As you know, I did an experiment last weekend with “automatic writing” and wrote up the interesting experimental results Monday, or so, of this week.
What’s interesting is that several readers warned me against such an endeavor, noting that to mess about which such processes is to risk getting in contact with entities that may not have my best interests at heart and some suggested that “evil sticks” to people who get around such stuff. Danger in tinkering with magick is their context.
On the other hand, no harm in it (although yes, the information in the note from Chris at was a bit odd), I figured since magick is well-documented as an acceptable thing to do. In fact Aaron was to keep his “truth stones” (Urim and Thummin) close to his chest at all times.
Wiki it and you’ll find these consulting stones use goes back a long time…
In the Hebrew Bible, the Urim and Thummim (Hebrew: ?????? ????????, Standard ha?Urim v?haTummim Tiberian h??Ûrîm w?hatTummîm) are associated with the hoshen (High Priest’s breastplate), divination in general, and cleromancy in particular. Most scholars suspect that the phrase refers to specific objects involved in the divination
When you go through the Bible, you’ll find “the stones” are consulted here and there, and as one researcher notes, it’s not the practice of magick, per se, that is bad. It’s the kind of magick that gets people into trouble. And that circles around to intent.
Worth reading: Divination of God: The Obscure Ancient Tool of Prophecy Revealed (Urim and Thummin).
Which related to this morning, how?
Well, as you know, I finally got my “missing RPM” back on our old airplane this week. But that turned out to be only my “first blush” with things mechanical.
I left the house about 9:30 Thursday morning to go pick up sheetrock and get a new safety inspection and license for our old farm truck. Pulled in,; went to drag out the registration and insurance card and….no card!
That in and of itself was strange since I am a fanatic about all paperwork in its place. So back up to the house, scan the one from Elaine’s car (shows both vehicles) and then back to the inspection joint.
Along comes the inspector. “Sorry, you’ll have to get four new tires. See these front ones? Too much toe-in and you can almost see cord on them. And the back ones are down to the wear lines…”
The next 45-minutes was spent wandering around town getting quotes (best is $600) for four new truck tires, mount and balance, and a front-end alignment.
Still, got the sheetrock, made it back to the house, and since the inspection sticker doesn’t run out until the end of June, I picked up the registration (they don’t look at the inspection sticker, they just want money), and that was that.
A typical busy day around here followed. Elaine had cooked a phenomenal pot roast, so I took a nap about 4 PM and woke up about 5 asking “Is it a little stuffy in here?”
Well, sure as heck, the air conditioner had crapped out.
After some initial checks (we’ve had some power bumps out here) and cycling through all the breakers and making sure there was power going down to the unit, I called the local air conditioning emporium to get them out here (later this morning).
About here, though, I got to wondering “Say, usually I lead a kind of charmed life” and usually there isn’t this much….uh…..”
“You mean mechanical stuff going wrong?” Elaine suggested.
And that’s where this morning’s big ponder is: is this all some kind of “spiritual payback” for my automatic writing experiment, or is it really just how “additional protection” works out?
This last point is a bit odd, so let me explain.
By going hunting for the “missing RPM” in the place, we found a seriously defective carburetor which could, under the right kinds of conditions, have caused a major inflight fire. Having a fire one mile up in the sky is not my idea of a good time. So maybe my meticulous maintenance antennae were just going off.
On the truck tires? Maybe I needed to change them because to fail to do so might expose Elaine and me to unnecessary risk while driving the truck into town to pick up what are usually heavy loads. Like the 12-sheets of sheetrock I picked up yesterday.
And on the air conditioner? I might be something as simple as a low-pressure cutout switch since the system hasn’t had a lick of maintenance needed (other than filters) for six years now. Maybe it’s time. But that’s where the 10-year warranty picks up, I suppose.
But now – here’s the really weird part: When I was in town earlier this week (Tuesday) I had stopped by the local Wally-World where they had 20-inch box fans on sale for $17.
I just had a sense that I would need one….in the shop. So I picked one up.
Elaine went down to the car, brought up the box fan and we slept a peaceful night, sans air conditioning. It can be done. Conveniently
But as the week rolls to an end, I find myself wondering which of the three leading candidates is going on in my life with this:
a) Payback for delving into automatic writing, in which case is it:
1) protection for me, getting potentially bad things out of the way, or
2) screwing with me because I wasn’t supposed to try automatic writing
b) a MORE COMMON phenomena: Mercury going retrograde in a week, and since I tend to front-run Mercury, and so it’s just how “my stars lined up”
c) Or…the highest probability to the rational mind…is it sometimes shit happens in clusters? As Sagan noted in “Demon Haunted World” maybe we are still those superstitious bipeds, although he was much more polite about it. Toss in old and overweight and I’m the trifecta winner.
My spiritual advisor will no doubt want to do some “clearing” work of the energetic sort (no problem there!). And I hope our consulting semi-retired astrology expert (Michelle) can look into this.
In the meantime, it makes for an interesting review of how “As above, so below” works.
One thing’s for sure, three mechanical items in a week is way outside of what I’m used to: One – once or twice a year – is more what I’m accustomed to. This clustering? Not my cuppa tea.
Oh, and if you do try automatic writing? Might help to have $3-thousand dollars worth of cushion in your checkbook.
Oh, the Car Discussion
In yesterday’s column, where I generously offered my consulting services to the Bilderbergers ($250K plus a Porsche Panamera) I hope you appreciate that the chance of this every happening is about as close to zero as imaginable.
Still, reader Mark has a point as he writes this “bamboo under the fingernails” bit on my car choices……
A forward thinker like you, should be dreaming about cars of the future…not of an ancient past. The top rated luxury car in just about every publication is the antithesis of vehicles of the past 100 years. Tesla is what all car manufacturers should aspire to create. They have invented and continue to improve on what has become the holy grail of the new car consumer.
Here in California, they are the dominant luxury car in terms of sales…and their leader, Elon Musk, is to cars what Steve Jobs was to the entire electronics industry…an innovator and winner in everything he touches.
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