You may not be old enough to remember the term “SNAFU” but it meant “Situation Normal, All Fouled Up.” With variants for the “eff-word” more common.
As another year begins, we see SNAFU but have concerns this will be part of the larger “reality breaks” implicit in the Multi-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics.
It’s very difficult to wrap your head around, of course, because as Einstein instructs, all existence is an illusion, albeit a persistent one.
But since the economic, pandemic, neocon, and globalist shit-show is rolling out a rerun this morning (when the Dow is +150 on no news, less hope, and more fools, we scratch our heads and wonder what gives?) the larger Reality really matters. Even if our everyday understanding of it is limited.
Another whiteboard huffing morning follows…
Reality Oscillations Increase
In the MWI, things roll along – with the whole country on a train, if you will. Until enough change (think of it as thermal noise) accrues in the system that the “most likely future” changes.
This was famously explained in the Schrodinger’s Cat thought experiment. A cat (sorry, Zeus) is placed in a sealed box with a special radioactive poison. One that gives the cat exactly 50% odds of being alive when the box is opened, right?
As we all (on the world line) roll forward in time (moving left to right in the drawing), the most likely outcome changes based on Observer expectations:
As the track branches, there is literally a Reality Break Point. Depending on which observer group you’re locked with, the cat is either alive (top track) or dead (bottom track).
MWI Implications
As you can see, this has plenty of massively important implicates. Some of which include:
- It explains why both prayers and hunches work. This is because these “lock” you – as an observer – into a specific future.
- It explains why “Reality Breaks” happen. The works of Charles Fort represent a good starting point for additional brain growth. In the Amazon write-up for his The Book of the Damned (Illustrated), the hint as to who (*and where we are) on the evolutionary path was summed up like this: “But it is our expression that there are no positive differences: that all things are like a mouse and a bug in the heart of a cheese. Mouse and a bug: no two things could seem more unlike. They’re there a week, or they stay there a month: both are then only transmutations of cheese. I think we’re all bugs and mice, and are only different expressions of an all-inclusive cheese.”
- It explains Religions. As org-chart exercises, this “grasping to comprehend cheese” represents an almost irresistible marketing opportunity, some portion of which may be based in facts.
- It also provides for Real Miracles. Which may be found at the base of many religions. Because once you know how to “Ride the Divide” (as the WMI changes/splits) you get into this very The Matrix-like space where you can “play from one side of the split” (*of worlds) in the other.
- Splits, however, have logical bounds. Although Charles Fort was the prince of woo-woo writers, his concept of “the cheese” is useful because like “real cheese” there are limits. Which quantum physics might weakly express as “After too-many splits, the WMI ends up in a common future, anyway.” Alternate Realities – like sidings on railroad tracks between, say, Portland, Oregon and Chicago, all get to the same place. But the big switch (hump) yards along the way can be complicated. To borrow the railroad switchman term, people don’t know when they are being “humped” in one of the yards on the way. Ups and downs of Life.
- Prophets? Teachers? Yep, they’re OK, too, under the MWI: Since they have likely found that place we can begin to triangulate on; between waking, sleeping, lucid dreaming, and meditation. An altered state where the Cheese can be seen, our place of which train, and the audience of Simpletons duly impressed.
- And Sadly, Little Matters. Because, at the Big Cheese’s level, we’re all on a dandy ride, we’re all going to Chicago (or Abilene if you’re an MBA). Since we get to the same ends, does ill-behavior, misdirection, manipulation and lying really matter if the endpoint is the same Chicago Cheese Depot?
Oh boy! The really good news is that once you see how this Grand Design works out, it’s a little harder to take Life so seriously. Moreover, just like a good “Escape Room” adventure, there’s a place between the press releases and Plato’s Alcelegory where extreme powers still exist. Which is where “essences of other worlds, realities, and beings” leak-through from.
We’ll get into more of these implicates in Peoplenomics this week as we roll through some amazing commonalities between our (admittedly odd) way of beholding world, and the adventures of one Martin Keller who penned the book The Space Pen Club: Close Encounters of the 5th Kind — UFO Disclosure, Consciousness & Other Mind Zoomers which we kick around.
Because there is likely some facet of mind – barely scraped at in religion, witch & Wicca work, meditation, drug abuse, and SJW self-righteousness that allows for a momentary “click-out” and a direct apprehension of The Cheese.
See, people like Keller are interesting to me. Because (and this will stretch your conceptual mind a bit) we all have (as Alan Watts and Ouspensky) note, a little piece of the Truth.
Now imagine this: To see The Cheese, you will need a thick magnifying glass. But all the magnifying glasses have been split, so that they have only ONE curved surface and ONE flat. Which makes it hopelessly difficult to see jack shit. Everything seems out of focus.
The trick (and the Escape) is to test-fit lots of other “half-lenses” so that you eventually begin to see new things. Which is why Keller’s book is so good. It’s not just UFOs or 10-odd years with CSETI or with Dr. Stephen Greer and D?isclosure Project. Nope. It’s a good “half-lens” from my perspective.
One other note: Charle Fort’s book Lo! is like 99-cents on Kindle (Click other Editions). You want to read this because “In it he details a wide range of unusual phenomena. In the final chapter of the book he proposes a new cosmology that the earth is stationary in space and surrounded by a solid shell which is (in the book’s final words) “.. not unthinkably far away.” Which for 99-cents, seems like a reasonable R.O.I. Besides, all manner of woo-woo is interesting, isn’t it? Plug-in zero-flight time comms and tech then we get moving somewhere…
As I explained in my book “Packing to Die: The Suitcase Between Your Ears” the real exploration is not only the here and now, but more like everywhere and forever. That’s a lot of content to create, ain’t it? Life is just a sentence, maybe two, if a great-effing big Book of Cheese.
Which we’ll get into in Peoplenomics shortly.
Now, where were we? Cheese quest or a Humping Report?
Better Hump
Cheese questing – and other deep thinking – is easily drown out by high noise Life. Which today is dominated by the Big Bogey Virus!
Given the transience of it all, stories like US Coronavirus: Americans may be faced with a different reality in January as Covid-19 sweeps through the nation, experts warn – CNN and Israel’s PM warns of coming COVID-19 ‘storm’ (, sorry, we notice a cover-up in Western media.
Dishonesty by omission? We warned last week, for example, that something doesn’t “pass the smell test” in Xi’an China. Sure enough China: Concern over Xi’an residents’ midnight quarantine – BBC News is worth a read. Our concern would be for a Covid-hantavirus hybrid since hanta rolls in early winter in Sha’anxi province.
Or, how about leading edge of GlobalPop decline seen in Mexico’s coronavirus baby bust: Women are ‘determined’ not to have children – The Washington Post?
Maybe child-free futures are going global – as in Pope says Italy’s plunging birthrate is a ‘tragedy’ | Reuters – But here’s the thing: Terribly DEFLATIONARY since the Growth Paradigm is the globalist’s glue.
Still, between pissed protesting Dutch and reports leaking here that Omicron is subsiding in South Africa : NPR, odds increase Covid will have to be upsold into a new doom porn product this year.
Which explains why made-up money is being shoveled into markets with the Dow up 150-ish and S&P up 26-odd.
As this BBC report belies, “modern medicine” hasn’t gotten anything further than The 432-year-old manual on social distancing – BBC Future. Well, except for all the members of Congress exempt from insider trading in big pharma stocks thereby profiting on the taxpayer heist.
President Looney and More
Vlad Putin’s in a hell of a spot going into the January 10 meetings between Russian and Western leaders. Because ol Brandon is doing what politicians do so well: Talking out of both sides of his mouth. After reassuring Putin the US would not intervene militarily in Ukraine, here comes the report Biden tells Ukrainian president US ‘will respond decisively if Russia further invades’. Decisive nothing? Or can’t Joe remember a signal from one day to the next? Good God, what an idiot.
Really? Journalists recount ‘PTSD’ & trauma after storming of Capitol — RT World News. Should they really be journos? Because as an old-time 1970’s reporter, getting barely missed by batons, and choking on tear-gas was all part of the dance during the Vietnam war protest days. And Jan 6th was hardly that. GTF over it.
Let’s Beat a Dead Horse! Ivanka twice told Trump to ‘stop the violence’ at Capitol riot but was ignored, eyewitness confirms to Jan 6 committee | The Independent. Uh…someone want to tell them Ivanka was not President at the time? Big bet this year may be whether demon-crats can keep beating this all the way to elections in 11 months. One year anniversary is just 4-days off.
Job Hunting Tip: A truck driver shortage is adding to the world’s supply chain woes – Vox.
ATR: Chillin
Yep, around the ranch here in East Texas, a quiet weekend and the usual start of a New Year:
- File folders are set to catch year-end tax statements.
- The computer downloads for business expenses, and bank details are underway.
- Still have to finish leaf blowing.
- And it’s cold as a muthapuckah out there: 22F at click time this morning.
Research help needed: We had a very sharp average temperature gradient change from fall into Winter this year. Going from nearly 80 F last week to 34F for a high here on Sunday.
If you know of any long-term studies of North American seasonal temperature change gradients, please send links. Particularly as they relate to ENSO.
(If you don’t know what ENSO is, the climate brainwashing hasn’t taken hold yet. But, be patient, it will. Or you’ll be in a climate re-education camp within five-years.)
Write when it warms up, or jujst chill…
“January 10 meetings”
What, prewar or postwar meetings? Was the war cancelled?
That war was hyped.
Put a human in the box and have the cat run the experiment. Shoe’s on the other paw now, huh?
I am not exactly sure how anyone expected Trump to “stop” the violence. He was giving a speech at the time, already asking people to peacefully protest. Not sure how any messaging from him was supposed to get to those rioters and why they would pay any attention to him. I really hope with we are done with him in politics, but I fear his ego cannot let it go. The only lasting thing Trump got accomplished was his court appointees, which I don’t think the chapter has been written. He could not even beat a senile person who rarely left their basement. I don’t see why people still support him to lead anything.
I have no doubt the Jan 6 event put the fear of god into our legislators. They had a small dose of reality that if things really do get bad enough in the country, they are likely going to be in the mix of people’s anger. So their tightrope continues to get smaller, how do they continue to grift from the donors and citizens, yet remain in power to enjoy those benefits.
“Not sure how any messaging from him was supposed to get to those rioters and why they would pay any attention to him.”
ANTIFA never paid attention to him before. It’d be unrealistic to expect them to do so when they finally had a couple thousand useful idiots on which to blame their actions.
” He could not even beat a senile person who rarely left their basement. ”
Hard to beat anyone when the vote tallies are 106% of legal voters in an election in which typically only about 60% of voters do so. SOMEBODY got those votes…
“I have no doubt the Jan 6 event put the fear of god into our legislators. ”
Um, no. The Democratic Caucus, at least, was quite fully aware of what was going to go on, before it ever began. They got no “dose of reality.” Instead, WE got a “dose of theater,” which continues to this day.
“ANTIFA never paid attention to him before. It’d be unrealistic to expect them to do so when they finally had a couple thousand useful idiots on which to blame their actions.”
If you told some of the nice gentlemen at the Jan 6th event they were with ANTIFA, I doubt very much they would like it.
“Hard to beat anyone when the vote tallies are 106% of legal voters in an election in which typically only about 60% of voters do so. SOMEBODY got those votes…”
Any proof….
“Um, no. The Democratic Caucus, at least, was quite fully aware of what was going to go on, before it ever began. They got no “dose of reality.” Instead, WE got a “dose of theater,” which continues to this day.”
This I tend to agree with, it is much like the security theater we STILL enjoy when trying to fly somewhere. However, I also believe the Republican Caucus was aware as well.
Yikes Ray…You are one of those Huh?
“If you told some of the nice gentlemen at the Jan 6th event they were with ANTIFA, I doubt very much they would like it.”
I don’t care. The “useful idiots” tag knows no particular political affiliation or ideology.
“Any proof….”
This one’s too easy, and after publishing this here on several occasions, I’m not going to do it again:
You don’t even need numbers from a Trumpist — Drop in on Wikipedia and get the Leftists’ own numbers yourself, then do the math. I can’t prove Trump voters were disenfranchised, but anyone can prove there was massive and widespread fraud…
“However, I also believe the Republican Caucus was aware as well.”
This I don’t know, and can’t logically infer. It wouldn’t surprise me if Mittens, McConnell, and the “never Trump” club knew, and I’d suspect some of the others could guess there was something deceitful coming down the pike after Pelosi and DC’s commie mayor banned National Guard assistance from Trump.
“Yikes Ray…You are one of those Huh?”
Yes, Mark. I’m one of those few, rare individuals who can look at demonstrably true information, apply scientific analysis to it, then draw a coldly logical conclusion based solely on that information.
I refuse to be narrowminded.
I refuse to be closedminded.
I refuse to adopt someone else’s opinion, simply because to do so is the easy, lazy, non-contentious was to do things.
I refuse to accept the belief that there is only one way to look at a situation or scenario, and with any such scenario, the only important data is the data which someone else tells me is important.
I call BS on the election numbers. Here is a LEGITIMATE link providing an explanation.
“I call BS on the election numbers. ”
From the WTHR article:
“Adding up all these registered voters from each state shows nearly 214 million Americans – not 133 million — registered to vote in 2020. That means the total number of votes for both Trump and Biden easily falls within the number of registered voters.”
People who turned 18 after November 3rd, 2020 were not eligible to vote in the 2020 General Election.
Neither are foreign U.S. residents, either legal or otherwise.
People who’ve been convicted of a felony are not eligible to vote.
People who are currently incarcerated are not eligible to vote in many jurisdictions.
Etc., etc.
I stated there were 152.8 million ELIGIBLE voters for the 2020 General Election. “Eligible” voters are those who are both legally-registered and legally-entitled to vote.
I stand by this number.
Based on prior performance, I don’t acknowledge the ability of Comcast employees to research, locate, and properly use data of any kind. Even assuming the “news” director at WTHR did his(her) own “research,” do you honestly believe they wouldn’t have used many of the numbers already supplied by NBC News?
BTW, I agree with the “WTHR Verify Team” with their assertion that the farcebook number of 133 million is low. ‘Problem is there are a number of voter demographic-definitions and words have meanings.
I don’t care about “registered voters” because that number has been bastardized by registering millions of ineligible voters.
I don’t care about “likely voters” because that’s someone’s guess regarding how many people will show up at the polls for the next election, based on how many have shown up in previous, similar elections.
I sure as hell don’t care about “potential voters” because that’s taking the guess regarding “likely voters” and multiplying that guess by a second guess, pulled straight from someone’s posterior region.
“World Population Review” is the principal source for the WTHR spin on their NBC-furnished base numbers. WPR is essentially unbiased WRT the numbers they generate, but often use highly-biased sources whose data they take, unweighted. They have not yet learned the GIGO Principal. They also did not run numbers for eligible voters.
BTW, there are roughly 90mln citizen-kids in the U.S. and 60mln foreign aliens, not counting the ones who’ve bum-rushed our Southern border over the past few years.
If you want to unequivocally believe in the reporting of WTHR, and take what they say at face value, that’s okay.
I choose to use numbers I acquire or generate from data I myself uncover, either weighted for bias, or accepted at face value when bias couldn’t corrupt it.
The thing about this whole Jan 6 debacle JoeDish was instigated more by BLM and Antifa; which agitated the far-right nitwits. Thus, the FBI does not know how to actually tell Congress and the American people…their facial identification and matrix probably have told them.
you noticed how fast the rioting and looting quit the minute that Joe took office.. it was instantly.. job done..
And another…
“And another…”
Yup… after four years of non stop hate on network television and the constant belittling of Trump on every show by the democrats.. I said long before the election to just give it up.. then when it looked like it was a slam dunk.. every major city had BLM and Antifa protestors terrorizing the cities.. destruction and theft people getting hurt.. defunding the police departments in the highest crime area’s.. where
George Floyd was killed.. they tell me you can’t even drive through that neighborhood anymore without being shot at..
On top of it.. I knew people that went to one of the demonstrations and there were guys out there offering five and ten grand cash to break windows or start fights. all of that ended the minute he stood down from office…He should have dropped it right away and walked away.. I never thought he would be allowed to be in office from the beginning….
Now I think it is pretty much to late. We are beyond the tipping point and there isn’t enough money to draw down the deficit.. unless they move to use what Trump had been saying they should.. Both candidates were sorry excuses but I believe that Trump at least has some morals and ethics.. .. the only thing keeping the economy going right now is them printing money.. of course this is all just my opinion.. the correction is coming.. we will be the new Zimbabwe I see the price increase now.. on the evening news they said there was a twenty percent increase in food…. I barely drive anywhere and I spend almost three hundred a month on fuel.
It all bothers me a lot..and there isn’t a dam thing anyone can do about any of it..
Please Mark, take your pills.
Then you can watch “Don’t Look Up” to find out how things really work in our idiocracy.
Here’s a couple of good resources for all things ENSO.
A Scientific American article discussed the possibility of the “multiverse,” where more than our observable universe exists. Max Tegmark, noted astrophysicist, categorized 4 levels or types of multiverses.
Level I (other such regions far away in space where the apparent laws of physics are the same, but where history played out differently because things started out differently), Level II (regions of space where even the apparent laws of physics are different), Level III (parallel worlds elsewhere in the so-called Hilbert space where quantum reality plays out), and Level IV (totally disconnected realities governed by different mathematical equations).
Some scientists think that alien life forms likely exist in the multiverse. See:
Jacques Fabrice Vallée, the scientist whom Steven Spielberg based one of his characters on in “Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind,” believes UFOs are inter-dimensional, as intergalactic space travel has too many obstacles wrt the relativity space-time hurdles. See:ée
Humanity is beginning to enter an age of profound transformation, if we survive the transition process. Our species has progressed from groveling in the dirt to traveling to the moon. Europa may be our physical limit in the corner of space/time. Perhaps the Philadelphia Experiment and Mantauk Project were the start of this next age of exploration, akin to Henry the Navigator rounding the Horn of Africa centuries ago. But will such exploration result in one-way journeys, with no way to communicate back to our own dimension? Perhaps harnessing quantum entanglement will enable cross-dimensional communication systems, with their instantaneous “spooky action at a distance” characteristic.
Perhaps time travel starts at layer 2? Granted the UI is the application layer. The message is the Carrier.
Imagine arriving at an end point of an operation or event [in 3D space] and asking the question? What were all of the events, key items, and interactions that led to this occurrence? Model it. Spooky? No. Your future self sending messages back into the quantum field for you to receive in present tense? Yes. Thats the stuff of the quantum play space.
This is your best post in a while.
Two thing come to mind with your article.
First the funny one ( well maybe not) SNAFU is better than FUBAR, I am not sure, but I think we are on the edge of FUBAR much closer to that now.
Second, I don’t have any info on your weather request other than, Did you hear about 5 to 7 years ago the feds made everyone that deals with weather sign agreements that they CANNOT send out any info. that has NOT been preapproved FIRST! they are hiding things. IMAGINE that. and where I live the weather is not normal as per the 80 year old locals, and the earth’s position from my home way points show the tilt is much more in the last 20 years I have lived here.
Tell me who had to sign what, under what auspices, by what law, power, and so on. Had not heard that but it is most interesting if you can fill in with some source thanks
I will try to find the article it was posted in the El Paso times and then I read more about it in some other sites. but it was valid.
What I read had more in it than this, but shows what I was talking about.
“I am not sure, but I think we are on the edge of FUBAR much closer to that now.”
Unfortunately MHW NM… I believe that the Democrats have taken us from the edge of a th total FUBAR to the here and now FUBAR.
I’m just waiting for the greedy to make the frog jump to light up the planet…sending us all back to the stoneage..
And if they don’t jump.. we spiral down the economic destruction as the economy fails and the dollar collapses..
“Now, where were we? Cheese quest or a Humping Report?
Better Hump
Cheese questing – and other deep thinking – is easily drown out by high noise Life.”
don’t forget the “retarders” every hump yard has them, they can be heard, a loud squeal, when they fail to work, it is a loud bang as the fast rolling railcar comes to an abrupt stop
Rail lines like time lines, diverge only to converge, like magnetic lines of force.
Bailey Yard,-north-platte,-nebraska.html
Well now I have to go look up Martin Keller
Well George, it was some years ago that, thanks to you, I found out about G.A. STEWART ‘s site, The Age of Desolation.
I don’t know if you are familiar with Greg Hunter ‘s USA WATCHDOG site, where I have been a frequent commenter, often including excerpts from posts with links from The Age of Desolation, as well as Urban Survival when it fit in with topics such as Covid, the economy, Trump etc.
All of a sudden on Christmas eve, Greg Hunter became paranoid and delusional, accusing me of commenting as JC, but in reality being G.A.STEWART!
And so, I have officially been banned from any further comments on the USA Watchdog site.
I contacted Stu at Desolation about this bizarre situation, and he immediately took action. The details about it are included in his latest post.
A friend of my added a comment speaking in my defense, but the comment never got past moderation, and probably others as well.
George, I consider Stu a good friend, and it is all thanks to you.
Happy New Year.
Oh, you’re THAT JC. I read Stu’s column yesterday. What a bizarre situation.
Yes, I’m THAT JC.
Correction: It was New Years Eve, not Christmas Eve.
I think I did more harm than good. But that was a slap in the face to me too. Thanks for sticking up for me in the first place!
I’m wondering if one of Hunter’s fans is seeing these comments, and if he will notify Hunter that G.A. STEWART is at it again, pretending to be JC communicating with himself here?
Hunter often states that “Jesus is real!”
Maybe he should pose the question, “Jesus, I ask for your guidance, is JC and G.A. STEWART, one and the same person?”
LMAO, George’s Multiverse for real!
Just read your reply, Stu, and the only thing I can say is “Thank You for your service”… and I am NOT talking about military service. Service to mankind. Let those with eyes to see…. ears to hear…
OT but I figured i’d inject it here, anyway:
“Of the pursuit of fire anger, hatred and envy”
That quote from you, Stu, scares the crap outta me, because that’s how I read Joe Biden’s personality…
Hi JC,
It’s Ray here mate…..from Canberra in The Lap Dog Nation.
It’s hard to believe how that situation blew up out of proportion on New Years Eve between you and Greg Hunter!
I left a comment at USAW in your defence yesterday. Greg posted it to his credit.
At least I know I can find you here from now on.
Take care Brother…….your comments are always incisive, considered and respectful……. and I have you to thank for leading me over to the great site The Age Of Desolation.
Keep throwing out the left jab mate!
Canberra, Lap Dog Nation
Hi Ray,
Thanks, I saw your comment, and I was expecting it, however I was somewhat surprised that Hunter posted it.
I guess you read G.A. STEWART ‘s two latest posts and found your way here to Urban Survival. That’s great. Maybe Hunter will read them and
come to his senses.
Reminds me of back in the day when boxes of Government Cheese was the best damn cheese, ever. Nobody knew what it really was but, it was the best damn cheese, ever !!
I think it was the equivalent to what a stimulus check is today.
I’ve actually caught more mice with peanut butter, than cheese. Hemp seeds work well too. – can’t talk understandably with a mouth full of peanut butter … and if there’s enough hemp seeds consumed, (legalized) who cares if it’s a trap?
Thing is, don’t take the bait.
Nothin but contradictions in the news. Everyone’s talking out of both sides of their mouth, on every level, on every issue … even on non-issues. The land of confusion. And when people get lost in it all, and can’t see the important stuff right in front of them, they speak from their behind and question someone else’s masculinity … just trying to push a button because they have no idea how the gears work. It’s pathetic.
Yep, this is our world which proves, sometimes fact is stranger than Fouci. (If you can test positive for covid for up to 12 weeks, for God’s sake, put a 13 week waiting time on retesting.)
I’m glad to hear (something?) will come of all this, but I doubt it will be as good as those boxes of cheese we were once given.
I went to high school in eastern in Oklahoma and had a friend whose dad married a Choctaw woman. She had two daughters and my friend had two brothers (my friend’s family wasn’t Native Americans). It was like the Choctaw Brady Bunch.
Anyway, once a month the Choctaw Nation provided them what was called ‘commodities’. Instead of food stamps they went down to Broken Arrow and picked up a car load of food. It was really an enormous amount of all kinds of basically non-perishables canned and dry goods. It was really more than they could eat. The things that I remember that they got were canned salmon, stove top stuffing, powered eggs and especially delicious government cheese, but it was much more than that. The cheese came in a big block in a card board box. I had never had powered eggs before, but if cooked with milk and butter they were really fantastic, I thought. Sometimes they’d give us the canned salmon and other things that they couldn’t use. At the time I thought that was pretty fancy because it wasn’t something that people normally bought because it was so expensive in the stores.
My Dad bought a farm from a fella who was forced to sell just to pay the back taxes. Dirt poor folks, barely had electric and their water was from a spring in the back. No plumbing but I remember a privy.
When we took possession they still had a ton of empty and half-empty government “commodities”. It was probably all they had to eat, plus a chicken or two.
I believe they still fo maj..
The year we went without an income a friend dropped off a few cans of beef for us from the res..
PB – “Reminds me of back in the day when boxes of Government Cheese was the best damn cheese, ever. Nobody knew what it really was but, it was the best damn cheese, ever !!”
It was “VELVEETA CHEESE” in disguise. Great for grilled cheese & a favorite of the common man.
Nope it was NOT Velveeta… which is NOT actually cheese but a “cheese product”. We had it at my house for years when my elderly mom got commodities and it was a very excellent cheddar cheese. It made wonderful pimento cheese, mac and cheese and grilled cheese. I have had a block of it next to a block of velveeta and everything is different.. color, consistency, smell, and taste.
“boxes of Government Cheese was the best damn cheese, ever. Nobody knew what it really was but, it was the best damn cheese, ever !!”
The peanut butter was the best to.. they would take oil out of the peanut butter so it was dry.. add a little peanut oil and it was the best.. everyone would give me their peanut butter LOL…
Amen translates correctly as…to expect. Hence, when you finish your prayer, it is followed by a serious…I expect (this to happen). Hence…observer creates occurance.
As in abracadabra – loosely as I speak, I create…
Thank you for this information! I may have misunderstood a major aspect of prayer and expectation! Appreciation, longing, and gratitude have their place, but expectation? That never even occurred to me.
Two things:
1) When you used that film-splitting graphic a couple of years back, it reminded me of my years spent sitting in front of a six-plate Moviola 35mm motion picture editing bench. (two visual, and one full-coat sprocketed magnetic audio track.) Sometimes, when editing with a razor and sticky tape, one PUTS BACK a clip previously removed for some reason. Likewise, in Universe, the visual tracks COULD re-combine into one-hundred percent agreement. We think Universe(s) split endlessly when a conscious mind makes an observation or a decicion. But I can’t see any reason preventing downstream re-integration of two slightly different Universes back into a single common and congruent track.
Small total running time differences while the tracks are split may make for a handle to experimentally test this idea.
2) The vast majority of my contacts are now either long-retired, or have passed away. This is normal.) But, a couple of years ago, I was amazed that none — zero – nada – none – zip — would talk AT ALL about the subject of UFOs. SOME SURELY had SOME knowledge — even if that knowledge was that the entire field was wrong, crazy, stupid, Bravo Sierra, fantasy, and/or self-delusion. (Setting aside the crooks and parasites,)
Nobody. That, ITSELF, is… …interesting.
One guy, one time, raised one corner of the tent flap a teensy bit, and said this, “Suppose a God-Awful, Gigantic, Terrible, Incredible, Dangerous secret existed, that you knew about, and had been told and convinced truly that disclosure in the tinyest manner would absolutely and entirely destroy the world, would you disclose it? I mean, yes, The People have a Right to Know — but is that entirely and always the best thing? Can you imagine — at least in the abstract — a secret so awful that releasing it would ruin the world? Does The People’s Right to Know mean that YOU can or should utterly destroy them by blabbering? Most normal people would — could — keep that secret. Much better for all, if the know-ers were an extremely small group, and even most Presidents of the United States weren’t qualified or allowed to know.”
Then, he clammed up. Permanently. Now, he’s gone.
– 73 –
“reminded me of my years spent sitting in front of a six-plate Moviola 35mm motion picture editing bench. (two visual, and one full-coat sprocketed magnetic audio track.)”
Been there myself William.. the good ole days I always wanted to be the next ansel adams..that was my child hood dream.. I use to get a thrill out of looking for the subliminals that were in place.. on Mopic.. of all of us that went to school only two are still with it.. well one makes barrels for the jack daniels.. but he takes some really great shots of birds and insects.. the other works as a gardener but does model photo’s in his spare time.. and one teaches at GW University… the rest of us.. well one is in a nursing home had a massive stroke.. he was an editor..
The hit gift I gave this year was the 14 dollar spotting scope. from china. everyone loves it.. it doesn’t have the ten mile radius they claim but dam over a mile crystal clear images.. uses the image stacking.. similar to the old range finders..
“Suppose a God-Awful, Gigantic, Terrible, Incredible, Dangerous secret existed, that you knew about, and had been told and convinced truly that disclosure in the tinyest manner would absolutely and entirely destroy the world, would you disclose it? I mean, yes, The People have a Right to Know — but is that entirely and always the best thing? Can you imagine ”
“Can you imagine a god awful gigantic terrible incredible dangerous secret being kept a secret when it involves a hundred committees and a thousand different research centers with hundreds of employees working on a section of it.. ”
Fat chance of keeping it hush.. out of the thousands of people working on it studying it… they will tell their families.. I can’t tell you why but you should put in a bunker.. I use to watch renovation nation.. and when I started to see people that I knew about on it putting in different things.. then I would take notice..
INSTEAD.. I believe that everything is released.. and released so that it looks like it was fake story that looks so ridiculous .. then see how much they spend to discredit that information they released.. the third page news playing both sides of the coin.. if you see a story that is so absurd then see that there is so much attention to discredit it.. that is what I research to see where it goes… the why did they spend so much to discredit something that anyone would just say is stupid and toss in the trash.. some of them get really ugly the deeper you dig into them..
What bothers me about that ‘explanation’ is WHO OR WHAT determined that it was a secret that could not be told to the public. It reeks of the Holier-than-thou, ‘authorities know best’ attitude. It all goes back to the Rand Corp. ‘think-tank’ report that said, basically, “you public can’t handle the truth” and predicted all sorts of civilization ending events if ‘aliens’ were ever disclosed. Now with government obsessed with self-reservation of the status quo, of course they don’t want to rock the corrupt boat they have constructed for themselves. Same as it ever was.
“What bothers me about that ‘explanation’ is WHO OR WHAT determined that it was a secret that could not be told to the public.”
I understand that position Hank. I to have thought the same thing.back in the early seventies.. a submarine had a communication issue.. at the same time a flock of geese was flying towards the USA.
Everyone was shoved down in the bunkers.. anticipation of a missile attack.. I asked then..why not warn the public.. the answer I got was..can you imagine the chaos it would create.. the mass panic..
People with a herd mentality it would be catastrophic..
Look at what BLM and ANTIFA did.. news coverage showing people looting raping and destroying imagine it was something more serious than a couple of people in a position of authority that commited a crime..
So I totally get it..
There won’t be a get to shelter warning..that’s why I have friends close to the bunkers..
If theres a lot of activity going on I will hear about it..then again..what would I in circles pulling my hair out in a panic.
The scene in the movie war games where the computer says..strange game professor..the only winning move is not to play at all..
Then you see the politicians jumping at the gifts theyare given out of greed instead of working..
LOOB, I saw first hand what happens when the public gets a MISSILE ATTACK WARNING on their cellphones. It happened to us here in Hawaii. There was mass confusion in the big city as people were looking for the nearest ‘cover’. I saw video of one man who had opened a manhole in the street and was sitting on the edge with his toddler daughter, ready to jump into the hole.
Personally I was driving into the village to gas up the car, with plans to drive to Hilo town for shopping. When the alert came on the cellphone it was one of those ‘this cannot be real!’ moments. I reasoned that nobody would waste a nuke on the jungles of Puna with no military assets. So I gassed up the car and returned home to wait for the results. What followed was an agonizing wait for a pseudo-retraction as the State ‘Authorities’ (Idiots-in-charge) could not admit their error nor properly retract it in the same manner it went out.
There is now a push to give the missile warning authority to the military as the State has demonstrated it’s incompetence. But even if some ‘body’ has authority and intent to warn the public, it sometimes fails. I’m a ham radio operator. Our motto: “When all else fails, ham radio works”. Gathering information from as many diverse sources as possible is key to making survival decisions.
Daddy had a good friend who came up through the Navy and was working in some capacity for the CIA.
I asked him once about UFO’s.
He said, “You really don’t want to know.”
We left it at that.
It was surprising because he was usually very open about “secret” things such as soviet submarine technology, hot spots in the world, etc.
That was maybe 1980.
CPA Prep – His comment makes no sense since he was usually open. Why would he not answer the UFO question? He did not respond, “I would have to kill u If I told you”, but responded “you really don’t want to know”. Of course you wanted to know or you would not have asked. What was the real reason for his non answer? Read between the lines if needed & let us know. You can’t just drop bombshells like this without at least attempting to find an answer. Think it out. There must be clues available if you think back in time. Did u ever spot a UFO? Why did u ask the question in the first place?
NC: no response as in “the truth is something so horrible that you would not want to contemplate it being true” was how I interpreted it.
I have not personally seen a UFO. But there have been enough unexplained sightings by credible witnesses that are familiar with all the usual explanations (pilots know weather phenomena) to dismiss it. I believe that I have been “visited.” I have a memory – not a dream, a well defined memory – of being watched as a kid. But I don’t really know how the memory got there; I have no before or after context in memory.
My sister, who lived in the deep E TX piney woods most of her life (I’m a Marshall boy), has seen a UFO and believes to this day that she was abducted.
Suppose that we’re in a barely stable bubble of virtual consensus reality, held in place by our shared beliefs. Perhaps enough people knowing the reality of the saucer folks would shatter our entire existence and our holosphere universe would break. That’s far out, but no more so than quantum mechanics.
We might not want to know. It might not be as benign as The Matrix!
CPA Prepper: I had this thought that maybe your Dad or Mom or both were Aliens or children of Aliens. That could account for his reaction. Another idea would be that he was abducted & the experience was to horrible to even mentioned or they may have said to him, if you ever tell anyone, we will harm your family. Or a combination of the two.
“I asked him once about UFO’s.
He said, “You really don’t want to know.”
Yup.. as in.. they are the farmers and we are the cattle..
Look at the fake news story a few tears ago about the pedophile ring in the northeast.. that involved high ranking politicians and huge businessmen.. the deeper you dug into it..the uglier it got..
Look at old pagan rituals.. they all came from somewhere..
Luckily it was all fake just like that hard drive from hell..
” if the know-ers were an extremely small group, and even most Presidents of the United States weren’t qualified or allowed to know.”
I had a friend.. that had a photo of him in the oval office with another guy.. that i knew and worked day labor with…there was a photo of him with every president from 45 up till Jr. when he passed on.. the other guy moved to canada in the late eighties for a while and had a fish farm.. ( he is back now though. I seen him and we joked around a few months ago at the VA.. he is in a nursing home now uses a walker )
IF a president had a curiosity on a subject then.. My guess is similar to my friends visits to the oval office… if all the presidents wanted to hear what someone knew about any subject. they to would go and ask those that would know and find out..
The fact that UFO rumor’s have not been disclosed is probably in the .. you really don’t want to know category.. Similar to the story a few years ago involving top politicians and industrialists you really didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole..the deeper it went the stranger and uglier it got. similar to that hard drive….
UFO “visitors,” up to this point, haven’t been a danger in any way. That doesn’t mean all of the potential visitors are friendly (or even benign.) It also doesn’t mean we could do anything about it, if an unfriendly chose to have its way with us…
“UFO “visitors,” up to this point, haven’t been a danger in any way.”
Can you imagine how bad they would be Ray.. if they acted like humans
“Can you imagine how bad they would be Ray.. if they acted like humans”
Which is why, I assume, they’re around.
You analogized earlier that they were the farmers and we the cattle. I think this is incorrect. I believe they are the Conservationists and we the hatchery spawn.
Their presence here is as overseers — to ensure we are not loosed on the Universe until we’ve learned how to behave ourselves.
“Still, between pissed protesting Dutch and reports leaking here that Omicron is subsiding in South Africa : NPR, odds increase Covid will have to be upsold into a new doom porn product this year.”
Naw. Read that thing by that Indiana insurance company which “Cashbox” linked to ( the other day:
“The head of OneAmerica insurance said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”
As dishonest as NIH has been over SARS CV-19 and its current variants, and as complicit in that dishonesty as the media has been, do you honestly believe the MSM won’t dice this (and other similar reports) up and publish/preach/pundit the hell out of it, to rewrite the narrative as being, somehow COVID-related, and probably related to the unvaxxed…?
{Hint: They’re already doing it, and have been on farcebook & twit since before New Year’s Eve (the quotes in this article were transcribed from a virtual conference held on Dec. 30th.}
Look at the above, and see how it can be manipulated significantly, unless one includes the following, found later in the Release:
Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said.
“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.”
He said at the same time, the company is seeing an “uptick” in disability claims, saying at first it was short-term disability claims, and now the increase is in long-term disability claims.
The CDC weekly death counts, which reflect the information on death certificates and so have a lag of up to eight weeks or longer, show that for the week ending Nov. 6, there were far fewer deaths from COVID-19 in Indiana compared to a year ago – 195 verses 336 – but more deaths from other causes – 1,350 versus 1,319.
I suspect the pre-pandemic death rate in Indiana was somewhere around 1000. It’d be interesting to know for what Indiana’s disability claims are arising. Cardio-pulmonary issues might well indicate long-term or permanent COVID-related damage…
Double slit? The choice offered is binary. Live/dead. There are other possibilities that weren’t choices until we put them out there.
– before the experiment the cat escaped from the box while nobody was looking.
– the cat had kittens in the box and now there are many cats in the box.
– the poison dealer sold fake poison.
It is our job to put possibilities out there so probabilities can be weighted.
The airlines claim they are grounding flights because of weather.
Since a second idea isn’t out there it can’t be a choice.
Rumor is planes are being grounded because immigrant labor has been planting explosives on the planes.
Before we put it out there, immigrant labor planting explosives on planes wasn’t a possibility. But now there is probability because immigrant labor planting explosives on planes has become a choice.
Now another possibility for grounding planes is space aliens contacted then President Trump and told him to stop with the fossil fuels or else.
Not space aliens. Interdimensional beings.
Another possibility.
That’s why it’s important to support the Time Machine project.
If we support the project, the inventor might be working on it. If an inventor is working on it, there’s a probability of success.
And all we have to do is believe. The rest is Matrix Magic.
That Cat has claws; best not to provoke it.
“since the economic, pandemic, neocon, and globalist shit-show is rolling out a rerun this morning (when the Dow is +150 on no news, less hope, and more fools, we scratch our heads and wonder what gives?)”
In the late seventies… we had a thing called the MONEY GAME…
Also known as the mandala game.. the circle of paradise etc.. many names for the same thing..
the thing is.. to keep it going.. you had to hype it up and keep it moving it couldn’t ever hit a negative the minute the velocity of cash stops it ends.. when the velocity of cash or stocks stops then it implodes and we will be in hell.. the same with the economy..
as long as cash moves and there is a sense of security it will continue the positive illusion.. just like Bit Coin..In my opinion BC isn’t anything but a simple Ponzi scheme similar to the money game.. .. money passes to some undisclosed location they push it along you think your getting ahead but in reality there isn’t a thing there…. and who gets it doesn’t really matter it was a way to pass money through dark web and stay hidden from view..the same thing with offshore banking.. but then that is my opinion..
So why is the stock market staying positive.. you do expect investors of substance in the higher classes to at least have some brains.. not just a bunch of drooling idiots.. so why would they keep it up.. My thought is the money game.. to keep it going they have to keep a positive movement even though the country is printing faster than the speed of sound to keep money flowing.. the minute it stops.. it crashes.. and when it crashes.. the money you have isn’t worth a plug Nickle.. bread shoots up to a million or trillion dollars a loaf.. a happy meal is the cost of a years wages.. we will in essence be Zimbabwe.. those in the federal reserve.. they loose control.. china walks in with a gold backed security.. and takes the spot at the top.. it is a waiting game.. it is going to happen.. the only option they have is to keep dumping money on the table to keep it moving.. has some very interesting history of weather modification.
” After reassuring Putin the US would not intervene militarily in Ukraine, here comes the report Biden tells Ukrainian president US ‘will respond decisively if Russia further invades’. ”
This appears to be because the US journos don’t know the meaning of the word “UNILATERAL,” but it’s really so they can justify things when the U.S. attempts to flood Ukraine with NATO troops & assets.
Biden said we would not go in UNILATERALLY; he did NOT say we wouldn’t get involved or deal ourselves in.
“Biden tells Ukrainian president US ‘will respond decisively if Russia further invades’. ”
Watch what happens.. if we do.. just watch.. not a psychic here but it is really obvious how everything is being put in place..
a cold adult beverage bet that if we rush in.. it will be the poison pawn trap four swift moves.. the USA bet on greed and money.. we still have three years and eighteen days to survive.. this mess
“If you know of any long-term studies of North American seasonal temperature change gradients, please send links. Particularly as they relate to ENSO.”
I know of none I’d trust. ENLN haven’t been known long enough for a proper climate study to have been made, so there’s lots of computer modeling based purely on guesswork. Models done over the past ~30yrs are going to be tainted by global warming disease, and are therefore going to be even less accurate than those done previous, and based purely on data.
…And the question remains: Is the Beast of Satan allegorical, or real? I can think of nothing else, the revelation(sic) of which would ruin the World or destroy humanity: Perhaps von Däniken made a good guess?
I believe we shall soon see.
Since Satan is a construct of man’s attempt to explain his views on religion., how could we possibly know whether “The Beast of Satan” is allegorical, or real ??
Daniel hasn’t been wrong yet. Coming soon, a one world government controlled by ten kings. Three get displaced making room for the BoS.
Wonder why no one talks about the Poles Shifting? That’s always been my reasoning for the weather changes.
Look at those old creation stories and the time when the planet was under water … and a big boat saved the world. (UFO?)
Gods and giants were here …
Unknown reasons our DNA was altered back when humans were banging rocks together trying to get a spark.
Biggest human trafficking dude (died?) in 2019 … release of bioweapon about the same time. Guess his job was done.
Where are all those missing kids? Are they coming back? … after the poles shift?
I hate secrets. They just make my think stupid things.
“It explains Religions. As org-chart exercises, this “grasping to comprehend cheese” represents an almost irresistible marketing opportunity.”
I do watch them occasionally on the TV trying to explain some of it; I’m amazed what B?S they can get away with, and find huge audiences too ;-).
From my perspective it’s going to be interesting rather much sooner than later. BTW., I’d be interested what YOUR thoughts are about the “Utube” reported near-death experiences.
I am suspicious about this near-death but not the final-death issues. Happy 2022 to all of you!
Choices, give me a link to those near death videos … I’ll comment
Just type in “NDE” or “Near Death Experience” and you’ll get a ton of them. They vary within a range but all are interesting.
This was a particularly long interview but I found it interesting.
The secret is sooo bad – you all dont believe right now.
“they” are here, have been here – underground..reptilians, hello?
M. Sallas recently posted coordinates for the “tall whites”/space nazi base
underground – Anartica , east of 2 dutch research stations – Google Earth Pro ? Farsight .org has program on this alien/reptilian base in queen maude land area..they always build their bases/forts in close proximity to naturally ocuring Star gate/portal.
as for all the millions of missing children = business model..have you seen the price of Veal in the market lately?
We are close as a Civilization to achieving Freedom, once again. Every time Humanity reaches this point – an “Engineered” “unNatural” Disaster strikes – 4 cycles so far – coming up on #5..wont be floods this time..Fire ? Twin Meteors for a Dueces wild 2022 ?
nah – lets hope not.
Pathfinder, that was not my intention ;-(
My wish was more directed toward GU,
and perhaps it might inspire him to write
about it in a future column, perhaps?!
No problem. Sorry for misunderstanding.
“I’d be interested what YOUR thoughts are about the “Utube” reported near-death experiences.”
I have a ..just ask anyone that works in direct patient care..all of us have more than enough stories to share. From the patients about to pass the barrier seeing family friends.
I believe in spirits to.. a patient passed on and family put their stuff on a porch till they could come get it.. in this stuff was an exercise bike..every night about 1 am ( curiously enough that was the time the patient passed on ..riding that bike) you could hear someone on that bike peddling like hell.. new unbeliever employees would be left at the office next to the porch while we would do rounds just so we could hear the incredible story about that bike.
My favorite one was the woman that died.. the aid working the wing came over to get me..the nurse and doctor had just called the death. The nurse told me sd he wanted me to handle the preparation because thesis handover dealt with someonethathad passed on. Which was bathing the deceased and laying out the clothes for their funeral..
The patient was extremely fussy about the had to be perfect. Her normal routine was up at 4 bed made.. watch the early news have toast and coffee..
So.. I got the clothes the basin of warm water..the bath blanket the wash clothes etc.. then I gently picked her up from the chair and lo aid her on the bed.. instantly she jumps up and say .. what do you think your doing.. you messed up my bed.. I seen it all.. after I got my composure I asked.. where were you.. I was up in the corner with the make my bed and get my coffee and I was walking past the nurses station.. the funeral home was there checking out the body..everyone looked at me with shock and the nurse asked me. What are you doing..I said..well she says she ain’t going anywhere until she has her coffee and lol she lived 3 more years to a ripe old age of 103..
many more stories after 40 plus years you see a a lot of people..all walks of life..
aye . what do yah say? hope vlads putting crosses for targets right now . sick evil vegetables . jab yas all yah zombies
This didn’t take long. From Zerohedge:
As the church lady would say, “Well isn’t that special”
Jim in Mo,
Nothing like a generous serving of pi to feed the masses before they vote in April’s French elections.
Keep the danger going. Flurona. LOL
Flurona ground through the anagramer is Ran Foul.
actually how does new king of the snake oil ackerman get his new hidden pivot of 4909 in the e mini sand p . he gets it right its all done in futures contracts . but that number is not even on the silver screen of dystopian hell .. like you zombies would beleive anything a vege king turd from isle of muck would tell you
The United States Hegemony Peak Valuation from 1807: 36/90/90 years; x/2.5x/2.5x … Expect the unexpected … A Great Global Crash devaluation representing a deterministic self-assembly y/2.5y/2.5y fractal decay series replay of 1929 … 1929 decay fractal series: 11/26/27 days … 2021: (Oct 12, 2021 NASDAQ Comp) 11/25/23 of 27 days. 11 days: 2/4/5/3 days :: x/2x/2.5x/1.5x; 25 days: 4/9/10/6 :: x/2-2.5x/2.5x/1.6x; 27 days 3(down going)/8/5 days :: y//2.5y/1.6y and 3/7/2 of 6 days :: x/2-2.5x/2x. Bitcoin in USD: 27/59 months :: x/2-2.5x. From the March 2020 low … 7//(3/8/8 = 17) months // the final 8 months 5/10/10/7 of 7 weeks or 20+/51/41/27 of 31 days.(both fractal series x/2-2.5x/2x/1.5x. Bitcoin and blockchain technology represent humanity’s possible salvation from money exchanging banking and financial intermediaries, money printing global central banks, re-election-goal-oriented power-retaining politicians, and for the not-so-sovereign indidivual, identity theft of all personal records.
That Cat has claws; best not to provoke it.
What If The Largest Experiment On Human Beings In History Is A Failure?
“It is starting to look to me like the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history has failed.”
—Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA “vaccine”
OR it’s just going to another phase. It’s not over yet.
This is sad, and something I’d expected. I’d hoped to be wrong. It now seems to be reaching the stage that its no longer possible to hide the truth. IMHO, this was planned, and not simply a bad decision, like the Thalidomide tragedy. The next real experiment will be trying to save those ravaged by foreign mRNA and endogenously produced spike proteins. The consequences are likely to be somewhat random, like radiation poisoning. There may be a way to safely scavenge spike proteins and turn off those cells that keep spewing them, but that will be brand new experimental medicine. There are endogenous reverse transcriptases and they can and probably will incorporate the mRNA genome sequence back into some(perhaps random) cells, including even germ line cells with unpredictable expression. That would be the worst case for those still able to reproduce. I can see the Deagel predictions unfolding as a consequence.
The universities are still demanding shots, including boosters.
yep this joint like everything yada yada yada. have a good bullsheet night especially ricky snake oil
For those interested in the Novavax:
It seems to be the best of the bunch potentially available in the west, but it’s still apparently submitted for EUA in the USA. One perspective is that it’d help with “vaccine hesitancy”, and it might for some folks, but having had covid, I have no use for any vaccine. Natural immunity is best in almost all cases. I do believe that the entire covid drama from the last two years was about getting foreign nucleic acids into human cells, since we were not offered any conventional vaccine at all, only the amplifying ones. At this point, covid is not the serious problem it was 18 months ago, but sequelae from the injections may be. As usual, the institutions are still trying to force their “mandates” for the amplifying vaxxes using ever more draconian threats.
Correction: Apparently not yet submitted for EUA.
It was submitted…FDA refused to look at it.
Dont Complain just go and get Booster #4 and save the world, BUT still use your masks even when in Bed, Biden Commands it you will obey
“It seems to be the best of the bunch potentially available in the west, but it’s still apparently submitted for EUA in the USA.”
If a treatment becomes “THE treatment,” the EUA for every other treatment expires, overnight. COVID had made seven new billionaires by April Fool’s Day. Pharmco execs can’t continue this great siphoning of American taxpayers’ money if the EUAs go away. Therefore Novavax has to be given an EUA status to preserve the “earning power” of the other vaxxes.
When I was a kid, my uncle worked on an Airforce base as a civilian inventing/developing radar. He drew a picture of “the alien they had on the base” and said it was real when we scoffed at him. Thirty some years later I was watching the evening news and they flashed up a drawing of THAT EXACT SAME alien he had drawn. I freaked a smidge. I’m not saying they’re real, but we’re certainly being kept distracted from something.