Most folks become like the people they hang out with. But it seemed to me (on a reflective birthday weekend and all) that I really needed a more formalized checklist of “things to look for” in other people.
Not that I’m putting myself above anyone else, mind you. In fact, it’s the opposite. I have enough problems on my own that hanging around with people who don’t offer a fair exchange is a real timewaster.
This was part of a larger internal symposium on “what’s left to win in Life?” Again, not that I’ve done it all. But what constitutes “winning” when all you can leave with is what’s between your ears?
A few notes from headlines, which are we warned of on UrbanSurvival earlier, were expected to run off on a media-orchestration of hating Vlad Putin for the death of a political opponent. Yet, political opponents in America are somehow treated better?
Then there’s our ChartPack, which is pointing where gravity goes. Plus, we’ll remind you to go read G.A. Stewart’s piece on what Nostradamus has in store for the world next month. And circle March 11 in red.
More coffee before we start into it?
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wow.. political alliance is not the answer..
can’t touch this the kid.. was just announced that they can’t touch that on MSM news..
trumps company taxes pays the judges wages plus..then 10,000.00 cash everyone that isn’t and probably never will be a taxpaying citizen .,offer%20qualified%20migrants%20an%20expedited%20path%20to%20citizenship.
seriously…what could go wring with that…..
From G.A. Stewart’s comment yesterday : “March 11 is a 1-1-3 day and the 13th anniversary of the Fukushima melt downs. That’ll probably be the day Egypt declares war on Israel.”
When war is declared on Israel, I have a feeling it won’t just be Egypt. Of course, I’m not aware of what may set Egypt apart from the rest of the Arab world but, we’ll see.
Palestinians are Arabs. What the Israelis have done to the Palestinians, they have done to “Arabs.” Doesn’t much matter what country the rest of them live in. – I thinks it’s being quietly looked at ethnically and, I think there will be an “ethnic” response.
Israel has attacked a few sovereign grounds in their hunt for Hamas. Literally, acts of war. I’m amazed by the lack of more severe retaliation. – it’s more like a waiting game.
Likewise, the past 3 years, the US has been whittled down economically, to say the least of the damage we have now. – I feel there’s a waiting game here, also. What we fund, what we don’t fund, political decisions that are NOT in America’s best interest … planned.
We’re in one hell of a situation.
I use to read the reports on the fukushima disaster..there’s a lot there that no one came came forward about..I still won’t buy wild caught fish from there..
The site “” has a massive and ongoing volume of info regarding various nuclear contamination problems. The site originally started in response to the Fukushima-Diachi disaster, and had the most current info. It has since expanded to other dangerous nuclear situations, but seems somewhat less detailed.
Nah -it’s All in the “script”, that we R not privy too. It’s all been planned &staged for Ure entrainment.
*Why they call it Theatres of war, and me thinks we are still in the 1st intermission.
It’s a looong fucking show, best to take a pee break, vape a lil THC ( alien mind manipulation tres difficult on “stoners”) and back in Ure seats for opening of 2nd Act…Kings die, empires crumble ( where was Tarteria?) oh yeah it got 1984ed..Read the Book! Before they rewrite Ure history. Duh-ohhh!
What ever you do..don’t use google earth pro to look for gigantic star forts in Cali..miles long, geoengineered, why do we build all our TS .mil bases On and in them ? Think they know something ?? Hmmm
Damn THC! So many people seem to get happy on it, yet it never did a damn thing for me. There are better drugs if you can get them.
Maybe that’s why it’s slowly becoming legalized.
It’s becoming legalized because it makes people’s short-term memory go away.
‘Takes about seven years for one’s memory to return, after they stop. Niacin therapy helps…
I smoked twice, once in the ’70s, once in the ’90s — each for about 18mos. Same story, same result.
what is funny is.. AI says in November is when WW3 will begin.. interesting.. right after the election.. and alois irlmair has a prediction a cease fire in israel..
“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”
“Two men kill a third highranked. They were paid by other people. …”
Remember the wise words of our aministration..
“America can be described in a single word… Im a footethe..”
“I have enough problems on my own that hanging around with people who don’t offer a fair exchange is a real timewaster.”
A Bronx Tale (1993)
Calogero ‘C’ Anello: He owes me 20 dollars. It’s been two weeks now, and every time he sees me he keeps dodging me. He’s becoming a real pain in the ass. Should I crack him one, or what?
Sonny: Sometimes hurting somebody ain’t the answer. First of all, is he a good friend of yours?
Calogero ‘C’ Anello: No, I don’t even like him.
Sonny: You don’t even like him. There’s your answer right there. Look at it this way: It costs you 20 dollars to get rid of him… He’s out of your life for 20 dollars. You got off cheap. Forget him.
(“Calogero ‘C’ Anello: He owes me 20 dollars. It’s been two weeks now, and every time he sees me he keeps dodging me. “)
loaning money..people have dramatic times in life everyone does.. I never loan with an expectation of getting it back. I give.. I get more pleasure out of Helping stop disaster.. how many times I have seen a single mother bald tires stopped on the highway .. in tears because of a flat tire..
or someone counting g pennies to see if they can get enough to make it to work. its all around us everyone needs a hand up..maybe a listening ear..
to vent to feel as if their life has some remote meaning of importance..
sometimes a smile or that sincere look of gratitude is all that’s needed..
never loan a man more money than you are willing to GIVE him or to spend to be rid of him,,,
I do agree with you,,, a lesson learned
I never loan it.. we never know what will transpire.. even the best well meaning person has issues.. If I see someone in desperate need.. I just give it to them.. that way there are never any hurt feelings..
I’ll help decent people any way I reasonably can, but never with money. Usually with time, effort, insight, or just listening to them. Money changes people.
I’m glad you included life goals. I realized recently that my goals are very limited to physical improvements…To do my Physical therapy exercises, to make a simple basket every other day to increase hand strength, to continue the Carnivore Diet for another 3 months, to walk somewhere everyday, and to figure out solutions for my foot pain that doesn’t require opiate surgery.
Something you said last week made me realize that I need to introduce myself to my neighbors who own their own homes. although this neighborhood is mostly rentals, and very transient, some people own their own homes and have an investment for the future. I need to know who these people are.
I have no long term goals . I feel like I should have at least a few. I feel like I’m waiting for this year to be over before I make new plans.
they put DMSO on million $ horses.
carnivore diet sure is getting a lot of news lately.
I’ve been cooking a steak in my box stove over a wood fire delicious, did you add any collagen? for the foot pain? lots of tendons down there.
many have taken to thc and/or cbd for pain management instead of Opiates/Opioids, I’ve known a couple of them get off the pills, Also I know an 76 yr old whose macular degen. stop and slighly improve with thc gummies, she has a low drug tolerance and gets results with a very small amount nightly, if she takes more than 5mg she wakes up a little stoney,,, 10 mg is the size sold in the Colo recreational stores, 50 or 100 in the medical dispenseries
she cuts her 10mg in half
some folks are still anti-marijuana, a mexican slang word, reefer madness programing,,, each to their own, some wake up from the government programing
I use the words ‘cannabis’ and ‘hemp’ different but still cousins, one is a doc and the other is an industrialist, GITMO needs more rope
I find that IF.. I cut the fifty mg gummies into four pieces.. that One of the quarters and 1 regular tylenol does exactly the same thing as one 10mg. Oxy…I have real bad connective tissue like arthritis issues.. debilitating .. they did think it was some sort of weird gout.. then neuro myelytis optica.. and MS lupus etc.. whatever it is it took an eye.. and they thought I was going to die years ago..
since I have been doing the four drops of oil in the morning and four drops of oil in the evening.. and the gummies when I have inflamation of the joints etc.. that I rarely have any issues.. ( scared to death to use the G…ood word.. everytime I say oh everything has been G….ood.. it slaps me silly) the big joints are really easy to deal with.. the hardest and worst is.. the hands…holding a cup of water or coffee.. doing basic tasks.. which is why I put bidets on all the toilets.. When they were leaning towards Pancreatic cancer..I took sweet wormwood four times a day.. now.. my great grandkids dad was given a three month to live prognosis on pancreatic cancer two years ago.. the grand daughter was over and crying because he is going to pass on.. and I handed her a bottle and said read the studies.. (amazing results) but don’t tell your oncologist.. like the studies on marijuana oil and coconut oil suppositories and cancer or MRSA or those antibiotic resistant viruses.. ) the suppositories help the medications to work with curing those things.. anyway.. I gave her a bottle told him to read it decide for himself.. then don’t tell the oncologist.. that was two years ago.. and at the time he was bed bound.. he just took the boys to a ball game..
NOW.. I have one of the guys living with us in our spare room.. he is battling cancer on every level.. tough getting doctors to even look at him.. I Can’t tell him that.. if I do then any federal funding assistance he is getting towards his medical treatments would end instantly. Heck he is having troubles and has the medicaid if he was a refugee it would be a totally different story.. one oncologist visit we were in.. a refugee was in there.. they even had people dressed up as clowns taking photos.. the difference between being a tax paying citizen and not…. Let me tell you I am eager to mention it to him to..
But I can’t play doctor to someone else.. that is something I can do with family.. but can’t do it with a stranger..
Having a set of ‘goals’ is a lofty pursuit., if you are honest and truthful to yourself – otherwise, you end up with a detailed list of disappointments.
I have two separate lists of ‘goals’. There is a little over-lap between the two – the reason for two is whether we make it through the next 90 days without a major “Life Interrupted” events. That possible ‘disruption’ does change my goals.
Goals are not to be confused with “To Do List”., or the ever expanding “Honey Do” list. Both of which are in constant flux, amendment and change.
A ‘goal’ does not have to be life changing. It could be getting that lean-too greenhouse up and attached to the house. They don’t have to be massive..
I have note books.. a small note pad.. I put the things on it.. in the order of their necessity of getting done.. if something more urgent comes up.. then I add it to the top of the list.. then cross each of them out as I get them done..
I keep running out of paper…
I have a white board in the shop. Its hard to see it behind the lumber for the new feed bunks and the baler waiting for new hydraulic hoses.
Notepad on the computer works well for me. It’s simplistic, but it’s quick and everyone has it. When I’m away for a while, I usually email it to myself so I can stay on track.
I try to know everyone in the neighborhood around me.. know who they are.. back in the sixties and seventies.. there was the welcome wagon.. today people are so busy that they don’t even know who the guy or woman living next door is..I try to find out what their likes dislikes and what their hobbies are..
I’m in the upper midwest. Of the 8 closest neighbors to me, 5 of them have lived here 39, 38, 35, 33, and 31 years respectively (I,m the 35 yr. one). We all know and look out for each other and lend a hand when tneeded. As for the rest of my upper middle class neighborhood? Your lucky to get a hello wave as they peel past in their shiny SUV’s on the way to the gym or pet groomer.
that is the way it is here.. to in the wastelands.. a totally different outlook.. there are three that in the apartments that have only been here a few years.. they came from big city.. and it took a while for them to relax.. everyone is blind here.. see we don’t give a hoot about anyones ethnic back grounds.. we only see the person inside.. in our kind of area.. if you fire up the smoker or grill.. everyone comes to see what your cooking pretty soon you have a potluck LOL LOL
It was the same in the city to.. once you take time to get to know the next door neighbor.. and not be rushing everywhere.. you get community.. just like it was.. what it takes is to slow down…
I borrowed a concrete mixer years ago.. anyway the owner of it came and picked it up.. I get home and the cop comes over and says someone just took your concrete mixer.. I can catch him you want me to LOL LOL LOL that is how it is.. we grill out.. a burger or bratt goes to him and a cold soda pop..When I built my house there was one wall section that I had put together.. there wasn’t anyway I was getting it up into place by myself.. I ended up having to help take down three trees in trade for their help lifting the wall section..
(“This was part of a larger internal symposium on “what’s left to win in Life?” Again, not that I’ve done it all. But what constitutes “winning” when all you can leave with is what’s between your ears?”)
you know every time I tnought..I have seen it all.. so.drying really odd happens that you go oh my who would have thought that..
one example was a young medical school grad was working beside me.. ( he became the medical director of one of the top 100 hospitals and my doctor)
and I made the know I have seen it all.. we walked into a room and there was a patient suffering from dementia.. scooping bm .. out of their butt and eating it.. he got a really shocked look and’ve seen that before..naw that was a new one.. you will never see it all.. it takes a bit to shock or surprise me though..
happiness.. contention to who you are..
what does one need to be content..
I don’t care what deal so.done else has..A big number on a sheet of paper doesn’t impress me..met people that called a dumpster home and people that owned.. cottages on Jekyll island had his very own zoo.. u PT inviting me to come on down play golf on his golf course..I said seriously you don’t want a ground pounder playing there..
everyone you meet along the road of life is dealing with issues that you have no knowledge of…
the haves are all Leary that everyone wants what they have..
during my learning moments in time..I discovered what happened is those you think are there for you..will quietly disperse.. not so much that they are no longer your friend but because they don’t know what to do or say.. even though all they have to do is listen..or just be there..
what shocks you is the ones that come to stand beside somebody you never would have remotely imagined to step forward.
happiness comes from with in..
I have a wonderful wife great kids and wonderful grandkids and great on the table and warmth in winter cool in summer what more could you ask for..
I had the pleasure of knowing Robert Redford nice guy What I know about him is he loves fresh buttermilk biscuits and doesn’t want to be called bob in public.. A simple man easy to talk with.. doesn’t view his celebrity status as anything special. simplicity..knowing knowledge.. people ooh and ahhh over gold when in reality gold isn’t anything but a beautiful decoration..
today our civilization runs on numbers our souls have been sold out for a number family has become second place..
libraries that’s our real treasure..
if you’ve ever explored the stacks at the LOC wow..impressive..
“All you can leave is what’s between Ure ears”
That is one of the most ridiculous statements ever espoused on these yellow pages..TFR!
No BODY/SPIRIT escapes the “Death Traps”, No One .
You, G&E and EVERYBODY ever to read this site Has Never Escaped and Will Never escape.
Like the etiogical myth taught to all school children -ATOMS.
No one has ever seen an ATOM and the models, drawings and simulations of them are all based on erroneous info. Any scientist who starts talking about ATOMS, outside GABOR Atoms or Wavlettes which are Frequency fluctuations, is a useful idiot and should be dismissed.offhand. In early Fifties, the Father of Wave Mechanics Erwin Schrödinger was asked by atomic energy commission (AEC) to give dissertation to assembly of scientists on the coming benefits of nuclear technology, he declined and instead gave a lecture on the VEDAS. Later Schrödinger would just come out and say it; “ there is no such thing as physics besides Wave Physics”. See Bells Nobel prize in 37’for demonstrating the wave nature of Physics.
If U bee wondering how nuke power is produced, U would have to understand the “ atomic” science of Victor Schauberger and his adaptation of the Bose – Einstein condensate process to his own Vortex.
“They” were told by “JH” in 2016 at the onset of MANDALA Effect “ they” would have to read the newspapers when they woke up to find out what “they” did the day before.
See Preston Nichols, first to postulate the simulated reality theory, which would be homogenized by hollywierd into The Matrix.
See cover of PN’s Montauk Project/ date on publication 1992
See Denver Intl. Airport and Satans red eyed Steed sculpture commissioned in 1993..only thing missing is the Armor and the Clock in horses belly.
Nothing is what it seems..NOTHING.
“31 Habits of Miserable People”
ouch, dang. I don’t need a shrink to point out my weakness, I just need to be subscribed to Ure psyco self-exam, as I see some of my past faults and some I still cling to, Thanks for the kick in the butt,
Ure the best,,, well sort of, don’t let ure hat size swell to much,,,
Thank you
,,, beware of the ides or 311
NCSWIS as time marches on
NothingCanStopWhatIsComing,,, she gon’na blow,,,
volcanos are best view from a distance,,, up wind
. “I don’t need a shrink to point out my weakness,”
see i believe that they are there to assist and help you with your hip pain issues… but thinning out that bulging wallet lol lol…
although I had a very good friend that was the director of a mental hospital. I watched him transform from friend to professional once with someone that needed his help..he was,amazing to watch.
(“Ball and chain. You want to get to having absolutely no bills in life and at least keep $10-$20-thousand in ready checking money. Life will surprise you when you least expect it. Few troubles will come along that $10,000 won’t hold at bay, at least for a while.”)
lol lol lol lol.. in the circles I am associated with.. the most everyone has is a few hundred lol lol..they lime myself work payday to payday..
those are the strugglers asking and pleading their representatives to stand up for them.
they get the news that it just got our next years home taxes.. took another will be 47 percent of total income.. A new juggling match with the monthly budget for next year.. fuel.. the amount of the strategic reserves has obviously been cut back since fuel is on the rise. next week we find out what our energy increases will is on the rise more hours are required to survive..discontented citizens over their hard earned money medical expenses through the roof and a administration giving all the illegals free healthcare and cashcards..
twenty grand in the bank is not going to happen .
I made a Nice Living in special effects for film and video. (And no, I DON’T mean computers. — which is what many people immediately conclude.)
Along the way we joined our industry’s professional group. It was (somewhat immodestly) called, The International Television Association (ITVA). It was organized into numerous chapters– often state-based.,
or major megalopolis-based.
Over time, it drifted into irrelvancy by following trends and not setting them. It was populated by Young Tigers. Yuppies. Guys (and gals) with “Day-Runners” — remember them?
They were a good group for a long time for networking, and for excitement and motivation — before they drifted. I learned and contributed much; and I learned several Valuable Things.
Be awake and able to spot if your group loses gas, or goes into the weeds. Bail quickly and mercilessly if it does. Groups can be good; but they can also drag you down if you allow it.
If you would like to feel and be Young, hang out wth Young People. Enthusiasm is infectious. Hang around people who are BETTER at stuff than you are.
Your group of friends and fellow toilers in the vineyard will NOT truly encourge you to grow or change. They’ve decided and classified you; and don’t want to re-think every relationship frequently.
If you want to really grow — “move.” Change friends or locales as needed. Truly, “a prophet is withOUT honor in his own country. They “remember you when…” you were smaller person. Back when you were less of a threat — to them!
In short, hang around with people who are closer to who/what you want to be. People who ADD to your energy and optimism. And know when to jump off.
LOL LOL… oops sorry.. did you see this.. they are going to seize his NYC properties.. OMG.. just when you think how much worse can it get.. then you wake up to a new day …
look closer and you’ll see blk vs. keep looking ;=(
For any of you who do not have a subscription to Peoplenomics, do yourself a favour and drop 40 bucks for it. I have read many $40 self help books over my lifetime and most of them positively impacted my business and personal life success. If I had read George’s “31 Habits of Miserable People” 60 years ago, I could have saved myself a lot of money. This single column summarizes it perfectly.
By the way George, you introduced me to one of your readers 2 or 3 years ago and he has become a valued modern day pen (keyboard) pal for me ever since. If anyone ever had a reason to invite a pity party, this guy is it. Yet, he pulled himself up by his boot straps every day of his life and made the lives of others around him better.
Thanks for all you do.
George.., I like your “List”.., some very good thoughts. I would add a couple of my own – but they are just that, “My Own”. and probably would not resonate well with ‘others’.
The harder, tougher, the more I am ‘pushed’, the more “immediate” the situation is, the better I perform. And I can become quite domineering in such situations.
Decades of violence, starting as a teenager and boxing Golden Gloves, has instilled an arrogance, confidence and dominance that “can be felt across the room” – according the misses. I have worked at mastering my ‘Full-Viking-Mode’ tendencies and mostly succeeded. Walking over, picking up your hat and going out the door without saying a word makes a very good, lasting statement., especially when crushing someone’s larynx can bring about more problems then it solves. I do however, know which one brings about the most satisfaction. [Police knocking at your door, not withstanding.]
Most of the problems that I can see is who people associate with. Who you hang out with. Who you consider friends. Those choices can either bring you up – or tear you down., and the down-side can be very hard to break out of, once you fall into a negative circle.
The other one major point that I feel strongly about and see constantly is people who simply stop learning. They stop reading. They stop questioning. They stop wondering. They stop growing ‘mentally’. That is a road to self destruction, in my opinion. Yet it seems to be the choice of most. That seems to be “the contagion” in this society.
– “Stay Frosty !”
Aging is caused – like bad leadership in general – from the head.
the reason they stop reading and learning etc.. is the slave tendencies.. back before deregulation the newspaper came in the afternoon.. and mom and dad would sit down and read it.. and discuss it over the evening meal.. on payday or bill day.. Mom and dad would sit at the kitchen table and all of us kids and them would sit there while they went over the needs wants and what was owed.. it was the way to show us kids how to manage our montly expenses..
Luckily.. there wasn’t any violence in our homes.. although my father was the head of the school board.. there were three seniors. so it came to a vote.. the small community where we lived had one main family.. this family felt as if they controlled everything.. anyway the vote came up to join a larger district.. the family went ballistic.. threw molitov cocktails at the house.. I was the only child in our family that was in the school.. they blamed my family they taught their kids hate.. and that is how I ended up with a broken back.. I was grabbed by a bunch of the kids and tossed over the top railing falling about twenty five feet and hitting the banister.. the bullying was horrible and I was pretty much an introvert.. then when we got to the new school it was the same there to but instead of being the bad guys that took away their high school.. we were the intruders..
Luckily I had really really good parents..and a wonderful family..
My first wifes family was filled with violence and violence seemed to follow them.. and I have friends that were in special forces all over that had violent neighborhoods.. sad ..luckily I landed here.. got the wife I have now.. she is my blessing.. love her to death.. there isn’t any violence heck I can’t remember when we actually even argued.. our relationship is like my parents..
I didn’t mention what happened when I was a child to gain sympathy.. no way hosey.. I see it as a learning lesson.. IF.. none of that had happened.. I wouldn’t be the reader I am now..
My niece is going on for her third phd.. ( lifetime school student.. that way she doesn’t have to pay back the school loans)
I was black balled in HS.. same thing.. so I never got a sheet of paper for the wall.. which is ok.. doesn’t matter to me.. I live good.. one of my friends.. great lady met her in the stacks of the LOC.. she had a similar life experiences.. and I won’t debate any subject with her.. at I believe ninety.. she has a kid stop by to check on her etc.. the kid is in their middle eighties.. give you an indication on her age.. and she still reads one and ahalf books a day.. for her it was the kids at her school because of her teeth.. but I know if I debated her.. she would send me to the stacks to read up LOL LOL .. I do that all the time with my little phd holders LOL LOL I love debating a doctor that grad from stanford.. LOL LOL I send him to the stacks often.. LOL LOL.. smart man though.. and I know he goes to the stacks to read what I bring up.. lifes lessons teaches us who we are inside.. where we can make the difference.. if you don’t live those experiences.. you will never know.. it is not part of your own little black book..
Feds charge Japanese Yakuza leader with nuke materials trafficking…
50 years ago…
The Yakuza (1974) Official Trailer – Robert Mitchum
“Natasha,we must stop the satellite targeting for the Brit American-globoschlomo Himars. Too too many innocent Weemon and Children are being Slaughtered on MotherRussia lands by these sick evil nazi bastards.” -BB
“Boris, eze no problem, we have nuke capable anti satellite Satellite..soonly all there comms will go dark.”-NB
G, Did ya see the video posted-from hindustantimes/houthis? Brit ship hit, replaced by sister ship. US missile ship hit with Houthi missile at 1:15 mark in vid. It’s out there..on youtubes”
As Eddie Murpheys snl James Brown sang “ it’s too hot in the hot tub!
Remember what Gen. Patton said before he was fired by US commies? W’re fighting the wrong…..
Just want to second the admonition on staying busy, and limiting TV hours. I take road trips looking for plants and seeds that I want to try growing. When I find one I’ve been searching for, and it actually thrives in my yard, that’s a goal accomplished and no TV show can equal the feeling. Sharing it with others is even better.
When someone you know *stops* doing the things they love, that’s a clear warning sign. I’ve seen the elderly do that, and gradually slip into dementia. Intervene if you can, and resist the temptation to slow down yourself. Take a break if you need it, but always jump back in. Leisure time is much more enjoyable when it’s earned.
“Take a break if you need it, but always jump back in.” However, time may arrive when your wish of “jump back in” will no longer be honored. I know!!
Feb 19th
Israel’s Economy Plummets Off a Cliff Amid Gaza War.
Feb 21st
– The Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange is at a 16 month high and could possibly break it’s all-time record high in just a few weeks
Did you catch ‘Gangs of New York’ set in 1862-63 America?
One quote –
“There’s more of us coming off these ships each day. I heard 15,000 Irish a week. And we’re afraid of the Natives? Get all of us together, we ain’t got a gang, we got an army. And all you needs is a spark. Right? Just one spark. Something to wake us all up.”
– Amsterdam Vallon
Today’s rhyme – The State thought a migrant should be arrested.
Illegal Migrants Attack NYPD Cops Making Arrest at NYC Migrant Shelter
I’m going to try and unload this house/get a contract on it before the March 11th nuke. I’ve still got a few repairs to make/fresh paint so I’ll aim for an end of the month listing and knowing my luck I’ll get top price, close on the 10th, the nuke blows on the 11th and my cashola turns to confetti locked-up in a closed bank for “Holiday”. Then I trade my possessions at Goodwill for a tent and head out to California for the weather and free eats.
But wait, what if Y2K arrives 24 years late, CA falls off into the Pacific, Ed Dames’ kill shot comes a couple of years late, the pandemic x hits, and your sporting goods dealer has sold out of tents?
That’s not all Billy. What if March 11 comes and goes and April 7 comes and goes and July 25 comes and goes and nothing happens? Will the “normalcy bias crowd” buy more stock, take more vacations and party like there is no tomorrow?
Steve- Kidding aside, in the current financial climate, I would lean toward wholly owned tangible assets with low tax bills over cash or debt, and suburban or rural living over urban.
OLD BIC- Good questions. I’m not exactly living the normalcy bias lifestyle, but I do try to use restraint in throwing money at other people’s favorite paranoias. Ray has stated that he preps for an EMP, ’cause he figures that pretty much covers the sum of all fears. There is merit to that. And EMP protection of electrics is an ongoing hobby for me. Stu isn’t always right, but he is always scary good.
I took advantage of the Prez Day sales to pick up some new outdoor clothing. I’m buying a new field knife sharpener, some more Austrian firesteel, and a new Mora knife. I’m thinking about stocking up on an upgrade folding bow saw and a bunch of blades. I am still eyeing sales on portable large solar panels. But as the price tags climb, my over-analysis kicks in to guard the piggy bank. Large scale fixed solar is in a code holding pattern.
I don’t think the normalcy bias crowd pays any attention to anything other than what they hear on the nightly national news, until the sheriff shows up to evict. They will simply keep on doing what they are doing until they can’t.
“Ray has stated that he preps for an EMP, ’cause he figures that pretty much covers the sum of all fears.”
Fears? No. Prepping for an EMP pretty much includes preparing for any other catastrophic, but survivable event.
If you surf the “prepping” and “survivalist” (fear porn) sites you will see people prepping for everything from planetoid crashes to gamma rays (you can even buy “comet insurance” which warrants your “comet preps” will guarantee you survive and thrive after the event.)
Personal preparedness is a good thing — hell, it was the first page I was sent to after my initial FEMA stuff. Personal paranoia is NOT a good thing. It wastes time, energy, money, and your brain’s CPU cycles on fears of a future which you can’t survive, and were your brain to be functional, you’d realize you wouldn’t want to.
“I’m buying a new field knife sharpener, some more Austrian firesteel, and a new Mora knife. I’m thinking about stocking up on an upgrade folding bow saw and a bunch of blades.”
If you’re looking at Morakniv you might consider a Boker (also Swedish Solingen steel) or Ontario (properly-forged US steel). I carry my Morakniv under the back seat with my Silky Gomboy (Japanese surgical steel) but I carry an Ontario fighting knife beside my front seat. The Swede is sexy, the ONKC is all business and shows no sign of the abuse I’ve put it through.
The Gomboy has doubled in price over the past few years (as have Silky’s other saws) but after it cut branches for 15 hours, was still MUCH sharper than a new (off-the-shelf) folding saw. I want their 500mm folder, but refused to buy it after they raised the price on Amazon from $129 to $135 (it’s now $265, IIRC).
Didn’t intend to misrepresent your views. Slipped in a cultural reference that may have not conveyed your views as closely as I intended. As I said re your prepping views, “There is merit to that.”.
“Didn’t intend to misrepresent your views.”
Por nada…
WRT electromagnegeddon, I’m fully aware we are on the same page.
I will sometimes choose to make a reply to one person, when I’m really addressing another, or addressing all the participants here at George’s coffeehaus. I do this mostly in an effort to edjumicate newbs who fly in — kinda like when George periodically explains from where his aggravated, er, aggregated trend lines come.
It roasts my cookies when I see someone who’s living in Montana or the Dakotas, prepping to survive a major eruption from the Yellowstone or Long Valley calderas, because they have zero chance of survival. No one in CONUS who lives west of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula, Indiana, or the middle of Kentucky or Tennessee, and who lives much north of Interstate 40, will survive, and folks from Traverse City to Terre Haute, to Memphis will likely find themselves under 3-4 feet of ash — survivable, but just barely, and only if they have a supply of gro-lights and a (non-solar) means to power them for a generation or two (because that’s how long the Sun is gonna be shining in absentia), a bunch of heirloom seeds, and a bigassed building to put them all in.
This is why I say that anything worse than an EMP or HEMP attack is an “ELE” (Extinction-Level Event), because survival of both humans and their potential food sources will be completely random and dependent on luck.
And “yes,” I’m still instructing the newbs.
President Houseplant is a coward and a bully, and his mental faculties are only present about 5% of the time. The General Staff is not going to let him get his Depends in a wad and fire a nuke at Moscow, but that doesn’t mean he won’t dick around and piss the mullahs off enough that Iran either drops a sunmaker from their arsenal on us, or borrows one from the Pakistanis to lob our way. I have every confidence that if we get hit by a nuke, we instantly fire all tubes, for’ard and aft, and upon our launch, Russia and China do the same.
We are trusting our lives and our very existence to a dude who, when he’s lucid, which isn’t often, is rockin’ about a 90-IQ, and a bunch of “handlers” who daren’t allow PopUS to discover their existence. When I take “EMP” off my table, I also take things like floods, fires, and tornadoes off — civil unrest and FEMA lockdowns cease to be a concern, and if my car shits itself, I have a change of clothes and a granola bar to munch on whilst waiting on the wrecker…
Damn … I always like A Man With A Plan … and you have one!
California Dreaming …
March 11 ? Well one thing that was not mentioned is that’s the day the Fed Bank bailout program ends. What banking chaos will that cause?
Ure list of habits of miserable people covers some of the happiest people on the planet. Drugs, crazy and malice make some people really happy. Denial and delusion reinforce their happiness. It is the people around them who suffer the misery. A habit of hate mongering is one you missed.
re: “Play with Fire”
feat: The Rolling Stones
According to “The Telegraph”, the TfL #36 bus will deliver minions to a stop convenient to the portal of the famed Novikov italian-asian food dining establishment in the Russian quarter of Mayfair, Londonistan. Those arriving by luxury automobile can most certainly be granted entry. Indeed the British msm has been recently agog that the American Hollywood royal who rocketed like a trident to fame with “Risky Business” opposite a costar who eventually added “The Shining” to her resumé, reserved an entire floor of the fine dining establishment. Apparently lobster and sushi were consumed with a most recent femme fatale of his same Knightsbridge building abode and daughter to a multi-billionaire political ally of President Putin. Legend has it that the London restaurant’s Chef Novikov beat back attempted Mafia incursions upon his Russian restaurant turf which was followed by reservations from the head of FSB. Perhaps remembering a memorable dining experience, Chef Novikov was honored to be subsequently called upon by President Putin for the purpose of catering Kremlin events.
Alas, the “Daily Mail” offers us latest word that the mission impossible proposal has seemingly rejected launch to lay in a heap of smouldering embers. Yes, the budding romance is cruising to a soft landing with full disengagement of entwined parties anticipated at a soonest moment. One therefore now despairs to see the pair be invited to Chef Novikov’s vacation villa near the Tyrrhenian Coast, purchased from the Versace estate, for some genuine pizza.
Chins up, everyone! It’s DJ George with a musical treat for those who turbocharge their sarcasm mildly. Here we go with a 1978 tongue in cheek tap-along singsong from the Talking Heads –
“Don’t Worry about the Government”.
Often, usually for the US, the stock market GOES UP with the outbreak of War.
Unless you live in a country being invaded that happens because War is GOOD FOR BUSINESSES. Sales for all sorts of businesses go up. Exports go up. Employment goes up. Marginal workers are brought into the system to work due to a shortage of workers.
More people have more money in their pockets to spend, and that doesn’t even count all the money being spent on buying stuff from the War industries.
The only countries where that dynamic does not apply tend to be the countries being physically invaded or countries who’s manufacturing infrastructure is being destroyed so those companies can no longer make stuff to sell.
(oh … and inflation also often appears since the government is to some extent printing money to buy all that stuff they need for fighting the war)
Just my observations of history. Do your own research.
The list of 31 is invaluable! Worth printing out and posting on the wall. I suspect none of us are innocent of all of them.
Three observations: Goals get more difficult to define as we get older and have a shorter likely time line. Some things that might take 20 or 30 years to accomplish are really hard to get amped about. Secondly, goals that involve others or involve changing the mind of others are fuzzy at best. Those still matter, but success is uncertain at best. Thirdly, while despising wealthy people as a group is absurd, some wealthy people earn such attitudes due to their personal actions, just as broke people do.
I would differ regarding “Poor is simply an under-abundance of money in life.” It’s not money so much as wealth, and wealth encompasses far more than just money.