Ahead: Reliving the 1930’s (In Advance)

With a mix of terror and remorse, we line up the “history that logically follows” as the markets prepare for collapse.  Just this week, for example the Federal Reserve’s H.6 Money Stocks report owned up to swelling M1 (cash and equivalents) at an annualized rate of 88.5%.

While “doubling the money” (or close enough for home use) can effectively double the bid for stocks, by Friday some rationality appeared.  Like the story on ZeroHedge asking about “The Biggest Disconnect Between Prices And Profits In Stock Market History?

We will mainly focus on stock charts and market tactics today, and for that reason (plus my pillow beckons) we will dispense with the podcast for a week, or two, while pressing matters around here take precedence.  As we “top off” and “stock up” for Lockdown II, the sequel.

Industrial arts to save the day!  Or, have you got a better way to rebuild American Independence on foreign goods?

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13 thoughts on “Ahead: Reliving the 1930’s (In Advance)”

  1. Ure crushing this morning Pops, crushing! This is pure comedy gold…

    Cue the background music…bow chicka wow chicka wow wow or as Kermit and Ms. Piggy do it..”brown chicken brown cow”

    “I took my shorts off”…and Elaine jumped for Joy!

    – but alas Joy jumped out the window in the bathroom. Then we all felt Mary, but Mary didnt feel well so she left too..

    Interesting how different people can look at same exact chart – and see different patterns/likely outcomes.Does the above chart indicate a Consolidation pattern to be followed by a Breakout ?

    To coots lying eyes it looks like we be getting a pullback anytime..

    Bearish this Market – painfully so – up until noontime Friday.

    – then miraculously all of coots pain went away. Currently “levering-up” the Short side and Buying Premium.

    SPY Puts dated/Expiring AFTER the Nov Election are not cheap by any stretch.

    Buying Puts on FANG stocks is VERY expensive, but naked Shorting is even more so when Ure talking AMZN @$2692 per share or GOOG at $1359 per share.

    So coot went RELATIVELY cheap with facebook (FB) and apple (aapl) Puts. VXX Calls preformed as expected this week, as did SPY Puts.

    As market goes down – current coot strategy is to unwind profitable Put positions and add to PM& Streamer positions at a discount in price in sympathy to overall market moves.

    Crash note – EVERYTHING in the stock market – including precious metals Miners and Streamers will go down in a “Correction”, initially..

    -this time around WILL be DIFFERENT.

    Feels like we have gone from a “picking up nickels in front of a rolling Steamroller” to “picking up quarters in front of 4.5 mile long freight train” (BHP).

    Me thinks the “freight train” is picking up speed…and coot dont want no more dam Quarters, stinking things only worth ONE cent now anyways! 2020-1933 One red friggin cent..

    HOWZ that one Gold coin and one SILVER coin looking now..?

    * Crash spread not so good – both sides lost this week.

    So closing out BTC with a loss of .04%. replacing BTC with Gold. duhooh!

    Spread was a wash – plus Costs.

    Crash Spread now Shorting the DOW at 21,015, Long Gold at $1772 -winna winna – chickin dinna!

    As wonderful man once said ” U cannot have a Great Victory
    without a Great Battle” -MT

  2. There are several hams on here. The G-Man, Me, and a few others…

    Might be fun to identify an HF frequency or two for QSOs. It would depend, of course, on where we all are, the time of day, and propagation. Maybe a 40 meter, and a 20 meter to start with. (We’ll make sure the frequencies selected are all for General Class or above.)

    Anybody interested? If so, send your callsign (and email if you’re willing), to:

    Kilo Whiskey One Bravo (symbol for Alpha-Tango) arrl (dot) net.

    I’ll get your other data from QRZ (dot) com.

    No data will be “shared,” I have nothing to sell, and no commercial or nefarious purpose is in mind here.

    I’ll make a report in these pages in a week or so — but I won’t “list” anybody without prior approval. Your secret is safe with me.

    …might be fun. (Might be “useful” when-if “SHTF” Day arrives..)


  3. “By 1936, the majority of black voters had abandoned their historic allegiance to the Republican Party”

    …Which p!sses me off every time I think about it. Blacks didn’t leave the Repugs because the Democraps gave them anything (‘cuz they didn’t), they left because conservatives stopped spreading their message. The period from about 1922-1936 is when socialist philosophies began to first ooze into, then permeate media, so when conservatives became a silent majority, guess who filled that void of silence in print, then broadcast media? “Black America” didn’t quit the Republican Party. They perceived the Republican Party had quit them. They swung to the only place that was doing any talking, and began soaking in the messaging and ideology of Marx and Mussolini, because there was no alternative voice.

    • Exactly! Which I mentioned in the article because I think we’re in a replay of that – just as we are in a financial replay to some degree – which should become clear in coming weeks.
      Problem is -= just as with the last Depression – is how to the rational people get a message outr? Rioting? See the problem? If it’s not absurd or on fire – the media doesn’t cover it

    • Well, you are right, and when you see who began to own the media, the newspapers, the motion picture industry, the radio, the magazines, the commercials, the advertising, the tv, on up to today; they own it all….and the message is managed and handled and we are all brainwashed not just the blacks. I mean look at the WAPO and New York Times and Wall Street Journal, do you think you are going to get the straight poop from them? Not on your life! 100 years of managed wars, managed deprivation of the American people. All Americans are deprived.

      And now we have facebook, google, pay pal, etc., all owned by the same people, too, turning us right against the 1st Amendment; hate speech must go!!!!!!

      That’s why I come here, at least I get the straight poop!

  4. No cure for this George because the day we traded religion for homosexuality and all the ills it brought with it, was the day this country died,the day the church bells went silent was the end of what use to be, as we sank deeper into the pit of materialism and greed,be a lot of blood on the moon before this one is over…..

    • Usually people who have an issue with gays are people who are gay themselves. Sounds like you want to fall behind your religion instead of dealing with your own homosexuality.

      Just a reminder that the king James Bible that you most likely follow was rewritten in the 1600’s and is not the original bible (as the catholic and Eastern Orthodox is the “original”).

      In fact, the King James Bible was the reason for people coming to the America’s in the first place. The Bible was never meant to be taken literally and to looked at from our current paradigm.

      What is going on now has been planned for a long time. If your looking at pointing the finger at any group you should point to the masons or the order of the mustard seed. Even the Kabbalah is in on this one. Hell, let’s blame the Mormons as well (Masons). Mitt Romney in on the board of Bain Capital who owns Microsoft, Starbucks, Monsanto, Bayer, Berkshire Hathaway, Impossible Burger, Beyond Meat and many more companies. I guess we should blame corporate America instead of your self hating statements.

      • Hmm I must have got a little close to home but then again I expected I would,the truth has a way of doing that,strange how some confuse the truth with hate but that’s the way it is now days……

    • “the day this country died,the day the church bells went silent ”

      I think it was The day we decided that profit was worth more than home life.
      We forced mom to go to work and sent our children off to be raised by daycare,cable television, local gang members,and computer games..
      I doubt that Other peoples sexual preference had anything to Do with the country sliding into moral decay.

  5. Since I’m such a nice person I felt like I had to share with you some truth. A little secret for you, anger is fear and by no means am I fearful of what is to come or accepting gay people for who they are. Your way of thinking is the exact reason we are in this mess to begin with.

    This fear of socialism is laughable! Most boomers are against socialism, except when it’s for corporate bailouts, monopolys, and all out greed.

    Talk about messed up, then the boomers want the young people to pay for their healthcare, but now have stuck the youth with crazy student loan debt and healthcare costs that are 300 times more than Swizterland oh and they have universal healthcare.

    Since the youth have grown up with socialism for the wealthy, why wouldn’t they have these socialist views today? Might as well give the people something, instead of banks, business, and bs. This brings me back to your way of thinking. What you did was equate accepting gay people as the cause of negative things in your own life. Which is insane. Should I be thanking gays for the amazing things in my life over the last decade?

    For me, this is the time where real wealth is made! Also real men! Stop with your fear and stop being a victim. We have enough victims today . . .

    • Jay – You DO realize this was not aimed at BlueDog – it came as a general comment and thus, as king of this tiny empire, Ure takes umbrage at much you have penned…

      Understanding Jay – pass 1:

      “Since I’m such a nice person I felt like I had to share with you some truth.
      >>> Nice of you, let’s hear it?

      A little secret for you, anger is fear and by no means am I fearful of what is to come or accepting gay people for who they are.
      >>> You a terribly confused when you say “anger is fear.” Totally different things. I fear nothing. Yet, much angers me. Injustice, inequality, and so forth. Make a note: You first assumption is WRONG.

      Your way of thinking is the exact reason we are in this mess to begin with.
      >>> Your bad assumption leads to wildly incorrect speculation. You should see than?

      This fear of socialism is laughable!
      >>> I don’t “fear” socialism. I am angered by injustice. Mob rule. Taking from the most productive and giving it to the non-productive. Basic Marxist bullshit – from each according, to each….ask Cuba, Venezuela, Cultural Revolution Victims, Zimbabweans (list continues) how believing in bullshit plays out.

      Most boomers are against socialism, except when it’s for corporate bailouts, monopolys, and all out greed.
      >>> No, you obvious don’t know as many boomers as we do. They hate bailouts, corporate-government control, yet at the same time,; they don’t swallow free-lunch sanders-like socialism because they’ve seen enough TV to “spot a con job”: when they see it…

      Talk about messed up, then the boomers want the young people to pay for their healthcare, but now have stuck the youth with crazy student loan debt and healthcare costs that are 300 times more than Swizterland oh and they have universal healthcare.
      >>> Seriously, Jay? You need to understand INSURANCE. It is about Risk Sharing. That is, you will pay for old, good drivers pay for bad…. Student loans have always been tools of fools and the corporate healthcare model is a scam. But you see, in grown up economics, unless we have mega scams like healthcare, gender checking, social programs, etc. there won’t be enough JOBS so the system will implode. Takes work to pay taxes and provide. You need to model some of this out before repeating left-wing spew.

      Since the youth have grown up with socialism for the wealthy, why wouldn’t they have these socialist views today?
      >>> Again, you are confused. It’s corporate socialism, not personal socialism. Huge difference. One feeds back into the whole country. The other lives in Hungary and funds anti-American uprisings.

      Might as well give the people something, instead of banks, business, and bs.
      >>> Give them what? A sack of potatoes? Occupy (and steal property) in Seattle and other major cities? Tear down police departments so there is no Law of the Land? Think about this gobbledygook you’re writing Jay. Readers here are smarter than web trash…

      This brings me back to your way of thinking.
      >>> Oh boy, this ought to be good…

      What you did was equate accepting gay people as the cause of negative things in your own life. Which is insane.
      >>> Jay…are you hitting the sauce? You trolling, brother, or what? I Publicly DEFY YOU to cite such an idiotic quote from anything I have ever written! Happy trolling.

      Should I be thanking gays for the amazing things in my life over the last decade?
      >>> Only you can answer this one…why are you asking here? Go ask the guy in YOUR mirror…not this website. You logic ain’t hanging together, buddy. Rambling.

      For me, this is the time where real wealth is made!
      >>> Now something useful: How exactly are you deploying your assets to make “real wealth” – got a ton of readers looking for exactly this kind of insight – which is the only reason you’re comments weren’t shit-canned instantly.
      We are seekers not only of Truth but “taxable events” around here…just saying…

      Also real men! Stop with your fear and stop being a victim. We have enough victims today . . .
      >>> Who’s a victim? I mean besides the old sonofabitch who gets up at 5 AM and has to judge posts and ask questions to help get to what a reader is thinking?

    • “then the boomers want the young people to pay for their healthcare”

      Jay I am at the bottom of the food chain. I am dependent on SS and medicare for my retirement .

      But I dont feel as if I am making anyone younger pay for my bills..
      Every job I had used the this is your retirement fund as a benefit talk when referring to Social security. Because I was a workaholic I paid in a tad more than the average laborer at the bottom.. calculating it out against what I paid in..not the companies portion.. if I had had a choice in how it was invested would have a nest egg between twenty give and fifty million dollars as my retirement fund.
      If I had had a say so as to where all of it went fifty to a hundred million..
      Those that labored with corporations that didnt offer the laboring sector a retirement fund. Are not the leaches that has been portrayed.. all of us worked hard paid in with the guarantee that it was safe in the hands of our congress..they in turn squandered it off . It isnt the laborers fault.. I do realize the new trend is to blame them.. the funds should be protected from congress squandering them off..

      • the really sad part about all of that Jay is the same brain numb idiots that have squandered and put all of us in a sad situation that would be fired working as dishwashers has a 98 percent chance of being put back in office..
        Now a note on their side.. since buying votes has basically become legal in dc.. and its open season on legislators.. I am a pretty moral person.. and I am afraid I would have sold out faster than a new york minute at a fraction of what they are being offered..
        the lobbyist scene says it all in the movie the distinguished gentleman .


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