Someone’s in Real Trumpble

There’s not much in the way of “good news” for president Trump lately.

For one, the North Korea summit in Hanoi didn’t work out as planned.  And the much-touted March 1 deadline for a U.S. China trade deal is quickly looking unlikely.

Couple this with reports that immigration from Mexico-South America is nearing record levels and a Congress that’s trying to trap Trump for looking at a possible major development in Moscow prior to running for office and…well… it’s beginning to mount up as pressure on the market.  And Trump is in Trumpble.

But, it also goes deeper than that.  The highly-marketed Make America Great Again notion has faltered again as we read about a “‘Gut-wrenching’ day as production ends at Ohio GM assembly plant.

To be sure, Trump had, prior to now, been riding a pretty good wave with the stock market rally.  However, now that there’s a paucity of good news and what republican consultant Karl Rove describes in a Wall St. Journal piece as an upcoming 2020 “primary from hell” leading into the election, Trump appears to have lost his grip on leadership.

What’s more, the RINO’s may get a boost for a couple of reasons.  The first is that the younger tribe of socialist democrats are starting to rebuke the more conservative wing of the party (Pelosi et al).  Even more surprising, the lefticrats may lose traditional Jewish backing because there is nominal support for anti-Semitic speech developing at the extreme left.  Then there “Grampa Bernie” who can’t be counted out, just yet and he’s beginning to look almost moderate compared to the lefticrat extremists…until he opened his mouth.  See Bernie Sanders defends Rep. Ilhan Omar, backs ‘legitimate criticism’ of Israel.

So strong has been the democrat veering to the left (and moving into jingo’ed antisemitism) that Howard Schultz, the former Starbucks CEO is now reputed to be talking to GOP insiders about his plans..  Who would have thought?

Of course nothing surprises UrbanSurvival readers who understand that there’s a 72-year cycle in war-politics.  Meaning, we are not surprised that 72-years after the victory over Nazi’s in Germany – the global leader in antisemitism – that beginning in 2017 we would see the rapid return to such debased politics.

Next, we toss in the major widening in the US Trade Deficit, which is splashing-back on the Federal Budget which was looking like crap this week and Donald Trump needs to start landing some body-blows, or his presidency will become something of a flushing festival by history writers.  Art of the Flush?

All of which leads to a modest set of expectation-settings changing and that should begin to ripple into the markets, though the real watershed may not come until the Mueller report and whatever’s in that…

Not that it matters, because democrats, regardless of facts, are using mafia-like strong-arming of known Trump associates to permanently retire or impeach this man who “dared to challenge the swamp.”  And that swamp is backing them strongly.

Swamp critters, which is what we call the institutionalized bureaucracy in Washington, play a slow and dim-witted game.  We can only remind them that the people most injured when the last big country to get “socialism wrong” was the Former Soviet Union.  Liberalism begets socialism, and socialism is the false doctrine of communism and when communism fails,there is fertile ground for capitalism.  We have approximately no faith in democratic-socialism.  (It’s a negative number, in fact).

The Data Matters Ahead of Jobs

Officially, we don’t know until tomorrow, but already we have a couple of indicators that the Job Report seems likely to show another tick upward in the unemployment rate.

This is a critical indicator to watch because as the jobless rate rises more than 1/2 of one percent from its recent lows, the risk of a recession begins to increase geometrically if not exponentially.

Wednesday, the Trump House got some fair news in the ADP Job Report that showed there were 183,000 payroll jobs created in February.  That’s the good news.

The bad is just out this morning from Challenger, Gray, and Christmas which as just announced “2019 February Job Cuts: U.S. Employers Announced 76,835 in February.”  The details in the CG&C press release are sobering, indeed:

“The shortest month of the year saw the highest number of job cuts in over three-and-a-half years, as U.S.-based employers announced plans to cut 76,835 positions from their payrolls in February. That is 45 percent higher than the 52,988 cuts announced in January, according to a report released Thursday from global outplacement and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.

Last month’s job cuts are 117 percent higher than the 35,369 cuts announced in February 2018. It is the highest monthly total since 105,696 cuts were recorded in July 2015, primarily due to the U.S. Army’s cutting over 50,000 jobs and tanking oil prices, causing thousands of cuts in the Energy sector.

“Job cuts have been trending upward since the last half of 2018. We continue to see companies respond to shifting consumer behavior, new technology, as well as trade and market uncertainty through workforce restructuring,” said Andrew Challenger, Vice President of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.

“Meanwhile, Retailers are closing or revamping brick-and-mortar locations, leading to job loss or going bankrupt and cutting their entire workforces,” said Challenger.”

With the pressure building on the farm belt on exports to China, a key trade point, and with an economy that is rolling out new robots, the work of a 45% hike in job cuts in a single month may be what pushes the stock market down in a major way.

Not that it will begin early today; there are some technical reasons why it may not.  Plus, a breakthrough on trade over the weekend could help to push out the current bouncing rally from the December lows out to the end of next month, but that’s when the  “Sell in May and Go Away” historical trend seems as though it may show up early this year.

After the Challenger numbers, the Dow futures were +23 when we checked, but we would not be surprised if that isn’t some preventive central bank or Economic Stabilization Buying coming in to head off disaster that could be just ahead because when the Wave 2 bounce is over, we’d be looking at a possibly larger decline than we saw into the end of 2018.

And Still More Data…

Productivity report is just out from Labor:

Fourth Quarter and Annual Averages 2018, Revised

Nonfarm business sector labor productivity increased 1.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2018, the  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today, as output increased 3.1 percent and hours worked  increased 1.2 percent. (All quarterly percent changes in this release are seasonally adjusted annual rates.)  From the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018, productivity increased 1.8 percent,  reflecting a 3.7-percent increase in output and a 1.9-percent increase in hours worked.

Annual average productivity increased 1.3 percent from 2017 to 2018.

Labor productivity, or output per hour, is calculated by dividing an index of real output by an index of  hours worked by all persons, including employees, proprietors, and unpaid family workers. Unit labor costs in the nonfarm business sector increased 2.0 percent in the fourth quarter of 2018, and  increased 1.0 percent over the last four quarters.

Let’s restate that a bit for clarity:  Productivity was up 1.8 percent while hours worked was up 1.2 percent.  Thanks, automation.  Labor costs were only up 1 percent, so the working person’s take wasn’t as much as “owners” gobbled, but they have to buy the automation….see how the long-chain business molecule works?

After the number, the market rose again with futures up 62 on the Dow side of things.  Of course, it wasn’t just the US that rebounded: Stock futures pare losses after ECB pushes out rate hike.  Apparently, someone in the ECB has now read the same L4L (lower for longer) rate paper written by former Fed boss Ben Bernanke and colleagues.  We covered that a few weeks back on the Peoplenomics side of Mr. Ure’s typing factory.  Peoplenomics subscribers can refer to our February 16th “Bernanke et al on L4L” paper.

Also Work Knowing

Our poster-child nominee for bad headline of the day goes to CNN for “Women hold the key to fighting climate change.”  Yet another division coming, is it?

While the climate myth-selling continues, did you happen to catch this item? U.S. average fuel economy rises. A little.  Oh, and without a new tax scam…  Use less, pollute less…seems pretty simple to your Outback Economic Clown (OEC).


They the “harder We Work, The Behinder We Get File:”

CoreLogic Reports Homeowners with Negative Equity Increased by 35,000 in the Fourth Quarter of 2018.   Not this year…this is one of those slow-motion stats, but useful.

Cyber Liability

Last point, since I’m peripherally involved consulting a new cyber security group, stories like this one catch my eye:  Fitness club employee secretly took nude photos of tanning customers, posted them online, authorities say.

Can you imagine the battles between insurance companies from this one?  I mean if the gym involved even had cyber insurance which statistically only a few percent of businesses do….

This one way how cyber crimes take down companies, because the offending perp was an employee…

Sheesh – WorstWorld, huh…

Chow and more tomorrow…see you then.

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

47 thoughts on “Someone’s in Real Trumpble”

  1. The thing about Trump is that he never had a grip on leadership from the get go. When one his biggest accomplishments is being President when two Supreme Court vacancies become available…well…That’s not skill…That’s luck of the draw.

    His tax plan is a farce…Rob Peter to Pay Paul economics.

    He repealed, but did not replace ObamaCare. My dad always told me and I tell my kids the same thing…Never quit something unless you have a exit plan in place. ObamaCare has no exit plan…just an exit.

    The economy was a continuation of what he inherited and when you listen to George and the real economic numbers behind the curtain, there’s a lot or smoke and mirrors there too.

    The wall will never be built. He can’t ever compromise. His stubbornness on a wall we don’t need will be a big part of his downfall. Yes, everyone on both sides know that we have an issue of drugs and human trafficking at our ports of entry. Everyone knows we have a record number of people trying to get into our country that have been detained…due to civil unrest in many Central and South American countries. None of that has to do with a wall.

    Do yourselves all a huge favor…Read the Bob Woodward book, Fear. Never in the history of politics have we had such an incompetent person in power. Bob has the tapes, the dialogue and the support of those he interviewed to prove it all really happened. Trump doesn’t report to work until 11:00am…watches TV most of the day, and has tons of executive time…mainly because his staff doesn’t want to deal with him.

    But man…can he tweet!

    • Mark, The problem with the R’s is that they have no solutions to real problems such as climate, automation job loss, health care, child care, etc. So they spend their time denying, and muddying the waters with race, Ayn Rand b.s., outright lies, branding, propaganda, name calling, and ridiculing facts and science. And defending an obviously corrupt and compromised president by denigrating the FBI and DOJ.

      The D’s tried to accommodate the R’s with market based solutions such as O’care, which was the less effective solution than single payer, but they’d have none of it. So, now, since the majority of voters want these issues addressed, and actually solved, it’s time to ignore, and simply bypass the conservatives. They’ve become obsolete, and part of the problem, instead of the solution. Mike.

    • Not to mention that one of the Supreme Court vacancies was a tad bit – suspicious – what with a relative of the departing justice involved in a bank that Trump had dealings with. (And the other was a ‘hold up’ – in what way you can decide.)

      It’s possible that even Chief Justice Roberts is nervous . . .

    • Mark… Well.. I didn’t think I would but I did finally decide to sit down and read the book Fear… It was a well written book to.
      To me .. I don’t know… With how things are or what is credible enough to believe .. Is it real or was it just gossips and whispers from those that have been working so hard at discrediting him and attacking him from all angles.
      Just like the gossip rags in the checkout lanes..there’s just enough truth to get your interest and enough b’s to have you saying naw..
      This day and age its hard to know the difference. Especially how hard they’ve been hitting him.
      The other part is..he isn’t a politician..he never claimed to be. And in a tightly controlled political world I am sure he’s made some dooseys for mistakes

  2. Trade deficit with China up 21%. Turns out trade wars aren’t so easy to win. Not that we didn’t need to deal with China, we just needed someone smarter than Trump to do it.

    • am sure the Clintons would of saved the U.S.A.
      We have had the worst selection of canadates ever and now it is beyond belief what is being presented to us

      • We’ve only had crap for candidates since I can remember. The good ones are booted out right away.
        At this point ill just go with who the puppeteers want. They don’t even have to spit shizt out in promises.. Just see who’s getting the most donations. What’s funny is I doubt if the real puppeteers even call the USA home. They just control the country. Use our people to main kill and destroy so they can have what they want to fill their empty lives

  3. There is no country or government or religion or society immune from thoughtful analysis and discernment. I am sick of the tired old canard that nothing negative can ever be said of Israel or Jewish people. Everything must be open for discussion, otherwise, we are not truly free.

    • I fully agree with Okis Cat Fan’s position.

      I’ve had hopes that Trump would be the ‘status quo’ disruptor and swamp drainer that we’d all hoped for, but right now I’m unclear about his direction. I think he’s wrong to denounce any criticism of the Zionist regime in Israel as anti-semitic, a label which has become a loosely used, dismissive term like ‘conspiracy theorist’.

      Also, what’s the deal with AIPAC (American Israel Public Relaions Committee) requiring all our Congresscritters to sign an ‘Allegiance to Israel’ pledge. Isn’t that unconstitutional – you know, swearing fealty to a foreign power – maybe even treasonous??

  4. Now who would care about the stock market which is corrupt to its inner core,the orange clown spent millions on his trip to Nam to attend a meeting that he knew before he left that would be unproductive, because that little neocon perched on his shoulder made sure of that.

    People whine about socialism (something for the people) but yet never open their peepers about all the corporate welfare, or the $22 trillion in debt run up by the 1% ,with the QE’S and bailing out the too big to fail sector, and the huge tax breaks that the orange clown passed that benefited them,but one thing both parties love is war endless war the more the better, and the people cheer.!!!

  5. The list of incompetent U.S. Presidents is unfortunately fairly long: See:

    – Warren G. Harding
    – Andrew Johnson
    – Franklin Pierce
    – James Buchanan
    – Millard Fillmore
    – John Tyler
    – Benjamin Harrison
    – Herbert Hoover
    – Richard Nixon
    – Jimmy Carter
    – George W. Bush

    There is no monopoly on incompetence by political party. History tends to look more favorably upon presidents who held office during or just after major conflicts, including the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War (for Kennedy and Johnson), with the exceptions being Bush Sr. and Jr. for the Iraq Wars and Nixon because he was a tricky Dick. Trump is definitely not off to a favorable start with basement level favorable media coverage, which helps to sway public opinion. But some of his tweets and rants have me scratching my head. I’m all about transparency, but if you can’t take the heat, don’t work in a hot kitchen.

  6. Sup, yo? Back from the dead. Been a helluva ride. Go hard or go home. Made some contacts and friends in the sub culture. Experianced all i needed too. Learned a ton. There is a whole nuther world out there, happenin behind the scenes. Figured out that demons look alot like hard bodied strippers in short skirts. Ha ha ha ha

    You aint lived until you ran 10 straight daze without a wink of sleep. Been in 7 car crashes, had a gun shoved in your face 3 times and been accepted into the “family” . I was told, im now protected. I met everyone from MS13 gang bangers, bandidos, certified Hells Angels bat sh!t crazy women, crazy gifted people , true narcissists, to charasmatic cult leaders, pimps, cyber criminals.

    Helluva ride. When the Shtf? I got some new skillz. I had some skillz before. Got a few out of that life, barely made it out alive. Man, them drugs they have today kick your ass bad.

    You can rant all ya want about being smart, but those who are in that game are crazy crafty and surviving. They dont live by the rulez we do. They live by the dog eat dog rule. And when you think you got game? Think again! Im intuitive as a mofo and pretty intelligent, resourceful and an out of the box thinker. Joly crap! I seen 19 year old girls running scams and making money through loop holes in the system, perfectly legal. That i had know clue you could even do that or work the system like that. Very very educational.

    Got me some street smarts. Been a while. My how stuff has changed. Lmao

    World end yet?

    • More like a 4 month study. Just last 10 days were intense as hell. Lol im still alive and walked away with my life and freedom. Back to being uper middle class and living right. ;]

    • Andy: Sounds like you selected the “Motley Crue Vacation Package”. I don’t see how you could stay up 10 days straight without being hopped up on meth.

      • When in Rome. I did damn near every street drug. I gotta tell ya detoxing off all that is complete Hell. Ha ha! I cold tukey’d. I was puking, sh!tting blood and halucinating. Very interesting and unforgetable lesson and education.

        Most all those people i met as i delved into the street life for 4 months are HUGE on respect and reputation for brutality.

        I went ans dragged this young girl out of a “trap house” and i made a call before i went in. House owner had his foot on her neck, so to speak, forcing her to do things against her will. I went in the house and there were 30 dudes in there. I sat down at the table and looked the Man of the House in the eye and said, ” here is how this is going to go. She is gonna pack her stuff and she is leaving with me in 10 min. He looked at me and said, you’re a God damn fool. I said listen and listen closely. Do you know this person and that person? He looked super scared. I pushed $100 over on the table. He said yeah i know them. i said if i dont call them in 10 min? You and eveyone in here knows whats gonna happen. So i looked at her and said, get your stuff. 10 min later i called my dude. He talked to the man of the house and the only thing the man of the house said was yes sir, he is leaving now with her. And i took her and dropped her off at detox and got her into rehab.

        Anyway, it was very educational and i learned alot. Now, im back to living the good life. :)

      • Usually when those kind of people do you a favor, you are in their debt. As they say, “One day Satan will come home to roost.”

      • Nope. I worked a few things prior to that so that was my payment afterwards. I was what i wanted in return. I said this young 21 year old girls freedom, and i was going to return to my life. They said if ya need anything else? Let us know and that was that. Lets just say, i hooked them up with a really really good “mechanic” that i met in my travels.

        And that was that.

        Im clean and sober now and moving on.

      • Dontcha know? Everything’s a buisness model. Havent ya ever read “the art of the Deal?”


        Anyway, moving on. Glad to be back. Im much more wise now that i have completed my certificate training in “thug life” . Not much of a retirement program. Jails. Institutions and death.

        So, moving on.

      • Thank god you were there Andy to help that young lady..
        Thank god you had the connections that allowed you to save her..

  7. How silly is the constant badgering of this President!! The fear that he accomplishes what the Politicians failed to do for at least the past 40 years is palpable. ALL of us non-politicians agree that Congress has done very little for all these years and the Country is slowly sinking. Along comes this Pres who does not take our tax dollars, gives back his salary, gets rid of whole bunches of useless regs, tries to negotiate with the globals who want us done and he cannot have a good day because of the resist crowd. What a thankless bunch of twerps he faces day in/ day out. At least he is trying for us, vs. the Politicians who are always trying for themselves. Investigate how they became multi-millioneres at the tax payer’s expense???

  8. George, what you seem to refuse to believe, despite overwhelming facts, is that Your Guy is a career criminal heading a criminal enterprise. So, you attack Eliot Ness instead of Al Capone.

    Face it George. You either got conned like a little old lady, or you’ve simply sided up with the bad guys. Best, Mike.

    • Let’s take your Trump-bashing and table it for a second.
      Where the hell do you think this country would be if your vote for Stein had flipped things in Hitlery Clinton’s favor? Do you not realize the most likely outcome 2 years down the road had the queen of the neocons won the presidency would have been Armageddon? Visualize the U.S. as a nuclear wasteland, and realize Pres Trump COULD have actually drained the swamp by now (or a good piece of it) had “she” not insisted upon compiling the “insurance policy” packed with nothing but lies, in order to obfuscate anything and everything Pres Trump attempted to do in order to keep his campaign promises?
      That’s the truth, my friend, so please stop your yapping about Pres Trump and show some respect. Once again let me remind you, he WON! I and a lot of other patriots who visit here, voted for HIM. So when you bash him, you bash us, and we’re getting tired of it.

      • Good points WCD.. Many have forgotten the viscious ruthless relentless attacks that actually started before the election as well.. What was it I read.. Over two billion was spent in a couple weeks alone before the election day voting.
        DJT truly has more resolve than I do. Seeing that alone I would have bowed out and handed the job over. Really who needs that kind of stress. At that point in his life he had it. Go enjoy himself.
        I think he truly thought he’d get some support and be able to get the old ship turned around.
        I know I sure didn’t think things were as bad as they are being shown to be.

  9. George, when you post at the end of your column “Moron tomorrow” are your talking about the ones that comment on your site? I see more morons commenting than I have in previous years. I guess it’s always good to hear the other side, only the other side has been saying the same shat for the last three years.

    And like you, they want to put everything President Trump does under a microscope. They want to say how he hasn’t had any successes how he hasn’t been a leader Yada yada yada. And Clinton would have been? Obama was a leader? Maybe of the Muslim world, he certainly paid them more $$ than any other president in history, but I digress.

    The Boarder wall is being built as we speak! You morons on the left can’t have it both ways. For 8 years it was Bush’s economy and never Obama or the Dems, but now that the economy has been soaring, after Obama has been out and Obama get’s the credit. MORON!!!!

    We can’t list all the things that President Trump has accomplished here, there isn’t the room and honestly the morons on the left haven’t gotten over the fact they LOST!!! and they will LOSE again in 2020.

    If you want the best book to read about President Trump go read Victor David Hansen’s book The Case for Trump.

    When this coup from the left gets the real light of day, and it will in the next year. The American people will see the depth of the collusion from foreign governments and the democrats in this country and the piles of $$ paid to them. Then the real trials and real scandals will begin to be adjudicated.

  10. George, you and your columns and approach are:


    Comments one and two are basically:

    1.) “You don’t give Trump enough credit, you are dumb”
    2.) “You give Trump too much credit, you are dumb”

    But both comments appear, uncensored. Bravo to you for having a thick skin and a clear head. If only the rest of the world were the same way.

    This is why I keep reading and subscribing after all these years.

  11. I may vote for “Grampa Bernie”. Like Republicans say about California wildfires, ‘Instead of saving the forest, it must be scorched.’ (sic)

    For starters,
    Hillary never went to jail.
    Were the “lines erased” – medical insurance?
    The ‘make Mexico pay for it’ Wall is now a “Season 2” event with us paying for it – (note, it’s not like we’ll be asked to send in $20.00 a month toward funding the wall builders. Our $ purchasing power will be diluted just a little more to pay for that wall.)
    Are you folks enjoying lower taxes?
    And what about de-funding Sanctuary Cities?

    At the end of the day Republicans can blame Congress but that illustrates Trump is not an effective leader as Congress was recently chock full of Republicans. And at the other end of the spectrum, Trump doesn’t command supporters to go down to Congress and demand change, or the constituents aren’t listening – either way more illustration Trump is not a leader.

    Trump must be in on it.

    Recall Trump’s pre-election comments about GM? Trump will have to extend GM the advantages given to the Steel Industry or Carrier to keep them here.

    Standard disclaimers.

  12. Hi George,
    Just watched a very nice TV news report on your son and the Uber menu that you wrote about awhile back. It was on our Local NBC 2 Houston news broadcast at noon. Good interview with your son and a passenger. Good looking son you have. You may be able to go to Click2Houston and find the story.

  13. Old Topic, but today on the local news morning show they featured Uber driver George II and his ‘ride menu’… with video. It’s gone ‘network viral’ now.

  14. Why do we as Americans continue to believe our vote means anything in a two party system, or that in the event the puppet in chief did not do what his handlers ordered that he would be where he is…….. or that the theatre on the hill can be anything but a show put on for the willing, and gullible. The fall of the empire is at hand. I will stand by the sidelines in the peanut gallery, watching and waiting so I will know my next move.

  15. Is there anyone on this board who believes in:
    “Carry your weight, or perish.” Just asking!

  16. Whoa! Is any speech in criticism of Israel now formally “anti-semitism” and “criminal”, based upon the new federal anti-semitism bill? The answer appears to be “yes”.

    Is Omar’s speech critical or hateful? George seems to think it is the latter.

    President Trump thinks it is the latter too, shaming the Democrats in a Tweet for not hastily passing it.

    Thus, the new bill – symbolically authorized by the House yesterday – has successfully shredded the Constitutional Freedom of Speech for Omar, and the rest of us poor idiots.

    Lenin did this in 1918. Good job, George, in your unwitting support of Lenin’s Bolshevik tenets.

    • I think Rep Omar is running a game on us – and it goes like this – a little Muslim trick similar to 9/11:
      Turn an asset upon your enemy (also in Chinese doctrine, as well)
      Now in 9/11 it was airplanes turned on us.
      Now, Omar has just attacked freedom of speech gambling that the radicalized left will rally around her gambit and spin on “free speech.”
      Speech still is free, but with that goes the obligation for civil debate…but yeah, she put a bunch of points on the board more militant Islam in the process because it increases social pressure on the internal US workings. Tehran’s got to be rollicking.
      I expect she will be well rewarded.

      • Thank you for your kind response. Holy Moly! ;) Forgiveness please. George, I honestly did not know there was one person left on the globe, who still believed that a plane driven by an Arab miscreant, who was not wearing a “gut suit”, executed the precise maneuvers necessary to tragically take down a big asbestos-condemned office building full of hard working people, along with another WTC skyscraper (#7) located several blocks away. That’s some heckuva flying!

        Sir, the Constitution specified and protected God-given freedoms, not governmental privileges. There is no clause that states “free speech is granted, only if it is civil”. Civil speech is, of course, subjective.

        Rather than attempt to play 4D Chess (trying to ascertain the Congresswoman’s alleged covert aims) (why would Iran frolic?…Ancient Persia has not attacked anyone in more than 300 years and is now in the crosshairs of both the United States and Israel), it is far better to glean whether she is being truthful or not. Critical thinking is necessary.

        Intelligence analyst Giraldi, who is viewed as legendary by many, states that she is.

      • Ancient Persia, along with ancient Assyria and the majority of the other ancient kingdoms and empires of Iran, are living in Michigan, USA.

        MODERN IRAN, via its State surrogates, runs deadly paramilitary operations, daily. You seem like an intelligent person. Please do not abrogate common sense and logic, by believing that because Hamas receives a directive from an officer in the Republican Guard rather than an Ayatollah, their action of the day isn’t at the behest of Iran. Doing so belittles yourself, and insults those of us who have common sense and exercise it…

  17. This for Mark- March 7 @ 9:12
    I once before endured a conversation such as yours just as full of rubbish as yours.
    You do not know any of the things you rant on.
    I feel confident of this because I’m sure that no one in the White House has you in their loop. No one called you to confirm or deny your accusations. Any information of the sort you claim arrogantly to know and spew here, if it were accurate, would have been filtered dozens of times before being released to the public. So I contend you don’t know what you are talking about any more than I do. You are as ignorant as am I and no one will ever let you know anything about what goes on behind closed and restricted doors. Most of the criticism today regarding Trump is nothing more than the same type of whiny, liberal know nothing crap just like yours. Shove off!

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