Designing a Perfect Retirement Home

Oh, sure, you’re thinking “One of those places where old people go to die?


I’m  talking about the average American couple who has looked after their health a bit, has a paid-for home, and wants to live out life there for as long as possible.

What will in take to make a home “work” well into the 80’s and (with any luck) beyond?

This week, we do a bit of planning in that direction, while we update the Trading Model and look at a few headlines along the way.

In keeping with the Peoplenomics outlook, we are not heavily into spending money, so much as we try t buy the right things that will give us a leg up on life.

Do that well and you’re way ahead of the pack…

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4 thoughts on “Designing a Perfect Retirement Home”

  1. Thanks, George.

    You have just given me a focus for this week. I have ‘pinned’ several ideas for freezer and pantry meals that I have been meaning to make. We had to cancel our vacation due to an emergency at work, so now I know what I’m doing with my unexpected free time.

  2. Your predibot is lacking . Add to the list iguanas and Cuban anole lizards. Voracious destructive appetites for anything green, poop like a big dog and dig up retaining and sea walls . What fun . We use rubber snakes, electric solar powered owls , pepper spray you name it all to no avail . They laugh at me.and continue destroying my garden.. Let me know when the predibot has this upgrade avail I will be the first purchaser.

  3. On canning . . . Speaking as one who spent a great deal of vocational time in commercial food service, you are right–you should not be carrying around big pots of product, boiling or otherwise! But speaking as a little old great-granny who keeps a large garden and cans above 300 jars a year, I never do that. Put the pot on the stove and fill it in place. If you want it moved, slide it, don’t carry it. Let it cool before you empty it, and if you have to bail it out to get the weight down, do so. Freezing is great for the short term, but you can’t beat canning for long term storage. They have tested home canning above 100 years old, and found very little diminishing of nutrients. And some things are way better canned . . . tomatoes, juices, pie filling . . . . When you lose power, you’ve got at most four days until you have to make the decision—do we throw the freezer, or can it? If you haven’t been canning all along, you won’t start then! It will look overwhelming.

    I do enjoy your column. Thanks!

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