Hedging Future Tech Shock

While our predicted Wave 3 down seems to continue organizing, we will address the elephant in the room for young people. Because conditions soon to appear will drive not only newly graduated from high school and colleges to question where the “best bet on Future” is, but as the economy unravels (from here) and in coming years, as well, understanding how to purposely create your own future will be a very desirable skill.

Of course, with the Fed meeting today, a few fresh numbers early and the downhill snowball picking up speed, it would seem to be plenty to write about.

“But wait. There’s more.”  In the  ChartPack, we will take a couple of swipes at actual numerical targets for the future.

No, we don’t offer financial advice, but we did clear last Friday’s short position Tuesday. Now we’re waiting for a modest rally to set in.

More as we go – a ton to cover today. Like the ADP Jobs data just out.

Oh, and the ChartPack is something we are anxious for G.A. Stewart to comment on because we have a “date range of interest” on a technical basis…

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57 thoughts on “Hedging Future Tech Shock”

  1. I see the DEA will prolly allow Pot by prescription – which of course means that as soon as you get one your name will be placed on a registry that will not permit the purchase of firearms and if you already own firearms the ATF will be knocking on your door to take them …..

  2. Hmmm.. the CIS threat analysis’s report .. asks an interesting question…



    Seems just like the trillions that vanished a few years ago.. where did they go..
    the last threat analysis suspected two to three hundred thousand enemy military had entered into the country..
    they aren’t working.. or paying taxes.. they just ???? Vanished???? like the hundreds of thousands of little kids..

    then over thirty percent of the state capitals are now putting up satanic statues..what is with that.. I thought they pushed for separation of state and religious idols.. they were forced to take down statues and things revolving around the bible … but it is free speech to put up something on satanism.. the world is just getting weirder by the minute..


    • “Our god’s name is Abraxas and he is God and Satan, and he contains both the luminous and the dark world.”

      Herman Hesse: Demian, the Story of Emil Sinclairs Youth

    • There’s a difference: Trump used existing law to legally exempt himself; Biden abused existing law to defraud the system.

  3. AYFKM ?!

    “Where the Future Forecaster can get lost (or at least easily misled) is by failing to grasp that the iteration of a technology needs to be fielded for a while before the dramatic impact of its presence will be felt. But portable air conditioning came of age in autos and then moved into homes. The solution led to massive life changes as a result.”

    Hello BITCOIN !

    Re-imagined Ure handle to better capture lack of self awarness,insight/vision..Qualuddite.

    F-ing Quaazzzy 714″

    Help ! Mr Bill, scheizze be on fire ..As Above(moon), So Below(urth) – dont look up you quazzy bastards, might find some things&entities that dont exist..


      • The first recorded, proof of a Ponzi scheme was written down in ancient Greece. [ About 400 BC.] It was a “wheat seller” that was eventually caught and driven out into the barren hills – his home and possessions taken.
        -A well-orchestrated Ponzi is a great scam – if you pull it on the right, lazy, greedy people.

        • Since moving from the gold standard isn’t everything a Ponzi now? I think it is.

          Future folk are already stuck with a $37,000,000,000,000 tab and rising, thus the migrants are being pulled in and sold “The American Dream”. Dreams are free. Migrants are collateral.

      • LMAO. Not mutually exclusive George. A: c. ALL OF THE ABOVE.

        And When said apparatchik is declared legal by TPTB, it’s FIAT.

      • interesting. after i wrote that last comment.

        the radio came on in my car and these lyrics to this song begain to sing all on their own.

        “everybody’s like
        Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece
        Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash
        We don’t care
        We aren’t caught up in your love affair”

        Royals by the Artist Lorde.

        she has a really nice ass. i met her. i walked her on stage and after her show, i had a smoke with her outside by her tour bus. i went on her tour bus and it was late and my 3rd show of the day, i fell alseep and almost road her tour bus to portland with her. the bus started moving, she woke me up and said Andy are you coming with me to portland??? i said fuck no. stop the bus. she kissed me on the cheek and i got off her tour bus and waved goodbye. she blew me a kiss.

        i thought, shit i should have got her number.

        interesting. i forgot all about that.

        also even more interesting the radio came on all by itself and started playing her song at the start of those lyrics right after my last comment.

        right on

        que: ~ Royals ~



      • Ure argument, not Moi, as it makes NO cents.

        Scarcity – limited number of BTC . We know EXACTLY how many will be mined/freed. This is of course an UNHEARD of concept for Okay Boomers’ like Ureself.

        *Evil people restricting Global Trade and Commerce with Ure evil Slave Script.

        “Dark soul” – self fullfilling, no ?

        Definitions are meaningful – as in Ponzi Scheme – NO Promise of ANY Returns, and Extremely High Risk. Think perhaps definitions are incorrect or Ure is suffering from Cranial Rectalitus..which begs the question..How do you do speed crown work when Ure head is up Ure ass?

        • G Ure wrote:
          “There is no scarcity of made up numbers. You nutsursomethin?”

          Your talking about the Fed and it’s money creation schemes … right?

          btw … I have many Billions in Zembabwe Currency that is always for sale. $1 US for $100 Zimbabwe. They are pretty bills printed on nice paper (printed in Great Britain by the same company that prints the British currency on the same type of paper) … whatcha say?

    • “understanding how to purposely create your own future will be a very desirable skill”

      i spoke to THE DUDE this morning. i was half awake and half asleep.

      HE rarely speaks with me directly. its usually a dial log between expressions.

      such as my picture being answered by creation.

      ~The promis of the fruit found within the blossom. ~

      what HE said to me this morning was, “Once you are fully deleveloped in this art, it will not matter who controls the internet, or financial institutions social media or government. you will walk through the badlands fully confident and rain fire down upon anyone who opposes you.”

      then HE asked me a question.

      He said “who is more powerful, those who think control this world by finance and media and tech, or The One Who can alter reality, bending matter, time and space with a single thought?”

      i said “The One.”

      He said out of the over 8 billion people who all hid in their homes out of fear to save their lives durring covid. who is The One who didnt?

      i didnt answer.

      i said but Lord, uhh they will come after me. i am just one man. HE replied, I have cloaked you in My Rightous Robe.

      Full Measure.

      they are all created beings and those who come after you while you are Clothed in My Rightous Robe, can simply be uncreated.

      its as simple as that.

      i said I will take You DUDE at Thy Holy Word.

      one thing that is forsure, ever since i stood in the dry well that day, i have changed. and done many things i didnt know i could do.

      Oh happy day.

      La Dolce Vita.

        • thank you.

          so when i enterd the circle. the dry well. after i showed a rock with a fosil on it that looked like a white dude with a spiral indian head dress. i asked the Elders if they wanted it. they didnt know what it was.

          after i left. i took the fossil rock with the image if the white dude with a spiral indian head dress and walked the divine laberynth. in the center of the divine laberyth was a rock painted like a turtle.

          i placed the very ancient fossil rock (rejected by the elders) upon the top of the turtle rock. at the time, me a white dude with blonde hair and blue eyes and a big fluffy white beard.

          later i find out, the great turtle is the name of the north and south america continent.

          then 3 years later linier time i find out a great white dude with a beard, blonde hair and blue eyes named Quetzalcotal visited the great turtle some 15,000 years ago. an effect felt and seen upon the material relm.

          he told them dont sacrifice humans and dont hurt kids. he was rejected by the tribes at the time for the god whose name means smoke and mirrors, so he left, they sacrificed a bunch of people in that gods name.

          then the stone that was rejected came back via the spaniards 3000 years later in the name of the other blonde dude, with blue eyes and a beard who was to be the final human sacrifice, and wiped them all out, so they stopped doing human sacrifices.

          and the fossil rock aka ancient of days, that was rejected had his churchs built upom the foundations temples to honor the other white dude with blond hair and blue eyes.

          becoming the cap stone.

          and i find out later beyond time and space and all that, the first recorded use of the bar dot counting system found within the first white dude with blonde hair and blue eyes and big fluffy beard, was on my birthday. 5,084 years before i was born.

          pretty wild paradox. all in sequence spanning thousands of years.

          so much for causality theory. so much for the concept of reality.

          its all relative movements. spheres within spheres.

        • who came first. the chicken or the egg?

          or is all three the same affects upon material reality for work performed first within the spititual relm?

          all three events happend within material reality in alternative spacial sequences.

          so the work first done in the spiritual relm. affects differnt spaces and moments of time felt and seen sequentially in linier time within material reality.

          and yet all interconnected simutainously within one event done within the spiritual relm.

          pretty wild eh? that is pretty wild. it trips me out that a fella like me with a G.E.D. can even understand it and picture it within my mind. let alone be a partcipant within such intracate paradoxes that mold, shape and form material reality. i mean the affects created massive empire’s and civilazations, produced reading and writing, tech, math, map making, religons, entire health care systems, science, flying machines, the harnesing and use of electricity, light bulbs, advance communication

          not to mention the birth and death of countless of humans and the moral code they lived by or didnt live by.

          and it also destroyed massive empires and civilzations.

          that is pretty wild. pretty wild paradoxes.

          one heck of a revelation. i dont think it matters which came first the chicken or the egg. in the spirital relm they are eternal creations that span from beyond the age of antuquty to beyond the future from this point of moment in time.

          rippling and flowing in all directions.

          pretty wild. that is some pretty wild wisdom.

        • ya dude. its a trip. this white dude shows up and tells them dont sacrifice humans and dont hurt kids. god doesnt like that shit. its not good.

          the natives reject him to prolong the end of the universe and start whacking people. then later down the road the spanish come over in the name of Jesus who died as the ultimate -> last human sacrifice so God wouldnt be pissed anymore and end the world.

          and what do the spaniards do. they end human sacrifice and build Jesus Church upon the foundations of the dude who said dont do that shit.

          pretty wild.

          2020 years later im walking the divine laberyth with a stone the elders dont want or know and without relizing it placing it on the top of the turtle rock.

          and a few years later, the news is about the US being a Christian Nation.

          huh. pretty wild.

        • final note on the subject.

          you know what is funny about that video? the very first job i had after standing in the well, was for NEO movers. moving households up 4 flights of stairs into new apartments and shit.

          it was mostly moving families from east india.

          the fella who owned the company was from deli and had never heard of the movie when he named the company.

          i still have my Neo Moving T-shirt.

          all the families we moved when i worked for him. they all thought my name was actually Neo. because the owner of the company would tell them in broken english. im sending Neo over in the truck with helpers.

          so when we arrived. i get out of the truck and some indian fella from god knows were would say to me. welcome neo. so fortunate of you to help me and my family. please meet my wife hyfai and she should shake my hand and say nice to meet you neo. and their kids would come shake my hand and say nice to meet you mr neo.

          every job we did it was like that. and all had some old aunty with them who make tea and come out and yell Neo! Neo! i made tea for you and your helpers.

          so i named my right hand man morphius and if i was busy id say please talk to morphius. a big red beard looking viking guy. he would laugh so hard when they would call him Mister Morphious. so pleasurable to meet you sir.

          because there culture they are so polite and cordial.

          pretty funny stuff.

          so ya. i been neo before. once upon a time.

          tonight was real test of my metal. real test. if i am the point of origin?? the begining found not in the start nor the end.

          that is an old proverb ya know.

          dont look for the begining at the start and dont look for the end at the finish. For in eternity the begining and the end are both found in the middle.

          i dont know where i read that. but i know it is a proverb. maybe a romanian or lithuanian gypsy proverb or something like that.

          it sprung to mind when i was examining all the evidence. and how it all is synched to me.

          i just dont have all those powers the other dudes have. maybe i have differnt ones. maybe the sequence im living creates it through history. maybe i just havent arrived yet. if that is the case. i hope i arrive soon.

          until then. its all very facinating stuff. and if its true? im the starting point? and that is what THE DUDE said, they are all created beings and can be uncreated. its as simple as that.

          that is exactly what HE said to me this morning.

          i understand it now.

          that is a powerful thing.

          i gotta get. the truth is really stranger than fiction.

          La Dolce Vita.

        • He is one of my favorite actors.. I loved the movie… walking in the clouds.. gotta say I watched that one a million times..

          I love this song Love is unbreakable.. which I believe is true.. christ was love.. I believe that heavenly father is love incarnate..

          I love the chocolate scene where he goes its wonderful LOL LOL.. he made the whole show.. the gentle wisdom of the grandfather and a young man searching for his place in the world….
          the scene where he pulls up the grape vine roots is a little hoaky when he pulled up the grape vine roots.. I have done that and you are not going to just pull up the roots LOL LOL I worked my butt off doing that LOL anyway its a great movie and played at least once a month.. the other one I love and will watch is ever after..

          here is a good movie to
          I know people have said that this moving below is a bad one but having known some that were forced into prostitution as children… I send one young woman forced into it as a young girl that crossed my path.. funny to.. ran into her and she just started to vent…. the story redeeming love sounds kind of like her life story.. just talked to her yesterday.. she is such a nice young lady where we became friends was after I convinced her to move across the USA to escape the bad guys.. they found her and beat her so bad.. I get a call from an ER doctor asking for permission to treat her…. she has twenty years left .. she was to afraid to give testimony about the ones trafficking her.. the death threats and the fear of them targeting her sister.. because of the paralyzing fear she refused to talk so they tossed the book at her..So sad for such a nice person She needed to be protected not punished.I send her a few bucks every month and buy her books to read… My fear is when she gets out.. she will be andies age.. If I am still alive I will do what I can to make sure she can have a normal life that she totally deserves at least during her older days.. she asked yesterday what kind of work was out there..I sure didn’t want to tell her that it will be limited..


          another great movie and book series is the ultimate gift.. below.. great movie.. great lessons to teach..


        • Hey if you like faith based movies.. you should definitely watch this one…


          the girl that believed in miracles.. there are miracles every day in every way.. the most disturbing part is.. people on the average don’t count their blessings or realize that heavenly father is all around us.. the faith of a mustard seed..

    • oh THE DUDE did say, the power elite would soon attempt to romance me.

      HE said they know who you are and would make an effort to become friends with me.

      i said hopefully not like Elon who threatened to ban me from X because i didnt want to video chat with him on messanger because i was busy doing cowboy stuff and rescuing to domestic ducks someone left down at the lake from the clutches of red tail hawks.

      which Elon did threaten to ban me from X because he said im a very busy man, if i make time to video chat with you and you say no, that is disrespectful.

      and i told Elon, get over yourself. its not disrespectful. im busy.

      so we shall see. what “they” bring to the table.

      on the menue today, im drawing a new art piece.

      until we meet again.

      much love

      • Andy,
        Apparently it can happen. Sarah Churchill, 1st Duchess of Marlborough and ancestor of Sir Winston Churchill and Princess Diana, allegedly had her image excluded for a sum of money from Alexander Pope’s “Moral Essays (Epistles to Several Persons)” until after the satirist author’s death in 1744.

        • i thought about it all. what it all represents. even working in a giant tonka with a part named after the flux core copasitor. representing Back to the future. a story where the time line gets messed with and people start disapearing because Mr Mcfly hadnt kissed the Future Ms Mcfly at prom.

          the uncreated made me think about the whole divine paradox.

          and i considered that it all presents. the weight of amount of evidence supporting the theory that they are the same dude. including me. we are all linked. i do not currently possess the powers of Christ or Quetzalcotal. yet.

          what if it all starts with me.

          and what if i ended it before it began? what if i will become both of them at differing points in time. after i fully complete the sequences.

          not a single person is going to argue against the fact that both Christ and Quetzalcotal payed a major role in the advancement of civilazation of humanity. the entire calander system we are currently using is based off Christ.

          and who knows how many more men fitting the same description such as Orisus etc etc throughout hystory adavnced the human race.

          what if its all the same man apearing via time machine or some other method. going far into the future using tech from there and then going to the past and advancing the entire species of humanity and civilizations at designated spots to alter the future course.

          and there is substantial information that it links to me. to many coincidence. it could very well start with me.

          so i took out a 3030 and i racheted a round in the chamber and i thought, if it does start with me, what if i didnt finish my course. what if i ended the entire paradox before it began.

          if i am the starting point, all i had to do was pull the trigger and the entire cosmic paradox ends before it begins. the myan long count would never exist. entire civilations that existed for thousands of years including establishments such as the vatican would fade out of existance. becoming uncreated. entire wars wouldnt have been fought.

          entire civilaztions would evaporate as if they never existed.

          entire languages would never existed. chances are if anyone on urban survival managed to be born the would be entirely differnt than they are today.

          people like bill gates would have never invented microsoft could have ended up kinko copies guy.

          the reall big recet.

          quite the moment of contemplation i assure you.

          so i sat there with a loaded 3030 and thought about it. for a long while.

          i know you all read this probably in horror of the thought of me sitting with a loaded gun.

          but i had to get real about it all. i had to sit there and think what if and be that close to the edge to really see it for what it is.

          there would be no fed. no zionest bankers, no president joe biden. no progrsive woke bullshit. no heavy taxes. no astromical gas prices. no united states of america, no ww1 or ww2, no imf, klause schwab may have never been born

          who knows, it could very well cast the entire civilized world of humanity into the stone age, with a single bullet.

          considening i may be the starting point.

          and thought about all that stuff. i really did. there is a heap of evidence i am the starting point. not found at the begining or the end but in the middle. the spine of the book.

          this has not been an easy road. the one thing i discussed with elon. like he told me, if i knew how hard it was to creat tesla and almost go bankrupt 3 times sleeping on the factory floor for weeks on end. i wouldnt have created tesla. it was brutal and lonely and exhausting and i had moment i felt like i was rip in half.

          and i said i have had those moments along my journey too. im not creating a car company but something entirely different. and the whole world may never even remember i was here but a few people who were there along the way. i have had taken so many gut wrenching leeps of faith in the last 4 years and i always land on my feet. but they are not leeps most men would do. and i have had my moments of oh my fucking God! like almost falling of a 400 foot cliff in a 500 ton tonka truck.

          because with The Presence and the revelations come certain something. there is not a word for it that i know of. it a certain thing that most people dont have. there are moments i have experianced where its like so you want me to jump out this airplane without a parashoot, bounce off that ladys trampline and land 3 pools over because there is a lady who is choking in her back yard in 15 minutes and i need to be there to help her. and trust you. i will survive. huh. okay bonzai and i leep. and it all works out exactly like i was told it would.
          there isnt a word for that. and the whole time your falling you think i wonder kf they have all the springs connected on that trampoline. im fucking idiot. what the fuck. oh my fucking god! this is never going to work! oh my fucking god!

          but it does. it works every single time.

          i know it all sounds gravy reading it from the storys i tell after it all worked out.

          but i assure you i have had many moments like that.

          but the part i spare you is the part where im full of doubt and im going on blind faith doing anyway.

          what if i am the starting point and i arrive at some point in the not so distant future to become not just those fellas mentioned in the past, but the ones who come in the far distant future. the divine paradox woven through the entire world.

          and i ended it before it began.

          the entire landscape of the world would radically change. commuism and democracy might never become concepts.

          the would fade away like martys brother and sister in the photograph because Mcfly never kissed his girl at prom.

          i took a couple deep breaths. then emptied the chamber and put the gun away and thought…… wether im the starting point or not?

          there has to be another way. and i may not be the starting point. no matter how much evidence is presented.

          im not afraid to die. and i wouldnt have done it out of self pitty or sadness. i would have only done it because it was good to do so. radically shifting the entire landscape of not just the history of the entire world but everyones that were born anyways roll in it. and many would not exist. if i am the starting point that never started the paradox that shaped the entire landscape of the world today, as we know it to be.

          and you are all reading this and the world is as it is.

          pretty wild paradox. most certainly. quite the test of my medal.

          La Dolce Vita.

      • i fully understand now. exactly how things unfold as they do in my life.

        The Great work, is first peformed within the unseen spiritual relm. which later affects the material domain.

        the miracles perfomed first occure within in the spiritual realm. altering the spiritual relm, and in doing so, affects the material domain.

        that is how, laid before me my new home is a scaled scaled replica of Teotihuacan, ~ The City of Gods ~

        it is the result of work performed within a dynamic merkaba in the spiritual relm. the unseen relm. the seen theme, is a responce seen by the material domain forming around me, because of the miracles performed first within the spititual relm.

        i understand now how it happens and why it happens and what produces such results.

        the material relm teaches everyone at an early age the work must first be perfomed with its domain to affect the spiritual relm.

        the work must be perfomed within the spititual relm first! and that alters and affects material reality.

        the result of me living in a scaled replica of Teotihuacan, ~ The City of Gods ~ within the material relm is seen by sensory is the affects upon the material world after the fact. the fact is, the work was first perfomed within the spiritual relm. or unregisterd relm by phsical sensory.

        and that is how created beings can also be uncreated. because in the material relm they also exist as a concept within the unseen spirital relm.

        i was unaware i had been perfoming these results seen later in the material domain, first within the invisible spititual realm.

        so when i see the date of the first instance of the use of the bar dot system was in the largest building ever built on the planet as i sit next to the currently used largest building on the planet as it relates to my birthday. it was first created within the unseen spritual relm which is beyond the confines of space, time and matter of the material relm.

        and i see the results within the material domain.

        man, i can feel the Presence of His Univeral Light growing upon me exponetially. its not only affecting me. its affecting everything with the unseen spiritual relm its affecting and altering the material domain.

        Mana from Heaven.


        Full Measure.

      • that is how the living water, became the stone walked through the divine laberinth to become the capstone ( a stone rejected by the elders) on top of the Turtal rock in the center.

        and that is exactly how The Cheriot of God took me to The City of Gods.

        its all happening within the spitital relm first and the results are seen produced within the material domain.

        okay, cool. thanks!

  4. I don’t know if anyone else has this problem but I can only rread ,4 lines of aUS and the bottom of my Android screen. PN works fine. US changed for me about two weeks ago.

  5. A lot of good topic roads to meander down in today’s post.

    ” Pro-Hamas extremists at UCLA ”

    $ voting would work in this instance. The so-called antisemitic students should pull funding by transferring to other schools. Two, three semesters and the endowments will ditto GM’s propaganda, “if we don’t save the universities…” Force .gov’s hand into bailing out the old-stock universities.

    Debt needs to be written. The houses of higher education is a noble cause. Tax payers will go along. Look to Baltimore schools. People are still going along.

    • Exactly so: Change the game, change the buy-in, then go ahead and deal from the bottom again. Right, D’Lynn?

      Oh, wait, don’t ask him. He’s got a derringer and no taste for bottom-dealers. Which is why he’s in the Other Washington.

      May not be a big enough problem…might have to go with “Must Save Europe Again!”

      $35 Trillion’s a lot of shit to sweep under…

  6. I’ve been reading your column for over a decade but now need to write you to ask, “OK–so what do I advise my granddaughter (who’s graduating from college this weekend) to do in light of what’s coming down the pike?

    • Soon.
      Next week’s Peoplenomics begins like this:

      “Design of a “Get Home” Plan

      Several factors weigh on today’s discussion.

      One if the rising chance of a pre-emptive war over future control of the world. US and NATO on one side, Russia, backed by Iran and China on the other.

      Second reason is the increasing likelihood of another government declared “shutdown” of public transportation.

      Third is that since we live “outside an urban area” our odds of survival may be higher than our adult children who live in urban areas, most of which will be first-strike targets.

      The purpose of this document is, therefore, two-fold. First as an “escape document” or our children (if they miss being in the first-strike areas). Secondly, it’s a good planning exercise for every family (interested in continuity of spiritual lineage) to do periodically.

      Consider this a contingency planning document, a template you can use for your own family planning, and to read as a (Peoplenomics report) reminder about the blazing speed modern life could change in a FLASH!

      2. Overview – Statement of Purpose – Situation

      Everyone has parents; not all are lucky enough to have them alive and living in a “safe” area.

      Because of the world’s deteriorating condition, the odds of global war are increasing. Thus, parental instincts demand we put effort now into ensuring out offspring – and our bloodlines – have the best chance possible of living well into the Future.

      This analysis and plan is divided into sections.

      The first step is to evolve a sense of “What would War be like?”

      The second step is then to identify “trigger points and tripwires.” These would be the steps from local to regional, to continental and thence intercontinental war. Part of this is understanding when chemical and/or biological weapons will be employed by one, or more, parties to conflict.

      The “Situation” is the grounding point; from where the operations envisioned in this document are based.

      3. Targeting and Survival Assessment

      This section deals with outlining what (little) is known (though much is assumed) about weapon of mass destruction (WMD) targeting plans.

      With these plans assumed, we can then model some blast areas and…”

      There are 9 sections, appendix and maps.

      Stick around…

      • #1) ALWAYS have cash available. I always hide a few hundred ($500 generally) in small bills in EACH vehicle for “get home” money (must assume that credit and debit cards will NOT work in a real emgency). Need get home gas and cards not working? Usually they will still take cash

        #2) At least a small bug out bag, can also be used as a regular day hike bag with just the essentials you would use for day hikes: rain gear /hat /water containers-bottles /bottle of water purification tablets /emergency blanket /basic first aid kit /energy bars /etc.; plus a change of durable clothes for traveling such as jeans etc. and a warm jacket for the season you are in (clothes need not be in the bag, just in vehicle)

        #3) if really planning ahead a fold up bicycle in the trunk (look on craigs list of FB market place). Put road tires on it versus the knobby ones they usually come with – 1/2 the effort to pedal. It is amazing how easy it is to cover 10 or 20 miles on a bicycle versus walking it, 50 miles is tougher (on butt) but still doable in about 7 hours, can also be fun for the spur of the moment bike ride with friends.

        Don’t get caught in the trap of trying to put too much stuff in the vehicle or having to carry if going to be forced to walk. FORGET those big bug out bags filled to the hilt in other words!!

        (fwiw I also have a luggage cart with the BIGGEST WHEELS one can have on such a thing in each vehicle – not those little wheels for airport only use – in case I do have to carry something. From experience of backpacking through Europe I could throw TWO fully loaded backpacks onto the cart, maybe 90# total, and pull that cart all day long across the cobblestone streets and sidewalks going up and down curbs and steps in Europe with NO EFFORT. I don’t plan on having to move that much stuff, but I do have the ability with a BIG WHEELED fold up luggage cart in each vehicle)

        • My first car was purchased from my parents. After detailing it out, even before I got a radio for it, I removed the horn ring and placed a folded-up $20 bill (roughly the equivalent of $300, today) inside the centerpiece, then replaced the ring.

          “#2) …bug out bag… rain gear* /hat /water containers-bottles** /bottle of water purification tablets /emergency blanket /basic first aid kit /energy bars /etc.”

          * “Purse poncho”
          ** ONE bottle of water, + a Life Straw

          plus a change of durable clothes… such as jeans*** etc. and a warm jacket****

          *** I suggest “flannel parachute (rip-stop) pants” because they can be folded/rolled into a package the size of 3 packs of cigarettes, also a change of underwear (sports-bra for women — no wires), 2 cotton t-shirts (one should be silk, instead, if you’re in a cold weather climate), and wool hiking socks. Clothing should be folded into “strips” then individually rolled into a “roll-up,” then vacuum-packed (or at least packed in ZipLoc bags) to ensure each piece is dry.

          **** I suggest something like the L. L. Bean “Packaway Jacket”
          ( https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/119861 )

          because it will keep you warm down to about zero (if you’re moving, ~15° if you’re lying around — this from personal experience) and packs by turning it inside-out and folding it into that breast-pocket (which can then be vacuum-packed, as well.)

          GO-Bag clothes should be as lightweight and durable as possible. The two t-shirts will likely weigh more than the rest of the clothes, put together…

          “#3) …a fold up bicycle in the trunk… Put road tires on it versus the knobby ones they usually come with – 1/2 the effort to pedal.”

          Excellent! I’m currently looking for a moped and am torn between electric (stealth) and petrol (EMP-proof). The “road tires” mod is an awesome suggestion.

          “(fwiw I also have a luggage cart with the BIGGEST WHEELS one can have on such a thing…”

          THAT is an amazing suggestion. A body can walk clear across Ureup in a month or two, with such a cart (during WW-II, a lot of refugees did…) Is there a particular cart you like or prefer?

      • Add … PAPER MAPS!! AND a good compass! (in the day hike pack)

        I forgot most younger people totally rely on their phones and GPS to get around, those may not exist if any problems occur. I still carry paper maps when I travel even though I usually let Ms Garmin (GPS) take me hither and yon. Ms Garmin will probably work AFTER the cell phone network goes down, but you can’t be sure.

        • I got us MIL-overstock compasses (not tritium. They’re a waste of money, because the tritium {radioactive hydrogen} decays in a few years, and dangerous, because the glow is a “dead” giveaway on your position) AND I got the kiddies books on how to use a compass, triangulate, read topography and compute waypoints, etc.

          I assume an EMP will take out cell towers, but I also assume it’ll take out COMMS and GPS satellites. I haven’t taught da kiddies how to care for and feed a sundial or sextant, but I did lay in, years ago, for 1920s vintage Boy Scout Handbooks and a couple sets of Foxfire books, so the information will be around, even if I’m not.

      • and and … a small transistor radio in the day hike bag, like the one I recommended a while back (had a great AM receiver which is what you want, I think they were $9 or so – maybe George can post the model and Amazon link)

      • When the forecast is for big winds, I put a 4′ pry bar in the bathroom. An acquaintance thought that was the craziest thing she had ever heard. The last tornado I road out sitting in the recliner – no debris. The bathroom is the best guarded interior room in the house. That is where I will shelter if debris begins pummeling the house. The pry bar is part of the exit strategy. Always have an exit plan ready to implement.

    • As a curtesy to other readers here., please explain what the link is going to show us. It may be of no interest at all to some. OK? Thanks…..,

  7. Future Forecasting
    – Whether it is for education, career-path, business, off-grid living, even illegal endeavors., you will find that getting “in” is often a lot easier than getting “out”.
    – When “future planning”, always – I’ll repeat that for the hearing impaired – “ALWAYS” – have a Plan B – an exit route., a way to get out., and check it often.
    In all the games I have play, and it’s a lot, only once did I catch someone cheating. I was just making my move on the guy when “Bubba the Greek” caught it also – he pulled the guy out of his chair by his neck and marched him out the back door – ten minutes later ole Bubba walked back in, with a slight smile and rubbing his bruised knuckles. We divided the guy’s winnings and went right back to playing. Bubba gave me a slight nod, faked saying ‘owww’ while rubbing his knuckles, all the while holding a slight, but malicious grin.
    Gotta love guys like Bubba-The-Greek. Hope they still exist.

  8. Your Raymond Reddington Comment reminded me: I thoroughly enjoyed The Blacklist. My kind of show. The other evening I re watched one of my favorite movies, “Star Gate” made in 1994. As it finished up, I see the name “James Spader”…….wait……. you mean, nah, couldn’t be. “Rewound” the movie and took a good look at Daniel. Son of a gun. He had hair and a totally different acting style than in The Blacklist. I NEVER would have guessed.

  9. I never missed an issue of Popular Mechanics or Popular Electronics. I never missed pouring in fascination over each issue of QST when it came — although I don’t think I actually BUILT many (any?) of the projects. I loved “Wordless Workshop,” graphics-intense, but text-free projects in PopMech. I enjoyed the thought-streams of all of them. Vicarious pleasure.

    Back when the Earth was still warm and soft, the Hottest Thing in TeeVee was “Interactivity.” EVERYthing the MeggaKorpGroops were approving HAD to be Interactive. Unique New.

    We made kiosks and interfaces like crazy — every project was a one-off, usually.

    It all slowly faded away. Slowly. Slowly came the recognition — still denied in some Leaned Quarters — that Americans – humans – don’t WANT to “Interact” with their media stuff.

    They don’t.

    They want to watch. Passively. They don’t want to expend the energy to DO, they want to just SEE — to watch. They want it served up, all nice & Done.

    They want to WATCH football, they don’t want to suit up, and sweat, and get hit, and run, and get all hot and exhausted, They want to watch. Mostly passively. While chomping chips and sipping brew.

    It’s not a character defect: it’s just a naural fact, The Audience is bigger than the Cast of the play. They come and pay money, they sit and watch as the actors fret and strut, then they go home.

    The (few) strivers — the sparkplugs — do all the DO-ing.
    The Audience does the Watching.

    It’s not bad: it just is.

  10. Sorrry.
    “leaned quarters” shudda been “LearNed Quarters.”



    • If you have a real computer, try holding the [Alt] key down and pressing 0232 on the numeric keypad, then letting go the [Alt] key. This will generate the ASCII character “è” which makes “learned” into “learnèd” and avoids the “grave stress” of being misunderstood.

      Don’t forget the leading zero on the keypad or you’ll be typing in Cyrillic…

  11. “So while we need new energy sources (solar doesn’t work after sunset…) what do they do?

    The USA has adopted a ban on the import of Russian uranium”

    So, does that include the North American uranium Mrs. Clinton gave the Russians control of…?

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