ShopTalk Sunday: New Life for Used Power Tools

Does Ure want a new top-of-the-line PowerMatic or Laguna, or StopSaw to whip out cabinets and have on hand when G2 gets here (eventually) and puts on his “house-building on the off-shift” pants? But, to tell you the truth, at age 72 even a “convicted tool-slut” (in the Court of Wifely Opinions, no less!), it’s hard for me … Read More

ShopTalk: A UFO “Conspiracy” Becomes Real…

Woo-Woo or Ultra-Science?  That’s the Question. It has been popular in American politics of late to diss all manner of disagreeable and still “information-controlled” alleged facts as “Conspiracies.” To this, the Denying Party then proclaims that ALL Conspiracies are Wrong. This morning, we show otherwise. UFO MATERIAL:  Recovered and Tested Although nothing new to our Peoplenomics readers, … Read More

Coping: Springing Ahead Insanity

I won’t spend much time of today’s column because it’s too logical and sensible:  I believe our whole, planet-wide understanding of time is screwy and uselessly complex. Tonight, at 2 AM, we will “spring ahead” to 3 AM instantly.  You and I will both get screwed our of an hour of sleep. What happens is … Read More

Prepping: My Personal Brain Hacks

You never know when disaster will strike.  I mean, most days you will only need to really think at work for a few minutes a day.  The rest of the time, you’ll be in the process mode.  That’s when you do the “same old thing” over and over and (is it quitting time, yet?)… Without … Read More

Coping: Upping Our “Web Game”

A couple of readers Wednesday noticed that a few things on UrbanSurvival stopped working for a while.  For example, our “header image” went missing for a couple of hours.  And when it came back, the next issue was when people wanted to make a reply to a comment, that button was missing. As of this … Read More

Coping: Levitation Breakthroughs Nearing?

Much as George’s book “Dimensions Next Door” (available on Amazon) had been forecasting, there’s now been a breakthrough home “Maker” project of an antigravity levitator recognized by the IEEE this week…