The ONLY question that matters today is “Will we bounce?”
The stock market has been in hard down mode for a while now. And after the Futures markets became stable (a little after 5 AM Central) our long-term view (which told us a large Wave 3 Down was here) pointed to a nasty open.
The real problems arrive shortly after the CCP meetings in Beijing which will wrap up in three weeks. That’s when – if real hardliners get in or hold sway – the U.S. could be cratered by China becoming more insular. Assuming this means China may go toward “…ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one’s own experience…” and shut down or seriously throttle trade with the West, it would risk the collapse of major U.S. companies that are largely China dependent. (Who isn’t?)
That would give us time for a minor rally before the market falls apart in the second half of October. News of a harder CCP?
Yet, we have a lingering feeling that there is something else – just out of public knowledge and foresight – that is driving events both in Asia as well as Ukraine. What do the U.S. Neolibs (formerly the neocons) have up their sleeves?
We THINK they may believe that while nuclear war is unwinnable that a Global Economic Depression might be a winnable conflict.
Except, as the Greek website War24/7 notices: “DEFCON 3 in the US – Russian TV: Russia will not lose -Nuclear war is “already a given” -Emergency plans in the West.” Freakin’ dandy.
This is further hinted at in the story in the Chinese media today about how US cannot force politics on technology to coerce decoupling: Chinese scholar – Global Times.
Obviously, China loves the U.S/Western engineering – especially in supercomputers and the like. But seems to us that China may have great insecurities about Taiwan continuing to garner more U.S. attention than their Mainland. As evidenced in the report GT investigates: What is the business behind Pompeo’s visit to the island of Taiwan? – Global Times
All of this begins to assemble into a series of CFQs for us: Context Framing Questions. Among these:
- Since the US (via NATO and Ukraine water control and such) has pushed Europe into war – and by extension, economic collapse due to costs and energy being cut off, was reestablishing US hegemony over Europe the Neoliberal agenda sold to the dimwitted Biden crew? Easy being it’s the War Party in power.
- Regardless of this answer, has Biden’s recent hard line on Taiwan similarly been designed to force a showdown with China (soon after the election, not before) in order to back the CCP into a similar corner to Putin’s?
- Has the Biden administration along with the lackeys and fools comprising Congress been sold an even Bigger Lie than neocon Middle East Warfare schemes? We saw in the ‘stan how that worked out. Good job, neocon/libcons!
- Who then is selling the idea that “since nuclear war is not “winnable” that a Global Economic Depression (as a war substitute) would be a winnable scenario?
The drive toward global conflict is clear enough to begin chewing around the edges of consciousness. But we can sense already how the Neolib’s could go around selling Global Depression as a War Substitute on economic grounds:
- Economic collapse with the West would ensure a change of leadership in China.
- Ditto change of government in Russia.
- War (DARPA Study pending will find) Crypto is a National Security Risk – it could be made illegal.
- Economic collapse would present plausible deniability for Congress to dramatically cut Social Security which will be bankrupt sooner than later, anyway. Our guess is only 75 percent of present benefits within 7-years.
- Economic collapse could lead to the fracturing of Russia. Which is prime for imposition of Globalist Corporate control because of its rich resource base.
Front organizations toward all this exist. In such a future, the World Economic Forum could be seen as a subversive organization for promoting “winnable collapse” as a Great Reset. The shoe seems to fit.,
Planned Global Depression would also reduce global population via starvation, and this would leave a higher U.S. survival rate leaving Faux America and WEF egomaniacs with an opportunity to Rule the World on an economic in addition to a racial basis. See how U.S. borders are still open as the lame-brained gobble the swill of “equity” having failed to learn Chess or how Trojan horses work?
Not saying this is the case. There are other fitting scenarios, sure. Like a Planet X type event headed our way. Why, the paranoid might even figure China has doped out this option, too since Exclusive: Xinjiang to host world’s most powerful steerable 110-meter radio telescope by 2028. “World’s” and “telescope” hints vaguely, does it not?
Chinese people are, in my experience, very methodical planners. They would not push a lot of money into space telescopes if they didn’t have some notion of “return on investment.” Ure’s not too sure what between Webb and the coming Chinese radio version – plus the story last week about moving asteroids around – has in common with economic warfare. Or this morning’s NASA will hit an asteroid with a spacecraft to change its course, Fake some wars to keep GlobalPop nice and docile and making shit in order to build an asteroid shield?
All of this is highly speculative, with little credibility, but worrisome in total. Certainly, more interesting than down market futures and just out…
The Chicago Fed Report
Cue the CFNAI!
“Led by declines in production-related indicators, the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) decreased to a neutral value in August from +0.29 in July. Three of the four broad categories of indicators used to construct the index made positive contributions in August, but three categories deteriorated from July. The index’s three-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, moved up to +0.01 in August from –0.08 in July.
The CFNAI Diffusion Index, which is also a three-month moving average, increased to +0.11 in August from +0.01 in July. Forty-six of the 85 individual indicators made positive contributions to the CFNAI in August, while 39 made negative contributions. Twenty-nine indicators improved from July to August, while 55 indicators deteriorated and one was unchanged. Of the indicators that improved, eight made negative contributions.
We may have to label this period as the GFMC – Global Financial Mess Collapsing – as a part of the Manufacturer’s Resource Wars we’ve been in for a decade and longer.
Dow futures were down 200.
Traction and Distraction
How to keep the sheep head-down or looking the wrong way? To quote Zeus the Editor Cat “Come with me, ewe…”
The unbearable lightness of thinking Dept: Trump news – live: Jan 6 committee ‘aware’ of White House call to rioter as ex-president facing legal peril. The Jan 6 mess committee will go back to sharpening sticks tomorrow.
School Shootings: Not just for Americans, anymore: Russia school shooting: At least 21 dead, 21 more injured after gunman opens fire | Fox News
Cop Shop beat report: Lightfoot’s Chicago decline continues: Chicago police joining national wave of encrypting radio communication (, Meantime, in borderline communist Seattle, ‘50% was a mistake’: Seattle City Council abandoned the idea of defunding police | The Seattle Times. Funny how rising crime rates bring out sensible voters. We sure think the Amazon decentralization drive had something to do with spreading political risk which is crazy in formerly American corporate contingency planning.
Government shutdown looms for the Fools on the Hill: Shutdown threat grows as lawmakers struggle to reach final deal | The Hill
And speaking of running out of time, did you see where Rail Bosses Said No to Paid Sick Leave—So We’re Still on Track for a Strike – Mother Jones
Space and Weather
Ian does Tampa:
Store shelves are mainly empty.
Artemis is off, too, as a result: NASA delays Artemis I launch due to Hurricane Ian, preparing for possible rollback.
Around the Ranch: Knee Woes
Sunday was a wildly productive day out here at Uretopia Ranch, until….
Wonderful early Sunday chit-chat on 3806. (A neat group of at least three 73-year-old hams, all with eye issues of one sort or another – which is an odd statistical clustering…) Then I went into the studio to do some work on gear. It was there a not too pleasant thing happened.
I was rewiring gear in the rack when I twisted while on my right knee. Something in my right knee joint let loose. I was able to get up and walk, after a fashion, but definitely a nice sprain. Anti-inflammatories and some colchicine to keep it from going gouty on me. Single malt.
Within another determined half-hour, though, a sonic enhancer and one of the cascaded EQs were out. Destined for recap time on the bench. And the DBX 160’s will get loaded into the rack after working from atop the rack.
Audiophiles will appreciate the next problem that sprung: The Tandberg TD20-A reel-to-reel tape machine decided to stop working. No capstan rotation – so new belts are coming and the 48-page shop manual looks like a manageable task.
Reminded me though, of all the great names in recording gear from days gone by: Magnecord, Studer, even 3M had some 2-inch tape multitrack machines. Plus, there’s something “warm” and “magical” about end-to-end analog sound.
Purists will say digital is always better, cleaner, lower noise. But thinking among Urban readers, technical ones anyway, that holds just as noise-mixed harmonics are used in a sonic maximizer, the noise of tape has something to do with the “warmth” of the sound.
Not everyone knows about maximizers. The one heading for the bench is a BBE 482i which was placed in service in 2014. The more current model would be the BBE 882i.
They have a similar – but different – sound than a parametric or graphic equalizer. They will take low notes (say under 200 Hz) and then add deliberate harmonics to them. It (trying to use the right words here) “fills in the low end” and it also does the same with highs above maybe 5 KHz.
This “tricks” the ear into believing the lows and highs are more robust than originally recorded. The additional harmonics mixed in are the filler.
One of these days, I’ll write a ShopTalk Sunday column and go through building a high-performance sound room. If there are any “secrets” you’d like explained along the way, please drop in a comment and it will go on the list of items to be covered.
In the meantime, once the studio was back online and hum free, Elaine spent almost an hour with a DVD series teaching her how to play drums.
Me? Twisted knee and all, I couldn’t even move the kick drum peddle. Guess I was just beat… (argh!)
Tomorrow: Case-Shiller Housing report and Fed Money Supply – hidden by the Powellees until aged into useless.
Write when you get rich or a better writer shows up,
Knowing you, you surely ordered more than one replacement belt. Be sure to keep it (them) in a zipped-up plastic bag in the dark. The “rubber” perishes from oxygen and ozone exposure over time. Also: old “rubber” products can get stone-hard over a lot of time. There is a “belt dressing” around then keeps them supple. (Can’t think of the name… If I do recall rightly, it’s some Very Nasty solvent…)
I put “rubber” in quotes, because it probably isn’t actual natural rubber but some plasti-stuff replica material. Usually better than Real Rubber…
Belt dressing is plain old isopropyl alcohol. Cleans the surface down to fresh rubber. Works for cleaning windshield wipers, too.
George, it’s wrong headed we -or- our Washington elites would consider confronting CHN via military. Instead we should make clear their economic well-being is at stake should We The People shun their products. It’s my belief we, gluttonous consumers to the world, should stand down threats yet make a promise to minimize buying from those who do us wrong. Power of the purse, hey? BR, Egor
ps – ahem, my knees are problematic too. Twisting torso with moving the foot is, err, not a good idea Sir
My wifes business stopped all manufacturing in China maybe in 2016 or so.
Numerous new customers to this day ask where we make the stuff. The conversation continues AFTER they are told it is not China. People get it.
We saw the writing ( get ready ! ) on the “Great Wall” several years back. ( C’mon , that was funny , no ?!!! )
Seriously , we hear stories from many people who have left and never looked back.
As we all know , its one thing for small potatoes like us to leave ( $750,000-ish per year ). Its when the big boys pack up the U-Hauls that make a difference.
Quite the subject:
Here’s the countdown:
The Simpson’s were wrong. Must pay bills today. Hahahahaha!!!
China is right.
The value of China’s batch of accumulated US $s plunged 30% like ours. Would you trade with a neighbor who shorts you 30%? Trade a lb of bean sprouts for a gallon of gasoline and you only get a two liter of gasoline.
Elaine is amazing. She has so many talents and interests. You two seem to be well matched.
I hope your knee heals quickly. So many of your projects depend on your mobility.
Thank you! Yes, one of my key mobilities is chasing Elaine! (lol)
If you have to chase ’em – you’re doing it all wrong ! ;-)
“If you have to chase ’em – you’re doing it all wrong ! ;-)”
you must still be young LOL LOL LOL the thing most of us learned was women get you to chase them so they can catch you LOL LOL
( thought you were the type to have HER chasing YOU…)
Your stock just dipped !
With Elaine on drums and you on guitar you could be the senior version of the “White Stripes”
Maybe Elaine and George could something like Toyah and Robert in the shop on Sundays.
“Maybe Elaine and George could something like Toyah and Robert in the shop on Sundays.”
OTFLMAO.. now JC.. that is something my kids think I should be doing with the boss LOL LOL LOL LOL… Of course she thinks the same way the kids do LOL LOL LOL she will ask me.. what are you doing.. oh watching porn hun.. and she will say.. don’t lie to me.. your reading the news again.. well honey its kind of like porn.. it just keeps telling me how I am getting screwed LOL LOL LOL no pleasure in either one.. LOL LOL LOL
Interpreting to note George, here on the mountain working for the “red army” we dump CB Chanel 12, load channel 8 and transit on channel 22. 12-8-22.
In that order.
Remember the key to creating is as it is metered out to others it is metered out to you. If someone is a thief? That is about them not you.
Tomorrow we run channels 10 and 24. New site. Good times.
Real life macro economicss examplle.
It’s like one of my roommates. I’ve never said a bad thing about him and have even publicly defended him. He doesn’t know that I know he stole $40 my stash. And talked bad about me to a few women to get laid. I just ignored it and continued speak well to him, bless him. 3 months later he blew the motoring his car which cost him $4000. And all those women he talked bad about me too?, they turned on him and ran him out out of certain circles. He continues to fight when i continue to bless him. And now he filed a law suit on a mutual friend. I’ve never sued anyone. He continues and I continue. And I observe how it unfolds. I never got mad about any of it. I didn’t tell him I knew.
There is two economies running here in this real world dynamic example. One is destroying itself. One is flourishing. 2 days ago, I tried to reason with the economy destroying itself. It would not listen so I muted all conversations. And that was that. At the macro level.
Two economies running simultaneously in the same place. One destroying itself rapidly and one rapidly contrc10ng itself.
I do not delight in others destroying themselves. It is an interesting observation, tho. I stay in my own lane. But at some point, muting conversations with self destroying economies seems prudent.
Just a few comments: China and Russia have a much more viable economy than we may consider. Russian has very deep energy resources and is not overly financialized like the US.
China, has a billion people and is well connected to many non-western countries. Bringing the house down to ‘hurt the other guy’ seems like a really stupid strategy, but then again, we have witnessed lots of stupid in the west in recent years.
As far as Social Security – the vaxx is quickly taking out many potential and current recipients. As usual, everything is based on hype and a some type ponzi scheme. It should be interesting as things unravel here in the next 3-4 months. It will not take long.
Your right Stephen. Just like George always says: “everything is a business model”! “As far as Social Security – the vaxx is quickly taking out many potential and current recipients. As usual, everything is based on hype and a some type ponzi scheme. It should be interesting as things unravel here in the next 3-4 months. It will not take long.”
3-4 months? It’s harvest season now. Be the seeds you planted weeds or be they nutritional. Everyone harvest, this time of the year.
Mindful, that within every single apple, holds the potential of a thousand thousand orchards. Even the Cosmic kind.
I planted alot of seed this last year. In many a heart and life.
Seasons don’t fear the reaper. Nor do I.
That is enough for me for a good while. More important to listen.
Truly, I am Blessed and Highly Fortunate!
~ International Harvester ~
Craig Morgan.
Back to the vax AGAIN!?!? Come on guys, give it a rest. 99.9% of the vaxed and the unvaxed with survive COVID and in the future, we’ll all sit around congratulating ourselves on how smart we were with whatever we did or didn’t do.
Me? Glad you asked. I’m just sitting around waiting for graphene oxide poisoning triggered by 5G rays fired from George Soros’ Himalayan hide out.
75% social security benefit drop would be a decent start. It is amoral to use government force to steal from our children and grandchildren to pay for our current lifestyles. If government was not borrowing and using inflation to pay their bills, I could maybe be on board, though I can find no constitutional power for the Fed to take from one group of citizens to pay others. This will have to collapse though, no elected politician will touch this third rail, because it has been used for so long to keep certain sets of voters on board with continued government expansion. If any program should exist it should be up to states to run their own programs.
Pretty sure that if there is *theft* involved with Social Security, the original victims…and logically first in line for recompense…are the folks who were forced to contribute all of the years leading up to their retirement and are now retired. If the government wants to pay me back lump sum all the $$$ I have been *required* to pay into the system since I started working nearly sixty years ago…with sixty years worth of compounded interest, natch… maybe we can start to talk about exactly who is the victim of “amoral” [sic] theft going forward. Until then, your glib suggestion that SS benefits should be cut to make the system more moral is a non starter.
Reagan told everyone there is no lock box. You aren’t bad but you were scammed.
This is why the entire system is failing. You, me and the others were asset stripped. What’s the debt, $50,000,000,000,000 direct and Kadillions unfunded liabilities.
What can’t be paid, won’t. Reckoning is here.
“Reagan told everyone there is no lock box. ”
Fixed that for you:
Roosevelt told everyone there was no lock box
…and that “Social Security” was a tax, not a savings or retirement plan. ‘Thing is, in the middle of the Depression, nobody was listening.
Social Security was originally set up as a self-sustaining system. But then the Government could not stand to see all that money just sitting there in it’s own Pool collecting interest. So they decided to BORROW from that POOL, and Now they “BORROW’ from that pool and Pay none of it Back. The Pool has been ROBBED, (we have all been Robbed). With no one accountable for the theft, and no getting that Money back.
What was set up as a Reserve of Money for inputting payment in the Now for receiving your Legal Outpayment in your retirement Future has been totally Hi-Jacked. People Paid IN – They should get Money OUT.
At least the Democrats have a SS plan, unlike the Republican Swamp creatures eating the working class by giving tax deals to the Rich:
Republicans propping up their kleptocracy/lining their own pockets:
Those immigrants are paying taxes, keepin’ SS afloat!
Looting the funds and bringing in illegals is a plan? Have you considered rehab?
Exactly what is happening with me. I’ve got all my quarters in and then some but because I take Texas’ TRS I’ll get hardly anything from SS once I become fully eligible at 67.5. I think one SS person said I could get $500/month to pay for some kind of Medicare. I’ll have to check again to see what the rules are today (as opposed to the day after) but I doubt SS will be around in a couple of years.
The federal Canada Revenue (tax) Agency is taking a former city Chief Administration Officer to court over a disputed 2011 tax return. The government contends there was a failure to pay taxes on a, ahem, $200,000 “secret commission” associated with the construction of the police headquarters building.
Aye, Kinada land of true dough
Lizzy may be in a box, but the rest of the royal “”crackers” want cut, no matter what.
You can rest assured the “saltine family” will be keeping one of their hands in Ure pocket.. forever..
Here’s the latest on the local shrinkflation report.
As I was unpacking my shopping purchases, I thought, something doesn’t look quite the same. My fears were borne out. Yes, there are still 242 sheets per roll and each sheet still measures 10.1 cm in width. HOWEVER, whereas each sheet was 9.9cm in length previously each is now only 9.2cm long.
Well, folks, that’s the short of the long story. Roll with it I guess, right?
Yep, the TP is gettin’ smaller while the butts are gettin’ bigger. At some point we’re gonna have a serious problem on our hands!
ROTFLMAO. My kind of humour. Love it.
Thanks Joelle.
“The ONLY question that matters today is “Will we bounce?”
Good question.. can a person that goes bankrupt go out and get a loan right away.. MMM…. NO…. you can get a high risk loan for double digits plus.. but to get prime rate.. and we are industry dependent on our goods and services..
So If we were to bounce.. it would take many years.. once we went bankrupt.. then no more railroad or any of the things we depend on daily.. BLM would have it all figured out.. defund the police departments and all the others…. it would be free market.. If you don’t have savings.. then what rate of exchange would the dollar be.. we see in zimbabwe breat at millions of dollars a loaf.. argentine the same thing.. OR would they drop it.. Gold is nice its pretty but lets say they confiscate all gold.. can happen.. and if it doesn’t.. then you have to find someone that thinks it is pretty enough to trade you for it..
so bounce.. probably but with a great deal of pain and suffering..
in the reagan recession.. to survive I traded my skills.. did windows and mirrors stained glass etc..
you would be surprised how many people would love to have a door window of them and their favorite hunting dog.. or a photo of their favorite vacation spot as the window pain to the front door..
I had a wonderful Life Altering moment this weekend. Visiting a friend in town whose neighbors were a gentle Asian family. I tell you the Asian family yard was a stunning example of square cube gardening.
Vegetables were hanging from the gutters, planted right up against the house in the “dead zone” where most of us have gravel. The fence was crawling with beans of uncountable kinds, squashes to step over were residing on the sidewalk. Grandma was out hanging wash on the ends of the grape arbor. Rows and rows of green things were growing in a greatly condensed fashion in the place of a lawn. All this on a very small city lot. What surprised me is they must have planted everything with an eyedropper. EACH PLANT was considered special and was watched and watered with great care. It was a Zen moment for me. Now I have to reconsider my western wheat farmer mentality of “Throw it in the ground and let it take its chances”!
Anyway I have to say this group came to mind to share it with. Awesome minds here and though I rarely share stuff, what you all bring here is very appreciated and totally insightful. Thank you all for being who you are.
By the way the other thing I needed to offer up is a “safe haven stop” for those that might need it. South of Olympia, WA. Just saying. George you have my info.
I am also totally blessed and wondrously cared for.
Down in Detroit they’re using COVID funds for a “Shot Spotter Technology” installation.
And “American Rescue Act 2022” funds to build out a greenway. Among other things.
After the installs Detroit doesn’t have money to maintain the goodies. The money went to tax credits for the billionaire. The goodies will fall into disrepair.
An adjacent community, Dearborn is trying to flood houses with books for the kids. With books in the houses the kids have a chance. Back to Detroit, there is no hope. Shot spotters and greenway. The Detroit kids will never catch the Dearborn kids.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program to boost early literacy in Dearborn children
Children can receive up to 60 books over 5 years
DEARBORN, Mich. – The Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is providing free books to children in Dearborn until they are five years old.
“Down in Detroit they’re using COVID funds for a “Shot Spotter Technology” installation.
And “American Rescue Act 2022” funds to build out a greenway. Among other things. ”
…And are you suing them for gross misappropriation of funds, for doing so?
This ‘getting old’ crap sucks. Psoriatic arthritis has reared it’s ugly head in my left hip joint… and now my left elbow to the point the strain of lifting a jelly jar is painful. Keep the inflammation low… acetaminophen and ibuprofen in combination. I hate being painfully crippled!
Tape Decks… OMG! I was 16 with my first job at Radio Shack in town. Manager knew I had a tech bent, so he outfitted me a tech bench in the back room and we started a stereo repair service. I remember the Roberts/Akai tape decks were the worst with a million screws to remove to get them apart. Built to withstand a 10-story drop, it seems. And the fix was always ‘new belts’… or lots of alcohol cleaning on the old ones.
I knew a broadcast radio engineer in Hawaii who invented a circuit to simulate the harmonics of a tube amplifier. He parlayed that into a job designing for a broadcast audio processor manufacturer. The essence of his circuit was to run the audio thru a diode that gave it the harmonic content. When other manufacturers discovered his circuit, they began to imitate it… by putting a full wave bridge rectifier in that part of the circuit. My friend chuckled at their ignorance: “They got it all wrong! A bridge does not do what my my half-wave diode does. Theirs does not produce the same pleasing harmonics”
Personally, I’ve been a solid state purist all along. Tubes may be ‘pleasing’, but it’s still distortion. As solid state progressed into bit sliced HDTV, the transmission path had to be cleaner and cleaner. Things you never knew existed in an analog path will simply destroy a dense digital signal.
You and I could drink several jugs on SBE juice on this topic Hank.
Speaking of which, I got to use one of the original George Frese “Audio Pilots” for several years at KOL when we were in the apparent loudness wars of “boss radio” AM wars. It was similar to a SymetriPeak (which moved the axis of asymmetric sound so that both halves modulated about evenly on an AM transmitter). Except the genius of Frese was that it then offset the axis resulting in reliable 125-150 percent positive peaks and incredible apparent loudness.
Another approach – much more graceful – was taken at KFRC (sf) back in the day (was it Phil Lerza?). They made a special wide band (lower q) T-match for their AM tower array. They had figured out that if the Q of the phasor was too high, it would cut-off the upper or lower sideband, e.g. the sound envelope of AM, depending on which side of dead center is was tuned. Acted like a huge vestigial filter on your TV xmtrs. With the resulting impact on apparent loudness. This is only an issue on ham radio AM signals when you have a lot of impedance mismatch and a high q network and are measuring on a scope with 5-8 KHz tones to see the effect….
Not sure if anyone ever tried to get “it all” but I do remember one of the stations I built (and chiefed), a 250 watt5 daytimer (KURB) I used a scope and tones to align the two-tower matching system to sound and “look” “even” on both sidebands. That was with a CBS VoluMax if you remember them?
Memorabilia on George Frese at
(Think ShopTalk Sunday may turn into a real grown-up discussion of audio? There is so much bullshit about sound on the web…I’ll staret that series this coming Sunday lol…)
Phil Lerza obit: Phil is one of the reasons why SF Bay stations dominated the West Coast on nighttime radio. The other factor was the high salt water table where the big towers went in. Ah, the magic of high ground conductivity!
Don’t talk to me about high ground conductivity! My AM-DA nite in Wisconsin “frack sand country’ plotted out to 1.5 ground conductivity… damn poor (Saltwater is 5000). I spent 3 years tramping thru snow in hard winter (the best conductivity times) to get the array adjusted back into FCC specs.
AM loudness wars? I had the very early ‘Dorrough Audio Processor’ with the multi-band limiters. And you want a nightmare? In Honolulu I inherited an AM station that was part of a 4-transmitter quadruplex into a single tower. Pass-reject traps had the bandpass of a bad telephone… less than 3kHz. Station would not pass proof-of-performance, and modulators overloaded on a 5kHz tone. Yes… I’ve done the ‘sideband tuning’ on antenna systems to get them to pass wide and symetric audio sidebands, too, on a different station.
I always laugh at ham operators that spend megabux on a Heil microphone and equalizers fit for a recording studio, and then run it into a SSB ham rig that chops the bandwidth at 2.4 kHz.
When in Reality, nothing beats an old diamond shaped RCA-44 BX ribbon for presence effect, either.
Meh – kids.
The venerable Astatic D-104 “Lollipop” microphone was a ceramic/crystal mic and diaphragm optimized for communications usage at 5kHz and below. Definitely not ‘Hi-Fi’, but the most popular mic in amateur radio for decades. One reason being it did not have those sharp Hi notes to cause splatter in your older transmitters.
Which is all handily dealt with by the b/w of a 2.4 to 2.8 khz sideband filter. Might be an issue on an old phasing type ssb exciter like my Johnson Pacemaker, the GSB-100 on the desk behind me, or the HT-37 on the alert deck. for some reason I am attracted to the phasing rigs because they do have a much smoother roll off.
Odd huh?.
“Don’t talk to me about high ground conductivity! My AM-DA nite in Wisconsin “frack sand country’ plotted out to 1.5 ground conductivity”
You, sir, are amazing.
I’ve an electrician acquaintance in Michigan. He told me he would often relieve himself on the service ground right before the county inspector checked the home’s or business’s wiring. He told me in Michigan sand, unless it was raining, “pissing on it” was often the only way to get a wiring job to pass inspection. I can’t even imagine how much fun it’d be to set up an RTV station in Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Michigan…
Arthritis is so painful Hank and I know what you are going through. I have it in my hands and it has passed the point of being able to remove lids from jars. Damn it hurts.
While I have tried all the commercial pain killers, relief is only temporary. Thankfully I have not got it in any of my major joints like you and fingers crossed. I do however, have a suggestion.
I have been taking 20 mg CBD oil capsules at bed time now for several months. They are definitely helping along with a topical CBD oil topical cream which gives some relief on hand joints because the skin is thin and allows penetration to the joint. Not good for large joints though.
A close friend of mine is awaiting hip surgery and has suffered very bad pain. His doctor has put him on 0.5 cc 50/50 THC/CBD oil at bed time and it is the only way he can get any sleep.
I realize there is a lot of controversy on cannabis medication but at our age, if it works for pain, I say go for it.
Good luck.
I use the cbd cream that Gaye has on her site..
Now I added the birch oil to mine to.. and I love the stuff for topical.. there is one with dandelions in it to..
for a pain killer.. I use Red Maenga Kratom.. dam.. a lot better than taking opiates.. does the same job.. the sad part is.. you start out low and let your body get use to it and the same with opiates.. eat something or you will get an upset stomach.. usually three is enough.. during a bad bout I take six.. and a naproxen..
you already know how devistating peeling a potato can be.. that thing is awesome
cans can be an awefull task to open… I have one of these below to..
I don’t have one of these yet.. but totally plan on having one in the drawer..
that hardest part is when it affects your hands.. I get it so bad that I cannot use my hands.. and one of the more challenging things is personal cleanliness.. every toilet has one of these attached to it.. I got this one because it is all brass no plastic.. and have had them for years..
another thing is.. when it gets so bad getting into and out of a shower stall.. that little two and a half inch lip is mount everest when your in serious pain..
I had one of these installed.. it is years old now and I am considering putting in a new one.. but its hell and I made the doors bigger.. so a wheel chair can get in and out of any of the bathrooms..
every home should have a wheel chair accessible bathroom..
LOOB & others. Beware excessive Naproxen usage. I got Diverticulitis & had 10 inches of colon resected from the infection. What caused it? Research seems to indicate a link (but nothing proven… yet) between regular Naproxen use and the gut-rot of diverticulitis. I was a regular user. No more.
Elevator to Level 6, please. T-minus 2 hours until the spacecraft asteroid impact you mention above. Remember the 20 minute time discrepancies in the official White House schedules for last weekend at Fort McNair perhaps vis-a-vis Space X who coinkydoinkedly were the launch platform for Nasa’s Dart mission? The Planetary Defense Office at Nasa had some comments at last November’s liftoff. Now? Obviously some scientists figure it’s a good idea to shorten the rotation of a binary asteroid around its twin by as much as 20 minutes. What can go wrong? Sure hope those astronomers did great in physics and have called the right pocket. China is probably hoping they don’t get stuck behind the proverbial 8 ball.
“Juraissic Park” told us that dinosaurs weren’t dumb before the comet hit. Is the jury is still out on the human race?
Jurasic Park and dancing in the dark…
(oops – that was Richard Harris on McArthur’s Park LP, 1968 =- Ure begs forgiveness. I’ll never have that recipe again!)
Word salad, like songs by “America,” but ’twas one of me favs at the time — along with sweet, sweet icing…
Here’s a love song to a Sheep…”Only Ewe”.
Sorry, the link didn’t stick to the comments!
“The Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is providing free books to children in Dearborn until they are five years old.”
…And everywhere else, too.
Dolly is a one-of-a-kind.
Um, not to nit-pick, but she’s two of a kind, lol
I love her Imagination Library .. every child gets a book a month.. she is an angel.. the rumors have it.. ( in Tennessee and Kentucky ) that she is a secret angel to.. she gives back to the poor and needy.. education was a tough one for her neck of the woods so she pushes education reading writing and arithmetic.. Like Trump.. he was that way to.. not letting anyone know he was the one.. he gives back.. ( hard to believe that a narcissist would do that.. but he does from what I have read..)
“Rail Bosses Said No to Paid Sick Leave—So We’re Still on Track for a Strike – Mother Jones”
Seriously? The rail workers are bitching about 78-hour work weeks. They’ll take the 25% bump in pay, but mo’ money and paid leave aren’t the issue — chronic overwork, at a job where lack of attention can kill a lot of people, is.
“chronic overwork, at a job where lack of attention can kill a lot of people, is.”
LOL I HEAR YA RAY LOUD AND CLEAR.. what a bunch of WHINERS… LOL my average work week was a hundred an hour work week plus travel time .. seven days a weeks for most of my life.. a seventy eight hour work week was a week of vacation LOL LOL LOL
Hell year was a hundred and forty .. plus travel time.. about killed me.. made the hundred hour work weeks feel like time off LOL
I seen a doctor come in and throw a chart at a nurse for calling him after clinic hours on an order he put in the charts to call him anytime day or night.. ( so if your a doctor.. if you don’t want a call at three am don’t write stupid orders the nurse has to follow them..instead write if there is an issue let oncall doctor treat and you will follow up during clinic hours)
He was furious.. ( oh he refused to treat and no one else would touch it since he wrote that stupid order and the patient passed on from the condition) I got irritable and said.. I am the one that brought that to her attention.. so why not chunk that dam chart at me .. go ahead your all froggie there.. chunck it.. well he was smarter than he looked and didn’t do it.. what would they do fire me.. I was the only one on the floor..
‘Not seein’ a Russian collapse if the economies of the ROW go tango uniform.
Russia is solvent, and sitting on huge proven energy reserves, going into a winter where everybody else is energy-short. WE cut them out of our energy “money pool.” Brazil, China, and India (and ~170 other countries) didn’t.
Greg Hunter interviews Martin Armstrong again –
Armstrong just shakes his head in despair at the level of corruption and ignorance at our World “leaders” today.
Putin is a “moderate” in the World theater.
Zelinsky, et al, are probably the most corrupt government in the entire World. He has at least 100 million stashed in other parts of the World. Feb. 23rd he said he wanted to re-install nukes in Ukraine which did what it was supposed to do which is suck in Putin.
The Euro is headed for a complete implosion according to Socratese.
Extreme global civil unrest is coming next year as well as geopolitical problems. Martin says “next year just looks like the year from Hell.” according to his Socrates program. This is the reason for the US$ strength and why it will be the last fiat currency to fall. It’s the Great Reset which means it’s all deliberate under Schwab’s direction and the European implosion will take the rest of the World with it.
Armstrong isn’t looking for a 1929 fall because eventually the stock market will recover because of all the Europeans buying up all the Blue Chips while searching for some place to put their failing currencies. This will probably start in January.
Confidence in governments begins probably next year. Washington D.C. people are begging him to come and advise them and also trying to get him to convince Trump not to run. They want him to advise DeSantis to run because he’s a professional politician but Armstrong says no because they’ll eat up DeSantis just as well. The Swamp is SO bad no one wants to deal with D.C. any more at all.
That’s about half of the video. Much more after that.
“Dmitry Medvedev, explicitly spoke of a possible nuclear strike on Ukraine, saying that the US-led military alliance will stay away from the conflict because it fears a nuclear disaster.”
what he doesn’t realize is.. WE have a man with severe dementia.. in charge of driving the car…
I believe That would almost be as dangerous as it would be if they had given KIM in NK a bunch of Nuclear missiles..
Can’t remember if I saw it here or elsewhere but there, reportedly, are some safeguards in place to prevent a launch in case whoever is playing the president is in doubt with regard to mental capacity or possibly an impersonation. Perhaps it was Warhammer, don’t remember for sure.
I feel the same way you do about tape towards vinyl and a needle. Something about when that needle rides that groove with the occasional pop and crackle delivered through a smooth tube amp. Too bad my hearing is shot to hell.
Hope your knees recover quick.
Stay safe. 73
“The real problems arrive shortly after the CCP meetings in Beijing which will wrap up in three weeks. That’s when – if real hardliners get in or hold sway – the U.S. could be cratered”
I’ve read more and more blurbs regarding the possibility that Xi may have been relieved of his duties.
Folks are cheering.
Trump assessed Xi as -=by far=- the most dangerous of our adversarial world leaders.
If the Committee replaces Xi, his replacement will be much more hard-line and much more dangerous than Xi. I don’t see it happening based on Xi’s performance. I can, however, see it happen because the CCP mightn’t want to make him emperor for life…
Social security going broke but I have yet to hear welfare going broke, or government cutting costs. We are so screwed.
government cutting costs. We are so screwed.
I am with you on that train of thought..a few weeks ago and a hundred billion or so ago.. it was a quarter mil a second for every man woman and child.. in a land that says if a McDonalds worker makes fifteen the economy will collapse.. all from people that don’t have school loans.. they get money tossed at them by the millions.. can make shady business dealings and will never have a medical bill.. they don’t have to work and complain if someone asks them to..
remember to vote for NONE OFTHE ABOVE….
We will bounce . Jerome the goons all hat
It’s hard to believe this website hasn’t been hacked to pieces yet but this video is about what happened to the 2020 election in one county in Colorado. It’s hard to wrap your mind around HOW MANY people are willing to subvert our country and turn it into a Socialist state – or worse. While I object to dramatizing anything in a documentary video, even the angst of a grieving mother, and the talking computer is nothing less than hokey (with a 5-1/4″ floppy drive no less, HA!) the description of how the state of Colorado hacked their own voting machines to throw an election from solid Red candidates to solid Left ones and THEN sent an FBI raiding squad to 2 of the Election Committee people’s houses, in the middle of the night for one and making a teenage girl stand out on the front porch in her underwear at the other, is a MUST see for everyone.
Bill, a more prescient movie review:
Lindell’s lies come home to roost, he’s on the hook for part of $1.3 billion (from Dominion)
Have fun in court (Apr ’23) with those costly lies!
Well of course you’re going to believe mainstream business pubs and bought and paid for courts and attorneys. Have fun when your Socialist buddies take over. All their patsies wind up in shallow graves.