Futures up 322 on the Dow? Of course the market’s running up today! Ah, the perversion of economics spun along beautifully along with Hoover II’s SSFM (seriously steamy freaking mess) on 60-Minutia (sic). But in the end, who cares? OK, Melania, then…
Forget the DVD taunts (where is the extortion line crossed?), the blah, blah, blah…We have much bigger economic fish to fry than a billionaire (long before running) getting laid. Starting with this chart of how closely the present-day US Aggregate Index wants to align with an equivalent period from the fall of 1929!
(Continues below)
This is NOT to advise anyone to buy or sell a stock, an index, or their parents. No, we don’t offer financial advice.
But, I call tell you there’s an old Wall St. saying “Buy the Rumor, Sell the News” that could be rewritten this morning as “Sell the Hooker, Buy the News.”
Forget Daniels: Here’s the Big Picture:
Trump has now waded into the mess that killed Hoover’s legacy – trade and tariffs. Although the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act did not pass until six months after the Crash (OK, 7-months – it’s early), the fact is Hoover was working very-much parallel jobs kinds of issues in 1928 (and earlier). Like Trump, he sort of “shopped parties…”
“Hoover eventually declared himself a Republican and accepted President Warren Harding’s invitation to serve as Secretary of Commerce. At the Department of Commerce, where he served through both the Harding and Coolidge administrations, he established a wide range of standards for manufactured products, campaigned against waste and inefficiency in industry, and encouraged the growth of new industries such as radio and aviation. He became one of the most admired men Washington, but his fame reached new heights in 1927 because of his extraordinary service to assist the victims of the Mississippi River Flood that year.”
In fairness, Trump’s run to the brink of financial disaster has been slower than Hoover’s. But here we are, brinking.
Wednesday, in Peoplenomics, we will delve into the mechanics of the “Dueling Discontinuities” that are ebbing and flowing now.
We look for a pop of several hundred Dow point to the upside and them tomorrow – perhaps if there’s disappointment with Housing data – we look for the End of the Trump Bump to roll into full view out here in Ford and Chevy country this Spring.
Laments the WaPo: Despite porn stars and Playboy models, white evangelicals aren’t rejecting Trump. This is why.” Say, notice how they tossed in an unnecessary racial label? The lefty’s of the hot-button press as we read it. Try tossing in an unnecessary racial label with another group and see if you don’t get pounced….
Maybe the media will find another reason for the rally. Like, oh…Markets Recover on US-China Trade Talk. Fine. Rally’s a rally. Even for a day or two.
This all Leads to War
Best take out of our models goes something like this (save this for future review to see how we do):
We have a rally today, then decline, another (decent) rally, and bottom in April or May.
Along should come a nice rally into the summer – ideally, the end of August.
That in Elliott terms would complete wave 1 down (Apr/May) and wave 2 up (bounce, Aug/Sep). Sadly, something goes wrong again this fall and we then take the Dow well under the 19,000 level before Jingle Bells. In the spring of 2019 jobs begin to tighten and the government makes the same mistake made in 1930.
Rather than accept the decline, the government tries to hold prices and in doing so, introduces gobs of economic distortions that just make things worse. Horribly so. 2019 is the nightmare and 2020 is the sequel.
Jobs will be crashing all around by then – and like Hoover, Trump will be talking about job-sharing. My “tax robotics” may actually be heard but machines have always been a sacred cow among those who really OWN government. And that’s not Us. That’s why they don’t need to read the budget…sign it or be ruined, simple as that. Think Stormy’s the only story used as a control or whip? Naw.
In the Spring of 2020 there we are in the depths of Depression and a confused congress will press on with legislating trade – always a dangerous path.
As the world winds down, famine begins to grow around the edges and we realize there really aren’t enough jobs for all who want them. And down and down…
Until 2022-2024. That’s when the shooting starts. It will start conventional and escalate to city-killing and by then, the East Texas Outback will begin to make a lot of sense.
The signs are already there, if you know where to look. Let me give you an example:
Chief coder Grady of our (off in background) Nostracodeus project sees disturbing pops in the data runs now. Which is why this email arrived from programming central:
“OH shit!
Now a tv show is demonizing Vladi Putin.
He’s an assh*le, but demonizing a foreign leader can be a indicator of war to come. “
Well, sure…and when you toss in the wild spending in the dollar-smacking budget, yeah, that too is worrisome. When generals starting counting their assets at press conferences, it’s tantamount to laying concrete blocks of the coming war’s foundation.
Indicators are beginning to cluster around time concepts more: Words like “soon” and “will” or “shortly” in international affairs tell you where the winds are blowing.
More accurately, “the winds” are being made to blow by Illuminist groups purported to include like the Council on Foreign Relations.
The CFR’s captive Foreign Affairs is hot after “Egypt’s Sham Election” on the one hand while talking about “offense” in cyber matters on the other.
‘zat you, Neo?
Attack of the Fifth Column
Naturally, if the US is headed for war, the main thing our enemies want is to disarm us. Since you may not remember much about “fifth column operations” a visit to wikiland is in order:
“A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, or espionage executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force….”
Don’t see the Fifth Column? That’s because it’s hidden in plain sight.
Here, let me help by pointing to a few headlines in the (highly manipulative, gullible, agenda-driven) press for you:
Hundreds of thousands rally for gun control legislation. (You can’t be so stupid as to think this is spontaneous 13-year olds, can you? No, there’s big liberal money running this charade…)
More reasonably?
Students should learn CPR, not seek gun laws, Rick Santorum says.
And tell me if this really happened in liberal Oregon? “Portland middle school teacher put on leave for involvement in student walkout.” I’m having a hard time there could be such clear thinking west of Bend.
Research Data/Visualization
Hot tip from warhammer on a great site to visualize “where America came from” over time. Click here to see it. To me, looks to me like the dynamics changed when we can off the gold standard…kinder, gentler globalism, anyone?
Just Out
Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI):
Led by improvements in production-related indicators, the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) rose to +0.88 in February from +0.02 in January. All four broad categories of indicators that make up the index increased from January, and three of the four categories made positive contributions to the index in February. The index’s three-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, increased to +0.37 in February from +0.16 in January.
Picture to go with that?
Don’t know whether to send this to an economist or a cardiologist…
STILL More FB Crap
As Social melts down (and I scream “Told you so!!!”) did you catch this article? “Facebook scraped call, text message data for years from Android phones [Updated]”
FB denies (in “Facebook denies it collects call and SMS data from phones without permission“) and you bet, the check’s in the mail….
Shopped Till they Dropped?
64 dead, bodies remain trapped under rubble after shopping mall fire in Russia’s Kemerovo.
No fire sale jokes…these people are seriously dead. Apparently no alarms and people didn’t get escorted out of the building…
Moron the ‘morrow…
Todays chatter is spot on, Keep it up
If the liberal news media would have covered Bill Clinton and his sexcapades (? rapes)like they do Trump and the women in his past, old Bill would still be in prison. But the media and Hilldog put a stop to that real quick and the media covered for Clinton and went after the women that accused him of rape. Don’t you just love the double standard?
Where Trump made his mistake is in not just coming out and saying. Yup had a wonderful time. Stormy needed a few bucks so I slipped her a few. I had the non disclosure agreement because I didn’t wish to hurt my wife’s feelings over my physical weaknesses over a very beautiful actress.
The story over..
in life there are but a few real luxuries. Food, Sex, Companionship, family and friends. The rest is fluff and show. A thing is a thing it can be gone in an instant.
You’re too real. lots of laughs
“But the media and Hilldog put a stop to that real quick and the media covered for Clinton and went after the women that accused him of rape.”
Bill K. had just returned from the Bilderburg meeting ar Baden-Baden Germany (where he was obviously anointed to be the next POTUS).
Bill & Hill were brought on a weekly “news” program where a thick layer of propaganda was applied to ameliorate Bill’s “indiscretions”. Before this interview Bill’s credibility was deep in the crapper, after it he was God.
What was that program?
Deep State at work!
I finally dumped my remaining FB stock just now. Full disclosure — I have never been a user of FB and in fact, it gives me the creeps, but I enjoyed profiting from ignorance of the user base (who probably thought of themselves as clientele). The clientele always was the intelligence community. I think it is funny that FB started out as a rating site of the women on the campus. Where’s the “MeToo” outrage on that one? Probably most people too busy posting some self absorbed remark to their page or wall or whatever it is to pick up on that.
Now up until now its been to hard to totally replicate the human mind.. but give this one a thought see if it deserves a good argument against AI…
the argument will come up.. the bot is dead.. but is it.. or just changed and adopted by someone else to use. we have siri and watson etc etc.. then think about facebook your texting history. your photos..
on facebook .. the facial recognition software on it will not only detect every one of the snipers in that photo but give you the link to their facebook page.. now that is scary information that they have that we can access..
I use to sit and have coffee late at night with one of the major scientists for the Apollo missions. ( I am sure many of you have used his text books in college.. ) anyway one thing he always like to say while he was trying to convince me to delve deaper into quantum.. JUST THINK ABOUT IT..
It was a heck of a weekend. The NCAA men’s Final Four is set, Stormy tells all and millions of teens march. As for 60 Minutes…while I was more disturbed by the comment that Trump said Stormy’s spunkiest reminded him of his daughter Ivanka, that interview just solidified my distaste for Trump. Nothing changed much.
I was disgusted by Rick Santorum’s quote. Listen…give these kids credit…and stop assuming wealthy leftists are at play here. Nobody knows how to organize better than today’s youth. Today’s youth grew up with parents that replaced their baby rattles with cell phones. They were using social media before they lost their first tooth. And unlike my parents generation, today’s helicopter parents share the same beliefs as their kids. It’s a combination of angry parents and scared to death kids fueling the gun reform.
And once again…the GOP is lying to your faces…claiming the liberals want to take your guns…NO THEY DON’T!!! These families that marched…want common sense gun laws. I am 100% behind this movement. I marched as well. And you know what I found out? Most of the people that marched are gun owners themselves…just like me. But…we all agree that there is no place or logic for assault rifles. We want bump stocks outlawed. We want better laws and regulations to keep guns out of the hands of those that aren’t responsible enough to use them safely. We enforce laws that keep cars away from offenders with too many points against their license or who have alcohol issues. We deny credit to those that abuse their spending and bill paying ability. And that’s just government. Companies have drug testing, have the ability to accept or deny someone a job based on their grade point average in college…dress codes…conduct and harassment laws and regulations…attendance rules…job performance reviews and dozens of more items that they must abide by.
Yet…anyone regardless of brain power or lack of, can own a gun. An idiot behind a car can kill…so, we try to limit an idiots ability to drive. Do they slip through the cracks and drive every once in a while? Sure…but it’s not the Wild West either and now with Uber and Lyft, drunk driving incidents in the cities are way down. Why can’t we have those same laws for guns? That is all we were marching for. Keep your guns…but be prepared to pass a test, take a gun class, and get a extensive background check to qualify. I will be the first in line to prove that I am worthy of gun ownership…and we will all feel a bit safer…will an idiot fall through the cracks…probably…but reducing the problems is better than not doing anything at all.
Mark we HAVE common sense gun laws. What screwed the pooch at Parkland was an Obama era deal to paper-over crimes by kids – what’s how the killer got a pass and the school got money. Corruption by the Deep Statue URE and simple.
Thanks George. I agree we have more than enough gun laws. The issue is they are just not enforced. DHS has ATF occupied with other things; FBI is now totally useless; local guys don’t want to do anything they don’t have to for fear of getting slammed. This Parkland thing was a perfect example of people taking zero responsibility for anything, and that includes the school board, Sheriff Dept and many others.
Bumpstock? FMTT, but I can outfire a bumpstock with my finger and a 3 lb trigger setting! Talk about a tempest in a teapot… And ASSAULT RIFLE is a made-up marketing term for a semi-auto carbine decked out tactical. I could make my .30-06 look the same way, were I inclined to waste money frivolously.
Mark, you may be a “gun owner”, but I don’t think you are a shooter or you wouldn’t have said a thing about something as useless and clunky as a bumpstock. That thing is for idiots that like to pretend they have a full-auto – which most could not shoot simply due to the pull, without firing off a few thousand rounds practicing.
It takes a hundred rounds to even break in most rifles. Which is why I laugh when I read about some guy buying a gun and immediately shooting someplace up.
Fact – take out suicides, hand guns and cop kills and there is just a nothing burger in the reported statistics anyway. You stand a much better chance of getting killed in your car than by some idiot kid with an “assault rifle”.
This was always a gun grab, from the get go. Always. But Americans are not going to give up their last line of defense, especially in places where it takes the cops 20 minutes to arrive…
You miss the point of the second amendment…RIGHTS do NOT have to be PROVEN…by ANY test..oral or written….and especially one that is administered by the GOVERNMENT…of which the second amendment IS required to be followed by the GOVERNMENT…which it does NOT….sono line for me to get into to prove anything since it is my God-given right to arm myself with weapons that can repel the GOVERNMENT…..as intended by the Founders….Semper Fi
D…God did not give you the right to own a gun..so please don’t say that. I think most of you fail to realize that even the NRA couldn’t give a hoot about your gun rights…they are a powerful lobby group protecting the wallets of the gun manufacturers and dealers…plain and simple. They are no different than pharmaceutical companies that protect their addictive drugs.
Besides…the 2nd amendment is amendment…amendments can be amended to be a bit more relevant to today’s world…not a world where single shot muskets were the guns de jour.
Again…I disagree with EVERYONE that is paranoid enough to think that this is a gun grab. Nobody is taking yours or my guns….Ever…And maybe we can make exceptions in the rural areas where as Oilman stated it takes 20mijutes for the police to arrive. But large cities…that’s a different story. This needs to be a handled at the local level.
If the goal of the left is not to take away guns and peoples ability to defend themselves, how do you explain this? Now that the subject of repealing the 2nd amendment has been introduced to the national dialogue, you know where the conversation is going next. What’s next, knives and hammers? What about trucks and cars too?
The problem isn’t guns, its the hands those guns get into. Same goes for knives and hammers, trucks and cars and whatever else the nitwits, who want to do mass killings or gang shootings that destroy neighborhoods, choose as their weapon of choice.
Everyone wants gun control and nobody wants to hold the how are county sheriff or the chi accountable. They visited Mr. Cruz 39 friggen times prior to the incident and dis nothing.
Not only that when the first deputies arrived on site they were ordered to stand down.
Broward county. Damn auto correct.
Ughh… damn big monkey hands and stupid tiny buttons. Lmao. You know what I mean mister!
I’m not an idiot. I just have huge hands and these damn tiny buttons to contend with. Lol
If you were a gun owned like you claim to be you would know that the term “assault rifle” is a term created by the media. There are bolt action and semi auto rifles and handguns. My father called a semi auto rifle a carbine. You are wrong on all counts.
The Second Amendment did not give us the
“right” to bear arms. What it did was to recognize that we already had that right as free people. The constitution just reiterated that the government would not infringe on that right. EVERY law passed since that time that regulates guns is unconstitutional, period. March all you want. Those kids are backed by $ and intel. If you believe this event is spontaneous, I have a bridge I would like to sell you.
Why can’t anyone admit the real truth? The reason kids are out to hurt other kids is not that guns are available (they always will be!) It is the treatment they get from the other kids themselves. Bullying is not the only or the biggest problem — the ‘rich’ or better off belittling, using their little screens to promote the ‘in group’ and make others out to be so poor and unwanted — even to the point of demoralizing some so much they commit or attempt suicide -“cause they can’t fit in!” Not to mention all the different prejudices they have learned from their parents! And how they have been taught to “hero’ worship idiots in the entertainment and sports world and even more — hero worship they RICH! The kids themselves are responsible for all the problems — NOT GUNS!~ Pass laws to get rid of ‘smart phones’, TVs and dumb asses! Do something worthwhile!
Mark, the more you write, the less you are right. Oh, you’re left, I get it.
Mark –
I am sure those who routinely break laws will try to prove to the government that they are worthy of gun ownership.
Adding more gun laws on top of 50K gun laws in existence and expecting a different result is ??????
Do you even believe your own arguments?
Greenacr …Those who routinely break laws eventually get caught and will pay the price. It’s the same with everything that has regulations. A person with multiple DUI’s can’t under any circumstances drive a car. But do they? Sometimes they do. It’s not as if there is a dearth of cars available. They find them by hook not crook. However, the consequences get more and more severe to the point where that person becomes a prisoner of his own doing. Same with guns. We need enforceable regulations that work and have consequences for the constant idiots that ruin it for those of us that respect our gun ownership.
Mark just can’t get the point Second Amendment shall not be infringed upon you could all the Clauses. Some punctuation and extra marks in there but that was the main thing it shall not be infringed upon no matter whether you’re the stupidest son of a gun on the planet or the smartest person on the planet no matter whether you have any kind of problem you’re right to guns shall not be infringed. No exceptions no extra paragraphs nothing extra that’s it because once you start adding, extra things and extra sentences the next two paragraphs what we have is a diluted Republic and we don’t want that so yeah you can take the next train that goes off the west coast and take all your descendants with you.
So once you come back from reeducation Camp will gather round the campfire and talk about old times and what life in the United States is but in the meantime go drown yourself somewhere or just jump off a cliff and if there’s no water there I’m not going to hurt myself and feeling that we should have saved you because you’re not worth saving.
The Constitution is with saving and many people have died to say that and they continually do that and I don’t need you mark to tell me that we need to have some kind of gun control what we need is some kind of control over people like you that I can agree upon
So let me get this straight all my relatives that are in the service and all the people that are in the service across the nation and their relatives according to you we should take more concerned about our weapons we need to disarm people who we think don’t need them.
Along with Google Facebook Twitter Youtube all those people who are trying to take our first and second amendments rights away need to be shipped off or either put into that Guatemala prison you live in California and California to not be part of the program that we live under so off you go in the middle of the night I hope they take all y’all just ship you off.
Yeah my belief system is once I get the wall built and need to put you on the other side of it and do not allow you into this country anybody all your descendants stay on the outside we don’t want you here
Remember when we were at War and Japan all across the United States that were bases like in Kansas that put up the Japanese because we couldn’t trust him that’s why I would do with you hint hint put you in a cab because we can’t trust you we can’t trust you to fight for America we can only trust you to take us down and does armas
So you believe in gun restrictions well be careful what you wish for cuz it’ll come right back at you and you’ll be the one respecting the guns far from and when you need it most to defend yourself we will restrict your guns it doesn’t matter who you are under whatever circumstances we’re going to take your gun away we’re going to send people after you now what are you going to do defend yourself bend over sacrificed is that your belief of the Second Amendment
I see the current Youth Revolution Against Guns as a rerun of the 1212 Children’s Crusade. We can expect similar results.
I like Warhammer’s info graphic on immigration patterns. LOTS of people coming from very poor countries to the US in the last 40 years. Probably a net benefit for the US but with a slowing economy and huge welfare programs, the future immigrants will no longer be a net benefit. Unfortunately, there are no up and coming ‘Americas’ on the global scene. A country with a true middle class and very little corruption is a huge anomaly as far as I can tell. America will soon experience the third world effect, namely, a very small middle class and huge amounts of corruption. America was a good ride as long as it lasted. I am happy that I was born in the late 50’s and was able see the country at its peak!
This is what and why George and I bought land where we did. It’s called ‘collapsing early to avoid the rush”…
The reeks had civilization just fine without our modern stuff, as did many other folks in history. The Malays, Thais, Colombians – their countries are not as rich as ours, but people can be happy and have a decent living standard on a lot less than Americans.
EVERY country is run by crooked politicians – ask the citizens, and they will say the same thing about their governments that we are currently lamenting. Read about the roaring twenties, because this isn’t our first pass at this in America.
It’s a reset – and those without debt or minimal debt will likely be ok. Those with paper assets will take a bloody bath and those with tangible assets be relatively unhurt – same as last time.
I am also glad I got to be alive when the bloom was on, but it’s better to make the good “new” days than lament the good old days.
Just because you own your property doesn’t necessarily make one safe. They will raise the taxes very high. Gotta have a way to pay. Texas is abusing the property taxes, and it is only going to get worse. I appreciate all these inputs, though, gives everyone plenty of opportunity to think about what to do. Run the scenarios. Rural, over 12.5 acres, is a start.
George, what are your thoughts of the China launch of the gold backed Yuan?
Until gold passes 1500 its all a non-event despite with others claim.
IOW if I can’t make a buck at it, why care?
OTOH I scaled better than 2% on the pullback in market after touching +500 on the down. Shorter there, out in less than 2 hours…but it does help to have the PN roadmap.
“FB denies (in “Facebook denies it collects call and SMS data from phones without permission“) and you bet, the check’s in the mail….”
One of the places I worked has several thousand employees. The area I worked was overnights with just a few to man the wings.. anyway we were not allowed to take breaks together. One young lady would take her lunch break and call her boyfriend. One night the nurses were talking and the subject of the discussion was what this young lady talked about I asked first how do you know what she’s talking about and what business is it of yours. That’s when I learned that after the hospital seen a few calls to that number they started to monitor the calls. The conversations were disclosed to the nurses during their meetings.
If you read the disclosure agreement with Facebook.. (even with games for your phones) you will notice that you ok the collection of that information.
Even the information you have in your photos can be used at their discretion. What makes me wonder.. I complain a lot about our congress that doesn’t write any bills and absolutely refuse to read them. Aren’t we in a way guilty of the same thing. We complain about Facebook but they aren’t doing anything different than anyone else.
George, maybe it was just me but, as I listened to Trumps signing of the bill. All the reasons why he would sign somehhting that he ran against while campaigning. It sounded like to me that war is coming. It appeared to me and my wife that the US is preparing for war. That seemed it was the primary reason for Trump to sign this pile of crap. So it would appear to me that the war drums are already beating and we here in the US are gearing up. It was certainly funded!
It’s hugely expensive to go to war, W.I. – so it will take several years of huge budgets…but patience…will be here too soon.
What will the war be fought for or about? Will it be on European soil?
…As the fog begins to lift, for the few.
Robert, it will be fought at sea, and on CONUS. I haven’t yet identified who, or what the Archduke will be, this time around. There are many candidates…
George? Are there any cute little towns in Tx comparable to Mayberry from the Andy Griffith show, that you could name? Im ready to move from the Pacific NW. Just don’t know where. Don’t want to deal with snowy winters, hurricanes, gators and pythons or bugs(mosquitoes). PNW was fine but too many people, the corresponding traffic and homeless have changed the livability factor.
Hate to break it to you, but we have BIG “squeeters” in Texas. All the big cities have homeless, Austin for example, has a whole sub-culture around them, it gives all the non-profits something to raise money for, a good problem that never gets solved, they get shuffled from one part of town to another, keeps everyone busy, police, non-profits, charities, austinites, etc. There are many small towns that are good, where George and Elaine are is quite nice. The thing is is…(love using those 2 words together), can you afford to live on minimum wage? Gotta have an income source. If that doesn’t scare you off, come on down, we’d love to have ya!
Yeah most places out away from the big cities find a place for the homeless to live with I mean there they may be home with what they’re worth something I mean they can do things around your place at least they can watch your place while you’re gone when I did live in the big city I help the homeless as much as possible
Robert –
There are many, but you need to do a threat assessment, look at the tax rates and then decide. That threat assessment is why George and I wound up fairly close.
Gators are still here, but you have to work really hard to make yourself look and smell like a half-dead meal for them to be a concern. We still have skeeters, and nowhere you go in the sun belt is excluded – but that’s why we have beautyberry, DEET and SkinsoSoft, right?
Threat assessment – and I am sure George can point you to an old column that shows how to do that…
Looks like FB will be an eventual buying opportunity as the majority of morons on the morrow don’t know what is happening & will continue to use it. As long as earnings aren`t hit to hard it should recover. Just like when Twitter went to $16 with poor earnings and now is $32.
The braindead liberals like to use the words ASSAULT WEAPONS as if semi auto weapons are purposely manufactured and sold for the goal of assaulting other humans. Stock market is up over 500 points today. These types of huge moves down and up, are not so far resulting in huge losses in the stock market. If we dont have a significant correction within the next 2 months or so { im talking down 20% or more for more then a couple days time} then I think we may see a mega bull run . We had several trading days in the last few months where we have seen 400-600-800-1000 point drops, only to see the DOW comeback strongly a few days later. This does not indicate to me, weakeness . Its more indicative of computer triggered selloffs, insider trading, speculation ,etc. We still have not seen a lasting correction that lasts weeks or months , and IMHO if we dont see it real soon , then the correction may be interrupted by a even bigger bull run to 25,000+ on the DOW. If constant FED RATE HIKES and trade wars with china aint causing a lasting correction, then not much else will.
Ships carry lifeboats in case of accidents. Hopefully you are carrying provisions for the same reasons, Our Ship of State is leaking from several cracks now.
Sooo May 20 th for another downer trip
Based on my research, that looks like a good date. In the meantime, looking for a blow off top.
if this will open, chart shows how Bill Clinton got the ‘Teflon’! Scroll down for chart.
Personally, I would have bought the hooker and sold the worthless “news”. Not Stormy though – she’s just not that hot. I checked her out on a free porno site and was not impressed. I passed on 60 minutes.
The real news that never gets printed is the clampdown on personals sites. Craigslist dumped ALL their personals, though the category titles remain. When you click on anything, you get a message about a new about to be law that awaits just a signature. Something called HR 1865, “FOSTA”, which seeks to hold websites accountable for third parties unlawful use of personal ads. No telling if this will get generalized into all postings!
I’ve noticed that historically, access to joy in all forms(drugs, sex, relationship, gambling, alcohol) has always been restricted to maintain need, scarcity, high prices, and a need to work for (taxable)money beyond that needed for comfort. The only exception seems to be food.
Slaves dont work well wthout food.
That will in itself make it more dangerous for the ladies that choose that career to. They will no longer have a way to insure their safety. The business will never end. If they really wanted to get criminals they would have taken a good hard look at the child trafficking ring around our nations capital and gone after them. Unfortunately there’s to much money and to much power to take that fight up. Instead they will go after the lonely salesmen and truck drivers those whose lives have been affected by circumstances beyond their control.
What they should do is legalize it regulate it and tax it.
Hi, George,
The march in DC and in other cities by the children and their enablers symbolizes the rise of Marxist indoctrination in our education system. The buses and planes that ferried many people to DC were mostly funded by Planned Parenthood and George Soros. These people who marched to take away our rights acted in an outrageous and moronic display. They want to shred the Constitution so badly. Their blatant gun grab wish resembles what the Hitler youth were doing in Germany before WW2. This rise of the Bolsheviks does not belong in our country. Communism does not work.
Excellent point!
Most of those demonstrating this past weekend were O’Bama’s ‘Brown Shirt’ kids.
Where did most get the money for travel & living expenses? George Soros?
Have you ever wondered when Trump won what the instant hatred was all about?
My theory is simple:
1917-1918 is the centennial of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
Hillary Clinton, our Bolshevik Communist, was assigned the celebration of this revolution by doing the same in the USofA.
DJT spoiled this plan by beating her to becone POTUS.
There is a GOD!
I have a diary .. the czar asked our president for help. His people were starving crops sucked, so the thought was send some of our farmers to teach the farmers there our modern horse farming techniques.
While there the heard rumors of a revolution but information was slow. Then one day as they were coming in from the fields they seen them marching into the village and took off to the neighboring village to be evacuated. Because they had to wear a uniform of sorts they were afraid they would be executed. Great Diane took pictures lots of pictures. Which has made me want to visit the country meet the people there and see the beautiful gothic buildings the great forests and countryside.
I always thought it would make a great movie. The drama the suspense hiding in hay mounds while people were being executed even the romance when they entered one town and female members of the royal family wanted to go with them posing as nurses. Great story.
You’s all jus’ mad cuz Stormy crushed Trump’s TV ratings:
p.s. that link on immigration by Warhammer
omits the 3.9 million African slaves living in the U.S. in 1860 (19% of total U.S. population). Incidentally, 1 out of 50 slaves were Irish indentured servants.
(scroll 3/4 page down for Census numbers)
Which reminds us, the first slaves brought to America were white.
Oh, jeez…don’t be going with facts – you’ll drive off our three remaining brain-washed liberal readers. tu – g
670 point ralley George! Phew, I thought i was loosing my “touch there for a min. I was off by 2 business days. Does that still count? :)
Glad you made a profit on your call and cashed in. You work damn hard, it’s nice to see you get the call right sometimes.
Like blue angels say, “Glad to be here.”
Rich me!
Short-covering rally in a bear market?
They can be brutal!
Whats next?
And when?
The following is only a drill. (Also, congratulations are being exchanged in Beijing as we speak between president for life Kim and newly minted president for life Xi?)
I like stormy though I have never seen any of her “films” her twitter feed is the best free entertainment on the internet she is highly intelligent and quick witted. she is the queen of shade.. Karen mcdougal I thought was prettier.
The media’s got you people Hook Line & Sinker in the loving this woman let’s see she’s a hooker and he’s an open gay and they’re trying to tell us about morality. Give me a freaking break
RFO brother Dave – insane world: Hooker preaches on National TV about morality – which planet is this, again?
I like stormy daniels, although I have never seen any of her “films”. her twitter feed is the best free entertainment on the internet. She is quick witted and intelligent. she is the queen of shade. its really funny. I thought Karen macdougal was prettier.
Mark the liar as it may be.
Guns. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/five-states-allow-guns-to-be-seized-before-someone-can-commit-violence/2018/02/16/78ee4cc8-128c-11e8-9570-29c9830535e5_story.html?utm_term=.459e4df79e04
As it may be, Mark your wordshttps://www.washingtonpost.com/national/these-california-agents-are-coming-for-your-guns/2018/02/24/b72fb252-183a-11e8-92c9-376b4fe57ff7_story.html?sw_bypass=true&utm_term=.74eeddcd0060
Here is an example of a woman who family had the flea for the lives for the belief in Christianity