Coping: Last Days At Sea

(Somewhere off Cuba)   We will arrive back in Galveston Sunday morning – early.  From there it’s only 4-hours up to the woods and getting back to the normal order of things.

A word, or two, about commercialism of ports when you go cruising, is in order.

A look at Falmouth ,  Jamaica – on the left as seen from our balcony – would lead you to believe that it’s a beautiful place.

But not so fast, my friend.

Yes, it’s true that it is a gorgeous place, and all.  But ONLY inside the wrought iron fences that surround the port district and on the escorted tours.

As to wandering around the “old town” part of Falmouth, we were advised, both on the ship and by ground security personnel that wouldn’t be recommended.  And that’s for a party or four.

A couple of things here:  One:  Jamaica has strict gun control.  So a lesson may be learned there. The biggest problems would  likely have been lots of “in your face” street vendors and outright begging and so forth.  Crimes against persons, as in assaults and such, are low.  Still, it takes some of the buzz off the place.

You can find the Jamaican Firearms Act online here, but the long and short of it is that while it is a deterrent to the some of the newbies, the drug gangs still have them.

This will almost certainly get us into a long discussion about “How much worse things would be without gun laws…”  But, since the two conditions (armed/disarmed) cannot exist in the same place, all we can do is again note that places where there are gun laws  (Syria’s president Assad is big on gun control for State Security which in turn uses official guns to intimidate, harass, and steal outright from the civilians.…) things are usually far from peaceful.  Or, at the other extreme, you get a totalitarian State, so choose wisely.  As our Founders did.

The second thing that happens in Falmouth is that commercialization takes place.  We had a cold one at Margaritaville (yes, the one with the souvenir mugs).  That’s a familiar brand in the US, so it’s kind of interesting to travel 2500 miles (round trip)  on a ship and still have the familiar brands about..

On the other hand, we had the obligatory Tasties patty at the Port and it had only about half the meat/filling which I remember from the 1980’s.  Back then, the rule of thumb was a good patty should have equal amounts of meat (like a 1/2 inch) and that should be more than the combined thickness of the two halves of the pastry.

If you’ve never had one, think of the 7-11/QwikiMart Apple Pie/turnover as a form factor.  Now, take out all the filling and sugar and stuff a Caribbeanized version of taco filling in it and deep fry.

On the other hand, got no complaint about the price:  Just $3 bucks for chicken or beef, or the combo.  Stark contrast to the $24.95 large frozen margarita. Any nutritionist would pick the patties as best price/nutrient.

Other than Elaine posing on the (not real) treasure chest outside with the Landry’s looking on, Mr. Video liked Falmouth but with a clock running, we didn’t get outside the shopping area.

Today and tomorrow we are enjoying tailwinds back to Galveston.

If you ever get around to doing a cruise like this one, do yourself a favor and get a good, hard look at the school calendar.  We try to make it a habit to cruise only when there are no kids around.

There are a couple of babies in arms, but no waiting in the video arcade, and the last of kids running around is marvelous.  I like kids – don’t get me wrong.  But it is easier to like them when the exposure time is limited when other people’s kids these days are largely inconsiderate and obnoxious.

The flip side isn’t perfect:  We watched in horror last night as a “gray” on a runaway 3-wheeler mobility machine run down a perfectly nice gray lady as we looked on, helpless.  The old codger’s reactions were measurable in seconds, not milliseconds.

The difference is kids would look at that kind of event and laugh about it.  On this side of 65, we don’t laugh about things like that.

We patiently wait for our turn and hope that one never comes.

Off to retrieve more coffee and then into markets.  Drop by Monday for our latest adventure…

A 9/11/01 Note

Don’t forget the “remembrance moment” for 9/11 – which we take to be a reminder to be sure to read the entire Architects and Engineers for Truth report library online here.

When 2,500+ architects and engineers convincingly argue controlled demolition – it’s all a head trip  – you gotta pay attention.  Government’s mission is to keep governing because if they fail, the whole world collapses into mass death and starvation.  Anyone who has looked at the problem seriously knows this.

And anyone who hasn’t spent the time between 9/11 and now preparing for government to blow it again doesn’t seem to understand that “government” today is not what the Constitution describes and ordains.

At your peril.

Am I open to the remote possibility government didn’t lie?  Why sure! 

Right after you convince me why WTC-7 fell down and it wasn’t hit by a plane.  That’s the building that was likely supposed to have been hit by the Pennsylvania plane but that had to “be pulled” lest the demolition charges would be discovered later. 

Do you understand why a free and open internet is so dangerous now? 

My personal remembrance moment is that governments will sacrifice even their own citizens in order to continue a mandate to avoid even larger problems.  Like the breakdown and anarchy that will accompany economic collapse.  Death from which would easily be in the millions.

The case has been made that in earlier times –  at Dealy Plaza –  a single citizen was killed because he was getting to close to the “order of things.”  But that is detailed on other sites; we merely reference that American history is littered with horrific crimes.

What Mengele et alia were found guilty of at Nuremburg can be found in a read of the US Public Health Service syphilis experiments from 1932 through 1972 right here in the US, and for a few years in post-WW II Guatemala.

Have you forgotten the St. Louis radiation experiments on unwitting, but mostly poor, disposable Americans?

How about Freedom of Information Act request 43933 quietly revealing the truth about the second Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to how many dead (but how much economic stimulation?) in Vietnam.  The source/declassified NSA report may be read over here.

So if someone says government always does good, try to remember there are more than a few blemishes on the record as well.  Forcing Japan into WW II was another…the list a well-read historian could deliver would be even more impressive.

I would list the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by our “friends” in Israel as suspect, while we’re at it.

Which is why my remembrance today is for 3,500 sacrificed by a very suspect hand that allowed the Saudi perpetrator’s families to be the only ones flying while law-abiding Americans were grounded following 9/11.  Powerful how the Big Lie, often repeated, can be.

The shadow government which even today cooperates with coyotes and cartels along the joke of a southern “border” and all the rest of it is a disgrace.  But what’s the alternative?  Honest money would blow up in no time.

The same government that backs and ensures the election of pliable/friendly leaders, or the elimination of more patriotic ones after election, owns the future.  What’s in your control file is a good question to ask at a town hall type meeting.

In all cases, were there nothing to hide, government would not have sealed records. 

America has much in common with an alcoholic.  Both will do damn near anything to convince themselves they “don’t have a problem.”  The fact is, both do.

Write when you break-even,


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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

9 thoughts on “Coping: Last Days At Sea”

  1. My hotel in Jamaica was attacked by gun wielding thugs who robbed my group of jewelry and money. So much for gun control.

  2. The Schmita does not have to play out in the financial arena. Good article in Zerohedge today about Iran of supplying troops to Syria to assist their buddies the Russians. This could get ugly….but the point is that you may not see the influence of the Schmita until well after the event. If people are looking for a huge stock market drop, they may miss the real event(s). The ‘market’ is very controlled as anyone who reads your blog well knows, so it is unlikely that you will see the influence of a Schmita in this arena. Look for things that are not as likely ‘controlled’, for example, weather (have you viewed the pictures of biblical flooding in Japan and China), troops entering a country (think Iran), or a mass ‘exodus.’ Gee, where have we witnessed this lately. Hey, isn’t ‘Exodus’ a biblical event? Come off of it George, for such a bright man, I see a very limited mind at work. I see the influence of a Schmita all over the news…’s just not playing out in the stock market (although this may be a secondary manifestation at some near-term point).

    • No, this is delusion in high form. You can’t make claims about it being a “market” marker, then say stocks, then say bonds, then say Iran?

      Sort of mental acuity-impaired…at least from the data monster in me

  3. Maybe recommend, before reading the various reports you mentioned, reports prone to change the minds of the many, your readers should ‘first’ submit themselves to a “Cognitive Dissonance” test. Many might find themselves in the description found at the link below. But then again, their ‘cognitive dissonance’ will keep them from accepting it. A vicious circle for all of society.

  4. George, I really enjoy your writing, but today’s comments might be a clue to why I wouldn’t want to sit next to you on a cruise. It might be too easy to fall overboard in ‘rough’ weather.
    Truth speakers, as you mention(What’s in your control file), can have dossiers that attract the wrong kind of attention. In line with your appreciated comments on gun control , that’s why smart people carry concealed and not open. It attracts less attention and allows the element of surprise if you need a weapon.

    Looking forward to the Fed’s decision next week, a friend in Atlanta

  5. George I am really confused and.. I was just pondering.. what path could the new incoming administration do to stabilize the economy from collapsing…? the only option I can see is reduce spending raise taxes on everyone and tax incoming goods and services,( but give tax breaks to anyone that decides to manufacture in the us ) tax anyone making a buck in the us no matter where their offices are located and close the loop holes for off shore savings accounts.,. the problem with that is the ones that the taxes would be raised on are exactly the same ones that have spent a lot of money on by hiring lobbyists to stop just an action as that. while the party of no we can’t wants to do just the opposite and give more money away to the wealthy and tax more on the poor and do away with the programs that have been keeping the general laborers and small businesses afloat.
    Would that mean that they would attempt to follow in the foot steps of Jimmy ( the book the real Jimmy Carter. ) or start a new war with the thought that it will stimulate the economy and growth.. I guess I am just confused.. If you follow one side we are sunk for sure or will have us all in a war that will touch all nations and all people.. if you follow the other side we are sunk for sure but at a latter time and will bankrupt america.. and to get the two parties to actually go to work or work together is only an in your dreams event that will never happen in my opinion..George you are smarter than most and I value your opinion.. what could the incoming administration actually do in your opinion to stop the future events happening that I see are inevitable..

  6. I also think our founders chose wisely in granting “the people” the right to Arms. There are some differing points of view on who was included in “the people”, but it was pretty clear at the time that Arms were the tools needed to wage war. Citizens at that time owned field artillery and warships.

    That unlimited right to Arms has been truncated to the “right” of those who obtain the necessary permissions to own and sometimes carry the limited personal weapons authorized them by the government. The various weapons civil rights organizations are mostly focused on retaining this meager remnant rather than reclaiming the right to Arms.

    The original idea was “the people” needed to retain the monopoly of force (local militias) and prevent the establishment of a standing army so that the government would continue to serve “the people”. It was a nice try!

  7. So I read you daily. I heard a radio program today. Asked College freshman about 9/11. I know, they cherry pick, but so many had no idea what happened. I have an 11 year old daughter, so I asked her what happened. She knew, and knew why we went to Afghanistan. I actually started to ask her about what really happened, but stopped. Is that too politically correct. I don’t want to poison a little girl, but I do want to teach her.

  8. Tapped out of my SDS calls yesterday. “Don’t fight the FED” comes to mind. Is this time different? Barring a “Black Swan,” I doubt it. And … the G20 came out all lovey-dovey the other day calling a truce on the currency wars. LOL (All those digits gott’a go somewhere.) At any rate, I think I will wait until next Friday to make any more moves short or long.

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