Want to build a counter to the Weapons of Mass Deception? Today we examine the Tower of Babel, and the role of conceptually extensible, functional, peer-to-peer social networks (without censoring middlepersons and dataware), In order to think a bit in guerilla terms about meaningful digital change.
With $37 /$158 trillion of debt and climbing unsustainably can you even question whether the system is broken? (Ahem. Seriously?)
Present UAP hysteria and the recent election aside, there is a growing demand for change, as we see it: signs of a global revolution based on peer-to-peer internet use is one possible path. Future risk is amplified here in late 2024 by the number of countries facing regime change and close calls of state, just in the last month.
We count Canada, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Syria, Taiwan, and South Korea (8) enumerated countries and in “governance hot water.” Can the American losers of 2024 leave peacefully?.
Besides our own country, the European Union which is entering the “high social cost” of their open borders fiasco, too. There, like the U.S. Synthetic Growth may have sounded like a good idea, early on. But over time, the initially stimulative effects of SynGrowth wash out.
What’s left is not only a pile of bills (since new populations require investment). But also there’s the matter of the changing internal expectations of a country’s NuPop. Cats or dogs for dinner?
More on this, as we’re kicking it – waiting for this afternoon’s Big Rate Reveal. Which – if our judgment of the Fed is anywhere near right – could be a disappointment for the Bulls.
Drilldown in our morning ChartPack. Where the market action Tuesday might be a pre-shock of more downside to come. Expect a “buy the rumor” upside open.
Collapse closing in? Mean as people get the message that “things are changing” and there’s no one at the wheel? Especially you know who.
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“With $37 /$158 trillion of debt and climbing”
It would be more comprehensive if essential economic numbers would be stated, divided
as per US population; Just another opinion ;-).
Stay well my fiends, and all others.
Excellent point: The national debt plus interest pencils to about $980,000 per working person.
So they will take the pension funds issue debt at a low ball rate of interest that will be doled out when you are 72 trying to save perpetuate SS.
George – Following text was intended for dLynn’s Babel posting. Unable to reply – my email address -[redact] was rejected as invalid (????) Please help!
Luv your take on this. The old testament G_d was by his (their?) own admission a jealous & vengeful tyrant who ruled by fear and intimidation.
Clif High of HalfPastHuman.com shares your view (and mine) of all authoritarian Abrahamic religions. (Christianity, Islam, Hebrew, etc.) The medieval Cathari had it right – no worship of a sacred deity, but a powerful ontological Ethos considered by the RC church of the day as heretical. Their crusades against the Cathars lasted >100 years and spanned the lives of 19 popes!
Speaking of popes – Pope passes away and is greeted by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. Pope identifies himself and St. Peter immediately escorts him to meet G_d. Pope regales G_d with his earthly accomplishments stressing his lifelong celibacy. Whereupon G_d became visibly puzzled, saying that there was a grievous error in translation – What was really meant was CELEBRATE!
polls, knowingly lie to decieve and steal elections!
the main stream media is a cess pool of lying wordsmythers!
my father drummed into my head,,,
“if a man will lie to you,
he will steal from you”
is freedom of speech the right to decieve?
it is one thing to just be wrong and spread the misinfo but to purposely give false witness is another thing
they were trying to steal another election,,, could be interesting
if I lie to a cop I go to jail,,, false reporting is a crime
Cess ? Do my eyes deceive ?
Talk about wanting to climb the ladder to suc cess..
Hear Ure fav ladder climber latest emissions here -https://t.co/0453ZeWDnu
Just think – we were this ____ close to this sack of rocks being installed as 47th..
Would that have made any difference? The debt interest already exceeds income.. congress tried to sneak in another hundred billion yesterday giving themselves a nice cost of living increase and doling out more to all their friends.
A person hates to make the comment what more could they do!!! out of fear that they would show us..
How about the Fed delivers a rate increase because all the false data hid inflation and we get a limit down day….
George, an interesting comment here ” but there is a non-zero chance that one (or more) high civilizations has arisen on this rock. Those before us have all failed”.
This fits in with the Hopi history of the world. According to the Hopi we are in the Fourth World and entering the Fifth as per the Hopi Elders now deceased. Why so many worlds? Why were they destroyed?
It is so simple most people will ignore it. So what is the reason for the destruction? We (the people) forgot to say Thank You. We forgot to be grateful for our food, housing, clothing and each other. It is that simple. We forgot to be thankful. We forgot to take care of each other and the earth.
Reflect for a moment, how many people do you know that give thanks each day? I can think of less than 5 out of all the hundreds of people that I know. LESS than 5. Pretty pitiful isn’t it? So we now come to the reckoning and then pick up what’s left and start over.
Some reading is here https://thehill.com/changing-america/opinion/566362-the-hopi-prophecies-are-coming-true-heres-why-we-should-pay/.
Also a book to start a journey https://www.amazon.com/Book-Hopi-Frank-Waters/dp/0140045279/ref=sr_1_1?crid=37ISB3UXVAYIZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.4IpxjWqmgnZedfu3iaOXuP0v77Vi-ACvebrwOcWvD1fUh_lesmkHLuMpSrqwkio5qNWc4svvwvLDlmOjwN1LjBAMZWiOCPtvqHouFIzv9nsRA0zHJ8RzXzM5X7dkXdoqaRu0UEhhcx8U-Sv7MB1wpJecJCTcUNcQwQ5Gp8nLgh-gMBxdh-NeRty24z8VnlZ2Mi5sAU15uVJnMarFFZ2B5xYrQ2Ugkui5G-_-RC9juP4.XkWX3LzdqQC3Xljdn7b3e8A3jEjPW6h3D2i54UO62d4&dib_tag=se&keywords=book+of+the+hopi+frank+waters&qid=1734533345&sprefix=book+of+the+hopi%2Caps%2C379&sr=8-1
And of course, these days, a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UkHwjz4i1k Most people do not seem to reflect on life, Some will just say Bull Shit and not think all. So be it.
So I would ask all to sit back and do some reflecting after the days chores. A cool one might help!
Thank you for listening and thanks to all on this site. Cheers.
Absolutely spot on. Thank you.
G, riffing on your Babylon meme,
from google AI: In astrological terms, “Pluto in Aquarius” is often associated with a potential “fall of Babylon” metaphor, signifying a radical breakdown and transformation of established power structures, hierarchical systems, and societal norms, as Aquarius represents revolutionary ideals, collective consciousness, and breaking free from traditional authority, while Pluto signifies deep change and upheaval; essentially, a shift of power away from centralized control towards a more decentralized, people-driven system, potentially causing the “collapse” of old, oppressive structures like a metaphorical “Babylon.”.
Key points about Pluto in Aquarius and the “fall of Babylon”:
Power shift:
Pluto in Aquarius represents a shift of power from top-down, centralized authority (like a “Babylonian” regime) to a more decentralized, grassroots movement where the people hold more power.
Revolution and change:
Aquarius is associated with revolutionary energy, so Pluto in this sign can signify significant societal upheaval, challenging existing systems and structures.
Breaking down old systems:
Pluto’s transformative nature can lead to the dismantling of outdated hierarchies and institutions, potentially triggering a “fall” of established power dynamics.
Collective consciousness:
Aquarius also highlights the collective nature of change, suggesting that this transformation will be driven by a shared desire for equality and freedom, rather than individual power struggles.
Look what upset the apple cart (no pun on Apple’s portion of the Stock Market lol!)(dow loses 1100 points)
‘UnitedHealth Group’s 15% decline this month has dragged the Dow, in particular, lower. The insurance giant’s selloff began after the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson. Ironically, UnitedHealth was about 3.3% higher Wednesday.’
(“UnitedHealth Group’s 15% decline this month has dragged the Dow, in particular, lower. The insurance giant’s selloff began after the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson. Ironically, UnitedHealth was about 3.3% higher Wednesday.’”)
Isn’t that such an oxymoron… the ability of an insurance company to show gain of an insurance company essentially reflects in their ability to take advantage of their customers…lol lol lol lol
the investors buy stocks to get a portion of the profits while the customer buys their product for the protection they sell in the event that there’s a situation where it will be needed..lol lol lol lol lol
the company statistics show the maybe yes we have you covered or a maybe no and they tell you to go suck walley..lol lol lol or kiss Nancy lol lol
congress tried to get past a bill yesterday where they don’t have to comply with what the people have for health insurance.. ( making the golden goose even better for them) while telling the citizens paying for it kiss my hairy … lol lol lol
the aztecs believe we are now in the fifth sun period. the previous four suns went through destruction and rebirth of the human form.
That is Plutos job – destroy everything Aquarius…like social..like every system in existence today – always epic in his destruction of everything. Sounds an awful lot like Lord Shiva..hmmm
Some days I forget to give thanks, and I regret that each time. I try to compensate as best possible. When you have all you want that money can buy and seek only that which is priceless, you do tend to turn inward. I appreciate what I have and do what’s possible to help others achieve their own legitimate goals, and realize that all we really have is our experiences and memories. Whether or not they’ll persist beyond this life is unknown, but it’s the safer bet.
(“Reflect for a moment, how many people do you know that give thanks each day?”)
hmm.. we do every meal we give thanks.
daily prayers are a must in our household.. at bed time we say our bed time prayers.. the grandkids make sure grandma and I are there to say prayers so every night they call for us to head over.. and the bedtime comment.. (” sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite…but if they do take your shoe and beat them till they are black and blue…the kids added and pink and purple..”)
we are but passengers on this wonderful adventure of life.. (“36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”)
even though things may not be what you would like.. its important to make the best of what you have been given..
Prospects – like promises, tend to disappear under rigorous inspection..
Says hear we aint never gonna get there(dig. global rev), its too late for that now.
No its is time for a new “HighwayStar” – No, this aint Ure mommas Deep Purple neither -https://youtu.be/YqbNNxgcQo0?si=UCnTtOaCaKW7uVey – more like Loobs..
oooh gaawd is it gonna bee Plasma-tic!
You hear that ? too late
you see that? too late
you feel that ? too late
well done? nerp, overdone? nerp, Ashed ? prezactly.
I always find the Tower of Babel scripture interesting. This may be an oversimplification but I lean more towards the idea that it is not so much that people suddenly spoke different languages but that it is that they just didn’t listen to or try to understand what some others might be saying. Or further, He brought some to understand that they should be putting their efforts someplace else and those in control would not have any of that. So encouraging disagreements and confusion resulted in overreactions that caused all sorts of calamity. Sound familiar?
One positive thought is that humans have worked around language barriers since then. I have made attempts to learn languages on my own to the point where I got pretty good at Spanglish . Well enough I could somewhat communicate with some Hispanics folks in my sector back in the day. Until I realized that the “Non English” speakers spoke English better than me. I guess they were not laughing at my jokes after all. Diana is another example although her ability is more inter-species. Last weekend our daughter in law came into the living room and asked me if I knew Diana was out talking to the dogs on the patio. She seemed a bit worried. I told her that is nothing new. She said it was not commands she was actually talking to them about their muddy feet or something. Yep, does it all the time. Don’t worry, she is probably telling them to keep an eye on the kids while they are playing. I told her bout coming home from the Christmas lights and she started scolding Recon the cat for not coming home for a couple days. Like a typical cat he just sat there like he was ignoring her then he just got up mid sentence and walked past her saying “Nyah Nyah Nyah”. Later at supper she told our son that I think the cat talks.
Merry Christmas to all.
Stay safe. 73
I’m so glad you and Diana have each other! Some things in life are truly priceless and not all of us are so lucky. I can relate to communicating with cats – I can in my own way and we understand each other. Dogs, horses, and most women are different and I have no way to communicate with them on an emotional level at all. They see me as alien and somewhere in the uncanny valley.
Cats and dogs do talk to those with ears and patience.
They just have their own tempo and sense of importance of things.
Hmm..Elaine’s feral cat brood doesn’t seem to assign any import to me. I don’t issue forth food…
“$37 /$158 trillion of debt and climbing unsustainably”
All systems before this system failed. Work on the Time Machine. Pass the cup for R&D loot if you need help.
Time machine back to 1963 when Studebaker folded and took the (UAW represented) pension fund with them. The people of the time demanded .gov bail the pension funds.
Over 50 years from Studebaker Obama said, “eat the peas.” Today BYD exists because GM was bailed. ‘Newt had it right, “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”.
Left side of our mouths support .gov bailing Boeing and Intel while right side complains about fiscal responsibility.
There’s a lot of psychology at work, probably a 500 level and the thinking overlaps into everything.
There was a school shooting earlier this week. Some folks might say schools need metal doctors and more security. ‘Newt says “higher taxes, please”.
I’m tired of hearing about school shootings! Who cares? If you care about your kids, teach them situational awareness and the ability to think for themselves. Better still, homeschool them and do it well. Give them time to get into trouble and out of it again. Avoid forced socialization with bullies and budding mobsters. Just let kids learn what they must in life, get a GED, then college/graduate/trade school as desired and able. Public school is for indoctrination, and humans are not insects!
Awe, common Mike – who’s going to give them the 28 vaccines none of us seemed to have needed if people did that?
Um, it is now up to 120 vaccines…
(“If you care about your kids, teach them situational awareness and the ability to think for themselves”)
that’s the problem… deregulation sent the adult presence in the home to work..outsourcing industry forced parents to take lower paying positions and increased the cost of essential services and products.
our children are now subjected to desensitization of moral and ethical character through media and games … their only influence to help the traverse the delicate hormonal changes from childhood to maturity shows them that the way to deal with these sensitive situations by means that we were taught was wrong.
local gangs tempt them to indulge without considering the consequences.
its the business model .. every hour of prime time is filled with horrible examples of how children should conduct themselves in public.
its an oxymoron justifying it with numbers..
Andy is doing great with his new website: shavaq.com. (Stupid auto correct changed it to shaved.com. LOL). Anyway he is posting his interesting and thought provoking stories 5 times a week.
Hope time rock…live with nature, be content with nature, do no stress environment. Vision was nice. but idea is use nature to improve nature, such as carrying capacity, economics for housing, work diversity, skills, medical advancements, war and peace. Recycle all. Explore big and small…
Tower story was all about control – control of the Lu (Humans).
The “Lord” would be Enki/Asar/Osiris, with the Languages were “confused” to shutdown the source of the annunaki’s humit-intel.
Once the languages were confused” – it was far harder to track, hunt and ultimately enslave Human beasts.
He is/was HATED by the controllers/fallen, for one he gave Humanity the Forge and associated knowledge = tree of life . Can/could be used to make Plow blades or killing blades..bet ya cant guess what primitive Human Males decided to do with it ?
Hmm…mixed metaphor have left Ure feeling flush. Mean Mr. Whipple wasn’t in charge of the Loo>?
re: 190 proof Global Rev
feat: A Patriot vs a twain
Ukrainian msm is reporting that the us$20 billion announced by President Biden on Dec. 13th is in World Bank Ukraine accounts. Public US Treasury Dec. 10th advice appears to reflect us$20 billion transferring from the US to the World Bank. Supposedly profits on frozen Russian assets are paying for this. Have any European countries chipped in their share of the us$50 billion G7 promise made last summer due by year end?
It could appear that a majority of global frozen Russian assets are sitting in Europe? Perhaps a majority of that majority is in us$ securities limboland at Euroclear in Brussels by way of China? The 2022 msm stories about this seem to have lost their way. Euroclear was founded 45 or so years ago by the Belgian arm of an American banking colossus whose roots go back to 1799 with a current ceo being quoted in 2020 saying that Mr. Trump wasn’t a patriot. The only other Euroclear competitor is an outfit in Luxembourg and Germany with linkage to a separate American bank entity which debuted in 1784.
Will President-elect Trump reach out with a pre-emptive courtesy call to Madison Avenue? Or will the The Bank of Pops be writing another cash advance for us$30 billion before Santa’s Christmas delivery cutoff to the servant’s stocking?
re: Seussing Out #47
Hopefully the Grinch hasn’t stolen President-elect Trump’s Christmas. He had only just expressed satisfaction at Mrs. Freeland’s departure from the front bench of Canadian government, but…
…She’s back!
The CBC dispatched its senior parliamentary reporter to yesterday’s Liberal Party caucus Christmas party in Ottawa featuring keynote speaker PM Trudeau. The mourning purple clad just-resigned Finance Minister of two days past arrived at the already crowded festive venue attired in Liberal Red accompanied by her family and an entourage of supporters. She sat in the front row for the PM’s speech.
Afterwards two lines formed for photo ops – one for the PM and one for Mrs. Freeman. Apparently the PM ended up with a shorter line of fans wishing a “selfie”. The CBC notes that the release date of the biography of Mrs. Freeman has been moved up from next February. “Chrystia” by Catharine Tsilikis is now scheduled out this Friday.
One may recollect that President-elect Trump had PM Trudeau waiting for 10 minutes in the Library Room at Mar-a-Lago before greeting his guest. There is likely still time to have copies of the new book “Chrystia” on Library Room coffee tables at Mar-a-Lago before Christmas!
I may or may not have overwritten one of my planned comments so apologies if this ends up being a dupe.
Last Friday a pair of Russian Telegram channels Shot and Baza noted an alleged Ukrainian-type surveillance drone had been intercepted around the Lukoil II oil transshipment facility in the Gulf of Finland on the Thursday evening. The drone was said to have had a typical range of 35km.
Western-facing maritime websites publicly offer that Liberian-flagged Pisti arrived in the nearby port of Vysotsk on Saturday following waypoints at Rotterdam and Gothenburg. The websites suggested a possible voyage origin as Port Tuban. Up to 1945 it was in the Dutch East Indies.
On Wednesday President Zelensky published his photo op with the Secretary General if Nato who is a former PM of the Netherlands. He described the meeting as “important and very meaningful”.
– I am going to catch flak for this post – oh, well.
The Tower of Babel
., George – when I was taught about the Tower of Babel [ pretty much the way you laid it out.] My first thought was, “What?” “His Children” were getting along, succeeding, creating, moving forward in the life he had given them – and he was afraid. Afraid of his own Children. Afraid of what their greatness, what they might accomplish – so he destroyed them. Destroyed their ability to communicate, to work together as a whole., as one.., and scattered them to the four winds. To me, that seemed more like an act of vengeance., a slapping down., not a hand up.
There was no benevolence. There was no love. There was no pride in his grand work. There was fear. We, as a whole, were so much better than he wanted us to be. So.., he changed the rules midway through the game.
He was a coward. He was afraid that we would out-grow him. That through our cooperation and accomplishments as one, we would become a very great people. Instead of becoming what he has originally created., His Children., he turned us into – His Minions. Weak and squabbling, so we could destroy one another according to his guidance, his rules, his laws., and be afraid of him – and thus remain the One True God.
I have been told that, that is not quite what happened., that was not his true intent. and that I have “over-analyzed” his actions and meaning. And my answer to that, has always been – Really? You speak for God? I didn’t know that. Amazing.
I could be wrong – so be it. I am sure you have a different way of looking at it. Possibly a ‘very’ different way. No problem. But as I walk through the story of Babel., as you laid it out – that is what I see.., that is my conclusion. It was more of an act of a military despot – then that of a benevolent, loving father.
After all – I am just a weak minion that is constantly struggling to understand the words and actions of a God that messes with the minds of his children, then destroys them at will. Instead of destroying the love and cooperation the people had – why didn’t he simply destroy ‘sin’?
Over a dram of your best bourbon, I will admit that in my best work in dream realms, the major issue (and Danny Sheehan repeated this, as well in the Dorey interviews) that ‘God” has been made a “noun.”
But that, you see, isn’t the case. G*d -THE great name which can’t be spoken my humans is not a “noun” but an always moving verb. Transitive, Thus, like the tide, is has no vengeance, and it is more like people (quite egotistically) claiming to know more about it than they do. Keeps the megachurches going until the payback arrives, for example.
But it’s so much like the tide – and people die of drownings from that throughout history – we don’t inspect our assumptions.
Thus my take on Babel is less about a (personal noun-ed) God getting angry at the kids. It’s about the ‘tide of judgment’ coming in, sweeping away the tower, which was built by crooked humans on a poor foundation and the Tide found them out. We were weak and ungrounded at the core (and still remain so). Thus the dispersal. A short nuke war or emps would be a similar reset.
But that’s without a bourbon. (Tomorrow I will confess to a day gain of $3,737 in today’s shitshow market (and I could buy some, I ‘spose) and hope your Christmas decorations up in Chelan were equally green?)
Peace brother.
Large stone monuments make for good tourist sites, but aren’t a rational basis for growing an economy and providing for the general welfare. Dispersing the least hairless apes to the four corners of the globe until they could figure out how to keep their psychopaths (leaders) and pet minions (sociopaths) under control was a good move. Probably we were overdue for a new dispersal, since we obviously hadn’t got that original lesson down completely, yet. The distributed economy and the telecommute may be part of that new dispersal. Power to the sheeples. Collapse of fiat central banking and governance by gangs is probably down the road a bit. Won’t happen anything like Marx imagined.
Change “least hairless” to “more hairless”. “Less hairy” works too. This is relative, of course, and may not apply to some knuckle draggers in Ure audience.
If you consider that the Yahweh of the Bible may have actually been a malevelent Annunaki alien, as posited by Zecharia Sitchin and Paul Wallis and other biblical scholars, then the hideous Old Testament stories make more sense. He wasn’t a “father,” he was a psychopath.
Slowly, and psychologically painfully, I have been coming to this interpretation over the last few years. Not there yet, but am now in the questioning mode.
IF such an analysis would be proven to be accurate it would toss all of the world’s religions into an uproar … and all of their texts would have to be totally re-examined.
Didn’t William Blake make some similar remarks?
The Fed gives a quarter-point rate cut – and warning about next year – pretty much what was expected & forecasted…, however
The Dow Jones Industrials are down 2.42%-over 1,000 points
The S&P500 is down 2.68% – 162.5 points
The NASDAQ is down 3.39% – 681 poionts
The Russell 200- is down 3.52% – 82 points
Dow Jones Transports is down 2.47% – 404 points
Gold is down 2.2% – $58.60
Even the Euro took a hit and is down 1.24% against the dollar.
Even though they got what they forecast -they are really in a panic move.
The markets are in a panic because the ruling coalition in Canada is on the verge of collapse. The “Ontario, Your Partner” commercials are now running 4x per hour on FOXNews and probably ESPN. The Canadian “Establishment” are soiling their collective bloomers, both at the thought of flushing Justin, and holding a winter election, in which the Conservatives are likely to sweep them into the dustbin in a bigger landslide than Trump’s.
G-7 countries are tumbling, winter’s coming on, and Vlad is looking to make back every Ruble the NATO nations are stealing from Russia, before spring comes to Berlin.
Why wouldn’t the markets be roller-coastering…?