Debt Passes $35,001,278,179,208.67 – Housing Zooms

Two big items.  First is the National Debt as measured by the U.S. Treasury peeked over $35 trillion today:  $35,001,278,179,208.67

With this much debt sloshing, what do you think the Case-Shiller Housing data showed?

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index, covering all nine U.S. census divisions, reported a 5.9% annual gain for May, down from a 6.4% annual gain in the previous month.
The 10-City Composite saw an annual increase of 7.7%, down from an 8.1% annual increase in the previous month. The 20-City Composite posted a year-over-year increase of 6.8%, dropping from a 7.3% increase in the previous month. New York reported the highest annual gain among the 20 cities with a 9.4% increase in May, followed by San Diego and Las Vegas with increases of 9.1% and 8.6%, respectively. Portland once again held the lowest rank for the smallest year-over-year growth, notching a 1.0% annual increase in May

And a little closer in?

The U.S. National Index, the 20-City Composite, and the 10-City Composite upward trends continued to decelerate from last month, with pre-seasonality adjustment increases of 0.9%, 1.0%, and 1.0%, respectively.
After seasonal adjustment, the U.S. National Index posted the same month-over-month change of 0.3% as last month, while the 20-City and 10-City Composite reported a monthly change of 0.3% and 0.4%, respectively

Reduced to the simple price chart over time, looks like so:

And as far as…

“While annual gains have decelerated recently, this may have more to do with 2023 than 2024, as recent performance remains encouraging,” says Brian D. Luke, Head of Commodities, Real & Digital Assets. “Our home price index has appreciated 4.1% year-to-date, the fastest start in two years.
Covering the six-month period dating to when mortgage rates peaked, our national index has risen the past four months, erasing the stall experienced late last year. Collectively, all 20 markets covered continue to trade in a homogeneous pattern. Coming into the 2024 presidential election, traditional red states are in a dead heat with blue states, both averaging 5.9% gains annually.

All of which reminds: We are not electing a President this fall.  Just a new Captain for the Titanic.

Bridge, anyone? Market futures averaged nearly flat with a shot of upward hype on the side.

Write when you get rich,

22 thoughts on “Debt Passes $35,001,278,179,208.67 – Housing Zooms”

  1. The debt should be over $36,300,000,000,000 by the end of the year based on what the Treasury indicated yesterday:

    Treasury Announces Marketable Borrowing Estimates

    “During the July – September 2024 quarter, Treasury expects to borrow $740 billion in privately-held net marketable debt, assuming an end-of-September cash balance of $850 billion.[2] The borrowing estimate is $106 billion lower than announced in April 2024, largely due to lower Federal Reserve System Open Market Account (SOMA) redemptions and a higher beginning-of-quarter cash balance.[3]

    During the October – December 2024 quarter, Treasury expects to borrow $565 billion in privately-held net marketable debt, assuming an end-of-December cash balance of $700 billion.[4]”

    Yellen plans on creating $3,000,000,000,000 of new debt each year going forward by fighting some kind of South American climate issue.

    “US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visited the Amazon River, advocating for climate change action to drive global economic growth. She called it the top opportunity of the 21st century. Yellen proposed investing $3 trillion annually until 2050 to support sustainable and inclusive growth, particularly in historically underserved regions. The event, organised by the Inter-American Development Bank, aimed to promote carbon reduction, wildlife protection, and biodiversity while preserving jobs and economic activity in eight South American countries.”

    Inflation defined as expansion of the money supply/credit expansion makes the good news credit will continue to expand and $ inflation should be external in South American countries.

    Yellen also cited the Inter-American Development Bank so I think it may be possible for us to capture some of the $3,000,000,000,000 by watching this bank’s investments and riding with ’em.



    Does anyone concur?

    • think about this..the treasury creates money…. the print money, they lend money, give money away…
      so why if they are able to create it lend it out designate it’s value push its made up value and stand by its value..then why do they have to borrow money to keep its value stable.
      if they are having that much difficulty in maintaining its value..then why are they throwing it away on wars that obviously we cannot win.
      I know I heard the story that the resources they would take from Ukraine and Gaza would prop its value back up.. but really what happens when everyone else starts to get curious..if we have to borrow money to prop up the value if our money as our ability to create products to resell are flying out the door.. hey that’s a lot like making counterfeit guci jeans or whatever and trying to sell them as originals..

      • Are you being facetious?

        “why do they have to borrow money to keep its value stable.”

        At first glance the value of money isn’t stable but in a controlled and constant decline.

        I don’t have a PHD but to answer your question, unless you are being facetious, from my POV the value comes from the ‘owe’. Why don’t more workers tell their bosses FOAD? Because when the worker’s dollar flow stops access to lifestyle sources $AMZN/$WMT/$RKT stop.

        We demand dollars because the merchants demand dollars.

        .gov is in on it. Social Security folks demand payments in dollars. .gov borrows in dollars to make good. Pension folks demand payments in dollars (PBGC is the backstop) so .gov borrows to make good.

        It’s a feedback loop. “Bail Boeing to keep it all going”.

        That’s why I don’t believe in a CW2 and think the current .gov will never change because of the owe.

        The next, new .gov wouldn’t make good on the owe from the previous .gov so keeping this .gov is in best interest to receive the owe.

        I’m in a border town (Detroit/Windsor) and Canadian coins are sometimes in the system. Stores/U-scans won’t take Canadian coins and neither will banks.

        When we get Canadian coins we either have to exchange it at the official exchanger or might slip then to a physical merchant. Then the merchant has the same dilemma so slips it back out to an unsuspecting customer.

        Inversely when in Canada we can freely exchange dollars with the merchants. However the merchants won’t give change in dollars but only their local currency.

        Even at the global level the dollar infrastructure rules so the dollar stays.

        • I believe your exactly correct..
          and because of the owe…by getting these other countries to loan.. then they have to accept the currency in exchange for the repayment.. if they didn’t loan the reserve the money then they could demand all goods to be paid for in their currency..
          the velocity of money put it in the box or a jar and bury it and its worthless..
          gold..silver.. you can’t walk in and plop a krugerand down and expect first have to locate somebody that collects it to sell it to them.. that’s how bric’s will stop the flow of dollars and impact the fiat currencies.
          I believe it was 2010 when China refused to deliver container shipping load of goods until it was paid for in gold..instead congress I believe made changes so that foreign countries could own us property.. shortly after that businesses and farmland and cheap mortgages was available.. they quickly started buying food packaging and manufacturing..
          how many of all of us have home loans where the mortgage is owned by some company outside the usa. all with a thirty day pay up or get out clause.. we shortly after that gave away our ports and toll barrel he’ll could stop the flow of traffic..
          its the business model easy just promote greed then take advantage if it to gain control..all because if the owe..
          how many are using credit cards to buy their daily bread..plastic.. my dental expenses at 39 % interest..
          is it bydesign..the Cloward Piven strategy.. open borders low wages dependence on govt. programs..the Adolph Hitler plan to gain control?

    • Select blockchains with finality of supply will help offset that $500.00 grocery cart at Costco sure we export inflation, the .gov also weakens the $purchasing power with every new FRN chit printed. Bitcoin = 21MM coins, XRP = 100BB coins with a burn rate attached to the protocol = disinflationary.

      Got Blockchain? Not advice do your own homework.

      Wait whatz zis? :

      Color us ? Bullish on the Long.

        • here I thought it was the rotisserie chicken.. you cannot walk into Costco for the chicken without spending a few hundred dollars lol lol

  2. Clawsywrote

    (“There are only 2 roads to victory for Trump RFK Jr, or Gabbard – those are the 2 that cannibalize Dem votes. Vance is CIA …….. he is a deterrent to election victory ……jmfo”)

    Kennedy will never be allowed to take the office if what I have read about the great Kennedy double cross is correct..
    we may think that That We vote in representatives to control our country..Everyone i know believes that there’s actually a very powerful sub group pulling the strings.
    they have their people write the bills we live by and give huge amounts of gifts to outside the representatives that still have moral and ethical guidelines lulled into doing their bidding.
    what amazes me is how much they have spent in attempts to destroy DJT… we the sheep of the country follow along do as they say cherish and covet what they say is important to cherish , value what they say holds value. strive to get what they say holds value..
    then there are a few that see what it is and say huh.. we may have somehow gotten the medication..

    they forgot anal bleeding side affect from realizing what’s
    hqppehey are doing to us.. lock jaw and soiled lips fowl taste..

  3. George,
    For the world global Equity Index ACWI, this is day 9 of 10 of 4/9 of 10/10/?6 day :: y/2.5y/2.5y/?1.5y decay fractal starting 15 July and contain the nominal all time (inflation unadjusted) high 16 July 2024.

    A 4/10/10/6 day decay fractal would complete an October 60/150 day x/2.5x fractal series.

    The 150 day second fractal is composed of a 20/47/49 day :: x/2-2.5x/2-2.5x growth fractal series followed by a 28 June 3(2.5)/5/5/4 blow-off with day 2 of the 4 day 4th fractal decay series the 16 July peak. The 4 day 4 th fractal becomes the base fractal for the 4/10/10/?6 day decay series.

    Valuation growth and decay appear to be mathematically highly self-ordered. Wed 31 July 2024 should be quite a down day for the ACWI.

  4. this year in the United States alone, we will spend $465 BILLION (with a B!) on holiday gifts. Experts estimate it would only take $175 billion to completely eradicate poverty for a year!
    it would cost about ten percent to implement a national medical system..presently in our household we spend 40 percent on medical expenses and 30 percent on the policy that doesn’t pay out on it at all..we keep it just in case there’s an astronomical medical event..right now per person 2-5 % of their tax deductions goes for the VA medical system..the va medical system is probably one of the only medical systems that’s fully staffed year round the only negative issue is they run it like a government office not a medical system..

    • Jared’s father went to jail for 2 years for his tax evasion, Trump’s crimes are nearly identical, will Donny get a soft deal like Trump’s hired Secy of Labor Acosta gave Epstein?

      Charles Kushner bilks renters over $1 million in overcharges:,tactics%20to%20flip%20market%2Drate

      • re: Snopes & Truth
        feat: pin the tail on the donkey party


        Certainly democrats could be deemed raising bars on law and order. In fact the father-in-law of 42’s only daughter served five years for felony fraud.

        As to speaking of the individual who expired in custody, his future-convicted accomplice had an invite to the wedding of the lady above. Snopes has kindly referenced the Getty images and circled the person of interest.

        The nuptials setting of Astor Courts was originally constructed along the lines of the Palace of Trianon at Versailles by JJ Astor IV who went down with the Titanic. The french Trianon was apparently begun in 1670 by King Louis XIV to pursue adventures with Madame de Montespan. The latter held sway until falling under the investigative inquiries of the Affaire des Poisons scandal in 1682. It seems her accomplice the Witch of Paris was burned at the stake following confirmation of Madame’s black masses and child sacrifices to possess the heart of the King. Madame herself was subsequently retired to a convent.

    • Things like “poverty” and a “national medical system” are sliding scales, and will never be “fully-funded.” We spend over $21,000 in tax dollars per year on every indigent who’s living in a cardboard box or dumpster, or under a bridge. “Healthcare costs” that are imposed on people who pay their bills are calibrated to finance those people who don’t. Because of “health insurance” and the Ponzi pyramid it feeds, as long as there is “health insurance,” whether it is private or government-supplied, the amount of money charged for healthcare services will increase to 108%+ of the amount of money available to pay for said services, thus ensuring the amount paid and the amount charged will always increase and outstrip the amount available.

      As for “poverty,” the bottom 16 2/3% of people in any society live, by definition, in poverty. It doesn’t matter whether their personal financial intake is $100/month or $100,000/month. If they are in the bottom 1/6th of income accumulators, they are, by definition, impoverished, just like the top 1/6th are, by definition, “wealthy.”

      The impoverished in Rio, Caracas, and Shanghai are wearing rags they dug out of someone’s trash and eating garbage or stealing food, because their bodies are so worthless nobody will trade sex with them for a meal. Healthcare and “social services” don’t exist for them. The Poorest in the U.S. have cellphones and can get all the free food and healthcare they desire. Some own cars and property; many voluntarily blow their brains out by consuming many thousands of dollars worth of illicit drugs every year.

      • (“The impoverished in Rio, Caracas, and Shanghai are wearing rags they dug out of someone’s trash and eating garbage or stealing food, because their bodies are so worthless nobody will trade sex with them for a meal.”)

        I believe it’s like that here now..
        whole communities head south for the winter just to get medical services..a guy I knew when young..from environmental exposure had a bone a prof. at GWU to get the bone reconstruction at Georgetown University hospital was so insane in cost and him not having insurance..the surgeon at the hospital suggested he go to his clinic in another country.. he traveled there to get the surgery he needed..
        until Congress closed the loophole..I was getting one of my medications that cost 1250 a month not covered here .. in canada for under 200 in that cost was Dr. charge over night shipping from Canada communication and other get generic it was way under a hundred..
        a policy available in New York or Dallas isn’t available in our area.. some insurance policies don’t recognize the VA Healthcare system as a medical facility.
        in the sixties and seventies everyone had access to health insurance part time full time the prices of insurance through deregulation has out paced the average employee.. youd be shocked at how many healthcare workers don’t carry healthcare the top 6 percent that are offered these perks are being taken care of by workers that cannot afford it..what happens if a real pandemic actually happens.. what no lab techs..the flip that easily can draw blood from a preemy is no longer around leaving that job to the ones that push a pencil digging in trying to find a vein.. yet we seem to have the cash available to entice a surgeon to come work there by buying him a multi million dollar mansion and handing him or her millions as a out huge salaries to those that don’t do the hard’s lopsided..
        here the ones without coverage are refused services at the clinic..they are sent to the ER..where walking in the door is ten times what the clinic cost would be..they still don’t have the cash so those charges are passed back to the Dr’s. at the clinic in rent increases.
        a vicious circle.. insurance companies show profit by how much money they make in profit.. so they don’t pay.. im actually having my insurance agent troubleshooting my insurance company because they have just ignored the claims two years in a row..told him just last week I really don’t care about the 3 grand they haven’t paid out. just send me the go to hell letter we don’t intend to pay out. disability policies ..go into and claims office and tell them you have one..the claims person will just laugh.. they are ok as long as it isn’t serious..if it’s serious it’s, bank, credit card, personal forget it instead put that money in savings bonds..I know a lot of people that don’t have homeowners same problem..they have adjusters come out so they don’t have to pay..the engineer that was a designer of deep water oil drilling platforms..had his mansion vacation condo big buck job..last it in Katrina.. the insurance company paid a penny on the dollar. the liars he had still had to be oaid..then a platform exploded spilling billions of gallons of oil in the gulf..he had to give testimony..he told the truth and was blackballed by the industry he dedicated his life to he couldnt get a job washing dishes. homeless penniless living in his car.. had a heart attack and ended up in our spare bedroom hounded for the cost of the services he got..the oil billions in relief from our country..
        how do you fix it.. I don’t know..
        maybe make those making the unheard of wages do all the work of those their wages eliminate the finances to get them the medical civerage.. that would be worth selling tickets to watch..
        say big buck Billy I pooped wipe my ass please.. remember that’s not chocolate under your quick make some rubber gloves.. lol

      • the facility the boss works for..well the place will close.. they don’t make a dime.. not one givt. regulations is coming out in January that to stay open they have to implement and pay for..on a federal va hospital all those costs are pushed on the taxpayer.. for a private facility they have to get this then there’s price controls..the government still negotiates a 3 dollar an hour labor charge.. ( one reason most doctors refuse Medicare and medicaid patients) so this facility is sold off every three to four years.. private pay for long term is about a quarter million per year per patient.. a friend originally built this facility in the 80s he said you have to join us..I have people throwing farms at me..they went under.. the wife is semi retired still works a couple days a month at 14 an hour as a prn floor’s sewing money for her..past strokes limit her mobility so when she works I’m close by just in case she needs help..
        she told the administration that she is intending on total retirement in November..they were begging her to not totally retire…. the full time RNs make 30 the regular staff 12 to 14 the owner loses from my estimate 20 grand a month. the problem is the rate of pay.. it looks good..because it’s a floating figure and continual movement.. it takes a few years before its obvious why they are not getting ahead so they sell it off..they just sold 32 long term care facilities.. with inflation the resell time will shorten.. I had a gentleman visit with me..he and his wife were thinking of buying a couple.. I said do the math. on a private facility .. they decided it wasn’t worth going in debt for..

    • why not home sales price controls..
      brick and mortar costs are a factor in rent.. why not wage controls .. or put regulated price structures on necessary goods and services price reduction instead of tax increases..
      if a cost on home prices is at one dollar and he has to get back a dollar plus his proffit..
      why didn’t the brand get in trouble for not even claiming their income or selling access and compliance to the highest office’s of our country .using our money as a leveraging position so the kid could make a million.. not even considering ehat appears as a person that’s never held a job lived a deviant lifestyle and totally appears as a serious lack of morals and ethics a seriously flawed character in my I can say that i wouldnt allow near my family.
      now this woman..dam have you heard her speak..what the hell is that.. then wonder why the majority of the population feels as if we are all will make great made for television movie scripts.. but thats about it.
      why hate…
      I do admit when DJT first got in office I god a narcissistic braggart on one side. on the other what totally appeared as a deviant lacking morals and ethics and what totally looked as if suffering dementia .
      opened the borders to what could be one of the most serious situations ever and will go down as the worst president this country has ever seen..
      ignoring all the analysts and all his Generals when they tossed up the beware of what your doing flags..put greater burdens on all of us.. given away our great grand children’s futures..
      but then I still believe I am asleep in the middle if a horrid nightmare or that I am in the twilight zone.

    • My daughter’s best friend stopped by..bought what’s considered an average home..needs a lit of work has been sitting empty for a few years.. has bright red shaggy carpet in the living room and this horrid wallpaper .. ( no bugs there that wallpaper would gag them to death) their monthly house payment with insurance and taxes will be ten grand plus..their monthly living expenses will be twenty grand give or take depending on their car insurance rates and whether or not all they eat is oatmeal and Ramin noodles…their expenses alone not counting commuting expenses will be around 20 grand a month or about 40 grand a year more than what they gross as a high school teacher and cross country heaven hauler.. ( I know in California that’s probably a cardboard box on some abandoned lot) but here that’s a huge amount..heck my taxes on our home are now at record highs because of what this administration is doing with our money and strategic reserves.
      I know the kids in their middle fifties won’t be able to manage that costs..even though they are planning on working multiple jobs 40 grand plus isn’t what part time positions pay.. my wife as a prn floor nurse doesn’t make the money.. my friend working as a full time RN only makes 35. forty years ago that was 5.. mist don’t get health insurance because of the cost..they cannot go to a clinic..they want cash up front. low income housing is now at fifty percent more than what low income laborer makes.. a friend that has driven cross country for almost fifty years is selling his home to move into a camper..his retirement is not enough to keep their home..the family across from us just moved into a camper on the back of a pickup..three kids and parents all because this administration is throwing money away depleting out strategic reserves and opened the border to millions of illegal refugees.
      I have said I will give our home to one of the grand kids just so we can stay here..
      now the national deficit is growing.. interest rates will increase a trillion about every six months now next year it could be every three months. just because if the irresponsible way this administration is working…those with millions in the bank and in stocks don’t even realize their frugal lifestyles are being robbed by the irresponsibility if this administration.
      this is one ugly mess..then you see what appears as the weaponization if the agencies we trusted to protect us..them totally ignoring the activities of the brand.
      si kushners costs increased and they had to raise rent rates join the list..everyone I’d feeling it..

  5. Ok.. the world hunger food insecurity..the war in Ukraine removing all the grain and food from the tables of the hungry..
    I wonder if this is where I should bring in my rant on green scaping the cities and putting up air wells and building solar towers starting at the furthest point from the power plant and working back to the power plant.
    what was it two or three years ago we outgrew the ability to provide adequate food .. and what losing fifty five acres a minute to urban expansion.. its only going to escalate from here..

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