Cycle Math for Times Ahead

We will spend a few minutes on the “Cycletron” spreadsheet after the ChartPack today. Looking at some ideas about the future that may be useful in plotting your own course to, and through, what seems to be coming.

As you’ll remember, I built a spreadsheet that lets you consider a range of starting points from the American Revolutionary period, and then plug-in various socioeconomic cycle-lengths as candidates and see where certain harmonics of historical events might be timed.

Along with this, we have the usual highlights of the week ahead, plus the overnight wires to tear down and consider for impacts.

In short, a nice, relaxing summer weekend morning.

Except of course for…

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27 thoughts on “Cycle Math for Times Ahead”

  1. Dam interesting cycles and Human history.

    IMHO -the overriding, most important cycle to modern Humans living on this planet currently is the – Reich Cycle.

    Nothing has had greater impact on quality of Human Life on Earth than the german reichs.

    1) 1st was holy roman empire of the German nation. 1512 Cologne Imperial Diet to 1806 Napoleon crushed the Emperor at Austerlitz.

    2) 2nd was Kaiserreich led by Prusssia, 1871 Norddeutscher Bund to 1918 Allied Powers defeated Germany in WW1

    3) 3rd was failed attempt to unite Europe, from 1933 Socialist Dictatorship to 1945 Allied Powers laid waste to GroBdeutsches Reich.

    4) 4th is the German 4th Reich of European Nations or EU, from its inauguration in 1993 to Now.

    Dont get overheard or caught thinking, writing or speaking like a second reich “Reichsburger or a 3rd reich Nazi – for this is highest level of THOUGHT CRIME one can possibly attain in Germany today.

    Dont even think about it…Ve Vill be locking Ure ass up!

    Nein, Nein, Nein BTC..- it must be earned, and U all cant handle the stress.
    ..Instead – enjoy owning nothing, and be grateful Ure masters have decided to let you eat bugs for Ure sustenance in near future. Stress free indeed.

    * in case you miss putting em together, the 4th Reich (EU& klaus squab) IS a continuation of the 2nd REICH .

    ..EVERYONE got locked up at least once during their adult lives in Germany during this time. (see Otto von Bismark more German Police than England had Armies) everyone.

  2. George, agree with you and Jas Jain.

    From 1981-82, an interpolated 4 phase fractal series of 13/31/33/19-20 years would complete the US hegemony 1807 36/90/90/54 year 4 phase fractal series with its subfractal 3 – 90 year – high on 8 November 2021.

    The 31 year subfractal 2 should end nonlinearly with a lower low than March 2009.

    For China with its historically enormous corporate debt-to- GDP ratio, collapsing property prices, and incipient deflation this is its 1929.

  3. It’s fun to run all the cycles within cycles, and the additive, subtractive, and biasing tugs (attractors) from other cycles — but I think it all serves to blur the shaarpness of the periodicity of the wheels.

    I think the little wheels are not gears wth teeth and a solid phase-lock. I think they’re little rubber idler-wheel tires, with some slip. And show drift of the lock-points to the extent that rigorous prediction is not possible — except for broad parantheses of variable width.

    Whether there’s enough “lock” to be a useful predictor seems questionable.

    Something Wicked This Way Comes…
    Slouching towards Bethlehem to be born…

  4. What the D’s are failing to click on is that with every partisan D stronghold filing partisan charges against the opposition party’s former chief executive, they have effectively nullified the Federal politico’s immunity from state persecution for ALL the partisan gangs. I have to wonder why R strongholds haven’t gone after the national D sociopaths for insider training and taking bribes from pretty much everyone. Guilt doesn’t necessarily play into it. Appearance of impropriety, whether or not there is even a real statute, is sufficient to justify a woke grand jury to indict. Socialist sponsored anarchism.

    • Hmm..that is a good question.. why didn’t anyone say anything at all until the campaign season..hmm could be that this is just a pony show for votes..we already know that nothing is going to happen to the golden child or pedo peter.. like any suggested scandal this will be buried and forgotten..
      could it be…The dozen donors gave a combined $3.4 billion to national candidates and causes…. possible.. divide that up by 700.. nice payday eh..
      inside trader stock deals, planes and their crews at the ready.. vacations, free medical and dental, free college and Expense credit cards.. and we deserve everything they do.we keep voting in people that aren’t qualified to flip burgers or empty trash and would be fired for incompetence.. if the janitor knows more than the director that says a lot..–the-selfie-report/?sh=6aeabc3d270f
      in the eighties they adopted that when the congressional banking scandal was reported..
      instead we see people bringing it all out in the open..the directors and department heads of agencies telling the members of congress to kiss their ass. they say it nicely but it is the same thing..we already know The DOJ is more of a department of jokers than a department of justice..for us there’s one set of laws for the other there are no laws.. trump will spend years in prison or if he’s re-elected there will be some sort of rebellion against him..the USA is making the turn.. how it ends still a big question..
      its a dead horse issue.. even if it all hedges on the big T crimes..

      • LooB, are you ever going to consider that we don’t vote in these traitors????

        That they are selected not elected.

        That we are captive in the back seats getting flown to oblivion?

        Geeze, is it obvious yet, to anyone, that voting does not count?

        • I forgot who gets credit for this but (paraphrased) if voting made a difference they wouldn’t let us do it

  5. He started out with:
    Him: “The square root of 29.5 is 5.4314., if you take that…,”
    Me: “Wait a minute.., where did the 29.5 number come from?”
    Him: “d’Lynn – that’s the cycle of the Moon. Try to keep up.”
    Me: “So., this historical cycle you have been working on is based on astrology ? ”
    Him: “No. Astronomy.”
    Me: “Then., the 30,000 plus days it takes Uranus to circle the Sun has a direct effect on whether or not a civil war breaks out in the Sudan? Is that where you are heading with this?”
    Him: No. Not quite., but in very simplified terms., yes.”
    Me: “Not buying it.”
    It went on from there., and I am still not buying it. My Chaos math friend is still working on his historical cycle – because no matter how he works the formula, there is no recognizable pattern., no cycle develops., [Based on astronomy.] I suggested that he drop the astronomy angle and try working historical data instead. Recorded history for the past four hundred years, or so is pretty detail., in that length of time., with that many data-points, maybe you can math-out a precise mathematical historical cycle from that. Similar to Elliott Wave Theory.
    He grumped at me., and said he would Zoom me back.

    • “the 30,000 plus days it takes Uranus to circle the Sun ”

      wow…my anus circles the sun every 365 days.. wow.. lol lol lol just kidding lol lol

      • Q: Why is the starship ENTERPRISE like toilet paper?
        A: They both fly past Uranus and wipe out Klingons.

        Speaking of planetary things… Mercury goes retrograde on Aug. 23 – Sept. 14. Prepare yourself. George being early at things, is already there ahead of us.

        • Tractor hydraulic repairs made, CR-10 printer blew out a filament out switch, Drake r4b bought a long time ago on eBay some golden screwdriver had attempted to make it work with other than an 8bn8, so put filament line to pin 9…going back on the shelf for when vodka’s on sale. Hasn’t rained or been under 100 except for 2 blissful 97F days in last month.
          Should I go on?

        • LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL I Love it Hank.. LOL LOL sounds like some of my dad or grandpa jokes.. what happened to the mouse after it fell into the water..
          It came out squeaky clean LOL LOL LOL LOL

      • PSA: in future, discussions about Uranus are OK
        … those about my anus? Let’s not

        That is all until there’s more,

  6. Well done Mr. Ure !

    5.1 earthquake with several small aftershocks in SoCal/Los Angeles 2:41 PDT this afternoon.

    I like the way you are so synergistic in your thinking !

    Be well !

  7. The exclusive use of 1776 as a general starting point is incorrect for the United States as a country. The more correct starting point is the summer of 1789 when the US Constitution came into being and the US actually began AS A COUNTRY.

    Many countries exhibit a 72+- year internal POLITICAL cycle where the dynamics of the entire country changes which doesn’t necessarily mean a War. The US has one in spades

    1789 beginning of the United States as a country
    1861 beginning of the Civil War which was a major political change for the US
    1933 beginning of the Roosevelt Economic Revolution which totally changed the economic structure of the United State
    2005 (actually summer of 2004) with the massive expansion of Nato when there was NO defense need for such (basic change of US foreign policy) which changed the entire nature of the US’s foreign philosophy to one of a philosophy of complete World Hegemony (domination) from one that was a foreign policy of moral force and the use of military power only for defensive purposes. (ie: the Neocons WON the internal battle to MAKE the US an Aggressive Imperial Power for dominating the world) (except for the 2004 event ALL of the US”s 72 year cycle turns came within about 30 days of the perfect cycle times – fwiw which isn’t exactly 72 years)

    Russia also has a history of it’s 72 year Political Cycle at work.

    The 1917 revolution … and 72 years later in 1989 VOLUNTARILY giving up IT’S Empire withOUT any effort to hold it together via violence. (the polar opposite of the US moving in 2004 to make IT’S Empire one of World Domination) (again the Russian timing is within that same 30 day timing window that the US’s 72 year cycle is)

    Cycles are interesting things. Several different ones at work at the same time. One has to be careful and NOT pigeon hole all events as being controlled by ONE cycle. One also has to be careful what you use as a starting date.

    As one great cycles person, Dan Brindle, once put it … when looking for a War Cycle you are wrong to ONLY look at Wars. Wars are at their root all about Political Change … and massive Political Change can happen WITHOUT a War occurring … AND when NO massive political change occurs one should consider NOT utilizing that conflict as indicating ANYTHING wrt War Cycles.

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