Just the easy stuff today. Because sometime between now and Wednesday, one of two things is likely to happen:
Either a) we will see markets turn down in a vicious Wave (v) of a likely larger I down OR b) the bankster class will pull out all the stops and try to turn this pig around before the whole house of cards falls apart.
Count Dropula
To see the count, you need a basic understanding of Elliott wave theory which you can find on Wikipedia or at Bob Prechter’s Elliott Wave site here.
In terms of where we could be from the (so far) all-time high of Labor Day Friday? Looks to us like this (but this is NOT investment advice!):
The far right (today’s action, projected based on 5:30 AM CDT futures pricing) were a typical “bait and switch” pattern.
Understand, one of the core reasons for our Aggregate Index approach is that you can “see through” market manipulations. This morning? The Dow futures were up over 100 early, the S&P was up 3.
Any person in their right mind would see these major numbers and think “Aha! Up we go – again!”
Except, that in the Aggregate – which includes equal dollar weighting for the tech sector – we were actually down a bit (compared with the Friday close.
Only about 15-points down, but certainly nothing to be investing additional funds into.
As our Peoplenomics subscribers already know: we are in a chart position “kissing the underside of a trend line” and when that lingering injection of money is done, we expect the lows of last week to be replicated (and maybe bettered – which would be worse) this week.
Scapegoat School
Interesting times to be looking for the Truth. A fine example is the Covid 19 event.
A lot of people (the sheep) still believe that…
- CV-19 escaped to the public from a wet market in China.
- Believe vaccines work.
- Are not suspicious of the BILLIONS being made by vaccine-makers.
- They believe the US government has their best interests at heart.
There is an Alternate View
This will get ugly and contentious in no time, but, the wider-thinking class (non-sheep) recall events more like this:
- We were expecting a biological attack as a New World Order move because of a ton of suspicious deaths of leading microbiologists over the past 15 years. Not like you couldn’t see it coming. So many of the best brains in microbiology were dying that 2016 stories were appearing around the net like List of over 100 Dead Microbiologists.
- Big tech has played a major role – complicit in the “story” – by axing coverage results. Run a comparison on your top 3 search engines and you’ll see how the “memory hole” works. A lot of it is still in the web archives. Oh, and mostly NOT indexed, right?
- As for a virus “in the wild” the first problem is that it is not a natural virus (or it would have been isolated long ago).
- Second it was likely released following the World Military Games in China to cover up corruption and massive cost over-runs.
- OR it was released by another country (not China) with the idea of fixing long-term blame and driving an agenda. Social control, a coming collapse of birth rates.
- Toward this agenda: Let’s not check illegals…they will make much better slaves! No shots for them, higher birth rates. Bye-bye uppity (rebellious) Whites.)
- Could it be China has figured out the depopulation angle, too? Is that why China Restricts Abortions to Force Women Into Having More Babies? A kind of “must be present to win” move? People don’t spend enough time connect dots between headlines. It’s a kind of cocktail-hour bloodsport around here…
- The so-called “vaccine” being applied to the American people is NOT a vaccine in the traditional definition. It’s so far from being a vaccine that the CDC actually changed the definition of Vaccine to cover their tracks. Not sure of it yet, but isn’t gin and tonic with real quinine water now a “vaccine” for malaria? End of DWI cases for G&T’s?
- Because CDC/NIH all know at some level that the US was (and is likely still) involved in gain-of-function research which has ONLY military applications in violation of the Nuremberg outcomes.
- As of last Friday, more than 3,100 doctors have signed on a petition asking for prosecution of CV-19 developers (oh-oh, Anthony!) for War Crimes.
But it doesn’t stop there. But you can quickly see how what was once a conspiracy theory about Dead Microbiologists was dead-freaking on the money in terms of attack vector. Only an idiot can’t see the facts. (Sure hope you don’t qualify…)
Big Tech’s Dirty Hands
Here’s one for you: UrbanSurvival’s audience is up 23% in the past week. Yet our ad revenue is down. Biggest ad season of the year. Speaking Truth to Power is not a shortcut to the bank.
We see, because we’re pretty meticulous on such matters, that all we need to do is hint at CV-19 being a depopulation move for our ad revenue to be axed. Because Big Tech controls the world through some pretty nefarious means.
Social media only keeps the sheep in line – people stupid enough to piss-away their lives writing free content for people who are already richer than then. Talk about the “golden yoke?” Well, the “yokes on us” isn’t it?
Which Scapegoat?
Having gone out with the scapegoating festival, misdirection from the Propaganda Ministries, and so forth, about the only Scapegoats visible going into this week are non-Covid, mainly.
Of course, all bets are off if a new strain is announced. Which would be statistically likely (based on past press manipulations) to be the most contagious ever and other fear-selling terms.
Headlines to Watch
OK, what will be “scapegoat of the week?” Or, who’s playing “left field?”
First data point is the Durable Goods report just out:
“New Orders
New orders for manufactured durable goods in August increased $4.6 billion or 1.8 percent to $263.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This increase, up fifteen of the last sixteen months,
followed a 0.5 percent July increase. Excluding transportation, new orders increased 0.2 percent. Excluding defense, new orders increased 2.4 percent. Transportation equipment, up three of the last four months, led the increase, $4.2 billion or 5.5 percent to $80.8 billion.
This is a joke, right? No chips, lines shut down…the REAL deal is up 0.2% – and that would be less except for all the illegals being dumped around the country spurring some growth. Don’t know whether to say “Sheesh” or “WTF?” Some Monday’s are like that, you know.
Tomorrow morning we’ll do the two-parter because the Case Shiller housing report is due. Remember, this is a lagging report, but at some point, real estate will likely put in a long-term top.
International trade and some retail inventory data will also give a view into the future.
GDP, unemployment claims, and corporate profits will make Thursday useful. Friday? Try Personal Outlays and expenses. Mythic stuff, but entertaining.
Frankly, doesn’t have the “feel” of anything particularly panicky so let’s look wider…
News That Might Matter
Well, we’ve got that volcano erupting: La Palma volcano: authorities lock down coastal area as lava approaches sea. If we had a major undersea earth slide and a mega-wave washed toward ‘Merica, well, that’d do it. Especially if a 40-foot wall of water washed over south Florida.
New Madrid 2? We won’t sound an alarm here, but something to tuck away in your thinking space. Saw this weekend that Amtrak derailment story? Investigators probe deadly Amtrak derailment in Montana. Displacement of earth is a possible cause. And when earth displaces it means crust is moving. So keep an eye out for train derailments.
Don’t know if you’ve ever looked, but if you hit Google Trends and look at train derailments (top data set) and earthquakes (bottom data set) there is a loose correlation over the 2004-2021 timeframe:
There’s a kind of hint – and only that – that six months out – maybe a bit more – a year? – there will likely be a whole pile of Earthquake related news. All of which keeps adding to the remote viewer and “seers” who have bad ju-ju c0oming for Japan a year from now which might be taken as an everyone out of California, if Joe Brandt’s experience was revelatory…
Then there’s China. Where power cuts are causing issues. Sort of like California, is it? China’s factories, households grapple with power cuts. This as the New Cold War breaks out into headlines.
(Around the Ranch) Busy day on tap – as always. But since the Durables report, the market has (obediently, thank you) turned down. As I hit the publish clicker, the NASDAQ is now down 133 and the S&P down 14 with the Fed’s tape-painting proxies trying to keep the Dow futures from going red.
This is so much fun…what time does the liquor store open, again?
Elaine got the grass seed planted out front of the (week after this) new deck. Just in time. We’re supposed to get over an inch of rain out here this week – with temps in the mid 80’s.
Since both of us are totally ADD (or simply lose interest in repetitive tasks) the rain will keep us from playing the “No, I thought you watered today…” game.
Thanks, Nature!
Write when you get rich,
“Urban Survival audience up 23%, ad revenue down.”
I really hope the Urban Survival free readers decide to drop 40 bucks and support Peoplenomics and Urban Survival before you decide to throw in the towel. We appreciate the important work you do.
I spent the weekend re-reading The Fourth Turning, probably for the fourth time but not for about 10 years. Written in 1997, this book is downright scary, especially the last 2 chapters. We are living through very close to what was predicted, including the pandemic, lockdown, etc.
Chaos reigns.
Peoplenomics is the ONLY automatic payment I allow from my money acct. I am a fanboy
BIC, one year I payed 2 times, It was an accident, but I did not ask for a settlement, I considered it a bonus to him aided by the Universe nudging me along. Georges earns every red cent he receives for his worthy work.
The day will come, when this site is gone. I will miss it sorely. I think very highly of Mister George Ure.
1 in 5 is on the ‘antivax’ bandwidth wagon, antivaxxers rake in $$ promoting anti-vax. Your antivaxxing and conspiracy cesspool should be drawing in more ad revenue, not losing revenue:
Maybe you need to pump more fake news and misinformation, it pays $2.6 billion
Actually, our view around her (not being a vaxpartisan as you are) is that there’s no discussion about the Billions in excess profits wrought from the wallets of the weak and wounded.
WTFs kinda business model is making money on misery?
So to stand up to the larger business model, you say?
We ask a simple question of Pfizer: Why Don’t There Strikes Rules apply to corporations?
Three strikes and you’re liquidated!
That’s how you fix systemic corruption. Used to be the Death Industries were strictly military providers.
Not anymore. Healthcare’s in there, too.
What we need is a national limit on public functions being privatized. Wanna bet there’s no one getting added time in for-profit prisons?
America’s not the land of the free (or mostly the brave, either anymore). It’s the land of exploitation.
2.6 is a world wide # only 1.6 is US per your link among several, who knows how many platforms
this is just US News papers alone, they are real FAKE news and LIARS
13 to 16 billon a year,,, chameleon can you see it?
and here is 100s of billions profit
now WHY are your precious billionaires not talking about the real news of the AZ audit?
I cant see you but I can smell your fear
take a peek at who is the major stock holders as well LOL LOL LOL… there is always a business model..
covid is the weapon
that holds the your attention
while the powers that be
steal your election
another great column today George. specilly the link to 100 dead scientists. We are under attack in a new style of warfare.
thanks to LOOB for looking up who owns Dominion for US when I asked a couple of days ago, I already knew, wink wink
I know.. isn’t it crazy… yet we are to believe… not look behind the curtain.. pay no attention to that man behind the curtain..
Conspiracy Theory ??
Ure dam right!
A badge of honor I wear proudly when called a CT. We know who coined the term (christians in action) to belittle/besmirch Truth-Seekers. So with all that in mind, down the rabbit hole the BCN goes..
Whoa, whats this ?
?What are high energy scalar weapons?
?How did my homies -the FRG (germany) come into possession of such a weapon system?
Who was attacking Cumbre Vieja with high energy electromagnetic inputs prior to Sept 19th?
Did the kind “spooks” at NASA jam the ongoing attack?
How did “Germany” (the people who installed Hitler and created the EU) get control of such powerful weapons, with ground stations in Ukraine(near chernobyl) , Alaska and Norway..member the spiral?
That ringing sound in Ure ear, is Elmer FUD muttering something about the Jerry’s developing ship mounted transmitters..rutrow.
Jumping on Lennsters bandwagon – SellSell the yellow dog!
..as well as Sell Sell Sell the Market – and BuyBuyBuy – ja Bitcoinz!
Except of course 4 G & mr sheeeetcoin – No Bitcoin for Youse!
*bonus clip – a hackers collective was able to acquire live video feed/footage from G & E’s security system at Uretopia Ranch over the weekend..link to footage of a Uretopia resident feline and a water feature and what sounds like G sneezing in the background.https://www.instagram.com/reel/CTFSNO2DoDP/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading
Well, I read Joe Brandt, and it lost me where he said he saw “planes or helicopters” flying over. The first prototype helicopter didnt fly until 1939, and Joes dream was 1937, so where did that come from? The time period reflected in those dreams certainly revolves around the 60’s to the 70’s, so I tend to agree that this was a retro-prophecy published probably in the 60’s.
I know there are two versions, I only could read one, so maybe the “helicopters” dont exist in the other version, I don’t know, but the predicted timeframe has really come and gone as well. Not that I discount a big quake out west, I am pretty certain it is coming. Didnt Nostradamus promise a big quake in April or May of some future year? (Yes). I see alot of Cayce in these thoughts, another one who started out with a real gift but then sold out for the money and notoriety.
I am not a paying member as I am on a fixed income and have no investments. I have a theory on the labor shortage. Still help wanted signs all over the place. Many are good high paying jobs. What if the shortage is due to less people to work. I know it’s far fetched but what if the reporting of deaths and lingering side effects of the virus and vaccines is way under reported?
That’s the nightmare, no question about it. It would also explain SloJoe open borders, too…
Here’s as good a place as any to post this. Not only is there a shortage of qualified or highly skilled workers, there are now more women in college than men and the gap is growing.
But don’t despair! There are job opportunities for many of you! Joseph and Mary were a May/September relationship. You might find one too!
And no need for Joseph is the antique medical claims are to be believed.
(See how long medicine has been…er….One with Powers?)
It is NOT far-fetched. I believe you are right. There is a solid reason for the ‘sloppy’ and ‘bastardized’ record keeping/culling of those who have died in hospital and as a result of the ‘kill-shot’ (a more accurate phrase to use for the injection).
“A vaccine that kills and injures a large percent of the population and causes infertility, but is represented in the Western world as the solution to an orchestrated “Covid Pandemic,” and whose adverse reactions are not acknowledged and studied so that treatment can be applied, is a vaccine for the reduction of the population.”
” What if the shortage is due to less people to work. ”
I actually Asked someone in office that in the middle eighties..I worked with a refugee from Vietnam and after how much he got back I was a little upset over it.. so I asked .. what I was told is they bring in refugees because they have more than one child.. they still have a half dozen to a dozen kids.. and the kids will pay taxes.. whether or not it is true.. I don’t know.. it is what I was told..
NOW.. I have never been against someone coming to America to live and raise their families.. work etc.. DO it legally.. there is a reason for vetting .. the other complaint is.. if you live here pay our taxes and live by our laws..
no benefits until your a citizen.. those good Samaritan programs are for catastrophic situations for the citizens of the USA.. and only to help give someone a hand up. Instead it has been a equalizer to get the wage earners dependent on social programs.. ( all in adolphs second book by the way.. the plan you can follow in the daily news).. pay all our taxes and a non resident tax.. instead its opposite and the govt. gives out top paying jobs to refugees before an american citizen.. ..
There’s a long trail of microbiologists going back to the 9/11 time frame. Those of who were tracking ‘conspiracies’ way back when and years before thought that it had something to do with the anthrax shenanigans immediately after the attack. Ft Detrick (where I used to work) was linked to it. So, is it related to the bullshit today? How couldn’t it be?
In other news, I failed to post this yesterday on a more appropriate columen. This falls into the ATR category. This is a YT channel of a guy who tests ALL kinds of things that would be interesting to the readers here or anyone maintaining equipment and property. I have used his videos to make informed buying decisions on many things. I haven’t been disappointed yet.
Project Farm: https://www.youtube.com/c/ProjectFarm
Y’all will love it.
Pardon the typos…the coffee hasn’t kicked in yet and I’m in a hurry.
No Worries Maj…for me it is auto text.. dam I hate it and love it all at the same time.. I still think there is some joker at Google that changes text just to get a grin..
After major Australian protests against covid tyranny this happens in downtown Brisbane. Any questions?
Hey, it wasn’t an AC-130, so…
Set-Up for advertisement 1990s promo for a caribbean getaway had armed/guy hanging in door-frame of Huey Copter, low-fly(sixty’) 9 mile beach and send all tourists running to their resorts while my Buddy, model and cohort were filmed galloping their horses down a pristine beach void of a care in the world.
Yes (C-17) that was practice for up-coming air-show? Did it send a message?
Run or else.
the same thing has been happening here lately with the airforce grey goose…. along with fighter jets doing test runs… and maneuvers.. nothing strange there..I think they are practicing for something..
I noticed the microbiologists.
I also noticed the financial types. (My fav is STILL the dude who committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a nail-gun — 8 times!)
What I haven’t figured out is if there is a relationship between the two, or could they be a real-life indicator (like a bunch of financiers die, we have a burst bubble or recession — a bunch of bug scientists die, we get hit with a strange, new & exciting bug — etc.) of totally coincidental “things to come…?”
Think of these guys as scouts or sentries. They’re either coming back with the intel or they ain’t coming back. Either way, you learn something about what’s out there.
My favorite one was the one that was going to give testimony on the teflon suits.. and committed suicide by shooting himself with two different guns in the head….and no guns were ever found.. LOL…
or the one that opposed them and was listed as a heart attack with a bullet hole in their head.. LOL
So, the (not investment) advice is that the Market’s either gonna go up or it’s gonna go down.
It’s good to know that the members of “they” are in agreement about how to shape our reality. The Soros’s are lying down with the Kochs.
So many dots to connect, so little time.
“Well, I’ve wrestled with reality for thirty- five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it.” Elwood P. Dowd.
That is a grand quote. Love to see Jim Kramer use it…(cue sound effects!) Boo-yah.
Ure’s “lower Monday” seems to want to happen despite the Dow-painting proxies trying to short from higher.
Boeing one of the “hot stocks?” AYFKM>? And the sector driving it all?
Rates going up means the bankster pricks will jack up rates to jerk off working people.
Some things never change.
It is just f*cking amazing that what’s happening globally is still being termed as a “conspiracy theory” when all the truths are right under people noses. – when there’s no perspective point trying to be reached for the good of all, only a cluster f*ck of damage control … should speak volumes.
It’s obvious tptb are not exactly smart. Once they started covering up lies, it snowballed. No integrity. Kick out your foundation and it’s all gonna flip. Turtles have a difficult time on their backs … they can live on land and in water, but not on their backs.
Figuring in contingency, all the “what if’s” – yeah, they got nervous around 2009. Shaky ground. Snowball rolls but eventually melts. Water evaporates. Only leaves ya dry and thirsty.
Things don’t always end up as planned. Sometimes it bites ya in the ass. Following the path of least resistance, doesn’t always lead where ya wanna go.
There’s a bigger “what if” that often gets ignored. The Dude, who has the final say. Ya can’t mess with what The Dude loves, and expect everything to be ok.
Ya can’t use Revelation like a play book, and expect to be rewarded for it. Don’t work like that.
The Dude knows the follies of men and always leaves an “out” for the righteous.
Romans 12:19
Just sayin.
“There’s a bigger “what if” that often gets ignored.” I woke this morning and the last thing I heard from “sleep land” was, “What if the world ends in 7 days?”
i dont hardly every remember my dreams… i usually wake up to a song playing. like a cue song, in my dream for my return to awake. It is a different song, every time. The Peculiar thing Bob is, some of the songs, are songs, I have never heard while awake. I have to look them up.
“ya can’t mess with what The Dude loves, and expect everything to be ok.”
ya know, i am going to tell you something that will raise George’s eyebrow. See, I have a wonderful brain that recalls everything i need to know when I need to remember it. many many “moons” ago, when i met George, i yanked his chain really hard, to test his metal. He ended up giving me a pass. “no harm, no foul” because, i had do know who this man really is and what i was dealing with. that was after he posted, “you know what we do with young bulls? we hornschwaggle them.” after I had pushed the envelope. when I came on the scene. someone close to me asked me this morning if I had a Deathwish. interesting that they would say that to me. LOL People say all kinds of stuff to me. One friend, (I sent a screen shot of it to George) i have known for 25 years, called me the “Adored and Chosen Son of God. ” They never called me that before. But i get called stuff like that waiting in line at the coinvent store to buy a package of beef jerky and a pack of Lucky Strikes. I got out at the gas station and a homeless man called me The Christ yesterday.
im just andy. LOL I never claimed to be anymore than, just andy. I’m not a saint and I’m not looking for missionary’s or starting any cult.
i don’t know why people call me this, Angel, Buda, Christ, Holy Son of God… its kind of irritating to be honest. or say what they say to me.. but they do. no doubt about it. People tell me they love me when they get off the phone all the time.
I don’t know what to do with messages like that. or being called an Angel. i just say thank you.
i often wondered that in the future, i time travel back or send someone back to speak to a few people. one being George. also, over the years, i have often wondered if George is part of the powers that be. his lineage goes waaaay back… there is even a church called Saint George, at a place called High, clif if one knows where to look. and ring pass not, 0, ya know?
ya know i read so much crazy things over the years. so many people have said some pretty bazar stuff to me. called me many many different names. yoda, the 5th element, the One, the Chosen one, the list goes on and on. the trusted white brother, as the hopie say… for realz! I’m just andy. lol im not really that big of deal.. clif called me “The Blesseded one” way—- back in the day, but you would only have to intuitively find what he wrote on the internet. or stumble upon it. first thing he ever said to me directly was. I and I feed your head. and i became the doorman for a little while… so he could feel good about his magic.. and well because it was good to do so.. since the hopi call me the trusted white brother, and only he can open the door to the 5th world and close the door to the 4th….. i have my way of helping people find their way.. many say, they are miracles… but really, miricals are subjective to the person experiencing them, with whome the miracle happens, so it isnt just me that does them.. The Dude, ya know… right on schedule wouldn’t have happened if there wasn’t a need to do cpr on a lady found in the parking lot. now would it???
g2 called me a “Fixer”…… but I m not really that big of deal. except to THE DUDE.
and someone said to me, “what if this is all one grand distraction? What if the world ends in 7 days”, as i was coming out of my sleep…. and rolling on the floor, to my knees like i do every morning and the first words out of my mouth are Thank you DUDE! For another day of life! I am super excited to see what you have planned for the day. then i pray for others, and put on my headphones and listen to something like this before i ever speak a word to anyone.
i wonder what the point would be, if the world ends in 7 days. the world has to have a point to it… what would be the point of me now down to 208 lbs and can still benchpress 360lbs not once but 4 times.. i dont know why i keep loosing weight and staying as strong as i am. my ex said not to loose anymore weight. put on more muscle Andy, she said. i said, put on more muscle? how many 51 year old men do you know that weigh 208 lbs that are bench pressing over 400 lbs? How many 51 year old men do you know that can do 400 pushups and 300 crunches in less than an hour… put on more muscle? what would be the point? LOL and i dont know why im getting stronger, physically. i dont know what happened to make me change… i haven’t wore a 32 inch waist since i was 22 years old… and i am now. by appearances? I dont look anything remotely close to how strong i really am, physically. it trips people out when they find out how strong i am and how much stronger i am getting. IS it the WIll of GOD? probably, IS the Celestial Cloud? Mind over Matter? Chi-gong? reprograming my subconsciousness? magic? a combo of all of them? I honestly don’t know.
what if the world ends in 7 days? that is what i heard….. and i wouldnt have answered you but you wrote one other thing, that caught my eye..
Romans 12:19
is the last thing i read, after i sing myself happy birthday, then I read that scripture, breath my last breath at and die at the age of 118 years old to the minute… and i dont go to heaven or hell, and i get eaten, and I dont go where you think. I know THE DUDE is standing there right infront of me. As my eyes switch from Life through death to other side in a blink. Big Grin on his face. The first words out of his mouth are, took ya long enough? You done playing around? The a hearty laugh. I say, how long was I out for? he said a few thousand millennium. I got something I want you to look at. Let me know what you think. and I say, alright, lets have a look. He says, The _____ took care of you pretty well while you were there? I said well. lets talk about that later. What kinda creation you got going now?
you are either very gifted Bob? which I think are… or Bob, THE DUDE showed you something… because… nobody knew what the last scripture in the Bible I read was… until now. nobody but me and The DUDE.
my reply to the question as i woke up was. The world ends every 7 days and every 7 days it is reborn jack ass. they didn’t say anything. LOL
and the song playing was.
Fast Cars and Freedom
Rascal Flats.
i spose i should check my tickets today. after a smoke perhaps. why do i wait? When most would not? because I can.
uhem, i dont get eaten. LOL
As a longtime reader, who also supports PN even though I’m not in the market, George’s sites are the only ones that I read using Edge, without ad blockers. I use Brave with ad blockers turned on for everything else. Those ads may take up screen space, but they represent income to support this site.
I urge everyone to do the same thing. This site, & PN are very important to those of us unsheep.
For those who don’t recognize the name, see https://www.amazon.com/A-G-Kimbrough/e/B008J28CME?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1632761199&sr=8-1
Renaissance and Reboot in Flyover Country is on my short list to read. But, if you like alt. history his three- novel series of Alt. WW II (which ropes even Nazi U-boats in the Antarctic and UFO’s is definitely a better use of time than “lowest common denominator” bullshit on fake consensus teevee…
Your life but God’s clock… and you never know what time it is…
Ciao G, Hope this finds you & yours well.
Please take a look at this data for potential information… Eye opening.
https://archive.is/ecKkr ( the overview )
Some source data: https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/economicdata/empsit_05072021.pdf ( https://web.archive.org/web/20210901221506/https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/economicdata/empsit_05072021.pdf )
…”Yeah, the big fat flashing red lights are in the data folks, and these are data sources where the people collecting and reporting it are uncorrelated with those who would like you to believe certain things because they work for certain interests. It is certainly true that I have cast aspersion on the BLS data over the years and that like all parts of Government there is an element of politics involved.”
Would love to hear your insight, thank you for all you continue to do.
“Believe vaccines work.”
You’re right. “actually changed the definition of Vaccine”
There’s a lie for everyone.
People believe Boeing is a going concern.
People believe Amtrak maintained their track over the last 50 years of bailout (May 1, 1971).
People believed GM had to be saved or else we would never buy cars again.
I believe the BAG is a stack of unending bills.
Recall three, four years ago when gasoline prices crashed and all the suckers were stumbling around, “Gas prices are too low. We should pay more.” I think that’s “Hive Mind”, going against best interest to join the hive.
AMTRAK does not own or maintain any track… only the trains. AMTRAK operates over commercial railroads under ‘trackage rights’. The Montana derailment was on BNSF mainline tracks.
Freight train had just run on the rails across that very location just 2 hours before with no problems.
The tracks had just had their inspection done (they do it electronically these days with a special train with all sorts of special equipment running over the rails) TWO DAYS before the derailment.
Something definitely amiss with this derailment since by all indications the rails were in good shape (the electronic inspection is supposed to pick up cracks in rails LONG before a rail can break). Going to be interesting to see what the preliminary report says when it is issued in a month.
What about Evergrande as an event? I’d be surprised if it’s now become a non event for US.
Jack Posobiec on Bannon’s War Room at 22:22 Today’s Episode 1,293 – Leftist Media Conducting Psychological Warfare
US pension funds are heavily invested in China and that they will be what China will default on. China will keep themselves ok but will cause big problems throughout the world. China owns over a trillion dollars of US securities.
Jack worked in Navy Intelligence and speaks fluent Mandarin.
On the ads, I noticed on my desktop, the ads mirror my recent search history. On my tablet, not at all close, for example, how to get out of zip tie handcuffs in seconds…what the hey?
Just a reminder, Pfizer booster shots start tomorrow.
It wasn’t just the microbiologists who were dying. Remember all the naturopaths/alternative care doctors who were suddenly meeting their demise?
See how neatly it all ties-up?
Some knew and someone has been behind ALL of this.
A very well written letter that is getting a lot of publicity was posted on Zerohedge. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/damn-you-hell-you-will-not-destroy-america-here-spartacus-covid-letter-thats-gone-viral
Absolute essential everybody read and save and pass on . Best
The original pdf got 404’d in the link from the Zerohedge site.
This one works, and the letter is a work of art, with about 25 pages of references for the skeptical:
I downloaded it for safekeeping, and to share with family and friends. There’s a great deal of info there, including some biochemistry I was unfamiliar with. We don’t need to understand or remember all the details, but it gives both an overview of what’s happening and can serve as a reference if need be.
Be careful of links encapsulating the pdf in an html. The above is a pure pdf.
It also won’t hurt to scan the document for malware before opening.
Suggest that everyone impressed by Spartacus also look at
The Newswise “debunk” is as riddled with inaccuracies as the Sparticus letter. Newswise ranges from the political center, to the political hard-left, depending on topic – operative term actually being “political,” and their overall view on any given topic is usually flat-out nihilistic.
Eventually, folks are gonna figure out politics and medicine don’t mix. I hope we still have a nation, civilization, and species when they get clued-in…
Still waiting for a detailed critique by a non-anonymous well-credentialed virologist or front-lines physician. Spartacus didn’t pass my “smell test” but I lack the tools to dissect his “letter” on my own. I’ll post if I find one.
Marc, try: orthomolecular.org
Any doctor whose income or employment is in any way dependent on largess is going to espouse exactly the same line as Fauci’s latest press release — even to the point of contradicting him/herself whenever Fauci’s PR blurb contraindicates or contradicts the one he made a week ago (or even yesterday, FTM.)
This is a tough subject from which to divine “truth” because honestly, nobody actually knows the long-term effect of either SARS-CV-2 or genetically-manipulated vaccines, so they make educated guesses, which are always subject to change as more data becomes available. On top of this, which is a m/l relevant scientific method, are the politicians, both the governing ones and the ones involved in policy in medically-directed organizations, each of whom has his(her) own motivations to see a specific outcome which benefits them regardless of whether it kills off half the planet, and a collective of both politicians and medical bureaucrats who’d be pleased as punch if it did.
I have no issue with cynicism or healthy skepticism. Bear in-mind, whatever answer you seek, you WILL find someone, somewhere, who will corroborate it. Also keep in-mind that any answer you find has the potential of being either correct or wrong, or conditional. Remember, 600 years ago, EVERYONE knew the Earth was flat and that the Sun, planets, and stars all revolved around it.
Virtually the only thing which is not in-dispute is that the “vaccine” isn’t.
There are nearly 200 other CV-19 vaccines in development and trials/testing around the world. Of how many have you heard…?
george you really are getting better with age . just love everything in this today . dont worry my friend good akways shines through .
Just got a notice from the biggest bank in town where we have a few pennies stashed –
Dear Online and Mobile Banking User, On October 5th, your online and mobile banking platform will undergo performance and security updates. There will be no changes in the look or navigation of this platform, but you will be required to re-register your browsers and devices. (I never register any devices so… Bill) To ensure you can access your accounts when you need them, all users should do the following prior to October 5th: 1. Verify that the phone number(s) you have listed to receive secure access codes are current and accurate. If the numbers listed are not correct, you will be unable to login to online and mobile banking once the upgrade has been completed.
a) You can easily update this information via online or mobile banking. Visit Settings > Security Preferences > Secure Delivery
b) For questions about secure access codes, click here.
2. Be sure your phone operating system is up-to-date. Using the most recent operating system is a simple way to improve the safety of your device. To learn more, click here. 3. Be sure your internet browser is up-to-date. To learn more about supported browsers, click here.”
So are shenanigans going to start on the 5th? This is the bank that doles out physical cash to all the small banks in town coming and going from the Fed Bank in Dallas. My daughter used to work there and had some fascinating tales to tell sometimes. They’re asking everyone to make sure you have all your software “updated” to the latest spy-, er, I mean software available all around. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens – and have some cash on hand in case “this is it”.
I’m betting those are security updates that they wanted to get into place, but wanted to wait until after the end of the fiscal year just in case something went wrong. That’s my guess, anyway, but who knows?
Went through it a few weeks back. Banks (and major vendors) are all going to 2-step verification. It is certainly more-secure. Whether there’s an alternative or nefarious reason, I couldn’t say. Registering the device places a token, either in your cookies file, or (less-likely because it’d be a bitch to implement, and programmers are lazy) sent back to the server of either your device’s UIN or MAC addy.
Some places are forcing the registration of the 2-step, some are just requiring you do the callback verification thing every time you logon.
I don’t believe the software is being abused, but be aware it has the potential to be on short notice, if there is anything less than completely innocent, buried in the code…
Don’t forget to get doxycycline along with zinc if you pop positive for covid.. Works well with Ivermectin in some studies..
I have ordered the Doxy also..
Very good price..
Everything is going as the universe or GOD has decided.
It will get better in a year or 10… I might be around to see it..Continue to have fun.
thank you
Jesse- you can use azithromycin (Zithromax) instead of doxy too. It’s a little cheaper and maybe easier to come by.
We are now over the delta variant hump, headed for 1.5 months of lull in new cases. Right about the time people take notice, the next rise in cases will start. This will be in mid-December and will be a minor wave.
You can see the pattern in the Johns Hopkins new cases data on sites like informationisbeautiful that have COVID charts and great graphics.
The next major wave is scheduled for March, 2022. Expect a new variant to drive this wave, similar to Delta it will be globally impactful and is probably already starting in some small corners of the globe.
Is this all coincidence? I don’t know. The 9 month cycle is not evident outside the US except perhaps in UK. It doesn’t match any kind of annual solar cycle or seasonal cycle. What could that mean other than manipulation, or luck.
We will post the chart tomorrow AM which said reader generously shared.
Cooler? The bump decline will fit with the kickoff to the “last train out rally” before left field events overtake in late October…
The fly in the ointment of a cyclical or even Elliott analysis of Covid revs is that the initial rev 1 outbreak in fourth quarter of 2019 spread wildly exponential in the US, but went largely unidentified, and was overtaken by the rev 2 at the end of the first quarter 2020, leading to the first lockdown. A lot of people got their first exposure to Covid in February 2020 and the first two weeks of March, when the somewhat milder Rev 1 was being displaced by the stone cold killer rev 2. H1N1 was also very active during that period, and sorting out the who-got-what-when timeline in first quarter 2020 is not really possible. Nonetheless, I still look forward to seeing Philistine’s charts in the AM.
Other factors to note- a hallmark of pandemic virus variants is that they spread in the off season until they get stopped by a vaccine or herd immunity. They reappear when mutations circumvent the immunity. For example, H1N1 disappeared from the public view in the early forties, then reemerged in the 2008 timeframe.
And after so much great stuff posted today . Please America lead the way . There are real Americans still those that defend the founding fathers and Declaration of Independence. You are our only hope
no adds on the puter dude. but on the cell phone, ads. you know how to fix that? Get that $$$
My Mailbox is filling up with Comments Me thinks your finger slipped somewhere along the line of programing
This letter from “Spartacus” has gone viral. Obviously written by a knowledgeable virologist, it is a damning expose’ on the whole covid affair. READ IT AND SAVE A COPY!
I’m going out on a limb here about the AMTRAK derailment, based solely on the pictures. There was a two-aspect signal standing alongside the derailment… the kind of signal used where a siding track diverges from the mainline. It doesn’t take an earth movement, just a poorly maintained set of switch track points to derail a train. “Picking” a switch is probably the most common type of RR derailment.
So what do you figure the odds are it was a hack? Trial run for “training” purposes?
Guess if we see chemical trains derailing into water supplies and weatersheds we’ll have a hint…
“the bankster class will pull out all the stops and try to turn this pig around before the whole house of cards falls apart.”
Hmmm… even if they put lipstick on it .. it’s still the same old pig..
To keep the noodle moving especially with the general increase in costs.. they have to dump money on the table.. ( another stimulus) granted giving families with children an extra couple hundred per child per month helped keep it moving..the costs are increasing to the point where those on set incomes and no children are feeling it..small businesses as well..
The banks are already getting free money ..giving it to those won’t help.. you have to keep it moving..since it’s already been decided to not go after the top..i think they limited their options..
evergrand about to explode george
couple of high profile fed chiefs resign on inside trading . yep you know the types . racist? nah fact
You know George, before I go. I told someone. I believe in you strongly. They are struggling. They said if that is true? It means alot especially coming from you.
I said to this person I have known for quite some time. Have I ever lied to you? Ever? Name one single time I lied. Selfish? Yes! Self centered? Yes! Asshole? Yes! Egotistical prick? A few times. But yes. Lie to you. Nope. I don’t lie much. I don’t see the point in it. I understand what Sun Tsu meant about all warfare is deception. However, I don’t hardly ever lie. I don’t remember the last time I lied. Have I been wrong. Ya. More often than not, I will point it out before you realize I was wrong. I constantly run a check system of thought. Like a sys check on my errors. You always know where you stand with me. You may not like it. And at times the truth can be a bludgeon, abrasive to some people. It has to me at times in my life. Especially with the Tao Master, I met in Palm Desert Civic Park one sunny day.
Im so honest I didn’t know i was. It never occurdd to me that I don’t lie much if ever till today.
The person said. You are right. All right. All the time. In all the time I known you? I have never seen you lie to anyone. If anything, you pulled the truth out of them they didn’t even know about themselves.
Pretty interesting. I didn’t realize i tell the truth all the time. Lol weird.
Later dude. As predicted, I have others to attend to. And that tan blonde in the short shorts, her image has come up alot. Not just on adds on your site. So we will see.
Why am I getting ads for the Communist Party of Australia which favors Chinese policy and allegedly has less than 500 members?
After seeing a current reappearance of “The Australian’s” December 2020 report on the leaked 2016 Chinese dissidents’ document that close to 2 million Chinese Communist Party members are working in the West and some are allegedly highly placed in corporate culture, one can imagine the utter disappointment about archive.md/puanr. It seems to have disappeared on or about September 23rd? Was there really ever anything in there about the transfer from India to Biolake Wuhan of all of Pfizer medicines’ global clinical trials oversight since 2016? One can but cast the ‘net in the sea. Do all roads still lead to Rome?
Oh well, perhaps the bureau will keep everyone surfing with the new Guy Ritchie caper filmed in Turkey and set for a January 2022 release.
Catch the wave.
By the way, Huawei’s CFO Meng Wanzhou was repatriated home from Vancouver detention. Yes, a grateful Chinese government apparently chartered a widebody Air China jet for the billionaire. Upon arrival at Shenzhen, Ms. Wanzhou emerged from the plane in a red dress beside the flag of China and delivered a “deeply moving” speech according to Chinese media. These people are just eating Slo Joe’s dinner. Wow.
Hope people watch this clotting video:
There are no words.
Also, Pastor’s latest dream:
Also, one person posted a link to this story yesterday, however, here are the supporting documents.
AND, if you can, send it to everyone you know via text link and email.
Let’s pray that this nationwide effort to mandate vaccinations for the “SHOT” (now ricocheting around the world) is DEFEATED.
Only available to read if you are a subscriber, but you get the idea, 1 in 5 are anti-vaxxers, so of course mainstream still wants that market…
George, you get ad revenue when visitors click the ad on, not when they visit your website…if I am correct
Vaccine disinformation pays $$ millions for the Bollingers and others..
Millions Of Chinese Residents Lose Power After Widespread, “Unexpected” Blackouts; Power Company Warns This Is “New Normal”
Just yesterday we warned that a “Power Supply Shock Looms” as the energy crisis gripping Europe – and especially the UK – was set to hammer China, and just a few hours later we see this in practice as residents in three north-east Chinese provinces experienced unannounced power cuts as the electricity shortage which initially hit factories spreads to homes.
Hey, I know how to fix chronic rolling blackouts like this: Let’s build electric vehicles!!!
A good PLUG Ray. Gee, I hope Mark has a backup power plan to charge his car(s) and Power Wall when power bleeps out here in the troubled remains of America…
I wish I could post a picture here. Ham friend sent me an image of a street sign: “Electric Avenue”…. below that a yellow sign reading: “No Outlet”.
Mark likely has somewhere between $18k and $75k invested in a power wall and a bunch of solar panels to feed it. His concern would involve what to do when 50 of his closest neighbors show up because he’s the only kid on his block with working lights…
BCN’s new hero:
Meet Mr. Goxx, The Crypto-Trading ‘Hamster Of Wall Street’ Beating Out Warren Buffett
An investor known as Mr. Goxx has been making headlines, with a lifetime career performance of gains of around 20 percent — gains which out-perform numerous professional traders and funds, including Warren Buffett and the S&P 500.
Oh, and Mr. Goxx is a hamster.
Psaki Bolts From Podium as Reporter Asks About Joe Biden’s “Collapsing” Poll Numbers
Has anyone besides me noticed Potato Chip can’t address the press corps without that smarmy, smart-Alecky grin which shows up every time she either lies, or believes she’s being clever by “putting one over” on da peeps…?
Biden’s $600 threshold for bank reporting appears doomed
Wishful thinking. Pelosi wants at least one Republican to vote for the bill as-written, so the Dems can advertise it as “bi-partisan.” There are at least three Dems who value their job enough to not vote for it. While she can push it down our throats with her remaining one-vote majority, she feels doing so would be more-destructive to the Dems in the 2022 election than not passing it at all. I hope she retains this mindset, but fear she won’t, because All Out Crazy has a shrill voice which makes Hillary’s sound listenable, by comparison.
Hundreds of School Bus Drivers Expected to Skip Work over Connecticut Vaccine Mandate
NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Proclaims Unvaccinated People ‘Aren’t Listening to God’
Kyrie Irving Not Present At Brooklyn Media Days As Questions Around Vaccination Status Linger
It’s a decision that is sure to become an issue for the Nets, as two NBA cities — New York City and San Francisco — will require professional athletes to show proof of at least one dose of the vaccine to play indoors. Andrew Wiggins of the Golden State Warriors and Jonathan Isaac of the Orlando Magic are two NBA players who are unvacccinated. “The NBA has reviewed and denied Andrew Wiggins’ request…the league said in a statement. “Wiggins will not be able to play in Warriors home games until he fulfills the city’s vaccination requirements.”
Connecticut has a few non-sheeple? Who’da thunk…?
“Kathy Hochul Proclaims herself ‘God'” There. Fixed that for her.
What a douche. I don’t believe Hochul is owned by Soros, but she ascribes to all the principal tenets of his political philosophy. I dunno if the Upstaters knew that Cuomo was more-conservative than she. Hochul’s rule is going to cause 80,000 bus drivers, medical workers, and schoolteachers to be fired before Friday, in New York City alone, and God (the Real One) only knows how many more, Statewide. I’ll check in with my Upstaters in a few weeks, to see if they’ve figured out that the new one is the same as the old one.
Kyrie is NBA royalty. When he retires, he will reach Springfield on the first ballot. If he and Wiggens continue to go clean, the NBA will be forced to stop sucking Chinese Junk or boot a Hall of Fame calibre player. I hope Kyrie, Wiggins, and Issac stick it out until the few free people living in Brooklyn and SanFran recognize what they’ve surrendered…
“Kathy Hochul Proclaims herself ‘God’”
Que: ~ Bad Company ~
By uhnm Bad Company.
I certainly don’t claim such stuff about myself. Others do. I’m good. I’m just Andy. I don’t really worry about stuff like that anyway.
Nothing gets the blood pumping like fury. Good! Get salty! Better than being an old stale cracker.
My Gift To Climate Alarmists
-Tony Heller
Good find Ray.
Deceiving children into doing their dirty work is part of the business model of the globalists, and isn’t limited to climate issues. The broader version of this is the social points systems which are being implemented in other lands. The climate fraud is just one more excuse to get in kid’s heads and establish control.
But then again, all political control starts with indoctrination of children. The globalists are simply outcompeting all the other vermin who want to turn your babies into their pet monsters. I see variations on these mind control games being played by the local elites trying to steal property and gaslight their victims. The State plays all these issues for control, revenue & entertainment, ’cause that’s their business model.