scream ohhhh shit! Oh shit! Thank God! thank you Jesus! It’s not her. She smiles and says the creamer and starts laughing. I said yes mam! So I told her the story and she laughed. She said, who knows. Maybe I could be your wife. To which I promptly yelled waiter! Check please!
Then the 8 year old kid playing with a toy rocket in the booth behind me says. “Weeeeeeeee are having fun yet and starts laughing. ”
And I said below my breath. Not funny Dude. Not funny at all God.
I get home and come on your site and eveyone is talking about the Rocket (stove) and Imagineering “the Weanie”
F ROTFLMFAO! I about shit my pants tonight. Not funny old dudes! Not funny at all! Hahahhahahahahhahah
I dont even know what I’d say to her. Not that I wouldn’t talk to her. I just don’t know what to say.
Holy cow dude. Lately the synchronicity is off the fricken charts. Even for me. I just swimming in it. Now, Im used to it happening 15-20 time a day and a couple dejavu moments and random thoughts like I had a voice that said call Mark tonight. And send a text to that sparkey fella that comments time to time this after noon. I still have their number. Get on that tomorrow.
Last 2 days tho, I have had 100s and hundreds of synchronicity moments in a couple hours then a couple hours of normal rate of synchronicity.. then 50 more in a few hours.. Some compounding so much its serendipitous. And massive mind bending dejavu moments.
Just whooooaa pump the brakes a little. Its mind bending. Im completely clean and sober.
Say, was there an airplane crash in the Florida Keys yet? Im supposed go there soon. I think. I dont know yet. Lately I been getting so much new data around me I can’t keep track of it all. It’s all scribbles on a note pad.
Florida Keys….. Keys. Has come up so much lately and im in Washington state. So its not a normal topic around these parts. Like 20 different people at 20 different places yesterday I was at Mentioned Florida Keys in the background. The gym, the store, the gas station. The coffee stand. My daughter volley ball game. And I been seeing a big airplane crash. But it could be another miracle landing like in Hudson bay…. what was that piglets name?
Shit i dont know. I need to get some rest and write a new Zero Report. Hmmmm.
Uhem, Pilots name. Skippy or something.
Sullivan! Also there is a Sullivan arena is in Anchorage, Ak. Cross reference hmmmmmmmmm..
Anchorage. Anchor age… could be a port.. ship… miralce. Plane. landing ships have landings. Bermuda triangle is close….. a return of a lost ship? Keys unlock things. K open hand eyes or Keyes. … ships have keels. Phonetically close. Florida ship? Shipley? Shipton? Hmmmmmm…. ships have planes too. Differnt kinda plane… Bermuda triangle… lots of triangles lately.
Hmmmmm. Ya, I will sort it all next day or so.
Later dude. Sorry for the rant. I just was blow away at the metaphors in Ure article and the comment section and my seeing who I thought was my almost last wife. The stripper. Hahah. Ok. Pretty funny.
Try to get the new report done by next Friday.
Please don’t forget taking that
“COLD SHOWER” recommended.
Ya, om trying to make a go with i dream a genie aka shg. Again. So… we are together but not together. I aint messing around. Im a free agent, however my heart loves her. So I aint messing round. And I have some pretty good offers on the table.
no cold showers for me. Well see how things play out. God has plan. Im going with Him on this one. I making no moves right now. Let it come to me. Sometimes that is the best move.
Sorry for being late to the party about greenhouse project. Had to finally get out yesterday and get more cat food. Seems three of the neighbors cats have decided that accommodations are better at our house. Three extra cats whittled down our reserves, but I was not about to let an animal go hungry in the bitter cold and snow. They have been well behaved and slept in our semi-enclosed entrance under a heat bulb. Wife even fed the passerby skunk.
On your greenhouse project, I would suggest looking at, “Farm”. They have everything from small hobby greenhouses to large commercial houses. They have all sorts of products related to greenhouses and also have hydroponic supplies as well. Might be worth a look.
I buy product from them and have never been disappointed.
Your Chinese mentors said, “Crisis is often accompanied by opportunity.” It sounded familiar. Turns out the idea goes back to at least Machiavelli: ” never waste the opportunity offered by a good crisis” . It was also allegedly said by Winston Churchill and definitely used by Saul Alinsky and Rahm Emanuel. When he was Obama’s Chief of Staff in 2008 Emanuel said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” But as an MBA you were probably subjected to the organizational development literature and the concepts of “unfreezing” and “refreezing.” Just another way of saying “unfreezing.”
Do you think that maybe the freezing of Texas constitutes an “unfreezing”?
I’d be wary about adding humidity to an exterior wall.