Food, Rain, And Action Plans

One of the big stories, beginning to get some traction is how the rain in California (as much as 11-inches in a few places) could drive up the price of food this spring.

This is not a “remarkable first” in human history. Not even close.

A selection of reads to lay out some corner posts for your thinking, but with a twist to make a point. All of the following stories were from 2023:

And so go a long list of internet search returns. The point being?  Well, for one, this is why economics is cyclical.  Or, as in Ecclesiastes “There is no new thing under the Sun.”  The logical bridge to “What’cha gonna do about it?” is not often crossed.

When we fast-forward to the events since last week? It’s a bit early to see too many “Rain drives food prices higher” stories. Yet.  But give it time.  We’re still in the opening phase of the news story’s progression. With items like Disneyland closing early as Knott’s, Six Flags close due to ‘inclement weather’ ( being precisely on point.  So are the “mud wrestling” stories. California is hit by devastating MUDSLIDES: More than 500,000 homes are without power and celebrity properties in Beverly Hills are under flash flood warnings as record-breaking ‘bomb cyclone’ is set to drench LA for 24 Hours.

Over time, we are certain to see some “Agriculture Impact” stories.  So, let’s see where that line of inquiry leads…

Scary News but Where’s the Action?

Since most of us eat two or three meals a day, the “usual news flow” contains a few calories worth of information.  Part of it is doomish: Millions Of Americans “Prepare For The Apocalypse” As The Global Food Crisis Reaches Unprecedented Levels.  Another part smells of manipulation attempts by industrial food producers to keep us fully dependent on corporate farming.  A Study Says Growing Your Own Food Is “Bad for the Climate.” This article goes on to call BS on the climate rag.

According to our AI helper, interruptions of supply, and worrying with good cause are nothing new. “The Bible mentions famine nearly 100 times, while listing fewer than ten droughts.”

As a cornerstone to real UrbanSurvival, it occurs to us that few of the so-called “news” sources do much besides raise an alarm about a potential threat to your well-being.  Living a bias to action life, that’s not enough for us.

Around here, in our Alternate Reality, it’s just as important to have an action plan at the end of a news-reading session than it is to get all worked up over how bad the day’s news flow looks compared to yesterday’s (or last week’s).

The public hasn’t lived in a newsroom, let alone considered the processes which news – usefully consumed – can drive.  To make it simple, though, I personally spend as much time thinking about what “the News” is informing me to plan for as the actual word and video uptake process.

UrbanSurv is admittedly a quirky website, but we have been telling you for well over a year that Food Growing at the local level, seemed like an important personal action points for almost unlimited reasons.  Among them, there’s the lesson of Covid – stay away from people.  And that means no-contact shopping and supply strategies.  Then there’s the lesson from periodic rains and floods.  About how storing and growing your own food might have some future value to it.  And then there’s the whole reliance of eating and good drinking water on the availability of power.

Not to toot our own horn too much here, but we have written a fair bit on greenhouses, water collection, and growing your own food.  That’s because our goal here is to be a half-way house between the screaming headline (sky is falling) crowd on the one hand.  And the nuts and bolts of making things like hand-hewn rustic furniture to set a home-grown dinner on, on the other.

Bridge the divide is this a zone of “planning, forecasting, futuring, and risk analysis.”  After which you lay in a plan.

If you don’t see a personal line of action?  Then arguably some news stories can be discarded.  We talked about that yesterday a bit, in the discussion of Bundling legislation – the latest District of Corruption Bad Idea.

And with that, we slide into this morning’s headline review. Because except for several regional Fed chiefs speaking today, there’s a real lack of economic news ahead of a lone trade report tomorrow.  As a swing trade gambler, I’d like a slow, drawn-out rally today, but unless some real news shows up….

Surrounded by Problems and Bad Ideas

Who is Keeping the Border Leaking?  A possible answer in What Powerful Force Is Preventing the United States from Defending its Borders? – The Burning Platform.  Then there at the patriots connecting the dots before the next terrorist attack: Joe Biden OWNS The Next Terrorist Attack Upon America.  The case we laid out Monday – in pointing out combining many issues into a single umbrella bill – is usually a scam is proven right again as “No Detain, No Deport, No Wall”: Dave Brat Breaks Down How Bad Senate Border Bill Truly Is.   Sure, sure, I’m no fan of Donald Trump’s personality, BUT he does keep coming up on the right side of critical issues.  Like Donald Trump Warns Border Bill is ‘Death Wish’ for Republicans.

Meantime, the pseudo-president isn’t going for independent (stand alone) legislation because the dems would get whacked on resulting votes.  Which is why we see ‘Political Ploy’: Biden Threatens to Veto House GOP’s Standalone Israel Aid Bill.  Zebras don’t change their stripes, and crooked politicians loath abandoning a good scam.

Silly Season notes: (Could someone confine politics to 90-day campaigns, please?)  Voting in Nevada’s primary today: Nikki Haley set to win Nevada Republican primary unopposed.  But what does that headline mean?  Nikki Haley Gets WRECKED on Fox News as Graphic Shows Trump Favored 79% to 19% Among Republicans. Meanwhile, Mr. Personality hisself goes to court again: Trump’s fate and an obscure section of the Constitution collide at Supreme Court.


Life in the primate house, it is.

G.A. Stewart – ace of Nostradamus outlooks at his The Age of Desolation website offered an interesting remark on word that King Charles has cancer (King Charles III’s cancer was caught early, UK PM says).  Hints Stu in an overnight comment “Charles III’s next residence is New York City.”  Where are the world’s leading cancer care experts? And less British press hounding?

Passings: Country music singer Toby Keith dies at 62. Favorite of ours? “Beer for my horses” anyone?

Did you know Miss Japan was born in Ukraine? Does it even matter now since Ukraine-born Miss Japan 2024 gives up title after affair with married man revealed, Entertainment News – AsiaOne.

You certain we’re living in an advanced civilization, bubba?

Around the Ranch: Solar Dialing

Been up since 4 AM reading tech manuals on our solar power system trying to get it dialed in just so…

Turns out that the grid-tied inverter/charger has one set of battery charging set points while the FlexMax tracking charge controllers are set independently.

What I’m trying to do is further reduce our power bills (we use lavish amounts of power, lol). Seems that if you can set your MPTP charge controller’s output above the float voltage on the inverter side (27 vs. 26.4V), the difference increases the amount of power that can be sold-back to the grid. Leaves the MPTP controllers trying to hit absorb voltage while we start selling power when the system hits 26.4 volts.

It’s fun to play “dances with algorithms” again.

The only symptom of the problem was one of the arrays was only contributing 24 amps in grid sell (about 700 watts) when that aisle of panels usually puts out 49 amps. I’d take another kilowatt hour on the sell side any day, thanks.

Been so long since we put in the system (2008 and 2009) I’d forgotten some of the key parts of the manuals.

Point or Lesson here?  Oh, sure.  When you are in your 60s and install a complicated whatever in your life, make copious notes and save manuals.  When you get another decade down the road, it’s hard to remember some of the finer details of complex systems. Trust me on this.

Now off to impatiently wait for the sun to come up and reward (or punish) my thought processes… clear skies and an orange sherbet sunrise for now…

Write when you get rich.

67 thoughts on “Food, Rain, And Action Plans”

  1. Thanks George. Yes, in The Second American Civil War chapter in all of my books, Nostradamus clearly predicts that the English government will relocate to New York City (UN) before half of England is sunk by a Posedion nuclear torpedo.

    Charles III’s seeking cancer treatment in NY would be a big indicator that we are very close. (That could be a cover story too, because Russia has made it clear that England goes first. Putin absolutely knows where this all comes from.)

    Many thanks George for the prayers. This is “The Devil Game”, and apparently we’re not done tussling.

    Or maybe God is intervening, because it looks like I will be out of work for the next month or longer, and if the balloon goes up, I’ll still be in the fight.

  2. Thanks to you George, I had moved a project to expand my home built portable solar power supply but now that project may have to be moved down a notch. Last night over dinner Diana tells me she wants to redo the kitchen, just a little bit. How can we do that? I asked, We just spent close to 40K remodeling the house last year.
    Recently you mentioned liking big bouncy things. Me too. When my beautiful wife and I began this journey together 40 years ago we had our disagreements like everyone else. She quickly found a way to get my attention at any time or in many cases how to win at any disagreement. She would just lift up her shirt. Worked every time. I came in from chores this morning to find a magazine opened to a picture of a kitchen with a big brick and stone hearth that if done in or little house would entail completely redoing the kitchen. I was looking at it when she came into the kitchen wearing one of my work t shirts. I started to say that this would cost too much but mid sentence she just lifted up the t shirt and looked at me.
    “I’ll call Tim to get on his schedule.” was all I could say.
    Stay safe. 73

    • Jim
      I have an invisible tattoo on my right forearm. It has big bold letters… A Y W… and I know my wife can see them. When she asks me for something or to do something that might be the beginning of some controversy, I can just put my arm up across my face and flash her the tat.
      Anything You Want. She smiles and knows it’s all going to be OK.

      • And here I thought AYW stood for “as you wish,” a line from The Princess Bride. Close enough :)

        • see that is what I thought it meant to LOL LOL LOL
          Don’t for any reason put YD tat on.. YES DEAR… that doesn’t go over very well…

    • Well PB, you obviously didn’t see that very high invisible curtain that keeps coal burning pollution in the country that produces it.

      • Yeah BIC, it’s difficult to see what’s invisible. Can’t fight what ya can’t see. Half of what we hear isn’t true.

        Fortunately, actions speak louder than words and putting things together isn’t too hard. They’re just bringing us down, while selling the farm.

        They don’t care about us

        • thanks for sharing that.. I have never seen that one before.. I told all my kids.. be the blind man.. good and bad in all ethnic groups..

      • LOL LOL LOL…. See now I like coal LOL LOL I burn it in my multi fuel stove to.. I had a burn basket made to create a reburn of the exhaust.. Now I didn’t put a filter on it.. to filter out the other contaminants.. but I don’t have black smoke come out more steam.. great fuel.. I promote solar and wind to.. small wind and home solar.. embrace the changes for the future but accept and use the processes of the past.. ( except nuclear.. I am not a fan of nuclear power.. to costly to dispose of the waste and we just don’t know enough about it.. ) but solar wind wood.. coal water.. build solar towers.. at every substation to use as a mini grid hand out solar packages to all home owners willing to get them installed.. everyone in our state in the wastelands of the USA could get a ten kw grid tie solar power system handed to them for the cost of ONE large wind turbine.. and instead of having a three mw power potential there would be what two and a half GW power potential.. for the same money plus the grid would be strengthened.. or for the price of one big wind turbine.. you could put up something like a hundred solar towers… green scape the cities.. put CO2 filters on every street lamp post..
        So what if some kid eats a handful of grapes or some mom picks a couple of carrots for dinner..
        Just my rant.. been ranting this for many many years.. no one will do it..

      • I thought that actually was the big debate on CO2,..
        the absorption of radiation heating up the atmosphere..

    • From my very humbly aloof position, it seems that the actions of Biden, etc., are those of a debtor trying to appease his angry creditors, while going on yet another spending spree. I can’t for the life of me figure out why we’re sending money to Ukraine or Israel, nor why we’re encouraging aliens to invade our country, unless we owe somebody and we owe big.

      One volcano will create more pollution than many thousands of cars, as will a wildland fire. These things happen all the time, along with spewing thousands of tons of CO2 into the air. I try hard to tread lightly on the earth, using creativity and ingenuity instead of just following the crowd. It works, and it works well. Of course, that’s considered borderline criminal by the controllers.

      I’d consider burning coal, but there’s none nearby and I have far more wood than I can usefully burn in this lifetime. The trees just keep on growing.

      • “I’d consider burning coal, but there’s none nearby”

        that’s our issue to.. we had to buy a semi load to bet TBE price low enough..if you lived close enough.. it literally would cost you fifty dollars to get all your heat and cooking energy needs for a year. coal burns extremely hot..similar to hydrogen Or plasma as a potential heating fuel it needs to be cooled down a great deal.. I mix three to one three parts wood to one part coal.
        I’d love to see fuel pellets made out of saw dust and coal dust… A great source for heat or cooking fuel using what is normally throw away discarded ..
        they are now making charcoal pellets so who knows could be a product of the future..

        volcanic action.. pollution..
        its the gumball in the microwave the earth is heats up .. it acts like the gumball and absorbs The energy as it increases so does volcanic action ..more earthquakes.. wilder weather patterns..
        A unique perspective on this is in the book cataclysms of the earth..
        that was mandatory reading and discussion in school.. great book..

      • ” I can’t for the life of me figure out why we’re sending money to Ukraine or Israel, nor why we’re encouraging aliens to invade our country, unless we owe somebody and we owe big.”

        who knows for sure what the brand sold..
        they tossed out the mishandling of secret materials..
        it’s just flabergasting to see the deep rabbit hole we are eagerly going down..

  3. “fully dependent on corporate farming”

    We in the city don’t have many options. Raising wild house cats is easier than chickens around here.

    Cats – stake corporate made hams out in the bushes. $0.79/lb.

    Chickens –

    “Any person who, at any one time, owns more than three animals six months old or older shall obtain a kennel license from the clerks office.”


    “As noted at last week’s Clerical Committees meeting, a portion of city code says that residents can keep chickens and certain other farm animals within city limits as long as the animals are 150 feet away from another residence not keeping them.”

    I think my lot is 65 x 125. I’m auto-excluded based on yard size as everyone else. The city code enforcer can’t wait to wield power because they want to look good in front of their boss taming lions out in the field.

    City gardeners are defenseless against obstacles like squirrels. People enjoy squirrels and people have cameras pointed everywhere. If all the squirrels disappear people will investigate.

    During a wholesale collapse when the city code enforcer is no longer being paid things could change. Or when enough migrants show and change the rules to reflect the ‘old country’.

    • Comrade Steve-O,

      Bushy tailed Rats/Squirrels are Food – protein mostly. Urban garden should be able to support all the veggies you need for a tasty Squirrel Stew.., celery, onion, garlic and tomatoes..season to taste.

      Certova belka I los’

    • see .. now our small community won’t allow any farm animal..being a what is it called again…oh yeah.. smart ass … I was going to buy one of those miniature cows the size of a dog..then get it registered with dog tags name fido.. then take it for a walk every day by city hall..
      the boss said no..she didn’t think it was funny at all..
      the other thing was a goat cart..
      yup then lease them out to her work as lawn care a win win and going green..she wasn’t happy about that lol lol..

    • 1 Plant Leland or Pencil cyprus all around the perimeter if the property. Then they cant see anything.’
      2 invest in high-quality lower power (less mussel blast) air powered arms. Older Benjamin and Sheridan are the best.
      The Cyprus are a good sound break too.
      3 Rabbits are quiet don’t crow in the morning. Pidgeon’s don’t make noise either.
      4 gate on the drive way with a high fence and privacy slats in the chain link.’
      5. if anyone asks what you have back there, just smile but don’t even say MYOB. Just Don’t Answer.
      A small PVC pipe and Plastic sheet green house in one corner, the hutches in another, some raised beds.
      Think outside the box!

    • “We in the city don’t have many options. Raising wild house cats is easier than chickens around here.”

      now… we know already that depending on your last name and social status..that drugs , female entertainers can be tax deductible as business expenses… so could you claim the old house cats and a laser pointer as a professional security team.. or would you have to register them as lethal weapons..yes your honor..he was breaking and entering and I pointed the laser pointer at him.. they say he may survive lol lol lol..

    • Got solar panels? The blockheads will need US for their post collapse financial security. With a few panels, you can cast lead, run ‘puters, weld, pump water….some things have a multiplicity of uses. Just saying…

      • Ye of way fucking too much faith…feast Ure peepers on the below setup.

        SESB -Belize

        9.96k Wp Generac Grid-tie Solar System wit Battery Backup

        24 AXperfect FXXL WB monocyrstaline top on solar panel
        7.6w Generac pwrcell Inverter
        2500 W MPPT sustaining optimizer
        100 Amp 1ph transfer switch
        6 Generac Pwrcell EX Battery module 3.0k Wh
        Includes remote monitoring and 3 visit /yr maintenance
        And one big asz / Large Grounding Set: 4-10 k Wp

        All that for less than one Bitcoinz !
        And yes you can take the above to the BANK,bitches!

        And YES BlokForge only accepts BTC and Bank Wires..if in U bee thinking about running a BTC mining on Ure excess power generation.

        Onwards and upwards..LFG!

        • Nice system…but…You wrote a check. My whole system came out of my own head and engineering. Then welded with my own hands. These hands wired with same. Then applied for to the bureaucracy, and did my own inspections, then operated, logged and so on.
          Point is, I’m what you call the Renaissance guy. Ever study what happened to the rich fucks who wrote checks in, oh, France to pick an example?
          Your system was paid by Ponzi. Mine by blood and toil and sweat and tears. literally, a 2-inch gash on the forehead walking into an open electrical box cover…
          My value is always with me. Yours? Well first the grid has to be up and the power not confiscated by the gendarmerie…

      • Already in place. And Starlink is the BTC network backup btw. Youll have no problems with your internet George.

        • we just have to get AI to mine numbers for us.. .50 per person..or better yet go old school ..hire a lobbying firm to write a catchy bill to be passed..generated into a few hundred pages of nonsense drivvel.. get congress to tell the world how wonderful it send each of us let’s say a couple million a’s not like they have to pay for it..or get AI to get them to send each of us one if those cash cards for refugees….easy peasy…lol lol lol

  4. Seven swans a swimming …

    Lake was filled with swans, geese and migratory ducks. The geese are incredibly noisy at night. Not sure whether sound guides in successive flocks (think 200+ each) or they are squawking about whose turn it is to patrol open water, keep the refuge open? Sleepers can get frozen in.

    My sense is the enormous flocks of geese are agitated / irritated, in disagreement on proceeding North. They are sorta kinda directionless. It’s IMO a corollary to human kind as mkts sail off the charts. Directionless …

    Seven swans a swimming …
    All white. None black.
    Yet, Egor

    • It’s just the night patrol and searchers, looking for the next-day’s feeding ground.

      They go apeshit when a hungry coyote or bobcat comes around. It’s much louder and worse in mating season, when they scream like demons from hell. In May I can hear ’em from 4-5 miles distant, when the coyote or coydog pack descends on their nesting grounds.

  5. Two of my brothers died of prostate cancer. Technically the prostrate cancer was cured but the cancer migrated to other places. Terrible disease.

    I live in a city with clay soil and voracious critters. None of my gardening efforts have been successful. Ants, squirrels, birds, rats, possums, and my yard guy have eaten or run over everything I’ve planted. I think I’m going to buy a small greenhouse this year. If not that, perhaps a few pots next to a sunny window.

    Cliff High is going to move into another house this year while he remodels his current house, and then move back in when it is finished. It sounds like it will cost a lot of money. His attitude is extremely positive on his personal outlook for the next two years. So my thought is don’t forget to live your life as best you can this year, no matter what happens.

    • Boric acid makes the ants and slugs go away.

      Squirrels (field mice, chipmunks) and rats (literally) explode when you set out a tray of 50% corn meal and 50% baking soda for them to eat. Their little rodent bodies lack the ability to belch or fart, so they will eat until they die.

      Once the slugs and rodents are gone, the opossums will follow the food, and go away.

      You have to use bird netting for the flying pests. I’d set out a bird feeder or two.

      We are going to be blessed with a cicada plague this year. The 10 year and 17 year bugs are going to all crawl out together in May, for the first time since Thomas Jefferson was da Prez, and they’re going to try and eat everything in the Americas that’s green and north of the Cape. We will need both birds and netting.

      Bear in mind, if your “yard guy” runs over your lettuce, he’s likely to run over your greenhouse, as well. I suggest more education or more supervision…

    • Eleanor, I have similar clay “soil” and critters of all sorts. It would be necessary to import soil and grow in an enclosed space to be viable here. Then there’s water. I tried for years to grow food and didn’t have a bean to show for it. Some people can do it, and it’s best to be on friendly terms with them. I’m sure you have useful skills that you can barter. I’d like to be totally self-sufficient, but there are reasonable limits. I’m sure you know yourself well enough to plan accordingly.

      I agree with George on becoming the Renaissance guy, but I won’t deal with bureaucracy more than I have to, even if it means foregoing opportunities. That’s why I’ll never have a grid tied solar system. That, and the payback here is not net. We each have our strengths and weaknesses and it’s best to know what they are.

    • my father botched about the animals.. yet never had any garden damage or loss from animals.. across the yard he planted a garden just for them.. brought out grocery store trimmings to.. the first couple years he had a small fence put around the people garden..then eventually took it down.. the animal garden looked like it was trampled and chewed on his garden looked good.. I plant millet I won’t plant sugar needs again..they went crazy the rabbits loved it and a few times deer wandered back to eat the greens to..millet, sorghum deer tongue ..speaking about the bunnies..I got a surprise the other day. Boo is back. I tjought the elevator cat got him.. he did live in the old cage and would come up for a carrot..but vanished a few months.. seeing him in the back yard still playing peek a boo was a welcome sight..I will put some fresh straw in the old cage for sleeping under the wood pile

  6. Iranian-backed Houthi militants in Yemen could try to sabotage internet cables in the Red Sea carrying nearly one fifth of the world’s web traffic, according to a spate of new warnings.

    Yemen’s government warned that the Red Sea is ‘one of the three most important meeting points for cables’ on the globe and the Houthis pose a ‘serious threat to one of the most important digital infrastructures in the world.’

    It came after a Houthi social media channel published a map showing the routes of various cables through the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea.

    The map was accompanied with the ominous message: ‘It seems that Yemen is in a strategic location, as internet lines that connect entire continents – not only countries – pass near it.’

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
    Who will make such an abominable breach in the Churches that neither the reds nor the whites without eyes nor hands will know what to make of it.

    TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
    Neither Christians nor Muslims, without communications or mobility, will understand what is happening to them.

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
    And their power will be taken from them.

    TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
    Their technological power will be taken from them.


    • It’s actually even better and more prescient, since it’s a possible reference to the “five eyes” losing their grip on global control. You might remember who five eyes is, but if not, read here:

      Also realize that despite Constitutional constraints on warrantless surveillance, it has been common practice to router internet packets through places like pine gap/alice springs and menwith hill. At which point, foreign nationals listen in and report back on what’s interesting. A simple breach of constitutional intent – the discussion of which would take days, but it’s really an absurdity to monitor sans warrants the legal residents of a country with no effective border. If some of the red sea traffic was offed? Who can say what then?
      This is made, though, and that’s what comes through loud and clear both in your remarks and Stu’s as to what’s coming.
      God help us all.

      • “Constitutional constraints…, ”
        – “The impossible ?., we’ll have that done by the end of the day. Unconstitutional ?., that might take ’til Friday.” – CIA official under Johnson administration.

  7. Friday I kinda, sorta figured that Monday would be a down-day in the markets., a soft down-day.., just a reshuffling of trades and assets – then Powell-The-Fed opened his big mouth and everyone panicked.
    Interesting that the big money boys always get their tightie-whities in a bunch when Powell tells them exactly what they already know. Amazing.
    I do still believe that we may be right on the cusp of a market drop., a continuous sell-down in the markets.
    March – April – May, still looks like the beginning of a very bad year for the U.S. .., but, I have been wrong before.

  8. President Biden told a crowd in Las Vegas on Sunday that he recently met with Francois Mitterrand, the ex-French president who has been dead for nearly 30 years.
    – George.., maybe you should get it touch with Slo-Joe.., maybe he has figured out a method of time-travel., or interdimensional communication.

    • It could have been worse; Joe could have thought he had met with de Gaulle. Maybe Joe needs some Miracle Grow for Houseplants to perk him up a bit. He seems to be wilting.

    • re: “…Action Plans”
      feat: Bidin’ Time


      Thank goodness for “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”. President Biden may have been satirically thinking of another Francois, namely Francois-Marie Arouet, more commonly seen in fine history books as Voltaire, and first wax model of the future Madame Tussaud. One may wish to note that while the wax effigy of President Trump rails against misinformation at Madame Tussauds London, a lifelike President Biden rules from a wax Oval Office along with VP Harris attired in a custom designed Christopher John Rogers outfit at Madame Tussauds New York. Canadian seniors reliant upon the purse of the Canada Pension Plan perhaps wax eloquently of The Plan’s parent company ownership share to the entertainment colossus alongside partner and trillionaire-holdings Blackstone Group of New York.

      Do join for digital digestif in the studio lounge this evening following dinner. A philosophical DJ George will be holding forth with thoughts on the closing lines of Voltaire’s magnum opus, ‘Candide (Optimism)’:
      “…We must cultivate our garden…”

    • Toyota has been selling Hydrogen Fuel Cell cars in the LA area for a few years now. Hyundai has been leasing them in the LA area too for several years, but the last time I checked was NOT selling them.

      4 years ago while in LA I ran into a Hyundai fuel cell vehicle and talked to it’s driver … he had been driving it about a year at that point in time and LOVED IT. Because of the lack of fueling stations (still a problem) he kept himself limited to the LA basin and an occasional trip to San Diego (apparently there was one refueling station down in the San Diego area). He said it had great pickup, was comfortable to drive, and refueling was simple taking about the same amount of time as fueling up a gasoline vehicle.

      The problem with Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicles in the US is the lack of places to refuel … yep even in the LA basin (only a few – was 8 stations in the entire LA basin back then, think it is now up to 11 or 13)

  9. “One of the big stories, beginning to get some traction is how the rain in California (as much as 11-inches in a few places) could drive up the price of food this spring.”

    This is a propaganda placement. Its function is to give Mr. Biden an alternative explanation to obviously higher food prices, than his malevolent mishandling of the economy. We will see this revisited, once the Presidential campaign begins in earnest…

  10. “Who is Keeping the Border Leaking? A possible answer in What Powerful Force Is Preventing the United States from Defending its Borders? – The Burning Platform.”

    All questions, no answers. This is why I rarely visit The Burning Platform…

  11. “Joe Biden OWNS The Next Terrorist Attack Upon America

    – Border Invasion Is Biden’s Plan To Create A One-Party State And Complete The Destruction Of America”

    Part of fixing a problem requires that the problem be identified. ANOTHER part of fixing it requires that the SOURCE of the problem be located.

    Mr. Biden is not the source. He is not nearly bright enough.

    Mr. Obama is not the source. He is not nearly bright enough.

    Hell, neither of ’em can hold a Stanford-Binet to G.W. Bush’s IQ, and Dubya is also, not nearly bright enough.

    Who’s bright enough? Um, that’d be the Nazi who begat “Open Society Foundations.” It is “Open Society” that has striven to “Create A One-Party State And Complete The Destruction Of America,” as it has done (or attempted) with varying degrees of success, in many other countries since the mid-1990s. People who take the time to look can see his hand in most of the worst that’s found everywhere in Western culture…

  12. “Nikki Haley set to win Nevada Republican primary unopposed. But what does that headline mean? Nikki Haley Gets WRECKED on Fox News as Graphic Shows Trump Favored 79% to 19% Among Republicans.”

    From the Nevada GOP:

    PRESS RELEASE: Nevada Republicans Will Conduct First in The West Caucus on February 8, 2024, With Voter ID, Paper Ballots, And Results Released the Same Night
    WINNEMUCCA, NV – Today, the Nevada Republican Central Committee affirmed its commitment to transparent elections with common-sense safeguards such as Voter ID, paper ballots, and precinct based balloting.

    Personally, I think Nevada is screwy. What I got from a 2-minute surf-and-read is apparently a few years ago the State of Nevada determined they needed to hold a State-run Primary Election. The Republicans have held a caucus for many years, and it is from the caucus, not the State election, that Convention delegates will be awarded. For a “Cliff’s Notes” capsule on Republican voting in Nevada, go here:

    BTW, Haley will likely score close to ZERO votes in the caucus, which is the official election format. I wonder what the chances are, that this will even be mentioned by the commies and corporations who’re trying to whore her out to the American people…?

  13. “Did you know Miss Japan was born in Ukraine? Does it even matter now since Ukraine-born Miss Japan 2024 gives up title after affair with married man revealed – AsiaOne.”

    Asians take moral turpitude very seriously. It is an integral part of their social code, that only the low-caste engage in acts or actions which would cast shame or embarrassment on their families. I look for the Japanese ( to adjust the rules, to ban non-natural-born Citizens from such competitions…

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