Chill Monday

There’s not a word for this one.  No longer warm doesn’t get it.  Cool doesn’t work either.  Cold just sort of sneaks up on it.  “Freezing our asses off” is closer still.  But no combination of words I could come up with come anywhere near describing what is quickly turning into one of the coldest winters in decades.

But, then, we already knew it would be happening because of two simple indicators.  You may remember when we flew out old Beechcrate back from the Northeast during the monsoons this summer that rain and crappy weather forced us to head all the way west to Mt. Carmel, Illinois, before turning south for Texas?  One of our overnights was in Lancaster, Ohio, and it was there that a long-term resident driving the local cab warned us.  It had something to do with worms and squirrel behaviors.

The second major “Oh, crap, THAT!” was when the Sun started to go out. Well, maybe not quite, but you get the idea:   Since the sun heats this-here rock, when you get a major decrease in Sun output, which is what Cycle 24 has been so far (major dud), there’s less heating.  The good news is that sun spots came up to their projected (paltry) levels in the month just finished, but I’ve been calling it the “Ure Minimum” for months, now.  Please, try not to be surprised, alright?  Yes, that’s the new Sunspot chart just out this morning…

Of course the THIRD hint might have been all the volcanic activity which was spewing suspended particulates that even Beijing (with it’s crappy air quality) would have to envy.

So this morning, it’s down to 19-degrees in our little corner of East Texas, and we may be one of the warmer spots around.   It was 11-below zero this morning in Chicago.  My consigliere up in Columbus is waking up to a heat wave: 4 above zero.

Still, the tropical East Coast is still warm enough for another few hours while the chill meanders eastward:  Hartford is looking at the mid-50’s.  Ditto NYC.  But it does give national media something to talk about.

But that’s going to end later on today when both cities collapse into DFC (dead frigging cold) such that by this time tomorrow NYC should be down around 14, or so.  Already, Canadians have been reporting “frost quakes“.”

Despite all the cold weather, this is probably one of the safest days to fly somewhere that you’ll find:  Aircraft performance is a function of density and THE best operating conditions for any airplane are super-cold temps, lack of moisture and so on.  On a hot summer day, the old ‘crate might eat up 1,200 feet of runway getting on the ground.  On a morning like this morning, I could probably do it in 480-feet.  Airplanes, unlike people, do great in cold weather. 

“Power to the People”

On the other hand, the US power grid is heavily stressed, with everyone turning up their EBs to “mother” (electric blankets as high as they will go).  Which gets me to the latest communiqué from “warhammer”


National security entails much more than a ready military. A nation must be prepared to prevent and, when prevention fails, absorb attacks, accidents and failures affecting our critical national infrastructure, e.g. the power production systems and transmission grids, water purification and distribution systems, information transmission (phone, Internet, television, mail), health networks, food production/distribution and interstate commerce, to name a few.

So while this piece of news is interesting . . .[link: Double Threat: US grid vulnerable on two fronts”]

. .

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Coping: With “Sun Gazing”

Oh-oh.  Another one of those controversial topics just waltzed into the inbox, so before going any further I need to say:


Why the warning?  Well, with a subject line line “Jaw-dropping info that I stumped upon, matches almost what you been report for a while…” who can resist reading on?

Hello George:

I been following your material for years, i recently stumbled on to a book and purchased it, by Whitley Strieber called THE KEY, A True Encounter at his It has been sitting around the house for a couple of months until this weekend when i finally finished reading other material about sungazing and the light body, i have become very spiritual since my daughters passing from Bone Cancer at the young age of twenty five, may of 2012, so needless to say i have been reading everything i have been guided towards to heighten my Sixth sense to try and stay in contact with my daughters presence when she should happen to come around. I was startled after getting into the conversation that Whitley had with what seems like the Angel Micheal about how Heaven’s use of Astrology to track mans progress since their is no time in Heaven, and that a important age or event happens every 2 Thousand years in which the Holocaust was ours, since the Holocaust reduced the intelligence of the human species by killing too many of its most intellectually competent members. It is why we are still using jets seventy five years after their invention. The understanding of gravity is denied us because of the absence of the child of a murdered Jewish couple. This child would have unlocked the secret of gravity. But he was not born. Because his parents went, the whole species must stay. What is happening is consequence, not punishment.

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That UGLY Gold Question

A buddy of mine called this week and was wondering where to put a few bucks (OK, with three zeros after the significant digit to the left of the decimal point) because he’s not liking what he’s seeing on the horizon. Unfortunately, I told him the truth – as I saw it. It’s not a pretty picture, so I suppose we should start with a gentle cup of coffee, see if the glaciers have covered Ohio yet, and then look at some charts and indicators after we warm up a bit…that’s when we’ll get into some serious “trader talk.” While that might sound boring, let me ask you something:

The Two-Mondays Week Concludes with Snowfall

Sounds like an overture, doesn’t it?  Yes, “Snowfall” not to be confused with “Skyfall” is a movement from my latest soon-to-be great classical music hit “Concerto in Market Flat.” 

You see, last Friday, the Dow closed 16,478.41.    Then Thursday, the market closed at 16,441.35.  When I checked the futures earlier, it was looking pretty much flat. 

With oil down under $96, and natural gas at $4.28 – is this as good as the energy complex can do in the face of a winter ass-kicking blizzard? Come on! – we can’t expect a rousing rally just yet.  And sure, maybe the top is in, but I’m still guessing on a 4 down, then a 5 up to finish things off in the April/May period.

Meanwhile, Shock and Snow Shovels is the theme of the day in national headlines.  Which is fine because the week has been hopelessly trashed by the mid-week holiday, anyway. Screw it, we should just take two weeks off next year and call it good.

The great-big economic whoopie today will be auto and truck sales this afternoon, but seriously?  That’s about as exciting as eating a bowl of beans and going to a movie theater.  The numbers are due to stink since everyone who could buy a new car has, and even a lot of those who shouldn’t have.

The larger question lingers about storm “ologists” as the big chill comes through.  I’m perplexed by the DrudgeReport headline  “Meteorologist: ‘Exposed skin could freeze in 15 minutes’” 

I would have favored quoting a dermatologist on freezing skin, but to each their own, I suppose.  One of these days, the government will pass laws restricting weatherpersons from practicing outside their area. In the meantime, I’m considering a complaint with the AMA naming weatherpersons for malpractice…

Meantime, down in the Antarctic, we can’t help but laugh at the NewsBuster’s story “Frozen Out: 98% of stories ignore that ice-bound ship was on Global Warming Mission.”  We mentioned that, so maybe we’re part of the “2% solution, eh?”

Speaking of ships of fools, it’s now so cold down around the “warming” mission that the Chinese ice breaker which was trying to help rescue people fro the ship that got stuck, is now itself stuck.

Come…let’s go into Mr. Ure’s library and see what you missed reading, shall we? 


   OR     OR 

There are, grasshopper, two sides to every story, yes, including government & Gore sanctified Global Warming.  If that concern had been over the pure data, and not a rush to invent a new money-trading scam, carbon credits, it would have been nice.  But, it is, what it is… 

Which is why I’m in Texas.  The Felix book came out in 1999 and care to guess who read it?

Still, the jury is out (if they can ever warm up, lol).  Remember last month?  Snow fell in the Australian Alps of New South Wales and that was totally out of character.

The good news for the Climateers (who persist in trying to turn climate into a growth industry):  High tomorrow in Melbourne, Australia will be 68, only 2 degrees below normal, but a heat wave on Sunday with 76 expected.  That’ll be just 27-degrees below the record 105…Maybe Al was right, huh?  It’s summer down under.

Even down here in East Texas, our usual shirt-sleeves “Hamburger Dinner” at next week’s monthly ham club meeting is seeing the burgers replaced with Pizza. With temps around 40 expected at the club meeting time, pizza is a lot warmer choice.  We ain’t stupid on this climate stuff. 

One season doesn’t a climate make.  But we are standing by for the first reports of penguins arriving at Galveston and Brownsville… Remind me to query Oilman2 on if there’s sheet ice out at his rig yet, 200 miles out in the Gulf.

A Little More Than Equal?

OK, you’re going to law school and you want to practice in California.  The question is:  Why bother?  How about getting a law degree elsewhere, not being a citizen, and then coming here to practice?

The specifics of a case in California are not so clear, but go read how a fellow there who isn’t yet a citizen is apparently getting his license to practice law.

The really slippery part is yet to come:  And that is whether a non-citizen lawyer could act as a prosecutor on behalf of a government court at any level?  I’d love to hear lawyer comment on that… 

And then there’s the who matter of whether a US person could be tried by a jury which included an illegal, since would that be a jury of peers?  I don’t think so, but I’m not paid to think, fortunately.

Cambodian Goon Squad

Fine term for strike breakers who resort to violence to end strikes.

Fits well the headline that “Cambodian police open fire on protesters, 3 dead”.  Not in the headline is the fact these were striking garment workers.

Don’t want to make this a “the Man” beats on people story, do we?

The Wasted War

So the US pisses how much money down the Iraq rat hole?  All so US oil companies can get a shot at oil, only be bought out by China?  And with that background, al Qaeda is said to be launching attacks in western Iraq.

Betting Window Open:

Will there have been a point to the Afghanistan money pit, viewed 10-20 years out?  Inconvenient of me to ask, sorry.

Moreover, with Egypt about to roll into the crapper in domestic uprisings, any chance Washington can just reimburse us poor tax slaves for the money pissed away there over the years?  I’m not seeing a return on investment, know what I mean?  Ditto all the falling apart countries elsewhere…Mostly the aid goes for arms to more people can kill…more people!

And then we’re somehow shocked when the world looks at us with untrusting eyes.  Any chance we earned it?  Still, it did keep the defense industry from shutting down when the wall came down in Berlin, I suppose.  An d we do have to get ready for the next war rather than learn to place nicely, right?

(Can you tell it’s almost time to mail in a quarterly tax payment that I’m not too pleased with what I’m getting for my dough?)

Sharon: Checking Out/The Slow Go

Word is making it around the world that former prime minister Ariel Sharon’s body is shutting down.  He’s been in a coma since 2006.  Stroke.

OK, so no biggie, you’re thinking?  Wrongo. 

You need to read up about what was said by Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri before he died.  He said that after the passing of Sharon, the Jewish Messiah would reveal himself in Jerusalem.

But not until after Ariel Sharon passes.  Check out this Wiki entry:

Before his death, Kaduri had said that he expected the Jewish Messiah to arrive soon, and that he had met him a year earlier.[6][7] It has been alleged that he left a hand-written note to his followers and they were reportedly instructed to only open the note after Rabbi Kaduri had been dead for one year. After this time period had passed, the note was opened by these followers and was found to read, “???? ???

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Coping: With the “Number of the Beast” – and Me!

Very quietly, the nibbling away at the edges of the “old and familiar” is moving ahead at  serious speed this week in the odd intersection between physics, mathematics, and “urge to find truth” as 2014 spins up.

The view is based on a cluster of events in headlines and the appearance of two items in my personal life, one of which comes from the “I Ching Inbox. 

No, you can’t buy an I Ching inbox…they just sort of happen when you’re on the right path of a stupid initiate who seeks truth of all things.

Item #1:  In come the disclosures from Ed Snowden’s latest which is about how the NSA is building a quantum computer that’s designed to do a much faster job of breaking encryption keys than present-day technology.

Item #2:  Detroit’s Water Department.  This is a city agency – paid for by taxpayers – which can actually make money. Talks on its future will be coming next week, but the mathematics tie-in is obvious:  Compound interest overwhelms politicians, again, who we’ve always been a little suspect of, when it comes to “running the numbers right.”

Item #3:  Next comes the report in the University of Delaware’s UDaily that researchers at the school have developed a new curriculum approach called the “Number Sense Interventions” which, while designed for kids who might not be exposed to math at home.  That may be telling us something much more general about society, murmurs the I Ching inbox:  Maybe we’re all pretty stupid on math?  My buddy Howard is always pointing our numeracy issues, especially with the press, but maybe J-schoolers ended up pounding keys because they couldn’t hack the differential equations to be rocket scientists…

Item #4: A paper on reports on a search of the internet  looking for evidence of time travelers.

Time travel has captured the public imagination for much of the past century, but little has been done to actually search for time travelers. Here, three implementations of Internet searches for time travelers are described, all seeking a prescient mention of information not previously available.

So begins the very interesting paper that you can read over here.  Math, quantum mechanics and time travel evidence on the internet…all wrapped up in one paper.

Personal Item #1: Every pair of socks I have put on for the past week has developed a hole in them.  Now, if this was just two or three pairs of socks, that’d be one thing.  This is the sixth morning in a row, now, and I can’t help but intuit that the Universe is telling me something about runs of events. 

The rest of today will be spent deciphering the cosmic meaning of this:  Does it mean that I should run into town and buy a lottery ticket?  Or, are events telling me I should run into town and buy socks?  Vexes me no end.

The I-Ching Inbox Capper:  A reader email came in Thursday discussing numerology of all things!

In your column this morning you talked about predictive strategies and mentioned Astrology as the oldest. I believe that you are incorrect. The oldest predictive approach is numerology, however it does go hand-in-hand with Astrology.

I do not know what your full name or birthday are but if I did I could tell you more about your life and Elaine’s than you will ever get out of a web bot.

As an example your last name GEORGE (7+5+6+9+7+5=39, 3+9=12, 1+2=3) URE  (3+9+5=17, 1+7=8) (3+8=11) demonstrates that you’re enlightened. If I had you full birthdate i.e. month, day, year I could tell you your life path which is a slightly more powerful vibration than your full name.

All primary numbers (1-9) have a vibration.

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Is the Top In?

The holidays over, we step into markets this morning with an interesting divergence to consider in markets. Looking at the preopen, we saw the Dow futures were down about 27 points and the S&P was also sporting the seasonal red, missing during the Santa Rally. What makes this so interesting is that there are some questions to be asked about the underlying assumptions about inflation. Oil, for example is down about 70-cents. And gold and silver are showing some very nice gains.

Coasting the Paradigm

3:00 AM…Again, my thanks to George Noory for being a witty and gracious host on Coast to Coast AM last night.  His 11th year in the chair, no less. 

There were lots more things to cover than we were able to talk about in an hour, so this morning in lieu of the usual “Coping” materials, we have a discussion about Computer Assisted/Aided Prediction as well as an update to some research I did in 2006 where I went looking to see what kind of “music” might be discovered in stock market data.  Yes, the market has a music of its own.

As to the predictions for 2014 (and beyond)?

More NSA Surveillance disclosures to come.  As Peoplenomics subscribers learned this weekend, you may be able to take news stories, like revelations about NSA spying, and map out their likely path by using S-curve analysis pioneered by Cesar Marchetti.

Next point was that the bloom off the rose with social media potentially ready to peak in early 2014.  The main issues include time to spend on social media, and corporations not stepping up to pay for notification of their own markets which many social media outfits are now demanding.

The Kondratieff Wave suggests global war due in the 2020-2022 area, and between now and then unemployment will likely bottom this year.  A combination of robotics and immigration will be key deciders there.  Longer term, a forecast I presented this weekend to subscribers suggests a 19% unemployment rate by 2022.

The Fed will be under pressure to begin to phase out of quantitative easing and that leads to a major market decline likely toward year-end 2014. Withdrawal is a bitch whether a controlled substance or (made-up) money.

With that traditional hedges, like gold could fall further, perhaps under a thousand/ per ounce but first a rally to 1,400 is possible near term.

By 2022: Need for new war for economic stimulus to end Depression 2.

Market high may be in this week, with other turn dates at the end of January, late April…summer rally, fall decline pattern returns.

Wild card: Rabi Yitzak Kaduri’s prediction that the Jewish Messiah will reveal himself after the passing of Ariel Sharon…and as you know, he’s been in a coma since 2006 and his condition is deteriorating.

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Coast to Coast Reader Notes

A few words about CAP – Computed Aided Prediction What’s a web bot? Term first used commercially to describe “central control software for controlling the operation of an automatic utility meter reader system comprised of utility meters interconnected via the Internet” by MU Net of Lexington, Mass Common use in 2000 as short for “internet /or/ web robot” Wikipedia: “a software application that runs automated tasks over the Internet.” Current Approaches: Astrology (oldest) Religious or drug experience Language shift studies Word-frequency analysis (change) (with fine structure-constant or without) Indicator phrase studies Time-referencing language studies Cycle analytics (May be WFA/FSc related) Search queries …and combinations in conjunction with expert/learning systems What Works Best?

Coping: Futuring with Music of the Markets

Since I was on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory overnight, I decided (while waiting for the clock to roll around to air time) to update a bit of research I did in 2006 when I set off on a quest to see what the “music of the stock market” would sound like. The approach was simple…and anyone can replicate the results. Here’s how you go about “extracting music from markets.” 1. You begin with the data sets you want to listen to.

Who Will Have Work in 2022?

We’ve laid the ground work in a couple of recent Peoplenomics reports (“Tax Robotics: Unwrapping the Future” and “Taxing Thoughts: Fighting the Wrong War.”) The first report deals with the new technologies such as 3D printing that will continue to impact manufacturing and then there is the ongoing destruction of labor demand by ever-increasing levels of factory automation. Then we look at the problem of funding government’s various roles via the income tax on humans, but not machines, in the “Taxing Thoughts” report.