Coping: Niburu and What Would “End Times” Look Like?

I don’t want to imply that our discussion in Peoplenomics on Wednesday was a rehash of the old Planet X story.  Because there is definitely something more to it, than that.

While it is true (near as we can tell) that occasionally Kuiper Belt objects show up and mess things up on Earth (as well as the Moon which shows its craters having infinitely slower erosion than Earth) the question about renewed and changing interest is space is a much larger question.

A further note from one of my sources came in with the headline “Dec 10, 2015 ALMA astronomers publish 2 observations of large objects…” along with the following commentary:

I love it!  The plot thickens. So NASA has assumed the censor’s role once held by the Medieval Roman Catholic Church!

Recall that Hubble is a close relative of the NRO KH-9 series spy satellites.  Many components are the same or similar and some are total NASA replacements of classified optical and imaging processing capabilities.  That all said, one could argue that Hubble is a KH-9 derivative pointed ‘the other way.’  Since its mirror correction servicing mission in 1993 (after a 1990 launch), which in itself was highly suspicious, Hubble has been scanning the heavens with the help of several servicing missions along the way.  Like all NASA missions, there were some periods of ‘dark’ ops, where everyone knows activity was occurring but data was not publicly available.  The 1st Space Ops Squadron folks ([redacted] from my unit) got VERY active during these publicly quiet periods.

When I was in [redacted]  (96-98), I had heard credible stories of Hubble seeing ‘objects’ that were not being reported to the public (i.e. not supposed to be there).  I suspected at the time that the ‘dark ops’ Hubble activity was SAT2 (sat squared, or satellite to satellite imaging), simply turning a friendly satellite to image an enemy’s satellite in order to determine its intelligence gathering capabilities.  See:   The Internet is populated with stories theorizing or claiming Hubble detected ‘things’ in deep space.  Some sites even speculated that Nibiru was sighted.

A related, but none-the-less interesting tie-in to this conversation.  In 2011, NASA carried the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 to the ISS and mounted it to the station.  The AMS was built by CERN and ‘officially’ measures antimatter in cosmic rays, searches for dark matter, strangelets (quarks) and general space radiation.  The launch was delayed and many feared it would never happen before the Shuttle fleet was mothballed.  But (and when does this ever happen) the U.S. House passed a bill to authorize an additional space shuttle flight to carry AMS-02 into orbit.  Why was this specific instrument deemed so important to put up into orbit before the shuttle program ended? 

The X-File maxim, “the truth is out there,” bears serious consideration.  But space is a very big place, so there’s still a lot of truth floating around up there.

When you get into the gray literature on point, what emerges is that there really is (or at least was) something of a “space war” going on.  Some of the data cited at the link above will get you started, but the long and short of it is this:

What COULD be going on it a high-ground exercise is evolving stealth technologies.  In other words, how could you hide satellites in space so that you could, oh, have a space-based doomsday constellation of satellites?

The problem is far from moot:  The Chinese are on an expansionist bent at the moment (dredging up new “islands” to claim in the South China Sea, for example.  So there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that there are non-public assets in space and I’d lay down $100-bucks that such an orbiting “constellation of doom” would never be admitted because it would violate everything that ever was in terms of (if there is such a thing) “honor in warfare.”

Not to mention that it would bust every international agreement out there.  But, if you’re going to have firm control of the “high ground” including highly evolved stealth technology for space (go back and read the links, space-based weapons have been on the table since 1953-54) you wouldn’t want to reveal that.

On the other hand, is it possible there is something else going on?

Sure.  Before I lay out one of the more intriguing alternatives, let me share a decision-tree that I shared with a couple of colleagues Wednesday:


This is how I like to approach great areas of unknown knowledge:  I take what is known and try to “corral it” in such a way that logical developments can begin to emerge.

While it is true that detection of who has what space-based assets (and who has dialed in “Stealth in Space” to the finest degree is one answer, there is another that looking around in space could be pointing towards.

Before I lay this on you, go look at the long list in Wikipedia of UFO Sightings and Encounters.

This impressive list begins in 214 BCE and runs through last November’s big and credible sighting in India.  Shortly, if winter ever ends, we will likely see a seasonal increase in sightings as people begin to go outside and spend more time under the stars, versus under the roof…

Back to point:

Suppose for a moment that there has been alien “contact” with some of the world’s top government leaders.

Try some of these readings on point:

President Eisenhower Had 3 Secret Meetings w/ aliens in 1954 including the Anunnaki former Pentagon consultant & Military deep insiders claim!

Churchill UFO cover-up supports Eisenhower’s alleged meeting with Aliens

Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?

Now the problem for “world leaders” is that humans of the “yearning masses wanting to be free” type would be out for blood if (as some of these notes suggest) World Governments  struck a mid 1950’s “arrangement” with off-worlders to drop by and “sample” Earth, which would include not only animal studies (and this includes cattle mutilations – and remember, we have readers right near Weston Colorado which seemed for a while to be the center of such mutilations in the US) as well as ongoing human sampling that apparently involves rather grotesque and mortifying experiments of a sexual nature…

Governments have a way of not being nice, if it doesn’t fit their plans.  Take Hugo Chavez, remember him?  President of Venezuela who wanted his gold back from the USA.  Which, some would argue, is why he suddenly came down with cancer and that’s the last of him.  Leaving what?  What will become of Chávez’s gold hoard? – Reuters.

So the idea that governments MIGHT have cooked up such a “deal” is far from absurd.

And that gets us to wondering about that anti-matter detector issue.  Because why? 

In our own backyard experiments with “mass reduction theory” (of the sort that UFOs might use) the leading technology for interstellar travel is “folded manifolds.”

This takes a second, or two, to explain so let me cobble up a drawing that should help:

So what better way to “hide” the early and long/ongoing sampling?  By pretended to “discover” those off-worlders (where else?)  off-world.

The odds of detection of inter-dimensional hops would be a fine reason to pour money into CERN in addition to going and looking for the God Particle, as well as how to get into the inter-dimension travel business for ourselves.  I mean, who needs TR-3B’s right? 

Now with these arguably real things going on, it becomes hard for us outsiders to really see where “:Real:” begins and “Fiction” begins.  We KNOW the stealth objects in space part is objectively and scientifically (nominally) real.  But how far along the continuum do we go before we fade off into fiction?

Still, the very existence of a shift-change at NASA in their mission (the global warming involvement) coupled with Al Gore and company wanting to impose MIND CONTROL LAWS which would make even questioning official government doctrine a crime,

Yeah…government mind control is being institutionalized while we chat as “Atty General Lynch: Global Warming Denial Referred to FBI.”  Or, put another way “Thought Crime: 17 Democratic attorney generals go after climate-change deniers.” 

Seems the Obama administration has set up another jihad against Constructional Guarantees, one of which used to be Free Speech.  This is on top of the outright thievery they’re planning by giving illegals Social Security, but that is another discussion for another time.  (Still, you shoujld read how “Obama Claims Power to Make Illegal Immigrants Eligible for Social Security, Disability.”

Again, the heights of stupidity (“We’re broke so let’s give away your retirement…”) or is there more to the plan here than meets the eye?

And this gets us drilled down all the way to the center of this morning’s ponder.

When the End Times actually begin to arrive, what would they look like?

Kinda like now, I’m beginning to think.

Another Data Quest is On

One of our upcoming articles on the website deals with whether a person can make a difference in their income and outlooks with some simple Feng Shui adjustments to their surroundings.

For the past several days, Ures truly has been studying the hell out of this and I am leaning toward the Traditional Feng Shui school.

That said, as of yesterday, the door to the UrbanSurvival office is now a bright fire engine red with gold trim. 

Knowing, as you should, that I don’t do work, especially painting which I loathe, unless there is a damn good reason, ought to imply there is something there.


So if you have ANY first had experience with feng shui, feel free to drop me an email or comment in the space below because this is just a damn-fine area of research.

No, Feng Shui will not make you rich because markets will do what they will.  BUT the odds seem to favor the notion that it will influence your personal decision-making and improve the odds of success.

But we shall see.

Short Column Tomorrow?

Maybe.  My brother shows up today.

Not actual brother, but might as well be.  My life-long friend up in the Gig Harbor area of Washington State shows up this afternoon. 

We met (age 3, almost 4) when my mom was babysitting us (though we were never babies, per se) while his mom worked at a beauty shop.  That was almost 64-years ago.

What makes us brothers – or close enough to it – other than being friends for so long?

We both have master’s degrees in our field (social work for him, business administration for me).

We both married blondes.

We’re both ham radio operators.

We both share an interest in borderland science.  He’s a practitioner of subtle-energy medicine after retiring as a Major from Uncle’s Army.

His son is a pilot (C-17’s) while mine is a skydiver.

And we have had more adventures than we can count.  Reminds me to have him recount the time we were chased out of a hobo camp down near the rail yards.  You’ve never seen two kids haul-ass on bikes so fast in your life as when this wild-eyed drunk came after us with a hatchet.

During our youth, we would do things like build hot air balloons out of dry cleaning bags and a couple of candles and make up time fuse and send 2 1/2-inch fire crackers over the city… Things that today would have us labeled “domestic terrorists” – but that was 50-years back and boys got to be boys back then.  And yes, that was back when we knew which bathroom to use.

Oh, also, neither of us has ever spent a night in jail…never a one.

So the next 10-days will be sort of like a re-run of an old Hardy Boys adventure.  Airplane instead of bikes, computers instead of books,  health food and vitamins instead of gorging on hamburgers at the drive-in.

For the next 10-days, if the columns are short, or contain odd adventure reports there’s a reason for it.

There aren’t too many people I’ve know this long, except my sisters…so we’ll be back to doing who knows what, but realizing that with “domestic terrorism” nowadays, boys won’t be boys anymore… so maybe some flash trading, ham radio, and so on will fill the void.  Ever tell you about the time he and his brother went “dynamite fishing?”  Another no-no of the modern world.

I’ll be the guy playing the part of Tom Sawyer (as in Huckleberry Finn).  “Well, Rob, I don’t know as you’d be any good at brush hogging the back 20.  You know, it takes a certain kind of skill only serious landsmen know…”

Or, maybe I will start him off easy with “You sure you’ve driven a lawn tractor before?

For damn-sure, he won’t get to use the brand new compound/miter sliding 12” chop saw.  Even with friends, there are just some things you don’t share. Wives and power tools come to mind.

Write when you break-even,

36 thoughts on “Coping: Niburu and What Would “End Times” Look Like?”

  1. You know, if a large scale disaster was eminent the one resource you can reasonably pile on quickly is people. Give away free stuff and when the smoke clears there may be enough shovel jockeys left to dig out of the mess.

  2. Nice to hear about your boyhood adventures from 50 years ago. Similar to mine of 60 some years ago but didn’t end in jail either.

  3. Mr Grammar Nazi sez:
    “Democratic attorney generals go after ”
    HELLO! Should be “Attorneys General”

    No wonder we’re descending into a s*** hole. Noebuddy tawks guud ennymoear.

    Jeebus Kripes.

    • Are you certain it is not attorneys generals? lol Seriously, I could argue that the plural and Sergeant Major isn’t Sergeants Major, but rather Sergeant Majors… Not tyin to puyll rank, mynd ewe
      I am at no-fault here, that’s the way the source spelt it.

    • Wit all da sheet gong on toddy, do it relly matta wtf yo calls it now?? Relly? lol!


    94-year-old William Tompkins is a last-minute “game changer” in this epic battle for Full Disclosure.

    Tompkins has finally broken the silence and validated many aspects of Corey Goode’s testimony.

    This includes firsthand confirmation that the US Navy discovered the Nazis had cut a deal with reptilian extraterrestrials.

    This also includes information that saucer technology was already under development even before World War I.”

  5. per Thompkins revelations, I await the Sun to “sneeze”. Now there is a game changer.

  6. Why do you deny the fact that our world pollution standards or lack of… don’t contribute to climate change? AL Gore isn’t controlling our minds…he is informing us of consequences. Let’s take one aspect of pollution….Cars…There are 1.2 billion cars on the road all over the world…most of which don’t have California emission standards, and are spewing all sorts of particulates in the air. Prior to California setting emission standards, the skies of L.A. were smoggy an hazy… When you partially block out natural sunlight, it does not take a PHD in climatology to figure out that the climate of that area changed. Maybe it’s not as simple as Global Warming…but the proper terminology of Climate Change IS taking place.

    We live in a closed environment of sorts…When you turn your car on in a closed garage, you die within 30 minutes or less. Imagine 1.2 billion cars running on a daily basis, along with all other transportation, factories, Alaskan Volcano spews, 6 billion CO2 emitting humans etc…Does it have an effect? Yes! Will it kill us? Not in our lifetime, but the cumulative damage will take its toll on the eco-system and cause a domino effect for future generations.

    While still not perfect, the L.A. skies are much cleaner now. Thanks to our emission laws…cleaner running electric cars etc. The biggest naysayers to climate change are the people causing it. The horse and buggy industries need to make way for new technologies that can also make money….and save our environment. The best investment I ever made was about a month ago when I bought several hundred shares of Tesla, when it hit its low of $149. Let’s talk about them for a minute. Their Giga-factory in Nevada is a net zero emissions factory, their cars are net zero when on the road. They have a Leeds certified factory in Fremont, CA. And, they are approaching 300,000 pre- orders on the mass produced Model 3. I am one of those pre-order buyers.

    This is the future. A win-win for our worlds atmosphere, a win-win for jobs and our economy…Plus… a new paradigm shift for the transportation industry, which is slowly shifting from Detroit to California.

    Don’t listen to the deniers! Embrace the future…Relish in the benefits of cleaner air, healthier lifestyles and a real cool technology unlike any you have ever seen. Several of my friends have the Tesla Model S and it blows any car on the road today away!

    The mind controllers are not Al Gore…They are “The way it has always been corporations” They want us to believe everything is alright to keep their businesses afloat. They ARE today what the horse and buggy industry was at the turn of the last century. Wake up America…

    • there are so many things incoreect in this comment, I am not even going to bother responding to it, b/c it would take too long

    • What cool aid is this guy drinking or smoking. Where does he think the electricity comes from to power that Tesla. Probably from coal fired plants. If he is worried about CO2 emissions then plant a tree. better yet maybe he should read worlds and collisions by Velinkovsky. Then he can find where oil came from.

      • Dave and the guy Anonymous who like Donald Trump, thinks he has all the answers but refuses to articulate them…

        So short sighted….30% of California’s electricity is from renewables and that is going way up to over 50% in 10 years. Like every trend we start, the rest of the country will soon follow suit. But that is just half of it. Oil production pumps incredible amounts of pollution into our atmosphere, waterways and the earth itself.
        Water Pollution
        Hydraulic fracturing is a practice that may involve the injection of known toxic chemicals into or close to drinking water supplies.
        Storm water runoff during construction or runoff from established well pads can introduce sediment and toxic chemicals into nearby rivers and streams
        Storage and disposal of drilling and production wastes in pits can contaminate groundwater and surface waters

        Air Pollution
        A variety of air contaminants are emitted throughout the oil and gas development process. If you think oil and gas production does not affect air quality, THINK AGAIN.
        Air pollution also impacts the health of communities surrounded by oil and gas development, read our study Gas Patch Roulette.
        Flaring, the burning of excess natural gas at oil and gas wells, causes methane pollution, a potent greenhouse and contributor to climate change.

        Soil Pollution
        Oil and gas industry wastes, which may contain petroleum hydrocarbons, metals, naturally occurring radioactive materials, salts and toxic chemicals, have the potential to cause soil pollution, and prevent the growth of vegetation.
        Produced water, which may contain high concentrations of salts and other contamiants, is often stored in pits or disposed of in evaporation ponds. Spills of produced water can kill vegetation and sterilize soils.
        Contaminants that enter the soil do not necessarily stay put. They can move down through the soil and contaminate groundwater, or up through the soil and be released to air.

        Then…once it is made into gas…and pumped into 1.5 billion running cars…more pollutants are dispersed.

        Tesla batteries, the single source of fuel for that car are produced by a zero emissions factory. Period. End of story. They are installed into cars and those running cars emit ZERO emissions. So what the heck are you guys smoking that you can’t understand that? I hope you guys are old, because the future of this country is in trouble of there are young people that think like you two.

    • All that sounds well and good but where it falls FLAT on it’s head is the billions of particulate matter being sprayed over the world’s skies every single day with our complicit governments!!! Chemtrails. That is far more dangerous to us than car exhaust. Round up (glyphosate) is also far worse as well as GMO crops and need I get started on our aging nuclear plants and the deadly waste that has no where to go and is leaching out in a location near you? What about fuchishima??? That has destroyed far more than a billion cars’ exhaust. We cannot frame a way forward because it is ALWAYS about power and money!!! That is punishing people into attitudes of apathy and despair. Enjoy your $40k Tesla, I’m going with the affordable $6,800 ELIO!!!

  7. C’mon George,
    Planet sized objects move very slowly out in space. By the time that planet X was actually seen by the naked eye here on Earth, it would still take several years to arrive. So much BS.

  8. My daughter is a Feng Shui consultant and has just started giving classes. Her Feng Shui is the “Black Hat” type, which does not involve the furniture-moving kind of activities that traditional FS uses. She is VERY good and her business clients have seen increases in their profits.

    My only personal experience was years ago when I had driven my RV to Washington as the starting point for an ALCAN highway trip. It was an older rig and kept breaking down before I could go anywhere. I was in repair shops about twice a week for six weeks. I called my daughter, who was in another state, to see if she could FS an RV, which is not something I had ever heard of being done. She did it over the phone, directing me to do the things she would have done if she were there. All rig problems ceased immediately! Unfortunately, it was too late by then to do the Alaska trip and I had seriously dented my trip funds, so I had to turn south instead. But it was a long time before I needed another repair.

  9. Hate to say it but my Boyhood did land me in Jail for 14 days as I had a 32 Ford hot Rod and heaps of Traffic tickets Which the local judge was not impressed with,

  10. Vedic astrology may make more meaningful predictions of a person’s life, although Feng Shui does have some common sense ideas too….

  11. “…huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

    ? Emma Lazarus

  12. Scientists ‘accidentally’ figured out how to punch a hole in ‘spacetime’ back in 1943. Pulsing high-frequency (think ‘frequency of light’) electromagnetic fields (the ‘key’ – a.k.a. musical note or frequency – is the key). All they needed was a sensor/navigation system which would work in the ‘otherspace’, a way to ‘move’ in this otherspace in one’s magnetic ‘bubble’, adequate provisions and facilities (for the traveler/s), and a sufficient power source, and anyone could go almost anywhere in the known universe. Wish they would experiment with more of the science behind the sci-fi and not be such techno-wimps! We have the perfect test area roughly 240,000 miles away, and it’s not going anywhere soon. Maybe such experiments are finally being carried out in space. One can hope.

  13. Hey George,

    I’m posting this on Coping before the weekend, so that those who will, can:

    Precious Plastic

    Why you need to stop municipal recycling.

    Use these nifty DIY machines to turn useless plastic junk into new and unique forms of useless plastic junk!

    We developed DIY machines that enable everyone to build a little plastic workshop. Now share it into every corner of the world and let the repurposeing begin!

    With the shredder alone, you could accumulate years of plastic trash and occupy only one garbage can or 55 gallon barrel full of raw material.

    The plans to DIY your own machines are open source and exist at the link above. Just download and build.


    I paraphrased this from an original GLP post and a bit of searching on my own. I really like the shear shredder design – simple and gets it done. I have zero financial interest in this, other than improving the state of the world.

    • they have had machines for years that heats plastic to the point the fumes are then cooled where it is converted from its plastic state to its basic oil.. the machine from there can be set up to distill it to what ever product you are wanting.. the university of washington state has one.. I am not sure if they are available for purchase in the USA or not..

  14. As far as Kuiper belts on Earth go,Duane Kuiper belted only one homer in his entire career over a span of some 3,700 at bats.

  15. I noticed several weeks ago on the Age of Desolation site a reference in a series of playing cards that depict events that have occurred and events to come that a meteor strike is predicted. I think it may be a recent update by G.A. Stewart.

    The timing is interesting.

  16. Hey, George — scroll down (toward the middle) of my January 20, 2016 blog entry for my latest experience with Feng Shui. I’ve been using it for years and must have given at least three copies of Ms. Collins’ book as gifts. When my niece was in the military she happened to be overheard by an officer talking about Feng Shui. He had her go and rearrange his office using her knowledge of Feng Shui, and as subsequent events for my niece went very well, I suspect the officer was quite satisfied with her Feng Shui decorating.

  17. Yours was a hatchet wielding drunk, eh? Mine (and my boyhood buddy who was there too) was a shotgun totin’ vagrant. The hobo camp was a dead 60’s VW Beetle. The furniture, which was strewn about the camp, was the seats from the Beetle. My buddy and I burned rubber out of there on our Stingray bikes after the shotgun went off… Ah memories!

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