Oversold Bull!

Park the Bull Market Talk.

We don’t mean to be critical of the me-too press, but… Yeah, this morning a few hard facts the cheerleader pom-pom media didn’t bother to emphasize while driving the market higher this week.

This being the middle of summer sweats around here, we’re keeping our focus on the Charts and on the prospect of “big money” if things keep rolling our way.

Other than allegations against Donald Trump this week – to take him out of 2024 politics, very little has changed.

But there are some key points to remember…

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16 thoughts on “Oversold Bull!”

  1. OMG, Juneteenth – the most ignored “holiday” nobody even remembers. Only the fedgov seems to get it off. That seems backwards – let the feds work for once and let the rest of us play. IMHO, if there are two months in a row without a three day weekend, one of them should get the holiday, not June. Think March/April maybe.

    Thanks for reminding me, FWIW.

    • “OMG, Juneteenth – the most ignored “holiday” nobody even remembers.”

      no I beg to disagree..juneteenth is not the most important federal holiday.. Poinsettia day is..
      of course congress doesn’t work it they have that whole month off..
      even though they can’t work on masterbater Mondays and definable need wankor Wednesdays off.. but Poinsettia day is the most important federal holiday..
      we had to work on one of those (YAWN) IMPORTANT holidays so they let us choose which holiday we wanted.. ( we really wanted a second recliner for our hard work ) but took off Poinsettia day. had banners and signs printed up..
      confetti and party hats.. celebrate that one proper.. gift giving ..

  2. Looking at these charts. I guess in the ‘Replaying 19…’ chart the wave after 5 could be two ABCs counter to the trend connected by an X wave.

    In the’ Nov 8…’ chart, what kind of wave is the d to M (“M” could be the double top in the chart and not a label at all)?

    The Rule is, Wave 4 cannot be passed.

    Here’s the biggest argument for Bull Market:

    “With this legislation, the statutory limit on federal borrowing will be suspended until Jan. 1, 2025. Unlike most other developed countries, the United States limits the amount of debt the government can borrow, regardless of any spending allocated by the legislature.”

    – Jun 2, 2023

    • Q: The Rule is, Wave 4 cannot be passed.

      A: Second wave can overlap 4 when it’s 3 waves

      A: Wave 2 is usually a deeper (or higher in a bull market) retracement of Wave 1 and commonly retraces to the 61.8% or 78.6% Fibonacci retracement levels. At times Wave 2 may even retrace to the 100% retracement level but it may not exceed a 100% retracement.

      The .618 and .75 and .8 retracements are in this morning’s data view.

  3. We talkin bout parking..not a race, not a race, we talking parking .
    Park ? We are talking about PARKING, PARKING! We talking about PARKING ! https://youtu.be/eGDBR2L5kzI

    Yo Tex – been crowing all Spring bout new ATH’s, no I aint talking bout Love, my love is rotten to the core, talking new swing HIGH in SPY yesterday – suppress and guess seems to be modus operandi .
    Higher for longer home gamers, this badboy aint going tits up just yet.

    Yes I believe The Everything Collapse of the USA is inevitable now, but like everything else on this prison planet – will take much longer than anyone / current doomsayers are crowing about. .slowly at first, then all of a sudden – call it Logarithmic Decay. Hopefully someone smarter than moi can explain logarithmic decay..Decay being key hear.

    So long SPY Calls, UNG, and BOIL otm Calls. Bullish Gold/Silver/Copper/Cobalt. Short Target, BUD, VHF.

    Cheat Sheet – Home Gamerz Keeping Score at Home:

    “I’m not joking” = pedo joe Lying

    “I’m joking” = pedo joe telling the Truth =frog hair

    Saving = Losing, Investing = Wealth, Belmont today is gambling – Forte#6, Angel of Empire#8, National Treasure #4, Hit Show#7 – straight bets and boxed bets..ex,tri,superfecta and 2 Win bets on #4 and #6

    Got to root root root 4 Ure winners – Root em home..as Baby needs a new pair of Choos this weekend.

    Be Wealthy .

  4. Will Trump be hanged for “treason”?

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 610

    The November 1560 Presage predicts that armed rebellion will occur after an election, “recourse to arms”. This matches Quatrain X-66, “Rebel King shall face an Antichrist so false”, “that places them in conflict together”.

    Will the “exiles further expelled” in the November 1560 Presage be Trump’s newly elected government that finds refuge in Scotland? This is Donald Trump’s ancestral home.

    In the 1557 Presage Triplicate Series, we read about a “Chief” who flees “The Palace”.

    However, there is also the disturbing quote from The Epistle to Henri, “the chief and governor cast out from the middle and hung up in the air”.

    There are also those lines from Nostradamus Quatrain IV-47, “The savage Black [King]… Seeing the great hung by neck and feet.”

  5. Re: “Oversold Bull”


    The CBC offers fodder to the masses upon the surprise visit of the Canadian PM and his Ukrainian-Canadian deputy PM to war-torn Ukraine. A cheque for $500 million was gratefully accepted by the servant of the people. He remarked that “Ukraine needs more friends like Canada”. The guests received a tour of St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Cathedral in Kiev.

    Separately, Mother Corp. notes that Canadian troops are on live-fire exercises in Latvia. They are apparently turning to online equipment vendors due to inferior product offerings of the official Canadian government supply.

  6. https://www.brighteon.com/72e87cc3-e7b1-4a23-ac98-3f96f403f07b

    so who would have ever thought that fake news reporting was real and NOT Russian disinformation after all.. dam so all the investigations prior to the satanic pedo group was real after all.. the thousands of photos ,videos,and web posts by those involved was real after all.
    so is the video fragledrip real .. hmm wanna bet nothing happens now.. even though they finally admit it wasn’t the russians but the agencies cover up and the doj doing everything they can to avoid it..

  7. Until and unless the market closes above 4,305 on the SPX we are still: “Waiting For Gadot.” We went above it the other day, hitting 4,322, then immediately dropped back down and closed at 4,298. Bull market, or not, there is not a lot of upside pressure – no matter how much happy-talk there is flying around. And with so much talk of a new raging bull market starting, and there is a lot, it just smells like a trap.
    5 year treasury is at 3.92 and yet the 30 year is at 3.887
    The bond market is ‘still’ saying that things aren’t quite right.
    The CBOE Volatility Index, or VIX, [ or commonly called The Fear Gauge.] which measures the expected volatility of the U.S. stock market closed at the lowest level in more than three years. The index was at 13.83, matching its February 2020 low, and is down 82% from its closing high of 82.69 on March 16, 2020
    – If you are a bit of a contrarian “investor”, this should scream in your face.
    The GDP is higher than The Fed expected. The Unemployment is much lower than The Fed wants. Inflation is over twice what The Fed wants. Projected inflation is higher than The Fed wants. Consumer spending is higher than The Fed wants. New Jobs are higher than The Fed wants. The three top economies in the E.U. have quietly slipped into a recession and they are still talking of raising interest rates to stop the inflation. From where I sit, in the cheap seats, how is there so much talk of The Fed pausing on hiking the interest rate ? Some Talking Heads are now saying that The Fed may “cut” the interest rate. Guess I missed memo., ’cause I don’t see it. I expect a quarter point hike and then a lot of fall-out in the Banking Sector.

  8. George,
    I know you are fascinated with the decline in tonnage at West Coast ports, but you really should consider the growth in East Coast ports, particularly Charleston and Savannah where labor is much cheaper. When I drive over the bridge into Savannah, I am always amazed at the many newly arrived Korean autos….

    • You DO know Hyundai is made in Alabama and Kia in Georgia, right? They’re currently building a new Kia factory in Savannah and a second factory in Alabama — this one to manufacture their Genesis line…

    • Old conspiracies is why I listen to Art Bell on the AM dial.

      Here’s a conspiracy from the 1940’s. In this conspiracy I think the term “German” is used to describe all light-skinned folks.

      “Over the past 300 years, strong ties have continued to be forged between the English throne and German noble families. King Charles, too, has German ancestry. He even speaks fluent German — with a genteel British accent.”

      From Wiki:

      “I believe that the Jews have a mission in life. They must see to it that the nations of the world get together in one vast federation. “Union Now” is the beginning of this. Slowly but surely the world will develop into a paradise. We will have perpetual peace. And the Jews will do the most to bring about this confederation, because they have the most to gain. But how can you get peace if Germany exists? The only way to win an eternal peace is to make the punishment of waging war more horrible than war itself. Human beings are penalized for murder, aren’t they? Well, Germany starts all the wars of magnitude. Let us sterilize all Germans and wars of world domination will come to an end!”


      Of course the Germans haven’t been sterilized (yet). Look out the window and see the change.

      Here’s the document.

      Germany Must Perish!


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