A nod to G.A. Stewart’s forecast – based on his decades of Nostradamus research – as we see the Olympics are off to a rocky start: Paris Olympics hit by coordinated arson attacks across train network.
Our concern is not so much with the arson – sure, inconvenient, but not a mass killer – except that it now has the potential to turn into a 1-2 punch. Where the arson today is the “distraction of Authority” while the other pieces of another – much larger crime – are being assembled.
Naturally, we hope this is not the case. But there’s a War coming to Europe – a ground war – and lots of anger stirred up. Consequently, when the opening gets here tonight – maybe a second (minor) event leading to a bigger attack next week.
For now, the happy-talk is that the Paris Olympics Set to Begin Under Tight Security – The Dispatch. You don’t want to be an insurance underwriter for the next week or two, though.
Rally with a $35 Trillion Debt
We love to watch Public Distractions play out, especially when the General Public is being bent over down the dark alleys of finance. It’s really hard not to admire the coincidence of the Debt kissing $35 trillion this week (to be precise, $12 billion shy at $34,988,121,329,285.52). Because the public is wound up (and wrapped around the axle) of other matters.
Why there’s the Joe to Go drama, the Kamala Kicks it poll, the Olympics, the Housing Data (which will show more inflation) coming Tuesday. And right ahead of the Big F’ing Deal Fed hold of rates next Wednesday.
I know – not overnight Second Coming or Rapture – so why the Big Rally today? Because as we often remind, our El-Chan (Elliott waves and Trend Channels) chart using our proprietary Aggregate Index does a very good job of telling us where the bounces are likely.
Take the view this morning: On the far right, you will see we dropped to the lower (pink) trend line at the close Thursday. (See the notes in yesterday’s column here). So, it only makes sense that we put on something of a “goal line stand” in here.
Hard telling if I wear the working hat of a Magician or a dunce cap – they look similar which is a Big Clue not to play – but Boolean rules say from the rally ensuing today we will either:
- a) Be sailing back toward the upper trend line – and we’ll get there by Labor Day weekend. (My consigliere doesn’t have any pom-poms out – which would look just silly, but you never know what financial counsel will do when there’s a glean of green…)
- b) Be doing a standard Wave ii bounce. The indication would be if we collapse lower next week and cross some ways under the pink trend like we’re taking the hard bounce up from today.
- c) Nothing happens, or something so big markets close. In which case the force majeure clauses save the rich.
I am having far too many things in motion here to give a rip about markets. More on some of it at the end of today’s column.
Fairytale Time!!!
It’s really hard – in a paper mache economy – to take the hypothecated income numbers seriously. But we will take a deep breath and do our old “newsroom best”. Where I learned to read teletype news copy while it was on fire, and when a colleague was peeing in a wastebasket behind me which was being picked up by the hot mic… Yeah, I miss broadcast urinalism like I miss my navel hernia.
Um…hand me to storybook, Yogi. Abba-dabba-doo!
Personal income increased $50.4 billion (0.2 percent at a monthly rate) in June. Disposable personal income (DPI)—personal income less personal current taxes—increased $37.7 billion (0.2 percent). Personal outlays—the sum of personal consumption expenditures (PCE), personal interest payments, and personal current transfer payments—increased $59.3 billion (0.3 percent) and consumer spending increased $57.6 billion (0.3 percent). Personal saving was $703.0 billion and the personal saving rate—personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income—was 3.4 percent in June.
(Blow me…)
Here I was, trying to write a whole column without going off into Tourette’s land (“What kinda shit is THIS???”) but obviously, that’s not going to work.
War Mongers
Why does NATO keep driving toward a ground war with Russia? Because Europe long-ago passed its Peak Excellence period.
Canada and TrueDope are under increasing pressure to sign up early for the ground war. Implicit, we think, as Manitoba premier urges Trudeau to move up NATO spending timeline to save Canada-U.S. relationship | CBC News.
You remember what happened three days back? (No, don’t lie – ) ISYN this was Wednesday: US B-52 bombers arrive in Romania for NATO mission (defence-blog.com). Why, in God’s name, would anyone be surprised when today Russian drones violate Romanian airspace: NATO warns of escalation?
Then there’s the war-talking French with that popular “Who me?” look saying France Responds to Russia’s NATO Troops in Ukraine Claim by saying it ain’t true.
Meanwhile, in the Middle East mess: (No one cares. It’s Friday.)
Political Machine-Nation: I guess we’d like to say this is nothing to Bragg about Manhattan DA Argues Trump Case Not Affected by Presidential Immunity. We’re waiting for the USSUPCo to smack down a federal misdemeanor being amped up to a NY felony when there was no victim cited in the case (save the left wingnuts at law).
Say, I thought we already covered fairytales, but I must have missed this: Kamala: “It is time for this war to end, and end in a way where Israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza ends, and Palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity, and self-determination…” Throw in a couple of 40s and a roll of foil for the fentanyl while we’re at it?
Meanwhile, keep an eye on her co-commie: Biden putting up morons and Marxists for judges…
Nothing to see here, though, Citizen. Just keep moving…The Kamala Coverup Begins.
Start collecting for your records before the Internet scrubbing is all done: Kamala saying freely that the goal is communism in the U.S.
Because it must be now that (wait for it): Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Endorse Kamala Harris for President. Well, that sure simplifies decision-making, don’t it?
Around the Ranch: Ure’s Retrograde Ending
OK, new inverter is in hand, ready to be slapped in this weekend to replace the one which was damaged by a lightning strike nearby.
Ure is VERY disappointed in Outback Power which has gutted its support department and no longer is working on product that’s out of warranty. This as the once pinnacle of grid-tie was acquired – we hear it’s coming to Texas (from Washington state) so maybe they will wise up when they get here.
Meanwhile the plan is to figure out in the (old) GTFX2524 which FET transistors were used. Possible candidates are the IRF3205: IRFP260N: or STP75NF75. The reason I know this is that a very nice tech at one of their dealers told me I could by the processor board but not the FET board because they were out of stock for a couple of months… AYFKM?
Keyword we talked about earlier this week was Topology – remember? Well, pretty clearly the days of “heavy iron” in grid tie are passing and micro inverters (assuming 1741-SA disconnect/anti-islanding certified) is the future. We will plan accordingly.
The Hopefully Lazt Retrograde Mess? My consigliere convinced me the quickest (and therefore right) answer to the dead desktop from the same lightning event was to buy an exact replacement and swap hard drives. Popped onto Amazon and ordered a Dell XPS 8940 Desktop Computer – 11th Gen Intel Core i7-11700 8-core up to 4.9 GHz CPU, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 750, Killer Wi-Fi 6, 500W PSU, DVD Burner, Windows 11 Pro, Black. (I see the 1.5 tb drive has been edited out of the listing since I tried to buy it, too…)
My UPS guy showed up Thursday and handed me the Dell box. “Know you’ve been waiting for this, buddy…”
Before he was out the front gate, I tore into the box and….
It was an XPS-8960 with NO DVD, and no sign of the four DDR slots (only 2) which means my 64 GB of ram is useless and there’s no way to drop in the 512/1.5 SSDs… Back it goes.
What I have slowly come to realize (I’m slow, understand) is that in the collapse of complex societies (Joseph Tainter’s book) the “winning edge” will be going to systems which are based on small, discretes that can be swapped out as desired.
My plan now is to get a reasonable i9 minicomputer (seems they will work with a generic power supply – not the failed out of the box $125 (also going back) custom for the XPS 8940.
With that the processor only can be swapped. The 8 port USB 3.1 port for all the drives and fru-fru can be swapped. And power supplies become generic. So yeah…big lesson from the Universe this week is?
Buy and configure things into replaceable smaller units. It will be easier to keep “yo chit” together as we slide down into the belly of this beast of a time period.
Are we much ahead of living in caves with a good fire and all day to find something to eat?
Write when you get rich,
long story…8 years ago i met a local solar dude at elliott’s elec. and asked him about…
he replied…wanna go down rabbit holes, huh?
asked for his card and this last february called him up to put in my ground mount and install 12 panels since i went with ground screws. all he has installed for years is sol-ark. in may, i had him back out to put up the remaining 12 panels. he said he has been swamped by customers wanting batteries sice this spring’s storms have proved a point. since he is a grid-tie salesman, per se, i said it’s not about telling oncor to f’off it’s about when oncor tells me to f’off. he has been scrambling for batteries and they are back-ordered. he was impressed with my set-up but i don’t fit his or oncor’s narradigm. we shook hands. i gave him some yards eggs, a jar of dewberry jelly, and said here’s a rabbit hole.
he replied, i’ve been on the horn alot lately with the owner. hope this helps.
it’s a mad rush…lol!
Home owners insurance cover cost of replacement inverter?
it depends on what insurance and what your deductible is.. my insurance company covered the cost of replacing some equipment..
great sales on them right now to… some don’t get insurance at all.. my father inlaw refused to get home insurance.. he couldn’t see spending a few hundred a month for insurance.. instead he put it in the bank..
A big thanks to you George. That last thought about breaking things down into smaller manageable units is perfect. Last year I purchased a 1200W EcoFlow generator with 2 100W solar panels to use in the hoopty. Just a couple intermittent use pumps, 2 fans and a rarely used string of LED lights over a work table is all the load there. Worked so good I picked up 2 more at the first of this year. One is in the shop for minor chores and the other went out to the well pump house to run the small amount of electric fencing managed from there. Lastly we picked up a heck of a deal on another one on Prime Day for the house electronics. The main idea here is that if one unit fails or additional power is needed elsewhere they can be picked up and moved fairly easily.
Thanks for validating my plans. I won’t go as far as to say great minds yada yada but…yeah.
Stay safe. 73
Well, staying quiet and head low seemed to keep me out of trouble in la-la-Liberal land.
All was well until I asked the owner of the Inn why her restaurant wasn’t open at 6:00 am. So I could get coffee. She said that since Covid no one wants to work and she’s been having trouble with Inn Hours, as a result of that. She was angry and asked, “who told these people they don’t need to work?!” I asked her who she voted for in the last election. She looked puzzled and replied, “Biden.” And Before I could say anything she yelled over to one of the waitresses, “Anna, what country are you from?” Anna looked clearly surprised and said, “Romania” … with that the owner said, “But see, THEY want to work!!” – I just gripped my 2 coffees to go, said, “nice talking with you … Hope you can work all that out.” And I just faded out the door, got in the car and we left.
I’ve noticed most of the staff at most of the places we’ve been to had foreign accents, and it sure wasn’t Spanish. Quite a variety, actually. – Couldn’t help noticing and tried really hard not to judge.
Seems there’s an Underground Railroad of sorts IMHO. Old folks training young (military age) foreign kids. Damn mind blowing. The phrase, “Great Transition” comes to mind.
Whatever. – Off to other locations …
BTW, I do recommend the boat tour through the Apostle Islands. Quite a beautiful 2 1/2 hour trip. Very educational.
Have a great day everyone
I had never heard of the Apostle Islands so I looked them up. Very interesting. Might have to check that out someday. The sea caves look awesome.
If you do go up to see the Islands, you love it. You’ll love the beauty of the area on the mainland too.
Drop down to Wisconsin Dells. It’s like Gatlinburg TN but much less expensive. And my suggestion is to stay at Ambers inn and suites. Clean rooms, pretty grounds, outdoor pool, hot tub – damn nice place. Getting a great review from me.
Took the Jet Boat tour. Boat Fast as hell, lots of spins and splashing. Great time. I Tipped the driver. Very exciting. And, he stops to show ya the sites along the river. Absolutely Beautiful.
America was always supposed to be a melting pot – “Give me your tired, your poor, etc.”
Looks like we’re running low on the former denizens.
Hey George, I find it interesting that I read your column (after) I hurried to post my comment and I see we both mentioned, “Romania.” Gee, what a coincidence. Lol.
Dam dude – You got Ureself a solar “Kamala” !
It is understood that originally Ure system was pretty solid, but with The Passage of Time, well you know we need to acknowledge this Time passing, and in doing so, acknowledge that Ure systems dumb Battery time is passing.. joint me at 1:50 mark – high time youse all got a lil.
Speaking of “kamala’s” I went long SPY Calls at depths of yesterdays drop…Stop Loss in Place – will be raising that sucker Up this AM as market begins to climbs wall of worries.
FUNdamental BCN trading rules/discipline..
>Always employ Stop Loss Trades – Always – Never once taking off or breaking rule “just this one time”.
>Never ever double down on a losing trade, EVER.
>Never let a winning trade turn into a Loser, EVER..take the Breakeven/Loss and be thankful youse got out with most of Ure butt cheeks still firmly attached.
Hazardous Duty demands higher pay, trading can be hazardous, unless of course youse got a trading bot ; )
Geornac the Magnificent
A) Hawk Tuah
Q) How does Kamala begin her oral performances?
* dont listen to music video above – if you dont want music stuck in Ure head, whenever you work on a Solar related project.
**Charming, no?
Visually appealing. Audio not so much.
re: The World
feat: cue the state
France’s “Le Monde” has briefly noted that President Zelenskyy’s name is absent from the list of dignitaries set to attend the Olympic opening ceremonies today.
The Ukraine state media site “Ukrinform” was last updated on Tuesday with the president’s “video of the day”.
The Ukrainian language side of the MoD website features pictures and respectful descriptions of office holders. However the presidential page does not offer his picture. The cv compliments his absence of elected office during his career as a comedian which is exquisitely detailed. Apparently the frontlines have been thrilled when visited by the comedic troupe.
If it were not for the humour, one might almost sense the curtains are drawing on amateur night at the comedy club.
re: Battle of the Neva, July 1240
feat: Grand Prince of Kiev
Shop Talk Sunday by George is a popular staple floating boats hereabouts. Not to be left behind and by coincidence, “Tass” is reporting today that President Putin plans to “attend the Main Navy Day Parade in the city of St. Petersburg” on Sunday. Apparently the event will be held on the Neva River near the Kronshtadt road (leading to Kotlin Island in the Gulf of Finland). According to the history books, the Kronshtadt Rebellion of 1921 on Kotlin Island allegedly funded by western european emigres against the Lenin-Trotsky Soviet government failed. Apparently the rebels waited for negotiators, but Trotsky sent soldiers to slaughter them instead thereby resolving the problem.
The backdrop offered to photographers at Sunday’s flotilla near the Winter Palace should be impressive. Perhaps careful framing through lenses will permit inclusion of the cross atop the adjacent St. Isaac’s Cathedral, patron saint of Peter the Great.
The Kremlin is further quoted as saying that the leader of Belarus, currently at points unstated in Russia, can choose to attend “if he wants”. One imagines transport services will be running on time for such purposes.
Alright, returning then to details of the special military operation filed under “politics”.
Seems like yesterday it was just $32,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx.xx getting ready to cross into the Masonic “33” Trilly zone.
“Peak Excellence period.”
The reason why MAGA works as a slogan is because the ‘again’ is imaginary. My 90+ y/o uncle thinks the 1950’s were when America was great. “Everyone had money/good jobs were plentiful”. But later he’ll explain some of the other kids from the neighborhood were drafted into war and killed so to those families the 1950’s probably weren’t great. Not to mention if your peers are getting killed of course job competition will be slim.
During my entire life Detroit (American manufacturing) has been in structural collapse w/continuous bailouts to the American corporations. The pension system for an entire generation was bailed. I don’t have a ‘great’ based on everyone having money and good jobs being plentiful.
He goes on about other issues but those days are long gone.
Just in case you missed it.., Breakdancing is now an Olympic Sport. And so is Kitesurfing.
I am “so done” with modern Olympics !!
Geez d’Lynn … had to purse lips in order to avoid spraying laptop with Stout. Funny
Eat drink and be merry. Kids in charge while seniors pop champers and light Cohibas. Party on Garth!
$35,000,000,000,000 is just a number with lots of nothings.
It’s the interest “on which” that gets ya.
Party on.
are you 21?
And I thought Breakdancing died decades ago.
Gee, I can hardly wait for penile piano playing to become sanctioned.
Vlod will have a leg up on the competition…
After watching clips of the Satanic opening ceremonies at the Olympic games yesterday, I have decided to forgo watching the games. There is nothing to celebrate in these ceremonies except the triumph of evil over good. God help us.
A crew of drag queens and dancers performed an apparent “parody of the Last Supper” at the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony Friday, drawing intense criticism across social media.
“This is crazy. Opening your event by replacing Jesus and the disciples at the Last Supper with men in drag,” Clint Russel, the host of the Liberty Lockdown podcast, fumed on X.
– least they had a gay jew mastering ceremonies..
wondering what THAT message was all about ?
duh -oooh!
I am sure we will wake up from this nightmare shortly.. things couldn’t have gotten this insane so fast..it has to be a nightmare in full living color or..we have entered the twilight zone…
If I can catch Simone Biles on the tube, I will watch, because she is a true generational athlete — a Nadia Comaneci or Svetlana Boginskaya for the “Millennial generation.” The U.S. takes our athletes seriously (yet until the 1980s, rarely had an Olympic medalist in skating or gymnastics. What made Mary Lou Retton so special was she rocked-out in a sport utterly dominated by Soviet (Romanian and Belarusian, with an occasional Russian or Ukrainian) athletes.
(BTW, I saw a recent photo of Nadia. She’s in her mid-60s and looks like she’s yet to see 40. I also saw one of Mary Lou. She’s on oxygen from a lung ailment she suffered a year ago, and does not look like she’s in her 30s. Kinda makes me wonder which one got the jab…)
“The Democrats’ ‘giddy elation’ over Harris won’t be ‘helpful much longer ” James Carville
– Carville said the Biden-Harris change caught Republicans off guard and warned that the GOP will be on the offensive for the duration of the election cycle.
“Get ready, they’re coming,” Carville stated. “They’re coming at us and they’re gonna keep coming,”
[ referring to the Republicans.]
– With Trump saying yesterday that “I’m not going to be nice.” Seems to agree with Carville.., and backing out of the debate with, “I am not going to debate that fascist.”
– and in case you missed “the other brother Darrell” post from Krassenstein poll –
Former Prosecutor Kamala Harris or Convicted Felon Donald Trump?
Kamala Harris
Donald Trump
420,357 votes
OK.., now I “really” don’t like Biden’s Economy.., or however is at fault.
– Called up my supplier. Yep, I have a ‘supplier’. I have one box left of my black-wrapped, rum soaked cigaretellos. [ small, thin cigars ] My bourbon companion for close to two decades.
– .., and I won’t be getting anymore.
– The manufacturer has closed up shop. Out of business. Import tariffs, inflation, shipping and taxes all combined., drove them under. They doubled in price in the last three years. I should have seen this coming.
– So.., the search is on for a replacement. And that isn’t going to be easy !
Ahh man I feel for ya – truely I do. BCN no likey if and when one of the Favs” becomes unobtainium..Grrrrrr.
Perhaps you can self provide..I have 1/2 a box of Partagas “Chicos’ left over from recent trip to Zurich. Also have several bottles of VERY fine Rum…like not enough O’s in English language to cover how smoooooth they really are.
You have inspired me to soak 1/2 those leftover badboys in some Don Pancho (Panamanian) “18yr in American White Oak barrels”, and 1/2 in Zacapa 23yr “from virgin sugar cane aged at a high altitude in oak barrels”. YUM!
Yeah yeah yeah, not soaking Cubanos in the cheap stuff (1 Barrel) and 3 Barrel is my go to – so might as well go with the High End sipping Sauce..as I rarely ever drink let alone Sip em. Currently into high end Tequilas – sipped out of Champagne flutes – ya know those manly looking tall thin glasses, they are great for SWIRLING the Agave Nectars around catching “air sandwiches” of Tequila.
Hopefully – hopefully LOOB is on board some wheres around here and can help a Brother out with “suggested” Soaking Times and and Drying Times so I can make a dozen rum soaked “Chicos”. Otherwise Ill just “wing it” and see what happens.
Stole a couple joints worth of Rum Soaked Weed as young Kid from one of older Sisters degenerate boyfriends. Really didnt or couldnt appreciate the Rum flavor..or the dirty Mexican weed back then (70’s) – no NOT Acapulco Gold – only the rich kids who went there on vaca’s could score that kinda weed – same wit Hawaii.
Will update regards soaking and smoking above mentioned “Chicos” .
Box *Warning*
Rauchen ist todlich. Fumer tue. Il fumo uccide.
Zacapa might be good.
Smoking Mexican ragweed dipped in Ronrico then, explains a lot, now…
Most tequila be piss water — Try Mezcal Local or Scorpion Anejo, or maybe Dos Hombres. Stay away from cheap blends. Owner of the local watering hole started getting into mezcals about 10 years ago. Anything over a sawbuck a shot is fine, anything over $12 is good. Less than $6 and you might as well be drinkin’ Patron or 1800.
I know that rum is the only drink,
Suitable for mankind…
I want to make the cacao wine… its basic components is cacao pods and beans and agave syrup.. … and pepper..
I have wondered would agave wine taste like tequila????
Its like camphor… I put camphor tablets in a small container with holes in the top and around the bottom..toss that in the tool box.. and it evaporates and gets on the tools in the tool box .. as it collects on the tools it also protects against rusting..Also moth balls..moth balls in the blanket chest absorbs moisture..
menthol does the same with tobacco..my guess is its the same with good rum or whatever you decide for flavoring
First..I don’t smoke and I am not sure.. mu y guess is its similar to other infusions.. Fill a 2 oz. shot glass half to three-quarters of the way full with the rum Place the shot glass inside a clean, unused Tupperware container or humadore with your cigars and seal them up. Make sure the seal is tight or your cigars can dry out. It’s best to start with a smaller quantity like 5 or 6 cigars. The more cigars you try to infuse at once, the longer the process will take. Also, it’s wise to taste the results before you infuse an entire box to ensure you enjoy your cigars after they’ve been infused.most infusion processes takes roughly 6 to 8 weeks. Store the Tupperware container at room temperature or 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and not in direct sunlight. Feel free to sample one of your cigars after 3 or 4 weeks. If you’re satisfied with the flavor, then enough time has passed to adequately flavor them.
that’s a nice video of it..he’s using a Tupperware container..
Other than that I am not to sure.. I don’t know to much about infusing tobacco… I did consider ultrasonic to vaporize the tobacco but think the slow infusion would be the best way..good luck..
Cigars and tobacco..I know about as much about those as I do about guns.. with a gun someone would have to teach me how to use it and load it..I don’t plan on Hur ting anytime soon..and smoking.. not to sure what about tobacco.. To me tho late tobacco you put the menthol crystals in a shot glass or a satchel then place it in an airtight container.. then meth the menthol infuse into the tobacco.. its a slow process like smoking meat to infuse the smoke into the meat..
You add an apple slice — It might possibly increase the infusion rate by a bunch (or not) but it prevents the terbaccy from drying out.
–Learned that from an old tobacconist, who ran a shop a few blocks off Beale Street, many years ago. He told me that was how they kept them see-gars and pipe stuffing fresh, back in the old days. He said it works better than most humidors, doesn’t flavor the tobacco, and it’s cheap…
I used to smoke Famous ‘bundle’ cigars in the toro size
they have all kinds and brands,,, I am a cheap o
48 qt Igloo cooler as a humidore and a home made humidifier, floral foam and 50%propylene glycol 50% distilled h2O and a piece of tupperware with holes drilled sides and top
burnt my fingers one time on a Cuban Partagas given to me by my barber, it was awesome, if I only had a roach clip ;-) good luck hunting for your new source
Palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom – Isn’t that the crux of the issue? The Palestine people continue to choose/support terrorist groups as their leadership, and they continue to attack Israel. Just imagine our response if the Medaline cartel attacked Texas, killing our children, raping our women and taking hostages, they escape back to mexico and hide among the civilians. Would we just be telling everyone to calm down and just leave Mexico alone? That area of the middle east has a lot of long bloody history, it seems someone has to win to sort this out. I far perfer Israel to win vs Palistine.
“Former President Donald Trump gave Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a warm greeting Friday afternoon at Mar-a-Lago, giving his wife a kiss and embracing the Jewish leader before showing him where he was shot in the ear weeks ago.”
G.A. STEWART: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not come to the United States on a pleasure visit. Israel is ready to kickoff the Big One, a war with Iran.
I bought 3 of your books , was told the password was on page xxx , hard to find that page on a kindle book even with your help . Guess I’ll just wait to see what unfolds rather than read your protected post .
You have to clear your cookie cache – and then restart the browser – had the same problem with an account on one of the trading platforms this week.
Sure would like to read this, but the psswords still don’t work. (“Too many re-directs.”)
Am I alone?
Nope me to..tried the dumping of cookies and the cach..
got the passwords.. but it just won’t let me in..
Apologies are quite possibly due.
Being, as I am, a dogged individual I tried repeatedly eleven times — and for some reason password #3 worked.
I hope this condition sticks.
(This try-many-times method did not work previously, so I’m hoping it’s not a fluke.
More later…
Nope. Never mind. Only worked that one time.’I can’t get it to work a second time. So, No joy.
have to clear cookies and it should – g
Try the DuckDuckGo browser.
LOst faith in them when they poured out all the msn.com rebranding of real news.
Can’t be triusted
“LOst faith in them when they poured out all the msn.com rebranding of real news.”
That’s why I stopped using DDG for a lot of stuff. DDG search is Bing. They advertise they don’t let Google have your info. They don’t, because they let M$ have it instead…
Did. Doesn’t. 73.
(Several — many — rinse & repeats)
I mainly use the DuckDuckGo browser when nothing else works. It didn’t work on Stu’s site initially this morning even after flushing the cookies. I finally tried bouncing off an out-of-state VPN server, and that worked. Stu has a prickly site.
Netanyahu speech to Congress at the 35:33 mark.
“My friends, in the Middle East, Iran is virtually behind all the terrorism, all the turmoil, all the chaos, all the killing. And that should come as no surprise.”
News copy fires. Does every station do this, eventually? At our local small station in my youth, a notoriously serious program director was reading the ‘Rip & Read’ teletype strip when the not-so-serious’ crazy engineer sneaks up behind him and lights the end of the TTY paper on fire. As it flares up, the PD drops it to the floor and, nonplussed, announces that he had more news, but it was ‘too hot to handle’ and goes to the music.
Now the engineer, disappointed that he couldn’t crack up the PD went around to the production studio on the other side of the glass. The on-air DJ has to look thru this window to see the clock on the far wall, so the engineer climbed up on the desk and pressed his bare ass against the window and waited for the time announcement.
The PD eventually looked up and guffawed so hard he fell backwards in the chair without turning the mic off. Mission accomplished. Engineer=1, PD=0
Meanwhile, at the TV station, the air talent was doing a live commercial for local “Peters Meats”, as the camera man walked out from behind the camera with a large salami hanging out of his pants. Yep… live broadcasting was an ordeal that few survived.
And as for Micro-Inverters for your grid-tie solar… are you ready for the chorus of S9+ buzzing across the HF bands? Noise check before you buy. Caveat Emptor.
“Buy and configure things into replaceable smaller units. It will be easier to keep “yo chit” together as we slide down into the belly of this beast of a time period.”
Union Pacific learned this lesson as they engineered bigger and bigger locomotives. The lesson learned was that if a huge loco failed, it left a train stranded on the mainline. Multiple smaller horsepower locos was the answer, where one failure didn’t totally stop a train and the others could cripple along at lower speeds until getting to a yard for replacement.
“so the engineer climbed up on the desk and pressed his bare ass against the window and waited for the time announcement.”
‘Nothing like a canned ham, to set the mood…
My thoughts on Jimmy Vance is that he needs to go away as VP choice for the republicans! The man is smart and an excellent orator, but his immovable stance on abortion regulations annoys and/or infuriates a large number of voters who would otherwise vote republican. This includes many women who, for better or worse, actually have a vote. Personally, I believe that abortion is a private matter and not one worthy of governmental attention. I feel the same way about marriage. God will deal with such things if that’s God’s will. Meanwhile, we have an administration out of control and run by idiots, including the clackling idiot that’s currently VP. Sure, I can gain more financially by leaving the current financial structure in place, but at a cost of the nation. Abortion has always been used as a means to polarize and split voters into single-issue groups. This needs to stop. The government can’t prevent abortion no matter how hard it tries, just like prostitution. It’s best to leave it up to individuals and their own moral principles. We have a government that managed to incur 34 trillion dollars in known liabilities and no doubt much more that’s hidden. We’re selling off portions of the nation to unknown entities just to keep going. We’re engaging in wars that we can’t afford and giving untold trillions to other nations, as well as working with the UN to encourage illegal migration here. Check out the UNHCR, among others!
We need to have administrators in charge that work for the good of the nation,including ALL of its citizens! We’ve not had that for the last half-century, with a couple of notable exceptions. The border is wide open to foreigners, though Americans have to re-enter through an official Port of Entry. What good does it do to ban abortion and have the country invaded by foreigners from unknown parts? The spoils of war include the ability to rape and pillage, regardless of legality, and unless we address this issue seriously, we’ll soon seem like the Israel/Hamas conflict.
It’s a bad idea to kick the bear, and it’s just as dumb to kick the donkey when it has the media spotlight.
Today was day 14 of a 28 June 2024 7/14 of 16-18/10-14 day ACWI fractal series. And as the 2x day of a x/2x ::7/14 day fractal series it was self-ordered to be positive. The rest of the y/2-2.5y/1.5-2.5y series … to about 16 August will not be … although there will be expected counter rally growth days within this nonlinear valuation collapse … http://www.economicfractalist.com/blog/