OK, line ’em up!
We begin with a slug of reports of modest importance today. Let’s start with the Durable Goods because this is as much bellwether of future, as anything:
It’s an OK report in that it doesn’t look like a recession before lunch.
About the same time, here comes the International Trade report showed us going in hock, more:
And the maraschino cherry of it all?
Market futures are showing a continuation of the Thursday rally. We’d expect a bunch of budget hype into the weekend to fund Wall Street’s ongoing excesses.
Markets closed Monday which means Tuesday we will walk into Housing data. The Big Deals will be ADP Jobs Creation and Challenger Job Cuts reports next Thursday. We intuit some downside out there, but maybe we’re just fearful cowards when money’s involved.
Combined, it’s a so-so selection of data to end the week on. Early futures were offering something of a “pre-holiday hype” rally continuance and BTC was still in the $25,450 region.
A couple of stories of interest to the crypto-crowd: Bitcoin ($BTC) Price Set for ‘Big Move’ as Sell-Side Risk Ratio Hits Record Low | Cryptoglobe, goes the early hype.
But our (barely) repressed urge to be a tech age Mark Twain couldn’t help noticing the report how Fahrenheit to take over failed crypto outfit Celsius • The Register. A takeover which, we’re certain, will happen by degrees…
Rise of the Borg
We’re not sure what to make of Elon Musk’s Neuralink Gets FDA Approval to Study Brain Implants in Humans. Do they have them? I mean sure, we get that trans between genders is just a step as we morph into machines.
While iot might be “nice” to be able to access anything on the web directly via the web plug-in, for example, there also seems to be risk. Elaine has long suspected, for example, that our toaster is smarter than me. Between an Internet of Things, could begin the path of a “Virtual war between species – including humans.”
“George, would you mind mowing the law and recalculating the orbits of all the major planets for me?” Sure, dear.
See what I mean? Marginally useful skill.
Problems for Superman
Republican Ken Paxton here in Texas has serious problems ahead: Texas House panel hits Attorney General Ken Paxton with 20 impeachment counts. Prompting another website to ask How big of a crook does a Republican Attorney General have to be to be impeached by Texas Republicans? – (lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com).
We’ll likely have the answer shortly, but not before lunch, and likely not before fireworks in July.
Psycho Summer Forecast
Mentally the Summer season begins today. Forget the damned summer solstice. Outdated – like the equinoxes. Unless you’ve landscaped in a scale model (adjusted for latitude) of a celestial geo-feature.
We’re pretty sure that crazy events will continue with no seasonality to speak of.
Take the case of Nakano shooting: Japan shocked by ‘heinous’ attack as 4 die in gun and knife rampage | CNN. Not often we hear such out of Japan.
And bad luck continues worldwide: American woman attacked by shark in Turks and Caicos.
Gas prices are going crazy high ahead of the weekend: $3.572 today according to the Triple A numbers. We reminded you in the Tuesday column to fill up when the national average was $3.542. We won’t take a bow for saving you a whopping 3-cents a gallon. Because even with a 15-gallon fill-up that only comes to 45-cents worth of savings.
One other summer note: The El Nino events have flipped summer on its side as the Northern states will be hot in the first part of June, while here in Texas we will be chilling:
We do harbor some concerns about the accuracy of this outlook. Let me show you: See how the upper Chesapeake is expected to be “near normal?” NOTHING is near normal – ever – in that area,
We are still wondering why members of the Senate were given satphones; Senators issued satellite phones, offered demonstrations on upgraded security devices – CBS News. Digital quorum in uncertain or flashy times?
Randomized Notes
The very tidal budget talks are floating rising hype today as Biden, McCarthy looking to close US debt ceiling deal for two years. We’ll believe it when we see it.
Murdoch’s legal bills could jump again for the year. Like voting machines wasn’t enough? Hugh Grant’s Claim Against Rupert Murdoch’s News Group to Go to Trial – Variety.
ATR: Woo-Woo for the Road
Always a marvelous time going to visit my dentist. Been doing so for more than 20-years. In addition to high skill levels behind the drill, he also keeps up on little things in the field of medicine that I somehow managed to miss.
The visit began with me announcing to the waiting area “You all here for my coronation?”
The quizzical (and I’ll call the cops) looks prompted me to explain “I’m here for my Crown!” (No rim-shots were heard, but people moved their fingers away from the 9-1-1- autodial buttons.”
So I go back, and while huffing the nitrous, the Doc asks me “You see that article by the psychiatrist I think it was?”
“The what?”
“There was a right-up about how she had discovered that when people go for a longish walk in a park, they get very relaxed. In fact, it was so relaxing that she went back to the research to figure out why?”
“Well, seems that when you move your eyes back and forth over the centerline of your body, it does something very, very relaxing. So she’s thinking about a new approach to clinical relaxation…”
This immediately set off a flurry of Ure idea flows. “We could use this to lower blood pressure, too, then…”
After which, the crown was on and I was kicked out – back into the same corruption-infested world I’d sought refuge from.
Later, along with an adult beverage and a long discussion of cerebral perfusion with son G2, and then a good Dean Radin YouTube, I went to bed and couldn’t get to sleep.
It was here that the earlier conversation lit up in memory. “Hmm…does it work? And could the effect be more pronounced if I looked to visual extremes of eye-travel?”
About 10-minutes of eye movement (up, down, right, left) at a leisurely pace and sure enough, I seemed tired enough to drift off.
Holy Smokes!
Wow – what vivid lucid dreams!
Way cool.
Which gets me to the woo-woo point if you’d like to join in a crazy group experiment: Before bed over the weekend spend 5-10 minutes of eye movement exercises before dozing off. Far up, down, right, and left. See if there’s any reaction? Post your experiences?
My crackpot explanation would be that there is a kind of mental “visual canvas” that we each have. When we (normally) go to sleep, we are centered mainly in the blank central area. By moving our eyes around, we pre-condition the mind to range wider in the sleep state.
I can hardly wait to get back to bed!
With the Holiday here, we will be doing charts only (OK, a few headlines, too) on Peoplenomics tomorrow and next Wednesday. ShopTalk Sunday will fab up the anti-Alzheimer’s flicker light.
Monday – being a holiday and closed markets and all – we’ll have an anti-aging report here on UrbanSurvival. Chris Tyreman’s got some interesting anti-aging results and a comparison of our approaches is in order. And a picture of Elaine which came out nothing short of amazing.
Oh – reader Mike (who lives in the East Bay) – has a tech buddy who is selling his McClaren. I was thinking about it for Elaine’s 81st b-day, so I inquired as to the price and it was $1.6 million. Back to plans for a half-gallon jug of perfume and a $50 gift card.
Indy 500 should be interesting as always.
This is normally a key weekend to check beer sales figures. But earlier this week it was reported Bud Light Sales Keep Cratering After Promotion With Trans Influencer. What’s Next. | Barron’s (barrons.com). Sales volumes were down more than 28 percent in the most recent reported weekly data.
While AB is having its ass kicked, official government stats for March are the more recent over here. Statistical_Report_Beer_March_2023.pdf (ttb.gov) It will be interesting to see as the kegs roll along what the overall impact on national beer consumption will fall to.
This is an area where the Biden administration could really stimulate the economy by driving us all to drink. Should be great for the delta-8 and delta-10 sellers, too.
Spare the liver and spoil the weekend. Or, was it “spoil the liver and spare the weekend?” Well, it’s one of those, I’m pretty sure,
Vaguely known stuff, reappearing.
Ammann Brothers’ Atmospheric Generator 1921
Which got swept under the rug in history …. Oh!! But wait !!! There’s a “new” technology coming !! Sure glad this guy thought of it …
Seems they’re slowly pulling stuff out that has been suppressed and out of public view, acting like it’s all “New.”
Strange world, don’t you agree?
Oh that stuff has been around forever.. its the same for many forms of energy collection..it doesn’t fit the business model..that’s why our grid is set up the way it is..it isn’t set up to be secure..
we could secure our electric grid … be the tree…and at a greatly reduced cost than what’s on the business agenda..
solar radiation is energy, our radio systems are emitting frequencies that is energy..its all around us..solar cells is nothing more than a collector of this energy that’s all around us.
this is called ” energy harvesting” or ” wireless power harvesting” all communication broadcasting evolved the transmission of electro magnetic wave or …. Frequencies… lol ..omg..back to my theories on frequency lol.. putting up antenna and a rectifying circuit..the legends and theories on the pyramid and its earth grid patter layout..
tesla had proposed a similar system but was shot down because it didn’t fit the business model of stuff big buck bullies pockets..
its the exact same reason why we won’t build solar towers or distribute solar power systems to home owners willing to have them installed.. it would be cheaper than what they are doing but it doesn’t fit the business model.. but seriously it isn’t something new or amazing..anyone can do it..utility companies discourage it..the country discourages this..
if you want to see this transmission just grab some LED’s or a fluorescent light bulb and go to a grid sub station.. it will light up..
or you can just walk over to your microwave oven th see it in action..
put that in it and a cup of coffee..why waste it and hit go..
Interesting. The first article is unclear about the theory involved. The latter one seems to be about tapping bacterial protein hydration for electricity at the nano level. This reminds me of mitochondria in cells(endogenous bacteria?) both in structure and function. I wonder how much actual power could be drawn from this, and what reaction(s) actually occur. It’s protein based, but proteins can be among the most complex of molecules.
Art Bell talked about getting shocked from the potential between ground and high antennas with a lot of area. No doubt there is little current available, but the voltage seems to be there. Perhaps other Hams have run into this sort of thing. If this was easy to exploit, I’m sure it would have happened already.
i heard the 1st guy down from a helicopter cable gets a gig shock.
it was discovered that a tightly focused radio beam can transmit power over relatively large distances without using a wire to carry the charge. The same technology is now used in the 5G network: the latest generation of technology to beam internet connection to your phone, via radio waves transmitted from a local antenna.
Teslas theorized that electricity could be transmitted wirelessly through the air at long distances – either via a series of strategically positioned towers, or hopping across a system of suspended balloons.
roofs covered with copper and graphite shingles could harvest this energy and stored in batteries.
G would know more on putting up a graphics 5g tower that would collect the free electricity ..
now… our congress actually passed laws against American citizens harvesting the electricity from communication transmissions.
solar panels and a good solar kit would process the free electric and make it usable.
I could go through my fifty year old rant.. about securing our national grid but it will never be realized until the business model changes..
To recall the (imperfect) “water analogy” for electricity:
Voltage is likened to water pressure.
Current is analogized to amount of flow (gallons).
One can have a high pressure, but litttle flow. One could also have a lot of flow at low pressure.
A perfume atomizer has a high pressure, but low flow; while a slow-moving river has a lot of flow in gallons, but low pressure.
“Work” or “Power” is a combination of volts times amps.
100 triple -A batteries in series will give you about 150 volts, but with not much in POWER — not enough to run a refrigerator for more than a few seconds; neglecting the AC or DC question for the moment. But ten, twelve-volt car batteries will run a refrigerator for a couple of hours — maybe.
Point being: a frige needs a lot of POWER (“WORK” or “WATTS” or “Culombs” of energy) to run. A clock needs very little POWER (energy) to run, however.
The idea of total energy density — how much POWER for how LONG — becomes the question, then.
Old Hands at electrical stuff develop a good sense of how much energy (or watt-hours) any particular device needs.
“Power through the air” becomes a Hard Thing because a lot of CURRENT (Gallons) is hard to pass through air, because air is a poor conductor, and offers a high RESISTANCE to a lot of flow. Which is why Tesla was monkeying aound with very high VOLTAGE — to force enough FLOW to do useful work.
A typical ham radio HF radio trnsmitter generates roughly 100 watts, which becomes about 2 Amps in a 50-ohm coax cable to an antenna. The end tips of such as a dipole antenna will show lots of volts (thousands), but not much current, while the center feed point of that same diole will show the 2 amps flowing, but the voltage will be only about 100 volts.
Bottom line: getting a lot of POWER to flow through the air is difficult.
It’s called ‘space charge’, and it measures around 1,000 volts per meter of elevation above ground. There is actually about 1,000 volts potential between your head and feet. We live with it!
Some say that is what Tesla was actually COLLECTING… not trying to ‘transmit wireless power’, which was the disinfo campaign to discredit Tesla.
Theory is that the charge comes from incoming solar wind & protons coming in to Earth.
“There was a right-up about how she had discovered that when people go for a longish walk in a park, they get very relaxed. In fact, it was so relaxing that she went back to the research to figure out why?”
Why? Because your body is walking (movement) in rhythm, blood flows freely. Your eyes are seeing more natural, calmer things: Nature. Your ears hear the gentle sounds of life and, in the sparkles of sunlight, your body is absorbing vitamin D. Your mind starts thinking of what’s in front of you … and registers it as calm and beautiful. Thus, combined to relax the body and mind which calms the heart and reduces blood pressure.
In those times we are away from the social calamity and chaos, which we otherwise cling to for information which creates stress, emotional pain and high blood pressure.
It’s not just “looking around” that does the trick … it’s looking around at the view in front of you that makes the difference. Move the entire body while viewing beautiful natural things.
Sitting on your ass watching a video doesn’t count for much. Gotta go there and do it.
a leaf on a tree ..( I am going from memory on this it’s been a while) but I believe it is something like .003 volts..
in ultrasonic cavitation 25-70 hertz breaks up fat cells like a singer shattering glass..
“Well, seems that when you move your eyes back and forth over the centerline of your body, it does something very, very relaxing. So she’s thinking about a new approach to clinical relaxation…”
On many sleepless nights reading a book will knock me out within a reasonable time but nothing nearly like sitting here at the table reading something on the computer. I’ve always had trouble, I mean serious trouble, with afternoon slumps in my cognitive abilities and alertness and coffee or straight caffeine has no effect upon to counter act it. As a matter of fact I just struggled through the latest “Why Files” having to back up and re-listen to about half of it several times so it has no problems overcoming my interest in something. Not much eye movement involved other than between Hecklefish and whatever is flashing across the screen but it became more pronounced when I went over to a few news columns and then here at George’s site. However, George’s article today inspired me, between naps, to check something out so I crimped my Pulse Oximeter onto the end of my finger and started reading again. Sure enough, and NO reflection on George’s writings, after a paragraph or two the eyes slammed shut and I woke up after about a half minute or so several times. Checking the oxygen levels I saw the level had dropped from the mid to upper 90s all the way down to almost 90% and probably would have gone lower if I’d slept longer. The more I relaxed the shallower my breath became and the less O2 got upstairs. Deep breathing to get the O2 back up returned me to a better level of alertness. This, no doubt, happens when behind the wheel (eyes shifting all over to maintain situational awareness while slumped in a comfortable seat that holds you like a baby) and make the wife as alert as I am when SHE’s driving 10 feet off the bumper of the car in front at 75 and we’re the only ones on the highway. All I have to do is blink and she’s asking if I’m going to sleep so it’s a “thing” with us.
This doesn’t explain everything about this condition I’ve contended with all my life but it did expose one element of it and probably has a lot to do with the relaxation technique of reading to get to sleep. It does help a lot NOT to eat a lunch and wait until the evening meal IF I can make it that long which makes me wonder if digestion takes blood away from mental processes that would otherwise have plenty.
The eyes have it !!
What Mr. Ure suggested with the eye movements led my Vivaldi > Qwant (screw Google) search for the article “she” wrote? It’s wasn’t readily presented to me, but EDMR seems to fit the bill.
Check ’em out to maybe widen your eyes and brighten your horizons.
I personally have distressed, ADHA anxiety ridden children and grandchildren that spend WAAAaaay too much time with eyes focused on 2″ x 6″ screens. I plan on changing my approach and just taking them for walks in the park !!
When I first started out on crt workstations, after 8 or so continuous hours my mind would fade. I would go outdoors and stare into something natural that had no straight lines(man made), a bush, a flower bed, even a patch of lawn. After a couple of minutes I could feel my brain realignment occurring. When the effect stopped I was good for a few more hours.
And George, if you go to sleep with alcohol in your system. It disrupts your sleep patterns and reduces the restorative processes that normally occur. Once a week I take melatonin late and sleep for 8 solid hours. I wake up groggy, but the restorative process is noticeable by my wife, after my first coffee, of course. It also shortens my first thing AM meditation from over an hour to about 20 minutes.
And here in Vilcabamba, where any alternative medical treatment goes, the best anti-aging protocols are C-60 which rebuilds telemeres, and nano soma which seems to heal most chronic conditions and simply restores organs and joints to their pristine youthful state.
Gorgeous Saturday morning at Che Egor. OK, it’s Friday but we (Royal) decreed this a day off to work harder ATL than we would have done at the office. Prime import is to rig my race boat: rudder, boom, vang, down-haul (snork: Kiwi friends call it the down-fu**er), out-haul, etc. to be followed by the sail. Fleet Cap’n has declared a start to racing tomorrow so …
Mkt stuck between 4,100 and 4,200 but … time runs short on this up-canted flag. Break out or break down? We shall watch this together, yes? Yes.
Happy Memorial Day alles.
Remember Them,
If Dr. Evelyn Paglini was still alive would Dr. Dean Radin be dating her for research purposes?
I had the opportunity to meet Dr. Radin in 2007 during a seminar on mediation. Very interesting dude!
His latest research is proving what physics and witches have known for thousands of years.
And before anybody screams I am going to hell for my opinion we all have these God given abilities to one degree or another!!
Don Williams knew the benefits of “walking” … a broken heart.
“So if you’ve been hurt and you’re feelin’ lost
Put your paperback, back and turn your TV off
And walk your broken heart, walk your broken heart
Walk your broken heart, walk your broken heart
Go, walk your broken heart“
RE: Ure eye movement woo . . . the optic nerve of the eye is tied directly to the visual cortex of the brain. During dreaming, this area plays a central role. Perhaps the eye exercises the optic nerve, which primes the visual cortex region for some serious dreamtime action? According to this site:
“It is quite fascinating that, paralleling vivid visual imagery while dreaming, the visual cortex – which is responsible for processing visual information – becomes highly activated.”
Gee – maybe not so crackpot after all
Edgar Cayce was always known for channelling from his “higher self” while he was asleep & in a trance like state.
G.A. Stewart: For many years, I have worked to bring some credibility to the writings of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce.
Hey, there are a couple of comments about this at the USA WATCHDOG site.
One says Edgar Cayce is a “soothsayer” and the other says Nostradamus and Cayce are “demonic entities”.
Dull thinkers over there, not like the Urban Survival crew.
It’s the laziness of generations of “Christians” taught not to think. The admonition to “Test the spirits” gave in to avoidance altogether due to ignorance. So much has been lost.
It is called EMDR. Eye movement desensitization and re-programming.
Been popular since 1980s, especially effective for PTSD with an almost
80% success five years post treatment. Endorsed by DOD and Veteran Affairs. No other therapy has the stats. Cool Experience.
Yesterday big box had most Anheuser-Busch on sale and in stock. 30 packs of Busch started at $24.95 w/$4.50 off.
Budweiser/Bud Light were on Memorial Day sale for $18.49 ($1.50 off) per case with a $15.00 online rebate. $3.49 final price. The beer isn’t moving.
Anyway notice the budget cliff hanger. Might be the first and last hot dog of Summer. Eat up.
This flick describes our predicament:
Curve | Disturbing Horror Short Film
It would seem that there’s a short term business model in buying all the ButtLite and spray painting the cans to some new non-brand. I’m sure it would sell as long as nobody scraped off the paint.
I don’t think the boycott will work but I don’t know the goal of the boycott.
The stadium owners are still selling InBev products. The news showed video of a local music festival and a lot of people were walking around with blue Bud Light cans. In automotive terms stadiums are InBev’s fleet sales.
It’s an ecosystem.
Should have gone with the Corvette.
The annual meet up now Zoom call with old Army buddies is Monday this year. Since it’s down to 2 of us, used to be 7, it just won’t be the same. I keep remembering the movie Highlander. “In the end there can be only one.”. While we’re all enjoying our time with friends and family this weekend consider taking just a moment to remember those who made it possible for us.
Stay safe, 73.
TEF – well we had a crash – it was just UP
It would appear that the current “hype-of-the-day” is driving the markets much higher., and that they are completely ignoring the higher than expected inflation data.
– Will the realization of the current data-set on higher inflation take hold over the three day weekend? ‘Cause, despite “The Fed” raising rates continuously for months, they have had little, to no impact on the inflation rate. Setting the stage for another hike. We are currently at twice the target level for inflation that The Fed has announced as ‘acceptable’.
– And will another rate hike set the stage for further bank failures? [ There are thousands of very weak banks out there ].., causing the predicted recession to take hold?
– One caveat to all of this – the stock market has never crashed ‘before’ a recession. However., does that still hold true with the algorithm based computers that run the stock market today?
– I’d really like to get my hands on a 2024 issue of the World Almanac.., anybody have a copy I can borrow?
Sorry Biff. Left ours back in the future.
Mirrors – Kemosabe.
..without utilizing Mirrors, you cant have reverse travel in “Time’ .
This is nuts…,
The DJIA is up 350
The NASDAQ100 is up 280
S&P500 is up 50
Enthusiastic ignorance.., just insane. They are completely ignoring reality.
Considering holding over the three day weekend. [Options – Puts ]
Just remember, bitcoin went up before it dived. Once they allowed margin trading in bitcoin, the big boys drove it up, and then then in a colluded effort, shorted it and controlled the the price down with paper until most panicked just like they have metals.
Whenever metals move, rest assured you he big boys have their trades in place to benefit from the move.
George. Is that rapid eye movement exercise with the eyes open or closed or does it make a difference?
Mine was not rapid – slow and relaxed – and eyes closed…
It’s too dam funny, I was just doing this the other night to exercise my eyes, heal, and relax them.
No dreams to speak of.
Dude –
Its time for Gratitude, hell its always time for Gratitude..I’m grateful I dont have a tooth ache right now. Or more precisely – “We could be in Palistine, Over run by the Chyknees line, with boys from the Mersey and the Thames and Tyne” -Elvis Costello
Realizing that BTC and Blockchain are the solution to banking crisis, rehypothication crisis, debt crisis and Election Integrity explains why claus-redshield-deepstate-Ure is Anti BTC/Blockchain nogoodnik.
Real palliative FEAR of VERIFICATION it seems. In the age of the Kali Yuga – Ure goes with Trust -hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
At the intersection of Bitcoin, Blockchain and voting systems. Blcokchain based voting systems ONLY way to completely Stop Fraud, Manipulation or Exclusion. By using blockchain to Store and Verify votes, these systems could offer greater Transparency, Security and Auditability. Main advantage of Blockchain based voting systems is its Security and Immutability. This would make BTC based voting systems more resistant to hacking, tampering or censorship than current voting systems.
So, No BTC for the TDF (Texas Deepstate Fraudster) !
No BTC – Never to be Trusted
‘Elaine has long suspected, for example, that our toaster is smarter than me.”
That’s just because when she says “Pop up,” you turn your head.
I don’t stop at my head, bubba – but let’s not go there so we keep the pg-13 rating, lol
Re: “Neuralink,” See the old-ish movie, “Brainstorm.” Great stuff for its day. 1983.
Staring Christopher Walken and Natalie wood.
Superb visualizations of brain ware. Directed by a personal hero of mine: Doug Trumbull. Pertly filmed right up the street from here at the Pinehurst Resort (Golf).
When (not “if;” but “when”) AI and Neuralink fuse into One Thing — and they will — a new world will be born. “Better” remains to be seen.
Just purchased a Natalie Wood collection a couple weeks back — has Brainstorm (which I’ve never seen) in it…
I loved the movie brainstorm … enjoy it..what’s funny is just after I seen that movie I was at an electronics show.they had a goggles that when put on was almost as if you were there..look up and around the noises it was seamless..I was standing on the edge of the grand canyon..the bird flying above .. if someone came up and gave you a little push you’d have sworn you were falling into the canyon..
You’re a lucky man, Ray. Hard to beat NW.
The pod of Orcas off the coast of Spain and Portugal have attacked and damaged dozens of boat., and have sunk three. Last night they almost got their forth, but the vessel managed to make it to port and lifted out of the water before it to, would of sunk. [ It was taking on more water then the bilge pump could handle. Spooky video.]
– Question: What happens when/if other orca pods start doing the same thing ? What happens if this spreads around the world?
– There has never been a verified attack on a human by an orca in the wild. Is this about to change also ?
– I remember sailing up the Inland Passage on a 38 foot sloop and was completely enchanted and thrilled when a large pod of orca’s followed along side for at least half an hour. Not too sure how I would feel about that now.
I was mile off West Point (where the sewage plant) is in Seattle water yeards ago. I was beating to the north to make Shilshole and K pod went right through my path. I turned off the depths sounder as a courtesy.
One of the most remarkable sight ever under sail, as you say.
Damn fine questions. What IF all our pets and friendlies out there turn on humans having figured out who fuktover habitats?
I can still see the great dorsal fin on the huge male., it came above the railing. Damn impressive.
If the animals did unite, I doubt that mankind would last more than a month. It would an all-out global slaughter – on both sides. The problem? I am not too sure which side I would be routing for.
I recall reading a Mayan Prophecy that told of a day to come when animals and tools turn against humanity.
Wish I could find it. Damn interesting read.
Same is in old Sanskrit writings regards Kali Yuga and Animals turning on Humanity.
Funny that, on way home from errands today – was abrubtly stopped 2nd behind a PU truck in middle of road..Momma Duck and nine baby ducks crossing street from Golf course to stream on other side of road.
Ducks cross – PU truck drives off, I notice only 2- 3 babies make over curb, all the rest frantic – couldnt do it. Pulled nose of of my truck into curb, jumped out and proceeded to “rescue” the rest of the ducklings. They were scared, Momma was freaked out at me – but I got em all safely over the curb and the off they went.
People yelling at me, in a very positive manner, from backed up cars waiting for the ducklings to get their collective scheisse together.
I loved that story about the ducks Dan..
I rescued a big snapping turtle the other day..looked like a big clump of dirt on the road..heavy beast definitely was not happy with me lifting it.. but the dang thing had to be as old as me..
would have been squashed if a car had come along..Gave it a lift up to the ditch ..
If Alfred Hitchcock was still alive, he would make a sequel to
The Birds, more inclusive… as the animals turn on humans.
So, this past weekend, we were driving along a rural road, and lo and behold a Momma fox and her 3 kits. These kits were tumbling and playing around just like puppies. She had decided to make the drainage ditch under a driveway their den.
We pulled crossways and turned on the high beams, little kits just looking and playing, not scared, Momma a little nervous, did not see PaPa.
It was a great sight to see the little fox fami-lee.
“I was mile off West Point (where the sewage plant) ”
shesh… I would have guessed ..Pennsylvania avenue
I have read, but don’t know if it is true, that the Whale that Moby Dick was based upon had attacked 100 or so boats and sunk about 20. Not sure if the sunk boats were full size whaling ships or just the whale boats (or maybe a combination of both).
Obviously there was talk going around in Melville’s day about a HUGE rogue whale that had a distinct dislike of whalers and apparently had attacked a number of boats … voila the making of an outline of a great novel.
Great fiction is based upon believable reality … which makes me think the stories about a rogue whale are true.
I believe it was originally based on a sale off of the Chilean island of mocha .. the story goes that it would calmly swim by a boat and if they took a spear after it it would try to destroy the boat..
animals are really intuitive.. and birds fascinate me.. several times I’ve seen birds come to a others rescue.. rocky the squirrel.. I would put an ear of corn on the veranda one day rocky was curious over a robins nest..momma robin was doing her best to discourage rocky..he was persistent momma gave up flew a half block away and started calling..every bird of all species in the area came flying and chased rocky down the street..
momma sparrow kept building a nest above the door..I kept tearing it down..pretty soon birds from all over came to help her build her nest.. I tore it down she chewed my butt until I built her a bird house..where sparrows live to this day..
last year one small bird couldn’t find food for her babies.. across the street birds came and landed standing there she would go over get the food take it to her babies and the bird that found it would fly away..
animals are much more than what People think. in many ways more human than humans..
If anyone has ever been frustrated after buying a cheap laser for a firearm when the device stopped functioning after a couple of rounds fired, I may have found a cure. A friend gave me just such a device that had frustrated him many years ago, so he stuck it in a drawer and forgot about it… until moving day arrived. At that point he asked if I wanted it. Never one to hurt his feelings, I said, “Sure!”
In the process of replacing the long-dead CR2 battery, I noticed the considerable gap between battery and the spring contact in the laser head. I thunk about it a bit and figured recoil would slam the battery forward in the case, smashing the cheap spring, thereby losing contact. A few measurements later, I 3D printed a spacer to hold the battery firmly in the case, then stretched the spring enough to make good contact again. Voila! A working laser!
Worth noting: Air rifles pack more recoil than firearms. They’re not as fancy, but an “airgun-rated” scope or laser may have no such issue…
Ray, air guns fall into different categories
PCP, PreCharged Pnuematics
Springers, include gas rams as springs,,,, are what you find in Walmart, aka, breakbarrels, one cock to compress a wire spring.
only the springers are rough on scopes, not because they recoil harder, but because they have a forward kick, instead of a rearward kick like powder burners.
The newer style etched glass reticles are more secure than the older wire reticles.
Springers can be scope busters, but the pcp,s are smooth as silk.
Amazing little yard and garden protectors, the PCPs are,,, and with a moderator, very stealthy. They can very in power, depending on ure desired power level, but are not substitutes for a good centerfire, when that power level is reQuired. Yes there are some big bores in the PCP field, mostly desired by felons, who can not own fire arms, but can use an air gun for hunting purposes.
Beware,,, PCPs are addictive, I mean the air guns, I do NOT have any experience with the drug known as pcp .Do you want to see my Coltri mch 6 ? air compressor for my pcps.
NO Hatsans in my working collection, sorry bitcoin guy, they are Turkeys, I like Weihrauch and Taipans and a host of other European made air guns.
American Air Arms (a brand) , are great but cost more.
My little Zbroia Kozak compact version, Sightron S-TAC
3-16×42, got 3 House sparrows this morning and the cats rubbed my ankles to say , thank you, yummy!
Trump WON, and we know it, and so did Kari Lake.
Beware of RINOs in Texas, going against the Atty Gen Paxton, who has been protecting voters over ballot cheaters.
Who ya going to believe? was the RINO drunk?
yeah yeah – “they are Turkeys” this may be true, but for $ spent those “Turkeys” KILL with the same deadly efficiency as the high end euro’s do(.25cal.).
I took the Optics off my Iguana gun, due I live in a gated community in Belize and mgt has requested = (threatened) I dont Shoot anymore vile reptiles Off of my property (+1 acre).
I use a bullpup style gun, stealth and concealment as well as quick target acquisition and trigger squeeze..more like CQC with the nasty bastards. Really enjoy long range, arcing, water shots at the “swimmers” fleeing for their vile little lives..like launching 203’s..kinda “walk em in” when they surface for air -SPLASH!
I just have a pair of NPSS, bought used, and one came without a scope, so my reading up only involved the air rifle board blather of the time. I’d like to get a PCP, but there’s still too many things ahead of it on the shopping list. Comments and recommendations from those more knowledgeable than I are always welcome…
Liberals have more gray matter, conservatives have larger amygdalas:
Stormy threatened due to telling the truth:
Transgender Oath Keeper (Jan 6) cut her sentence by claiming remorse:
“The first major structural difference between liberal and conservative brains starts at the amygdala. Located at the middle of the brain next to the hippocampus, the amygdala is the core center for emotions, motivation, and expression of fear.”
c stands for Cow Crap [Bull Shit], you are full of fear just like chicken little spreading your fear porn , you little climate change colluder,,, you pay the taxes, the lying liddle satanists want you to pay them, for a scam.
stupid sheeple.
pole dancing slut threatened for telling the truth, hahahaha, take the bait. fake news for fakes. You believe anything
fear the orange man
c, did you watch Trumps inauguration did you see the military come stand behind him when he said he was returning power to the people? military intelligence and Judge Advocate, look at the hat bands
the game is still on,
and the demons are more fearful now than ever,,, Gitmo , they have been prepping for something BIG for Quite some time now. And still a lot going on down there,,, why,,,
Obama wanted to close it, he will claim to be Kenyian before it is all over. If Obummer believed the climate change scam, would he have bought that place on Martha’s vineyard coast line?
Sheeple! Wake up ,ya woke jokes, you are “dragging” the rest of humanity down, pun intended.
the last couple of years have really drawn the demons out of hiding, now the American public can see them.
Polls are showing more people are realizing the 2020 election scam,,, that is a BIG turning point.
Seems the demons favorite weapon is a SCAM, did you get your fake vaccine?
Satan, the Author of Confusion,,, scam on with the wholly owned corporate fake news.
You never used to see shit like this, the demons have come out,
Coltri mch 6 I had never seen one of those before.. looked it up.. I have two hp air compressors.. the filters for them are expensive.. but I use mine to fill oxygen tanks.. the kids love to go scuba diving and getting filled emergency oxygen tanks refilled justified the cost of the machines..
PCP.. air rifles were used all the way back to the fifteen hundreds..
even napoleons army used them and so did Lewis and Clark.. I tried to see if Clarks was still in some gun case or closet somewhere.. but was told the the gun was donated to the NRA gun museum..
I wanted to get a double barrel shot gun for hunting.. I know I know…. I don’t hunt unless its at the grocery store.. LOL but the kids hunt and if the SHTF a hunter and trapper would be a great asset.. since it takes a year to make your own nitrates powder would be hard coming by it..
And a pistol caliber carbine (AR) packs more recoil than a 5.56. Can rattle optics pretty good. The free laser, however, seems to be doing fine with its new mods.
Air rifles have an opposite recoil of a rifle with gun powder. That’s why scopes have to be made for air – spring rifles , or so I’ve heard.
The S&P500 just crossed over the 4,200 mark., which is a ten month high., and blows my Elliot Wave count out of the water. Don’t recall seeing a Wave 2 extend this far before.
NASDAQ just set a high for the year – but it is so tech-heavy that I only watch it to see if a new dot-com bubble is forming., and it could be doing so right now with the A.I. frenzy. [., which could be bitched slapped by ‘The Fed’ raising rates again.]
My ‘Aggregate Index’ is still a few hundred points below my February high, but sure is pushing the Wave 2 much further out than expected.
– Taken as a whole., it has all the look-feel of a blow-off top – but I don’t believe that is happening.
– I guess this Three Day Weekend is lining up to be an important holiday set-up for next week.
Wave 2 can be a 5 moves wave.
In your count, you’re looking at a corrective five waves, but stopping the count after 3.
I think (good news) that this rally will complete the 5 and then down we go.
But at historical levels, remember the decline from the all time high Sept 3 1929 did not come to an end until 1933-34. So we have lots of time for the downside workout.
I did go short today and will hold until housing data Tuesday even though risky. No guts, no tax-loss carryfordwards.
I went short, a bit ago, when the NASDAQ100 went above 340 for the day. Feels risky., but a gut-hunch told me to do it. Today’s blow-up seems way over-blown and no inflation consideration has been played., at all. One off word from any of The Fed Presidents could shake the tree a wee bit.
…, we’ll see…
– “Stay Frosty !”
Yo Jorge, I am of the opinion that the pendulum has started to swing back the other way in regards to the Trans/Grooming movement. I predict a vicious snap back against this crap. Seems bud has taken a serious hit, I will never, ever drink another INBEV/BUD product again. Mostly crappy beer, even Stella now being brewed in St. Louis. Will stick to Carlsberg Lager and small local breweries. Next on the Docket is Target and North Face. You would think these idiots would learn, We the people starting to vote with their pocketbook. My trust is in the human spirit. Lastly, thank you George for all you share with your readers and subscribers. I come to Survival to learn something new every day.
‘Thing is, conservatives tend to be laid-back. We DON’T boycott. Libs boycott and protest all the time, from “right to life” establishments like Chick-Fil-A, to sponsors of “Right-wing talk shows.”
The Leftist-communists are having a really hard time dealing, now that the folks on the Right side of the political spectrum have (finally) discovered that they can boycott stuff.
I, too, will never drink another INBEV, nor Coors (/Miller) beer, nor shop at Target, and I wouldn’t wear North Face gear if it were given to me. It sux to be in NASCAR, entertainment, or any professional team sport though, because after a couple quarters of “sharply lower” profits, the companies supplying the Ad-dollars to pay all those insanely-high salaries are going to have to make precipitous spending cuts to survive.
chick-a-fil tortilla soup is absolutely the best..
this isn’t it but pretty close..enjoy
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 medium white onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons cumin
2 teaspoons dried oregano ( or spaghetti spice..https://www.amazon.com/McCormick-Italian-Spaghetti-Seasoning-20-5-Ounce/dp/B004QWM8FI/ref=sr_1_12?keywords=tones+spicy+spaghetti+seasoning&qid=1685136329&sr=8-12 )
1 teaspoon kosher salt
3 (15 ounce) cans cannellini beans, separated
2 (10 ounce) cans diced tomatoes with green chilies (such as Rotel)
1 (15 ounce) can cream-style corn
1 (15 ounce) can whole kernel corn
1 (15 ounce) can black beans
1 rotisserie chicken, meat removed from bones & shredded (about 4 cups)
juice of 1 lime
more salt to taste
Tortilla strips or chips, for serving
Make your own beer. After three or four tries you’ll get good, maybe less.
Grow your own weed too.
Mushroom spores are cheap.
I love making wine..I’d like to say In my past I’ve had a few down spirals .. because of these I viewed then not as times to feel sorry or give up..but rather as learning events..
when I was in the military I was housed and worked with special forces units..the stories they gave of what they had to endure during training in the smoking room.. some would complain about what they were going through some didn’t those that seen the struggles learned to adapt and overcome their situations..
because I seen it as a learning experience I taught myself how to do many things so in the event of a total collapse as we see heading our way like a freight train does happen I can make the guilty pleasures .. being at the bottom of the pyramid of society I’ve had to use those skills.. I would like to imagine that my wine and beer is good and palatable.. ..but then I would not be a good judge.. I’ve never grown mushrooms or make my own soy sauce.. I have thought about it..but it takes a year and I don’t have an aging barrel.
just a collection of woo-woo from this past week.
George, last week you had a reference to famous glass-blower Dale Chihuly – I believe in a clever reference to ‘making glass’ via nukes. What was interesting to me was that very day, I had reservations to a Dale Chihuly exhibit – great sync!
Then the other day you mentioned the Maclaren for E. That morning after reading your column, a nice Orange Maclaren pulls out in front of me. Back in my days in SillyCon valley that was a normal thing, but here in the middle of the heartland, fairly rare. Maybe it was on its way down to the east TX outback? Another great sync.
Now today with the eye movement… in my daily meditation practice, I sit with my eyes closed and meditate. Over the years I have learned that neat things happen when I “stretch my eyes”. Example: When I am relaxing with my eyes closed and body sitting upright, I “look up” with my eyes closed as high as I can without moving my head. I try to hold that for a second or two (it is not easy) and then I relax my eyes and they return to “forward” position. During that relax, I see horizontal lightning bolts for a fraction of a second. I also get a ‘hit’ of relaxation during that moment.
When I am more relaxed and better into my meditation practice, I see more lightening bolts and more of the effect. When I am tense, not meditating well, or fatigued, I may not see any at all. Now I gotta go for a walk in the woods after the manic meetings are done for the day!
“But our (barely) repressed urge to be a tech age Mark Twain couldn’t help noticing the report how Fahrenheit to take over failed crypto outfit Celsius • The Register. A takeover which, we’re certain, will happen by degrees…”
So, how long have you been waiting for the opportunity to use this line…?
“We are still wondering why members of the Senate were given satphones; Senators issued satellite phones, offered demonstrations on upgraded security devices – CBS News. Digital quorum in uncertain or flashy times?”
This might just be because they’re harder to hack than cellphones, and the NSA refuses to give the Fools on the Hill, access to the NSA/CIA secure phones.
“I can hardly wait to get back to bed!”
I’ve had days like that, too.
I’m one of those people who actually purchased a Shealy Relax-Mate back when I was trying to figure out how to get the cacophony of nightly thoughts, sounds, images, and ideas to settle down so I could go to sleep…
“While AB is having its ass kicked, official government stats for March are the more recent over here. Statistical_Report_Beer_March_2023.pdf (ttb.gov) It will be interesting to see as the kegs roll along what the overall impact on national beer consumption will fall to.”
I have seen Bud Light advertised (for a 24-can case) everywhere from 29¢ to $1.97 in the stores, although I believe it’s still $3-something in the bars. At a penny a can, the retailers still can’t sell it. Doesn’t matter. I’m officially a Yuengling drinker now. I’d totally forgotten how good their lager is – and it is. Oldest brewery (and 6th largest brewery) in the United States, 100% American, and a damnfine product.
BTW, Target is down $8 billion on the week. Selling bikinis with penis pouches next to the children’s wear was probably not good product placement. Making a big deal about selling bikinis with penis pouches was probably a losing marketing philosophy.
Making thin, skimpy, men’s bathing suits is no big deal — We called ’em “Speedo” in the day and every competitive swimmer on the planet wore them. I had two, myself, back when I had enough muscles to justify wearing ’em, and could actually see them without a mirror.
BTW, they were worn topless. Today’s shemales are not only in-your-face offensive, they’re repressed… ;-)
i didn’t say WHAT head!
Hear about Dr Rashid Buttar?
Posted a video on the 18th of May ….
And news of his death came out on the 20th of May.
Sheesh !!
A new wave of Covid-19 is sweeping China as millions of new cases are being reported every day.
Leading Chinese epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan is expecting around 65 million new cases of infection per week until the end of June, when he expects the wave to peak, according to state media. Zhong is currently assuming around 40 million cases per week.
There are no official figures yet for the number of deaths – this data has been absent for some time now.
Xi will respond – how?
The market is closed., so what better time to open your mouth..??
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Friday provided an updated timeline for when the government could run out of money, saying her projection is now June 5 based on the most recent data if Congress does not raise or suspend the debt ceiling.
Birthday gifts?
A robot dog w/add-on Z1 robot arm would be a fun gift for an early adopter. Ask looks manageable but the higher-end robot dog is Vette level.
New Super Intelligent Robot Dog
Sad and scary –
It’s been a while since I heard anything about Ricky Schroder. He’s certainly no longer the little kid we used to know. He has a story about a cult snuff film he was shown as a kid by some Hollywood people that’s pretty horrific. He also made mention that if you spell “Illuminati”, with or without the “.com”, backward in a search engine you’ll be directed to the NSA’s website. One video describes how this redirection came about when the owner of ‘itanimulli.com’ intentionally set up the redirection. However mundane this Internet trick may be Ricky’s story details how deep the rabbit hole goes in Hollywood – https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/never-watch-that-again-award-winning-actor-reveals/ . I honestly don’t know if we’ll ever get our country back or if we, the Boomers, ever had it to begin with.
Yes then pizzagate..the photos and horror that was openly posted ..the deeper you looked into it the uglier it got..all was covered over by the DOJ and the alphabets that are suppose to look out for the well-being of our country was bust at work hiding it all.. news paper articles that had been written long before the fake news story and documents of their investigations all vanished..similar to the laptop everyone on the investigation teams fired and the case closed.
sad,sick and all of those in those groups doing those horrible things should be in prison..activities worse than those of Ed Gein..
Minnesota Bill Could Make Pedophiles A Protected Class
Democratic Minnesota state representatives introduced legislation that could end the exclusion of pedophilia from legal protections of sexual orientation in state law.
The state’s existing anti-discrimination law excludes sexual attraction to children from legally protected sexual orientations, but HF 1655 would remove that exclusion.
Dunno about this, and I have neither time nor desire to read HF 1655. USAToday’s fact-checker blows it off, but USAToday’s fact checker is both incredibly biased and incredibly unreliable.
However, this is the true end-game for the sexualization of children / trannies in society, and cross-dressers, and pornography in the elementary schools. IOW it wouldn’t surprise me if HF 1655 doesn’t protect pedos, that it could be legally extrapolated in such a direction as to do so. Once one State does it, they’ll ALL follow suit…
If this bill passes, then surely we have reached the end game and time for the DUDE to being the curtain down.
Luke 17
1 Jesus said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the one through whom they come! 2 It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.
Don’t strain when you move your eyes to extremes. I might have encouraged retinal tears when following similiar instructions from a Yoga teacher.
Xi Van Fleet…
I don’t watch Hannity, so I’d never heard of her until I caught a piece of David Webb’s XM show on Friday. Xi “came to fame” as a firebrand parent at a Louden County (VA) Board of Education meeting, who called the Board on their Maoist policies and whose diatribe went viral. David took a vacation day on Friday and Tim Scott guested.
Tim had Xi on first.
Once upon a time (A long, long time ago, I can still remember, how that music used to make me smile — Oops – {sorry} — had a Biden moment), I went to college. While there, I dated, then hooked up with a little gal with whom I eventually became affianced. Her best friend was a Cuban national, naturalized as a child. This Cuban girl’s parents were professors at the University of Havana, pre-Castro. They fled Cuba as boat people when the girl was less than a toddler.
When I met them, the girl’s dad was a custodian at my girlfriend’s old high school and her mom (I believe) cleaned houses or did laundry. Neither was internationally famous, and when they fled, did so without their accreditation, so had to work menial jobs, here in the States. They worked through the American educational system until they had American paperwork They both naturalized, and eventually became schoolteachers here.
Even while still a custodian, the girl’s dad toured the U.S., lecturing on the evils and dangers of communism and what Castro did to the population after he took over.
The one thing he stressed the most in all his lectures was to tell his audience to “never, ever, ever, give up your guns, not for any reason whatsoever.”
He passed away 5 years ago. I still find this depressing because not enough people know how great their loss was…
Listening to Xi has brought back this man’s lectures to me.
I strongly suggest [that] everyone I know listen to her interviews, one of which is presented here:
Xi is writing a book which is scheduled to be published this fall. I will be buying it as soon as it is available for pre-order.
(Yes, she made THAT MUCH of an impression on me!)
About the interviewer:
Morgan Zegers is a smokin’ hot 26yo Texas gal. Her video blog is “The Freedom Records.” I believe Xi Van Fleet was her first interview on that platform. She has since begun “Young Americans Against Socialism,” a 501c3. Since interviewing Xi, her podcast has been picked-up by Salem and she’s become a contributor to “PragerU.” I REALLY like her style, because she asks a question, then gets the hell out of the way and actually lets the person she’s interviewing take as much time as they wish, to answer the question uninterrupted. She doesn’t interject her personality or personal talking points — like some other “personalities” who’re more than twice her age. I find her lack of ego incredibly refreshing…