No one seems to have noticed, except maybe us: FEMA has about totally botched its “civil defense” mission. In fact, we went looking for evidence of how FEMA is prepared to defend the US from all hazards. Wow! Were we disappointed.
Using a search engine, it’s clear while Civil Defense is a big deal elsewhere, America has already fallen into the cellar.
We’ll dig into that and do the charts and a few news items along the way, too. Single cup issue this week – if you read fast.
To me, this was a troubling report to write. Because in it, there are two undeniable examples of how America is in process of “rolling over” into a second Roman collapse. Sorry to report.
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FEMA is a large organization of bureaucrats with exensive Rolodexes and signed contracts with suppliers. They have some — but not much — in field forces, task groups, or warehouse material.
They are slow and top-heavy in the extreme.
Count 100% on yourself and any alliances with neighbors. States and towns count on FEMA as “firemen” or as a field emergency army. They can’t do those jobs. They write reports and make phone calls.
You’re on your own.
(But, you knew that already.)
that is what my niece found out.. in Tennessee there was a tornado.. took her home.. I said gather as much of it as you can.. she was sure FEMA stepped in and said they were there to help.. then a flood took the rest of it.. in the end.. they did help gave them a twenty dollar bill and a good luck charlie..
a gentleman that lived in an exclusive area.. great job made lots of money lived in New orleans.. Hurricaine Katrina hit.. took everything he had.. FEMA was no where to be found.. the insurance company gave him ten cents on the dollar.. then a freak explosion on a deep water ddrilling platform and a huge oil spill had him in front of a hearing.. he told the truth and was thrown under the bus destroyed him.. fema never did give them any relief and neither did the insurance company they paid premiums on..
what they did here is had all the communities design an emergency plan.. I helped work on that one here..
My son in law told me a few weeks ago that after that mayor was replaced in an election that the community has ditched all the emergency plans that there once was..
Make darn sure you have good insurance. When that doesnt cover it, move out. LOL.
it’s like that in every shtf scenario.. the insurance companies can’t pay out on mass casualties..they are for profit company. most policies have a clause somewhere especially in the event of a civil uprising. disability insurance is the same’s great if you stub your toe or break a bone if it’s more serious..well don’t hold your breath..
There’s no such thing as good insurance. I carry the minimum liability on my cars so I remain legal. I insure nothing else – certainly not health. There are risks and most are not covered by available insurance. Those that are will be refused and fought against by the insurance companies and their armies of lawyers. I rely on personal discipline along with serious preventative and mitigation measures to preserve what I have. The insurance companies are just another leech class from my perspective.
We all die. We all have losses. We do the best we can, and that’s it. We are in this life alone, other than true friends and intimates.
(“There are risks and most are not covered by available insurance. Those that are will be refused and fought against by the insurance companies and their armies of lawyers.”)
AMEN on that one Mike.. LOL LOL I would tell you about my dissability experience LOL LOL .. had it all.. the one at the bank for the home loan.. on all the credit cards.. at work.. and one ..other one.. the What IF happened.. LOL as soon as it was discovered that it was a serious claim.. you got the crap that is covered in the book the Rainmaker LOL LOL only one.. yup one paid anything and they only paid three months worth of claims.. was the one at the bank.. to get them to even accept a claim.. you had to send one mail… one Fax one certified mail and one sent from the state government insurance commision in the state of insanity. Luckily I had Efax.. so every month I would efax one simultainiously to the state and the company..
well the bank handled the claims send in.. and they contacted me on a friday afternoon and asked if we were going to continue to live in our home.. absolutely.. well the insurance company refuses to accept our claims..
so I hit send.. ( had the claims loaded up to auto send.. ) it came back.. sorry there was a problem in the server please try again.. I did that for three days.. every few minutes.. tuesday morning eight oclock.. I get a call from the state.. don’t send anymore.. fifteen minutes later I get a call from the insurance company don’t send anymore..
that is the one that paid and only for three months.. none of the others paid a dime..your better off putting the money in savings bonds rather than pay it to the insurance companies..
and I pay a shit ton of money on insurance.. I am insurance poor..
and they always find a way to not pay.. my one suppliment is suppose to pay x dollars on dental.. sent the claim in.. two years they have not paid a dime.. and I am talking to the agent to see they didn’t even send me a eat shit and die letter.. which is all I want.. a simple note to say they don’t pay on anything.. who they get is the elderly and young..see if you have enough money you can self insure.. but most lending organizations require you to have insurance.. the same with state and auto insurance.. that is why they have a bean counter come out and adjust what they are going to pay out..
the Engineer for the Oil company had an old acquaintance that stopped by to visit with him.. he was an insurance adjuster.. we were sitting out in my favorite chairs.. I paid thirty seven fifty for them comfortable durrable I want to get a couple more actually.. anyway the insurance adjuster had a shipment to adjust and he drove a couple of states to do it for the government.. and then stopped by to say hello.. anyway we were sitting on the veranda and he was bitching about how his friend had been treated .. had a million dollar home.. and condo etc.. and was so upset that even this guys health policy refused to pay out and he didn’t understand.. I said.. well I paid thirty seven dollars and fifty cents for these chairs .. so I got them this long ago.. and I just had a tradgic event happen.. how much would you give me.. he said nothing.. they are to old..maybe a nickle.. I said there you just adjusted your friend.. they have bean counters to deny any coverage..
the only problem there is with the VA healthcare system is they run it like a government office and not a medical facility.. they have full staff.. the government insurance is to die for.. you pay nothing for the policy and you get golden goose coverage.. and don’t have to pay out anything.. they get the latest equipment and can negotiate for prices on pharmacy.. three thirty and the place is empty.. lights go out.. holidays the lights are dimmed and only a skeleton crew is there.Even there…they send you to see a specialist.. well one of the guys that lived in our spare room had cancer.. they sent him to another facility.. that facility sent him a letter asking for his fifty thousand dollar deposit on his future cares.. he of course lived in our spare room.. I took him into the cancer treatment clinic and they booted him out.. he almost started to cry.. the social worker finally got it worked out..but that is the business model..the hospitals can’t buy million dollar homes for these jokers to entice them to come to the wastelands and not have it to dole out…
now there is the policy that Ray brings up.. great coverage but it is by the prodestants..Health sharing ministries or christian healthcare ministries.. the big thing there is.. you cannot get it if you are a member of the LDS.. and all the LDS community is concerned about is expansion of the temples. the members are left to the regular companies.. which is why I believe that if happens.. then the whole community would be dispersed as it was in the beginning to be discovered again thousands of years later.. if mankind isn’t totally wiped off the map..
low cost and better coverage.. one of the things that the Amish don’t have to be concerned over along with new home mortgages etc..
I have life insurance.. but just enough to stick my butt in the ground.. there again.. unless your stinking rich.. no one gets a dime of it.. when my father passed on.. we got bills from every doctor in the wastelands on consultation fee of fifty dollars.. he even got bills from gynecologist proctologists and podiatrists.. the first one on the list is the funeral home.. then everyone else gets a cut of the pie.. its the business model.. there is a reason why congress won’t allow you to cross borders.. to negotiate for drugs.. that is why the northern communities head to texas for the winter.. to get low cost perscriptions in Mexico.. the savings pays for their whole winters trips.. a six hundred dollar inhaler is less than ten bucks there.. the same in Canada.. waiting on alist.. well that is true in the USA to.. if you need to see a real doctor and not someone that works under his license.. you have a long waiting period usually a year or two to get in to see one.. unless its an emergency..
the specialist keeps trying to get me to come in to see him in the big city.. but at a grand a minute.. it won’t ever happen..
As the World burns..the real world according to Mr Burns?
no oilers in ME ! Oh no, what will we ever do ? Cant rig a commercial ship for that kinda underway activity, no sir take too loong time – logistical cluster fuck at best.
Hey what about those 5 brand newly constructed Oilers just completed last January ? Ure prolly not going to believe it, but NONE of the 5 work as designed..none.
All 5 are AFU and non operational – shame that as they are the double hulled “green” Oilers type…ya know someones getting RICH off of all these work delays – SOME ONES..Its a big club, and not a one of us are in it..well maybe 1 or 2 of youse.
How much you wanna bet Navy does not get the hints, and leaves that war wagon in harms way..only about 4000 sailors onboard as understaffed is name of modern Military game.
No worries hear – Pokrovsk bout to fall, and is key to entire front moving to the Dniepers – aint nothing 2 slow em down or stand in the way – hello buffer zones. No matter though as gay, dick playing piano guy bout 2 be “maidaned” his own dam self…sssSee YA, would want to be ya!
Which brings us to the final insult – the death of the USD.. See Operation Sandman
No worries GFS (quantumfinancialsystem), should be more concerned with NPC’s
Seems to this casual observer that the “empire” is on his last legs..what Time is it again ?
Watch Gold, might be “telling” Us something..
Excellent plans.
We may be too far gone and have too few tools left to implement them.
Maybe states with leaders and ability seceding and succeeding.
Over the last 3 years a little town and the outlying area of Ruidoso, NM and north of there by Wagon Mound Nm, were hit with first major fires and then huge flooding, the people in those areas some over 2 years are still trying to collect monies promised to them from FEMA and approved by sicko Biden, folks there is NO federal help anymore, YOU are on your own, so stay prepped for long term as things continue to go downhill faster and faster. FACT!
“Adam Smith will see us through…”
Water is wet. But we may all get killed in the process.
“….led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention.”
– Adam Smith
“UFO shot down by US fighter jet over Alaska in 2023. ”
Yea. I bet the pilot leaned out of the cockpit window and shot it down with his sidearm. Space Force keeps us safe. LOL Or started an inter-solar incident.
UFO? It looked like a fuzzy image of the Chinese spy balloon with the dangling instrument package… which were flying the area at that time.
That’s what I see. And the officer’s description fits perfectly.
Here in Texas, we have two task forces made up of firefighters, EMTs, police officers and other specialists for search and rescue and medical treatment in emergency situations.
Granted they can’t help you rebuild or replace anything, but they can and will dig you out of the rubble so you can begin your recovery.
They are primarily tasked with coverage of disasters in Texas, but they have deployed to disasters in other states as well.
FEMA does have a lot of internment camps ready for American citizens and spreaders of false information …….
They have had some of those “camps” for over 30 years, and none have (as yet) been used to intern anyone (of which we are aware.) They’d be a wonderful place to take the children who go missing every year, though…
When FEMA was conceived it was advertised as if it were Mighty Mouse and was going to “be there” to save the day. But folks found out rather quickly, Mighty Mouse was just a fucking mouse, being a nuisance more so, than a hero. This, has been troubling for some and devastating to many who truly needed help. Common knowledge, ya know?
I was thinking about those who write history. Not factual history but rather, the history we’re taught to be true. – And the election.
Wondering if when the country collapses, who would I want in power at that moment. How would I want the (actual) villains to appear so not to write them as the villains they are? Interesting thoughts. – And ya know, hitting the delete button on all that viral information will be easy. Yeah, get rid of that shit.
Wonder who’s gonna hold the keys to the time capsule we call “the Cloud.” That person will be able to pull things out of thin air. Magic.
It’s easy to look around these days and then think shit like that.
Found out about FEMA back during the 2 sisters Jean and Francis hitting St Lucie County back in 2004. Both storms 3 weeks apart. Little to no help, while in Miami where little damage occurred tons of cash and help flowed. Kinda did me a favor, great object lesson.
that’s simple… it’s a lot similar to snow removal… I use to plan my winter route to work by neighborhood..
Re., Charts:
What’s going on?
I don’t see them online in your comments.
When I click on the chart title reference it downloads a pdf into my computer.
How do folks stops the download and still see the charts (as before)?
Wait for the pdf to load and it will contain the charts listed.
The 1929 collection is a single chart. the Aalysis collection is five charts, and so on.
Perhaps Warhammer can correct me if I am mistaken, but I was under the impression that FEMA had turned over all civil defense unrelated to natural disasters to the military, who then used the funding to build lots of secret military-only facilities, which no civilian will ever see or use.
I have chapter & verse enough on these birds to make anyone with common sense or a brayne scream in rage.
…and they don’t have Rolodexes anymore. They have iPhones, and their data files are shared safe in the cloud, I’m sure.
Fake organization. You’re all 100% on your own.
(” Remove that ONE tanker from the equation and suddenly the entire combat group will be limited in the duration of it’s deployment (I am sure they have enough fuel to steam around for a few days”)
what no OARS ….
they could learn something from the vikings…lol
If you’ve been following George and Stu’s work for any amount of time then you already know everything I’ve written below here.
The military of the West, which is mostly the U.S. backed by ‘allies’, is not fit for peer combat. There’s much talk about what NATO will do in the event larger war breaks out, but I’m here to tell you that that’s smoke and mirrors. European militaries are a joke.
Remember when all the cheerleaders thought that we’d defeat Russia through Ukraine in no time because Russia is a joke? How’s that working out for you now? I said from the beginning that it was a fool’s errand. Everything the Neocons have touched in the last 20+ years has turned to shit. Whatever they’ve got planned next will, too. Probably flaming, radioactive shit.
In the meantime, the military is in complete shambles and the senior officer ranks are filled with virtue signaling clowns. This naval ‘accident’ is too big to hide, but trust me, it’s systemic. That is the exact reason that I retired a little over 8 years ago. I knew it was too far gone. The quiet, still voice that we all have whispered into my ear…and for once I listened. It was a big decision and I’m 99% sure that I gave up a star.
The average American doesn’t know these things, but our enemies do. We’ve been waiting on China to make a move on Taiwan and Iran to attack Israel and speculating when that move will come. I suspect that they are waiting on some condition(s) to be met before that move is made. It’s hard to know what that would be, and once it happens it should be apparent to everyone. My personal opinion is that they’re waiting on the west to collapse financially and/or complete civil breakdown. Whatever it turns out to be time is on their side and not ours.
(“We’ve been waiting on China to make a move on Taiwan and Iran to attack Israel and speculating when that move will come. I suspect that they are waiting on some condition(s) to be met”)
like .aybe let us weaken our ability to retaliate?
get us in so many places at one time that our ability to defend is depleated..
wait until a hidden army is allowed in and supported by our own govt..
or our strategic reserves are at a crucial level..
just like our inability to see the importance of having a strong grid..we bought the business model and said screw national’s all about the number that they sell their souls for..the studies all point this out..yet we throw money at everything else..other people other lands and promoted the very thing that would take down the country. all while watching China building ghost cities and factories..building so many backup power generating facilities..promoting solar and wind..
with a depleted strategic reserve and splitting up our military and opening the borders to a potential threat we made every avenue there is that could cause the collapse of our country..
and everyone in dc only thinks about the days off..what could possibly go wrong huh..
December 6, 1941…everybody thought things were fine.
“My personal opinion is that they’re waiting on the west to collapse financially and/or complete civil breakdown. Whatever it turns out to be time is on their side and not ours.”
Mr. Armstrong, I have listened to your geopolitical analysis for the past couple of years. You have recently said that Putin instructed Iran to “sit on its hands.” Nobody else has ever said or provided that account. Here, the Telegraph has reported that Hezbollah urged Iran to attack Israel, but it refused because the “timing isn’t right”, two Israeli officials have said.
ARMSTRONG: Putin told Iran to sit on its hands and NOT take the bait as he did in Ukraine. The time will come, but do it on their terms, not those of the Neocons.
let our arrogance destroy us..
what surprises me .is… IF…a moron in the wastelands can see this… why can’t academically superior trained and has the job of determining these situations as their main career unable to convince those with the authority to act ..
heck not one person in congress has done anything at all to even put their families in a safe place. it’s business as usual only thing they care about is the next day off and being politically aligned for re-election
of course the media and the official narrative is there’s no problems whatsoever business as usual..
I believe when we see china make a move…we will be so busy on so many fronts that we won’t be able to…
what i see is a replay of The Battle of the Yarmuk.. and the poison pawn trap
Tracking Hurricane Helen shows something (I think is) very odd. Hurricanes on the East that make landfall have always went north/northeast. This one is said will be going north then veering West to Tennessee.
West ?
Yep – they changed the path. It was projected to drift north-northeast as most do., but they changed the path to northwest early this morning.
Big change coming in the pressure difference on the eastern seaboard?
(“prepare like the Mormon/LDS Church people do” and how to “live off the land like Native Americans.”l)
I have said many times.. the ones I see that will have any chances if they survive the event that sends the world into the Amish.. LDS when it first was a religion operated in a similar manor to the Amish and Quaker. since the days on inception it has only moved away from the original concept and beliefs. they still support preparing for the what if.. which I am positive that began because of what they endured crossing the experiences is the reason I started ..
my wife never believed in it until we went the tear without an income. we wouldn’t have ever made it if I hadn’t.
what happened is instead of a church community..they pushed for expansion. building temples far and wide..leaving the vast majority to conventional loan agencies.similar to the insurance that is owned and for Lutherans or other religions.. it’s affordable by the average but can’t be purchased by a member of the later day saint.. if its purely economical collapse.. all the members will be displaced if it’s a war torn environment nit only will the church collapse and the temples will be left to be rediscovered in some future time.. where the Amish colonies will still be working as one..
the estimate is what 6% of those in the lds are prepared and of that how many have modern tools with the assumption that modern conventional methods will still be available to use.
the times I have endured and survived I learned something new each what we take for granted each and every day that we assume it will still be there..
back in 2010 there was a study done on an emp collapse of society. the estimated results would be the world being shoved back to the stoneage.. a chainsaw without fuel or oil is totally worthless..
what I have learned is to adapt. if you look at ancient food and drink what you see how the recipes adapted from one region to another using what is available .. I learned the things you lack that give you a quality of life.. the simple things. a cold beer or a glass of wine aged balsamic vinegar.. or soy sauce..
cottage cheese was using milk that had separated..
wine was discovered by accident so was yeast.
the story of stone soup comes to mind..everyone has a purpose and a talent..
I know one of the naked and afraid contestants well I know some of them not closely but conversation wise.. anyway she went on a safari in I believe africa ..with indigenous tribes of the area.. what they did is the hunter got first bite then everyone in the tribe gets a bite in order of their importance.
to get a burger is dimple drive up and order it..not many people consider that to get that burger takes many steps. many would not be willing to do any or all of them. that is one of the reasons hemp is considered a controlled substance..the process to convert hemp to paper is what 3 steps or four. to convert sawdust to paper is 7 or 8 steps.. and toilet paper is a very lucrative market..the business model..
the failures I have had that sent me to the woodshed.. also taught me things I would never have even considered.. if your life has not had the pitfalls you wouldn’t ever consider ..
it’s all about what you have experienced in life..take someone that has been thrust in battle situations..I wouldn’t have a clue what to do .where their memories of what they have had comes back in full force . I listened to the life experiences that the can man survived..he lived in a dumpster..I could never survive that. his life experiences made mine seem like a trip to Disney land. reading the life experiences and what the poor in Africa have survived.
Ai will not predict who will win the presidential election. But…. Just ask it to assume we are now in the future…. Then ask it about past elections… Such as, “Who was president in ’25?, ’29?, ’33?”
Interesting answers! Try “Who was president in ’24?”
In further news… FCC is allowing Soros to buy over 200 radio stations, says a dissenting panel member. The decision will be publically announced in a few days, at which time Soros will be in control.
Old articles. Panel member spoke of the done deal on Glen Beck.
lol lol..
I did just that… below is the answer I got..
(“there was no incumbent reelection in 2028”)
does it have insight to future events lol
Just noticed Ray posted a better article about radio station buyout, yesterday.
Is anybody else experiencing timeout and not-found errors on George’s pages today?
I just got one for: “Site is undergoing scheduled maintenance…” when I attempted a post.
I was updating a chacing program a while ago – was not serving for 1-minute or s9o.
Ure lucky Ray!!!
G – hope Ure ready, or not – hear we go.
DOWN the biggest, deepest rabbit in the Solar System.
We (All of Youse) are are at the FORK.
Yes the big bad FORK in the Timeline is here NOW.
A choice must be made.
* WE do NOT want STABILITY – this is very subtle, VERY.
We need DISRUPTION for “forced disclosure”/catastrophic disclosure.
Disruption is normal.
– “We” are trying to engineer a Disruption that will force disclosure. “They” have been working towards this for centuries.
* Cant have Free Will, if you dont have all the INFORMATION.
Yes there are going to be Wars – many things will be broken, and many people will Transition.
* Impossible to Kill a Soul, ISBE.
Status quo IS the problem- DO Not Fear DISRUPTION.
Biggest baddest top of the food chain “reptilians” run the Prison farm. Good Guys & Gals can NOT help- rescue people out of the Prison if they dont want to leave, Stockholmed they be.
1st instinct when Humans are confronted with BIG problems is to look for a “outside” Savoir. There is NO Savior coming to Save You, We are in a PRISON.
..they want you think a savior will be coming..
Think LAW of Large Numbers -The Masses have to SAVE THEMSELVES – like MASS Riot – all finding out the Truth at once.
We (U and Me) are part of one of biggest Experiments Ever conducted in the Universe.
Months = Crunch Time..We bee there NOW.
Regarding ‘self help’ and helping neighbors. It was actively discouraged by the authorities immediately following the Lahaina wildfires on Maui. The entire west end of the island was isolated and effectively quarantined. Many tourists were evacuated by bus brigades that dumped them at the airport. But many local residents who lost homes or refused to leave homes they had were isolated with no food or water for days. No local help was allowed to come in. Residents of Molokai island just a short distance across the channel got their personal boats out and brought cases of water and food to the Lahaina shores and parks where displaced people were literally wandering around with NOTHING. The boat fleet promptly got in trouble with FEMA and the local authorities, boats seized, and prevented from helping their neighbors across the water… because it wasn’t ‘sanctioned’ help. Yet the authorities themselves were unable to bring in water and food to the homeless and displaced masses. And the FEMA ‘help’… when it came? Homeowners who lost everything were given a $700 check. And the Presidementia got a photo Op.
June 27 2010..
(“Could Super Solar Flares Take Us Back To 5000 BC?
London, UK – 17th June 2010, 12:50 GMT
[Please note that the views presented by individual contributors are not necessarily representative of the views of ATCA, which is neutral. ATCA conducts collective Socratic dialogue on global opportunities and threats.]
It is a very simple equation: Energy = Civilisation. Without any form of energy we regress to circa 5000 BC. Energy powers every aspect of our modern lifestyle: clean water, fresh food, lighting, comfortable shelter, mobility, communication, safety and security. Our very own giant hot star, the sun, is earth’s primary source of energy. On June 12th, at 00:55 Universal Time, an M2-class solar flare sparked a bright flash of extreme ultraviolet radiation, propelling a shock wave through the sun’s atmosphere, and hurling a billion-ton Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) into space. According to scientists at NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), “The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity… at the same time, our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms.” One needs to go back over 8,000 years in order to find a time when the sun was, on average, as active as it is at present!
Solar Coronal Mass Ejection
The sun supports almost all life on earth via photosynthesis and drives earth’s climate and weather. Solar flares have been connected with weather extremes, and there have been some powerful lightning storms in recent days:
1. BP temporarily suspended siphoning operations on its Gulf of Mexico oil gusher after a drill ship collecting the oil was hit by lightning;
2. A 62 feet — six storey — tall statue of Jesus Christ in Ohio came to a blazing end when it was struck by lightning in a thunderstorm and burned to the ground; and
3. A bolt of lightning struck a local gasoline storage tank in North Carolina, erupting into a wall of flames that leapt as high as 100 feet and belched a plume of smoke in the shape of an arch across eight lanes of US interstate highway.
The one critical factor that did not operate according to plan in many of the recent severe lightning-strikes was the electrical grounding system, which was supposed to draw lightning away from the structures. The sun has begun to awaken and possibly exhale a massive solar storm on planet earth’s electromagnetic field. Are several interlocking factors in play that could bring life as we know it to a stand-still via a catastrophic disruption?
Catastrophic Disruption
Our 21st century society is micro-managed by computers, 24/7 internet communications and interlocking electric grids. All are extremely vulnerable to outside forces, both natural and man-made. The National Academy of Sciences 2008 report titled “Severe Space Weather Events — Societal and Economic Impacts,” predicts that our sophisticated technology is vulnerable to a severe solar storm. In a worst case scenario, developed countries with high-tech cities could face blackouts and devastating financial costs 20 times higher than the economic damage caused by Hurricane Katrina. Sometimes catastrophe records are shattered abruptly by a wide margin. Now that it has been recalculated that the BP gusher is spilling over 60,000 barrels of oil a day since April 20th, as opposed to the original estimate of 5,000 barrels per day, this means we are adding the equivalent of one Exxon Valdez catastrophe every four days. So far, that equates to more than 13 times the potency of Exxon Valdez in 1989, and counting.
Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) and Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP)
The most dangerous type of solar flares for humanity are the Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) that occur during the most active period of the sun’s 11-year cycles. This time, the zenith of CMEs is set for 2012 as the solar cycle #24 reaches a crescendo. A CME happens when gas erupts from the solar corona — “crown” of outer atmosphere surrounding the sun — and carries a massive amount of radioactive material that can reach earth in three to five days. One potentially catastrophic disruption humanity is not prepared for is an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) or a burst of electromagnetic radiation from a major Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from the sun. This would create a sudden, massive fluctuation in the earth’s electromagnetic field similar to the detonation of a High-altitude Electro-Magnetic Pulse (HEMP) nuclear device. The resulting electric and magnetic fields would then couple with electrical grid systems to produce damaging current and voltage surges.
Solar flares vary in strength, and are highly radioactive, with x-rays and extreme heat. Their impact varies for the two sides of the same coin:
1. Humanity: We are normally protected from extreme solar radiation by the earth’s atmosphere and magnetosphere. Earth’s magnetosphere deflects huge bursts of energy and keeps us from cooking like food in a microwave oven. However, strong solar flares can have a significant impact on degrading the earth’s magnetic field, letting the harmful rays through.
2. Technology: Solar flares can damage satellites and x-rays can disturb radio and other wireless communications. Although there have been big sun storms before in history, we have never been this dependent on the technology they can disrupt. Small microprocessors and chips that power our vehicles; the Global Positioning System (GPS) that helps us navigate; Internet, satellite and mobile phones can all be affected. Immediate cash sources such as Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and credit card transactions may also malfunction. In the event of an EMP nothing using electrical or electronic systems may function correctly. This means no power for:
i. Pumping fuel into vehicles;
ii. Recharging batteries for flashlights, radios, pocket computers or communication devices;
iii. Withdrawing cash or using credit cards to pay for food, fuel and services; and
iv. Transportation of food, essential goods and professionals for emergency and healthcare services.
Semi-Permanent Damage
If a truly massive Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) hits earth, it could practically take out the world’s electricity distribution on a semi-permanent basis. It would take many years, if not decades, to repair the world’s electrical system, even if replacement parts were immediately available. There would be massive damage to power generation, distribution facilities, substations and countless transformers and switching equipment everywhere. When high power transformers used in substations or on utility poles are damaged, they must be scrapped or rebuilt. If the factories that create or repair these electrical components are also without power, they will be unable to rebuild or repair electrical equipment. With an AC power outage, there will be no diesel fuel available to fill the tanks of large heavy goods vehicles used to transport and install the massive electrical components.
It takes an enormous amount of power to bring a power plant online. This power must come from another power plant. If all power plants were knocked off line, or all those in a specific region, there would be no means to start them back up again. It would take a year or two to get one operational again and additional years to power the rest. So it might be a decade for human civilisation to achieve a semblance of what it was, prior to the paralysis caused by a massive electromagnetic pulse.
US Department of Defense (DoD) EMP Tests
Earlier this year, when the US DoD tested the effects of an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) generator, the expected EMP level required to disable vehicles based on previous studies was 30 to 80 kV/m (kilo Volt per metre). However, the DoD began testing at only 5 kV/m. Driving a 2010 Toyota Prius through the path of the EMP generator pulse, the car dashboard immediately went blank and the Prius halted. This is the result of using smaller microchips and circuits, which makes them even more susceptible to EMP. Consider then that our entire 21st century civilisation is completely dependent on computers for power, lifestyle synchronisation, and everything else we do. Yet we don’t have any backup in the event of a massive electromagnetic pulse.”)
Any recovery assumes potable water for the populace. Talk about months for die-off is ludicrous. 3 days without water and people die. People will drink any water they find, and then die horribly from whatever nasties may be in the water. Above all else, secure your clean water supply
Decay begins in final growth. Time based valuation fractals have the property whereby the last unit of a fractal becomes first unit of the next fractal. (growth starts in final decay and vice versa) In the 5 August to 8 October 8/17/14/10 day :: x/2-2.5x/2x’/1.5x’ 4 phase fractal series, today September 25 was day 14 of the 14 day (and the final day 6 of its composite, a 3/7/6 day subfractal series ) 3rd fractal, and September 25 was also day 1 of the 10 day 4th fractal crash series. There are 78 5-minute units in the trading day. The ACWI global world index made a new (all-time) high in the first 5-minute unit of day 14 and a lower high during the 8th 5-minute unit and ended near the low of the day. That represented a final double top on a 5-minute unit basis. Observe for a lower low valuation gap to start the opening tomorrow, September 26, day 2 of the 10 day crash 4th fractal.
The HangSeng and Shanghai composites which started within a few percent of the March 2020 low 6-10 trading days ago(respectively) ended their corresponding final 6 days of the 3/7/6 correlative reflexic growth subseries completing the 5 August 8/16-17/14 deteriorating growth series with respective final 6 day 9-12% gains and blow-off gaps upward between day 4 and 5 and 5 and 6 and ending at the low of day 6.
Watch these two Chinese composites for a gap lower low valuations later this evening Thursday 26 September 2024.
preamble below – to most excellent tale of the days after..
At bottom is link to story “Charlie Company” and takes place in a madmax kinda world – our World.
“Some themes need to be dealt with.
Some inevitable conditions occur, having to be played out due to cowardice and ignorance that is supported by those malignantly aligned to unworkable conditions.
It is a statement regarding mankind at this stage of development, that absolutely disastrous directions taken by the decision makers are heralded and supported by so many who have their entire identity wrapped up into external packages.
Take spirituality, as a shining example. The most popular religions in the world survive through convincing their countless devotees that the used car they are selling them is the one that will take them to heaven.
Never mind that spirituality is an intrinsic faculty that is out of the reach of such religions, their answer is to conflate religion and spirituality and package it into another form of externalized identity to sell more used cars.
Prosperity baby.
Yet when everything comes down to what your life means, to that simple baisic question of what you live for, and are willing to die for, is it time for an encyclopedic essay, or revelation?
The crime of the melinnium is the hijack of this revelation by the powers that be, those creepy scum sucking pieces of shit that always seem to crawl out from under their rock holding all the cash when the shooting stops.
Until now.
To quote a phrase, “The times-they are a changin.”
I didn’t just write Charlie Company because I’m sick of this fucking paradigm. Its an act of magic, a creative event, by which the shitbags on the hill get theirs first.
I honestly don’t care if you read this and pretend to forget it, or if you scurry away really fast and hope nobody saw you do it. I don’t care if there’s too much distance to cross for you to support this with likes and offers of help. I don’t give a fuck, because Charlie Company has been released on this man’s world. Read it and weep.” – Mike Kay
Good story thank you for sharing..
I think the big those pushing this agenda only have numbers in their minds.. the thought statistical losses what is acceptable.. to gain what they seek..And that they will survive in the same way they are today.
what they are missing is those that go in a flash would be the ones envied.. during my oh shit what now times its been dramatic..
what’s missing that we all take for granted.. simple things that make life worth living ..
cooking oil.. ketchup mustard.
selco posted his story of the Bosnian war and how they survived..
the difference is more in the story line of the Indian accounts of war in the past. but several hundred times worse..back then the earth didn’t have the population that we have today and by accounts written this time it would be a life extinction event..the few that survived such an even would be envious of those that went quickly.,of%20the%20buildings%20and%20probably%20a%20half-million%20people.
as long as those that lead feel they will survive what they miss is the things lost that cannot return..
we all take these simple necessities for granted..
I tried to get the tools necessary .. not so much for myself but for the chance that someone that survives comes along. what someone usually considers being a few cans of this or that a case of tp.. a few gallons of water and not once think about the what if there’s no power..what if there’s no fuel..
this video below would be a best case scenario in my opinion.
think about Marie Antoinette she thought oh things are hard but I will hide the crown jewellery so when its all over..I will have what I had didn’t end that way..and its not controllable.. there are so many unknown variables of what if.. that when a dramatic events happen your amazed.
after visiting with a few individuals that were contestants on the show naked and afraid.these hardened survivalist s were always amazed at the events that came up that they had to work around..
I have made a couple of gassifiers..they are pretty easy to make..if you have the tools and power..not so easy if you have to do it the hard way..
The land is the prison. Nowhere on land is far enough away.
Underground? Isn’t that where ‘they’ live? They can live on bugs and suggest you may have to also.
Floating on the 75% makes you insignificant. Tough to ‘herd’, not worth wasting time when there are so many who can be easily rounded up and either enslaved or eliminated. Solyent green?
Looking at Earth from their point of view we are barely beyond being an annoying level of bacteria and have dug up most of the AU they needed us for. Do we actually have any other usefulness? Is the force with us or the Federation?
World Without End (1956)
In March 1957, commander Dr. Eldon Galbraithe, engineer Henry Jaffe, radioman Herbert Ellis and scientist John Borden, are returning to Earth from the first spaceflight, a reconnaissance trip around Mars. Suddenly, their spaceship is somehow accelerated to incredible velocities, and they are knocked unconscious. Their ship crash lands on a snow-covered mountain. When they venture out, they discover that they have become victims of time dilation and are now in the future.
They theorize, from seeing time-worn gravestones and after their ship’s instruments register heightened residual radiation, that a devastating atomic war had broken out in 2188, and that they are at least 200 years past that date.
After surviving an ambush by giant, mutant spiders, they are attacked by one of the two remnants of human society. The “mutates” (as the astronauts label them) are violent, primitive surface dwellers. They have mutated due to generations of exposure to heightened radioactivity. (However, the background radiation has decreased to tolerable levels, and the men later learn that normal humans are often born to the mutates. These, however, are enslaved.)
Seeking shelter from the attacking mutates in a cave, the four men discover the entrance to an underground city, whose residents are the descendants of those who fled there from the atomic war. These people live in a high-tech, sophisticated culture.
Trailer link below
“No one seems to have noticed, except maybe us: FEMA has about totally botched its “civil defense” mission. ”
Why on Earth would you (or anyone) believe FEMA has a “civil defense mission?”
You DO understand that FEMA is an acronym, right? So, could you tell me which one of those letters stands for either “civil” (it’s actually “civilian”) or “defense.”
FEMA is the Federal Emergency MANAGEMENT Agency, not the Federal Emergency Mending Agency.
George, you and your readership may not all be geniuses, but they’re damn’ near all in the top 5%, intellectually. I’m going to keep giving this lecture until it sinks in:
Government doesn’t fix anything. Government MANAGES things.
This includes problems, emergencies, and Acts of God. The Midwestern FEMA regions have 800 million MREs stockpiled. This is to feed the people between Milwaukee, Davenport, OKC, Atlanta, and Cleveland, FOR ONE WEEK, when the New Madrid fault does its thing. These two FEMA districts also have two billion rounds of ammo stockpiled, for when the MREs run out.
Think I’m kidding? Ask WotRR.
I’ve had the FEMA training, too.
FEMA provides guidelines and instruction which each individual community or settlement is supposed to adapt to its particular situation, then follow during, and after an emergency. After an emergency, FEMA provides MANAGERS, whose job it is to come in and MANAGE the locals. FEMA will act as the government’s agent, to be guarantor for “low interest, disaster relief loans” for people who qualify for these loans but in general, it does not provide money or stuff for free, only a command structure.
FEMA is also, technically a law enforcement entity. FEMA is a branch of DHS. It replaced CD — the Office of Civilian Defense — a group of civilian volunteers who plane-spotted, watched coastlines, and in-general made themselves useful and relieved the Army Reserve and Coast Guard of some of their more-tedious duties during WW-II. CD and CAP (the Civil Air Patrol) were both civilian organizations which came to be during WW-II and developed into hugely-responsible organizations during the nuclear part of the Cold War era.
After the wall came down, GHW did away with CD, and utterly eviscerated CAP, replacing CD with EM and the term “civilian defense” with “emergency management,” thus making what was a volunteer civilian assistance organization, a Federal management organization.
There is a huge difference between “assistance” and “management.” If y’all don’t recognize the difference, I suggest you read an historical perspective on Hurricane Katrina…
“Government doesn’t fix anything. Government (MIS) MANAGES things.”
Fixed it for you.
Hey, I didn’t say they manage things well…
In truth, they do a fine job of following, and managing to their agenda.
“Their agenda” rarely coincides with that of the People they allegedly serve.
We, the People, should ALWAYS act as if we are on our own…
…because we are.
Exactly…. my niece thought otherwise ..
Everyone has the view when this happens I will do that not once considering the true variables ..
where these wars were avoidable in the beginning the results will be devistation.. while Xi and Putin are using restraint NATO sees weakness..
A lot of people bought 1-ton trucks with 5th-wheel towing packages, after Katrina. ALL the RV manufacturers in Indiana’s Amishland went into overtime, building FEMA trailers (remember?)
The people who dropped 60-grand on those pickup trucks (back when you could still buy a nicely-appointed pickup for $15,500 or so) paid for them many times over by hauling those trailers From Nappanee to NOLA. Back & forth, back & forth, US-31 to Indy, to I-65, to Birmingham. I’ve two cousins who have a diesel shop in North Central Indiana. They made a fortune, servicing the “FEMA mules.”
FEMA gave incentives to the coachbuilders to make (really cheap, junk trailers (mini mobile homes), paid Federal mileage rates plus fuel for their transport, and paid to maintain all those (privately-owned) mules. The rumor I heard was the trailers were sold (for ~$29,000, IIRC) not donated to the folks on the bayou who found themselves without roof, and I believe that to be correct (but don’t care enough to check it…)
A considerable number (in the hundreds) of those trailers ended up at the airport in Hope, AR, where they sat for years and rotted. Seems that the materials used in their construction were outgasing formaldehyde, making them unsuitable for habitation.
“A considerable number (in the hundreds) of those trailers ended up at the airport in Hope, AR”
As long as they didn’t end up at the airport in MENA, Arkansas… ;-)
I shouldn’t be surprised. Formaldehyde is used in the glue which bonds exterior-rated plywoods and chipboards. It is the principal reason I never build anything for habitation out of OSB. My Mom & Dad’s camper utilized 1/16″ 4-ply plywood for the walls and ceilings. The veneers had to be not much more than 1/100″ thick. That means the panels had to have a pretty high ratio of formaldehyde to wood. In theory, with plywood, the formaldehyde will flash off as the glue cures, over time. In practice, when the government says “We need 10,000 of these by the end of next week. Delivery bonus will be commensurate on on-time delivery” the few dozen coachbuilders don’t set stuff on their back lots for the plywood (or oil-based chassis paint) to cure.
‘Point is, the trailers and their transport is where the FEMA money went — not to the displaced NOLA-area residents.
Federal Emergency MANAGEMENT Agency.
Don’t EVER forget this.
Because we can all rest-assured, FEMA won’t.
“Yet, even in the middle of complexity-driven collapse, occasional wrongs are still being righted. But, as you read the story Black D-Day medic who saved hundreds receives upgraded award, from WW II, ask yourself “What took more than 70-years to get right?”
Once upon a time, along about 1850, a bunch of folks decided the Democrats had had single party rule for long enough, and the time had come to eliminate slavery. These people formed the Republican Party. Republicans existed on a platform with but a single plank: Freedom and equality for all slaves in the U.S. Mr. Lincoln was not a hard-core abolitionist, but detested slavery and thought its practice barbaric, and beneath the greatness of the United States. To his disgust, we fought a war because the Democrats didn’t want competition, and because their base was strongly pro-slavery. During this war, several of Mr. Lincoln’s Generals rose to the top WRT slavery. One even eventually followed him into the White House.
Once the slaves were freed and the war won, a huge contingent of (mostly Southern) Americans who did not wish to relinquish their slaves or find themselves on a socially-equal footing with the former slaves, began building social walls to prevent Blacks from associating or competing with Whites. These Americans, all Democrats, created the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize Blacks (later expanded to terrorize Catholics and Jews, as well.) They invented the “American version” of poll taxes. By the late 1880s they began to create “Jim Crow” laws, to force segregation. Mr. Grant was racially color-blind, and with him as President, Blacks rose to positions in Congress and as State legislators in a number of States.
Fast forward 40 years.
Mr. IRS and Federal Reserve is da Prez. He takes time out from incarcerating members of the Press who disagree with him, to pass a law making it illegal for Blacks to serve the Federal Government in any capacity, thus removing Black Congressmen and military personnel. (There are times I wonder how the country ever survived Woodrow Wilson. He was one vile, nasty SOB…) It was because of artifacts of the laws the Wilson Administration passed, that we had segregated squadrons and battalions in WW-II, and groups like the Tuskegee Airmen came to be. Without Wilson, Blacks would’ve been flying in formation with Whites, and none of them would’ve noticed their neighbors’ pigmentation.
Blacks were routinely dissed, for both field promotions and field commendations. It is a wonder this medic ever got recognition. I don’t believe there is sufficient documentation to ever award him the MoH, even though he probably deserved it, but the Army Distinguished Service Cross is not an award to sneeze at. There are a lot of Generals who’ve never seen one, let alone awarded one.
I have asked myself the question so many times that it amazes me.. why are people so nasty all the time
“why are people so nasty all the time”
They are not.
NASTY people are nasty all the time.
Good summation of the EVILNESS of Woodrow Wilson and the Democratic Party from 1830 up through the early 1960’s.
What has always amazed me (disclaimer my family linage is of people who Fought AGAINST slavery during the Civil War) is how the South is so riddled with claims they believe in Religion. Shoot they even call themselves “The Bible Belt”. Whatever that Religion it is it certainly isn’t of fair treatment of ALL, as called for and practiced by Jesus.
Anyway sadly Wilson’s EVILNESS imo is glossed over by even most academics and little discussed in American History classes.
I read, I know, the challenge is to get others, especially the middle-teens to middle-age, to take their noses out of their phones and realize:
We progress societally by learning from the mistakes of the past.
We regress societally by not learning from these mistakes, and therefore repeating them.